How to tie a knee with an elastic bandage. Elastic knee bandage: how to apply? How to understand if the bandage is applied correctly

The solution to problems with traumatic or degenerative changes in the limbs and their joints used to be a variety of dressings. Over time, views on immobilization and trauma have changed, and the use of different types of bandages and bandages now has strict indications for use, despite the simplicity and availability of the technique. One of the types of such fixation devices is an elastic bandage.

What is an elastic bandage

Elastic knee bandage is a cotton bandage with elastic fibers in the form of a bandage of various lengths and widths, designed to immobilize the structures of the musculoskeletal system in case of various violations of their anatomical integrity or functional abilities. The structure of the bandage threads allows you to use it repeatedly.

Application in medicine

Elastic band for medical use was created by Polish-American Oskar Schwidecki back in 1918. From that time on, the era of the modern fixation technique began.

Bandages of this type are used in many medical industries:

  1. Phlebology. In case of violation of the elasticity of the walls of the veins, blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities, which is fraught with serious complications. If the elastic bandage is correctly and regularly wound on the legs, then not only the outflow of venous blood will improve, but also the pathological "capacity" of the veins of the lower extremities will decrease.
  2. Lymphology. An elastic bandage is applied to a specific area of ​​the body after massage in order to reduce lymphatic edema of soft tissues.
  3. Traumatology is the most common area of ​​application for elastic bandages. Bandages of this type are designed to fix fragments of a broken limb immediately before using the plaster.
  4. Plastic surgery. If you wrap an elastic bandage on a body area with post-burn wounds, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing scar tissue.
  5. Orthopedics - fixation of the knee joint in case of instability of ligaments or articular components even before injury in order to prevent it.
  6. Sports medicine - specialists in this field have developed more than one method of how to correctly apply an elastic bandage to a limb. This helps athletes during training or competition, at the time of work with heavy weights, prolonged loads on the joints of the lower extremities, squats or bench presses.


Bandages have a number of properties, the combination of which determines their effectiveness in treating certain diseases and the choice of technique on how to properly bandage the knee with an elastic bandage.

The composition is distinguished:

  1. Latex elastic bandages are practically not used today, due to the high probability of developing an allergic reaction to latex in a patient.
  2. Woven - the bandage contains elastomeric threads, located perpendicular to each other.
  3. Knitted - this type of elastic bandage is made thanks to the knitted weave of fibers, into the structure of which elastic threads from polyamide or lycra are introduced. The ratio of cotton in such bandages is important, since it is this cotton that allows the skin to breathe.

The knee bandage can be from 5 to 12 cm wide and up to 3 m long. If there is a need, how to fix the knee with an elastic bandage, and the entire lower limb, then use bandages 5 m long.

Depending on the ratio of components (cotton and polyester), dressings of varying degrees of extensibility are distinguished, on which the effect of the bandage depends:

  • working pressure - the force with which the elastic bandage squeezes the muscles during their contraction;
  • resting pressure - squeezing muscles and joint components during relaxation.

There are several types of fixation that you need to be familiar with before applying an elastic bandage to your knee:

  • high - when stretched, it increases three times, while it does not create high pressure on the underlying tissues at the time of contraction;
  • medium - the bandage can double during its stretching, it is suitable both for the treatment of venous disorders and for fixing the joints in case of gonarthrosis;
  • low - the bandage has a slight elasticity, but a high degree of compression of soft tissues, which makes it possible to use this type of bandage for traumatic and orthopedic disorders.

Selection rules

Before bandaging the knee with an elastic bandage, you need to choose it correctly and take into account:

  • that uniform pressure is exerted by a bandage with a high degree of extensibility;
  • multi-layer bandaging leads to high pressure on the joint;
  • The best option for knee structures is a bandage with a predominance of cotton in the composition, as it is softer and easier to apply to difficult reliefs.
  • fixation of the knee brace is performed using special velcro, hook-shaped fasteners or tensile clamps.

Blending principles

There is a general instruction that explains step by step how to apply an elastic bandage to your knee:

  1. Assess the condition of the soft tissues for the presence of swelling and raise the limb up and lie down for a while in this condition.
  2. The elastic band is always applied from narrower to wider.
  3. Before winding the bandage, it is worth recalling Laplace's law and taking into account that the pressure generated will be proportional to the diameter of the circle. In other words, he says that the compression in the popliteal fossa will be less than in the one that has a certain radius.
  4. During fixation of the tape, folds should not form on the skin, since the discomfort from them is felt with double force during wearing.
  5. To avoid overstretching, the bandage (elastic layer) is applied as tightly as possible to the skin from right to left, and unwound with the outside, from left to right.
  6. To properly bandage the knee, it is necessary to overlap the previous layer by a third with a new turn of the bandage.
  7. Immediately after the elastic bandage has been tied, there may be a feeling of tightness and slight blue discoloration below the bandage, which disappears after a few minutes and indicates correct technique... If within 20 minutes, it is necessary to immediately bandage the knee again, loosening the tension of the bandage.
  8. Elastic knee bandage is used only during active movements, and during rest it is removed in order to restore normal blood supply to soft tissues in the joint area.
  9. According to statistics, only 5% of patients clearly know how to properly wrap the knee in case of injury or gonarthrosis, so the procedure for choosing a bandage and fixing on initial stages carried out by a medical specialist.

Indications for fixation

Some joint conditions and diseases require knee braces to be worn for a long time. Direct indications for their use are:

  • stretching of the ligamentous apparatus or dislocation of the kneecap;
  • residual effects after infectious or reactive arthritis;
  • melting of the knee pad;
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease in adolescents who are involved in athletics.

In order to reduce pain, fixation of the knee joint with an elastic bandage is carried out with gonarthrosis and overweight.

Elastic bandage is not used for neurological disorders, inflammatory diseases lymphatic vessels and trophic ulcers on the lower extremities.

Types of dressings

Before you start using the bandage, you need to choose one or another dressing scheme, which will help to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect from fixations.

Circular bandage

With the left hand, hold the free edge of the bandage. Right - guide, wind the coiled section at the same level with the lower part of the thigh in the direction from outer surface to the inner, gradually descending to the knee joint and to the lower leg.

