Erect posture in men. Correct posture in men

Slouching is ugly: the shoulders are rounded, the height becomes visually smaller, the girls' breasts seem to be saggy, the tummy sticks out. And it seems like nothing, it's just a matter of appearance, but improper posture also harms health, deforming internal organs, impairing the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

There are many reasons for this disease: congenital, acquired, physical and psychological. But do not worry, in most cases everything can be corrected with exercises from slouching, and even at home.

Checking the condition of the spine

The easiest test is to stand near the wall. If there is a plinth under the wall, stand by the door or find another option. Press down on a vertical surface so that at the same time touching it with your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head.

  • If it works out, and you can fix it like that for at least a minute, then everything is not too critical, and to correct your posture you just need to do special gymnastics and learn to control yourself.
  • If you cannot touch any part of the body, or it causes obvious pain, it is better to consult a doctor, perhaps take an X-ray and choose a special treatment.

Why does stoop arise at all and what to do about it?

In this paragraph, we will not touch on congenital causes: if a person has different length legs, the structure of the intervertebral discs is disturbed, abnormal muscle development - exercises cannot correct this, or they are too specific. Let's talk about an acquired disease.

In childhood

In children, stoop appears usually after 6-7 years, when the thoracic spine is finally formed. The reason is long hours spent with a tablet or phone in hand, when a child leans towards the screen, or carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

If nothing is noticed, the child may develop kyphosis or scoliosis, but at this age everything is easily corrected: the joints and vertebrae are flexible, and a daily 20-minute exercise is enough to strengthen the muscles.

However, sometimes there are psychological reasons. It is useless to shout “Don't slouch!” If the reason is fear, insecurity, emotional restraint. In this case, in order to remove the stoop, it is better to do exercises (gymnastics) together, or to understand the reasons for internal tightness.

In adolescence

The adolescent body begins to grow rapidly, and sometimes bones develop faster than muscles. That is why a teenager should be given to swimming or introduced to some kind of sport, this will help to make the figure harmonious.

Sometimes children are ashamed of their own tall, and cannot stop hunching over, as if trying to be smaller. This is solved psychologically. The body is still growing, and if you take it in time, everything is fixable.

In adults

Here the problem, most often, in a sedentary lifestyle or work, where you need to bend over a table, machine, devices, etc. Exercise, special slouching exercises, and constant monitoring.

  • Man it is often more comfortable to study in gym where he pumps up the muscles so that they keep the spine straight.
  • To the girl home gymnastics will most likely work. Women are by nature more flexible, walk with pleasure, try to keep their posture so that the tummy does not bulge out, and the breasts seem more attractive.
  • In the elderly posture problems often occur in conjunction with other diseases of the spine or internal organs, and more often than not, general treatment is required. But a gentle warm-up, stretching and simple exercises without tearing can relieve pain and allow you to straighten up.

Top 5 exercises for any age

In fact, almost all movements that are aimed at strengthening back muscles and deflection of the spine will be effective. You can compose your own set of exercises for eliminating the stoop of the back, or perform the ones we have proposed on a daily basis.

Forward bends

This is a simple warm-up exercise and is great even for the elderly. The point is, resting on your hands, step back on big step and slowly bend forward. Start doing this from the wall, then you can do it with a chair, leaning on the back. Stretch with your shoulder blades open. Do 8-10 sets.

From a prone position

This is how we fix not only posture problems, but also with intervertebral discs and clips. Lie on the mat on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, tense your legs and do Boat (Superman) by arching your lower back and raising your palms and feet.

For those over 50, it can be difficult to raise their legs, in which case it is worth trying to do the backbend with the chair. Place a chair in front of you, lie on your stomach so that your hands are on either side of it, approximately in the middle of the seat. As you bend, raise your arms, place them on a chair, and stretch. Fix the body for a few seconds, and return to starting position.

