Interesting events in sports. Interesting Sports Facts - Strength, Agility, Endurance

Interesting facts about athletes will allow you to find out what everyone has long forgotten about!

  • 1. Famous thinkers of Ancient Greece (Demosthenes, Socrates, Hippocrates, Democritus, Aristotle) ​​once took part in the Olympic Games. Moreover, Pythagoras became famous as a champion in fist fights, and Plato - in pankration martial arts.
  • 2. Back in 1932, the 100-meter race was conquered by an athlete from Poland - Stanislava Valasevich. Then she set a world record. And only in 1980, after her death, an autopsy revealed that Stanislava Valasevich was a man. This was revealed by the genitals, although the chromosome set in this person was both female and male.

  • 3. An interesting nickname in the Slavic interpretation has a four-time World Cup winner in alpine skiing and two-time Austrian Olympic champion Hermann Mayer - "Herminator".

  • 4. Representative of China Song Mingming is the tallest basketball player in the world. His height is 236 centimeters, with a weight of 152 kilograms.

  • 5. March 20, 1976 was remembered for the unusual match between Aston Villa and Leicester City. Then Chris Nicholl, the player of the first team, scored two goals each against the opponent's goal and his own. The match ended with the score 2: 2.

  • 6. Interesting facts about athletes also relate to unusual, sometimes tragic, events during the competition. In 1998, during a football match in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, lightning struck a field. 11 players from the visiting team were killed, 30 fans were burned. But the representatives of the home team remained unharmed.

  • 7. In 1957, baseball player Richie Ashburn hit a ball that hit a cheerleader and smashed her face. Surprisingly, after the resumption of the game, the same player again hit the same spectator who, after the previous blow, was carried away from the stadium on a stretcher.

  • 8. Alexander Medved, a Soviet athlete, won ten world championships in freestyle wrestling - the most.

  • 9. Haile Gebreselassie, the 10,000 meter Olympic champion from Ethiopia, has a very special running style. He presses his left hand to his body, more than his right, and bends it unusually. The athlete explains this posture during the competition by the fact that as a child he had to run 10 kilometers to school in the morning and back in the evening, holding textbooks in his left hand.

There are many curious facts and achievements in the world of sports, which we will tell about in this article.

The most popular exercise machine

You don't need to explain to anyone what is health? Yes, maybe everyone knows this, but not everyone has enough time to go in for sports. There is a way out - a home exercise machine. But which simulator is better to choose? What is the most popular exercise machine? It turns out that the most popular home exercise machine is the orbitreck. As for the model of the simulator, users prefer the Turneo Vento C-207, this particular simulator is the most popular among people who want to be healthy and who do not have enough time to go to the gym. The Turneo Vento C-207 exercise machine will be able to replace the treadmill, exercise bike, stepper and rowing machine.

Most expensive baseball card

Everyone knows that the price of rare collectibles is incredibly high. Baseball cards are no exception. The most expensive and coveted loot is the T 206 Honus Vagner baseball card. Now its price is $ 2.8 million, although more recently it was $ 2.35 million. Only 27 of these baseball rarities were recorded at open auctions. Anyone who has the required amount in stock can buy them.

Why is the price of some kind of card so high? They were released at the beginning of the 20th century, when Honus Wagner was fighting against smoking. A hundred years have passed, and only 50-60 copies have survived to this day.

The best karateka

Would you like to know which karate is the best for today? Yes, it is the “best” and no other. Whether you know the name Hirokazu Kanazawa, it is this person who is the most respected karateka in the world. Kanazawa was born in 1931 on the island of Honshu to a fisherman's family. Until the age of eleven, the boy did not do anything and was like the others, but then everything changed. Once, a fight took place between Kanazawa and his classmate, in which, naturally, our future sensei prevailed. Everything would be fine, but after this fight, Kanazawa received a slap from the father of his enemy - a 100 kilogram sumo wrestler, the boy fell into the mud and could not do anything.

From that moment it all began - the boy became very offended, and he decided to take revenge. With incredible efforts, training day and night, cherishing the plan of revenge in his heart, the boy developed spiritually. When Kanazawa graduated from high school, he was already so strong not only physically, but also mentally that he forgave the old offender, and he died 2 years later. Today, Hirokazu Kanazawa is already over 80 years old, but being the owner of a black belt and 10-dan, he remains the best karate fighter of our time and his age is not a hindrance to him.

Longest parachute jump

The longest parachute jump was made by Joseph Kittinger - the captain of the US Army. 08/16/1960 the stratospheric balloon lifted the record holder to a height of 31,332 meters, from where the parachutist jumped. The movement to the ground lasted 13 minutes and 45 seconds - a third of this time the captain was in free fall, the maximum speed of the parachutist was 1149 km / h. I must say that this jump is considered the most dangerous, since it is impossible to make it without equipment.