Spiral bandage

There are two types of spiral bandages:

  • a downward spiral - an elastic bandage is applied from top to bottom, gradually overlapping the third part of the previous round;
  • ascending - the bandage is carried from the bottom up according to a similar principle.

The disadvantage of bandaging according to this principle is the slipping of the bandage during movements.

Turtle bandage

Correctly wound on knee-joint the bandage does not restrict walking and holds well. Bandaging is used for bleeding in the knee joint, bruises, sprains and after surgery. Its advantage is the creation of the necessary pressure on the anterior surface of the knee, and in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa, there is no squeezing of blood vessels and nerve plexuses.

On the bent knee joint, several circular rounds of an elastic bandage are performed in the knee pad area. Further, one bandage is performed along the circumference of the lower leg, crossed in the generational fossa and again bandaged around the circumference of the thigh.

Find out more in the video on popular knee wrapping techniques.

The imposition of a compression bandage is used for many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels. Therefore, almost every person has an elastic bandage in their home medicine cabinet.

It is used for arthrosis, trauma, varicose veins. An elastic bandage is especially often applied to the knee and other joints to prevent injuries and reduce stress.

Some people use it often, for any pain. This simple technique has a high therapeutic effect, helping to prevent complications from injuries and protecting joints under increased stress.

But in order for such a bandage to be useful, you need to know its features and the rules for winding the bandage.

Features of elastic bandages

The application of bandages to accelerate wound healing has been used by humans for a long time. But gauze bandages, which are sterile and not, appeared only in the 19th century.

They are disposable, stretch quickly and lose their properties.

Now there are many different medical bandages: elastic, gauze, tubular, plaster, compression, mesh, sports and others. They have a different purpose and purpose of use.

There is a reusable dressing that is applied to intact skin. It is used to protect joints, ligaments and improve blood circulation.

At first, the elastic bandage was knitted. It stretched a little, so its effect was not strong.

Only in the 20th century, with the advent of latex-based rubber thread production technology, the usual elastic bandages appeared. They are now sold under different names, such as compression bandage or compression garter.

They are made of cotton-coated elastic threads so they are breathable and absorb sweat.

There are three types of elastic bandages according to the characteristics of their extensibility. Their varieties with low and medium elasticity, which stretch up to 140-150% of their length, are used for vascular disease.

First class dressing with elongation up to 70% is convenient to use immediately after injury to fix additional protective equipment. Varieties with medium elasticity can also be applied after the plaster has been removed. Highly elastic bandages are more functional.

They stretch more than 150%. When bandaging the knee, they are most often used.

Bandages are different in terms of elasticity, length and width.

When choosing such a compression bandage, you should also pay attention to its length and width.

For knee joints, the optimal option is 10-12 cm wide, and how long it will be depends on the purpose of the bandage and the way it is applied. The rest of the parameters are not so essential.

For example, bandages of unusual colors, with different impregnations, appeared on sale. They are more expensive than ordinary ones, although this is not reflected in their functionality.

Therefore, you can purchase the simplest bandage that is available in any pharmacy. It usually costs no more than 100 rubles. But athletes can pay attention to special compression bandages, for example, Titan or Inzer. They are designed for professional sports.

When buying, you should also pay attention to how to fix the bandage on the knee. More expensive bandages have special hooks or Velcro.

There are also options in which one side has an adhesive coating.

But ordinary bandages do not have this, so you also need a pin to secure the end of the bandage.

An elastic bandage is applied for various pathologies of the knee joint

Indications for use

Do not bandage your knee with an elastic bandage just like that. It is best if a doctor prescribes such a procedure.

Indications for the use of bandaging can be arthrosis, sprain, dislocation of the joint, damage to the meniscus, and inflammation.

A bandage is also applied after operations, for example, arthroscopy, if necessary, to stay in bed for a long time or during pregnancy to protect the knee joints from increased stress.

Rehabilitation after injuries requires the mandatory use of remedial gymnastics. To reduce pain, correctly distribute the load and protect the joint from damage, the knee must be bandaged before performing the exercises.

In order to prevent injuries, a knee bandage is used for sports. It is especially often used by athletes who are involved in running, jumping or weightlifting. An elastic bandage keeps all parts of the joint in the correct position.

This helps to protect the knee joints from injury and helps keep them healthy during physical exertion.

In addition to athletes, such bandages are used by loaders, builders, assemblers and representatives of other professions associated with increased loads on the knees.


Wrapping the knee with an elastic bandage is not always beneficial. There are conditions in which such a procedure is contraindicated. After all, it can disrupt blood circulation, so some vascular pathologies can worsen.

  • diabetes mellitus with trophic vascular lesions;
  • atherosclerosis, endarteritis and other pathologies leading to the closure of the lumen of the arteries;
  • lesions of the skin of an inflammatory or infectious nature.

The elastic band improves muscle tone, improves circulation and helps prevent injury

Useful action

A properly applied elastic bandage has many useful properties.

First of all, due to the fact that its pressure below the knee joint is greater, there is an improvement in venous outflow from the lower extremities, which prevents the development of stagnation and edema.

The same effect protects the walls of the veins and increases their tone. This prevents the development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

The bandage also has warming properties, so it is used for various pathologies of the joint, after having smeared the knee with ointment. In addition, the pressure of the bandage increases muscle tone and improves blood circulation in the joint area.

The knees have a complex structure, the elements of the joint are quite mobile. Therefore, this place is most often subject to injury. With increased physical exertion, an elastic bandage helps to fix the joint, preventing damage to it.

It helps to reduce the load on the ligaments and tendons, tones the muscles, and improves blood circulation. Professional bandages for weightlifters work especially well in this direction: "Inzer", "Titan", "Metal Silver" and others.

They provide support and protection for the joint when squatting with heavy weights.

When applying such a bandage, you must follow the rules of bandaging

How to bandage a knee

You need to bandage your knee just before exercise. When playing sports, it is recommended to periodically remove the bandage to allow the leg to rest and restore blood circulation.

If such a bandage is prescribed by a doctor after an injury or in case of joint pathologies, it is better to wind the bandage in the morning, when there is still no swelling, and remove it in the evening.

