Hot tub for muscles after exercise. Why do athletes take an ice bath? Can i take a hot bath after exercise?

To speed up recovery. The topic of the new article is an ice bath: what it is and how it affects recovery processes.

General information

An ice bath is a large reservoir filled to the brim with ice. This procedure most often means lowering the legs into a bucket / basin of water at room temperature, which is filled with ice. Since the ice does not melt evenly, the water temperature drops from 15 to 0 gradually, which reduces the risk of catching a cold.

According to research, using an ice bath:

  • reduces the effect of lactic acid;
  • quickly relieves blood stagnant after pumping;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • quickly summarizes the main muscle groups in tone.

The question of why athletes take an ice bath has become especially relevant after the British national team athletics was seen in the last Olympic Games for this recreational procedure.

Interesting fact: the team itself did not achieve impressive results. This does not call into question the benefits of taking an ice bath, but it proves that its results cannot be compared with taking any kind of doping.

How to take it right?

How to take an ice bath correctly so as not to harm your health and increase performance training process?

Follow these simple rules:

  1. The water must be at room temperature (15-20 degrees Celsius), for this water will do from the tap.
  2. It is not recommended to stay in the ice bath for more than 5-7 minutes without preliminary hardening because of the risk of getting a cold. Even if you are hardened, using the bath for more than 20 minutes is not advisable.
  3. There should be a lot of ice - about 20-40% of the water mass. Prepare it in advance by pouring it into special molds and placing water in the freezer.
  4. It is better to immerse only muscle groups that have worked during training in an ice bath, i.e. not entirely, but immerse only legs / arms.
  5. Before taking an ice bath, it is best to consult your doctor about the dangers of use in your case.
  6. You need to take a bath with ice no later than half an hour after training, while lactic acid still does not so intensively affect the recovery processes.

Placebo or Benefit?

Why take an ice bath professional athletes? Is an ice bath really good for you? The experts have not yet come to a consensus. On the one hand, coaches who practice the use of an ice bath believe that it really increases the performance of athletes by 5-10%, which is important in a competitive environment. On the other hand, opponents of using an ice bath point out that the stress after training is already great, as a result of which the risk of getting sick when using this procedure increases significantly.

Let's take a closer look at both positions.

Per Against
Ice bath removes lactic acid from musclesUnder the influence of cold, acid only denatures, which relieves pain, but does not remove the substance from the body.
An ice bath can temporarily improve an athlete's performanceIn fact, the thermal effect only provokes an adrenaline rush, which really improves the results for a while, but with constant use, the body gets used to the cold, which reduces the effectiveness of the bath.
Ice bath tones musclesCold can cause muscle cramps.
Ice Bath Accelerates Post-Workout RecoveryThe development of pain in the joints is possible, which will not allow training even in the case of complete muscle recovery.

Harm to health

Despite the potential benefits of taking an ice bath, the harmful effects negate the effectiveness of the technique.

What are the possible consequences:

  1. Heart problems. Especially true for athletes over 35 years old. An ice bath can cause muscle cramps, including heart cramps.
  2. Convulsions. Due to hypothermia, the muscles, instead of relaxing, enter the phase of constant tension - this is a protective reaction of the body, which, due to such contractions, raises the internal temperature of the body.
  3. Cold. Training itself is stressful for the body, therefore additional load in the form of hypothermia often ends with colds.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system. When immersed in the bath above waist level, there is a high risk of hypothermia of the reproductive organs.
  5. Joint pain. For people suffering from joint pain, hypothermia of the extremities is contraindicated.
  6. Increased pressure.

Note: the risk of these effects increases when the temperature regime is violated, or when you stay in an ice bath for a long time.

Brief summary

For different types sports and different loads developed their own variations of the reception of an ice bath. Consider all available data in the table.

Muscle group Load intensity Diving features Potential harm Benefit
LegsAnyYou need to immerse only your legs ankle-deep, in rare cases - in the middle of the quadriceps. Water should be of moderate temperature –10-15 degrees Celsius. The percentage of ice in the liquid is not more than 25%.

The duration of the procedure depends on your hardening. It is not recommended to spend more than 15 minutes.

