Download the gto table. Getting ready for work and defense! TRP at school

The quantitative values ​​of the tests of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) complex, which make it possible to assess the versatility (harmony) of the development of the main physical qualities and skills and abilities according to age levels and gender. Standards are measured in minutes, seconds, meters, centimeters and the number of times, depending on the type of test. Subdivided into mandatory tests (tests) and optional tests.

For each successfully completed standard, participants are awarded, as in great sport, medals. These medals are called insignia. The insignia are of bronze, silver and gold value at each age level.

Any citizen can comply with the TRP standards Russian Federation that belong to the main health group on the basis of a medical examination.

What to do to comply with the TRP standards?

If you want to comply with the TRP norms, you need to follow several steps.

Step 1. You need to register on the website Registration is quite simple. You need to enter your personal information, email address, residential address, your education, add a photo, and indicate your preferred sports. A confirmation code will be sent to the specified email address, which must be entered in a specific field.

When registering, be sure to provide a valid email address. A letter with a confirmation code will be sent to the mail.

Step 2. You need to fill out an application for execution.

Step 3. You need to get a medical clearance. You need to go to your doctor and get a certificate for admission to physical activities.

Step 4. Complete challenges and increase your stamina.

Before meeting the standards, watch the videos for correct implementation.

Step 5. If the standard is successfully fulfilled, you will be awarded the distinction of the dignity you deserve.

TRP norms for women

There are standards for each age group and for each gender. For example, there are 6 age levels for women:

  • TRP standards for women 18-29 years old
  • TRP norms for women 30-39 years old
  • TRP standards for women 40-49 years old
  • TRP standards for women 50-59 years old
  • TRP norms for women 60-69 years old
  • TRP standards for women 70 years and older

TRP standards for women 18-29 years old

In this table, the interval of 18-29 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Tests for women from 18 to 24 years old and from 25 to 29 years old. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

TRP norms for women 30-39 years old

In this table, the interval of 30-39 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Tests for women from 30 to 34 years old and from 35 to 39 years old. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

By completing the challenge, you will receive a bronze, silver or gold medal.

TRP standards for women 40-49 years old

In this table, the interval of 40-49 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Tests for women 40 to 44 years old and 45 to 49 years old. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

By completing the challenge, you will receive a bronze, silver or gold medal.

TRP standards for women 50-59 years old

In this table, the interval of 50-59 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Tests for women from 50 to 54 years old and from 55 to 59 years old. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

By completing the challenge, you will receive a bronze, silver or gold medal.

TRP norms for women 60-69 years old

In this table, the interval of 60-69 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Tests for women from 60 to 64 years old and from 65 to 69 years old. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

By completing the challenge, you will receive a bronze, silver or gold medal.

TRP standards for women 70 years and older

In this table, tests are for men and women over 70 years old. Optional tests and mandatory tests. For each successful test, the participant will receive a reward: a bronze, silver or gold medal.

Take part and win medals!

Quite still, it would seem, the new Federal State Educational Standard came into its own recently, in which in question about raising a child as a comprehensively developed personality. At the moment, the TRP is being introduced in the school, which stands for "readiness for work and defense." Its main purpose is to study the level of children and its impact on health promotion.

TRP in schools is tested in two ways:

  • the theoretical part is writing test papers, during which the level of knowledge of students on physical culture and sports is revealed;
  • the practical part - children must pass standards according to their age criterion; in this case, the skills and abilities of students are tested.

What contributed to the reorganization of the educational process?

A very long time in curricula physical education teachers were given only 2 hours of lessons in each class. They were practical. But due to the fact that many children were released for health reasons from this type of academic discipline, at the exit from school the state received completely illiterate young people in this matter.

In this situation, there could be no question of raising a comprehensively developed personality. In 2010, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree on the addition of one more hour of physical education in each classroom. In its content, it must be theoretical and all children, including those who have been released, are required to attend.

Thus, it became possible to certify schoolchildren, regardless of their release in this discipline.

