Exercise for slimming back. Complex exercises for slimming the abdomen, hips, legs and arms

To lose weight, you need not only to diet, but also to play sports. If you don't have time for full workout, do daily exercises for weight loss. Morning exercises for weight loss are very useful for the whole body, it will fill you with energy for the whole day and will contribute to weight loss.
Exercising in the morning for weight loss is not only cheerfulness and joy, but also great way awaken and speed up metabolism. It is enough to spend 10-20 minutes to feel energized all day long. Slimming exercises different parts bodies that are beneficial to the whole organism, they enhance health and beauty. Muscles must be kept in good shape if you want beautiful elastic forms. Easy exercise for weight loss goes well with regular evening workouts... If you are not making time for sports, then don't worry. Losing weight will occur, but more slowly. There are millions of books on how to lose weight. Charging is mentioned in almost every one of them. Don't underestimate the little things in your life. The quality of the food, the routine of the day, exercise, your mood - all these affect your appearance.

Why do you need a daily charge?

In order for daily exercise to contribute to rapid weight loss, you should know what else it is good for your health:

  • Exercising every day for only 8-12 minutes, by the end of the week you will feel a surge of energy and vivacity.
  • Regular training helps to become stronger, increase the level of endurance.
  • Morning exercises not only allow you to lose weight faster, but also help you wake up easier in the morning, get rid of laziness.
  • Helps to improve metabolism, making the body much easier and faster to part with excess calories stored in the form of fat reserves.
  • Exercising can help you cope with your appetite and begin to control it.
  • Through regular morning workouts, you will learn to better understand the needs of your own body, and even a light breakfast will leave you feeling full.
  • Daily exercise for weight loss helps to improve brain function.
  • The man is in good mood that stays for the whole day.
  • Morning exercises for weight loss should be done before breakfast.
  • Before each workout, you need to drink a glass of water, making it easier for the body to wake up.
  • To lose weight quickly, you need to exercise every day - first for 8-12 minutes, gradually increasing the load until the workout reaches half an hour. You cannot work on only one muscle group, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired result. It is necessary to regularly alternate exercises, due to which morning work-out will become more effective, and the process of losing weight will be easier.

Losing weight with morning exercises: myth or reality, health benefits

The benefits of morning exercises have long been proven: during sleep, the muscles become stiff, and in the morning a person may feel some discomfort because of this. To get rid of it, you need to do certain exercises that increase blood flow and give vigor, because it is from the first hours after waking up depends all day. What are the benefits of daily charge for weight loss in the morning:

  • After it, there is a surge of energy;
  • Since the exercises need to be performed every time at a certain time, the warm-up helps to adhere to the daily routine as a whole;
  • Due to the fact that exercise gives energy, a person feels vigorous and in a good mood all day.

In addition to doing morning exercises for fast weight loss, you can speed up your weight loss process by:

  • Drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach;
  • Do not skip breakfast: it is best to eat cereals, fruits or cottage cheese at this time;
  • Walking in the fresh air: Walking is a gentle form of warm-up, and it also affects all muscle groups.

You need to do exercises in the morning for weight loss daily, in otherwise getting rid of kilograms will not work. It is advisable to do it even before breakfast, and then take a contrast shower.

Basic rules for home charging for weight loss

So that morning exercises contribute to weight loss, bring maximum benefit, adhere to a few simple rules:

  • You can't overload your body right from the first days of classes.
  • Morning exercises used for weight loss are not sports, and an increase in load is carried out only to consume more energy.
  • It is necessary to exercise regularly for weight loss.
  • Experienced trainers advise doing exercises at least 4 times a week. It is advisable to practice at about the same time.
  • If morning exercises are used not just to tighten muscles, but also to lose weight, you need to correctly calculate the set of exercises.
  • The duration of the workout should be at least 32-35 minutes, because the consumption of fat reserves begins after 20 minutes of the session.
  • The break between exercises should not be more than a minute, stick to an intense pace of training.
  • If morning exercises will be used to lose weight, not increase muscle mass, you can not eat one hour and two hours after class.
  • Peppy music will make morning workout more fun.
  • At the beginning of morning exercises, a small warm-up is performed to properly warm up the muscles and prevent injury. Finally, do some stretching exercises.
  • Do not repeat the same exercise every day. To receive effective result you can use a hoop, ball, jump rope and other sports equipment during classes.
  • Before starting morning exercises, you need to develop a set of exercises that will suit you.

