Morning gymnastics card file for the senior group. Methodical development for educators of the senior group "thematic morning gymnastics" Exercise for children of the senior group according to FGOS

Krasnikova Lidia Viktorovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 75"
Locality: Engels city
Material name: Methodical development
Theme:"Morning gymnastics complex"
Date of publication: 02.02.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Morning gymnastics complex No. 24 (b / p) on the topic:

"Travel to a fairyland"
Senior group (March, 1 week)



Methodical instructions

To the children standing in a circle, the teacher says that a disaster has happened on one of the fabulous planets. An evil wizard has been there. They need help. He bewitched all mothers on this planet, took their joy away from them. The instructor invites the children to send a little light and warmth to this planet, and maybe the mothers will crack up (put their hands forward, hands upright). ... Walking is usual, along the boundaries of the hall with a turn. 20sec. Wednesday Keep track of alignment, posture, distance. Scatter running, running with a change of pace. 20-30 sec. Monitor your breathing Walking on toes, hands behind your head. 20sec. Wednesday Keep track of the base. Run in a column one by one. 50sec. Wednesday Monitor breathing, distance Walking with a high knee lift. 20sec. Wednesday Pull the toe, the back is straight. Formation in three columns. Wednesday Keep track of the distance. The instructor says that the planet began to come to life, as everyone gave it a little warmth and light.

1. "Warm rain"
(I moistened the earth, refreshed the grass and leaves; let's play with raindrops). I. p. - o.s., hands behind the back. 1, 2 - bring forward a straight right (left) hand (palm up); 3.4 - hide the right (left) hand behind the back. 6-8 times Wed Hand forward, palm up.
2. "Colorful rainbow"
(shone with different colors, decorated the planet) I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, palms up. 1 - tilt of the body to the right, raise the left hand through the side up and lower it with the palm of the hand on the palm of the right hand; 2- i.p. The same in other Art. 6-8 times Wed
3. "Plants come to life"
(trees, grass, flowers reached out to the sun). I. p. - legs together, arms along the body, head down. 1 - raise straight arms in front of you up, put your right leg back on your toe, look up; 2 - I. p. The same with the left foot. 6-8 times Wed Keep your leg far away, keep your back straight
4. "Flight of the birds"
(beautiful fabulous birds sometimes rise high into the sky with a flap of their wings, then fly low above the ground) 6-8 times Wednesday. Spread the knees, back straight, squatting the heels off the floor.
I. p. - o.s., hands down. 1,2 - arms to the sides; 3 - sit down; 4-i.p.
5. "The beasts wake up"
(stretch out from a long sleep and shake off the remnants of it). I.P. - kneeling or sitting on your heels, arms bent at the elbows, lowered to the floor, put your head on your hands. 1 - raise your head, straighten your arms - stretch; 2 - standing on all fours, bend in the lower back, look forward - shake yourself (wag your "tail"); 3 - sit on your heels, stretch your arms forward - stretch; 4 - I. p. 6-8 times Slow. Do not get up from the floor while stretching. Sag in the lower back stronger.
6. "Lying on the grass"
(let's lie down on soft grass and look at the surrounding beauty). I. p. - lying on your stomach, lean on your elbows, put your chin on the back of your palms. 1.3 - turn the head to the right (left), bend the right (left) leg at the knees; 2.4 - I.p. 6-8 times Wed Turn further, do not fall on your side.
7. "Butterflies"
(they flutter around the flowers, sit on them, drink nectar and again fly to another flower). I. p. - o.s., arms to the sides. Jumping in place, swing your arms to the sides. 2-3 times (30 - 40 ex.) Jumping is easy, on toes, energetic hand waves.
Column formation one at a time. Walking and running in a column one at a time. (From our love, the island was disenchanted, and joy returned to our mothers) 2 times 25-30sec Wednesdays. Monitor posture, breathing, distance.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 25 (with ribbons)
Senior group (March, 2 weeks)



Methodical instructions

Formation in a line, column one by one. Walking is usual, along the boundaries of the hall with a turn. 20sec. Wednesday Keep track of alignment, posture, distance. Scatter running, running with a change of pace. 20-30 sec. Monitor your breathing Walking on toes, hands behind your head. 20sec. Wednesday Keep track of the base. Run in a column one at a time. 50sec. Wednesday Monitor breathing, distance Walking with a high knee lift. Take the ribbons. 20sec. Wednesday Pull the toe, the back is straight. Formation in three columns. Wednesday Keep track of the distance.

1. "Warm rain"
(I moistened the earth, refreshed the grass and leaves; let's play with raindrops). I. p. - o.s., ribbons behind the back. 1, 2 - bring forward the right (left) ribbon; 3.4 - hide the right (left) ribbon behind the back. 6-8 times Wed Put your hand forward straight.
2. "Colorful rainbow"
(shone with different colors, decorated the planet) I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, ribbons to the sides. 1 - tilt of the body to the right, lift the left ribbon up through the side and lower it onto the ribbon of the right hand; 2- i.p. 3-4 the same in other Art. 6-8 times Wed Lean to the side, do not bend your arms.
3. "Plants come to life"
(trees, grass, flowers reached out to the sun). I. p. - legs together, ribbons along the body, head down. 1 - raise the ribbons in front of you up, put your right leg back on the toe, look up; 2 - I. p. The same with the left foot. 6-8 times Wed Keep your leg up, keep your back straight
4. "Flight of the birds"
(beautiful fabulous birds sometimes with a flap of their wings rise high into the sky, then fly low above the ground) I. p. - o.s., ribbons at the bottom. 1,2 - ribbons to the sides; 3 - sit down; 4-i.p. 6-8 times Wed Spread the knees, back straight, squatting the heels off the floor.
5. "The beasts wake up"
(stretch out from a long sleep and shake off the remnants of it). I.P. - kneeling or sitting on heels, arms bent at the elbows, 6-8 times Slow. Do not get up from the floor while stretching. Sag in the lower back stronger.
lowered to the floor, put your head on your hands. 1 - raise your head, straighten the ribbons - stretch; 2 - standing on all fours, bend in the lower back, look forward - shake yourself (wag your "tail"); 3 - sit on your heels, pull the ribbons forward - stretch; 4 - I. p.
6. "Lying on the grass"
(let's sit on soft grass and look at the surrounding beauty). I. p. - sitting, knees bent and maximally divorced, soles are connected, hands folded into a lock, clasp the feet, pull the heels to the body, ribbons on the floor. 1-3 - legs, bent at the knees, perform rhythmic, springy swaying (try to put the hips on the floor); 4 - I. p. 6-8 times Wed Swaying, do not fall on your side, but sway rhythmically.
7. "Butterflies"
(they flutter around the flowers, sit on them, drink nectar and again fly to another flower). I. p. - o.s., arms to the sides. Jumping in place, swinging ribbons to the sides. 2-3 times (30 - 40 ex.) Jumping is easy, on toes, energetic hand waves.
Column formation one at a time. Walking and running in a column one at a time, ribbons in place. 2 times 25-30sec Wednesday Monitor posture, breathing, distance.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 26 (b / p) on the topic: "The Underwater Kingdom"
Senior group (March, 3 weeks)



Methodical instructions

The instructor invites children to imagine themselves on the seashore with transparent, gentle water glowing from the sun (you can use musical accompaniment). Invite the children to walk along the seashore, run, feeling how the water caresses their feet, how soft and warm it is. 20sec. Wednesday Observe posture Walking on the outer sides of the feet. 20sec. Wednesday Monitor your posture. Running in a column one at a time. 50sec. Wednesday Keep track of the distance. Walking side steps to the right and left. 20sec. Wednesday Follow the technique. Running in a column one by one. 20sec. Wednesday Keep track of the distance. Walking. 20sec. Wednesday Monitor your posture. A wave rolled over, and, as if by magic, everyone ended up on the seabed (children scatter scattered around the hall).

1. "Algae"
(algae reach through the water column to the sun, but the wind has appeared, and the water carries them away in one direction or the other). I. p. - legs apart, hands below. 1 - raise straight arms up in front of you; 2 - tilt of the body to the right; 3 - straighten up, arms up; 4 - I. p. the same to the left. 8 times. Wednesday The arms are straight. Tilts to the side, not forward.
2. "Swimming frogs"
(imagine yourself as frogs swimming in transparent, sunny water) I.P. - legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. 1 - spread your arms to the sides, outline circles in front of you, straighten your legs, rise on your toes (draw in your stomach, stretch your neck); 2 - I. p. 6 times. Wednesday The back is straight. Rising on tiptoes, keep balance.
3. "Seahorse"
(swims unusually - "standing", then it will make a leap forward, then it will freeze, swaying in the water). I.P. –O.s., hands on the belt. 1 - lunge with the right leg forward; 2-3 - springy swaying; 4 - I. p. the same with the left foot. 8 times. Wednesday The arms are straight, the back is straight.
4. "Wave"
(a small wave will then lower to the bottom, then will rise again). I.P. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit on the right thigh, hands to the left; 3-4 - return to SP the same to the left. 6 times. Wednesday The back is straight. Climb jerkily, without using hands.

5. "Sea turtle"
(cautious - then look out of the house, then hide again). I.P. - sitting on the floor, pull your knees to your stomach, hug your hands, tilt your head to your knees. 1-2 - raise straight legs up and down ("corner"), arms to the sides, raise your head, stretch your neck; 3 - 4 - return to SP 6 times. Wednesday Raising your legs to the "corner", straighten them to the end.
6. "The whale swims"
(a large, beautiful whale swims beautifully in the water) I.P. - lying on your back, straight arms behind your head. 1.4 - turn to the right (left) side; 2,3 - return to SP 8 times. Wednesday Turn on your side, do not lie on your stomach, keep your back straight.
7. "Dolphins"
"Let's catch up with the waves"
I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms below. Draw in as much air as possible, puff out your cheeks - inhale; gently lean forward and down, lightly tapping your fists on your cheeks, exhaling air in small portions - exhale.
Waves rose and rolled everyone onto the sandy shore. Children form a column one by one, run and walk one after another. 3 times. 2-3 times (25-30 sec) Slow. Average It is easy to tap your cheeks with your fists, exhale the air in small portions. Monitor posture, breathing, distance

Morning gymnastics complex No. 27 (with sultans)

on the topic: "Underwater Kingdom"
Senior group (March, 4 weeks)



Methodical instructions

The instructor invites children to imagine themselves on the seashore with transparent, gentle water glowing from the sun (you can use musical accompaniment). Invite the children to walk along the seashore, run, feeling how the water caresses their feet, how soft and warm it is. 20sec. Wednesday Observe posture Walking on the outer sides of the feet. 20sec. Wednesday Monitor your posture. Running in a column one by one. 50sec. Wednesday Keep track of the distance. Walking side steps to the right and left. 20sec. Wednesday Follow the technique. Running in a column one at a time. 20sec. Wednesday Keep track of the distance. Walking. 20sec. Wednesday Monitor your posture. A wave rolled over, and, as if by magic, everyone was on the seabed (children scatter around the hall).

1. "Algae"
(algae reach through the water column to the sun, but the wind has appeared, and the water carries them in one direction or the other). I. p. - legs apart, sultans below. 1 - raise straight arms in front of you, sultans up; 2 - tilt of the body to the right; 3 - straighten up, sultans up; 4 - I. p. the same to the left. 8 times. Wednesday The arms are straight. Tilts to the side, not forward.
2. "Swimming frogs"
(imagine yourself as frogs swimming in transparent, sunny water) I.P. - legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees, arms bent at the elbows, sultans with their breasts. 1 - spread the sultans to the sides, outline circles in front of you, straighten your legs, rise on your toes (draw in your stomach, stretch your neck); 2 - I. p. 6 times. Wednesday The back is straight. Rising on tiptoes, keep balance.
3. "Seahorse"
(swims unusually - "standing", it will make a leap forward, then it will freeze, swaying in the water). I.P. –O.s., sultans on the belt. 1 - lunge with the right leg forward; 2-3 - springy swaying; 4 - I. p. the same with the left foot. 8 times. Wednesday The arms are straight, the back is straight.
4. "Wave"
(a small wave will then lower to the bottom, then will rise again). I.P. - kneeling, sultans on the belt. 6 times. Wednesday The back is straight. Climb jerkily, without using hands.
1 - sit on the right thigh, sultans to the left; 2 - return to SP, 3-4 is the same to the left.
5. "Sea turtle"
(cautious - then look out of the house, then hide again). I.P. - sitting on the floor, pull your knees to your stomach, hug your hands, tilt your head to your knees. 1-2 - raise straight legs up and forward ("corner"), sultans to the sides, raise your head, stretch your neck; 3 - 4 - return to SP 6 times. Wednesday Raising your legs to the "corner", straighten them to the end.
6. "The whale swims"
(a large, beautiful whale swims beautifully in the water) I.P. - lying on your back, sultans behind your head. 1.4 - turn to the right (left) side; 2,3 - return to SP 8 times. Wednesday Turn on your side, do not lie on your stomach, keep your back straight.
7. "Dolphins"
(kind, affectionate dolphins frolic in the water) 1-3 - jumping in place on two legs; 4 - jump with a turn of 90 degrees 2-3 times (30 - 40 ex.) Jumping is easy, springing your legs, keeping your distance. Exercise to restore breathing
"Let's catch up with the waves"
I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms below, sultans on the floor. Draw in as much air as possible, puff out your cheeks - inhale; gently lean forward and down, lightly tapping your fists on your cheeks, exhaling air in small portions - exhale.
Waves rose and rolled everyone onto the sandy shore. Children are lined up in a column one by one, run and walk one after another, the sultans in place. 3 times. 2-3 times (25-30 sec) Slow. Average It is easy to tap your cheeks with your fists, exhale the air in small portions. Monitor posture, breathing, distance

Morning gymnastics complex No. 28 (b / p)

on the topic: "Magic flower"
Senior group (April, 1 week)




II ORU in a circle.

