My dear friends! Think right, lose weight without effort Think and lose weight Judith Beck read.

Harmful thoughts. Cards from the book "Think and lose weight" by Judith Beck

“The ability to recognize and properly respond to harmful thoughts is a key element of this program. This is a skill you'll train every day. ”Judith Beck

These are additional cards from the program, you can print them and read them together with the ADVANTAGES CARD.

Day 1. Let's list the benefits of losing weight.


Harmful thought: I do not need to be reminded of these reasons to lose weight. I know them.
Helpful answer: I know them - now. But I remember those times when I backed off from the diet. Of course, I didn't think about all the benefits of a strict diet then!

Harmful thought: I don’t feel like buying these cards and writing benefits on them right now. I'll do it later.
Helpful answer: To lose weight, I will train myself to do what is necessary, and not what I want to do at the moment. If I postpone this assignment, I will end up never doing it at all.

Harmful thought: It's too tiresome.
Helpful answer: Does it really take so much effort? Is it worth making a problem out of this?

Harmful thought: It won't help me.
Helpful answer: I am not clairvoyant and I do not know if this will help me or not. But what I know for sure is that I have not done this yet and have not yet been able to lose weight. What do I have to lose if I just try to do this?

Day 2 Choosing two suitable diets.

Harmful thought: I want to try this diet, I've heard a lot about it. They promise that with its help you can very easily and without stress lose weight thoroughly for a very short term... None of the fact that it is not very balanced? In any case, I will observe it for a long time.
Helpful answer: A fancy diet is not good for my health, and I will need to be on a diet or a variety of it for a long time. Promises that sound too good to be true are undoubtedly too good to be true.

Harmful thought: Since my diet does not say that I have to eat breakfast, I will skip it. I'd rather eat more later that day.
Helpful answer: I've skipped breakfast before, and it didn't help me lose weight. I have to change my eating habits if I want to be successful this time.

Harmful thought: I can learn to eat sensibly after I finish dieting.
Helpful answer: I have not learned to eat sensibly now, what reason do I have to believe that I will learn later? We need to start now.

Harmful thought: I can lose weight if I can find the most suitable diet for myself.
Helpful answer: The most suitable diet does not exist. Diet is not magic. The only formula that allows you to lose weight: I need to consume fewer calories than my body spends.

Day 3. We eat only while sitting.

Harmful thought: I like to chew something involuntarily. I don't feel like stopping eating if I'm standing
Helpful answer: I have to sit down before I eat. When I eat while standing, I simply do not notice what I am eating. In this case, I can eat much more than I think. If I want to be slimmer, I have to make it my rule. Maybe I don’t want to give up this habit, but how nice it will be for me if I become more slender.

Harmful thought: It's okay if this time I sing while standing. Next time I'll sit down to eat.
Helpful answer:"Only this time" will not work. I have to admit that I probably won't lose weight or be able to maintain the new weight if I don't change my standing eating habit.

Harmful thought: I don't have time to sit down to eat.
Helpful answer: Eating while sitting is a must. I have to rearrange my schedule so that I have time for this. This is essential for controlling what and how much I eat.

Day 4. Do not forget to encourage yourself.

Harmful thought: I do not deserve to be encouraged, because I do what I already have to. These are not achievements yet. I have to do them effortlessly.
Helpful answer: If I don't reward myself for behaving as needed, it will be harder for me to behave consistently. If I were naturally slim and didn’t have to specifically work to control my weight, then perhaps I would not be encouraged for anything. But by nature I am not thin, and I have to fight to have a normal weight. And I deserve to reward myself every time I think about something in a useful way or behave in a way that is useful.

Harmful thought: It's somehow unnatural to encourage yourself.
Helpful answer: Rewarding myself is a skill that I will develop over time. It's okay that it looks unnatural at first. The more I practice this skill, the better I will get it and the more automatic and natural it will become.

Harmful thought: Praising yourself is somehow childish.
Helpful answer: Praising yourself is not at all stupid; it is absolutely necessary to develop self-confidence. And I really need confidence when things get tough.

Harmful thought: I don't deserve to be encouraged until I've lost as much weight as I intend to.
Helpful answer: It is counterproductive to expect this. I must strengthen that part of my consciousness that believes that I can follow this program. I am only human and can sometimes deviate from my plan. When this happens, it can be overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness. And the fact that I constantly build up my self-confidence with the help of encouragement will keep me from feeling helpless and hopeless and from giving up and admitting defeat. Once I have learned the skills I need, it will be easier for me to maintain the new weight. Therefore, I now deserve a lot of encouragement, as I try my best.

Day 5. We eat slowly and carefully.

Harmful thought: If I eat slowly, it will be uncomfortable.
Helpful answer: It is unwise to sacrifice what I need. I deserve to enjoy what I eat. I deserve to be able to behave in a way that is good for my health in order to achieve my goal.

Harmful thought: I generally eat fast. I am.
Helpful answer: Perhaps my weight gain is partly due to my habit of eating fast. You cannot eat quickly and at the same time lose weight or maintain new weight. Even if I eat slowly, it will take effort, and for a while I will feel strange, I need to get used to it, and it will take a long time before I can not think about it.

Harmful thought: Honestly, I don't have time to eat slowly.
Helpful answer: I have to reorganize my daily routine so that I have time for a vital medical procedure three times a day, somehow I will make time for this. I am not yet accustomed to paying enough attention to eating slowly.

Day 6. We find ourselves an assistant who will help to maintain a diet.

Harmful thought: What if I choose my mate and fail? He will think badly of me.
Helpful answer: Choosing the kind of mate I need will maximize my chances of success. I will not choose a helper who would blame me for even trying.

Harmful thought: I do not want to impose on anyone.
Helpful answer: Firstly, whoever I choose as my assistant, he probably will not consider helping me a waste of time. Secondly, it may not be so burdensome to be my support and support. Third, this process can bring us closer together. Many people are flattered that they can be of support to someone. And finally, I can at least offer the person to choose whether to help me or not.

Harmful thought: I have to handle everything myself.
Helpful answer: If I could handle it on my own, I would already have lost weight and maintain a new weight. I need to face the truth and acknowledge the fact that I need help - like so many others.