Warm up before exercising

We take our ears with our hands and begin to lower them down, up, make circular movements. Thus, we activate important points and create a mood. Always smile and be aware of your movements. Mechanical exercise will not work;

  • Circular movements of the neck;
  • Hands parallel to the floor. Grab something with your hands, then throw;
  • Circular movements with a brush;
  • Circular movements with elbows;
  • Circular movements of the shoulders back and forth;
  • The legs and buttocks are in place, we turn the body to the left and gently stretch ourselves with our hands;
  • Circular movements of the pelvis;
  • Leaning against the wall, lift one leg, bend it at the knees and begin to make circular movements with your hips. Then make the same movements in the knee joint;
  • Raise one leg. Draw a figure eight, an infinity sign and a circle with your toes, this way you will stretch your ankle.

Exercise for slimming the abdomen and sides

Many women want to remove the so-called "ears", and for this you need to do the following exercises:

  • We stand, spread our legs wide, take dumbbells in our hands and lower them along the body. We bend in different directions. We perform 3 sets of 30 times.
  • We stand straight, expose right leg forward, squat. We do the same with the left leg. We alternate 10 times on each side.

Exercise for slimming legs

Exercising to lose weight should be in a good rhythm that is pleasant for you. Prepare warm-up music and basic exercise music in advance. After warming up, proceed with the following exercises:

  • Squats. It is important that the knees do not go beyond the toe line and that the back is straight. Do 10-20 reps; Swing your legs forward and sideways 10 times on each leg;
  • Jumping overhead claps should be done 20 times;
  • Stand in a push-up position and start alternately pulling your knees to your chest - 10 reps;
  • From the position of a cat ("all fours"), push your bent leg into the sky 15 times.

Exercise for slimming thighs

For those who want to have elastic buttocks and slender legs, the following gymnastics is suitable:

  • We stand, straighten our back, put our hands behind the head and squat. We carry out 10 times;
  • We stand straight, begin to squat, pushing forward a straight leg. We do it 10 times on each side.

Exercise for slimming hands

Here, every morning you need to do the following exercises:

  • We stand straight, stretch our arms in front of us, turn them with palms up and down alternately;
  • We raise our hands to shoulder level, slightly spread them on the sides, collect our palms into fists. Making imaginary circles by moving only shoulder joints and without lifting the shoulders themselves.

The second step in losing weight is a daily workout consisting of classic exercises familiar from school. This exercise reduces the amount of fat in problem areas of the abdomen and legs.

Exercises can be done at home, in gym or in nature, because Fresh air increases the effect of gymnastics.

  • Swing your legs. Take a position near the support. Put your hand on it. Swing your foot 2-3 times in each direction. Keep it straight, don't bend it. Change sides. The exercise should be repeated at least two times.
  • Workout cannot be complete, partial or complete. In partial squats, the person squats until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Remember that your heels should not be lifted off the ground, and to increase efficiency, it is better to squat slowly.
  • "Scissors" - this exercise is familiar to everyone from school physical education classes. From a prone position, raise your straight legs 45 degrees, contracting your abdominal muscles, and cross them. Repeat the item several times.
  • The following simple, but equally effective exercise will help you lose weight in the leg area. With a straight back from a standing position, rise on your toes and come back. Do some reps.
  • Not a single set of exercises aimed at losing weight in the lower torso can do without lunges. From a standing position, move your leg forward, bending it at an angle. Thus, the center of gravity is shifted to the leg. Get up from the squat, switch legs and do the exercise again. If desired, the exercise can be strengthened by picking up weights.
  • "Walking in single file". This exercise will require most of the muscles in your legs and abdomen to be used and is therefore highly effective. Squat down and walk in this position as much as you can.

Complicated complex

The following exercises are not so easy, but the results from their implementation are high.

  • Sit on the floor with your hands behind your back and your legs in front of you. While contracting your abdominal muscles, lift them as high as possible and try to spread them as wide as possible. Keep your legs straight, don't bend them. Take three breaths in this position and smoothly return to the starting position.
  • Get on all fours, bend your elbows and rest on them. Take your lower limb back and lift it ten times. Change your leg and repeat the exercise. Take a couple of sets.
  • "Walking" on the buttocks is unusual exercise will win you over with its simplicity and efficiency. Position: sitting on the floor, legs straight, back straight. Move your body to the fifth point with translational movements.
  • Lying on your back, pinch the ball between bent legs in the knee area. Straining your hips, squeeze the ball with all your strength. Try to hold it for half a minute, then relax your muscles. Repeat the exercise five times.
  • This gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the internal muscles of the thighs and is indispensable for losing weight in the corresponding area. Take the ball. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with the ball clamped above the knees. Slowly do a half-squat, try to hold this pose for a few seconds. After returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise.