1 "Grain"

2 "Stebelek"
3 "Butterfly"
4 "Caterpillar"
6 "Leaf buds"
7 "The flower grows"
8 "The flower is blooming"
Breathing exercise:
"Breathe in the scent

(inhale, exhale). Children lean towards imaginary flowers and inhale their scent. I liked all the flowers, you are very beautiful, slender. And now we will return from the clearing to the d / s. Walking and running in a column one at a time. 5-6 times 30-35 sec. Slow. Medium Inhale - Exhale. Track alignment, distance, posture, breathing, pace

Morning gymnastics complex No. 29 (with flowers)

on the topic: "Magic flower"
Senior group (April, 2 weeks)



Formation in a line, drill, alignment. Calculation for 1-2, building in a column. Walking on toes, with arms raised up, light running on toes, squatting on the signal. Formation in a circle. 35-40 sec. Medium Medium Monitor alignment, distance, posture, breathing, pace, beauty and fluidity of movement.
II ORU in a circle.

1 "Grain"
I.P. lying on your back, knees pulled up to your chest, wrap your arms around them and hide your head in your knees. Rolls on the back. 6-8 times Slow. Do not roll over on your side.
2 "Stebelek"
I. p. lying on his stomach, arms bent near the chest with support on the floor. 1 - slowly straighten your arms, bend, 2-3 look around and up, 4 - I. p. 6-8 times Slow. Sag harder.
3 "Butterfly"
I. p. lying on your back, hands up. 1-raise your arms and legs, 2- then lower your right arm and left leg down, 3- change the position of your arms and legs, 4- in ip. 6-8 times Slow. Observe the accuracy of movements, synchronization.
4 "Caterpillar"
I. p. low all fours. At the expense of 1-4, moving forward in this position. Into account 5-8 in I. p. 5-6 times Medium Do not lower the head, look forward.
6 "Leaf buds"
I.p. sitting on the floor, legs apart, arms connected at the top. 1- tilt forward, 2- I.p. 8 times Medium Do not bend your knees, bend lower.
7 "The flower grows"
I. p. sitting on the floor on the heels, hands below. 1- hands through the sides up, 2- in I. p. 8 times Medium Back straight, standing up, slightly bend over.
8 "The flower is blooming"
I. p. o.s. hands up. Jumping in place, alternating with walking. 2-3 times (30 - 40 ex.) Medium Back straight, stretch up.
Breathing exercise:
"Breathe in the scent

(inhale, exhale). Children lean towards imaginary flowers and inhale their scent. I liked all the flowers, you are very beautiful, slender. And now we will return from the clearing to the d / s. Walking and running in a column one at a time. 5-6 times 30-35 sec. Slow. Medium Inhale - Exhale. Track alignment, distance, posture, breathing, pace

Morning gymnastics complex No. 30 (b / p)

on the topic: "Trees in the forest"
Senior group (April, 3 weeks)



Methodical instructions

... Walking is normal at an average pace with forward bends and arms extended to the sides. 15sec. Medium “We were in the spring forest All day walking, Looking for snowdrops, Breathing air. Walking on toes 10 sec. Medium They breathed air. The ground is lined with moss under our feet, We walk on tiptoes, Stepping lightly. Snake running. Snake walking. 15sec. 10sec. Medium There are trees standing in our way. We need to run around them And get around them. Scattered running. Scatter Walking Three-column formation. 15sec. 10sec. Medium Small cloud Rain sent us. Let's run quickly, hide from the rain. "

1. "Oak".
I. p. - the main stand. 1 - hands through the sides up, rise on toes; 2 - return to and. p. 6 - 8 times. Medium Here is an oak growing tall and beautiful. And he looks at us playfully.
2. "Willow".
I. p. - kneeling stand, arms to the sides, back. 1 - hands forward, 2 - touch the floor; 3- straighten up, arms forward, 4-in ip. 6 - 8 times. Medium Here is a willow tree bent over the water. She saw her reflection in her.
3. "Herringbone"
I. p. - gray with straight legs, arms down. 1 - hands forward, touch the socks; 2 - return to and. n. 6 times. Medium Herringbone bent down, herringbone is a needle. Hard fluffy twigs to hold.
4. "Dry branches".
I. p. - lying on your stomach. 1 - 4 - rolls from the back to the stomach and vice versa. 6 times. Medium The dry branches were cut down and laid on the ground. The wind blows, the branches roll on the ground.
5. "Leaves".
I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, grasp your knees with your hands. 1- straighten legs, hands behind the head, 2- in I. p. 6 times. The Medium Wind picks off everything, the leaves curl and fly in the wind.
6. "Twigs"
I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms above. 1 - tilt to the right, 2 - ip; 3-4 is the same to the left. 6-8 times Medium Twigs rustle, they want to play with the breeze.

7. "Osinka".
I. p. - the main stand. Jumping (close the legs - apart) alternating with walking. 30 - 40 times But the thin aspen laughs, like a resounding river.
(cleansing breath). I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, arms overhead, fingers locked. Inhale, exhale - hands down, say "UXXX". 4 times. Slow. But dry twigs are chopped by a woodcutter. Walking is usual with the execution of movements for the arms: up; from side to side at the top. Torso bends forward. Head bends forward. Circling in place. Walking is normal. 20sec. 20-30sec. Wednesday Wednesday The warm wind strokes the faces, The forest rustles with dense foliage. Oak wants to bow to us, Maple nods his head. And the curly birch sees off all the guys, Goodbye, the forest is green, We are leaving for kindergarten.
Morning gymnastics complex No. 31 (with leaves)

on the topic: "Trees in the forest"
Senior group (April, 4 weeks)



Methodical instructions

... Walking is normal at an average pace with forward bends and arms extended to the sides. 15sec. Medium “We were in the spring forest All day walking, Looking for snowdrops, Breathing air. Walking on toes 10 sec. Medium They breathed air. The ground is lined with moss under our feet, We walk on tiptoes, Stepping lightly. Snake running. Snake walking. 15sec. 10sec. Medium There are trees standing in our way. We need to run around them And get around them. Scattered running. Scattered walking Formation in three columns, take leaves. 15sec. 10sec. Medium Small cloud Rain sent us. Let's run quickly, hide from the rain. "

1. "Oak".
I. p. - the main stand, the leaves at the bottom. 1 - leaves through the sides up, rise on toes; 2 - return to and. p. 6 - 8 times. Medium Here is an oak growing tall and beautiful. And he looks at us playfully.
2. "Willow".
I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, leaves to the sides. 1 - leaves forward, 2 - touch the floor; 3- straighten up, leaves forward, 4-in the ip. 6 - 8 times. Medium Here is a willow tree bent over the water. She saw her reflection in her.
3. "Herringbone"
I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, leaves to the sides. 1- lean to the right, 2 - in and. NS.; 3-4 the same in the other direction. 6 times. Medium Herringbone bent down, herringbone is a needle. Hard fluffy twigs to hold.
4. "Dry branches".
I. p. - o.s., hands on the belt. 1-2-3 swings of a straight leg forward, to the right, to the left, 4-ip; 5-6-7-8 the same with the other leg. 6 times with each leg. Medium The dry branches were cut down and laid on the ground. The wind blows, the branches roll on the ground.
5. "Leaves".
I. p. - o.s., hands behind the head. 1- sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, 2- in I.P. 6 times. The Medium Wind picks off everything, the leaves curl and fly in the wind.
6. "Twigs"
I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, leaves at the top. 1 - tilt to the right, 2 - ip; 3-4 is the same to the left. 6-8 times Medium Twigs rustle, they want to play with the breeze.
7. "Osinka".
I. p. - the main stand, the leaves at the bottom. Jumping, legs apart, leaves to the sides, legs together, leaves down. Alternating with walking. 2-3 times (30 - 40 ex.) But the thin aspen laughs, like a resounding river.
(cleansing breath). I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, leaves above the head. Inhale, exhale - leaves down, pronounce 4 times. Slow. But dry twigs are chopped by a woodcutter.
"UHXX". Walking is usual with the execution of movements for the arms: up; from side to side at the top. Torso bends forward. Head bends forward. Circling in place. Walking as usual, leaves in place. 20sec. 20-30sec. Wednesday Wednesday The warm wind strokes the faces, The forest rustles with dense foliage. Oak wants to bow to us, Maple nods his head. And the curly birch sees off all the guys, Goodbye, the forest is green, We are leaving for kindergarten.
Morning gymnastics complex No. 32 (b / p)

on the topic: "Flowers"
Senior group (May, 1 week)



Methodical instructions

Walking with your knees high. 20sec. Wednesday So as not to wrinkle the flowers, raise our legs. Walking like a snake. 30sec. Fast. And we walk like a snake between the trees. Running at a fast pace. 50sec. Fast. We soon saw flowers in the field and, bending our legs, ran quickly. Walking with squats. 20sec. Wednesday And again we walk in the field, forest, meadow, We are looking for flowers to weave wreaths. Walking is normal. Formation in a circle. Here is a huge bouquet. Soon we gathered And an elegant carpet Weaved on the grass.

1. "The petals are blooming."
I. p. -O. sec., hands up, connected by the backs of the hands. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 –and. p. 6 - 8 times Wednesday. Our delicate flowers bloom petals.
2. "The petals are swaying."
I. p. - legs apart, arms up. 1 - 4 - tilts of the body and arms from side to side. 6 - 8 times. Wednesday The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.
3 "The petals are closing"
... I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 - tilt forward, hands to the toes; 2 - return to and. p. 6-8 times. Wednesday Our scarlet flowers cover the petals.
4. "The flowers fell asleep."
I. p. heels together, toes apart. 1 - sit down, tilt your head to your knees, grab them with your hands, 2-ip. 6-8 times. Wednesday They fall asleep quietly, tilt the stem.
5. "Dandelion".
I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms above head, palms together. 1 - tilt to the right, arms to the sides; 2 –and. NS.; 3-4 the same in the other direction. 6-8 times. Wednesday There is a flower as round as a wreath. I blew on him a little - the leg of the flower remained.
6. "Thistle".
I. p. - o.s., arms to the sides. 1 - 3 - circular movements with hands (forward) back; 4 - and. p. 6-8 times. Wednesday In the meadow among the insects, a commotion arose: the giant thistle constantly interferes with everyone.
7. "The breeze rocks the flowers."
I. p. - stand on toes, arms to the sides. Jumps (hands up - to the sides) 25 - 30 jumps Avg. Suddenly a breeze blew, the petals rustled, the stems trembled.
Column formation one at a time
Final walk and column run one at a time. 20-30sec. Average So the sun went down, the flowers closed and fell asleep.
Morning gymnastics complex No. 33 (with flowers)

on the topic: "Flowers"
Senior group (May, 2 weeks)



Methodical instructions

Walking is normal. 10sec. Wednesday “We walk in a dark forest and a green meadow together one after another.
Walking with your knees high. 20sec. Wednesday So as not to wrinkle the flowers, raise our legs. Walking like a snake. 30sec. Fast. And we walk like a snake between the trees. Running at a fast pace. 50sec. Fast. We soon saw flowers in the field and, bending our legs, ran quickly. Walking with squats. 20sec. Wednesday And again we walk in the field, forest, meadow, We are looking for flowers to weave wreaths. Walking is normal. Build in a circle, take flowers. Here is a huge bouquet. Soon we gathered And an elegant carpet Weaved on the grass.

1. "The petals are blooming."
I. p. - o.s., flowers up, connected .. 1 - flowers to the sides; 2 –and. p. 6 - 8 times Wednesday. Our delicate flowers bloom petals.
2. "The petals are swaying."
I. p. - legs apart, flowers up. 1 - 4 - tilts of the body and flowers from side to side. 6 - 8 times. Wednesday The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.
3 "The petals are closing"
... I. p. - legs apart, flowers to the sides. 1 - forward bend, flowers to toes; 2 - return to and. p. 6-8 times. Wednesday Our scarlet flowers cover the petals.
4. "The flowers fell asleep."
I. p. heels together, socks apart, flowers at the bottom. 1 - sit down, tilt your head to your knees, grab them with your hands, 2-ip. 6-8 times. Wednesday They fall asleep quietly, tilt the stem.
5. "Dandelion".
I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, flowers above the head, connect. 1 - tilt to the right, flowers to the sides; 2 –and. NS.; 3-4 the same in the other direction. 6-8 times. Wednesday There is a flower as round as a wreath. I blew on him a little - the leg of the flower remained.
6. "Thistle".
I. p. - o.s., flowers to the sides. 1 - 3 - circular movements of flowers (forward) back; 4 - and. p. 6-8 times. Wednesday In the meadow among the insects, a commotion arose: the giant thistle constantly interferes with everyone.
7. "The breeze rocks the flowers."
I. p. - stand on toes, flowers to the sides. Jumps (hands up - to the sides) 25 - 30 jumps Avg. Suddenly a breeze blew, the petals rustled, the stems trembled.
Column formation one at a time
Final walk and column run one at a time. 20-30sec. Wednesday So the sun went down, the flowers closed and fell asleep.

