Recharging the brain with energy every day - how is it done? Psychological morning exercises and evening exercises to relax the mind (release) Morning exercises for the brain.

Almost everyone knows that morning exercises (complex gymnastic exercises) has a beneficial effect on our physical well-being and readiness for a day of work after waking up.

Some people know that and evening exercise(more precisely, relaxation) helps us to relieve physical stress and relax before going to bed in order to sleep better and gain new strength. (otherwise, as they say - "lay down on a log - got up on a log")

But few people know that the best morning exercises are not only a complex of physical exercises for charging and discharging, but also psychological gymnastics for the mind (psyche).

Psychological exercises in the morning prepares our psyche for daytime stresses, worries and worries that abound in the modern world.

And evening psychological relaxation (relaxation of the psyche) - removes the accumulated emotional negativities, stresses and unsettled worries during the day.

Everyone wants to be physically and mentally healthy, emotionally satisfied and mentally happy.

Why, then, do you care a little about your body - in the morning, afternoon and evening, and forget about the psyche (soul)?

But the soul and body are one whole, and one cannot exist without the other ...

Today you will learn how to properly do morning exercises and evening exercises - and physical exercises for the body and psychological gymnastics for the mind.

A set of exercises for morning exercises and evening relaxation

It is clear that not everyone does morning physical exercises, and even more so - evening exercises to relax and discharge the body. What can we say about exercises for the psyche and gymnastics for the mind ?!

But practically every person takes care of and takes care of his body in one way or another - including in the morning and in the evening ..., especially women.

In the morning for example, everyone is washing, brushing their teeth, doing other bodily hygiene. She feeds her body, dresses ..., men shave their faces, women put on makeup, comb and style their hair - they decorate themselves in every possible way ...

No one naked, unkempt and hungry goes to work or on business ... (marginals do not count)

In the evening Also, everyone takes care of their body - takes a shower, washes, does hygiene, frees himself from embarrassing clothes and shoes ... feeds with dinner ...

And for some reason a person forgets about his second, perhaps more important part - the soul (psyche) ...

But maybe, in the morning the psyche also needs to be dressed and washed, fed and charged with a positive attitude for the day ahead?

A in the evening- undress the psyche (defuse and relax), wash away the depressive-stressful dirt accumulated during the day from the soul, feed it with emotional positives for the night?

Exercises for morning psychological exercises

Psychological morning exercises for men and women of all ages will set you up for the coming day, for confronting stress and for the prevention of neuropsychic burnout and coming to a nervous breakdown, depression and exhaustion of the nervous system.

Do these exercises for morning exercises mind - after waking up, and evening release of emotionality and to relieve accumulated stress - before bedtime.

During the day, for psychological relaxation, you can use the correct breathing method

The best exercises for morning mental exercise and its evening relaxation

Here are links not just to best exercises for morning exercises (evening relaxation-relaxation), but, most importantly - really working methods used by many people around the world who lead a healthy lifestyle and want to live a long, high-quality and happy life.

  • Psycho-training Silva is the best method for psychological morning exercises (evening relaxation)
  • Excellent relaxation technique - perfect for mental gymnastics
  • The technique of relaxation of the mind and body is suitable for both morning exercises and evening relaxation of the mind.
  • Additionally - self-hypnosis on health

If you already have a stress disorder, then the exercises listed above will help you work out the accumulated emotional negativities.

Exercises for morning physical exercises

This morning exercise is suitable for both men and women and for children ...

In order to feel a surge of vivacity in the morning and bring the body to full readiness for the beginning of the working day, you should do morning exercises - gymnastics for the body.

We present to your attention a set of exercises for morning exercises that will help you solve breathing problems, normalize metabolism and remove from the body the decay products that have accumulated in it overnight.

If you make it a rule to do these simple physical exercises every morning, then you will improve blood circulation, strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system, stimulate the productive capacity of the brain, strengthen the locomotor apparatus, cope with physical inactivity, and improve overall health.