Fitball training

When it is important to consider its size: it must correspond to the height of a person. To find out which one you want, sit on it: your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle.

  • Lifting the trunk with a fitball. Lying on your back, place your feet with your heels on the surface of the ball. While rolling the fitball, pull them up, lift your hips off the floor. The back and legs should form a straight line diagonally. Straighten your legs without dropping your hips to the floor.
  • Stand with your back to the ball, place your foot on the fitball with the sole of the shoe facing up. Sit down on the other leg, lower the pelvis lower. Hold this position for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and do the exercise again with the other leg.
  • Twist half squats. Take a standing position, hold the ball at chest level with outstretched arms. Do a half-squat, straining your abdominal muscles, then turn your body as far as possible to the left, linger and take a few deep breaths. Take the starting position and do the exercise on the other side.
  • Squats with a fitball against the wall. Take a position with your back to the wall. The fitball is sandwiched between you and the wall. Without looking up from the ball, take one step forward, with your body pressed against it with your back. Slowly lowering, do a half squat. Hold in a given position for ten seconds, then return to the starting position - this exercise will increase the effectiveness of losing weight if you take a load in your hands.

The best time for workouts aimed at slimming the hips and abdomen is evening. Well done exercises will relax your body before bed and distract from evening hunger - this will help you stay on the diet.

Start your workout with a warm-up to oxygenate your body and stretch your muscles - this rule will save you from injury.

In order for the process of losing weight to begin, repeat each exercise at least 30 times. To give the figure beauty and flexibility, finish the gymnastics. It is worth remembering about comfort during training: clothes should be made of high-quality materials and should not hinder movement.

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One of the most problematic areas of the body is the legs, which primarily suffer from an inactive lifestyle. The most unpleasant thing is that no diet can remove excess body fat or cellulite completely. To do this, you will need a leg slimming exercise, which includes exercises that will provide the necessary load to strengthen muscles and eliminate deficiencies. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive subscription to a fitness club and spend most of your free time - the whole set of exercises can be easily performed at home, and it will take no more than half an hour.

Exercises for the legs

Another school exercise that is effective for the hips and buttocks is leg swings. Lie on your side on a gym mat. Leaning on your forearm, place the opposite hand on your belt. With the leg on top, swing it slowly, lifting it as high as the stretch allows. Do 10-15 repetitions, then roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Typically, each exercise will take 30-60 seconds. During the first sessions, you can take a 30-second break after each exercise.

Systematically performing these simple exercises, weight loss of legs can be achieved in a few weeks. Consider what to reset overweight this zone is the most difficult, so be patient and do not stop practicing, even if you do not see a positive result for a long time.

Gymnastic exercises

These corrective exercises will help those who don't have too much excess deposits on their feet. This exercise tones the muscles, as a result of which the relief begins to appear on the hips, calves and buttocks.

Stand on your toes, then sit down slowly. Without touching the heels of the support, rest your palms on the floor. Then slowly straighten your legs to perpendicular to the floor, raising your pelvis and resting on your heels, and then return to a seated position. This exercise must be repeated at least 10 times.

Lie on your back on a gymnastic mat with your arms along your torso. Slowly raise your legs, bent at the knees, to your chest, and then straighten them just as slowly. roundabout(first, the legs rise up, then lower in an arc to the floor).

Bending can also help remove excess deposits from the hips and buttocks. Stand on the floor, put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your belt. Slowly, without bending your back and knees, begin to bend down, trying to reach the floor with your hands, and then return to the starting position. At the beginning of training, you need to do at least 15 inclinations, and then gradually increase their number.

Lie on your back on a gym mat with your legs extended forward. Begin to slowly raise one leg as far as the stretch will allow, helping with one hand and keeping the other from bending the knee. Do 15 reps for each leg. Over time, you won't need the help of your hands.

Stretching exercises are often difficult for beginners, as most of us have long ceased to exercise. physical exercise... At first, the muscles will hurt, because after a long period of inactivity, a serious load will immediately fall on them, but this pain is easy to endure. To reduce discomfort, you can take after exercise hot bath if possible.