During the bandaging procedure, the leg should be relaxed, the knee should be slightly bent.

There are many ways to apply an elastic bandage. The simplest ones are the usual methods of bandaging - circular, spike-shaped or spiral. But most often a "turtle" bandage is used for the knee joint. It can be done in two ways.

The first option is a converging bandage. The bandage is applied below the knee joint.

Perform two circles, then move on to the area above the knee. So two circles alternate, each of which overlaps the next by more than half.

After a while, the rounds of the bandage are connected at the knee joint.

The second version of the turtle bandage is divergent. It starts in the middle of the knee. Each next round is wound either above or below the joint.

The tension under the knee should be slightly increased to improve venous return.

You need to cross the bandage from the inside of the kneecap, and the bandage ends above the joint.

The bandaging technique is simple: the bandage must be held in the right hand, and the unwound end must be at the bottom. This will improve the tension on the bandage.

Unwind it gradually, right next to the skin. At the same time, it is slightly stretched, increasing the tension under the knee.

After the end of the bandage, the end of the bandage must be secured with a pin or a special fastener.

A turtle bandage is often used to bandage the knee.

Bandaging rules

Before using this method, you need to know how to properly bandage your knee with an elastic bandage. If you do not follow the rules, such a procedure will not be beneficial, but harm.

There are certain rules for bandaging. But the fact is that usually the instructions for the dressing are not attached.

Therefore, you need to find it yourself or find out how to properly apply a bandage from a doctor.

  • bandaging should be carried out, slightly stretching the bandage;
  • it must be applied evenly, avoiding the formation of folds;
  • it is necessary to increase the compression in the middle of the joint and under the knee, above it the tension is weakened;
  • if you tie the bandage too tight before physical activity, it can damage the inner surfaces of the joint due to friction against each other;
  • each circle of the bandage should overlap the previous one by 60-70%;
  • the bandage should cover the entire damaged area and a small space around it;
  • the bandaged knee should bend and unbend normally, albeit with a little effort;
  • after the procedure, there should be no discomfort, skin numbness or tingling;
  • one bandage is not used for a long time, as it loses its properties.

When the joint is properly bandaged, it retains its full range of motion and the bandage does not slip. After the procedure, you need to check its tension. To do this, stick a finger under it.

If this cannot be done, and also if the toes began to grow numb or a feeling of running goosebumps appeared, then the bandage was applied very tightly.

In this case, it must be rewound.

Elastic knee bandage is beneficial for many pathologies. It's simple and affordable way restoration of joint function and prevention of complications. But when applying a bandage, you must follow certain rules and take into account the degree of elasticity of the bandage.


Elastic bandage on the knees

How to properly bandage the knee with an elastic bandage should be known not only by doctors, but also by ordinary people whose task is to fix the knee articular structures.

Most often, bandaging is necessary for athletes involved in athletics and weightlifting. This precaution helps keep your joints healthy during long, hard workouts.

Correct application of an elastic bandage will protect the articular joints from overload and avoid injury.

You should not use expensive bandages to fix the knee; they can be easily replaced with available goods, which, moreover, have a better fixation effect.

For this purpose, elastic bandages, sold in every pharmacy kiosk, are ideal.

It is necessary to apply an elastic bandage if you are injured and you need to fix the knee joint so that it recovers faster, or if you are an athlete and are going to perform exercises with heavy loads on the joints.


There are many situations in life when a person needs fixation of the knee articulation. These can be serious injuries to the joints or their protection under heavy stress.

The bandage on the knee joint should be applied so that it does not press and does not interfere with the blood flow in the limb.

For this purpose, it is necessary to use a material that is not too tightly woven, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid squeezing the fabrics.

When wearing the bandage for a long time, you can use a material with a stronger fixation, since the skin on the limb "gets used" to the bandage and a bandage with a weak weave will not have the desired effect.

The elastic material sold in pharmacies is the most economical option for protecting the articular structures from stress, as well as for their rehabilitation and recovery from injuries.

The only drawback of such a bandage is that when worn for a long time, it begins to stretch and no longer fulfills the functions assigned to it, for this reason, the dressing material must be replaced with a new one.

In order for the knee bandage to be applied correctly, the following points must be observed:

  1. It is necessary to use a bandage to fix the injured joint or before a hard workout.
  2. A stretched bandage cannot be used.
  3. From time to time, the lower limb should rest from the bandage.
  4. The bandage should not press or pinch the knee.

If everything is done correctly, then the bandaging will only be beneficial and will allow the articular joints to recover faster or avoid injury during heavy physical exertion.


A low elastic bandage stretches sixty percent of its length. It is used for varicose veins, lymphedema, venous insufficiency and post-thrombotic disease.

A bandage with an average degree of elasticity stretches seventy to one hundred thirty percent of its length. They are used after surgical treatment of the vessels of the lower extremities. Also, this dressing is used for the risk of developing venous ailments.

The bandage, which has a high degree of elasticity, is used to fix the knee joints after injuries and at high loads to avoid injuries.

It is he who is prescribed by traumatologists and rehabilitologists who treat diseases of the knee articular joints.

Material with a different degree of elasticity is used very rarely in these cases.


Many patients, even with minor knee injuries, immediately try to bandage the articular joint with an elastic bandage, without even thinking that this procedure has contraindications, which are represented by the following ailments:


Bandaging the knee joints allows you to speed up the recovery process, and is also an excellent prophylactic measure for those who are involved in weightlifting.

It is often necessary to apply an elastic bandage if the meniscus is damaged or torn. With the help of bandaging, you can eliminate algia and, accordingly, accelerate the healing of damaged joint tissues.

The dressing material is made of cotton, so it stretches well, fixes the lower limb well, allows moisture and air to pass through.

It is thanks to its properties that it began to be actively used in medicine, or rather, in rehabilitators for various injuries and diseases of the upper and lower extremities.


If you have an injury to the knee articulation and the specialist has prescribed the use of an elastic bandage, then you need to know how to bandage the knee with an elastic bandage so that the bandage does not press and produce a therapeutic effect.