Complex of morning rhythmic gymnastics No. 34-35 (b / p)

on the topic: "Clouds"
Senior group (May, 3-4 weeks)
In good weather, the ORU complex can be replaced with health jogging. Children run continuously for 1.5-2 minutes. Necessary

Methodical instructions.

You guys want to go flying on the clouds. Then let's go. (The song "Clouds" from the cartoon "Tryam - hello" is played)
1 couplet
Past the white apple of the moon, Past the red apple of the sunset Clouds from an unknown country They hurry to us and again run somewhere
Clouds - White-maned horses! Clouds, Why are you rushing without looking back? Do not look down on you, please, And ride us clouds across the sky.
Verse 2
... We will rush into the sky-high distance Past the dying stars in the sky. A star is quietly descending to us And it will remain in the palm of a daisy.
Losing. Children follow each other like a snake in one direction, in the other. Line up in a circle. Swing from foot to foot, raising their arms up. They spring with their legs, slightly moving their hands back and forth, fingers clenched into fists. Repeat the movements of the first and second lines. Legs apart, turn to the right, right hand to the forehead (visor). The same to the left. Circling, raising their hands up. Children build a "star" by joining their left hands in the center, raising their right hands high, moving one after another at the tempo of the music. Disperse in a circle. The movements are repeated. They move in leaps and bounds in a circle.
monitor the breathing, skin, sweating of children. If necessary, it is necessary to take the child to a step to restore breathing.

Theme: Kalinka (senior group)

Toe walking. Walking on heels. Walking with high knees. Running with a shin lap. Running with straight legs forward. Walking in a column one at a time. Rebuilding in random order.

OSU complex without items.

1. "Shelf". I. p. - closed stance, arms bent in front of the chest: 1 - raise the right shoulder, tilt the head to the right; 2nd. NS.; 3 - raise the left shoulder, tilt the head to the left. Repeat 8 times.

2. "Cotton". I. p. - the same, right hand above, left below: 1-2 - sliding clap in the palm, left hand up, right down; 3-4 - the same back. Repeat 8 times.

3. "Turn around - show yourself." I. p. - the same, hands on the belt, elbows slightly forward: 1-2 - turn the body to the right, half-squat, round hands, open palms up, elbows down; 3-4 - and. p. Repeat 6 times.

4. "Russian bow". I. p. - narrow stance, left hand on the belt, "rounded", right at the top: 1-2 - deep forward bend, touch the floor with the back of the hand; 3-4 - moving your hand to the right to the side, return to and. p. Repeat 8 times.

5. "The grass sways." I. p. - gray legs together, arms extended forward: 1-4 - simultaneous movement of the hands to the sides. Repeat 10 times.

6. "Get your knee." I. p. - the same, the arms are bent at the elbows: 1 - bend the left leg, with the elbow of the right hand, get the knee; 2 - and. NS.; 3 - bend the right leg, with the elbow of the left hand, reach the knee; 4 - and. p. Repeat 8 times.

7. "Bows". I. p. - the same, hands on the belt: 1 - tilt forward, touch the toe of the leg with a hand; 2 - and. NS.; 3 - 1; 4 - 2. Repeat 8 times.

8. "Klondike". I. p. - kneeling, hands to the sides, "hold the ends of the kerchiefs": 1 - turn to the right; 2 - and. NS.; 3 - turn to the left; 4 - and. p. Repeat 8 times.

9. "Squat". I. p. - about. That is, hands on the belt: 1 - sit deeply on toes, knees to the sides; 2-4 - and. etc., take the right leg to the side on the heel. Repeat 5 times in each direction.

10. "Three tributaries". I. p. - standing legs apart, arms bent in front of the chest: 1-2 - squatting on the left, put the right half-bent leg to the side on the toe, heel up; - turning the right leg, put it on the heel, slightly tilting the body towards the leg; 5-7 - three tributaries, starting with the right leg; 8 - and. p. Repeat 8 times.

Walking in a column one at a time. Jumping forward. Easy running on toes. Walking in a column one at a time. Exercises to restore breathing.

Program tasks:
Wellness: ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Educational: to consolidate the ability of children to walk, observing straightness, to improve running skills, the ability to perform movements on command.



Target : Contribute to strengthening the health of children, create a joyful emotional uplift, "wake up" the child's body.
Program tasks:
Educational: develop a habit of daily exercise.
Wellness:ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Educational:to consolidate the ability of children to walk, observing straightness, to improve running skills, the ability to perform movements on command.


Complex number 1

Lined up in order

For morning exercises.

We pulled up, pulled ourselves up,

And they smiled at each other.

Exercises without objects


Complex number 2

Don't be lazy early in the morning

Get on the charge.

Exercises without objects


Complex number 1

Do your exercises in the morning

You will be strong

You will be brave!

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, in a squat with different hand positions. Running one after another, with straight legs forward and with different hand positions. Walking. Building into links.

Exercises without objects

1. "Tongue" (kinesiological exercise). “You show your tongue, look at everything” (6 times).

2. "Let's dance!" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - hands on the belt. 1 - raise your right leg, bend at the knee; 2 - i.p .; 3 - raise the left leg, bend at the knee; 4 - I. p. (6 times).

3. "Regulator". I. p. - feet about the width of the feet, standing parallel, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - up; 3 - to the sides; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "Look what's behind your back!" I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn of the body to the right; 2 - i.p .; 3 - turn of the body to the left; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

5. "Look at your leg!" I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1 - raise a straight right leg; 2 - i.p .; 3 - raise a straight left leg; 4 - I. p. (6 times).

6. "Airplane". I. p. - lying on your stomach, legs together, arms forward. 1-2 - raise the upper body, legs and arms outstretched to the sides; 3-4 - I. p. (4 times).

7. "Let's jump!" I. p. - o.s. Jumping on the right or on the left leg alternating with walking (3-4 times).

8. "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). "Geese fly high, they look at the guys." I. p. - Oh. 1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale); 2 - lower your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhale) (2 times).


Complex number 2

To grow and temper

Let's go in for sports!

Exercises without objects

9. "Clock" (breathing exercise) "The clock is moving forward, they are leading us." I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart. 1 - wave of arms forward - "tick" (inhalation); 2 - backward sweep of hands - "so" (exhalation) (2 times).


Complex number 1

We didn’t oversleep,

Become athletes

We know that for the country

Strong people are needed!

Exercises without objects


Complex number 2

Higher arms - wider shoulders

1, 2, 3 - breathe evenly

From charging and quenching

You will be stronger and stronger.

Exercises without objects


Complex number 1

Dream play tried to hide and seek

But could not stand the charge,

Again I am agile and strong

I'm charged with the charger.

Exercises without objects.


Complex number 2 (play)

We love exercise very much

Everyone wants to be healthy

Strong brave to grow up

And keep up with the game!

Exercises without objects


Complex number 1

Come out in order

Get on the charge

Start by charging your day

Dispel laziness with movement.

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, like a horse, like dolls. Running one after another, with wide jumps, with different hand positions. Walking. Building into links.

Exercises without objects.

1. "Spine" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - lying on the floor, touch the knee with your elbow (hand), slightly lifting your shoulders and bending your leg (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - o.s. With the phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist, make movements according to the principle of a gimbal on the palm of the massaged hand; then change hands (10 times).

3. "Tilts to the sides" I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the back. 1 - tilt to the right; 2 - i.p .; 3 - tilt to the left; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "Turns". I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn to the right, hands in front of you; 2 - i.p .; 3 - turn to the left, hands in front of you; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

5. "Bridge". I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent, palms resting on the floor. 1-2 - raise the pelvis, bend; 3-4 - I. p. (6 times).

6. "Birch". I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-2 - raise your legs, back, support the pelvis with your hands; 3-4 - I. p. (6 times).

7. "Jumping to the sides". I. p. - o.s. 1-4-jumps to the right and left alternately in alternation with walking (4 times).

8. "Let's get up on our toes!" (breathing exercise). I. p. - o.s. 1 - inhale - raise your hands up, stretch, standing on your toes; 2 - exhale - lower your hands down, lower your entire foot, saying "wow!" (6 times).


Complex number 2

I am still not old enough

But I'll tell you a secret

I know how to get stronger

All friends and acquaintances.

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, like a cockerel.

Exercises without objects

1. "Eyes" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - o.s. “Eyes to the left, eyes to the right, up and down, and all over again” (6 times).

2. "Mouth" (kinesiological exercise). “To speak better, the mouth must be mobile” (6 times).

3. "Let's wave our wings!" I. p. - hands to the side. 1 - hands to the shoulders; 2 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "Let's grow big!" I. p. - o.s. 1 - right leg back to toe, stretch; 2 - i.p .; 3 - left leg back on the toe, stretch; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

5. "Spiral". I. p. - sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt. 1 - turn of the body to the right; 2 - i.p .; 3 - turn of the body to the left; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

6. "Fence". I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-2 - raise arms and legs at the same time; 3-4 - I. p. (8 times).

7. "Let's jump on one leg!" I. p. - hands on the belt. 1-4 - jumping on the right leg; 5-8 - jumping on the left leg (alternating with walking) (2-3 times).

8. "Watch" (breathing exercise). "The clock is moving forward, they are leading us." I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart. 1 - wave of arms forward - "tick" (inhalation); 2 - swing your arms back - "so" (exhalation) (2 times).


Complex number 1 (play)

To grow and temper

By leaps and bounds

Do physical education,

We need to do it.

We go to the pier: Walking in a circle (back and forth, in place), cross step, back and forth, on toes, on heels, bearish (on the outside of the foot). Change the type of walking - at the signal of a tambourine or clap your hands. Easy running (possible on the spot)

Exercises without objects

  1. "Where is the ship?" I.p .: basic handstand on the belt, look forward. 1- turn the head to the right, 2- return to SP. 3-head aorot to the left. 4-return to ip (repeat 3 times in each direction)
  2. "Baggage" I. p.: Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1- clench the hands into fists, 2- raise both hands to the sides, 3- lower the hands, 4- return to the SP. (repeat 4 times)
  3. "Mast" I. p.: Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1-2- left hand on the belt; tilt to the left; the right hand goes up. 3-4- right hand on the belt; tilt to the right; the left hand goes up. (4-5 times)
  4. "Up-down" I. p.: Sitting on the floor, arms bent, support on the elbows. 1- raise both legs up, 2- return to the ip. (4-5 times)
  5. "Waves hitting the side of the ship" I. p.: Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1-2- circular movement with a straightened right hand, 3-4- circular movement with a straightened left hand, 5- return to SP. (4 times)
  6. "Draim deck" I. p.: Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1-3- forward tilt; waving straight, lowered hands to the right and left (trying to reach the floor with your hands), 4- return to SP. (4-5 times)
  7. "And when the sea is rolling ..." I. p.: Standing, legs wide apart, arms lowered. 1-2- arms to the sides, lunge to the right, right leg bent at the knee, 3-4- arms to the sides, lunge to the left, left leg bent at the knee. (4-5 times)


Complex number 2

Everyone knows, everyone understands

That it's nice to be healthy

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, like penguins (with socks well apart), like mice, diagonally, snake with a change in step width. Building into links.

Exercises without objects

1. "Flight" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - o.s. While standing, make several strong waves of your arms, spreading them to the sides. Close your eyes and imagine that you are flying, flapping your wings (10 times).

2. "Neck" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - o.s. Turn your head slowly from side to side, breathe freely. Lower your chin as low as possible. Relax your shoulders. Turn your head from side to side with your shoulders raised with your eyes open (10 times).

3. "Let's be surprised!" I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back. 1 - raise the right shoulder; 2 - i.p .; 3 - raise the left shoulder; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "Helicopter". I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1 - arms to the sides, tilt to the right; 2 - i.p,; 3 - arms to the sides, tilt to the left; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

5. "Let's sit down!" I. p. - hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down, palms on the floor; 3-4 - I. p. (8 times).

6. "Swan". I. p. - Oh. 1-2 - right leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee; 3-4 - i.p .; 5-6 - left leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee; 7-8 - I. p. (8 times).

7. "Snake". I. p. - lying on your stomach, palms rest on the floor. 1-2 - raise your torso, bend your back, raise your head; 3-4 - I. p. (4 times).

8. "Jumping forward". I. p. - o.s. 1-8 - jumping on two legs, moving forward, turning in a circle alternating with walking (4 times).

9. "Wings" (breathing exercise). "We have wings instead of hands, so we fly - the highest class!" I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart. 1-2 - raise your hands through the sides (inhale); 3-4 - lower your hands through the sides (exhale) (6 times).


Complex number 1

Each charge,

It's all movement

And we have today:

Good mood.

Walking one after another, on toes, on heels, with high knees, clapping in front of you and behind your back for every step, like penguins, like soldiers, like mice, like dolls. Running diagonally, jumping, galloping to the right. Walking. Building into links.

Exercises without objects

1. "Turns" (kinesiological exercise) I. p. - o.s. Turn your head and try to see the objects behind (10 times).

2. "Teeth" (kinesiological exercise), etc. - o.s. close your eyes, massage the junction zones of the upper and lower molars with the index and middle fingers simultaneously on the right and left. Then make a relaxing yawning sound. (10 times).