Additional loads

Those who plan to lose extra pounds and remove fat deposits in the thighs and buttocks, and then give up exercise as unnecessary, will be disappointed. In this case, it cannot be guaranteed that the defects, which it was possible to get rid of with such difficulty, will not return to their place, because the toned muscles will again be not used in everyday life.

To prevent this from happening, you must leave at least a few exercises for daily use. This will prevent the muscles from falling asleep again. If you do not want to recharge daily, you can use alternative measures:

  • Take walks, such as on the way to and from work. Those who are accustomed to commuting to work by car or public transport should try walking for at least a month, and they will no longer be able to return to their usual means of transportation. Even half an hour allows you to keep the whole body, including legs, in good shape.
  • Any active recreation has a good effect on the condition of the legs. If, for example, you sign up for a pool and visit it at least once a week, cellulite will not return. Cycling in the summer or exercising on a stationary bike throughout the year can also help maintain your gains.

Exercise for weight loss lyashek - is there such a thing? And why inner side thighs is so important? After all, she is not visible. In fact, women know that ugly hips are always visible, even if they wear trousers and a long skirt. It is considered difficult to develop. If you do exercises on back part hips - both the front and gluteal muscles, etc. But the inner side requires special attention.

Exercise one considered common. It consists in walking correctly. It is carried out on a treadmill with a hard mode, or with dumbbells. Dumbbells come in different weights, including small ones - and they must be taken. Pay attention to the range of motion of your hips, it should not be large. You also need to monitor the correct movements of the hands - they should move back and forth, and the fold should be fixed. By doing this exercise, you will immediately see that the legs and abdomen are tightened. To strain internal muscles hips, you need to unbend the knees when throwing the legs forward, that is, in fact, observe the walking technique. Make the movements bouncy with the toe support when pushing off. You need to spend at least 30 minutes walking a day. Let this be your morning exercise for weight loss at home.

Exercise two it is better to do it indoors, but a flat clearing is also suitable - if you use a bedding. You need to get on all fours, keeping your back straight. From this position, leg in bent knee lift up, to the ceiling, or to the sky. it great exercise will help not only to strengthen the calves. With its help, it will be possible to tighten the cherished interior hips, and also - to improve the shape of the muscles of the buttocks. Do not forget to tense the muscles of the legs when swinging, and when the leg is lowered - they need to be relaxed. Repeat the swing with each leg at least 20 times.

Exercise three will help to make the leg relief more feminine. In addition, in this way, you can effectively remove fat from the inner thighs, as well as become more pliable. Starting position- sitting on the floor with straight legs pressed to the floor surface. Pull up upper part torso to toes in turn. Reach out with your hands. Do not forget that you need correct breathing - when you exhale, it is easier to reach the sock, and this is a guarantee of results. And this is not only exercises for slimming legs, recommended sports coaches... A similar exercise with a lower intensity is recommended at certain stages for the treatment of back problems. It is necessary, observing the technique, to do 20 repetitions.

We have given a variety of exercises. But in this form, they will help make the muscles stronger. They will not help in gaining muscle mass and relief - for this you need heavy dumbbells and special food. The main thing is to remember that a toned body is the key to health. If you think that is not the time for shortness of breath and body fat - take care of yourself.

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Exercise for slimming the abdomen and the rest problem areas, such as your sides and thighs, will help you cope with fat at home. How to do it right and whether it is suitable for women over 55 years old, I will tell you about this below ...

“There is no muscle more insidious in the human body than the abs. He constantly disappears, hides somewhere and stubbornly does not want to be covered with cubes. Only severe discipline will allow an athlete to come to terms with his body. "

Hello friends! a lack of physical activity brightly reflected not only on the internal state, but also on the person's appearance. In conditions of an acute shortage of time, classes in sports hall almost impossible. Constant conversations with your conscience lead to excess weight over time.

Correct workout

During any activity, you need to monitor your breathing. Violation of the cyclicity and uniformity of breathing can cause discomfort during training. Moreover, oxygen actively saturates muscle fibers and at the same time is the strongest oxidizing agent of fat molecules.

Don't forget to warm up! It is worthwhile to warm up your limbs well before starting gymnastics. So:

  • do a few twists while standing, knead your neck;
  • sit down 10 times as deep as possible;
  • do five tilts in each direction, reach with your fingers to your feet.

Don't forget to fulfill similar exercises after workout. This will help you avoid a horrible soreness the next day. Classes can be held in the morning or evening, depending on the free time.