Harmful thought: I have stepped back from my diet and I think I have gained weight. I don’t want to call my assistant and tell about it.
Helpful answer: Right now, I need an assistant most of all. In a few minutes, I might regret not calling. My assistant will not criticize me or think badly of me. If I call, I will get the practical help and support I need. The reasons why I want to lose weight and which I wrote in my "BENEFITS CARD" are still important to me, so I have to go and call.

Day 8. Finding time and energy.

Harmful thought: I do everything spontaneously. It's not for me to schedule things.
Helpful answer: To lose weight, I will have to at least partially give up my spontaneity. I would not want to, but apparently I have to - at least for now. Until I get used to it, I cannot rely on spontaneous shopping and spontaneous cooking. But this does not mean that I should not otherwise behave spontaneously, as usual.

Harmful thought: I don’t have time to complete all the steps of this program.
Helpful answer: It’s more accurate to say that I’m not really eager to find time to diet. If I need to have a blood transfusion every day to stay alive, then, of course, I will find the time for this. Let by itself excess weight Not necessarily life-threatening, I still need to make a big commitment if I want my diet to be successful. I have to look again at my "BENEFIT CARD" and see if I really want to lose weight.

Day 9. Choosing an exercise plan.

Harmful thought: I do not want to study physical exercise
Helpful answer: When it comes about physical education, you can not be guided by the principle "I want-do not want". If I want to lose weight and maintain my new weight, I NEED to exercise. In addition, exercise has many other benefits. Don't make an elephant out of a fly. I will succeed.

Harmful thought: What's the use of walking for only five minutes?
Helpful answer: Walking for five minutes is better than not walking at all. Exercise is absolutely essential, even if I don't do much of it at first. Over time, I will deal with them more, but I have to start somewhere.

Harmful thought: I'm too busy to spend time exercising.
Helpful answer: I have to make physical education my priority. If I had to exercise every day to stay alive, I would have found the time. You can, for example, get up early to do this, and I should not delude myself that exercise is optional.

Harmful thought
: It is not that important to exercise.
Helpful answer: Research shows that exercise is essential for most people if they want to lose weight and maintain their new weight. If I am attracted to all the benefits that I will have if I lose weight, I should exercise.

Day 10. Set realistic goals.

Harmful thought A: I will not feel satisfied until I reach the "ideal" weight that I am striving for. I don't deserve to be commended until I reach this weight.
Helpful answer: I have to learn to enjoy small achievements on my way. Noticing each 2.5 kg loss in weight will lift my spirits and build confidence in myself.

Harmful thought: Losing 0.5-1 kg per week is too slow!
Helpful answer: What is the value after a few years (starting from today) will have how long it took? I need to remind myself why it is important to lose weight slowly. The long-term success of my venture depends on this.

Day 11. Learn to see the difference between hunger, desire to eat, and cravings to eat something specific.

Harmful thought: I don't need to do this. I already know how hunger and an irresistible urge to eat something are different from each other.
Helpful answer: I may know this on an intellectual level, but it is still important for me to feel the difference on physical level... It is possible that sometimes I take for hunger an irresistible desire to eat something specific. It is very important for me to complete this exercise in order to understand exactly whether I am too often very hungry (this is a problem that I have to cope with) or if I simply have an irresistible craving for something (and I must learn to endure this feeling)

Harmful thought: This task is too burdensome. I don't want to do it.
Helpful answer: It doesn't take too much time or energy. Why not try it out and see what happens?

Harmful thought: Why do I need to know how they differ? Either way, I'll just follow my eating plan.
Helpful answer A: When I move on to maintaining my new weight, I will be more free to eat, but only if I feel real hunger. Until I can learn to distinguish hunger from an irresistible urge to eat something, I will not be successful in implementing this intention, and I will begin to gain weight again.

Day 12. We train to endure hunger.

Harmful thought: Why would I intentionally expose myself to discomfort by skipping lunch?
Helpful answer: I have to experience hunger in order to reduce my fear of him. This experiment will help me reduce anxiety about future hunger. Most The best way overcome your fear - not shy away from it. This experiment will strengthen me the next time I’m hungry and it’s not time to eat yet.

Day 13. Learning to overcome the urge to eat something specific.

Harmful thought A: The next time I have a strong urge to eat something, I will not be able to handle it.
Helpful answer A: In the past, I have not been able to tolerate a strong craving to eat something, but now I have several ways that I can apply to get that cravings go away. Plus, the discomfort associated with pulling this hard is so minor compared to the discomfort I felt when _____________. I withstood those sensations and, of course, I can withstand the strong craving to eat something.

Harmful thought: I know myself. The next time I have a strong urge to eat something, I don't want to control myself.
Helpful answer: Maybe it is so. But I can keep reminding myself that I'm not always going to depend on my strong urge to eat something. To get rid of them, I will always do one of two things: either I give up, start eating and never lose as many pounds as I want, or I will use methods of dealing with the strong cravings to eat something so often that I just do not have there will be more so many strong urges. When I find that these methods are bringing about the desired result, I can easily wait out the urge to eat something. I will be very happy when I reach the point where I don’t have to worry about what will happen when I go to a party or, say, a restaurant. I know for sure that I can withstand the strong cravings to eat something specific.

Day 14. Making plans for tomorrow.

Harmful thought: I don't want to record anything.
Helpful answer: Which desire is stronger: to lose weight or not to cause yourself inconvenience? Since I seriously want to lose weight, I will start writing. It will probably only take five minutes. I have a choice. I can listen to the part of my consciousness that resists, or I can firmly and decisively go to write, despite the fact that I feel inner resistance. This is a great opportunity to try.

Harmful thought A: I can diet without doing so.
Helpful answer: Maybe so, at least at first, but why not make the most of your chance?

Harmful thought: I will not lose weight from the food plan.
Helpful answer: If the whole program was reduced only to making a written food plan, it would certainly not help. But in this program, writing a meal plan is just one strategy. Anyway, I won't know if it helps me or not until I try it. And besides, I have to do everything in my power, because I seriously want to lose weight.

