Dosage and intake of liquid chestnut for weight loss. Liquid chestnut for weight loss: how to take - before or after meals? Features of the use and action of liquid chestnut

How to drink liquid chestnut for weight loss: instruction

Many women dream of harmony and grace. But to give beauty to your body is often very difficult, especially when extra pounds become on the way to “success”. Getting rid of them, sometimes, is very difficult, but you don’t want to give up your cherished dream of losing weight. And then the diligent search begins for a “miracle elixir” that can quickly and magically help to lose weight. overweight. Thanks to the positive recommendations of specialists and those who are losing weight, liquid chestnut for weight loss can be called such a “miracle remedy”.

The composition of the drug

All the uniqueness of the newfangled panacea, and at the same time its highly effective action, lies in the component component of the popular remedy. The main ingredient of the drug is guarana. This unique and unusual fruit, native to Brazil, is a powerful natural energy booster. Guaranin helps to cope not only with extra pounds but also with unpleasant symptoms of fatigue and overwork. This is due to the fact that guarana fruits contain a lot of caffeine, and, as you know, it greatly tones the body, invigorates it and makes it more resilient.

In addition to guarana fruits, Liquid Chestnut contains theobromine, various vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and theophylline. It is in combination with the main overseas ingredient that the drug is able to exert its maximum effect.

What effect can be expected from taking Liquid Chestnut?

The drug is multifunctional and this is another of its significant advantages. Thanks to natural ingredients, liquid chestnut has received very favorable reviews from doctors and those who are losing weight and has been recognized as one of the most effective and safe means for losing weight. How to drink liquid chestnut for weight loss

The effect of the drug:

1. cleanses and tones the body;

2. gives vivacity and energy;

3. improves metabolism, breaks down fats and naturally removes them from the body;

4. normalizes the digestive process;

5. helps reduce appetite;

6. makes the body more resilient and resistant to physical and psychological stress, which allows a person not to overwork much and feel cheerful and energetic all day long;

7. does not cause allergic reactions.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any other means for weight loss, "LCD" can be harmful to health if you exceed the dosage and do not take into account some contraindications, including individual ones, when taking the drug.

- persons under the age of 18;

- pregnant and lactating;

- people who have problems with the nervous or with the heart - vascular system;

- epileptics;

- hypertensive patients;

- people suffering from mental disorders.

How to take liquid chestnut for weight loss: instructions for use

How to drink liquid chestnut

The drug can be used as a kind of supplement to the main food. Most often, the “LCD” powder mass (it is in this form that the product is sold) is stirred in any liquid (in juices, water, coffee, tea), but you can add the powder to some liquid boiled porridge. The dosage of the drug is 1 tsp. per day, but you need to take liquid chestnut twice a day - half a teaspoon at the first dose, half at the second.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the norm, otherwise side effects of the following nature may appear: insomnia, nervous tension, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, moreover, the risk of developing a heart attack and stroke may increase.


Those who like to drink coffee often should reduce its amount while taking the drug, since the "LC" already contains up to 5% caffeine. Make sure that your daily caffeine intake does not go beyond the norm - 50-150 mg.

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Various dietary supplements are excellent for speeding up metabolism, detoxifying the body and normalizing appetite. Liquid chestnut for weight loss is a new tool that, according to doctors, is the most in a safe way shed those extra pounds.

Benefit and harm

Liquid chestnut in Europe is better known as guarana. This is a special energy supplement that is present in various energy drinks, nutritional supplements and vitamins. It is made from the fruits of the South American tree, which outwardly very much resemble domestic chestnuts. They are peeled for processing, dried and ground. The result is a powder, the color of which can vary from light brown (like sawdust) to brown.

At its core, liquid chestnut is an analogue of green coffee for weight loss, except that it does not have a number of negative properties. In particular, it is not absorbed into the stomach and does not irritate its mucosa. One of the strongest positive characteristics is the absence of allergic reactions.

Liquid chestnut for weight loss has a very strong composition that helps eliminate body fat even in the most problematic areas. This includes theobramine, heofilin and various mineral supplements. Thanks to them, the action extends to absolutely everything. fatty layers(including cholesterol in the vessels). Lipids dissolve and are excreted in liquid form by the excretory system from the body.