Sitting on your knees

The most effective exercise the stoop is sometimes very simple. Sit on the floor on your knees, grab your feet with your hands and try to stretch, starting from the shoulders. Bring your shoulder blades, bend, lower your arms below. You can return to the starting position, or just sway while sitting like this.

Standing on all fours

One option is the Cat exercise. Bend over as if trying to crawl under a low obstacle. We start forward, bend the thoracic region, then move the body slightly forward and bend already in the lower back, lifting the chest. Now the same thing - back.

The second version of gymnastics against stoop - in the same position we raise our straight leg up and throw our head back, stretch. We change the leg. 6-8 times is enough for a start, then we increase the repetitions.

With a stick

Gymnastic sticks Not everyone has it, but it doesn't matter. For example, a mop handle, vacuum cleaner pipe, a piece of water pipe, or something similar will do. Lay it behind your back and holding it with bent elbows, make turns from side to side.

By the way, one of the reasons why a person slouches is a simple forgetfulness to keep his back straight. If you don't know how to stop slouching, sit with this stick in front of the TV or even at the computer, and as soon as you try to bend, it will press on the spine. It's not very convenient to type, but watching TV shows or using a mouse is quite. This will form an addiction to correct posture.

You can, of course, buy a retainer or, but a stick is much cheaper.

Finally, we will tell you about one more way to learn to walk straight without stooping.: put an old notebook on your head (or a book if you don't mind) and walk around the house like that. If you drop it, it means that without noticing it yourself, slouch. Try to hold correct position.

Try to check what happens if you make this set of exercises your daily exercise... Many people note that after a couple of weeks they began to hunch down much less, and after a month, their backs became noticeably stronger.

Watch the video to learn how to do the exercises correctly, start small, and control the sensations. Soon you will become much more flexible, and it will become easier to keep your back straight. Correcting stoop is possible and necessary at any age!

Correct posture, proud gait are the main attributes of a successful and self-confident person. The owner of an even spine with open shoulders and chest will always attract attention, and most importantly, he will always be healthy. The importance of keeping your back straight should not be underestimated, because its curvature can adversely affect the internal organs, general physical and mental condition. Therefore, it is important to know how to maintain the correct posture.

What spoils your posture

We rarely notice how we look from the outside, how we hold our back, how we walk. After all, the most important role for posture, the usual motor stereotype or the usual position of the body plays: the habit of sitting incorrectly, walking during the day.

  • For example, in children, incorrect posture is most often formed at school while sitting at a desk that is not suitable for height, while the back is constantly round.
  • Office workers or programmers install the monitor incorrectly, sit sideways to the computer all day.
  • Drivers do not sit correctly in the car, leaning forward while holding the steering wheel, while the shoulders and chest section fall forward.
  • Often in adolescents, due to fear and complexes, a stoop appears, the shoulders come out forward, as if performing a protective function, since this position characterizes a depression and internal discomfort.

In this position of the body, scoliosis develops and subsequently back hurts.

What are the problems with poor posture?

Indeed, most spinal problems are motor stereotype problems. In this case, dysfunction occurs, more precisely, a violation of the system of the musculoskeletal system, the impossibility of correct movement and position of the body structure.

For example: for forced walking after injury of any joint lower limbs included extra muscles back and pelvis, which were not switched on before the injury. Thus, to help the weak part of the body, others are always more strong muscles compensating for position and load. There is an increase in energy consumption, increasing the load not only on the back, but also on the respiratory, vascular, and nervous systems.

When stooping, violations are possible:

  1. cerebral circulation;
  2. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. gynecological diseases;
  4. proctological diseases in women and men.

The treatment process is expensive and time-consuming, so it is better to immediately prevent these problems. Don't slouch! Get used to keeping your posture, and then the muscles and organs will not start to hurt.

What to do when stooping

Knowing the problems that arise when holding the spine incorrectly, you will not want to slouch at all. Now let's look at how to learn how to keep your posture.