The best morning exercises for men and women

  • Exercise 1.
    Walking in place or with movement, while sweeping arm movements with squeezing and unclenching the fingers.
  • Exercise 2.
    Place your feet shoulder-width apart, left hand to the side and up, right behind your back, bend and stretch, inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale. Change the position of the hands and repeat.
  • Exercise 3.
    In the same starting position, rise on your toes, arms to the sides and up, bend, inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale.
  • Exercise 4.
    Stand in the starting position with your legs apart. Left hand- up, right - to the belt. Spring tilt to the right. Repeat the same in the other direction.
  • Exercise 5.
    Starting position standing. Swing left leg back, arms swing forward, hands relaxed, inhale. Return to starting position - exhale. Repeat the same with the right leg.
  • Exercise 6.
    Take the same starting position. Rise on your toes, spread your arms to the sides, inhale. Lunge with your right leg, bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, exhale. Return to starting position, inhale. Do the same with the left leg.
  • Exercise 7.
    Sit on the floor, hands to your shoulders, make three springy forward bends, holding your shins with your hands, exhale. Straighten up, arms to shoulders, inhale. Gradually increase the incline without bending your legs. Raise your torso and straighten your shoulders.
  • Exercise 8.
    In a sitting position, put your hands on the back. Bending, go to the support lying behind, bend right leg forward, repeat the same, bending left leg... Pull your socks back as you exercise.
  • Exercise 9.
    Take a starting position, standing, legs apart. Stretch your arms forward, intertwining your fingers. Turn your torso to the left, inhale, return to starting position, exhale. Lean back, hands behind your head, inhale, return to starting position, exhale. Repeat everything the other way.
  • Exercise 10.
    Starting position, standing, hands on the belt. Alternate jumps on the right and left legs. Breathing is arbitrary.

Before doing morning exercises, you should consult with your doctor.

Unfortunately, today people are not using their brains to their full potential. However, you can try to change the situation by daily training this organ. This is what will be discussed in the provided article.

About the brain

Brain training is a very important and necessary activity. Indeed, today scientists have proved that only by the age of 60 this human organ reaches its peak of development. Previously, it was believed that at this time, brain activity is already significantly reduced. Modern scientists have proven that brain activity depends not on the neurons themselves (the number of which decreases towards old age), but on the quality of the connections between them. It is these connections that can be maintained and strengthened through active

At all times, people have known that the most important activity is brain training. This is exactly what the American writer Dorothy Brand wrote about in her book back in 1936. She has provided some simple yet powerful brain-boosting exercises.

  1. Every day you need to allocate one hour when you have to reduce speech activity to the maximum. Those. do not talk to anyone. If necessary, the questions must be answered in monosyllables, clearly and to the point.
  2. For half an hour a day, you need to think about one subject. Since it will be very difficult at first to do this, you need to start training from 5 minutes.
  3. A quarter of an hour a day you need to speak without using the words me, mine, me.
  4. It is necessary to draw up an activity plan for two hours a day and strictly follow it.
  5. You need to set yourself 12 tasks per day. All of them must be performed.

These exercises not only train the brain, but also force a person to look at themselves and the world around them.

Morning exercises for the brain

The brain, like the body, requires awakening for good activity. In this case, you may need morning workout brain. It takes about 5-10 minutes in the period immediately after sleep. All exercises should be done in a comfortable position. Also, everything is said aloud.

Exercise 1. You need to try as soon as possible to count in reverse order from 100 to 1.

Exercise 2. For each letter of the alphabet you need to come up with a word. You need to do the exercise very quickly.

Exercise 3. You need to pronounce 20 male names, each of which must be assigned a number (for example, 1 - Sasha, 2 - Oleg, etc.). The same must be done with female names.

Exercise 4. You should try to number 20 types of different foods.

Exercise 5. You need to choose any letter of the alphabet and come up with 20 words for it, numbering each of them.

Most often, during exercise, a person's eyes are open. After all the tasks, you need to close the eyes for half a minute and open them again. That's all, the brain is "warmed up" and is ready for active work.


Brain training, i.e. the set of exercises invented for this is called "neurobics" in science. The creator of this science - professor of neuroscience Lawrence Katz - believes that you can use the best practices of neuroscience anytime, anywhere. Since these exercises are simple and accessible to everyone, and the benefits of them are enormous.


  1. Ordinary things should be done in an unusual way. To do this, you can wash your face in the morning with your eyes closed.
  2. Change of the usual order. Every day you need to try to go to work in different ways. Alternatively, you can buy groceries in a different place.
  3. Very well activate the brain of various kinds of travel. If it is not possible to travel far and for a long time, you can periodically go on a voyage to neighboring cities or villages.
  4. You need to solve puzzles, crosswords and problems as often as possible. In this case, the level of complexity of all tasks must be increased.
  5. You should always be interested in something new, unknown. So, it is good to periodically master new sciences or find new hobbies for yourself.
  6. Watching TV is a great brain workout. However, in this case you need to turn off the sound and try to pronounce all the dialogues that occur on the screen.
  7. You should try to answer common questions outside the box.
  8. Fantasy trains the brain very well. So, you can periodically come up with poems, jokes, stories. It is not necessary to write all this down. Alternatively, you can “pronounce” various dialogues with familiar people or strangers in your head.