Harmful thought: I'll write it later.
Helpful answer: Then my hands may not reach it. I have to make this my priority right now.

Day 15. Watching what we eat.

Harmful thought: It takes too much effort.
Helpful answer: I won't have to write it all down for the rest of my life. Also, it may not be as tedious as I am suggesting. Why not choose the “best” option and try doing it for at least a week and see how it goes?

Harmful thought: I don't need to write this down. I perfectly remember everything I ate.
Helpful answer: In the past, I have not kept such records, and it has not helped me. Undoubtedly, sometimes I forget about something I have eaten. I have to be aware of what I eat.

Harmful thought: It will wait until I lose a little weight. Then I will have more motivation to do this task.
Helpful answer: If I hesitate, chances are good that I will never do it.

Day 16. Don't allow yourself to eat what is not planned.

Harmful thought: I deserve to eat what I want.
Helpful answer: If I want to get all the benefits that I will have if I lose weight, I simply should not eat what I want if it is not included in my diet. Between the two considerations “I deserve to be slim and respect myself” and “I deserve to make spontaneous choices about what to eat,” I must prioritize the first one.

Harmful thought: It seems to me that I cannot agree with the fact that you cannot eat spontaneously.
Helpful answer: For a long time, I have always allowed myself to choose what, when and how much I eat, and therefore it seems natural and right to me. But on the other hand, I have to admit the fact that spontaneous food intake is not for me. The more often I say to myself: THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE, the less I will be tormented by doubts.

Day 17. Stop overeating!

Harmful thought: I don't need to do this. I can stop eating without practicing these skills.
Helpful answer: This is also a problem for me! But why not give it a try? At worst, I can make sure I don't have to do this. Maybe it won't give me anything, and maybe it will teach me a lot.

Harmful thought: I hate it when food goes missing because of my fault.
Helpful answer: Which is better - deliberately throwing away food or overeating and gaining weight? What would I say to my to the best friend if he faced such a problem? One way or another, the truth is that food will go to waste either in the dumpster or in your body. It will disappear anyway. And it doesn't matter what my parents told me when I was little. If I overeat, it won't help the starving children in Africa.

Day 18. Let's change our definition of what it means to be full.

Harmful thought: I really like the feeling that I'm very, very full
Helpful answer: I need to remember that this sensation is not to be considered normal. After all, I eat much more than is necessary to get enough. As a result, I gain extra weight.

Harmful thought: My food plan allows me to eat some foods unlimited. What then is bad if I eat a lot of them?
Helpful answer: I will have many situations where I will not be able to eat just such foods in unlimited quantities. For example, in a restaurant, in a buffet, at parties, etc. If I do not constantly practice eating until I feel normal, then there is a good chance that in these situations I will eat too much of the food that I should be limiting.

Harmful thought: What if I end up getting hungry before it's time for my next meal?
Helpful answer: On day 12, I learned that hunger is not a disaster, that I can tolerate this feeling, and that if I don't focus my attention on it, this feeling WILL disappear. If I still don’t feel completely confident that I can handle hunger, I must repeat the activity described in day 12 in addition to the activity I will be doing today.

Day 19. Stop kidding yourself!

Harmful thought: It's okay if I eat, since I will eat only a little.
Helpful answer: The fact that it does not contain many calories does not mean that I can eat it. I don't have to do this! I must take every opportunity to break my habit of eating things that are not in my plan.

Harmful thought: It's okay if I eat it, otherwise it's wasted money.
Helpful answer: I'd rather waste my money than gain weight.

Harmful thought: It's okay if I eat it, because they do eat it.
Helpful answer: I have to decide. Either I eat like everyone else and stay fat, or I control what I eat and lose weight.

Harmful thought: It's okay if I ate it, because I really want it, and in general I don't give a damn!
Helpful answer: Maybe at the moment it doesn't matter to me, but I will be very sorry that I ate something different from my food plan in a few minutes. And I will especially regret it when I find that I am unable to lose weight!

Day 20. Back to diet.



Harmful thought: I can't believe I ate this! This way I will never lose weight!
Helpful answer: What would my assistant tell me if he found out that I ate it? He would say, “Don't be upset. Everyone overeats from time to time. You can start over right now. Not a big deal. Do not reproach yourself "

Harmful thought: It is very difficult. I can not. I can never stop eating the way I eat. I'll probably give up.
Helpful answer: Okay, I was wrong. It was inevitable. It was pointless to expect that I will always be on top. I'm not a failure. From this experience I will learn something that will help me in the future.

Day 21. Getting ready to get on the scales.

Harmful thought: I don't need to weigh myself. I can tell how my business is going by the way my clothes fit on me.
Helpful answer: It is important to learn how to use the readings of the scales as information that should guide your diet and exercise. I'm kidding myself if I think I can direct my actions without this information. If I am no different from all those who are on a diet, then, most likely, I will either overestimate my weight, or underestimate it; both will lead to negative consequences.

Harmful thought: I don't want to weigh myself. I think I've gained weight.
Helpful answer: I may have gained weight, but I may not. If I have typed, this is not the end of the world, but I really need to know the real state of affairs in order to determine my further actions. I have to overcome my fear of weights. It is very important not to hide your head in the sand and face the truth.

Harmful thought: I’ll go crazy if the arrow of the scales goes up!
Helpful answer: Yes, it will be very bad for me if I allow my harmful thoughts to convince myself that I am weak and not capable of anything, since I have gained weight. But in the worst case, the increase in weight means that I was probably wrong about something; but I can correct my mistake next week.

Day 23. Coping with injustice syndrome.

It may not be fair to diet, but I have to choose one of two things. Or I feel sorry for myself, stop following my plan, never reach my goal, and continue to be dissatisfied with myself. Or I will feel sorry for myself, but I will continue to do what I know should be done. Everyone in life is faced with the fact that something is unfair in relation to him. And this is my injustice. In addition, it will be even more injustice for me if, for this reason, I give up the slack and, as a result, will not be able to achieve the desired goal.