Before applying a knee bandage, you need to purchase a bandage with the elastic characteristics you need. The dressing can be called a compression bandage, a pressure bandage, or a knee bandage.

Also, check with your pharmacist about its extensibility before buying it. In order for the elastic bandage, wound on the knee, to be well fixed, special fasteners are included with it, or there are Velcro along the edges of the material.

If there are no fasteners, you can use a regular safety pin.


The bandaging technique will be correct only if the patient's lower limb is placed in the correct position.

In order to bandage the leg, it is necessary to stretch it forward without straining.

The knee joint should be slightly bent position, but at the same time be in a relaxed state.


The most effective bandage technique is the so-called turtle bandage. It means winding the bandage in a converging and diverging position. Detailed diagram winding the bandage you can see in the picture.

Converging bandaging involves the imposition of the first two turns below the articular joint, and the next two above the knee.

This is where the bandage will be fixed.

Diverging bandaging should be started from the middle of the knee articulation, winding turns above and below the joint, alternating directions with each other.

Regardless of which bandage technique you choose, you need to apply the bandage so that:

  • The bandage retreated from the injured area by at least twenty centimeters.
  • Subsequent turns should be seventy percent overlap for the previous ones.
  • At the edges of the joint, the bandage should be more loose, and towards the middle of the knee, it should be pulled harder.

Wearing the bandage should not lead to discomfort and pain. If algia occurs, you need to loosen the elastic material.

The bandage should not interfere with the motor activity of the knee joint, but slippage should also not be allowed.

If the bandage is loosely wound, it must be tightened by increasing the tension.

The bandage should fit snugly to the articular structure, without overtightening it, and without causing disturbances in blood flow. If you cannot put a finger under the bandage, then it must be loosened. Also, weakening must be done if the skin begins to change color, grow numb and tingle.

the effect

If the elastic bandage on the knee is applied correctly, then it will exert “its own” effect on different parts of the leg.

The maximum pressure will be on the lower part of the knee articulation, average towards the joint and the minimum in the upper femoral region.

Thanks to this pressure distribution, it is possible to create a "correct" blood flow.

The muscles under the bandage are constantly getting toned, which means that the blood flow in the vascular network increases.

If the bandage is applied only to the knee articular structures, then fixation occurs only in the intra-articular elements, which allows them to maintain their correct position during loads on the joint.

Elastic compression material allows:

  1. Prevent sports injuries.
  2. Create pressure on the surface of the lower limb.
  3. Protect the venous mesh from stretching.
  4. Keep all the elements of the joint in the correct position.
  5. Normalize blood flow and metabolic processes in tissues.
  6. Prevent the formation of blood clots.


Knee fixation is often used after surgical intervention or getting damaged.

The bandage is worn with the aim of fixing the joint, dosing loads on it and accelerating the recovery process.

It is also used to distribute loads when performing remedial gymnastics for the gradual development of articular structures.

But in order for the application of an elastic bandage on the knee to give the desired result and not lead to complications, it must be correctly fixed on the joint, then there will be no problems. If you are unable to fix the knee on your own, see your doctor for help. Be healthy.


Elastic knee bandage techniques

The bandage is used as a bandage for knee injury.

The benefit is achieved due to compression pressure in one plane, in which case the joint can move within a certain range.

Apply a bandage for traumatic injuries, for running, doing in gym, after knee surgery, with arthrosis e.

In all of the above cases, the elastic band rescues from excessive mobility of bones and soft tissues in the joint. This prevents the deterioration of the degree of damage, allows the tissues to heal and at the same time the person can perform daily household or sports activities.

It is especially important in the presence of joint ailments, old injuries, injuries, weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.

By using a bandage, you can prevent injury or overloading the joint.

Learning to apply a bandage

There are many different techniques, based on different degrees of tape attachment and methods of leg wrapping. Different bandages can also be used. They are distinguished by length, width and stretch level:

  • A low degree of stretching - about thirty percent, is used for problems with leg veins and during first aid for traumatic injuries. Conveniently and securely fix the leg in the area of ​​injury.
  • The average degree of stretching is about one hundred percent, the main area of ​​use is varicose veins, trophic ulcers, rehabilitation after bone fractures. In the latter case, it is applied after removing the plaster cast, or after surgery.
  • High stretch - over one hundred and fifty percent. Recommended after surgery, serious leg injury, treatment of bedridden patients, lymphatic edema of the limb.

Turtle type

The turtle knee bandage is the most common method of bandaging. How to bandage your leg? On the left side and in the center of the articulation, a bandage is wound towards the center (called a descending bandage).

The first turn is done above the knee around the leg, then the bandage is carried out in the opposite direction.

We make five turns above the kneecap and the same amount below. Crossing occurs under the knee. The last revolutions are fixed at the joint itself.

It is best to secure with special fixing devices.

The second winding method starts in the opposite direction, that is, with right side we bandage with skeins up and down in the direction from the center.

This is called a divergent turtle bandage.

Spike type

This type of wrapping the bandage can be in the ascending direction, or it can be in the downward direction.

In the first case, the tape is wound from the bottom towards the top. In the second case, the opposite is true.

The following technology is observed - each winding must overlap a third of the previous one. This is the spike-shaped bandage.

Fixing type

The fixation bandage is used for injuries and sports, even with a healthy knee. To keep the elastic bandage firmly on the knee, you need to bend the joint in the most comfortable position. Then wind the tape so as to minimize the formation of wrinkles.

The bandage is laid out from the top of the joint and should be fixed with a double twist. Then the tape goes under the joint and is fixed in a similar way. Crossover occurs under the kneecap. We repeat this a couple of times.

Circular type

With your left hand, grab the edge of the tape, with the other hand we wrap the knee a couple of times in a circle in one area. Next, we fix the remaining edge of the bandage.

Creeping type

The bandage is applied as if in two layers. At the first, we use the spiral method, while not overlapping the previous winding, but on the contrary slightly move away from it. And the second layer is wrapped when winding in the opposite direction. Here you can already use the spiral technique.

Stretch bandage

The first edge is applied below the injury area. A tape is wound in the form of a screw with some elements of a turtle technique.

At night, the bandage unfolds a little, so as not to transfer soft tissues and not to disrupt the blood circulation of the limb.