3. "Strongmen". I. p. - o.s., arms to the sides. 1 - hands to the shoulders; 2 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "Ballerina". I. p. - hands on the belt. 1 right leg to the side on the toe; 2 - i.p .; 3 - left leg to the side on the toe; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

5. "Exercise your hands." I. p. - o.s. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

6. "Fish" I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms forward and up. 1-3- raise the upper body, arms and legs; 4 - I. p. (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Move your legs to the left and right (6 times).

8. "Jumping". I. p. - o.s., hands on the belt. Legs apart - legs crossed (2 x 8 jumps).

9. "Tongue with a tube" (kinesiological exercise) I. p. - o.s. - rolling up the uvula with a tube (10 times).


Complex number 2 (play)

The guys all jumped

Faster in a round dance!

Who will make friends with charging,

He grows healthy.

The teacher informs the children that charging will take place on the ship today. Now we will climb the rope ladder.

  1. "Along the rope ladder" I. p.: Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1-2- raise the left leg bent at the knee, touch it with the elbow of the right hand, 3-4- raise the right leg bent at the knee, touch it with the elbow of the left hand. (6 times)
  2. "Swing" The ship sails on the waves, so it is not at all surprising that the deck sways underfoot. I.p .: standing, legs wide apart, hands on the belt. 1-transfer body weight to the right leg bent at the knee; left leg on toe, 2- return to SP, 3- transfer body weight to the left leg, bent at the knee; right foot on toe, 4- return to I. p. (3 times in each direction)
  3. "Fish" What kind of animals will we definitely see on the sea? (Children's answer) Right! Of course, there are a lot of fish. I.p .: lying on his stomach, straight arms extended forward. 1-2- at the same time raise straight arms and legs, stretch up, 3-4- return to SP. (4 times)
  4. "Deck-hold" Now we will play the game "Deck-hold" When I say "Deck" you straighten, "Hold" - you crouch. Say the word "hold" with me. I.p .: basic stance, hands on the belt.
  5. 1- sit down on toes, back straight, knees to the sides, arms forward (everyone pronounces "Hold"), 2- return to SP. (An adult says "Deck" (6-8 times)
  6. "Lighthouse" On the coast you can often see lighthouses. The lighthouse is needed so that its fire illuminates the path of the ships. I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1- Spread your legs to the sides by jumping, at the same time clap over your head. This is done at the command of the teacher "The fire is on", 2- the teacher says "The fire is out," which means to return to the SP. (6-8 times)
  7. So our journey ended. We return home. The complex is completed by walking with arm exercises: arms forward, arms behind the head, arms to the sides, etc. (1 minute)


Complex number 1

What is charging for?

It's not a mystery at all

To develop strength

And don't get tired all day.

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with knees raised high, like penguins, like soldiers, like dolls, like a snake along the hall, diagonally. Running one after another, across the hall in a snake, diagonally. Walking. Building into links.

Exercises without objects

1. "Wrist" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - o.s. Grasp your right wrist with your left hand and massage. The same with the left hand (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiological exercise) I. p. - o.s. 1 - open the fingers of the left hand, lightly press the point of attention located in the middle of the palm with the thumb of the right hand. When pressed, exhale, when weakened, inhale. The same with the right hand (10 times).

3. "Umbrella". I. p. - legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand up, palm down; 2 - i.p .; 3 - tilt to the left, right hand up, palm down; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "Let's sit down!" I. p. - hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down, hands forward; 3-4 - I. p. (8 times).

5. "The plane is preparing to fly." I. p. - Ohr, kneeling, hands below. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - I.p., 5-6 - turn to the left, arms to the sides; 7-8 - I. p. (8 times).

6. "Airplane". I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. 1-2 - raise your arms to the sides, legs and upper body up; 3-4 - I. p. (4 times).

7. "Corner". I. p. - lying on your back, arms stretched behind your head. 1-2 - raise your legs; 3-4 - I. p. (6 times).

8. "Jumping". I. p. - o.s. Legs together, legs apart, alternating with walking (2 x 8 jumps).

9. "Clock" (breathing exercise) "The clock is moving forward, they are leading us." I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart. 1 - wave of arms forward - "tick" (inhalation); 2 - backward sweep of hands - "so" (exhalation) (2 times).


Complex number 2

As a child, Gagarin Yura himself

I was engaged in physical education,

I ran and jumped and jumped

He became the first cosmonaut!

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with straight legs moving forward and upward, pulling the toes forward and downward and a strong wave of the arms to the sides (like soldiers). Running one after another with different hand positions. Walking. Building into links.

Exercises without objects

1. "Tongue" (kinesiological exercise) I. p. - o.s. Move the tongue back and forth (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - o.s. With the fingers of the right hand, press with effort on the palm of the left hand, which should resist; the same with the other hand (10 times).

3. "Shrug!" I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1-3 - circular movements with the right shoulder; 4 - i.p .; 5-7 - circular movements with the left shoulder; 8 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "Bends to the sides." I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the back - tilt to the right; 2 - i.p .; 3 - tilt to the left; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

5. "Tilts down". I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 - lean forward, touch your toes; 3-4 - I. p. (8 times).

6. "Ring". I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands resting at chest level. 1-3 - straightening your arms at the elbows, raise your head and chest up; bend your legs v knees and socks to reach the head; 4 - I. p. (4 times).

7. "Fish". I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms forward and up. 1-3- raise the upper body, arms and legs; 4 - I. p. (4 times).

8. "Turn around yourself!" I. p. - hands on the belt. Jumping around its axis in alternation with walking to the right and left sides alternately (10 times).

9. "Cockerel" (breathing exercise). "A rooster flapped its wings, he suddenly woke us all up." I. p. - o.s. 1-2 - arms to the sides (inhale); 3-4 - hands down, "ku-ka-re-ku!", Claps on the hips (exhalation for each syllable) (6 times).


Complex number 1

Early in the morning to exercise

We go one after another

And everything is in order

Let's start the exercises.

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with a turn, combining cotton with a step. Running with a turn. Walking. Building into links.

Exercises without objects

1. "Tree" (kinesiological exercise). Squatting, hide your head in your knees, wrap your arms around them. This is a seed that gradually sprouts and turns into a tree. Slowly rise to your feet, then straighten your torso, stretching your arms up (4 times).

2. "Handles" (kinesiological exercise). Bend your elbows, squeeze and unclench your handshands, gradually speeding up the pace. Perform until maximum fatigue. Then relax your hands and shake them.

3. "Regulator". I. p. - o.s. 1.3 - arms to the sides; 2 - up; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "Let's start!" I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1-2 - tilt down, arms back-up, keep your head straight; 3-4 -i.p. (8 times).

5. "Pull your back!" I. p. - o.s. 1-3 - bend forward, arms forward, look at them; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

6. "Legs are resting." I. p. - lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, hands under the back of the head. 1.3 - put your legs to the left (right); 2.4 - I. p. (8 times).

7. "Snail". I. p. - lying on your stomach, both arms along the body. 1-3 - raise the upper body, bring both legs as close as possible to the back of the head; 4 - I. p. (4 times).

8. "Let's jump!" I. p. - o.s. Jumping legs apart - legs together alternating with walking (2 x 10 jumps).

9. "Clock" (breathing exercise) "The clock is moving forward, they are leading us." I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart. 1 - wave of arms forward - "tick" (inhalation); 2 - backward sweep of hands - "so" (exhalation) (2 times).


Complex number 2

What is charging for?

This is not a mystery at all.

To develop strength

And don't get tired all day.

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with high knees and different hand positions. Running one after another, with wide strides, with different hand positions. Walking. Building into links.

Exercises without objects.

1. "Tongue with a tube" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - o.s. Roll up the uvula with a tube (10 times).

2. "Turns" (kinesiological exercise). I. p. - o.s. Turn your head and try to see the objects behind (10 times).

3. "Umbrella". I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand up, palm down; 2 - i.p .; 3 - tilt to the left, right hand up, palm down; 4 - I. p. (8 times).

4. "We are growing." I.p .. - sitting on your heels, hands on your knees. 1-2 - get on your knees, hands up, stretch; 3-4 - I. p. (8 times).

5. "Corner". I. p. - lying on your back, straight arms behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight legs forward and up; 3-4 - I. p. (6 times).

6. "Basket". I. p. - lying on your stomach, handsalong the body. 1-2 - bend your knees; with your hands, grab the socks from the outside and pull your legs up, while simultaneously pulling up the head and 1 trap; 3-4 - I. p. (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I. p. - hands on the belt. Jumping one leg forward, the other back, alternating with walking (2 x 10 jumps).

8. "Cockerel" (breathing exercise) "The cock flapped its wings, he suddenly woke us all up." I. p. - o.s. 1-2 - arms to the sides (inhale); 3-4 - hands down, "ku-ka-re-ku!", Claps on the hips (exhalation for each syllable) (6 times).


morning exercises

for older children

Annual tasks:

1. Set up, “charge” the child's body for the whole day ahead

2. Form the correct posture and educate the ability to maintain it in various activities.

3. Promote the prevention of flat feet.

4. Form the need for daily physical activity.

5. Exercise children in statistical and dynamic balance, develop coordination of movements and orientation in space.

6. Prevention of colds and injuries.

7. Maintain and strengthen the health of children, musculoskeletal, respiratory systems

8. Maintain interest in physical education and sports.

All exercises are performed 5-7 times, jumps are repeated 2-3 times.

September 1 week

II. Ball exercises


1- toss the ball, 2- and. NS.

"Show your neighbor"

1- turn to the right, showed the ball to a neighbor, 2- and. etc., the same to the left


1- tilt to the right, 2- i.p.,

3- tilt to the left, 4 - and. NS.

"Move the ball"

1- raise your arms through the sides up, shift the ball from your right hand to your left,

Ball Squat


Jumping, walking.

September 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column one by one on toes, hands behind the head, on the heels, hands behind the back, light running, walking.

II. Exercises without objects

"Cotton at the top"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands below

1- hands through the sides up, clap, 2- and. NS.

"Shaking our head"

1- head tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3 - tilt to the left, 4 - sp.

"Lean Forward"

1- tilt forward, touch the socks with your hands, 2- i.p.


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, 2- tilt to the left


I.P .: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt

1 - sit down, hands forward, 2 - and. NS.

"Jumping stars"

1 - legs apart, arms up, 2 - I. p.

III. Column formation one at a timeeasy running, walking.

September 3 week

I. Formation in a line, column,

II. Handkerchief exercises

"Show me a handkerchief"

"Wave your handkerchief"

1- hands up, shift the handkerchief out of the right. hands to the left, wave them;

"Move the handkerchief"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands below, a handkerchief in his right hand.

The same in the other direction.

"Put a handkerchief"

1- sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. etc., hands on the belt,


III. Column formation

September 4 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, walking on toes, on heels with different hand positions.

II. Exercises without objects

"Bow your head"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1- head tilt forward, 2- and. p., 3 - tilt back, 4 - i.p.

"Jerking with hands"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of the chest, bent at the elbows

1- jerk with hands in front of the chest,

2- turn to the right, spread straight arms to the sides, the same to the left.


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

"Bends - twists"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, the left hand above the head stretches to the right, the right one stretches to the left behind the back, 2 - ip, the same to the left.

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

I.P .: kneeling, hands are pressed to the body

1 - lean back, linger, 2 - and. NS.


I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

Q: into account 1 - 8

III. Column formation one at a timeeasy running, walking.

October 1 week

I. Formation in a line,

II. Stick exercises

"Stick up"

1- lift the stick to the chest; 2 - stick up; 3 - stick on the chest; 4 - I. p.

Downward Bends.

1 - stick up; 2 - tilt to the right leg;

3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - I. p.

The same for the left leg.


1 - 2 - sit down with a slow movement, keep your back and head straight;

3 - 4- i.p.

"Lying on your stomach"

1 - bend, stick forward - up; 2 - return to SP


October 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,

II. Exercises "Traveling by sea - ocean"

"Where is the ship?"

2- and. etc., the same in the other direction.


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, 1- clench the hands into fists, 2 - both hands with an effort to raise to the sides, 3 - lower the arms down, 4 - i.p ..


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1- turn to the right, right hand behind the back, left - on the right shoulder,

2-ip, the same to the left.

1-8 - circular rotation of the hands forward and backward.

"Draim deck"

1 - tilt forward, arms to the sides, 2 - 6 - swing your arms to the right and left,

trying to touch the opposite toe, 7 - arms to the sides, 8 - I. p.

"And when the sea is rolling"

I.P .: legs together, hands below

1 - lunge to the right, arms to the sides, 2 - ip, the same to the left.

III. Column formation one at a time

October 3 week

II. Rope exercises

"Rope up"

"Put the string down"



"Half squats"


III. Column formation one at a time, easy running, walking.

October 4 week

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking and jogging.

II. Exercises "Parsley"


I.P .: heels together, toes apart, hands down.

1- clap in front of the chest with straight arms,

2- 3 - sliding movements up and down, 4- and. NS.

"Turns with the abduction of the arms to the sides"

1 - turn to the right, spread straight arms to the sides,

2- i.p., the same to the left.

"Pops under the knee"

I.P .: heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt.

1- raise the right leg, bent at the knee, slap under the knee,

2 and. etc., the same with the left leg.

"Forward bends"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.

1- bend forward, take straight arms back, 2 - I.p.

"Parsley are dancing"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1- tilt to the right, 2-and. p., 3 - tilt to the left, 4 - sp.

"Parsley are jumping"

Jumping - legs apart, legs together. At the expense of 1-2.