What is useful liquid chestnut:

  1. This drug reduces your appetite, causing you to lose excess weight almost imperceptible to oneself;
  2. The tool helps to increase immunity, the fight against various diseases that occur against the background of exhaustion;
  3. In addition to the excellent effect on metabolism, guarana also significantly improves brain function. It helps to increase attention, improve memory;
  4. It can be drunk during training, in addition to the fact that the tool speeds up the metabolism, it also helps to increase energy;
  5. For most buyers, chestnut helps already on the seventh day of regular use. Of course, its dosage must be accurately measured, otherwise it can “oversaturate” the body. But, on the other hand, it can be added to any liquids: broths, juices, water;
  6. Reviews of doctors about liquid chestnut for weight loss in 80% of cases are positive. It can be drunk with hypertension, metabolic problems and other diseases in which dietary supplements are often prohibited.

Photo - Chestnut fruits

But, the drug has not only positive properties. Contraindications liquid chestnut:

  1. It is harmful during pregnancy and lactation. Particles are absorbed into the blood and milk, which can adversely affect the health of the child;
  2. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dose of admission to avoid overstrain of the body. This is a very important factor: if you abuse the powder, the body will get used to it, and will begin to manifest side effects. This is trembling in the hands, excessive sweating, fatigue;
  3. Allergic reactions were not observed, but still, girls who suffer from various manifestations of such a protective reaction should be careful. In particular, this applies to those who are allergic to honey, nuts, strawberries and other "exotic products".

The whole truth about liquid chestnut is still unknown, because this novelty of the market is only being mastered in our country. But already hundreds of women and men speak with gratitude about the drug. Please note that unlike goji berries, you do not need to order guarana from various foreign websites in order to purchase guarana. The product is certified in Russia and other CIS countries, and is sold even in ordinary pharmacies.

How to drink and take

You need to take liquid chestnut strictly according to the instructions, this is extremely important for losing weight. If the dose is exceeded, you can overstrain the body, if there is a shortage, there will be no effect. Before using the powder, be sure to consult your doctor - he will help you choose the right dosage.

In most cases, 1 gram (two scoops) 2 times a day is sufficient for weight loss. This is enough to dull appetite, speed up metabolism and increase immunity. Over time, you may need to increase the dosage. The powder dissolves in any liquid. The time of admission is also very important.

The first dose should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, about half an hour before meals - it is at this moment that the stomach begins to actively produce juice. Thanks to guarana, the concentration of enzymes in it will decrease significantly, as a result of which, the appetite will decrease or disappear altogether. The second dose occurs 2 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to start regenerative and cleansing processes in the body.

Photo - Guarana

There is also a recipe that recommends adding a powdered substance to any type of food: first, second, and even desserts. It should be noted that you should not expect a miracle from this supplement. Chestnut is an aid to weight loss. To achieve good results you need to go on a diet and exercise. Then the results will be truly magnificent. According to reviews from women's forums, the girls dropped in this rhythm up to 12 kilograms per month without much effort.

You can buy liquid chestnut for weight loss at a pharmacy or online store, any delivery method will provide you with a quality product. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the composition and manufacturer of the product. Natural chestnut grows and is processed only in Brazil. It is stored in small plastic packages, which are sold along with measuring spoons to control the dosage.

When buying, always check the certificate. Unlike many low-quality supplements, a bad chestnut will not only have no effect, but the condition of the body can also worsen. Shelf life - 1 year, if the manufacturer claims more - do not buy this mixture. It is likely that it is either of poor quality or contains concentrates that prolong the "action".

IN Lately called liquid chestnut has become very popular among those who want to lose weight for a short time. This article is about how to properly take liquid chestnut for weight loss in order to achieve the best possible result.

Is it possible to lose weight by taking liquid chestnut?

You can lose weight by taking this dietary supplement. When it is taken, the metabolic process in the body is significantly accelerated. At the same time, the feeling of hunger is suppressed. In the same time. The mood and performance of a person are, as they say today, "on the level." In general, the following picture emerges. A person loses weight due to intensive metabolism. At the same time, he does not experience an acute need for food and, accordingly, the lost calories do not return. At the same time, the working capacity, mood and well-being of a person are normal.