  • The main thing is to constantly keep the posture correctly: the shoulders are laid back, the shoulder blades are collected, the chin looks straight ahead, the crown stretches up, the abdominal muscles are tightened, lifting chest up.
  • If the habit of stooping has led to a change in the skeleton of those who do not keep their posture, then this should be fought by performing simple physical exercises. Moreover, they can be performed both in the gym and at home. These exercises will help both the girl and the girl to get an even posture when walking.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvis and lumbar region

The correct, physiological position of all parts of the spine is the key to a beautiful posture!

For example, a curvature of the sacral region (less common) leads to a curvature of the lower back, forcing the abdomen to round, the lower back bends forward. With such a curvature, you need to know which muscles are relaxed, and which, on the contrary, are too tense. To straighten this curvature, you need to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and strengthen and stretch the lower back! It is also important to strengthen your legs, as they are the foundation for the entire spine. Push yourself to exercise!

Let's take a look at the main exercises:

  1. Extension of the pelvis with strengthening transverse muscle belly. Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended to the knees, head, neck and shoulder blades raised above the floor. On inhalation: while maintaining the position of the body, we stretch the stomach (“inflate in the stomach balloon"); exhale: pull the stomach inward, with simultaneous contraction gluteal muscles with lifting the pelvis up (the lower back is strictly pressed to the floor!). Perform 20-30 breathing cycles 1-3 sets.
  2. Reverse hyperextension. With the belly down, slowly and smoothly on the exhale, raise the body. The exercise is performed in special simulator for lumbar extension. Also muscles lumbar stretch well. We repeat 1-3 sets of 20-30 times.
  3. Squats... The feet are slightly wider than the shoulders, the feet are parallel to each other, the back is straight; to inhale, lower the pelvis down (like on a chair), take the tailbone back, look straight, knees 90 degrees, do not go beyond the socks; on exhalation, due to the effort of the gluteal muscles, we raise the body up. We carry out without jerking 20-30 times.
  4. Lunges. The right leg is in front, the left leg is on the back on the toe, the distance of the feet is determined so that the knees are bent at 90 degrees when squatting. Thus, for inhalation, we go down, knee right leg does not come out ahead of the toe; on exhalation due to the gluteal muscle, we rise up. Repeat on one side 20-30 times, then change to the other. In the same way, another 1-2 approaches.
  5. ... Starting position: sitting on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor, arms crossed - hands on opposite shoulders. On a uniform, smooth exhalation (extend by 5-20 seconds), "vertebra by vertebra" we lower the back to the floor, the head gradually approaches the hands. Pause - inhale for 2-3 seconds, also on a slow exhalation we rise back to the starting position, repeat 10-20 times.
  6. Alternate ascent... Lying on your stomach, bent arms under the chin, straight legs 1.5-2 shoulder width apart:
    Inhale 1: squeezing the gluteal muscles;
    Exhale 1: raising the head and neck (looking forward, hands on the floor);
    Inhale 2: Hold the position motionless for two seconds;
    Exhale 2: rise bent arms to the chin (relax the neck);
    Inhale 3: hold the position motionless for two seconds;
    Exhale 3: raising straight legs without raising the feet above the head (knees are straight);
    Inhale 4: hold the position motionless for two seconds;
    Exhale 4: relaxation of all muscles, with a smooth simultaneous lowering of the body to the floor.
    Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercises for the thoracic region

With a curvature of the thoracic region, the main signs are: displacement of the sternum (hump), "pterygoid scapula", protruding vertebrae. This position is formed not only due to injuries, but also due to smoking, the tone of the pectoralis major muscle is disturbed.