Kittinger himself lost consciousness during the fall, and was saved by a parachute, which opened at an altitude of five and a half kilometers. After landing, the captain fell into the caring hands of doctors, who quickly put him on his feet.

The Greatest Skate Jump

Are you wondering who is the best seiktboarder, and who set, well, simply, the record skate jump? Danny Way - This name became a legend when in 2004, participating in the Skateboarding Big Air competition, which was held in Los Angeles, he set the world record for skate jumping. Climbing onto a tall ramp, Danny left it, accelerating his skate to a speed of 88 km / h, then he made a jump at a distance of 24 meters. This jump became the greatest in history.

A year later, Danny Way decided to cement his name in the memory of people by jumping over the Great Wall of China on a skateboard. With his achievements, Way demonstrated his willpower and true courage to everyone.

Highest weight lifted in bench press

Everyone knows, but someone knows firsthand that it is quite difficult to pull the barbell. Only a trained person can lift a lot of weight without harm to health. I would like to inform everyone that a new world record for the exercise "bench press" has been set. This record was set by Ryan Kenelli. The athlete managed to squeeze from the chest no less, no more than 486 kilograms.

The record set by Ryan is absolute and so far no one has managed to break it. Even if Kenelli did not manage to perform the exercise cleanly - he was unable to straighten his arms to the end, but still, the judges decided to count the result. One cannot but pay tribute to the champion, because that bar weighed 486 kilograms - almost half a ton.

Guinness World Record for coup ascents

The famous Russian athlete Zalodny Denis entered his name in the famous Guinness Book of Records, making the largest number of lifts with a coup on the crossbar. During the exercise, the guy lost 1 kg, and he erased his hands, because he worked without gloves. By the way, it took 208 minutes to set the record of 1333 coups. Most notably, the athlete was only 21 years old.

Coach Sergei Rachinsky said that in 2008, on April 28, his ward set another record - he squatted 210 times with a hundred kilogram barbell.

Drifting record

Cars, speed, drifting (controlled skid) - how popular it is today. And what can be said about the records, because they are here too. For example, have you ever thought about the length of the longest drift? It happened at the Mercedes World training ground located in Britain. A special circular track was prepared. Mercedes test driver Mauro Kahlo decided to show what real drifting is.

In fact, he was not going to go for a record, but simply tested what the Mercedes C63 AMG can do. Kalo managed to keep the car in a skid at a distance of 2308 meters, he would have gone further, and the car did not mind, but there was one problem - the tire let down. However, the record was set - the length of the longest drift is 2308 meters.

The child who squeezes out more than you

A boy named Ronak Atul Vitha is already 5 years old. At the age of 2.5, he seriously decided to start developing his body. According to Ronaka's mother, her son easily managed to perform various stunts, even those shown to the audience in the popular blockbuster Ghajini. It was this film that became the starting point of the future record holder.

Ronak decided to try his hand at push-ups. Every day he did push-ups 10 times. The child's body began to quickly get used to physical activity and after a week the boy was already doing 50 push-ups a day. After a little more time for the Ronaka 100
push-ups have become a routine warm-up. Today, in the Guinness Book of Records in the column "push-up master" there is the name of a little athlete - Ronak mastered the "height" in 1482 push-ups, and it took about 40 minutes.

A boy was born in 2005. At 2.5 years old, Ronak Atul Vitha set himself a life goal - to become the strongest child on Earth. In achieving this goal, the boy is helped by his loving family and his personal trainer named Satyajit Chaurasya, who comes to the child 3 times a week to conduct training.

First triple backflip

The young BMX rider, whose name is Jed Mildon, has contributed to the history of cycling. This athlete is the founder of the triple backflip. It was this trick that Mildon showed at a sports event that took place in New Zealand in the athlete's hometown. The 24-year-old rider has delighted people with three perfect back flips on a BMX bike. This BMX show was attended by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, seeing the talents of the young rider, they could not pass by. The trick, on which Jed Mildon worked for three months, brought the young athlete not only fame, but also a new record.

145 water skiers hit the Guinness Book of Records

New day and new record. Every day all over the world some records are set, because there are enough disciplines in which you can show your talents. For example, let's take 145 water skiers who are in the Guinness Book of Records. What did they have to do? Just hold out on the water for 1.85 kilometers.

All that is nothing, but the fact is that they were all attached to the same boat, can you imagine this sight? It happened on the west coast of Tasmania, in Strahan in Makuire Bay.