III. Column formation one at a time, easy running, walking.

November 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking "Giants" and "Gnomes", light running, walking.

II. Ball exercises


I.P .: legs slightly apart, ball at chest, bottom grip

1- toss the ball, 2- and. NS.

"Show your neighbor"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in straight arms in front of the chest

1- turn to the right, showed the ball to a neighbor, 2- and. NS.,

the same to the left.


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, ball over head, in straight arms

1- tilt to the right, 2- i.p.,

3- tilt to the left, 4 - and. NS.

"Move the ball"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, ball down, in right hand

Ball Squat

I.P .: heels together, toes apart, ball at chest

1 - sit down, take the ball forward, 2 - and. NS.


I.P .: legs together, ball at chest

Q: jumping - legs apart, ball up, legs together, ball at chest

III. Column formation one at a timejumping, walking.

November 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,

II. Exercises "Tailors"



"The sewing machine is running"

"Pull rubber"

"The wheel of the car is spinning"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

"The needle sews - jumps"

III. Column formation one at a time

November 3 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running scatteringly with finding their place in the convoy at a signal.

II. Ball exercises

Show the ball.

1 - the ball to the chest, 2 - forward, 3 - to the chest, 4 - I.p.

"Turns to the sides".

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in front of the chest, in outstretched arms

1 - turn right, 2 - sp., 3 - turn left, 4 - sp.

"Up - down" And

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, ball at chest

1 - lift the ball up over your head, 2 - i.p.,

3 - bend over, touch the floor with the ball, 4 - sp.

"Bends with the ball"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, ball at the top;

1 - tilt to the right, 2 - sp., 3 - tilt to the left, 4 - sp.


I.P .: heels together, toes apart, ball in front.

1 - 3 - springs; 4 - I. p.

"Jumping with the ball"

I.P .: legs together, ball at chest

1 - legs apart, ball up; 2 - I. p.

III. Column formation one at a time, walking with the heel to the toe, light jogging, walking.

November 4 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking with stepping over the cubes, light running, walking.

II. Hoop exercises

"Hoop up - back"

I.P .: feet on sh. Art., hoop at the bottom, grip from the sides

bend over, 2- and. etc., the same with the left leg.


I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hoop at the chest

1- turn to the right, hoop to the right, straighten your arms,

2- and. etc., the same to the left.

"Bends with a hoop"

I.P .: feet on sh. n., hoop bottom

2- bend over, touch the floor with the rim, 3- rise back, 4- and. NS.


1- sit down, lift the hoop up, 2- and. NS.

"Twirl the hoop"


. Hoop and hoop jumping.

III. Column formation one at a time, walking and running on toes, checking posture.

December 1 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column, one after the first and the last.

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands up"

. I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

1 - raise your hands through the sides up, clap your hands; 2 - I. p.

"The head is swinging"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - head tilt to the right; 2 - i.p .; 3 - head tilt to the left; 4 - I. p.

Side bends

1 - tilt to the right, the left hand touches the right hand through the top;

2 - I. p. The same in the other direction (do not lower your hands).

Downward Bends

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - tilt down, touch your socks with your hands (do not bend your knees); 2 - I. p.

"Keep your balance"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands below.

1 - 3 - raise the right leg, arms to the sides, 2 - I. p.

The same with the left leg.


I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt.

B: jumping on two legs in place.

III. Column formation one at a time, easy running, walking.

December 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking and running in a column, one at a time, to the signal “Heron! "- stop, raise your leg, arms to the sides, at the signal" Frogs "- squat down, hands on your knees.

II. Rope exercises

"Rope up"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the bottom.

1- rope forward, 2- upward, 3- forward, 4- and. NS.

"Put the string down"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope in arms outstretched forward.

1 - tilt down, put the rope on the floor, 2 - stand up, hands on the belt,

3- tilt down, take the rope, 4- and. NS.


I.P .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, rope forward.

1- turn to the right, 2-and. n. The same in the other direction.


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top.

1- tilt to the right, 2- and. etc., the same in the other direction

"Half squats"

I.P .: heels together, toes apart, rope at the bottom.

1- sit down, rope forward, 2-and. etc., the same in the other direction


I.P .: feet together, the rope is at the bottom.

Jumps - legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down.

III. Column formation one at a time, easy running, walking.

December 3 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column one at a time, jogging (1-2 min), jumping, walking.

II. Exercises "Tailors"


I.P .: feet on sh. Art., arms to the sides

1- cross straight arms in front, 2- and. NS.


I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands down

1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3- tilt to the left, 4- and. NS.

"The sewing machine is running"

I.P .: legs together, hands behind clasped in the lock

1- raise the right knee, 2- and. n., 3- raise the left knee, 4- and. NS.

"Pull rubber"

I.P .: legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, hands are compressed.

1- take your elbows back with force, 2- and. NS.

"The wheel of the car is spinning"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1- 8 circular rotations with straight arms (right - forward, left - back).

"The needle sews - jumps"

I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1-8 jumps in place.

III. Column formation one at a time, walking, light diagonal jogging, walking, posture check.

December 4 week

I. Formation in a line,

II. Exercises with flags

"Flags forward"

I.P .: feet at the width of the feet, flags at the bottom

1 - flags forward; 2 - to the sides; 3 - up; 4 –i.p.

"Show the flag"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, flags at the chest

1 - turn to the right, right hand to the side; 2 - I. p. The same to the left.

"Bow down beautifully"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, flags at the bottom

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right leg, 3 - stand up, 4 - I. p.

The same for the left leg.

"Curls with flags"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, flags to the sides in straight arms

1 - tilt - twisting to the right, 2 - I. p. The same to the left.


I.P .: heels together, toes apart, flags at the bottom

1 - sit down, bring the flags forward, 2 - I.p.


I.P .: legs together, flags at the bottom.

Jumping - "stars with flags"

III. Column formation one at a time, straight canter, walking.

January 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column,

II. Exercises "Let's dance"


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart., Hands down


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, 2-. etc., the same to the other side

"Heel, toe"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - right foot on the heel, sit down, and. n., 2 - left foot on the heel,

3 - right foot to toe, and. p. 4 - left foot on toe

"Bent over cheerfully"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, smiled, 2 - and. etc., the same in the other direction

"Legs are dancing"

2 - and. etc., the same to the left side


I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1 - arms up, legs to the side, 2 - and. NS.

III. Column formation one at a timeeasy running, walking.

January 2 week

I. Formation in a line,

II. Small ball exercises

"Show the ball"

I.P .: feet about the width of the feet, the ball in the right hand

1- raise your arms through the sides up, shift the ball to your left hand,

3- 4 - I. p. The same in the other direction.

"Show the ball"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front, ball in right hand

1- take straight arms back, transfer the ball to the left hand, 2 - and. NS.

"Bends with the ball"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand

1- tilt to the right, left hand above the head, move the ball to the right

hand (do not lower the right hand), 2- and. p. The same to the left.

"Put the ball down"

I.P .: feet about the width of the feet, the ball in both hands below

1-tilt down, put the ball between your legs, 2 - and. n. hands on the belt,

3 - tilt down, take the ball, 4 - i.p.

"Move the ball"

I.P .: kneeling, ball in right hand

1- turn to the right, put the ball at the toes, 2 - and. n. hands on the belt,

3 - turn to the left, take the ball with your left hand, 4- ip.


I.P .: feet together, hands on the belt, ball on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the ball.

III. Column formation one at a time, side gallop, walking.

January 3 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running with a change of leader.

II. Exercises "Sports warm-up"

"Running in place"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

One by one we tear off the heels from the floor, the socks are in place (1-2 min.)


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists

1- forcefully bend your arms to your shoulders, 2-. NS.

"Side stretch"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, left hand above the head,

2 - and. etc., the same in the other direction.

"Look behind your back"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - turn to the right, with the left hand gently push the right shoulder back and

look behind the back, 2 - and. etc., the same in the other direction.

Side Lunges

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - lunge with the right leg to the right, back straight, 2 - ip, the same to the left.


I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - 3 - jumping in place,

4 - jump as high as possible.

III. Column formation one at a timewalking putting the heel of one leg to the toe of the other, light running, walking.

January 4 week

I. Game "Entertainer".One of the players is chosen by the entertainer, he stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle to the right or left and say:

In an even circle, one after another,

We go step by step

Soi in place, together together

Let's do it like this.

Children stop, give up. The entertainer shows some movement, and all children must repeat it. After two repetitions, another driver is selected.

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands to the shoulder"

I.P .: feet on sh. with., arms along the body. 1 - right hand to the shoulder; 2 - left hand to the shoulder; 3 - right hand down; 4 - left hand down.

"Hands to the side"

I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - sit down, hands forward; 3 - stand up, arms out to the sides; 4 - I. p.


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1 - turn of the body to the right, the right hand to the side;

2 - I. p. The same to the left.

"Clap your hands under the knee"

I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - swing the right leg forward, clap your hands under the knee; 3 - lower the leg, arms to the sides; 4 - I. p. The same with the left foot.

Fishing rod game. Children stand in a circle, at a short distance from each other. In the center, the teacher rotates the rope. As the rope approaches, the children jump so as not to hit it. The one who touches the rope takes a step back and is eliminated from the game.

III. Column formation one at a time walking.

February 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking and running in a column onalone, to the signal “Heron! "- stop, raise your leg, arms to the sides, at the signal" Frogs "- squat down, hands on your knees.

II. Rope exercises

"Rope up"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the bottom.

1- rope forward, 2- upward, 3- forward, 4- and. NS.

"Put the string down"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope in arms outstretched forward. 1- bend down, put the rope on the floor, 2- stand up, hands on the belt, 3- bend down, take the rope, 4- and. NS.


I.P .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, rope forward.

1- turn to the right, 2-and. n. The same in the other direction.


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top. 1- tilt to the right, 2- and. etc., the same in the other direction

"Half squats"

I.P .: heels together, toes apart, rope at the bottom.

1- sit down, rope forward, 2-and. etc., the same in the other direction


I.P .: feet together, the rope is at the bottom.

Jumps - legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down

III. Column formation one at a time, easy running, walking.

February 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking on heels, on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the inside; easy running.

II. Exercises "Let's dance"


I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands down

1- spread your arms to the sides, smile, 2- and. NS.


1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, 2- and. NS.,

the same in the other direction

"Heel, toe"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands on the belt

1- right foot on the heel, sit down, etc. n., 2- left foot on the heel, 3- right

foot to toe, and. p. 4- left foot on toe

"Bent over cheerfully"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, smiled, 2- and. etc., the same in the other direction

"Legs are dancing"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

1 - lunge to the right, the left leg on the heel turns to the left, 2 - and. etc., the same to the left side


I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1- arms up, legs to the side, 2- and. NS.

III. Column formation one at a timeeasy running, walking.

February 3 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, bending around objects placed in the corners of the hall, lateral canter with the right foot.

II. Handkerchief exercises

"Show me a handkerchief"

I.P .: feet about the width of a foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest.

1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. NS.

"Wave your handkerchief"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, a handkerchief in his right hand, lowered down

1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it;

2 and. n. The same in the other direction.

"Move the handkerchief"

1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side,

2- and. etc., shift the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left. The same in the other direction.

"Put a handkerchief"

I.P .: heels together, socks apart, a handkerchief at the bottom

1- sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor,

2- and. etc., hands on the belt,

3- sit down, take a handkerchief, 4- and. NS.


I.P .: legs together, a handkerchief at the bottom. Jumping with a handkerchief.

III. Column formationone at a time, walking and running with a change of leader, posture check.

February 4 week

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands to the side"

I.P .: basic stance, arms along the body

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into fists;

3 - arms to the sides; 4 - i.p ..

Side bends

1 - step with the right foot to the right; 2 - tilt of the body to the right;

3 - straighten up; 4 - return to SP The same to the left.

"Forward bends"

I.P .: legs apart, hands behind the head.

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt forward, touch the floor with your fingers;

3 - straighten up, arms to the sides, 4 - i.p.

"Hug your knees"

1 - 2 - bend your knees, wrap your arms around, press your head against your knees;

3 - 4 - return to SP


I.P .: lying on your back, arms along the body

Alternate flexion and extension of the legs - "bike" (at the expense of 1-8).

Pause. Repeat.

III. Column formation one at a time walking.

March 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running with a snake between objects placed in one line; walking and jogging.

II. Rope exercises.

"Jump rope up"

I.P .: main stand, rope folded in half, at the bottom.

1 - right leg back to toe, jump rope up; 2 - ver. in I. p.

Side bends

I.P .: stand feet apart, rope below.

1 - jump rope up;

2 - tilt to the right (left); 3 - straighten up; 4 - I. p.

"Forward bends"

I.P .: sitting legs apart, rope on the chest.

1 - jump rope up;

2 - bend forward, touch the toes of the feet with the rope;

3 - straighten up, jump rope up; 4 - return to SP

"Jump Rope Forward."

I.P .: Stand in the support on the knees, the rope at the bottom.

1 - 2 sit on the right thigh, jump rope forward;

3 - 4 - return to SP The same to the left.

"Bend back"

I.P .: lying on his stomach, rope in bent arms in front of him.

1 - bend, jump rope forward; 2 - return to SP


I.P .: main stand. Jumping on two legs over the rope, rotating it forward. The pace is individual.

III. Column formation one at a time walking.

March 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column one at a time along the bridge (board or path made of cords); running m / objects with a snake. Walking and running alternate.