When it seems unfair to me that I should not eat something, I believe that I am right. Then I ask myself which of the injustices is preferable for me: not to eat something that you want, or not to lose weight? Then I say to myself: "Well, nothing," and continue to diet. Harmful Thought: It's so unfair that I can't eat normally.
Helpful Answer: But in the past, I probably also ate "not normal". Before I went on a diet, I probably ate too often and too much and chose foods that were not very healthy for my health. Now I eat normally for a person who has set himself the goal of losing weight.

Harmful thought: I didn't have to get involved in this business.
Helpful answer: There are three possibilities before me.
1. I can step back and stay at my weight - or, more likely, I will gain weight every year.
2. I can go on a diet from time to time. Several days / months / years have what I want, and a few days / months / years trying to follow a diet and almost always weigh more than I want.
3. I can accept the fact that dieting is unfair, but I will continue to do what I have to in order to lose weight. I voluntarily choose the third path.

Day 24. Coping with discouragement.

Harmful thought: I am completely depressed. This program is too difficult. I cannot master it!
Helpful answer: This book will guide me step by step. Nobody demands from me to learn everything at once in one day. I can reread what is needed and practice applying what I have learned. I can ask my assistant for help.

Harmful thought: These tasks are too difficult. I don't want to keep doing all this.
Helpful answer: It's just that now all this seems too much to me. But it won't always seem so difficult. This evening or tomorrow morning it will probably be easier for me again.

Day 25. Recognizing harmful thoughts.

Harmful thought: I don't know if I can figure out what I think.
Helpful answer: It's okay that I don't know how to do this yet. This is a skill that I will learn well over time. In the meantime, I will re-read the relevant parts of this book to refresh my memory and remember what to think when I need it.

Harmful thought: When I deviate from my diet, I don’t think anything. It happens by itself.
Helpful answer: The eating process does not happen automatically. On the contrary, I have to ignore my thoughts in order to allow myself to start eating. The next time I'm tempted to deviate from my diet, I'll look at a list of harmful thoughts that give me permission, for example, "It's okay if I eat this because ..."

Day 26. Finding logical errors.

Harmful thought: Like a fool, I made such mistakes in my thoughts.
Helpful answer: Everything is fine with me. Everyone has at times disturbances in the course of thinking. It has nothing to do with IQ. This means that I am only human. The key is to learn how to deal with such errors of reasoning. And now I am taking my first step towards finding them.

Day 27. Mastering the Seven Questions Technique.

Harmful thought: This is a very big job. In addition, it is not a fact that this will help.
Helpful answer: Maybe so, but what prevents me from trying to do everything I can in order to lose weight. When I manage to lose weight, how glad I will be that I did not regret my efforts today.

Harmful thought: I've always thought so. I don’t think I’ll be able to change my train of thought.
Helpful answer: It is a skill that can be learned. It wasn't much easier when I learned to drive or ride a bike, but in the end I got it pretty good. If I practice enough, I can learn how to properly respond to my pestilent thoughts.

Day 28. Getting ready to get on the scales.

Scenario number 1. By your estimates, you've lost weight profoundly.
Harmful thought: Great! I can continue to lose weight quickly!
Helpful answer: Yes, it's great that I managed to lose so much weight. I did a great job on my diet this week. But, perhaps, I will no longer lose weight at such a fast pace.

Scenario number 2. By your estimates, you have lost very little weight.
Harmful thought: I worked so hard on this, and I lost weight with a gulkin's nose.
Helpful answer: But my weight is still going down. This is already good! So what I'm doing is working. I should be happy about losing every 200 grams of weight.

Scenario number 3. You haven't lost or even gained weight.
Harmful thought: I can not believe it! Apparently, I am unable to lose weight.
Helpful answer: My weight went up, perhaps temporarily, due to hormonal reasons or for some reason. If my weight does not go down next week, I will call my assistant and ask him to meet with me to review my nutritional plans. Perhaps I am making some mistakes. Perhaps I need to lower my calorie intake or exercise even more. I must not lose my determination

O physical activity we talked to you on the pages dedicated to your favorite exercises, let's focus now on self-love and proper nutrition.

I must admit right away that I personally do not like diets. In my opinion, this is very boring. It seems to me much more correct to choose from a huge variety of products the most useful, the lowest in calories and use them. And such food as cakes, cakes with cream, fried potatoes, salads with mayonnaise, leave behind our life.

How to determine how safe the numerous diets that are offered in large quantities to your attention are? Learn a few simple rules to help you understand that diet can be unhealthy.

So, a diet is not useful if: 1) strict combinations of foods are required in it; 2) any product or their group is completely excluded from the diet; 3) you are offered to exclude any of the macronutrients from your diet - proteins, fats or carbohydrates; 4) weight loss will be more than 10 kilograms in three weeks.

What is the most important thing here? Discipline, of course. Remember how we learned to discipline our mind: all negative, annoying, angry thoughts - away! And positive, kind, constructive - you are welcome! Constant control over thoughts changes life in the direction that you and I choose. Any thought is a building material for subsequent events in real life.

Remember, my beauties, that the world is ruled by Reason! If you learn to control your own mind, you will learn to control your world!

Don't be fooled by the ridiculous claims that a person needs to eat properly to relieve stress.

Conversation between two friends: “What do you eat when you are nervous? I love chips "-" And every time I quarrel with my boyfriend, I eat a whole can of ice cream. And I know it's harmful, but I can't stop. "

As a result, a quarrel, which in a few days no one will even remember, causes irreparable harm to the figure and the body as a whole. Because a person who respects and values ​​his health will never eat chips, especially in large quantities. And ice cream is good little by little and occasionally, but not every day.

In other words, we again come to the conclusion that compliance with the rules healthy eating, first of all:

A matter of your own choice;

Self-discipline result;

Knowing which foods are good and which are bad.

Therefore, let's stop complaining once and for all and not refer to a genetic predisposition, but admit that our figure is in our magic hands. Of course, if there are no serious health problems. If there are any, then you should first consult a doctor.

There is a widespread belief that over the years, the daughter begins to resemble her mother more and more. That is, if, after thirty years, the mother acquired overweight and other age-related "delights", then this will inevitably await the daughter. But in fact, genetics in this regard in our time has been seriously corrected by fitness. The methods of improving the figure work flawlessly. The combination of a healthy balanced diet and exercise will keep you in great shape at any age! It's only about your character and desire!