The TRP lesson at school provides an opportunity to assess how the Federal State Educational Standard works in acquiring basic knowledge and skills in matters of physical fitness... The influence of physical education lessons on the health improvement of schoolchildren is of great importance.

TRP regulatory framework for primary school students

Each teacher should know not only the norms of the TRP at school, but also their own. Because he should be a model for the younger generation. In a general education institution, there are several stages for passing the TRP standards.

  • Stage 1 - for students in grades 1 and 2 (and first graders do not pass the standards, they get acquainted with the tests).
  • Level 2 - for children in grades 3 and 4.
  • Level 3 - for students in grades 5, 6, 7.
  • Stage 4 - for children in grades 8 and 9.
  • Level 5 - for students in grades 10 and 11.

In order to pass the TRP standards in elementary school, children must pass the following tests:

  • standing long jump;
  • running 30, 60 meters, depending on the age category;
  • for distance;
  • bending the trunk down with straight legs;
  • cross 600, 1500 meters, in accordance with the age of the students;
  • pulling up the torso on a high and low crossbar;
  • cross-country skiing 1000, 2000 meters, in accordance with the age criterion.

How to spend a classroom hour on the TRP in elementary school?

Children, being on the first because of their age, are like sponges, able to absorb all the information provided to them. Therefore, teachers need not to miss this moment to reveal all the importance of this event.

To achieve this goal, the TRP has classroom hours in primary school. Such an event should be both in each team separately and in an open plan. Regardless of the nature of the lesson, it should be:

  • informative;
  • interesting;
  • promote the development of children's interest in sports activities;
  • show the relevance of physical fitness in adulthood.

Spending a class hour on the topic of the TRP, Primary School should acquaint children with the history of the development of this direction. Children can ask their grandparents what the activity called “readiness for work and defense” was like during their school time.

In addition, you need to acquaint children with the standards that they have to take. It is worth talking with the guys about the importance of this event, focusing on health promotion, the possibility, with the constant support of physical fitness, to become an athlete and compete in Olympiads. And it is worth mentioning in passing about the prospects for entering universities for those schoolchildren who have good marks in the TRP.

In order for the teacher's speech not to be unfounded, it is necessary to use a technological resource. Presentation is considered a win-win option. You can invite a teacher for a class hour sports school, he will tell the children about the opportunities and prospects that this educational institution opens up to them.

Sports with early childhood- the guarantee of a person's success in the future!

How can a student pass a TRP?

Of course, without the basics of proper physical training, the TRP in schools will seem unrealistic to pass. Therefore, children are advised, in addition to attending physical education lessons, to monitor their motor regime during the week.

What is a weekly school student? This is a daily work to create your healthy body, which should include the following aspects:

  • daily morning exercises(charging);
  • classes in educational institutions;
  • in the course of the school day (the presence of physical education minutes), especially in elementary school;
  • classes in sections and circles of a sports nature;
  • active physical training in an independent mode ( play activity child - yard football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming); the implementation of this type of activity largely depends on the participation of the child's parents in it.

Basic principles of the TRP

The TRP lesson at school is built on the principles of 4D: availability, voluntariness, doctor's access, for health. Only voluntary participation in this project can help achieve this goal. And the main goal of the state is to educate a healthy nation.

Voluntary participation can occur through a person's awareness of the full significance of this event. If a child from a young age will go in for sports, then the issues of tobacco smoking, alcohol dependence and drug use should be minimized in the future. And this is the main aspect of educating a healthy nation.

What is a TRP complex?

Correspondence of a person's physical fitness to one or another stage is called the RLD complex. There are 12 steps in total, they are divided depending on the age group of the participants.

The TRP complex in schools consists of the first five steps, which were listed above. When children leave school, they must pass tests of speed, flexibility, endurance and strength. According to the results, they are assigned badges (bronze, silver, gold), which can help with the child's admission to the university. For the presence of the TRP badge, the entrant is awarded extra points, according to its category.

Can everyone take the TRP?