How to tie an elastic bandage

Elastic bandages are relatively recent: they were preceded by long story dressings made of woven materials, thin and thick, in the form of a diaper or a long narrow strip, then knitted dressings appeared, which created a more comfortable feeling for patients and made it possible to regulate the pressure of the dressing on the diseased area. All this is the science of desmurgy - the art of bandaging.

Elastic bandages are a rather complex product created for repeated use. Using various technologies, an elastic thread, for example latex, is wrapped with a single or double layer of cotton or synthetic thread. And already from these "threads" the bandage itself is woven.

However, before you buy or wrap an elastic bandage, carefully study its packaging: elastic bandages, in addition to length and width, have different degrees of elongation - small, medium and high. These elastic bandages are used in a variety of situations:

Low stretch bandages(extensibility not less than 30%) are used to treat complicated forms of chronic venous insufficiency and deep vein thrombosis; provide quick dressing when applied first medical care; give comfortable and reliable fixation of dressings on the affected areas of the body.

Medium stretch bandages(extensibility not less than 100%) are used for the treatment of varicose veins, for diseases with trophic complications, for the treatment of post-phlebitis syndromes. Recommended for soft tissue maintenance after plaster removal and compression sclerotherapy.

High tensile bandages(extensibility not less than 150%) are used for the treatment of varicose veins of the I and II degrees, for the treatment of lipodermic diseases; used in the postoperative period with lymph edema, to maintain joints at rest after injuries and operations; recommended for bandaging bedridden patients.

The question: "how to wind an elastic bandage" can be answered very simply - just like a regular bandage. Those. dressing with an elastic bandage should follow the patterns developed for dressings with a regular bandage.

Of course, there is a difference, it consists in the huge advantage of an elastic bandage - it, creating an additional continuous pressure(compression) perpendicular in its surface, leaves soft tissues and joints the ability to move and function within certain limits.

This quality of the elastic bandage makes it possible to use it both for fixing the dressings and for the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the vascular and lymphatic systems.

How to wrap the elastic bandage correctly

Before using an elastic bandage, consider the basic dressing schemes and the goals they pursue.

Circular bandage.

We hold the edge of the bandage with our left hand, and with our right hand we do several rounds at the same level - as a rule, this is how they begin to apply an elastic bandage.

Spiral bandage - ascending and descending.

With an ascending spiral, an elastic bandage is applied from the bottom up.

With a downward spiral, you need to apply an elastic bandage from top to bottom:

This is how the shin, hand or chest are bandaged. Each next round overlaps the previous one by about 1/3

Creeping bandage

Very often you have to solve such a problem: how to tie an elastic bandage around the entire leg, or chest. In general, around a large surface.

To do this, you need to apply the bandage as if in two layers.

In the first, we use a method similar to a spiral, but do not overlap the previous round, but move away from it a certain distance equal to the width of the bandage.

And already in the opposite direction we bandage or with a spiral, or any other method recommended by a doctor.

The crawling bandage is great for the arms (shoulder and forearm) and for the tapered sections of the leg - the thigh and lower leg. More sophisticated techniques used for bandaging joints: knee and ankle.

How to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle The most common is the cruciform (eight-shaped) ankle bandage.

The sketches below show how to properly apply an elastic bandage to the ankle joint:

Such a bandage will be advisable for almost all injuries of the ankle joint.

How to apply it?

1) We make several turns of the bandage around the shin itself (we fix it)

2) Moving along outside ankle instep

3) We wrap around the ankle and bring it out again

4) Fasten around the shin

With such a bandage, the ankle joint remains mobile, and this is very important for the preservation of the working capacity of the injured person.

This bandage does not slip or create painful excessive pressure on any part of the foot or lower leg.

If necessary, you can easily bandage a rigid insole under the sole with such a bandage.

You can apply an elastic bandage to the ankle both over the toe and under the toe. It all depends on the nature and degree of damage to the ankle joint.

A cruciform bandage is also applied to the chest and neck:

Now let's discuss how to properly bandage the knee with an elastic bandage. By the way, we will also bandage the elbow!

Turtle bandage.

Bandage with knee elastic bandage and elbow joint- the most common procedures in everyday life.

Take a close look at the picture below, this is the so-called "Turtle" bandage on the knee joint:

Left and center - we wind an elastic bandage towards the center, this is a “converging” turtle bandage.

But on the right we wind an elastic bandage in rounds "up and down" from the center - this is a diverging tortoise bandage.

The purpose of such a bandage is to limit the mobility of the knee joint, and NOT to fall.

So how do you put an elastic bandage over your knee to keep it from falling off?

How to wrap a knee with an elastic bandage

The first thing you should do is ask the patient to bend the knee so that he is as comfortable as possible.

The knee can be a tie!

The bandage will need to be wrapped as evenly as possible so that wrinkles do not form.

Put the bandage on top of the knee and fix it with a double turn. We lower it below the knee and fix it again. The intersection is under the knee. The procedure is repeated in reverse order and so several times.

Likewise, you can use an elastic bandage on the elbow joint.

How to properly bandage your leg with an elastic bandage in the heel area

Believe me, this is difficult!

The heel has a rounded shape and the band tends to slide off when walking both up and down.

The most successful bandage is in the form of a divergent turtle bandage, but the first fixing move is made directly through the heel:

For calcaneal bursitis, a more voluminous bandage is needed:

Such a bandage makes it possible to apply medications and lotions to the heel, and also protects the heel from stress quite well.

How to bandage your leg with an elastic bandage for sprains

Before you bandage your leg while stretching, you need to cool it down - for this you will have to lie down for half an hour with a cold heating pad, an ice bag, or just a bubble of cold water.

It is absolutely impossible to overheat the stretch site, lubricate it with warming ointments.

The subsequent task is to immobilize the stretched area as much as possible. Bed rest may be prescribed for several days.

When stretching the ligaments, you need to bandage the limb from the BOTTOM. This will prevent tissue swelling that is inevitable during stretching).

An elastic bandage is attached below the stretch point (for example, these are toes).

The screw bandaging technique is most suitable here, which in the area of ​​the joint may contain elements of a turtle bandage.