Great brain and memory training - all kinds of games. It can be checkers, chess, card games (they also make a person think!). You can also just play with your child. After all, for this you need to turn on your imagination, which is very useful for brain activity. It is very good today to use various gadgets and programmers' developments to train the main organ. For example, it could be the NeuroNation app. Training the brain, improving concentration and developing logic - all this can be found in this game. Reviews of people who have tried this application, as they say, on themselves, are only positive. All users were completely satisfied with the results.

About the hemispheres of the brain

All people probably know that the brain consists of two hemispheres. So, the right is responsible for intuition and creativity, the left - for logic and mathematical abilities. Ideally, when a person develops two given hemispheres in parallel. However, you can try to develop certain qualities in yourself by training only the necessary part of the brain.

Right hemisphere

Training the right hemisphere of the brain can consist of the following exercises:

  1. You need to pay more attention to creative activities. So, you can go to the museum or paint.
  2. You need to think through the whole next day. In this case, it turns on for which it is the right hemisphere that is responsible.
  3. You can also exercise your brain outdoors. You just need to peer into the faces of people and guess what they are thinking about now.

There can be a lot of such exercises. You just need to try to use your imagination as much as possible. By the way, it is the right hemisphere of the brain that is perfectly developed by playing with a child.

Left hemisphere

Training of the cerebral hemisphere may be somewhat different (in this case, we will talk about the left hemisphere). What exercises will be relevant in this case:

  1. You need to try to solve crosswords as much as possible.
  2. It is good to train the left hemisphere of the brain with math. It is necessary to solve problems, gradually increasing their complexity.
  3. You also need to decide

It should be said that for the development of the brain, the body must also be involved (however, in a mirror image). If you need to develop the left hemisphere, you need to train your right arm and leg more. And vice versa.

Harmonious development

But still I want to say that it is better if the brain training is carried out harmoniously. Exercises in this case are directed evenly to develop both the right and left hemispheres. So, for this you can try using your hands:

  1. Nose-ear. Necessary right hand touch the left ear, and with the left hand to the tip of the nose. Next, you need to clap your hands and quickly change hands.
  2. Painting. In order to evenly develop both hemispheres of the brain, you need to take a pencil in each hand and start drawing the drawing in a mirror image. Those. so that it consists of two equal parts.
  3. Ring. For this task, alternating with thumb you need to fold the rest of the fingers into the ring. This should be done on two hands at the same time. For a more serious workout, you can come up with a tongue twister for each finger (this will also train diction).

Supporting pictures

To train your brain, you can also use pictures specially designed by specialists. For example, to determine which hemisphere of a person is "leading", you can use a girl dancing on one leg. And you can train your brain using the Traffic Light exercise. So, the color in which the word itself is written and the color that it means will be different. It is necessary to correctly read what is written (and not the color with which it is written). The exercise seems simple at first glance, but it is not at all true.

About vessels

If we talk about its vessels, it is of great importance here. After all, if they do not work correctly or drive out the blood in an insufficient amount, this affects the mental abilities of a person. And if training the cerebral vessels is an almost impossible action (no one has yet learned how to manage them), then you can periodically clean your head vessels.

  1. They perfectly clean vessels of various kinds of herbal teas. To do this, you can take linden blossom, currant or strawberry leaves, oregano, St. John's wort, dried viburnum or mountain ash berries.
  2. It also works great in this direction. lemon juice and soda. A teaspoon of these ingredients must be dissolved in a glass of water.

If the above means can be used often (even daily), then serious cleaning of blood vessels should be carried out no more than once a year.

  1. Horseradish needs to be grated, take a tablespoon of it and pour sour cream (1 glass). This medicine is taken for a month with meals, one tablespoon.
  2. About 300 grams of garlic must be minced and filled with 200 ml of alcohol. Everything is placed in a tight container, closed and left for a week in a dark place. Further, the medicine is taken about 10 drops (diluted with milk) three times a day half an hour before meals. Course - month.

When the temperature rises, we take pills, when our back hurts, we go for a massage. But few people think about the health and safety of the brain. But the brain is as important an organ for a full-fledged life as the heart or stomach. To keep your "processor" in shape, you also need to take care of it. Don't know how? Use our tips every day!