Students of various health groups are allowed to pass the TRP standards in schools, but with compulsory certain conditions. Physical education classes should be attended by a student regularly. The child should be engaged in sports sections corresponding to his health group. Students with an appropriate medical permit are allowed to pass the TRP. A child in poor health will not be exposed to physical activity.


The introduction of the TRP in schools is a necessary process for educating a child's personality. This helps to develop in him such human qualities as endurance, the desire to work on himself, the desire to be healthy and bring up a healthy generation. In addition, this complex contributes to the development of not only the physical function of the body, but also the mental one. The guys who spend a lot of time on fresh air, the possibility of the appearance of a syndrome called "oxygen starvation" is excluded.

As the saying goes, "everything new is well forgotten old." So today, as in the Soviet years, great attention is paid to human health. In 2013, the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin signed a decree on the return of a set of TRP norms with the aim of physical education population. And in this article we will consider what the TRP is and the TRP standards by age 2018.

What is TRP - history

In Soviet times, our grandmothers, grandfathers and parents were developed by such a social movement as the TRP - “Ready for Labor and Defense”. This movement stood guard over the recovery of Soviet citizens from 1931 to 1991. Throughout all these years, the TRP norms did not lend themselves to change, and the TRP itself operated in schools, universities, factories and colleges.

When passing the norms, they were given certificates, as well as silver and gold badges. But, and that citizen, who for several years passed all the tests, was awarded the honorary badge of the TRP. By the way, schoolchildren who passed the TRP standards perfectly, had benefits when entering sports institutions.

TRP tests and standards

Today, men and women, aged 6 to 70, are allowed to pass the TRP standards. Passing the standards is a voluntary decision, no one has the right to force or force. But still, our citizens should think about and not miss the opportunity to participate in the movement, because the incentive system will be high.

So, what does the current TRP standards by age 2018 include? Modern standards include 11 steps. They are divided by age, the TRP standards by age 2017 for men and the TRP standards by age 2017 for women have also been established, there are separate standards for children of preschool and school age... For each age, a table of TRP 2017 standards will be given.

Norms and table of standards of the TRP 2018 for schoolchildren

All students, starting from grade 1, can take the TRP norms. For younger children preschool age(6-8 years old) 8 exercises are established, of which 4 are mandatory (running, moving, bending and push-ups) and 4 to choose from. It can be long jumping, swimming, skiing, throwing a ball. For adolescents, there are more standards that will help them develop their physical activity and not spend so much time playing computer games and TV.

TRP standards by age 2018 for men

Men's standards are divided into groups, depending on the age of the participant. There are also required and optional exercises. TRP standards by age 2018 for men are presented in the table.

TRP standards by age 2018 for women

The fair sex can take the standards up to 70 years. Each age has its own groups:

  • groups for ages 18 to 25 and 25 to 29. For each age there are 6 compulsory exercises and 5 to choose from;
  • groups from 30 to 40 years old. At this age, women will have to work hard to pass all the standards perfectly;
  • age norms of the TRP in 2018 for women from 40 to 49 years old include 4 compulsory exercises;
  • group from 50 to 59 years old - 4 tests;
  • women from 60 to 69 years old need to complete 6 tests.

The legendary return of the TRP became possible thanks to the decree of V.V. Putin in 2013. The President drew attention to the fact that young people devote little time physical activity and health in general. As a result, the country's gene pool falls significantly. What is TRP - this is first of all correct system, which is able to assess physical fitness for physical education. That is why in this article you can find out the TRP standards for 2018 for all ages: schoolchildren 8-17 years old, men 18-39 and women 18-39 years old.

What are the standards for children and adolescents for?:

  • develop physical capabilities;
  • increase longevity;
  • to raise the patriotic spirit;
  • increase the growth of Russians involved in healthy way life;
  • notification of the public about free methods of physical exercise.

TRP standards 2018: table of standards for schoolchildren

For all schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11, the delivery of the TRP norms is valid. For young children from 6 to 8 years old, eight exercises are allowed. So, to begin with, let's note the mandatory four:

  • push ups;
  • slopes;
  • movement.