The ability to catch a cold. In the case of joint problems - exacerbation of pain syndrome caused by sudden cooling.Allows you to quickly get rid of accumulated lactic acid after cardio.
LowThe whole body is immersed up to the neck for a short period (up to 5 minutes). The amount of ice in the liquid is not more than 10%. Seasoned athletes can stay in the ice bath longer, but the effectiveness of such a procedure remains in doubt.Risk of colds. The risk of getting reproductive problems. The risk of contracting pneumonia.Quickly tones the muscles and prepares them for heavier loads. Accelerates recovery.
Emergency recoveryLimitingImmersion of the body up to the waist in ice water in small visits for 2-3 minutes every 10 minutes. The remaining time, the athlete is vigorously rubbed until completely warmed up. The percentage of ice in the water is not more than 40%.Small chance of getting problems with the reproductive function of the body. The risk of getting a cold due to a weakened body.It helps to quickly get rid of lactic acid, tone muscles and accelerate recovery.
Work in a circularMedium intensityImmersion of the legs in the middle of the quadriceps, the duration of the procedure is up to 12 minutes. The percentage of ice can be up to 30%.Colds, pneumonia, exacerbation of pain in the joints.Returns muscle tone, relieves stress-induced pain.
General hardeningAnyFull body immersion. Daily procedure - start from one minute, increasing the duration of the procedure every day by 20-30 seconds.Risk of colds. The rest is safe.Increases the body's resistance to cold and overload.
Recovery after competitionLimitingImmersion of the legs + the muscle group participating in the load for 3-7 minutes, depending on the hardening of the body.Colds - pneumonia - exacerbation of pain in the joints.Allows you to quickly restore muscle performance.


Why do athletes take ice baths if the procedure is potentially harmful? In competition, it is important to achieve maximum results. To do this, use absolutely all available means, from massage to placebo. If an ice bath is able to increase the athlete's performance by at least 5-7%, this can be a decisive indicator in obtaining the coveted victory. Therefore, despite possible harm The ice bath is so popular with Olympic athletes.

Here are some basic things to remember about a post-workout ice bath:

  1. High risk of catching a cold. This is due to the fact that the body is in a state of extreme stress after training (competition).
  2. Improper immersion or insufficient hardening can lead to serious health problems.
  3. The effectiveness of ice baths has not been scientifically proven.
  4. The procedure will not increase the productivity of the training cycle, it will only reduce side effects, such as dyspepsia, lactic acid retention, etc.

Taking into account the above, the editors would not recommend the use of ice baths for non-professional athletes.

According to a recent scientific research, hot tub can give your body the same benefits that you get from exercising. The results of the experiment were published in the journal Temperature. In the course of it, scientists came to the conclusion that an hour's stay in a hot bath causes the same anti-inflammatory and sugar-burning reactions as 60 minutes of moderate physical activity. It sounds too good to be true. However, this is not a prank.

Why are heat shock proteins useful?

While research into the effects of prolonged hot baths is preliminary, it is already clear that heat shock proteins are our health allies. With an increase in temperature, the expression of HSPs in skin cells increases, which regulate blood sugar levels. The findings of the study are good news for all those who cannot bring themselves to get off the couch and start active sports. All you have to do is put your body in a hot water bath and make sure that the temperature does not drop during the hour session. This "exercise" is ideal for the lazy.

A good alternative for those who are contraindicated in physical activity

According to lead study author Steve Faulkner of Loughborough University, a hot bath has the same health benefits as staying in an infrared sauna. These and other types of relaxation associated with high temperatures can become great alternative for those who, for medical reasons, cannot go in for sports, and for all those who are deprived of the opportunity to go to gym on a regular basis.

Experiment progress

A team from the National Center for Sports Medicine examined 14 thin and overweight men and analyzed their metabolic functions, the ones that help regulate blood sugar. The participants were divided into two groups, one of which was shown an hour-long cycling session, and the other - 60-minute relaxing procedures in a bathtub with water heated to 40 degrees.


When the researchers compared the results in both groups 24 hours after exercise, they found that all participants had blood sugar levels within acceptable limits. However, the men from the water treatment group showed top scores... Their peak sugar levels were, on average, 10 percent lower both after meals and immediately after the experimental session.