And also smoking, of course, makes the pectoralis minor muscle weaken, which further increases the thoracic kyphosis. And the more a person smokes, the more the thoracic region suffers. Forget about this bad habit, as they spoil not only the respiratory system, but also your posture! The following exercises are shown for this section of the spine:

  1. Opening the chest while lying down. Lying on your back, bent elbows are fixed on the floor, knees are bent, lower back is also fixed on the floor. While inhaling, we smoothly open the chest with the lower back stationary (the stomach is tense), resting on the floor with our shoulders and shoulder blades (the head is motionless on the floor). A pause in breathing for 3-10 seconds - tense fixation of the position without overstraining the windpipe. On exhalation, smooth relaxation of all muscles. Repeat 5-10 times.
  2. Upper lock (yoga element). Standing or sitting, the arms are relaxed and lowered, the neck is relaxed, the head is directed with the chin to the handle of the sternum, the pelvis and lower back are in a neutral position. On inhalation, the chest begins to open forward and upward and raise the head (without tension of the muscles of the head and neck, the jaws are closed). A pause in breathing for 3-20 seconds - complete relaxation in all muscles, except for those that hold the chest in an elevated position. At correct technique stretching is felt in the lower inner part of the chest. As you exhale, we smoothly release the air and relax all the muscles. Repeat 5-10 times.

Learn to constantly monitor your posture, not only when walking, but also in a sitting position. Be sure to exercise, as it helps not only to get beautiful posture, but also prevents the appearance of male and women's problems with health. And correct posture also attracts the opposite sex.

A healthy spine is the key to a happy life!

There is a very important thing for maintaining health - it is the strength of correct posture.

Posture deteriorates due to many professional activities, especially in people with sedentary lifestyles. Poor posture often develops from childhood due to bad habits. In most Western countries, children spend an average of five hours a day in front of the TV, not to mention how much time they devote to computer games. The human body is not adapted for such a lifestyle. Your posture - how you sit, how you stand, how you walk - is unusually great importance for health.

But why is posture so important?

Everything is very simple. To function properly, your tissues and organs need two things - good blood supply and good nerve. The blood carries through the tissues nutrients and oxygen, and the nerves produce the electrical impulses needed to generate energy. Deprived of one of these factors, tissues will begin to degenerate and wear out. And what allows for innervation and blood supply? Your posture!

Imagine a watering hose. What happens if you pinch it? The water will stop flowing. The same happens to the vessels and nerve trunks in our body, when they are pinched, muscles spasm, innervation and blood supply are hampered.

Now imagine your own spine, you have twenty-six vertebrae, and between each of them there are vessels and nerve roots emanating from spinal cord... They provide nourishment to the entire body. When you slouch or sit in uncomfortable posture, nerve roots and blood vessels are squeezed by your vertebrae in the same way as a hose through which water flows is squeezed. We simply deprive our body of the ability to receive blood and nerve impulses by taking a bad posture.

What can wrong posture lead to?

Poor posture leads to poor health, chest muscles become flaccid, which in turn leads to bronchitis and breathing problems, abdominal muscles weaken, abdominal organs begin to malfunction, and this leads to many digestive problems. Many people experience a similar problem - a saggy belly - and try to get rid of it through diet. But even losing weight, they cannot get rid of the tummy. No amount of diet will help with flabby abdominal muscles if your posture is not good.

Let's start with diagnostics

A critical look in the mirror helps to determine if you are straightened enough. Stand up straight in a position that does not stress you. The soles are flat on the floor. A person with correct posture:

The shoulders should be on the same horizontal line, one shoulder should not be higher than the other.

The elbows should fit exactly into the bend of the waist; if they are higher than the waist, it means that you raise your shoulders too much; if your elbows are below the waist or stick out to the sides, you are most likely slouching. More information about your own posture can be obtained by turning sideways to the mirror.

Draw an imaginary line from the heels to the crown of the head. It should also be on: knees, pelvis, elbows and shoulder joint... A straight line passes through the lower legs and thigh bones, bisects the ribcage and, passing through the shoulder joint and neck, exits the crown.