The other four are already on the choice:

  • long jump;
  • swimming;
  • throwing the ball;
  • swimming.

Teenagers have a slightly larger list of standards:

  • throwing;
  • lifting the torso;
  • tourism;
  • shooting;
  • self-defense;
  • jogging or cross-country at the choice of the teenager.

For more details for all ages of schoolchildren, see the tables below.

TRP standards of 2018: table of standards for men

For men, the norms are divided into subgroups starting from 18 years old. Compulsory and non-compulsory exercises received in their category. A person can choose a suitable and favorite exercise for himself. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the table of TRP standards for 2018 for men.

TRP standards of 2018: table of standards for women

TRP norms are also provided for the fair half up to 70 years old. There is an age category and group for both men and women. In general, there are six groups or options:

  • The sixth group starts from 18 to 24 years old, and then from 25 to 29 years old. Each age has its own list of exercises and five to choose from;
  • The seventh group starts from 30 to 40 years old. For example, to get an A, you need to have excellent physical fitness. You need physical exercises up to 10 hours a week;
  • The eighth is provided for from 40 to 49 years. This age category must pass four exercises;
  • The ninth begins from 50 to 59 years old. There are four tests provided here;
  • The tenth from 60 to 69 years old, where there are six tests;
  • The eleventh group starts over 70 years old.

Important information for aspiring athletes

Who decides to take part in the delivery of the TRP standards have a chance to receive a number of rewards. Firstly, the participant who fulfills this or that standard will receive a certificate and a special badge. Schoolchildren were especially encouraged. Secondly, those who pass the set of norms receive additional points to the EGE. Agree the idea of ​​attracting is excellent.

The TRP is a decisive step in increasing love for sports and the spirit of culture among Russian citizens. Sedentary Russians get a lot of illness, so the delivery of the TRP complex will not only give self-confidence, but also improve the health of the population, especially among young people at the present time.

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Standards are an integral part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense". So what exactly are TRP standards?

Standards are indicators of distance, quantity, time, expressed in numerical values; compliance with them in each test indicates the successful development of the complex.

Obviously, these standards cannot be the same for everyone. age groups population and have no differences at all between male and female, therefore all norms by age and gender are slightly different. Detailed data are contained in the table of TRP standards. To determine the optimal values, an analysis of the level of physical fitness of all age groups of the population (from 6 to 70 years) was carried out. On the basis of the results obtained, not only the necessary indicators were identified, but also three levels of TRP standards were determined, the compliance with which directly affects the dignity of the insignia. Thus, for special successes and achievements, a participant in the TRP complex can receive an award of gold, silver or bronze dignity.

In addition, in accordance with the standards developed and approved by the Ministry of Sports of Russia, the entire TRP complex is subdivided into 11 stages, which cover all segments of the population aged 6 and over. It is interesting that the TRP standards within the same stage may differ: so, starting from stage VI, there is a division of participants located in the same age category into two subgroups. At the same time, the indicators for the second of them are slightly reduced. For example, at the VII stage of the TRP, men aged 30 to 34 years and from 35 to 39 years old are allocated to separate subgroups. Representatives of the first age category, who want to compete for the bronze medal of distinction, need to overcome the three-kilometer distance in 15 minutes 20 seconds, while men from the second - to receive the same award, must meet in 15 minutes 30 seconds.

The list of proposed tests did not include: training grenade throwing, cross-country cycling, speed skating disciplines and rope climbing. At the same time, forward bending and ball throwing were included in the TRP complex. In addition, the participants in the complex have the opportunity to choose the type of physical activity: now each of them can give preference to several tests, taking into account their own physiological characteristics and sympathies.

The package of mandatory tests, the standards for which must be fulfilled, include tests for strength, endurance, flexibility and speed. Selection tests include exercises to determine coordination abilities and identify applied skills. Complete table TRP standards are presented on our website.

It is worth mentioning that the modern TRP norms, although they have some similarities with their Soviet predecessors, are not their direct continuation.

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