The most dangerous sport

For some reason, all of us find it hard to live in peace - we constantly want a surge of emotions and adrenaline. That is why people sign up for extreme sports. Have you ever wondered what kind of sport is the most dangerous? No? Now, you will know. The most dangerous sport is considered to be “Base jumping”. What it is? These are skydiving from a very low altitude. The first danger that awaits athletes is the destabilization of the body, which turns into uncontrolled rotation. Hence, the next threat arises - the parachute may not open, and also, when rotating, it is easy to get entangled in the lines. Here, of course, everyone should understand that no one will have a chance to fix everything!

The next most dangerous kind of sport is considered "Heli-ski" - unconventional skiing. Then we have cave diving, diving, rodeo, rock climbing, surfing, rafting. Like this!

The richest athlete in history

Are you wondering which athlete has made the most money in his career? The London Daily Telegraph reported that Peter Strack, a professor at the University of Chicago, calculated and found the richest athlete in history.

This man was Guy Appuleius Diocles, who lived in ancient Rome in the second century AD. Guy was involved in a popular sport at that time - chariot riding. According to conservative estimates, during his sports career, Guy Appuleius Diocles earned about 15 billion dollars in modern currency!

The hardest wrestler

What sport do you think the heaviest athlete in the world should choose for himself? Of course, it can only be a sumo wrestler. The way it is. The heaviest sumo wrestler in the world today is Emanuel Jabrauch. The weight of this giant is as much as 402 kilograms with an increase of 203 centimeters. Of course, such a complexion Emanuel owes a lot to the specifics of the sport in which he is engaged. Emanuel Jabrauch is the recognized seven-time world champion in sumo.

The famous sportsman was born in 1964. Today, Emanuel Jabrauch is a member of the board of the Foundation for the development of children's sumo. The champion is trying in every possible way to support young novice sumo wrestlers.

Tennis court - skyscraper

Oh, these extreme people! There is a five-star hotel in Dubai called Jumeirah, and it is there that you can find the tallest tennis court, soaring in the air at a distance of 1000 feet (about 300 meters) from the ground. In between tennis matches taking place, the court serves as an excellent landing area for helicopters. From the tennis court at Jumeirah you can see most of Dubai.

There is such a height that it will take your breath away even when you look at the photos, because 300 meters is practically a 100-storey building. Naturally, every tennis fan would like to play on such a court at least once.

Record-fast electric car

People create amazing things. For example, a group of students from Brigham Young University have created a record electric car called the Electric Blue. It took about 7 years to implement this project, and 130 people worked on it. Recent tests carried out at a traditional test site, which is located in the Bonneville Desert, have shown that this electric car is capable of developing a cruising speed of 250 km / h, and its peak speed is 281 km / h.

This figure is a speed record in the category up to 500 kilograms. What about the electric car itself? There are two of the most important things about the car: the carbon fiber body and the lithium phosphate batteries.

This section contains interesting facts from the world of sports. World records, historical dates of important events, unusual cases of various winter and summer sports are presented to your attention.


The fastest man in the world - Usain Bolt (Jamaica)... Three-time Olympic champion at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Set the following world records. In the sprint at distances of 100 and 200 m and in the relay 4x100 m, having run sprint races of 100 and 200 m in 9.69 s. and 19.30 s. accordingly, and in the relay he helped his team set a record time of 37.10 s.

Russian football:

Most of all matches for the Russian national football team played Victor Onopko... He played 109 games with our national team from 1992 to 2004.

Most goals scored in the Russian national football team Vladimir Beschastnykh (26 goals).

He scored the most goals from penalties in a row in the Russian Football Championship Dmitry Kirichenko... His result is 21 goals. This series has been running for 9 years since 2000.
* This record was recorded in September 2009.

The largest score in the history of the Russian football championships (Premier League) is 9: 3. St. Petersburg Zenit beat Dynamo Moscow with such a score in 1999.

The most devastating victory in the elite championship of Russia was won by the capital's Lokomotiv. The railroad workers defeated Uralan 9-0 in 2000.

World football:

Argentina national football player Martin Palermo in 1999 at the Latin America Cup in a match against Colombia did not score 3 penalties in a row. As a result, Argentina lost 0: 3.

Which country has won the World Cup most often?
Answer - Brazilian national team (5 times).

Which football club has won the Champions League most often (including the Champions Cup)?
The answer is Real (Madrid) and he did it 9 times.

Where and in what year was the first FIFA World Cup held?
Answer - In 1930 in Uruguay.

Which team won the first FIFA World Cup?
Answer - Uruguay national team

Russian Oleg Salenko at the 1994 FIFA World Cup he scored 5 goals in one match. In that match, the Russian national team beat Cameroon with a score of 6: 1. At the moment, this record has not been broken.