So, we take responsibility for our own health and figure in our gentle hands and think: are we doing everything right if, when looking in the mirror, we want to reduce the image by half? Apparently, something is not quite right. Sports and fitness are great things, but what we eat is very important.

It’s funny for me to remember, but in my own life there was such a time when I returned in the evening after training from a fitness club, sat down at the table and washed down a hearty dinner with two glasses of Coca-Cola! After that, I was surprised that for some reason the results of strenuous exercises were not visible on my body, and it even seemed that I had gained weight.

Still to physical activities it would be nice to connect the brains.

Sodas are clearly not healthy foods. But pure water always good. Those who know me probably noticed that in the car, at seminars, and while working at the computer, I always have a bottle of spring water and glasses at hand.

This book is not a textbook on medicine. All recommendations must be agreed with the attending physician.


Hello dear readers! My name is Tanya Steele. No, no, I’m not an overseas bird, it’s just life circumstances that my dad is Swedish by nationality, hence my surname, a little unusual for the Russian ear. I consider myself 99% Russian. Yes, I lived in Sweden for a while, I know Swedish. But all the same, I am writing the book in Russian and for Russian women.

I think you are interested in the question, who am I? I am a certified nutritionist (Swedish diploma) and a certified journalist (Russian diploma). Both in Sweden and in Russia I have worked and continue to work in these two specialties.

Why did I become a nutritionist? I don't even know ... Actually, as a child, I dreamed of becoming an actress, I wanted to be beautiful and famous. It turned out to be attractive and popular, but I'm not offended by the result. Since childhood, I was attracted by beautiful people, I really liked to admire them, I got real pleasure from contemplating living beauty. As I got older, I realized that beautiful people don't have to be slim. When I was in school, I had a wonderful girlfriend of amazing beauty and amazing ugliness. How can this be at the same time, you ask? Very simple: my friend's face was just fine: expressive, although not very large eyes, an upturned nose, a beautifully outlined mouth, a natural blush all over the cheek - in general, such a future Russian beauty, if only ... If not for the fact that Zhenechka was six times thicker than me. The girls did not attach any importance to this, and the boys teased me very insultingly. As you can imagine, the worst thing began at a transitional age. What girl wants to be a fattrest? Of course not! And Zhenya had very serious problems with both self-esteem and personal life. After school, we parted ways, now I don't even know how my former classmate's personal life turned out.

And so, when the question of choosing a profession arose, I realized that I really want to help people become more beautiful and, accordingly, happier. And 15 years ago, the specialty of a nutritionist was practically new - so I decided to embark on this unexplored path.

In general, the practice of a nutritionist is a path of trial, luck, error, and work on mistakes. This term is relatively new. A dietitian is a doctor who has studied nutrition, the science of nutrition. People began to engage in dietology long before the term itself appeared. Hippocrates already noted that proper nutrition should be part of the healing process, and the Roman physician Asclepias generally believed that medicines are useless, and most importantly, it is proper nutrition. In the 17th century, the English physician Sydenham developed a diet for obesity and gout. Botkin and Pirogov, who participated in the development of diets for patients, had a great influence on the development of dietetics.

Now, unfortunately, the word "diet" is perceived exclusively in the meaning of "the process of losing weight."

I think it is worth remembering that this word is derived from the Greek diaita, which means lifestyle, diet. Diet is not exhausting yourself with low-calorie, tasteless foods, but proper healthy nutrition.

If you decide to lose weight, remember: this is not torture, not suffering and not giving up all the joys of life! This is a new beginning that will lead you to a new life full of joy, strength and good mood!

I think it’s time to get rid of the stereotypes imposed by the media about dieting. let's start new life- life with an ideal figure and without diets!

To lose weight or not to lose weight - that is the question!

The horrors of our town, or what diets lead to
Errors of youth

I'll start with personal example- it's always easier. When I was at university, all the girls, as usual, lost weight. Why? Do not know. It's just that everyone was losing weight, because everyone was losing weight. Rice diets, fasting days, hiking in the woods "for survival" (this is when you have a loaf of bread and "almagel" with you so that the stomach "does not curl up into a tube") - I went through all this. I was not fat, my bones were just not narrow, so with a height of 175 I weighed consistently 62 kg, but it seemed a lot, and I really wanted to turn the size 46 into 44. The most surprising thing for me was that for some reason, when dieting I was only gaining weight. Therefore, I had to leave the diet and try the so-called "cleansing" of the body - that is, a hunger strike. No, I, my beloved, could not torture myself for a long time - I starved once a week. This weight loss ended when, once returning from lectures, I almost fainted and I had to hide in the bushes and spit bile there. That day I barely dragged my feet home and swore that I would somehow manage without hunger strikes. Fortunately, she stopped in time until she ruined her stomach.

And with my classmate, who could not stop the urge to lose weight, not very pleasant things happened. What did Olgunchik eat? Breakfast - an egg and some "vegetables" - and that's it! She drank a lot of water. Juices - by no means, because they are food too. As a result, Olgunchik was all glowing and swaying in the wind. Against the background of such a struggle for a figure, or rather for bones, the educational process began to suffer - it became very difficult for Olgunchik to concentrate on lectures, and as a result, she achieved such amazing enlightenment that the teachers "pulled" threes "and" fours "for her out of fright, that she was about to faint in hunger. At some point, Olgunchik decided that she was already quite beautiful, attractive and thin, and it was time to start eating something more substantial, for example, two eggs a day. But ... I couldn't. Her hunger strike games dragged on very long, she did not notice how anorexia crept up to her imperceptibly. Olgunchik had to "surrender" into the hands of doctors. She eventually began to eat a little, but the metabolism and hormonal background were disrupted very significantly. As a result, she underwent a course of treatment in Germany, since she had good relatives there. She was recovering after her diets for 4 years.

Woman Boy - Good or Bad?