Please note - the ribs should not protrude too much forward, being exactly above

Homo erectus, help yourself!

Algorithm for adjusting the correct posture:

Lift your feet one by one, twist your leg. Place it on the floor - the sole should be flat on the floor, the load is evenly distributed.
Straighten knees are located above the heels.

Bring your attention up and imagine your tailbone - this little "tail" looks exactly at the ground. Now you will notice that the pelvis has moved forward, and the belly and ribs hang over it.

In order not to bend in half, you need to stretch your stomach about the width of your palm. Place your palm on the hypochondrium of the same name (if the right, then on the right). There should be no bones under your palm - that is, thumb touches the lower rib, and the little finger rests on the ilium. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the ribs do not protrude forward, but are directly above the ilium.

We continue to move up (feel how the spine straightens from the coccyx itself, like a flower stretching upward). Make a circle with your shoulders and fold them back. Do it lightly - you don't have to pull your shoulder blades and hold yourself up with your upper back muscles. As conceived by the engineers of the human body, the hands should be held pectoral muscles rather than back muscles.

By the way, about the hands. If you did everything correctly, now your elbows are exactly opposite the bend of the waist (they do not touch iliac bones and do not stick out to the sides). The palms are slightly turned outward and are in front of the hips (not in front or behind them!).

Finally, the neck - think of the seventh vertebra (you can feel it with your hand). This is where the back ends and the neck begins. Try not to bend in this place, do not hang your nose! Imagine the neck continuing the straight line you just drew from the tailbone itself.

Sometimes a person has a desire to "turn up his nose" - to raise his chin, bending his neck in the region of the 3-4th vertebrae. You should not do this - it leads to a violation of cerebral circulation. It is better to imagine how someone has just built a wonderful straight structure for you, pulled up by the thread coming out of the top of your head. The chin should be exactly above the hypochondrium (the point in the middle between the collarbones).

First you need to comprehend for yourself the importance and completeness of such a task as straightening your posture. In our society, it is not customary to give this topic a great public resonance, and therefore each person must take care of his figure himself and straighten his posture on his own. This state of affairs is typical of our hectic life. Meanwhile, the question of how to straighten a man's posture is very topical, and its solution contributes to the healing of the whole body and the spine in particular. The transfer of impulse energy between neurons improves, and our body receives a sufficient amount of energy for normal life.

How to straighten your posture and can you do it at home? Many people ask a similar question when they draw attention to themselves when looking in the mirror, or react to comments from loved ones. Poor body posture does not form overnight and is a direct consequence of back problems. Quite often, problems with posture arise as a result of hard physical labor and improper lifestyle. In this case, it is urgent to change your life philosophy of behavior in society and find easier work.

Pay attention to your children

Doctors recommend treating the spine and eliminating the causes that cause improper posture in childhood or adolescence, when the cartilage tissue and bones are still quite soft, and the muscles have not lost their elasticity. At this time, a person's gait has not yet formed, and all processes are controlled and are in our hands. Therefore, parents should be extremely attentive to the physiological processes that occur with their children. But what if the time is lost and the problem with the spine has become apparent? In this case, everything is much more complicated, but not so much as to give up and not hinder its development.

We must start with the fact that non-resistance to such a process can lead to more significant complications. It is sad to realize it, but we start to really take care of our health only after realizing the reality and lost time.

In this case, it is very difficult for older people to straighten their posture, maybe even unrealistic. But in any case, you should not give up and you need to tune in to the daily struggle with the disease. For yourself, you need to understand that nothing is impossible, and declare war on your laziness and imposingness.

Persistence doesn't always work

In order for a person to have the correct straight posture, you need to make a lot of effort and it is advisable to contact a doctor or a specialist from a fitness center, but if this is not possible, you need to choose in detail the set of physical exercises that are recommended in such cases. Experts in this matter strongly recommend not starting physical exercises in a very intense mode, since violent actions on the spine will do nothing. Only daily load is recommended, with a gradual increase in the amount of exercise performed.