Even with a bandage on, apply an ice pack to the stretched area.

It is good to alternate these applications every 15 minutes.

At night, you can loosen the bandage a little.

Modern desmurgy offers a technique for taping stretched ligaments:

Kinesio tape or elastic tape bandage of low extensibility adhesive - it is glued along the directions of the damaged ligaments or muscles, it is also called an elastic patch.

Such an elastic patch is literally irreplaceable during the rehabilitation period after an injury.

If the ligaments or muscles are injured and incapable of stretching, this method of application is used - before applying it to the skin, the kinesiotape is stretched. Due to its elasticity, the tape shrinks and forms folds on the skin and at the same time supports the injured area.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have used various dressings to speed up wound healing. Times have changed, and more modern materials are presented in pharmacies today. for application to the knee - one of the remedies for injuries.

It is worth noting that knee injuries are the most common in everyday practice. And the presence of such a universal dressing allows not only to avoid injury, but also to provide primary care when it is necessary to fix the knee.

general information

A bandage for medicinal purposes is significantly different from conventional gauze dressings. Such material has a lot of positive properties and a wider scope of application.

The main differences are:

  1. Well stretched and flexible enough (excellent knee support).
  2. Thicker than traditional dressings.
  3. Not subject to deformation when worn.
  4. They are convenient to use.
  5. Strong enough and durable, which allows you to use the material multiple times (as opposed to disposable gauze dressings).

It is customary to use an elastic bandage in practice as an independent remedy. The scope of use is quite extensive. It is recommended to have it in the home medicine cabinet for every active person; such dressings are used in medicine and sports. This dressing agent is commonly used in schools and children's camps.

Today it is truly an indispensable tool for helping the victim.


The dressing material is used in various situations. It is desirable that the scope of use be monitored by a medical professional.

Common use cases:

  1. After the postponed sports injuries.
  2. The presence of orthopedic diseases.
  3. With postponed dislocations or.
  4. The presence of noticeable edema.
  5. With thrombophlebitis in a chronic form.

The final diagnosis and indications for use are established by the doctor. You cannot make a decision on your own that you just need a bandage.

This remedy can serve as an excellent prevention of knee injuries, and in case of damage that has already occurred, it will help to cope with the ailment.


Are there situations when the knee bandage is strictly prohibited? Yes, there are, and quite often! As with other medical devices in practice, there are a number of contraindications for wearing.

  1. The presence of obliteration (in cases of closure of the lumen) of the arteries. For example, with atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, endarteritis.
  2. With severe diabetes mellitus.
  3. In case of inflammation in the area of ​​knee dressing or the presence of infectious lesions.

The final contraindications are established by the doctor.

When applying a bandage on your own, you should remember about contraindications, and warn the doctor if you experience any discomfort.

Ask your healthcare provider to show you an example of how to apply a bandage. After all, mistakes in bandaging instead positive result can lead to negative.

Varieties of bandages

Before purchasing, be sure to carefully study the packaging, which contains the necessary information. After all, an elastic bandage can have not only different lengths or widths, but also extensibility (from small to high). And since each bandage has its own purpose, it is precisely the correct size of the dressing that will avoid troubles when wearing.

Common classification:

  • With low elongation (not less than 30%). They are used for the treatment of venous insufficiency in the latter stages, as well as for venous thrombosis. It is this type that is recommended for severe lymphedema, varicose veins of the last stage. When providing medical assistance to the victim, they allow you to bandage the patient's body as quickly as possible. They also contribute to an excellent fixation of dressings.
  • With medium elongation (not less than 100%). Such bandages are used, for example, in cases of varicose veins, for ailments associated with the consequences of trophic ulcers, from phlebitis. Typically, they are used to maintain tissue integrity after the plaster cast is removed. This is the kind of bandage that people who have undergone surgery on the vessels of the leg (sclerotherapy) buy.
  • With high elongation (not less than 150%). This type is used for varicose veins of the I or II degree, with lipodermic diseases. Recommended for servicing bedridden patients. In particular, in cases where it is required to support the joints after operations or acquired injuries. A high elasticity bandage is also applied to the knee by pregnant girls.

A highly elastic bandage is effective if you have a hematoma or if you are involved in professional sports, if a ligament or meniscus is damaged. It is advisable to use it after arthroscopy, during classes medical gymnastics.

Typically, the degree of compliance is prescribed by a doctor. If you use the bandage repeatedly, then for independent use, select the size that suits you.

Bandaging basics

What is the bandaging process? Absolutely any elastic bandage has two parts. The first is the head, it is also called the rolled part. The second is the beginning or the free part.

The main element of all dressings made with a bandage is a coil. It is formed when the material is wrapped around any part of the human body. For the very first loop applied to any limb of a person, the dressing is placed slightly obliquely so that you can hold the beginning of the bandage in your hands. Thanks to this little "trick", the bandage will not loosen during further actions and will remain in place.

  1. To make a good dressing that will not slip, it is customary to hold the material in the right hand at a certain angle, and the turns should be done in the direction of the "patient".
  2. Do not overtighten the bandage, because the person being bandaged may have impaired blood circulation in this part of the body due to compression of the tissues. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the bandage with slight tension.
  3. To avoid venous stasis, the bandage should be applied from left to right in the direction from the periphery of the bandaged part of the body to the body of the person.

The bandage ends with the fastening of the first and last turns, or, as it is also called, rounds.

In practice, there are several overlay options:

  • Circular.
  • Spiral.
  • Creeping.
  • "Turtle".
  • Cruciform (8-shaped).
  • Spiky.

It is traditionally used for ligation of the knee joint. This method can be used both in medical institutions and with self-application of a bandage in a domestic environment. The main thing is to carry out the dressing procedure correctly.

Overlay technique

How to bandage your knee correctly? This topical issue worries not only the majority of victims, but also private practitioners. Applying a dressing according to the rules allows the use of a certain technique.

In practice, are used various techniques to apply a bandage to the problem area. In case of damage to the knee joint, as a rule, the so-called Turtle Bandage is used. This technique is extremely useful and is recommended for everyone to learn.