The fastest goal in the history of European football championships scored by a Russian Dmitry Kirichenko... It happened at Euro 2004 in a match against the Greek national team, in which our players won with a score of 2: 1.

The first and only footballer at the moment to score goals in the world championships for different national teams is a Croat Robert Prosinechki currently coaching Crvenu Zvezda.
At the 90 World Cup, he scored a goal for the Yugoslav national team, and at the 98 World Cup - for the Croatian national team.


The tallest basketball player in the world - Song Mingming (China), center, height - 236 cm, and weight - 152 kg.


American boxer of Mexican descent Oscar De La Hoya became a champion in six weight categories. Nobody has broken his record yet.

Who is the tallest professional boxer in the world? This record belongs to Gogya Mitu from Romania, his height was 223 cm.

The highest professional boxing world champion - Nikolay Valuev(Russia). His height is 213 cm. I also note that Valuev is the first Russian world champion in heavyweight boxing among professionals.

The very first boxer to win Mike Tyson - James Buster Douglas(USA). It happened in 1990 in the ring in Japan.

Which boxer has held the longest heavyweight championship belt?
Answer - Joe Louis(USA). For 11 years in a row, he bore the title of world boxing champion, having defended this title 25 times.

Wrestling and various martial arts:

Most of all world freestyle wrestling championships won Alexander Medved(USSR) in 1962-64, 1966-72 (ten times).

Most of all world championships in a row in Greco-Roman wrestling in weight up to 130 kg. won Alexander Karelin(USSR) from 1988 to 1996 (nine times).

The following facts about athletes will remind you that everyone has long forgotten.

1. Famous thinkers of Ancient Greece (Demosthenes, Socrates, Hippocrates, Democritus, Aristotle) ​​once took part in the Olympic Games. Moreover, Pythagoras became famous as a champion in fist fights, and Plato - in pankration martial arts.

2. Back in 1932, the 100-meter race was conquered by an athlete from Poland - Stanislava Valasevich. Then she set a world record. And only in 1980, after her death, an autopsy revealed that Stanislava Valasevich was a man.

This was revealed by the genitals, although the chromosome set in this person was both female and male.

3. An interesting nickname in the Slavic interpretation has a four-time World Cup winner in alpine skiing and two-time Austrian Olympic champion Hermann Mayer - "Herminator".

4. Representative of China Song Mingming is the tallest basketball player in the world.

His height is 236 centimeters, with a weight of 152 kilograms.

5. March 20, 1976 was remembered for the unusual match between Aston Villa and Leicester City.

Then Chris Nicholl, the player of the first team, scored two goals each against the opponent's goal and his own. The match ended with the score 2: 2.

6. Interesting facts about athletes also relate to unusual, sometimes tragic, events during the competition.

In 1998, during a football match in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, lightning struck a field. 11 players from the visiting team were killed, 30 fans were burned. But the representatives of the home team remained unharmed.

7. In 1957, baseball player Richie Ashburn hit a ball that hit a cheerleader and smashed her face.

Surprisingly, after the resumption of the game, the same player again hit the same spectator who, after the previous blow, was carried away from the stadium on a stretcher.

8. Alexander Medved, a Soviet athlete, won ten world championships in freestyle wrestling - the most.

9. Haile Gebreselassie, the 10,000 meter Olympic champion from Ethiopia, has a very special running style.

He presses his left hand to his body, more than his right, and bends it unusually. The athlete explains this posture during the competition by the fact that as a child he had to run 10 kilometers to school in the morning and back in the evening, holding textbooks in his left hand.

10. The fastest man was named Usain Bolt from Jamaica.

In 2009, he set world records: he ran a hundred meters in 9.58 seconds, and a distance of two hundred meters in 19.19 seconds.

11. In ancient times, the Greeks played sports and competed in the nude at the Olympic Games.

Arising in its process.

Sport is a specific kind of physical and intellectual activity performed for the purpose of competition, as well as purposeful preparation for them through warm-up and training. In combination with rest, the desire to gradually improve physical health, increase the level of intelligence, obtain moral satisfaction, strive for excellence, improve personal, group and absolute records, fame, improve their own physical capabilities and skills. Sport is designed to improve the physical and mental characteristics of a person.

From the time of Ancient Greece to the present day, the history of sports can be easily traced. Over time, the sport has become more organized and regulated. New kinds and subspecies of sports appeared and formed, the rules were refined, the sport acquired traditions and supporters.

Sports in Russia

As of 2008, in Russia there were 2,687 stadiums with stands for 1,500 seats or more, 3,762 swimming pools, 123,200 flat sports facilities. In 2008, the number of people involved in sports sections and groups was 22.6 million, including 8.1 million women.

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