You should also not force yourself to walk with your back straight all day.

This will not lead to anything good and can only exacerbate the problem. Judge for yourself, the problem you are faced with has been forming for more than one year, but over decades, and it is simply impossible to cure it in a couple of weeks.

Using assistive devices

Posture straightening is a long process and requires strict adherence to the class schedule. physical exercise... It is also necessary to adhere to the correct diet. In this case, you cannot do without the advice of a nutritionist. After all, many do not even suspect that the problem came to them with excessive food intake. Therefore, everything needs to be solved in a complex, and success will come by itself. Posture straightening can be done using a special corset, which forcibly holds the spine at the desired angle. But this method is recommended for those patients who have advanced stages of back problems, and for most is not a panacea. In this case, the muscles that are responsible for supporting the back cease to be active and atrophy. Therefore, it is necessary to use a reasonable combination of corset wear and everyday special exercises for the spine.

Do not forget that posture straightening can be done at night while sleeping. Our sleep is the most favorable time when all the vertebrae are in a relaxed state, and a properly selected orthopedic mattress will contribute to the proper positioning of the body and prevent deformation. Also pay attention to the pillow. It shouldn't be too big and soft. For a while, you need to forget about soft featherbeds, in which a person simply drowns.

A set of exercises

Exercise for the cervical vertebrae. Can be performed at the desktop. Sit on a chair, straighten your back as much as possible, stretch your chin so that you can see the ceiling with your eyes. You are in this position for about 15 seconds. Then repeat 10 times with an increase in the deflection of the neck and back.

Lie on the floor, preferably on a fleecy carpet. Fully loosen the spine. Then roll the body from side to side. Do the exercise 10 times in both directions. Then rest a little and move on to intensively rubbing your back against the carpet. Perform a kind of massage without the help of a specialist. It is necessary to achieve such relaxation of the vertebrae so that when performing the exercise, you can hear the characteristic crunch in the spine. When you achieve the desired result, you need to lie down for another five minutes.

Stretching the vertebrae

After you have managed to loosen your back, you can do several exercises to stretch the spinal vertebrae. To do this, try to simultaneously raise your arms and legs while lying on your back, while trying to connect them. Take a few tries and get some rest. Then roll over onto your stomach and do the same simultaneous lifting of your arms and legs. If you immediately feel tired, it is recommended to stop the lesson. Do the same exercise order the next day. It is necessary to achieve such a result that the exercise is performed with ease. After that, you can add more exercises to develop your back muscles. Everything should be done willingly and not overload the body. Positive changes will be noticeable after two weeks of classes.

It is impossible to imagine a successful man with a hump on his back. Such people are less attractive to us, and this happens on an intuitive level. People with beautiful, slim posture are more confident, healthy, strong, and sexy. It is no coincidence that in the armies of all countries they bring up correct and even posture, because such men evoke the feeling of a strong fighter.

The development of poor posture is primarily promoted by a sedentary lifestyle. Working at the computer, we protrude our chin towards the monitor, stooping our back, and this gradually forms a stooped back. In addition, the muscles of the back in sitting position do not receive the proper load, over time they will not be able to maintain an even back. Also, incorrect posture is formed when wearing a bag on one shoulder, incorrect body position in a dream. The surface on which you sleep is also very important, it should not be too soft so that the body does not bend. It is worth noting that the position of the body in a dream even affects male potency.

As you can see, there are many factors that negatively affect posture, so you must always monitor the correct position of the back, both while walking and in a sitting position.

Why good posture is important

Unfortunately, many people underestimate posture and do not pay due attention to it, and yet it directly affects the internal organs of a person. The fact is that our internal organs function correctly only when they receive the correct blood supply.