"Step to the side."

I.P .: basic stance, arms along the body. 1 - step with the right foot to the right, hands behind the head; 2 - put your foot on, return to I. p. The same to the left.


I.P .: feet about the width of the feet, hands on the belt.

1- 3- springy squats, arms forward; 4 - return to and. NS.


I.P .: stand feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. 1- bend your arms in front of your chest; 2-turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3 - straighten up, hands in front of the chest; 4- i.p. The same to the left.

"Cotton under the knee"

I. P .: basic stance, arms along the body 1 - arms to the sides;

2 - swing the right leg forward and up, clap your hands under the knee;

3 - lower the leg, arms to the sides; 4 - I. p. The same with the left foot.


I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt.

1 - step to the right; 2 – tilt to the right; 3 – straighten up; 4 – ip. The same to the left.


I.P .: basic stance, arms along the body. At the expense of 1-8 jumps on the right leg, pause, jumps.

III. Game exercise "The ball to the driver".Children are divided into threes, one of them is the driver. The driver alternately throws the ball to the players, and they return it back. During the game, the guys can change places. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interfere with each other.

March 3 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time with a change in the direction of movement at the signal of the teacher; walking and jogging.

II. Ball exercises.

"Throwing the ball up"

I.P .: stand, legs apart, the ball in both hands in front of you. Throwing the ball up (low) at an arbitrary pace.

"Catch the ball"

I.P .: stand, legs slightly apart, ball in both bent arms in front of you. Turn the torso to the right, throw the ball on the floor, catch it. The same with a turn to the left. WITH

"Roll the ball" I.

I.P .: Stand in support on the knees, sitting on the heels, the ball in front of you on the floor. Roll the ball around you to the right, helping with your hands. Do the same to the left.

"Get the ball"

I.P .: lying on your back, legs straight, the ball behind your head.

1-2 - raise your legs up in a slow motion, touch them with the ball;

3-4 return to SP.

"Show the ball" And

I.P .: main stance, ball at the bottom.

1 - 2 - right leg back to toe, ball up; 3 - 4 return to SP. The same with the left foot.

III. Fishing rod game.

Children become round. In the middle of the circle, the teacher spins the rope (a fisherman with a fishing rod), and the children (fish) must jump over the rope. Anyone touched by the rope, he sits on a chair (the fisherman caught a fish).

March 4 week

I. Formation in a line,

II. Exercises "Airplanes"

"We start the engine"


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1-8 - circular rotations with straight arms forward (rep. 2 times)

"The path is clear"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

2- and. etc., the same to the left

"Planes are flying"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides

"Turbulence (shaking in the air)"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

Jumping on two legs in place.

"The planes have landed"

I.P .: feet at the width of the feet, hands below

2 - and. etc., the same with the left foot

III. Column formation one at a time

April 1 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running with stepping over objects; walking and jogging.

II. Exercises without objects.

"Hands up"

I.P .: - basic stance, arms along the body;

1- 2 - rising on toes, hands through the sides up, bend,

3 - 4 I.p.


I.P .: - leg stand at the width of a foot, hands behind the head.

1-2 - sit down with a slow movement, arms to the sides; 3- 4 i.p.

"Clap your hands".

I.P .: - stand feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back

1 - arms to the sides;

2 - bend over to the right leg, clap your hands behind the knee;

3 - straighten up, arms out to the sides; 4 - I. p. The same for the left leg.

"Leg up"

I.P .: - standing on your knees, resting your palms on the floor.

1 - lift the right leg back and up; 2 - return to SP The same with the left foot.


I.P .: - standing on the knees, hands on the belt

1 - turn to the right, right hand to the right; 2 - returnin I. p. The same to the left.


I.P. - basic stance, arms along the body. 1 - jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump with your feet together. Performed at the expense of 1-8III. Column formation one at a timewalking in a column one at a time.

April 2 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher.

II. Stick exercises

"Stick up"

I.P .: main stance, stick at the bottom.

1- lift the stick to the chest; 2 - stick up;

3 - stick on the chest; 4 - I. p.

Downward Bends

I.P .: stand feet apart, stick down

1 - stick up;

2 - tilt to the right leg;

4 - I. p. The same for the left leg.


I.P .: basic stance, stick on the shoulders

1 - 2 - sit down with a slow movement, keep your back and head straight m about;

3 - 4- i.p.

"Lying on your stomach"

I.P .: lying on his stomach, stick in bent arms in front of him.

1 - bend, stick forward - up;

2 - return to SP


I.P .: the main stance, the stick with a grip on top is wider than the shoulders below.

1 - jump legs apart, stick up;

2 - a jump of the legs together. At the expense of 1-8.

III. Column formation one at a timewalking in a column one at a time.

April 3 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking in a column, one at a time between objects, walking and scattering.

II. Exercises on a gymnastic bench.

"Hands to the side"

I.P .: - sitting astride a bench, hands on a belt

1– arms to the sides; 2 - hands behind the head;

3 - arms to the sides; 4 - I. p.


I.P. - sitting on a bench on horseback, hands on a belt.

3 - straighten up, arms out to the sides; 4 - return to SP

"Legs up"

I.P. - lying perpendicular to the bench, legs straight, hand grip on the edges of the bench;

1 - 2 raise straight legs up; 3-4 return to I. p.

"Step on the bench"

I.P. - standing facing the bench, arms along the body.

1 - step right naked on the bench;

2 - step with the left foot on the bench;

3 - step with the right foot off the bench;

4 - the same left. Turn in a circle (3-4 times).


I.P. - standing sideways to the bench, hands arbitrarily.

Jumping on two legs along the bench, at the expense of 1-8; turning around and repeating jumps.

III. Column formationone at a time, walking in a column one at a time between the benches.

April 4 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher.

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands to the side"

I.P .: basic stance, arms along the body.

1- step with the right foot to the right, arms to the sides; 2 – ip. The same with the left foot.


I.P. - legs slightly apart, arms along the body

1 - 3 - springy squats, arms forward; 4 - I. p.


I.P .: - stand feet shoulder-width apart, arms below

1 - bend your arms in front of your chest;

2 - turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides;

3 - hands in front of the chest; 4 - I. p. The same to the left.


I.P .: - legs parallel, arms along the body. 1 - arms to the sides;

2 - bend the right leg, put it on the knee;

3 - lower the leg, arms to the sides; 4 - I. p. The same with the left foot.

Seated turns.

I.P .: - kneeling, hands on the belt.

1 - 2 - with a turn to the right, sit on the right thigh;

3 - 4 I.p. The same to the left.


I.P .: - basic stance, arms along the body. Jumping on the right and left feet at the expense of 1-8..

III. Column formation one at a timewalking in a column one at a time.

May 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column one at a time, health jogging (1-2 min., jumping, walking.

II. Exercises "Tailors"


I.P .: feet foot-width apart, arms to the sides

1- cross straight arms in front, 2- and. NS.


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1 - tilt to the right, 2 - and. NS.,

3 - tilt to the left, 4 - and. NS.

"The sewing machine is running"

I.P .: legs together, hands behind clasped in the lock

1 - raise the right knee, 2 - and. p., 3 - raise the left knee, 4 - and. NS.

"Pull rubber"

I.P .: legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, hands are compressed.

1- take your elbows back with force, 2- and. NS.

"The wheel of the car is spinning"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1- 8 circular rotations with straight arms (right - forward, left - back).

"The needle sews - jumps"

1-8 jumps in place.

III. Column formation one at a time, walking, light diagonal jogging, walking, posture check.

May 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, bending around objects placed in the corners of the hall, lateral canter with the right foot.

II. Handkerchief exercises

"Show me a handkerchief"

I.P .: feet about the width of a foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest.

1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. NS.

"Wave your handkerchief"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, a handkerchief in his right hand, lowered down.

1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it,

2 and. n. The same in the other direction.

"Move the handkerchief"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands below, handkerchief in right hand

1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side,

2- and. etc., shift the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left.

The same in the other direction.

"Put a handkerchief"

I.P .: heels together, socks apart, a handkerchief at the bottom

1 - sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2 - and. etc., hands on the belt,

3 - sit down, take a handkerchief, 4 - and. NS.


I.P .: legs together, a handkerchief at the bottom. Jumping with a handkerchief.

III. Column formationone at a time, walking and running with a change of leader, posture check.

May 3 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running with tasks for hands, walking on toes, on heels.

II. Exercises "Heron"

"The heron flaps its wings"

I.P .: legs together, hands below

1- raise straight arms to the sides, make several wave-like movements, 2- and. NS.

"The heron pulls a frog out of the swamp"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, left hand on the belt, right below.

1- bend over to the right, touch the toe with your right hand,

2- and. p. The same with the left hand.

"The heron stands on one leg"

1 - raise the right leg bent at the knee, arms to the sides,

2 - and. n. The same with the left leg.

"The heron swallows the frog"

I.P .: sitting on your knees, hands down

1- rise on your knees, hands up, clap your hands, 2- and. NS.

"The heron stands in the reeds"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt. 1- tilt to the right (left), 2- and. NS.

"Heron Jumping"

I.P .: feet at the width of the feet, hands on the belt

1-8 - jumps on the right - left leg alternately

III. Column formation one at a time, easy running, walking, posture check.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running scatteringly with finding their place in the convoy at a signal.

II. Ball exercises

"Show the ball"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, ball at the bottom in both hands (side grip)

1- ball to the chest, 2- forward, 3- to the chest, 4- and. NS.

"Turns to the sides"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., the ball in front of the chest, in outstretched arms

1- turn to the right, 2-and. p., 3- turn left, 4- and. NS.

"Up down"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, the ball at the chest.

1- lift the ball up over your head,

2- and. p., 3 - bend over, touch the floor with the ball, 4. NS.

"Bends with the ball"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, ball at the top

1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3- tilt to the left, 4- and. NS.


I.P .: heels together, toes apart, ball in front

1-3 - springs, 4- and. NS.

"Jumping with the ball"

I.P .: legs together, ball at chest

1- legs apart, ball up, 2- and. NS.

III. Column formation one at a time, walking, putting the heel to the toe, jogging, walking.

I. Formation in a line,

II. Pin Exercises

"Skittles up"

1 - skittles to the side; 2 - pins up;

3 - pins to the sides; 4 - return to SP

"Forward bends"

I.P .: stand feet apart, skittles at the chest

1 - skittles to the sides;

2 - tilt forward, touch the floor with pins;

3 - straighten up, pins to the sides;

4 - I. p.


I.P .: kneeling, skittles at the shoulders

1 - 2 - turn to the right, touch the floor at the heel of the right foot;

3 - 4 - straighten up, return to SP. The same to the left.


I.P .: main stance, pins at the bottom

1 - 2 - sit down, skittles forward;

3 - 4 - return to SP


I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt, pins on the floor.

Jumping on two legs, on the right and left, alternately around the pins in both directions.

III. Column formation one at a timewalking in a column one at a time.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement at the signal of the teacher.

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands to the side"

I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands behind the head; . 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - return to SP

Side bends

I.P .: stand feet shoulder-width apart, arms down

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right (left);

3 - straighten up, arms out to the sides; 4 - I. p.

"Forward bends"

I.P .: sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands on the belt

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - bend forward, touch the floor between the heels of the feet; 3 - straighten up, arms out to the sides; 4 - I. p.

"Leg to the side"

I.P .: kneeling, hands on the belt

1 - right leg to the side, arms to the sides; 2 - return to SP The same with the left foot.


I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt, pins on the floor. Jumping on two legs, on the right and left, alternately around the pins in both directions.

"Leg up"

I.P .: lying on your back, arms along the body, palms resting on the floor.

1 - raise your right leg up; 2- lower your leg, return to ip The same with the left foot.

"Bend back"

I.P .: lying on his stomach, straight arms extended forward

1 - bend, arms forward and up; 2 - I. p.

III. Fishing rod game.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement at the signal of the teacher.

II. Exercises with cubes

"Cubes up"


2- return to i.p.

"Forward bends"


"Legs up"

3 - 4 - return to SP


III. Column formation one at a time

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking on toes, on heels with different hand positions, light running, walking.

II. Hoop exercises

"Hoop up - back"

I.P .: feet at the width of the feet, hoop at the bottom, grip from the sides

1- lift the hoop up - back, put your right leg back,

bend over,

2- and. etc., the same with the left leg.


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at the chest

1- turn right, hoop right, straighten arms

2- and. etc., the same to the left.

"Bends with a hoop"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hoop bottom

1- lift the hoop forward, vertically,

2- bend over, touch the rim of the floor,

3- climb back up,

4- and. NS.


I.P .: heels together, toes apart, hoop at the shoulders (side grip)

1- sit down, lift the hoop up,

2- and. NS.

"Twirl the hoop"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hoop at the waist (hold with your hand)

Circular rotation of the hoop at the waist.


I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt, hoop on the floor.

Hoop and hoop jumping.

III. Mousetrap game.

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time with a change in direction.

II. Exercises "Traveling by sea - ocean"

“Where is the ship? "

I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt

1- turn the head to the right, put a hand with a "visor" on the forehead,

2- and. etc., the same in the other direction


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down

1- clench the hands into fists, 2- forcefully raise both hands to the sides,

3- put your hands down, 4- and. NS.


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, left arm up, above the head,

2- and. p. The same to the left.