"Passive heating" will help diabetics and solve metabolic problems

Researchers are confident that "passive heating" can help lower blood sugar levels, so this method can be adopted by diabetics or those who have problems with metabolic processes in the body. A hot bath triggers the production of heat shock proteins, while patients with type 2 diabetes have lower levels of HSP in the body. In addition, the study found that bathing in hot water can help reduce inflammation and does it as well as exercise.

The healing effects of water procedures are not fully understood. And if scientists want to conduct new similar tests, there is no doubt that there will be no end to those wishing to participate in the experiment.

After physical exercise and classes different kinds sports, you definitely want to take a bath to wash off an unpleasant odor, remove muscle pain and get rid of fatigue. How useful it is and what water temperature is preferable we will consider in our article.

Any athlete after intense workout feels fatigue and muscle pain. You can use a cold shower to invigorate and get the most energy. Provided that a person has sufficient health and experience of hardening, ice baths after training will not cause damage to the body. After training, a cold shower helps to contract the heated muscles, thereby speeding up the blood circulation. Soon, a person feels a surge of strength, freshness and vigor. Also, cold water will help to cope with unpleasant muscle pain.

If the human body is not hardened and trained, a cool shower can only aggravate the situation. Unhardened vessels relax under the influence of ice water, which makes the athlete feel sleepy and overwhelmed.

How to take a bath:

  • Suitable temperature is 10 - 13 degrees.
  • After you have practiced, encouraging manipulation is carried out no earlier than after 20 to 30 minutes.
  • If cold water makes you uncomfortable, skip the procedure.
  • Perform the procedure strictly in a sitting position. At the end of the procedure, completely pour over your body from a cool shower.
  • Do not pour ice water over your head, this can lead to colds.

Hot baths

After a grueling workout, soak up the hot tub - what could be more beautiful? Feeling unrealistic pain in the muscles after training, this phenomenon is familiar to everyone who was involved in bodybuilding or other physical activity. Many athletes wonder if hot showers can be taken? In bodybuilding, this method is often practiced for an analgesic effect. A bath after training will expand blood vessels and relax the body, subject to certain rules:

  1. Do not make the water too hot, the optimum water temperature is 39 - 41 degrees.
  2. In order not to overload the work of the heart, the time spent in the bathroom should not be more than 20 minutes.
  3. Add sea salt to the water, penetrating into the skin, it will soothe and numb the muscles.
  4. In order not to experience drowsiness and loss of strength, take water treatments in a sitting position.
  5. If the process takes place in a shower stall, watch your well-being so that the steam from the water does not choke, open the doors slightly.

If after hot water temperatures you feel sleepy and you don't like a cold shower, you can take the optimal position - take a contrast shower after training.

Cold and hot shower

Many experts believe that it is considered the most beneficial after a workout. Firstly, it will enhance the training effect, especially if your goal is to lose weight. A warmed-up body under the influence of different temperatures promotes fat burning. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, skip the cool activities, as they will significantly slow muscle hypertrophy. If you are overweight, post-workout contrast showers can help you avoid possible sagging.

Have you ever had the urge to take a bath, especially a hot one, after finishing work or sports training? Indeed, it is very pleasant to enjoy a hot bath after all the work we have done.

But perhaps some of you have heard that a bath after physical activity is not very helpful. Some myths even say that it can cause a heart attack! Wow, this is a real danger. However, is this myth really true?

Regarding the myths around us, some decide to independently verify their truthfulness in practice. Before believing these myths, you should remember that a bath after exercise will not harm you. Moreover, you have no idea what benefits a hot bath can give after work or workout.

Benefits of a hot bath after exercise

Let's look at the results of one study looking at the health benefits of bathing after exercise:

  1. Lowering blood sugar

A journal called Temperature published the facts of their research, according to which a bath after physical activity not only does not harm the body, but also lowers blood sugar levels.

  1. Burning calories
  1. Relief of muscle tension after exercise

Exercise is very beneficial, but muscle tension and pain after exercise can cause some discomfort. A study by the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that a hot bath can relieve tension and muscle soreness after exercise, but to achieve this effect, you need to alternate between hot and cold baths.

  1. Strengthening blood circulation

A hot bath after exercise is known to dilate blood vessels, an effect also known as vasodilation. Dilation of blood vessels accelerates blood circulation in the body. But remember that the recommended temperature should be around 40-46⁰C.