How many times a day should I take Liquid Chestnut?

Liquid chestnut should be taken twice a day, with or immediately after meals. You can simply drink it with water, and also mix it with liquid porridge or jelly. But you should not mix chestnut with milk. contained in this product will hinder the process of absorption of the supplement. If you take liquid chestnut without a parallel meal, then its active components can be destroyed by pepsin or hydrochloric acid contained in the human stomach. So the effect of taking dietary supplements will be reduced to zero.

How much should you drink liquid chestnut to lose weight?

If everything is more or less clear with the methods of taking liquid chestnut and its basic properties, then the question of how long to take liquid chestnut remains open. This dietary supplement is usually taken in courses, the duration of which is selected individually for each person. What determines duration? Basically - from the goals.

Most often, the course lasts from three weeks to one and a half months, provided that the person does not experience increased physical activity. If you need to increase or consolidate the results achieved, you can take a second course. But before that, you should without fail consult a doctor. The prescribed doses and duration of administration should not be exceeded in any case. Neglecting the recommendations of a specialist can lead to intoxication of the body, as well as (in some cases) other side effects, such as hair loss and poisoning.


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Today there is a lot of talk about the healing properties of universal natural. The name is not entirely true, the drug is provided in a dry powder form, but diluted with water for consumption. That is why it bears such a name.

Liquid Chestnut is a New Fat Burning Supplement

The drug contains in its composition unique and highly effective components, such as:

  • Guaranin
  • Theophylline
  • Theobromine
  • Amino acids
  • and micronutrients.

According to the manufacturers, the additive helps significantly, suitable for long-term use, as it does not have any special effects.

There is no need to compare or confuse this exotic remedy with ordinary horse chestnuts, let alone introduce them into your diet!

Liquid chestnut stands out with special properties:

  • Increases activity;

Liquid chestnut method of application

In fact, everything is quite simple, the most important thing is. Daily dose - 1 tsp. powder, which can be half and taken in several visits.

It is allowed to add chestnut powder mixture to various liquids:

  • teas, juices, smoothies, cocktails, soups, cereals, desserts, broths, etc.

The mixing technology is as follows: per liter of liquid a teaspoon of powder. It is necessary to use the mixture immediately after shaking, it is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator until the next use.

Several recipes for everyday use of natural exotic chestnut powder.

Such therapy also has cosmetic advantages:

  • , the rash is eliminated;
  • hair acquires and does not break in the process of creating hairstyles;
  • nails become smooth and clean, do not give in, even with prolonged wear of the helium coating.

Benefits of Eating Liquid Chestnut in Your Daily Diet

The use of the powder of this exotic plant has a beneficial effect on all functional features organism. The product is approved by medical research as a food additive for the preparation of various dishes, which indicates its safety for humans.

The use of the composition has a positive effect on cognitive abilities and, liquid chestnut is often used in, increases the endurance of the body, gives vigor, fortitude and good mood.

Are there any side effects while using the drug?

It would be appropriate to note that high security The product is provided with careful and observance of the technology of using the composition.

  1. Overdose;
  2. Improper storage;
  3. counterfeit drug;
  4. Unbalanced proportions of the creation of a healing composition.

All these points can affect the safety of the components and cause food poisoning.

It is also forbidden to combine the intake of liquid chestnut with others. medicines, sedatives, aspirin and paracetamol.

A remedy for people with heart disease, mental disorders is completely contraindicated.

There are no special warnings for pregnant women, but be sure to consult a doctor before taking the drug.

Liquid chestnut to eliminate health problems

Chestnut has been proven by many studies, when used correctly, the product has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body, promotes weight loss and normalization of weight. Strengthens immune system, is an excellent source for the prevention of viral diseases, does not contain chemical or artificial components.

Environmentally friendly and natural, stored in a cold dark place for a long time. Convenient and easy to prepare.

What else can so simply help us improve the body and correct the figure in the waist and hips?

It is in high demand among athletes and people who spend significant time in training and perform significant physical activity.

Love yourself and your body, watch your food and be healthy!

Video about how to use liquid chestnut