My friend Lenka has always been skinny with a short haircut - such a "kid", either a girl or a boy. No, she was fine with her orientation - it’s just the “constitution” like that. Lenka got married, gave birth to a child, recovered a little. We go to the same female doctor, so our doctor Galina Stepanovna was very happy about Lenk's postnatal appearance, she threw up her hands, hugged Lenka and congratulated her on the fact that she became "like a woman." Lenka, of course, did not like it, she didn’t want to be a woman, but wanted to continue to be a "kid." She honestly breastfed her "cub" for a year, and then "tied" with this business and went on a diet. And again - skinny.

The moment has come - Lenka wanted a second child. I went to Galina Stepanovna to be checked just in case. She said that everything is in order, that the child will work out, and finally added: "Lena, only I beg you, gain at least 3 kilograms!" Of course, Lenka gave it up. In general, the process of "child-conception" with her husband dragged on. Six months - nothing happens. A year - and no results. Ovulation tests have already been bought, everything happens at the most opportune moment, according to science. Already the husband passed the analysis of a spermogram - and it turned out that he is a real "hardened male". Already Lenka drank vitamins - and nothing. She went again to Galina Stepnovna. And she says to her: "Lena, you have the last option - to become a woman, to gain a little weight, or you will have to be fertilized in stationary conditions." Lenka can't stand the hospital, so she decided to get off any diets. Several months passed, Lenka became a little rounded, or rather did not even round out, but smoothed out her angularities. It was then that everything worked out - and on time she gave birth to a lovely girl.

WHAT do men want?

Who will men prefer: "curvy" Scarlett Johansson or a lady of size zero, such as, say, Victoria Beckham?

Experts from the University of St Andrews conducted a study and published the results in the journal Perception. Male students took part in the survey.

The study showed that men prefer women of "normal" weight and size with pleasant curves of the body to skinny ones, who, it would seem, are in fashion nowadays. But men find a body like Scarlett Johansson or Kate Winslet's more attractive and desirable.

Professor David Perrett notes on this: “The results of the experiment should serve as a powerful signal for all girls who believe that thinness is more attractive. The men who were the experts in our study are in age group from 18 to 26 years old and they did not consider thin girls more attractive. They preferred normal weight girls. "

Oh, those children!

My friend has a beautiful daughter: 19 years old, breasts of the fourth size, ass - forty-fourth. Not a girl - lovely sight! Of course, there is no end to the gentlemen. This beauty went to rest in the summer with a friend at sea. Arrives in a panic: "Mom, I have a delay in my period!" Let's not be prudes, you never know what can happen to the young, beautiful in the south? But the girl knew how to protect herself, and pregnancy tests showed a negative result. Her to the female doctor - no problems were found. To one, to another doctor - it is not clear what the problem is!

Once in a conversation, the young lady let slip that she and her friend were "sitting" in the south on kefir diet... Mother snapped at her: "Why?" The answer was quite childish: "For the company: Veronichka was sitting, well, I was at the same time ..." It's okay that Veronichka's priests vary between 48 and 50. In general, the girl was a fool. As a result - hormonal disorder.

Readers, dear, you ask me: “Why are you telling us these horror stories? Are we not going to lose weight? " NO! We will not lose weight! We will eat and at the same time we will be the owners of ideal figures. How? You will find out everything. Have patience!

My Swedish experience

Do not think bad, I did not try to live as a three of us, I am for traditional family relationships. Therefore, now I have a third husband, and I love him very much. It's just that in Sweden I worked and still work as a nutritionist.

I somehow wondered why I love my homeland? And I understood: because only in Russia there is such a huge number of beautiful and, as people say, “interesting” women. Yes, I love men, but contemplating beautiful women - even those who are tired after work, in a packed transport - is still a pleasure, it is precisely at such moments of contemplation that I feel pride for the Russian nation and remember Nekrasov's lines about the fact that galloping ", and" in a hot hut. "

It seems to me that there are few beautiful women in Europe. I will not talk about America - I was not there. And I have traveled all over Europe. Someone tells legends about beautiful fields. Do not believe it! You and I are better.

What am I doing? And to the fact that in Sweden there are also few beautiful women. And there are few of them, not because they were so ugly, but because they made themselves that way. Among the Swedes (as, by the way, among the Finns) it is customary: in their youth they are cute "little reeds" (with rare exceptions). At 20-25 they bloom, and then they get married and, as they say here in Russia, they “dump”. The faces cease to be expressive, they are in no hurry to paint over the gray hair that has appeared, the figures become absolutely shapeless (yes, not complete, namely shapeless). Hence the choice of clothes - beige and gray tones and "hoodie" silhouettes of their wardrobe. Why is this happening? It's very simple: they did main function women - started a family, and then - even though the grass does not grow! What does this lead to? To the fact that their Swedish husbands are looking for comfort on the side, and most willingly they "console themselves" with attractive foreign women, among whom there are Russian young ladies. I know what I am saying. My family is a typical example of this passion. Dad became interested in my mother - an "interesting" Russian woman, divorced his Swedish wife and married my mother. My family's example is far from unique. The midlife crisis in Swedish men leads to the fact that they want to live the second half of their lives “for their own pleasure and beauty” (my dad says so). And you can live beautifully with beautiful wife... What is left for Swedish divorced young ladies? All they have to do is talk about feminism, and the men who tried to talk to them are accused of "impudent harassment." But this is for the time being. It looks like a young lady for several years in feminists, but something needs to be done, it is necessary, in the end, to give birth to a child. And then a problem arises with a partner, or rather with his absence. And then girls and women are trying to find a panacea for their troubles: one does plastic surgery, another goes to a beautician, a third goes to a psychotherapist, and a fourth goes to a nutritionist (nutritionists, by the way, are also psychotherapists).

The young ladies who turned to me for help wanted to get recipes for miraculous diets from me. And they got them. There is a huge amount of diets, we selected diets with them from those foods that they like the most. The result was not long in coming: after a while the girls had a waist, their figure eventually took on attractive shapes ... I was proud of my results. One thing upset me: six months later, a year later, two girls came back and demanded a new miraculous diet. They left with a new diet, then came to me and bragged about the results, and then it all started all over again - weight gain and the same shapeless figure in the end. It turned out to be some kind of vicious circle!