Experts advise all tourists and athletes to learn how to apply the Turtle Bandage correctly, because these people are much more likely to be injured than others. It also differs in that it practically does not subside and allows the victim to move the damaged part of the body, which turns out to be extremely useful in many cases.

Correctly applying the dressing means guaranteed to prevent possible troubles with the knee joint. This procedure must be learned by every person if he wants to avoid trouble with damage to the knee joint.

In practice, there are two types of this dressing:

  1. Converging. This technique it is used for damage to areas near the joint. The fixing round is placed in the patella area, the following are wound one by one: either higher or lower by about a third (or slightly more) of the width of the bandage.

  2. Divergent. This technique is used if the knee itself is injured. After the last round, the ends of the bandage are tied into loops and connected on the flexor surface of the knee joint, which ensures a secure fixation of the bandage. It should be noted that according to a similar principle, this dressing is also suitable for damage to other large joints. For example, when applying a bandage in case of damage to the elbow joint, the first round is usually placed in the area of ​​the olecranon.

To summarize, we can confidently note the importance of using materials such as elastic knee wraps. In modern society, such funds become really necessary not only for medicinal purposes, but also as preventive measures.

Since ancient times, people have become accustomed to bandaging everything for faster healing of wounds. Elastic knee bandage is one of these remedies. Below we will analyze how it differs from other bandages and what it is for.

What is it and what are they for? As soon as bandages were invented, they began to be divided into antiseptic and pre-antiseptic. The predecessor of the elastic bandage was the knitted bandage, which performed the same function as the modern "rubber" bandage. These bandages are designed to be reusable because they are not intended for open wounds.

The procedure for applying an elastic bandage on the knee

In most cases, a bandage is applied to the knee due to injury or excessive stress on the joint, or after surgery. Sometimes athletes, particularly athletes before training or competition, will wrap around the knee to prevent injury. Because during an athletic load, the main "blow" falls on the knee joint. And for its safety, you can bandage and fix the knee in advance.

So, the instructions say that you need to apply the bandage, following clear instructions. The process of applying a knee bandage:

  1. First of all, you need to buy a bandage at a pharmacy or sports store. Sellers can offer bandages with different fasteners, you should choose according to your own taste.
  2. You should sit so that the leg is in a relaxed position.
  3. The roll should be held in one hand and its free end in the other. Next, you should attach the free end behind the knee, just below the calyx. The edge of the bandage should follow the crease line under the knee.
  4. Next, you need to bandage the leg, overlapping the free end. Each new layer should slightly block the previous one. For more convenience and an even bandage, you need to slightly pull the bandage, but not too tight, so as not to disrupt blood circulation.
  5. When done with the bottom of the knee, you should go to the top. Everything is done in the same way, but you need to monitor the uniform coverage of the bandage.
  6. After the end of all the manipulations with wrapping, you need to fix the remaining end of the bandage. This can be done with special locks, or simply tuck the end under a layer.
  7. After that, you need to bandage the other leg in the same way.
  8. For convenience, you should check if the bandage is tight and does not restrict movement. To do this, you can sit down or bend your legs several times. If it is tied too tight, it is better to straighten it a little, otherwise it will be uncomfortable later.

Rules for the use of bandages

Once you have learned how to properly bandage joints or injuries, you can read a number of tips on how and when to use an elastic knee bandage.

  1. You need to bandage in a relaxed state. If there is a leg injury, it is better to apply a bandage in bed in the morning.
  2. The elastic bandage must be applied evenly, because micro-trauma to the skin can occur.
  3. In order to avoid untimely stretching of the bandage, it is required to open it only outward and close to the skin.
  4. Each level of dressing should overlap the previous one by 20-50%.
  5. As the bandage ends, the tightening should be slightly loosened.
  6. The bandage area should be slightly larger than the injury area (10-15 cm).
  7. Discard unwanted bandages that have lost their rubber properties.
  8. Bandages can be applied after warming up the muscles (warm-up or special ointment).
  9. When working out in the gym, you should only use bandages when working with heavy weights. In other cases, this is superfluous and will not bring any benefit.
  10. Again, in the gym between sets strength exercises it is better to unband your leg so that the skin breathes.

If the bandage is too frequent and tight, damage to the inner surface of the cup may occur.

Tying the bandage very tightly will result in excessive friction between the two bony surfaces.

Muscle tissue can be damaged for the same reasons. Therefore, you need to be very careful when carrying out such procedures.

Sometimes overuse of bandages is fraught with psychological dependence. This applies to athletes who are engaged in strength training v gyms with exercise equipment. Sometimes a person gets so used to working with bandages that after that he can no longer perform the exercise until he ties the bandage. While a bandage is just a precaution, some might think that something will break or not work without it.

Before you buy a bandage, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations in this regard:

  • it is better to consult a specialist;
  • you need to pay attention to the extensibility (depending on what kind of injury);
  • it is more profitable to choose a company that has already established itself in the market (this way you will save on the long service of the bandage);
  • depending on the injury received, you will need different length elastic bandage;
  • if a doctor has prescribed a "tight" bandage, then he must also specify which bandage should be purchased.

An elastic bandage is much more profitable and more convenient than a regular medical bandage. Firstly, a rubberized bandage can be wound a second time, when a regular bandage stretches and deforms after the first use, although it costs less, it will last much less than an elastic one.

The elastic bandage has very useful properties. He especially helps athletes, since they are very often injured (sprains, bruises, dislocations, or just joint pain). When stretching, the bandage fixes the sore spot very well and does not allow for unnecessary movements. Such a bandage also has the ability to warm, so that before wrapping the affected area, you can rub in a warming ointment, the effect of which will be enhanced by the "bandage".

Bandages are different in width, length and degree of stretching. Before buying, you must carefully study the variety of bandages:

  1. Low elongation (30-100%) is designed to treat chronic venous problems such as venous insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis. Very handy for first aid when you need to put on a long-lasting bandage right away. They give a strong fixation of additional funds on the affected area without any discomfort.
  2. Medium extensibility (100-150%) is used to treat varicose veins, diseases with trophic and postphlebitic syndromes. It is very effective for tissue maintenance after plaster removal and compression sclerotherapy.
  3. High elongation (150% or more) is used for a less severe degree of varicose veins, for the treatment of post-phlebitis diseases. It is very convenient after surgery for edema, to support joints after injuries and operations, for patients who are in bed rest.