  1. Preventing itchy skin

Hot tub after workout has a lot positive sides. Physical activity, exercise, sports cause increased sweating, more profuse than during daily activities, which causes itching in some people. Taking a bath after exercise will prevent the growth of bacteria that cause itchy skin. ...

  1. Creating the perfect figure

If you want to have perfect body take a hot bath after exercise. The warmth of the water can help you burn calories.

  1. Relaxation effect

The warmth of the hot bath you take after your workout will have a soothing effect by stimulating your brain and normalizing blood circulation.

  1. Stress relief

Due to its calming effect, the bath will help your body to relax, feel relief and relieve stress.

  1. Reduced muscle pain

After physical activity muscles become inflamed, which gives us anxiety. This is why a hot bath after exercise can help soothe and reduce pain that can cause Negative consequences for muscles. Hot temperatures can improve muscle flexibility, which can help prevent joint pain.

  1. Flu relief

The warmth of a hot bath will help you relieve the flu by getting steam into your lungs and respiratory system. Take a bath while fighting the flu. It is especially useful for throat ailments and sinusitis.

  1. Preserving your beauty

Do you know why beauty centers always provide services such as spa and sauna? Because the warm temperature opens the pores of your skin so that all the dirt that cannot be washed away in a cool bath is removed. Moreover, it helps to flush out toxins from your body. Very useful, by the way.

  1. Building and shaping muscles

A hot bath after exercise is especially beneficial for those looking to build muscle. Warm temperatures can burn your calories just like a spa and sauna. The big one is also concluded.

  1. Benefits after exercising in heat

For people who go in for sports, the effect of a hot bath after exercise is especially important. This helps the body get used to higher temperatures, for example, while running. However, you should pay attention to some circumstances. So, the water temperature should be about 40⁰C, and before taking a hot bath you need to cool down after exercising.

  1. Fight insomnia

Some people are forced to stay awake at night due to the peculiarities of the work schedule, others cannot fall asleep without some specific reason. If you suffer from insomnia, try taking a bath before bed, as it will help improve blood flow to the brain and relax the body.

  1. Maintaining body health

After all the relaxing effects, relieving tension, normalizing blood circulation and even lowering blood sugar levels, you will get a healthy body if you take a hot bath after exercise.

Even though a post-workout bath is good for your body, there are a number of things you should look out for. You need to know about this in order not to get a negative effect. These caveats and tips are:

  • Aromatherapy - Use any type of aromatherapy to get more relaxation, relieve tension and get rid of worries.
  • Recommended Temperature - Do not use too high a temperature as this will have negative effects. Try a temperature of about 40-60⁰C.
  • Warm Up and Cool Down Properly - Muscle injuries can be serious problems, so warm up properly before training and cool down properly after exercise.
  • Reduce your body temperature - You should cool down your body before taking a bath, as a hot bath immediately after exercise will dramatically increase your heart rate, which can cause a heart attack.
  • Rest After Workout - After workout, you need to give your body a rest. This will help prevent muscle damage.

Thus, a post-workout hot bath has many useful properties which you can use.

Hello, website visitors!

Experienced athletes know that muscles and muscle performance increase during rest. For a set muscle mass I think recovery should be prioritized over the training process. In this article, I want to compile my TOP 10 restorers. So let's get down to business.

10th place Rebuilding the nervous system

In addition to muscle recovery, the athlete also needs to restore his nervous system... Frequent workouts in a heavy style, whether it's constant work to failure or working with extreme weights, put a lot of stress on our nervous system. Such overload can lead to general discomfort, headaches, lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, as well as to more serious consequences such as a decrease or increase in pressure, arrhythmia, an increase in the concentration of lactic acid, and respiratory failure. I think it's a no brainer here that all this negatively affects the results of the athlete.

I think the best solution to the problem is adequate rest. You should not drive your body to such a critical state. Here it is worth considering the fact that everyone has different capabilities of the body. Therefore, you need to listen to your condition, and if something is wrong, it is better to skip the workout.