At first I thought that I should try a diet developed specifically by Swedish nutritionists. What foods do Swedes eat most often? Potatoes, buckwheat, vegetables, milk, fruits. Which ones are smaller? Meat. It is on this taste preference that the Swedish national diet was developed.

Diet in Swedish

Lunch: 100 g of cheese. Tomato salad, green bell pepper, onions... A glass of milk, a spoonful of honey.

Dinner: 3 boiled potatoes, 200 g of boiled grated beets, seasoned with sour cream, a slice of wholemeal bread.

Breakfast: a glass of milk, 100 g of buckwheat porridge.

Lunch: 250 g of boiled fish. 2 boiled potatoes. A bowl of green salad dressed with olive oil.

Dinner: 200 g of chopped white cabbage salad, seasoned with olive oil and soy sauce... 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, a glass of milk.

Breakfast: a glass of milk, 60 g of cheese, a small slice of wholemeal bread.

Lunch: 250 g of fried chicken, 100 g of any raw vegetable salad, a glass of apple juice.

Dinner: 150 g mashed potatoes, 80 g cheese. A small slice of wholemeal bread, a glass of milk.

Breakfast: a glass of apple juice, 2 croutons, a spoonful of honey.

Lunch: 100 g of buckwheat porridge, a small piece of boiled meat, 150-200 g of apples and oranges.

Dinner: 100 g of rice, 150 g of tomato salad, seasoned with olive oil, a glass of milk.

Breakfast: a glass of yogurt, an orange.

Lunch: meat cutlet, 100 g of boiled potatoes, a cup of tea.

Dinner: 150 g of strawberries or oranges, 200 g of any fruit (apples, pears, plums, kiwi, etc.), a glass of apple juice.

Breakfast: a glass of milk, 200 g of buckwheat porridge.

Lunch: 150 g of boiled potatoes, 150 g of boiled meat, an apple, an orange.

Dinner: 100 g of rice, 200 g of cabbage salad, cucumbers, green bell pepper, seasoned with olive oil.

Breakfast: a glass of milk, 150 g of rice porridge.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled or fried fish, 100 g of boiled potatoes, an apple and an orange, a cup of orange juice.

Dinner: 150 g of boiled lean meat, a salad of any raw vegetables, a slice of black bread, an apple, a glass of apple juice.

And this diet worked ... for a while.

Yes, I acted like a specialist and did not listen to my inner feelings. And when I listened, I heard the following. My inner voice reminded me how long ago in childhood my Russian grandmother Taya fed me with semolina and since then I can't stand this porridge. I imagined myself in the place of a person who "sits" on a Swedish diet, and realized that after a month of such a life, you can hate very healthy and tasty (in small quantities) innocent buckwheat.

Then I thought that it’s probably not the stomach, but the head. Is there any other way to cheat your appetite? For example, using ... color.

Have you ever wondered why the decor of many fast food establishments is made in orange tones, and in some expensive restaurants you will find bright turquoise curtains combined with restrained snow-white decoration of the tables? It turns out that orange and turquoise are the most "gluttonous" colors, they act on the appetite as a quality aperitif. Yes, the warm, warm orange color will provoke you to buy, in addition to fries, a cheeseburger, which you initially did not think to buy, and ice cream with caramel in addition to it. And turquoise will help relieve nervous tension, soothe you and awaken the thought: how to please yourself with delicious things, and you will order the most gorgeous dessert, although initially you did not want something sweet at all.

This, of course, applies to one-time visits to various establishments where you eat. Imagine what could happen if your kitchen is orange (people with an iron will, of course, do not count).

While researching the effect of color on appetite, I came across an idea from my German colleagues that the pink-gray tones of kitchen furnishings help food lovers take their minds off food. With two of my patients ready for ideal figure to do everything, even to remodel the kitchen, we conducted an experiment. Eva, with a height of 162 cm, weighed 67 kg and dreamed of consistently weighing about 60 kg. Astrid, with a height of 170 cm, weighed 80 kg and dreamed of weighing 65. Both of these women invited designers to their apartments (fortunately, the funds allowed them), and their kitchens were redone and repainted. Astrid and Eve admitted to me that it is much easier for them to diet in the pink and gray walls of the kitchen. Interestingly, I thought, if I told them that the white kitchen discourages their appetite, they would be easier to tolerate the diet in the white walls? And then for the first time I thought about the fact that perhaps our overweight- these are our wrong thoughts, wrong self-acceptance. This guess, of course, required verification. In the meantime, Eve, Astrid and I continued to work on their figures in completely different directions. Considering that color affects our taste buds (for example, yellow increases saliva production, green causes increased acidity, and red is associated with sweets), we replaced all kitchen utensils with classic white porcelain, and strict steel knives and spoons became cutlery. and plugs. Yes, besides the fact that we changed the color of the dishes, we also changed its volume. All plates - both deep and shallow - have become half the size. Agree that you can put some food on a small plate - and it is already full: this creates the illusion of satiety, that is, we can deceive our stomach. So, but in this case, we will deceive the stomach not with the help of diets, but also with the help of our brain, which conceived all this deception.

Swedish scientists have found that not all types of bread "make us fat". Some even let you control your hunger! Experts have studied the composition of bakery products made from various cereals. It turned out that rye bread, contrary to popular belief, is very useful. Rye and barley slow down the digestion of food, which allows you to stay full for a long time. Also, moderate consumption of rye bread does not contribute to the accumulation of excess pounds.

So, what did all these global life restructuring of Eve and Astrid lead to? Eva got the weight of her dreams, and Astrid even "lost" two kilograms more than she planned. Their results "held out" stably and for a long time. Of course desired results they have achieved more with the help of diets.

I was pleased with the results, but only wealthy Swedish women could do this way of losing weight and maintaining the desired results. I'm not sure that wealthy Russian women would want to be “confused” so globally, let alone the middle class.