"Waves crashing against the side of the ship"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down

1-8- circular rotations with hands forward and backward

"Draim deck"

I.P .: legs are wider and wider. etc., hands down

1- bend forward, arms to the sides,

2-6-swinging hands to the right-left, trying to touch the opposite toe,

7- arms to the sides, 8 - and. NS.

"And when the sea is rolling ..."

I.P .: legs together, hands below

1- lunge to the right, arms to the sides, 2- and. etc., the same to the left

III. Column formation one at a timewalking, running on toes, walking.

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column, to the signal "Hares!" three jumps on two legs. Running in all directions, at the signal: "Stork!" stand on one leg, hands on the belt. Walking and running alternate.

II. Big d ball exercises

"Step to the side - ball up"

I.P .: basic stance, ball in both hands down

1 - step to the right, ball up;

2 - put the left foot;

3 - step to the left;

4 - return to SP

"Forward bend"

I.P .: stand feet apart, ball on chest

1 - ball up;

2 - 3 - tilt forward, roll the ball from one leg to the other;

4 - return to SP


I.P .: stand feet at the width of the feet, the ball on the chest

1 - 2 - sit down, ball forward, arms straight;

3 - 4 I.p.

"Legs up"

I.P .: sitting feet together, the ball on the feet, hands in support from behind.

1 - 2 - raise your legs up, roll the ball onto your stomach and catch it.

Show the ball

I.P .: main stance, ball down

1 - 2 - rising on toes, the ball up; 3 - 4 I.p.

III. Game "Cars"... Walking in a circle - the cars drove to the garage, hands in the "turn the steering wheel" position.

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking on heels, on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the inside; easy running.

II. Exercises "Let's dance"


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down

1- spread your arms to the sides, smile, 2- and. NS.


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides,

2- and. etc., the same in the other direction

"Heel, toe"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1- right foot on the heel, sit down, etc. NS.,

2- left foot on the heel,

3- right foot to toe, and. NS.

4- left foot on toe

"Bent over cheerfully"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, smiled,

2- and. etc., the same in the other direction

"Legs are dancing"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

1 - lunge to the right, the left leg on the heel turns to the left,

2- and. etc., the same to the left side


I.P .: legs together, hands below.

1- arms up, legs to the sides,

2- and. NS.

III. Column formation one at a timeeasy running, walking.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher.

II. Exercises with a gymnastic stick

"Stick up"

I.P .: main stance, stick at the bottom

1- stick up; 2 - lower the stick over the head on the shoulders;

3 - stick up; 4 - I. p.

Downward Bends

I.P .: stand feet apart, stick down

1 - stick up;

2 - tilt forward, stick forward;

3 - straighten up, stick up;

4 - return to SP


I.P .: stand feet apart, stick on shoulder blades

1 - turn of the body to the right (left);

2 - return to SP


I.P .: basic stance, stick on the chest

1 - 2 - sit down, stick forward; 3 - 4- i.p.

"Stick Forward"

I.P .: main stance, stick at the bottom

1 - right leg to the side on the toe, stick forward;

2 - I. p. The same to the left.

III. Game exercise "Shapes".

Column formation one at a timewalking in a column one at a time.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time with a high lifting of the thighs, like horses. Running, waving his arms like butterfly wings.

II. Exercises with flags

"Flags up"


1 - flags to the sides; 2 - flags up, cross;

3 - flags to the sides; 4 - return to SP


I.P .: main stand, flags at the bottom

1 - 2 - sit down, flags forward; 3 - 4 - I. p.


I.P .: Stand on the knees, flags at the shoulders

1 - turn to the right (left), flag to the side; 2 - I. p.

Slopes "

I.P .: stand feet apart, flags behind the back

1 - flags to the sides;

2 - lean forward, cross the flags in front of you;

3 - straighten up, flags to the sides; 4 - I. p.

Jumping "

I.P .: main stand, flags at the bottom.

At the expense of 1-8 jumping on two legs, then a short pause; at the expense of 1-8 jumps on the right (left) leg, alternating with a small pause.

"Flags to the sides"

I.P .: main stand, flags at the bottom

1 - right leg back to toe, flags to the sides; 2 - I. p.

The same with the left foot.

III. Column formation one at a timewalking in a column one at a time, both flags in the right hand above the head.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement at the signal of the teacher.

II. Ring exercises (ring toss)


I.P .: basic stance, ring in straight hands in front of you with a two-handed grip for the middle outside

1 -2 – turn the ring by twisting the arms to the position with the reverse grip; 3 - 4 return to SP.


I.P .: basic stance, ring in both hands with a hand grip in the middle from the outside.

1 - sit down, ring up; 2 - return to SP

"Hands up"

I.P .: stand feet shoulder-width apart, ring in the right hand.

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, shift the ring to the left hand; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - hands down.

"Move the ring to the other hand"

I.P .: stand feet at the width of the foot, ring in the right hand.

1 - raise the left bent leg, shift the ring under it to the other hand; 2 - lower your leg, hands down. The same with the right foot.


I.P .: leg stand onshoulder-width apart, ring at the bottom with a grip of both hands in the middle of the outside.1 - straighthandsforward; 2 - bend over, touch the floor with the ring; 3 - straighten up, ring forward; 4 - I. p.

"Step to the side".

I.P .: basic stance, ring on the head, hands on the belt. 1 - step with the right foot to the right; 2 - put the left foot; 3 - step with the left foot to the left; 4 - put the right leg, etc.

III. Fishing rod game.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking in a column one by one, at the signal, changing formation into pairs, light running.

II. Exercises "Airplanes"

"We start the engine"

I.P .: feet feet wide, hands down

1-8 - rotate with arms bent at the elbows (one arm around the other) in front of the chest, pronounce "rrr", then return to and. NS.


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1-8 - circular rotations with straight arms forward (repeat 2 times)

"The path is clear"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1- turn to the right, arms to the sides,

2- and. etc., the same to the left

"Planes are flying"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides

1- lean to the right, 2- and. NS.,

3- lean to the left, 4- and. NS.

"Turbulence (shaking in the air)"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

Jumping on two legs in place.

"The planes have landed"

I.P .: feet at the width of the feet, hands below

1 - lunge forward with the right leg, arms to the sides,

2 - and. etc., the same with the left foot

III. Column formation one at a time, walking, stretching straight legs forward, easy running, walking.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column onone with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement at the signal of the teacher.

II. Exercises with cubes

"Cubes up"

I.P .: main stance, cubes in both hands below

1 - cubes to the sides; 2 - cubes up, hit them one against the other;

3 - cubes to the sides; 4 - return to SP


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, cubes below

1 - turn to the right (left), arms to the sides;

2- return to i.p.

"Forward bends"

I.P .: kneeling, cubes at the shoulders

1 - 2 lean forward, put the cubes on the floor (farther away);

3 - 4 bend over, take cubes, return to SP.


I.P .: basic stance, cubes at the shoulders

1 - sit down, cubes forward; 2 - return to SP

"Legs up"

I.P .: lying on your back, cubes in both straight arms behind the head.

1 - 2 - raise straight legs up, touch the knees with cubes;

3 - 4 return to SP.


I.P .: basic stance, arms along the body in front of the cubes lying on the floor. Jumps on the right and left legs around the cubes in both directions, alternating with a short pause.

III. Column formation one at a timewalking in a column one by one with cubes in hand.


Complex number 1

Week 1 (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to shoulders). Walking on heels (hands on the belt) Easy running. Walking with knees raised high (hands on the belt). Walking.

IIFormation in three columns.

1. "Eyes" I. p. - o.s. "Eyes to the left, eyes to the right, up and down, and all over again"(6 times).

2. "Rotik" (kinesiological exercise). "To speak better, the mouth must be mobile."

(6 times).

3. "Let's wave our wings!" I. p. - hands to the side.1 - hands to the shoulders;2 - I. p.(8 times).

4. "Let's grow big!" I. p. - o.s.1 -right leg back to toe, stretch; 2 - i.p .;3 - left leg back on toe, stretch;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. Spiral. I. p. - sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt.1 - turning the body to the right;2 - i.p .;3 - turning the body to the left;4 - I. p.(8 times).

6. "Fence". I. p. 1-2 - raise your arms and legs at the same time;3-4 - I. p.(8 times).

7. "Let's jump on one leg!" I. p. - hands on the belt.1-4- jumping on the right leg;5-8 - jumping on the left leg (alternating with walking)(2-3 times).

8. "Hours" (breathing exercise). "The clock is moving forward, they are leading us."I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart.1 - swing your arms forward - "tick" (inhale);2 - swing your arms back - "so" (exhale)(2 times).

Complex number 3

3 week (with handkerchiefs)

II. Handkerchief exercises

1. "Show me a handkerchief"

I.P .: feet about the width of a foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. NS.

2. "Wave your handkerchief"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, a handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down 1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right. hands to the left, wave them; 2 and. n. The same in the other direction.

3. "Move the handkerchief"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands below, a handkerchief in his right hand.

2- and. etc., shift the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left.

The same in the other direction.

4. "Put on the handkerchief"

1- sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. etc., hands on the belt,

3- sit down, take a handkerchief, 4- and. NS.

5. "Jumping"

6 . "Geese are flying" I. p. - Oh.1 - 2 - (2 times).


Complex No. 5

Week 1 (without items)

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking in a column one by one on toes, hands behind the head, on the heels, hands behind the back, light running, walking.

II. Exercises without objects

1 "Cotton at the top" I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands below 1- hands through the sides up, clap your hands, 2- and. NS.

2 "Shaking our head" I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt 1- head tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3 - tilt to the left, 4 - sp.

3 "Lean Forward" I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt 1- bend forward, touch the socks with your hands, 2- I.P.

4 "Pendulum" I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt 1- tilt to the right, 2- tilt to the left

5 "Squats" I.P .: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt 1 - sit down, arms forward, 2 - and. NS.

6 "Jumping stars" I.P .: legs together, hands below 1 - legs apart, arms up, 2 - I. p.

7. "Rooster" (breathing exercise) 1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale), 2 - slap your hands on your hips "ku-ka-re-ku" (exhale).

Complex number 7

3 week (without items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, in a squat with different hand positions. Running one after another, with straight legs forward and with different hand positions. Walking.

IIBuilding into links.

1. "Tongue" (kinesiological exercise). "You show your tongue, look at it all"(6 times).

2. Let's dance! (kinesiological exercise).I. p. - hands on the belt.1 - raise your right leg, bend at the knee;2 - etc .;3 - raise your left leg, bend at the knee;4 - I. p.(6 times).

3. "Adjuster". I. p. - feet about the width of the feet, standing parallel, hands on the belt.1 - hands to the side;2 - up;3 - in parties;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Look what's behind your back!" I. p. - 1 - turning the body to the right;2 - etc .;3 - turning the body to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Look at the leg!" I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head.1 - raise a straight right leg;2 - i.p .;3 - raise a straight left leg;4 - i.p.(6 times).

6. "Airplane". I. p. - lying on your stomach, legs together, arms forward.1-2 - raise the upper body, legs and arms outstretched to the sides;3-4 - i.p.(4 times).

7. "Let's jump!" I. p. - o.s. Jumping on the right or on the left leg alternating with walking(3-4 times).

8. "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). "Geese fly high, they look at the guys."I. p. - Oh.1 - raise your hands to the sides (inhale);2 - put your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhalation)(2 times).


Complex number 9

Week 1 (without items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, with straight legs moving forward and upward, pulling the toes forward and downward and a strong wave of the arms to the sides (like soldiers). Running one after another. Walking.

IIFormation in three columns.

1 . "Tongue" (see complex 2 October) (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiological exercise).I. p. - o.s. With the fingers of the right hand, press with effort on the palm of the left hand, which should resist; the same with the other hand(10 times).

3. "Shrug!" I. p. - feet shoulder width apart.1-3 - circular movements with the right shoulder;4 - etc .;5-7 - circular movements with the left shoulder;8 - I. p.(8 times).

4. Side bends. I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the back - tilt to the right;2 - etc .;3 - tilt to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. Downward Bends. I. p. ~ legs apart, arms to the sides.1-2 - lean forward, touch your toes;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fish". I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms forward and up.1-3- raise the upper body, arms and legs;4 - i.p.(4 times).

7. "Turn around you!" I. p. - hands on the belt. Jumping around its axis in alternation with walking to the right and left sides alternately(10 times).

8. "Cockerel" (breathing exercise). "A rooster flapped its wings, he suddenly woke us all up."I. p. - o.s.1-2 - arms to the sides (inhale);3-4 - hands down, "ku-ka-re-ku!", claps on the hips (exhale for each syllable)(6 times).

Complex number 11

3 week (without items)

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time, jogging (1-2 min), jumping, walking.

II. Exercises "Tailors"

1 "Scissors"

I.P .: feet on sh. Art., arms to the sides

1- cross straight arms in front, 2- and. NS.

2 "Shuttle"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands down

1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3- tilt to the left, 4- and. NS.

3 "The sewing machine is running"

I.P .: legs together, hands behind clasped in the lock

1- raise the right knee, 2- and. n., 3- raise the left knee, 4- and. NS.

4 "Pull rubber" I.P .: legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, hands are compressed. 1- take your elbows back with force, 2- and. NS.

5 "The wheel of the car is spinning" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1- 8 circular rotations with straight arms (right - forward, left - back).

6 "The needle sews - jumps" I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1-8 jumps in place.