Limit yourself

Any task can be done quickly or slowly. When you don't set yourself deadlines and specific measurable results, the task can stretch out over days and weeks. But if you start a timer and set a hard deadline, your brain will activate and help you finish the job in record time.

For active work, the brain needs good nutrition. Find out the healthiest foods for your brain.


Physical activity increases the concentration of brain cells in the memory and learning areas in mice. What's more, when you enjoy sports, your body releases endorphins that reduce stress and relieve pain.

Train your brain

Like muscles, the brain requires regular exercise. For this, crosswords, sudoku, riddles and any other puzzles that do not take much time are suitable. And to activate the work of the second hemisphere, try to do habitual activities with a non-dominant hand. For example, brush your teeth with your left hand if you are right-handed, and vice versa.

Learn to concentrate

Periods of increased concentration increase brain activity. To achieve this state, learn to track external stimuli that steal your attention and disperse concentration. Periodically ask yourself the question "What am I thinking now?" Transfer any obsessive thoughts about unfulfilled tasks on paper, add them to your to-do list. Doing so will free up your brain's resources for more important tasks.

It's no secret that in Everyday life we use only a small part of the capabilities of our brain. Even in the most “intellectually intense” period of childhood, when a child has to get acquainted with all the diversity of the world around him, only about five percent of the active zones of the cerebral cortex are involved. With age, this figure gradually decreases, and by the age of thirty we are content with only three percent. Further - and even less.

That is why, the older we get, the more often we notice some forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and a decrease in the ability to assimilate new information and skills. What was previously given easily and quickly begins to require more time and effort.

The phone numbers of new acquaintances have to be written down, without a calculator it is not always possible to calculate the cost of groceries in a store, and a new computer program at work instills animal horror at all. These changes are not a symptom of the disease, they are normal and occur with each of us. And since they are so widespread in society, it means that people should have already come up with ways to deal with them.
This is true. Today we will learn how to preserve memory, attention and the ability to think quickly for many years. In addition, we will try to even improve these abilities. In other words, we will deal with the training of mental abilities. And in order to achieve high results in the process of such training, you need to provide the brain with everything necessary for normal functioning.

At first, you need to eat right. With increased mental stress, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Brain cells feed on glucose, so it is important that it enters the body in the required amount. However, candy and other sweets are not the best choice It is preferable to use slow carbohydrates - cereals, cereal products, whole grain bread. You can sometimes pamper yourself with dark chocolate, but you need to know when to stop. Vegetable products - fruits, vegetables, herbs - are rich in vitamins and microelements. They also need to be included in the diet. If for some reason this is not possible, you should replace them with pharmacy vitamin complexes.

Secondly, it is imperative to alternate intellectual and physical labor. If we don't get enough physical activity, we become lethargic, drowsy and sad. Vitality and energy are only enough to maintain the basic metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, for effective mental training, you first have to warm up the body.

And finally third- you need to get enough sleep. The brain needs rest. And the best option is a good night's sleep. Therefore, if you plan to actively engage in mental training, keep in mind that you will have to sleep longer to provide your brain with proper rest.

Development of mental abilities

So, when all the conditions necessary for the active work of the brain are met, you can proceed directly to intellectual training. There are many ways to develop mental abilities, but we will talk about those that can be done at home without resorting to complex and expensive equipment. Here is some of them.

Left hand effect... The easiest and most effective way to activate our brain reserves is to try to become left-handed (if you are right-handed, and vice versa if you are left-handed). Start small: Try brushing your teeth with your left hand. Once you have mastered this skill, move on to more advanced procedures. Hold the spoon with your left hand when you dine, open the door with your left hand. If you spend a lot of time at the computer, move the mouse to left side.

Finally, practice writing with your left hand. At first, this will seem almost impossible, but over time, you will definitely start to write, if not beautifully, then at least understandably. Exercises of this kind involve the less active hemisphere of the brain (for right-handers - the left, for left-handers - the right) and develop connections between the hemispheres.

Rich vocabulary... In order to develop the capabilities of the brain, you need to constantly learn something new. Make it a rule to learn five new words every day. It doesn't matter if these are words from Russian or any other language that you speak. Memorize the spelling of words, their meaning, as well as the correct stress.

And try to make the most of them in your speech. This exercise will not only boost your brain, but it will also teach you to speak beautifully.

Bookworm... Reading is both fun and mental exercise, so try to read as much as possible. Don't be limited to fiction, choose an area of ​​science that interests you, and start studying materials on this topic. Subscribe to a popular science journal. Read at least five great articles from Wikipedia every day. If you take public transport to work for a long time, take some reading material with you. Buying books now is expensive, so sign up for a local library, swap literature with friends, or opt for an e-book.