And then I came across an advertisement in the newspaper: "Lose weight with hypnosis!" I thought: if you can lose weight with the help of hypnosis, then you can also lose weight with the help of self-hypnosis? Of course, if you repeat: “I’ll lose weight, I’ll lose weight, I’m already losing weight” and at the same time overeat buns with whipped cream, the figure is unlikely to improve. But maybe, having correctly set goals and objectives, it will be possible to get closer to the cherished 90? 60? 90? Stop, why exactly 90? 60? 90?

In this book, I talk about how you can use your every day wonderful life for the systematic improvement of health, mood and shape. The main components of a pleasant process of losing weight are attentiveness to yourself, proper nutrition, daily activities physical education and, of course, a good mood.

Slimness is the way of life that we choose! You will learn how to be slim and get maximum pleasure and benefit from the book.

I wish you success in the noble and important work of sculpting your own beautiful body!

Yours Natalia Pravdina.

Introduction. Spring in my soul

I easily choose the best in life.

W. Churchill

Do you feel, O lovely readers and readers of mine, what is happening? I mean, what's going on in our souls? There birds sing, streams murmur, snowdrops bloom, children laugh and green buds hatch on branches. What it is? This, my friends, Spring!

She, please note, lives in our magic souls constantly. This is the difference between the wizards who knew the joy of their creation. bright world based on a disciplined mind and positive thinking. In the souls of those who believe in themselves, who perceive and apply in practice the foundations of the psychology of joyful and successful life, set out in the pages of my previous books, spring is settling in thoroughly.

I see this spring in your eyes, when our meetings take place, I can smell its heady scent in your letters, when I read them, a light spring breeze blows over me when you tell me how strongly and quickly you manage to change your life sideways Joy, Light, Love and Beauty.

Spring, oh my lovely ones! She comes, she already reigns and rejoices, she laughs carelessly, like a fifth-grader at recess, and makes our eyes burn with a constant perky light.

And it's not so important what happens on the street. Outside the windows can be blizzard February or cold November. Weather conditions do not affect our internal spring at all. After all, the strength of our spirit and inner joy is such that it can melt the largest block of ice of boredom, despondency and distrust.

We love life, we know how to live, we become more and more self-confident and sincerely hope and believe that everything in the world is going for the better.

On one of these magnificent days, some of us suddenly realize that with such a wonderful inner state, it is not bad to have the same beautiful figure. Because when inner bliss is harmoniously combined with slim figure, a toned belly and with a straight back, then our joy increases. And this joy imbues us with even greater enthusiasm and the belief that we can really create a masterpiece from our own, one and only life. And out of my body.

You and I have already learned to feel the warm breath of Divine love and we are constantly grateful for this. We received as a gift such invaluable assets as life and a physical body, and our moral duty is to bring both to perfection. For any heritage must be carefully monitored, otherwise even the most luxurious estate may gradually collapse. And we are creators, aren't we?

Three whales for a beautiful figure

Let's talk with you about how you can lovingly nourish our beautiful body to make it even more beautiful, healthier, stronger and younger.

I am not a doctor, but even doctors ask me how I manage to maintain this physical fitness(read - figure). I am not a nutritionist, but I know that the most important thing that our body needs to be beautiful, slim and healthy is love for it, for the body.

Love, physical activity and proper nutrition. It is on these three whales, or, if you prefer, on the three elephants, we will build our new figure.

Think and lose weight

We talked about physical activity on the pages dedicated to your favorite exercises, let's stop now on self-love and proper nutrition.

I must admit right away that I personally do not like diets. In my opinion, this is very boring. It seems to me much more correct to choose from a huge variety of products the most useful, the lowest in calories and use them. And such food as cakes, cakes with cream, fried potatoes, salads with mayonnaise, leave behind our life.

How to determine how safe the numerous diets that are offered in large quantities to your attention are? Learn a few simple rules to help you understand that diet can be unhealthy.

So, a diet is not useful if: 1) strict combinations of foods are required in it; 2) any product or their group is completely excluded from the diet; 3) you are offered to exclude any of the macronutrients from your diet - proteins, fats or carbohydrates; 4) weight loss will be more than 10 kilograms in three weeks.

What is the most important thing here? Discipline, of course. Remember how we learned to discipline our mind: all negative, annoying, angry thoughts - away! And positive, kind, constructive - you are welcome! Constant control over thoughts changes life in the direction that you and I choose. Any thought is a building material for subsequent events in real life.

Remember, my beauties, that the world is ruled by Reason! If you learn to control your own mind, you will learn to control your world!

Don't be fooled by the ridiculous claims that a person needs to eat properly to relieve stress.

Conversation between two friends: “What do you eat when you are nervous? I love chips "-" And every time I quarrel with my boyfriend, I eat a whole can of ice cream. And I know it's harmful, but I can't stop. "

As a result, a quarrel, which in a few days no one will even remember, causes irreparable harm to the figure and the body as a whole. Because a person who respects and values ​​his health will never eat chips, especially in large quantities. And ice cream is good little by little and occasionally, but not every day.

In other words, we again come to the conclusion that observance of the rules of a healthy diet is, first of all:

A matter of your own choice;

Self-discipline result;

Knowing which foods are good and which are bad.

Therefore, let's stop complaining once and for all and not refer to a genetic predisposition, but admit that our figure is in our magic hands. Of course, if there are no serious health problems. If there are any, then you should first consult a doctor.

There is a widespread belief that over the years, the daughter begins to resemble her mother more and more. That is, if, after thirty years, the mother has acquired excess weight and other age-related "charms", then this will inevitably await her daughter. But in fact, genetics in this regard in our time has been seriously corrected by fitness. The methods of improving the figure work flawlessly. The combination of a healthy balanced diet and exercise will keep you in great shape at any age! It's only about your character and desire!

So, we take responsibility for our own health and figure in our gentle hands and think: are we doing everything right if, when looking in the mirror, we want to reduce the image by half? Apparently, something is not quite right. Sports and fitness are great things, but what we eat is very important.

It’s funny for me to remember, but in my own life there was such a time when I returned in the evening after training from a fitness club, sat down at the table and washed down a hearty dinner with two glasses of Coca-Cola! After that, I was surprised that for some reason the results of strenuous exercises were not visible on my body, and it even seemed that I had gained weight.

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