7 "Breathe one nostril" (breathing exercise) Ip - the main stand 1 - close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet long breath with the left nostril; open the right nostril, and close the left one with the index finger of the left hand. Make a quiet long exhalation through the right nostril.(2 times).


Complex No. 13

Week 1 (without items)

I Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking on heels (hands behind the head). Running, throwing your heels back. Walking. Building into links.

"Into the forest, to the tree"

1. "Christmas tree". I. p. - the main stand; 1 - hands through the sides up. 2 - starting position Repeat 8-10 times.

2. "The blizzard shakes the trees." I. p. - the main stand. 1 - arms to the sides. 2 - 3 keeping your hands parallel to the floor, make bends to the right and left. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. "Snow". I.p. - kneeling, hands forward. 1 - hands up. 2 - starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. "Hedgehog". I. p. - support on the hands and toes; 1 - support on the forearms and knees; 2- starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

6. "Nut". I. p. - lying on your back, clasp your bent knees with your hands; 1 - legs straight, arms along the body; 2 - starting position. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

7. "Sledge". I. p. - lying on his stomach, arms up, legs slightly up; 1 - 4 - swing forward, backward. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

8. "Squirrel". Jumping on two legs (10-12 times) alternating with walking.

9 "Blizzard" (Breathing exercise)

Children stand with straight backs, then take a deep breath, while exhaling they say with a drawn out: "Oo-oo-oo".

"Strong Blizzard" - Children increase the power of the voice.

"The blizzard dies down" - Children reduce the power of their voice.

"The blizzard is over" - The children fall silent.

Complex number 15

3 week (with flags)

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time with a high lifting of the thighs, like horses. Running, waving his arms like butterfly wings.

II. Exercises with flags

1 "Flags forward"

I.P .: feet at the width of the feet, flags at the bottom

1 - flags forward; 2 - to the sides; 3 - up; 4 –i.p.

2 "Show the flag"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, flags at the chest

1 - turn to the right, right hand to the side; 2 - I. p. The same to the left.

3 "Bow down beautifully"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, flags at the bottom

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right leg, 3 - stand up, 4 - I. p.

The same for the left leg.

4 "Curls with flags"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, flags to the sides in straight arms

1 - tilt - twisting to the right, 2 - I. p. The same to the left.

5 "Squats"

I.P .: heels together, toes apart, flags at the bottom

1 - sit down, bring the flags forward, 2 - I.p.

6 "Jumping"

I.P .: legs together, flags at the bottom.

Jumping - "stars with flags"

7 "Snowstorm" (Breathing exercise). See Complex No. 13 point 9


Complex number 17

Week 1 (without items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, like a horse, like dolls. Running one after another, with wide jumps, with different hand positions. Walking.

IIBuilding into links.

1. "Spine" (kinesiological exercise).I. p. - lying on the floor, touch your elbow (hand) to the knee, slightly raising your shoulders and bending your leg(10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiological exercise).I. p. - o.s. With the phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist, make movements according to the principle of a gimbal on the palm of the massaged hand; then change hands(10 times).

3. "Side bends" I. p. - legs apart, hands behind the back. / - tilt to the right;2 - etc .;3 - tilt to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Turns". I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.1 - turn to the right, hands in front of you;2 - etc .;3 - turn to the left, hands in front of you;4 - I. p.(8 times).

5. "Bridge". I. p. - lying, on back, legs bent, palms rest on the floor.1-2- raise the pelvis, bend;3-4 - i.p.(in time).

6. "Birch". I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.1-2 - raise your legs, back, support the pelvis with your hands;3-4 - i.p.(6 times).

7. "Jumping to the sides". I. p. - o.s.1-4- jumping left and right alternately in alternation with walking(4 times).

8 "Hedgehog" (breathing exercise).1 - turn the head to the right - a short noisy inhalation through the nose, 2 - turn the head to the left - exhale through a half-open mouth. Walking.

Complex No. 19

3 week ("Sports warm-up")

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking and running with a change of leader.

II. Exercises "Sports warm-up"

1 "Running in place"

One by one we tear off the heels from the floor, the socks are in place (1-2 min.)

2 "Strongmen" I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists

1- forcefully bend your arms to your shoulders, 2-. NS.

3 "Side stretch "I.P ​​.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, left hand above the head,

2 - and. etc., the same in the other direction.

4 "Look behind the back" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - turn to the right, with the left hand gently push the right shoulder back and

look behind the back, 2 - and. etc., the same in the other direction.

5 "Lunges to the sides "I.P ​​.: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - lunge with the right leg to the right, back straight, 2 - ip, the same to the left.

6 "Jumping" I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - 3 - jumping in place,

4 - jump as high as possible.

7 . "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). "Geese fly high, they look at the guys."I. p. - Oh.1 - raise your hands to the sides (inhale);2 - put your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhalation)(2 times).


Complex number 21

Week 1 (without items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, like penguins (with socks well apart)

IIBuilding into links.

1. "Flight" (kinesiological exercise).I. p. - o.s. While standing, make several strong waves of your arms, spreading them to the sides. Close your eyes and imagine that you are flying, flapping your wings(10 times).

2. "Neck" (kinesiological exercise).I. p. - o.s. Turn your head slowly from side to side, breathe freely. Lower your chin as low as possible. Relax your shoulders. Turn your head from side to side with raised shoulders with open eyes(10 times).

3. "We will be surprised!" I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back.1 - raise your right shoulder;2 - etc .;3 - raise your left shoulder;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Slopes". I.p.- feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1-2 tilts forward, 3-4 tilts backward, bending the back. (8p)

5. "Let's sit down!" I. p. - hands on the belt.1-2 - sit down, palms on the floor;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Swan". I. p. - O.c. 1-2 - right leg forward and sit on it, bending the knee;3-4 - etc .;5-6 - left leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee;7-8 - I. p.(8 times).

8. Jumping Forward. I. p. - o.s.1-8 - jumping on two legs, moving forward, turning in a circle alternating with walking(4 times).

9. "Wings" (breathing exercise). "We have wings instead of hands, so we fly, the highest class!"I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart.1-2 - raise your hands through the sides (inhale);3-4 - lower your hands through the sides (exhale)(6 times).

Complex number 23

3 week (without items)

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking on heels, on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the inside; easy running.

II. Exercises "Let's dance"

1 "Met"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands down

1- spread your arms to the sides, smile, 2- and. NS.

2 "Turns"

1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, 2- and. NS.,

the same in the other direction

3 "Heel, toe"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands on the belt

1- right foot on the heel, sit down, etc. n., 2- left foot on the heel, 3- right

foot to toe, and. p. 4- left foot on toe

4 "Bent over merrily"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, smiled, 2- and. etc., the same in the other direction

5 "Legs are dancing"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

1 - lunge to the right, the left leg on the heel turns to the left, 2 - and. etc., the same to the left side

6 "Stars"

I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1- arms up, legs to the side, 2- and. NS.

7 "Blizzard" (Breathing exercise). (See Complex No. 13 point 9)


Complex number 25

Week 1 (without items)

IWalking one after another, on toes, on heels, with high knees, clapping in front of you and behind your back for every step, like penguins, like soldiers, like mice, like dolls. Running diagonally, jumping, galloping to the right. Walking.

IIBuilding into links.

1. "Turns" (kinesiological exercise)I. p. - o.s. Turn your head and try to see objects behind(10 times).

2. "Teeth" (kinesiological exercise) i.p. - o.s. close your eyes, massage the junction zones of the upper and lower molars with the index and middle fingers simultaneously on the right and left. Then make a relaxing yawning sound.(10 times).

3. "Strongmen". I. p. - o.s., arms to the sides.1 - hands to the shoulders;2 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Ballerina". I. p. - hands on the belt.1 - right leg to the side on the toe;2 - etc .;3 - left leg to the side on the toe;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Exercise your hands." I. p. - o.s.1 - hands to the side;2 - hands up;3 - hands to the side;4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fish" (see set 9) (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Left-right leg movements(6 times).

8. "Jumping". I. p. - o.s., hands on the belt. Legs apart - legs crossed(2 x 8 jumps).

9. « Grow Big "(breathing exercise) 1 - raise your arms up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale). 2 - lower your hands down, lower your foot down (exhale), say "Uhhh".

Complex number 27

3 week (repetition with complication)

Complicate exercise 3. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - bend forward - down, clap behind the right leg, 2 - starting position 3.4 - clap behind the left leg in the same way. Repeat 6-8 times.


Complex number 29

Week 1 ( "Cosmic motives" without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to shoulders). Walking with socks well apart (like penguins). Running with high knees. Walking.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Cosmic Wind". I. p. - o. with., hands up. 1-4 - sway like the wind from side to side. (6-8 times).

2. "Trial launch of the rocket". I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1 - raise your arms through the sides up, rise on your toes, inhale (8 times).

3. "Let's check the suit" I. p. - the main stand, hands on the belt. 1-2 - slopes to the right - to the left. 3-4 - tilts forward - backward. 5-6 - turns of the body. 7 - and. n. (8 times).

4. "Getting ready for the flight" I. p. - kneeling, hands below. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - and. p., 5-6 - turn to the left, arms to the sides; 7-8 - and. n. (8 times).

5. "Warming up in flight." I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides, sitting on the heels. 2 - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

6. "The state of weightlessness." I. p. - lying on his stomach, hands under the chin. 1 - raise the head, legs, arms. 2 - return to starting position. (6 times).

7. "We sit in the astronaut's chair ". Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - gray with straight legs, arms down. 2 - return to starting position. Repeat 6 times.

8. "The joy of arrival." Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping in place on two legs, alternating with walking.

9. "Sounds of Space" (breathing exercise) (for the development of speech breathing). Children on a long exhalation pronounce the sound "U-U-U".

Complex number 31

3 week ( with handkerchiefs)

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, bending around objects placed in the corners of the hall, lateral canter with the right foot.

II. Handkerchief exercises

1 "Show me a handkerchief" I.P .: feet about the width of a foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest.

1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. NS.

2 "Wave your handkerchief"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, a handkerchief in his right hand, lowered down.

1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it,

2 and. n. The same in the other direction.

3 "Move the handkerchief"

I.P .: feet on sh. etc., hands below, handkerchief in right hand

1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side,

2- and. etc., shift the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left. The same in the other direction.

4 "Put the handkerchief"

I.P .: heels together, socks apart, a handkerchief at the bottom

1 - sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2 - and. etc., hands on the belt,

3 - sit down, take a handkerchief, 4 - and. NS.

5 "Jumping"

I.P .: legs together, a handkerchief at the bottom. Jumping with a handkerchief.

    "Stork" (breathing exercise)

While inhaling, raise your arms to the sides. Proudly bring the leg bent at the knee forward, fix it. As you exhale, take a step. Lower your leg and arms, saying "shhhh".


Complex number 33

Week 1 (with string)

IWalking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking on heels (hands behind the head).

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Rope up". I. p.: Feet shoulder-width apart, rope below. 1- rope forward, 2- upward, 3- forward, 4- and. n. (8 times).

2. "Rope down." I. p.: Feet on the sh.p., the rope at the bottom 1 - lift the rope up, 2 - bend down 3 - straighten up, lift the rope up, 4 - and. n. (8 times.)

3. "Rotation of the rope". I. p.: Legs apart, one hand is above, the other is below, the rope is vertical. At the expense of 1,2,3,4 - change hands in places, while pulling the rope. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. "Put down the rope." I. p.: Legs on sh.p., rope in arms outstretched forward. 1- bend down, put the rope on the floor, 2- stand up, hands on the belt, 3- bend down, take the rope, 4- starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Turns". I. p.: Standing, feet on sh. etc., rope forward. 1- turn to the right, 2 - and. etc., the same in the other direction. 8 times.

6. "Slopes". I. p.: Feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top. 1- tilt to the right, 2- and. etc., the same in the other direction. 6-8 times.

7. "Semi-squats". Starting position: heels together, toes apart, rope underneath. 1 - sit down, rope forward, 2 - starting position, the same to the other side. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. "Jumping". I. p.: Legs together, rope at the bottom. Jumping - legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down. 6-8 times.

    "Crane" I.p .: o.s. Inhale, raise your right leg, bent slightly at the knee, arms to the sides, down, say "ur-rr". Do the same with your left foot.

Complex number 3 5

3 week (with a handkerchief)

IWalking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking on heels (hands behind the head) Running with a snake. Walking.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Show me a handkerchief." I. p.: Legs on, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. "Wave your handkerchief." I. p.: Feet on sh.p., a handkerchief in his right hand, lowered down. 1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - the starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

3. "Signals to the aircraft". I. p.: Feet on sh.p., a handkerchief in his right hand, lowered down. 1- hands to the sides, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - the starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

4. "Move the handkerchief." I. p.: Legs on sh.p., hands below, a handkerchief in the right hand. 1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2- and. etc., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, the same in the other direction. 8 times.

5. "Pinwheel". I. p.: Feet on sh. etc., hands below, a handkerchief in his right hand. 1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2- and. etc., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

6. "Swing your hands." I. p.: Feet on sh. etc., hands below, a handkerchief in his right hand. 1 - right arm up, 2-3-4-5 - swing arms up and down, 6 - and. p., 7 - shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, repeat the exercise, starting with the left hand. Repeat 4 times.

7. "Jumping". I. p.: Legs together, a handkerchief at the bottom. 12-18 times

8. "Grow big" ( breath. Exercise) 1 - raise your hands up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale). 2 - lower your hands down, lower your entire foot (exhale), say "Wow"

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