Choose a convenient form for training. Sportswear is not only comfort, but also your safety. Prepare a special rug, put a hoop and some dumbbells next to you. Play uplifting music to recharge your senses. To achieve maximum efficiency, you need to focus on performing each movement.


In order to prepare your body well, bring back muscles in the abdomen and sides to life , we will use a regular metal hoop. It is found in almost every home. If it was not on the balcony, it can be purchased very inexpensively at any sports store. How to do it right:

  1. choose the most free space in the apartment so as not to break anything in the process;
  1. put your heels close to each other;
  1. rotate your hips;
  1. spin the hoop for three minutes.

This will prepare your body for more intense exercise. If it is difficult for you to compose a program for yourself, then the videos for beginners from Anna Kurkurina will help you get up to speed.

Complex for the abdomen

Take the prepared rug, lie down on the floor and start pumping abdominal... The workout is suitable for both men and even 55 years old women who want to stay in shape. Exercise list:

  • Classic rise. First, you need to lie down comfortably and put your elbows behind your head. Align your back with your head pointed clearly in front of you. On inhalation, you begin to rise, and on inhalation, you gradually descend. Movement should occur due to the abdominal muscles, but not the lower back. Do 10-15 exercises and two sets.
  • Raising straight legs. Place your palms together and place them under your butt. Then you begin to lift your straight legs up about 45 degrees. If you find it difficult to straighten your legs, you can bend them slightly. To increase the load on the abdomen, do not lower them all the way. For a beginner, 2 sets of 15 times will be enough.
  • Scissors. The starting position remains the same. You need to raise your lower limbs slightly upward, without dropping to do crosses. In this case, the legs are always in the air. Try to hold out for 20 seconds in this position for a start, gradually increasing the time.
  • Side crunches. Here dumbbells or regular water bottles will come in handy. You should sit straight on a chair with a back, put your hands with a load behind the back of your head and perform slow twists in each direction. This helps to put your obliques into action. The exercise should be done at the end of the training so as not to injure your body due to insufficient preparation.

Rest between sets is no more than 30 seconds. Don't forget to prepare a bottle of water. If in the process of performing the approach you feel weakness in the body, darkening in the eyes, dizziness, then immediately end your workout.

Three times a week will be enough to regulate your weight.


Many people underestimate strength of this exercise, however, it is with the help of it that flat tummy, hips and arms are tightened. If you are far from being an athlete, then this task will seem very difficult for you. However, you should not stop, for maximum results you need to increase your performance. Let's start:

  1. lie down on the floor, take a push-up position;
  1. bend your elbows, your hands should be on the floor parallel to your body;
  1. straighten your back, pull in your tummy, your lower back should not sag down, your body should be taut like a string;
  1. you need to stand for 30 seconds in this position.

Gradually try to increase the time spent in the plank position to 1 minute. Four sets of half a minute will be enough to work out the abdominal region of the buttocks, back and lower back, to include in the work the arms, areas of the legs, legs, hips.


Lack of physical activity causes the belly to sag or bulge forward. To remove this problem, it is necessary to tone the muscle fibers. For this there is effective exercise, which was used in his program by the famous bodybuilder, Arnold Schwarzenegger. You need:

  1. you need to sit on your knees and put your hands on top of them;
  1. exhale all the air from your lungs as much as possible;
  1. at the same time, pull your stomach in strongly and hold it for 30 seconds.

A similar breathing technique visually reduces the volume of the abdominal cavity. It can be done freely at home, at work, or while walking. Literally after 4 approaches, you will feel how tense your abs are.


You need to love and take care of yourself, so if you have any health problems, you need to give up such loads. Consult your doctor about the advisability of such a complex. You can’t do it if:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • insufficiency:
  • pregnancy;
  • temperature, congenital dysfunctions or injuries.

There are many others safe ways regulate your weight.


Many aspiring athletes underestimate strength. This is the secret of all failures and disappointments. In search of the perfect way to lose weight quickly, you are ready to try the craziest ways on yourself. Purchase of special tea, fat burning pills, " liquid chestnut», Passion for Pierre Ducan's diets will not give the desired effect.

When performing such a complex, do not even think about going on hunger strikes. Your weakened body will not only begin to slow down the processes, it will also affect your mental state. A natural question arises: how is it useful to eat and at the same time lose kilograms?

Calorie intake calculator




Sedentary lifestyle

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