Home bookkeeping... Modern people have forgotten how to count in the mind. Even the simplest mobile phone has a calculator, let alone special computer programs for counting. Therefore, we often resort to technology even in elementary situations where we could easily cope on our own. If you want to improve your mental performance, stop using a calculator. Solve simple tasks in your head, perform complex calculations in the old-fashioned way. Start doing home bookkeeping. Track your income and expenses, calculate taxes and money saved. This will not only allow you to better control your budget, but it will also make your brain work.

Diary... Keep a diary and write to it daily. During the day, choose some interesting event, object or person, and in the evening at home, describe it in your diary. Try to write in detail while remembering maximum amount details and features. So you will develop observation and memory, and the diary itself can become a kind of memoir of your life.

Cooking... Forget about the traditional borscht and cutlets for a while and become a great cook. Prepare dishes that combine many ingredients, create your own masterpieces. The main thing is not to look at the cookbook every five minutes, but try to remember the recipe from one reading. This method combines two positive effects at once - you strain your brain and at the same time pamper your loved ones with delicacies.

Mosaic... Some ways of developing intelligence can be seen in our children. Visit the toy department and buy yourself some large jigsaw puzzles. It is better to choose complex pictures - for example, those that contain images of the sky, sea, night city. V free time sit on the floor, empty the mosaic out of the box, and go back to childhood. In this case, you will not only have fun and relax, but also train your observation skills. Little trick: the collected paintings can be used to decorate the interior, if you glue them together with tape on the back.

Crosswords, riddles, puzzles... Buy yourself a collection of logic problems or a magazine with crosswords and start solving. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out well at first, as you practice over time and see the result. It is important to remember that this method gives a good effect only at the beginning, while this type of activity is new and unusual. If you've been doing crossword puzzles for the past ten years, go in the opposite direction - start writing them. This change in activity will shake up the brain tremendously.

Orienteering on the ground... As a rule, people take the same route for their daily movements. Break this rule and take new paths. Wherever you go - to work, to the store, to pick up your child from school - take a different path. Studying unfamiliar areas stimulates observation, memory and the ability to navigate in space, and, therefore, perfectly trains the brain.

The game... It is not for nothing that the child spends all his childhood playing. As we have already found out above, childhood is the most difficult period of a person's life from an intellectual point of view. In order to master the colossal volumes of incoming information, learn how to classify it, and then think strategically, the child needs a game. It is also useful for adults to play. Computer, board, card games - choose what excites you the most. Any kind of game makes us think quickly, calculate the situation in advance, assess possible risks and chances. Agree, these are very useful skills.

You can still enumerate all kinds of mental training methods for a long time, because we have cited as an example only the simplest and most affordable of them. But the main thing is to remember the basic principles necessary for the development of our brain. Do what brings newness to your life. Learn something every day. Expand your horizons. Don't be afraid to experiment. And do what is enjoyable. This is enough to maintain mental health for years to come.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! In order to effectively use the intellect, it is necessary to maintain its tone on a daily basis, without giving the opportunity to relax. And if your work does not imply constant problem solving or the search for non-standard solutions, then exercising for the brain is exactly what will help you.

general information

Thanks to the brain, humanity survived in the process of evolution, because you had to be smarter than the victim in order not to starve to death. I had to memorize the road to the hidden caves where the family lived after a long pursuit of some prey. I had to warm up during the ice age, survive during a drought ... Because of all these difficulties modern man exactly what it is. He is able to speak several languages, carry out complex operations and invent robots.

But as soon as it pauses, stops using the cells of its nucleus, it will begin to degrade. And why it should be scary, you can find out.

This happens because the cells that are not used begin to "fade". There is no full blood circulation and neurons stop exchanging information with other cells. It is impossible to revive this process, so it is better to take care not to allow such a situation, and the easiest place to start with is solving problems and puzzles.

Top exercises


There is a technique called neurobics, and it consists in connecting all the senses in order to bring the brain into activity. There is nothing complicated, you should only do things that are familiar to you in unusual ways. For example, make coffee by changing the dominant hand or commit morning procedures in the form of washing and brushing your teeth with one hand.

It's fun and effective, try at least blindfold walking around the house. A seemingly familiar environment will turn out to be new and unfamiliar in spatial perception. Or guess small items by touch, such as coin denominations. And if you take a shower with your eyes closed, you will find that other senses have sharpened. A creative approach will provide you with the formation of new neurons, and doing everyday things, changing the approach a little, is a snap.