There are 26 vertebrae in our spine, and if one of them is pinched, a person immediately begins to walk and sit incorrectly, as a result of which the blood supply is disrupted and problems arise with internal organs... In addition, due to the fact that a person is constantly hunched over, while straining his muscles, there is a loss of growth. As the intervertebral discs contract and their nutrition is disrupted, the man cannot regain his lost growth during sleep. That is why it is very important to monitor posture from adolescence, since you can still grow 15 cm.

Do not forget that your mood also depends on your posture. Perhaps everyone noticed that cheerful and smiling people always walk with an even back, but stooped people rarely smile, they are mostly sad and tired. This is due to the fact that with an incorrect posture, a person gets tired faster, he has to put in twice as much effort to complete a particular task.

How to straighten your posture yourself

The spine is recommended to be treated in childhood or adolescence, when the cartilage and bones are still quite soft and the muscles have not lost their elasticity. At this time, the gait has not yet been formed, so we can still control all the processes. Therefore, parents need to be especially attentive to the physiological processes that occur with their children. But do not give up if time was lost and the problem with the spine became apparent. If you leave everything as it is, this can lead to more significant complications in the future. Unfortunately, we start to take care of our health only after realizing the reality and lost time. In this case, it is very difficult for elderly people to straighten their posture, sometimes even impossible. But in no case should you give up, because nothing is impossible. The most important thing is to overcome your laziness and imposingness.

It takes a lot of effort to get a beautiful, even back. Of course, it is best to consult a doctor or a specialist from a fitness center, but if this is not possible, you need to independently choose a set of physical exercises that are most suitable in this case. You should not start classes in a very intensive mode, because violent actions on the spine will not give results. You just need to do the exercises every day, gradually increasing their volume. Also, do not force yourself to walk with your back straight all day, this can only aggravate the problem. After all, just think, this problem has been forming for more than one year, but several decades, and it is simply impossible to cure it in a few weeks.

To straighten your back, you will have to strictly adhere to your exercise schedule. In addition, you still need to follow the correct diet. In this case, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist. Many do not even suspect that excessive food intake can become the cause of improper posture, so everything needs to be addressed in a complex.

The back can be straightened with a special corset that holds the spine by force at the desired angle. However, this method is only suitable for advanced stages of back problems. In addition, it is not a panacea, because the muscles responsible for supporting the back cease to perform their function and atrophy. Therefore, you should reasonably combine wearing a corset with your daily workout. Remember that posture can be straightened at night while sleeping. Sleep is the most favorable time when all the vertebrae are in a relaxed state. You need to choose the right orthopedic mattress that will promote proper body position and prevent deformation. Do not forget about the pillow, it should not be too soft and large. And you will have to forget about soft featherbeds for a while.

It is best to start with exercises for the cervical vertebrae, they can be performed at a desk. So, you need to sit on a chair, straighten your back as much as possible, stretch your chin so that you can see the ceiling with your eyes. We are in this position for about 15 seconds, after which the exercise should be repeated 10 times with an increase in the deflection of the neck and back.

Next, we lie down on the floor, preferably on a fleecy carpet. It is necessary to completely loosen the spine, and then roll the body from side to side. We carry out the exercise 10 times in both directions. After a short rest, we move on to intensive rubbing of the back on the carpet. Thus, you perform a kind of massage without the help of a specialist. It is necessary to relax the vertebrae so that during the exercise you hear a characteristic crunch in the spine. As soon as you achieve the result, lie on your back for another five minutes.

Once you have relaxed your back, you can move on to stretching the spinal vertebrae. To do this, you need to simultaneously raise your legs and arms, lying on your back, trying to connect them. After several attempts, you should take some rest. After that, you need to roll over onto your stomach and raise your legs and arms in the same way. If you immediately feel tired, it is recommended to stop exercising. Try the same exercise order the next day. You must achieve such a result that the exercise is easy to perform. After a while, it will be possible to add exercises to develop the muscles of the back. Do not overload your body. You will notice the first results after two weeks of training.

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