What can replace the bandage

For greater convenience and fixation, they came up with. They imply a lightweight "dressing", that is, just put on - and that's it. Stores that specialize in the sale of this type of product offer special bandages with insertable ribs to regulate the rigidity of fixation.

In most cases, special knee pads perform the same function as an elastic bandage. They support the joint, help relieve pain and reduce swelling. There are also special orthopedic bandages.

Reinforced knee pads are used in such cases:

  • dislocation;
  • paralysis;
  • synovitis;
  • infection.

Knee pads, nevertheless, have a slight advantage over a simple elastic bandage: they are distinguished by the ability to prevent muscle atrophy and guarantee the freedom of the limbs. They improve blood circulation and thus have a positive effect on the injured joint or, on the contrary, act as a preventive measure.

In any case, the choice is yours. Many athletes use knee pads because of the convenience and speed of their application, and some still use an elastic bandage. You should give your preference to a product that is more convenient for individual needs and characteristics. Elastic knee bandage is a more beneficial preventive measure, when the bandage is already a more serious, with a strong orthopedic effect.

Elastic bandaging is a simple therapeutic technique performed in many fields of medicine, which is aimed at preventing thrombotic complications that are severe for the body.

Compression effect, provided by the bandage, allows you to avoid the deadly consequences of vascular diseases, injuries of the knee and other joints of the lower limb.

Who needs an elastic bandage? Indications for the procedure depend on the class of material from which the dressing is made:

  1. Bandages of low elasticity. Such a product can be stretched no more than 69% of its length.
  2. Bandages of medium elasticity. Elasticity 70-140%.
  3. High elasticity bandages. The product stretches more than 141% of the length of the bandage.

Low elastic bandages

Compression products of this class are used in the treatment of serious diseases. Most often they are used for conditions such as:

  • Varicose veins in the last stage.
  • Severe lymphedema.
  • Chronic venous insufficiency of the severe stage.
  • Post-thrombotic disease.

Medium elastic bandage

They are used during surgical operations on the vessels of the lower extremity, for example, during sclerotherapy.

They can be used to reduce the risk of disease progression with existing varicose veins, as well as chronic venous insufficiency in case of moderate course.

High elasticity bandages

These products are applied for prophylaxis during pregnancy, after surgery, in the presence of hematomas, during intensive sports activities... Can be applied to the knee or other joints to relieve tension in the ligament and tendon formations.

An elastic bandage is applied to the knee joint after damage to the ligaments and menisci, arthroscopy, during therapeutic rehabilitation gymnastics.

During prolonged bed rest after injuries, operations, general anesthesia, compression materials of this class are also recommended.


There are a number of conditions in which the use of any compression hosiery, including elastic bandages, is contraindicated. Such diseases include:

  1. Obliteration (closure of the lumen) of the arteries in diseases such as atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, endarteritis.
  2. Diabetes mellitus with the development of trophic and vascular disorders of 2-3 degrees of severity.
  3. Inflammatory, infectious skin lesions at the site of the bandage application.

The effect of compression hosiery and bandaging of the lower limb is based on the creation of different pressure on the parts of the leg. The maximum impact is on the ankle and lower leg, the knee experiences less pressure, which reaches a minimum in the upper thigh. This effect promotes the movement of blood from the bottom up.

The muscles under the applied bandage are in greater tone and the vascular branches located in their thickness work more intensively.

If the bandage is applied only to the knee area, it tightens the intra-articular structures and contributes to their anatomical integrity during loading. Effects of elastic compression:

  • Pressure on the surface of the limb.
  • Protection of the vein wall from blood elongation.
  • Normalization of blood flow, intensification of blood exchange between tissue and vessel.
  • Prevention of thrombus formation due to muscle tension and vascular tone.
  • Compression of ligamentous and tendon structures, prevention of trauma.

Knee bandage technique

The most common and effective methodology putting an elastic bandage on the knee is a turtle bandage. This bandage method is available in two versions:

  • Converging bandage.
  • Diverging bandage.

With a converging version, the first two rounds of the bandage are applied below the joint, and the second two above. The lower and upper rounds alternate until they approach each other in the middle of the joint.

With a diverging bandage, the first round is superimposed on the center of the joint, and each subsequent round is either higher or lower than the previous one. There are several general rules for the procedure:

  1. It is correct to start applying the bandage at a distance of at least 20 cm from the damaged area.
  2. Each subsequent round must overlap the previous one by 70%.
  3. Bandaging should be done with moderate tension on the product. Try to increase the compression towards the middle of the joint.
  4. The procedure and the applied product should not cause painful sensations. Loosen the tension if this happens.
  5. Flexion and extension in the joint after compression should be performed in full, but with great effort. If the dressing slips off the place of application, you need to repeat the technique with greater tension on the material.

Elastic compression during the rehabilitation period

Trauma doctors most often prescribe knee bandages after an injury or surgery, such as arthroscopy. During this period, dosage doses are allowed and even recommended. physical exercise on the joint in the form of exercise therapy exercises.

After applying an elastic product, exercise on a stationary bike, walking and jogging, gymnastic exercises developed by physiotherapy specialists have an excellent effect.

It is necessary to combine physical activity with additional physiotherapy procedures:

  • Anti-inflammatory electrophoresis.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Electromyostimulation.

Physiotherapy will promote intense blood circulation in the tissues of the joint, and exercises with an applied elastic product will correctly distribute the load and restore the function of the joint.

Alternatives to bandaging

Some products immobilize the joint completely and are indicated in the early postoperative period or immediately after injury. The compression effect of these structures replaces the plaster cast, restores the anatomical relationship of tissues, and causes their speedy recovery.

Movable models of fixators are designed to enhance the effect of rehabilitation measures, to correctly dose the load on the joint tissues.

During exercise, orthoses reduce traction on the ligaments and tendons, making blood flow in the affected area more intense. The traumatologist should prescribe fixing devices, taking into account the indications and contraindications of each patient.

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