Creativity will help us to improve memory in order to memorize a large amount of information. For example, there are 10 words, the sequence of which must be memorized exactly, and even reproduced in reverse order. Not easy, right?

But there is one trick, thanks to which the material is deposited in long-term memory. It is necessary to come up with a story in which you include in turn the entire set of words, and the more illogical and funnier it is, the better it will be absorbed.

For example, the words elephant, purple, car. An elephant was walking along the street, and for some reason its trunk was purple, it waved it from side to side and hummed loudly. Probably because it was hard for him to walk, because a car was tied to his tail.


Remember the children's game Cities? A great way to develop intellectual abilities. If there is no company, take a notebook, write long word and for each letter of which it consists, come up with at least 10 new words. Or, to complicate the task, 5 male and female names each. And you can also write out only those items that fit in the bottle.


Morning physical exercises will have a positive effect on thinking processes, especially activates logic and the ability to solve complex problems.

You should lie on the floor with your knees bent, and put your hands under your head, closing your fingers in the lock. Now, as if you are swinging the press, lift the body and rotate it first to the right, maintaining support on your right elbow and not unclenching your fingers, and then to the left. At least 20 times. A toned belly will be a pleasant bonus.

5 motor skills

Exercises related to fine motor skills increase intelligence. It is not for nothing that they are the main activity of babies from six months. For development, they simply need to be given objects that are different to the touch, because this is how they learn the world around them. And this is true at any age, so it will not be superfluous to study Braille (people who do not see can read and write with it) or sign language.

You can also play the finger twister, the effect will be the same, plus a bonus - the flexibility of the hand and fingers.

6.Physical loads

And in general, any physical exercise increase blood circulation, increase the production of protein, due to which new neurons arise and old ones survive, and also help to grow the hippocampus, which is precisely responsible for the "transfer" of material from short-term to long-term memory. So run, swim, stroll on fresh air and practice meditation. After all, it not only heals the body from various diseases, but also helps to advance mentally in its development. You can reap about her.

7 mindfulness

Play a game, namely, turn on the timer for an hour, and in this interval, when communicating with other people, avoid the use of a certain and frequently occurring word, pronoun, for example, "I", "good." But it is better if there is some kind of harmful word, for example, "I want." As a bonus, you can set yourself a task, do push-ups 10 times for each mistake. I set myself such a task for myself, though for 3 days. As a result, I squeezed out more than 1000 times, my fists were erased, the exercise was mastered. In combination with push-ups, it also trains mindfulness. For girls, press is suitable. By the way, I don’t say this word anymore.

You can train with a loved one, but then complicate the conditions. Those. push-ups not only for yourself, but also for your teammate. For him, by the way, also the same conditions. I guarantee efficiency.

8 knowledge

Improvement in mental performance and increase vocabulary will ensure the habit of daily recognizing the meaning and meaning of at least one previously unfamiliar word. It is only important to consolidate the material at least 5 times to use it in your speech, communicating with someone.

9.Phone numbers

Interesting method and very useful in modern world- study your phone book. Yes, a day by number, and at the end of the week arrange yourself a screening exam. And then, in addition to the fact that memorizing numbers will become much easier, if your gadget is lost or broken, you can easily restore the necessary information if it has not been previously synchronized.

10. "The Roman Room Method"

Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to come up with a room, the interior of which will be composed of objects associated with data that are important to remember. A very interesting way, because at any moment, even if a lot of time passes, you can remember all the nuances and details by mentally returning to this room and carefully examining it.

11. These exercises will help you wake up and tune in to work.

  • Standing with a straight back, it is necessary to draw an eight in the air with both hands at the same time, only so that in different directions. At first, the task will seem impossible, but over time you will see that you are used to it and are already doing it without hesitation. Therefore, change directions back or change the shapes, depicting, for example, a square with the left hand and a circle with the right.
  • Close your eyes and imagine that a felt-tip pen is attached to the tip of your nose. Try to "write" a phrase to them in the air, or draw different shapes.

13 change the rhythm of your life

Each person has his own pace, someone does the work very quickly, sometimes making mistakes, does not like to waste time and even walks briskly, as if in a hurry all the time. And there are people for whom it is important to pay attention to every detail, take a leisurely walk and take a good look around. At what pace are you moving? Try to pause and slow down twice if you are used to driving headlong, and, accordingly, on the contrary, speed up your actions if you are slow. It is very resourceful indeed, and requires maximum concentration.

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