9th place Water procedures

Water treatments such as a contrast shower and an ice bath stand out. A contrast shower will harden your body, increase blood flow, which will lead to faster removal of waste products from the muscle. Experts advise taking a contrast shower according to the following scheme: 30 sec hot water, 30 sec cold water. Repeat this cycle several times. I think this is one of the most affordable recovery tools. Hope each of you has showers and hot water at home. While ice baths are definitely less enjoyable, there is also a post-workout muscle recovery method. Cold bath reduces muscle pain, inflammation and tension (water temperature approximately 12-15 ° C). V cold water blood vessels will better cleanse the body of "waste" after exercise and significantly improve the healing process. Some people say that it really works, others call it complete nonsense, but each organism reacts differently, so try and choose what works for you.

8th place Bath and sauna

Exposure to high temperatures improves blood circulation in the muscles, so that metabolic end products such as lactic acid are cleared more quickly. The result is the cessation of unpleasant sensations in the muscles, a feeling of relaxation and rest. If you regularly arrange this exercise for your muscles in the sauna, you can achieve a reduction in the period of fatigue. According to research data, after the steam room, the strength measured on the dynamometer and bicycle ergometer increases.

Bath procedures also have a very beneficial effect on the joints, increasing their mobility. The elasticity of the connective tissue also increases. The bath is very important in terms of prevention and rehabilitation after injuries in athletes. Bruises and sprains are best and fastest to heal in a steam room.

7th place Massage

It is a wonderful all-purpose restorative, one of the best, and quickly restores both muscle tone after training, and unloading emotionally after a nervous and emotionally stressful working day. The massage is beneficial for both muscles and skin and the general emotional state. So strain your fit baby so that she crumples something for you.

6th place Pressure chamber

A pressure chamber is, of course, an expensive pleasure, but extremely useful. Due to the increased pressure in the chamber, the body is saturated with oxygen, which in turn leads to an acceleration of recovery, renewal of erythrocytes, renewal of mitochondria in cells, improves endurance, and increases the amount of ATP in muscles. In short, if there is an opportunity, you need to use it.

5th place Stretching

Stretching is extremely beneficial. This is confirmed by many scientific experiments. In addition to the fact that stretching accelerates the elimination of waste products from the muscle, it also affects the elasticity of the muscles, which leads to a faster process of its hypertrophy, due to greater stretching during work. Stretch recommended working group muscles after her workout.

4th place Active recovery

By active recovery, it is customary to mean training with a duration and with a load of 30-50% of the usual - if you train for an hour, then 20-30 minutes are needed, if you squat with 80 kg, then 25-40 kg are permissible in such a workout. I think most people are familiar with such a concept as "Periodization of loads". Light workouts allow, while the muscle cells are being restored, to restore and maintain the energy potential of the muscle. Due to the increased blood flow, light training on recovery days helps to remove toxins accumulated in the muscles faster. In addition, using a low weight is a good opportunity to work on your technique.

Another plus of active recovery is providing muscle nutrients for growth. Relatively speaking, performing exercises with a large number of repetitions will awaken "hunger" in the muscles, and they will ask the body for additional nutrition.

So if you have the opportunity to do a light workout on a day of rest or just take a walk, do not lose this opportunity!

3rd place Pharmacology

Did you think about putting it first? But no ... Pharmacology I include AAS, growth hormone, peptides, insulin and all kinds of pharmacy pharmaceutical support, such as riboxin and potassium orotate. Who, if not the guys from Docha, know how artificial hormones affect the muscles and their performance. It's no secret that pharmacological drugs work wonders - they speed up metabolism, protein synthesis and much, much more. Their competent application will allow you to gain the desired volumes and power indicators in much more short time rather than without using them. But I put pharmacology only in 3rd place, and here's why ...

2nd place Dream

There is nowhere without sleep. Most of the body's systems are restored during sleep. It is not for nothing that it is called one of the best medicines for all diseases. Even if you eat all the methane packs on the planet, if you don't sleep, you won't grow! It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours. It will also be great if you take another hour's nap in the afternoon. So after reading the article, go to the crib.

1st place Nutrition

I believe that you can get enough sleep. But you cannot be undernourished! You can sacrifice a couple of hours of sleep due to the increased calorie content. Also, pharmacological drugs simply simply will not bring you any benefit if you are not eating right, whether it is gaining muscle mass or cutting fat reserves.

This concludes my story. If you have any objections or additions, write in the comments. All anabolism!

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