10 most beautiful wives of boxers. The wives of the most famous Kazakhstani boxers

brings to your attention photos of the most famous wives of Kazakhstani boxers.

Wife undefeated Kazakhstani professional boxer Gennady Golovkina - Alina. The young people met in 2000, 7 years later, on July 7, 2007, the couple tied the knot. Alina has two higher education she owns two foreign languages... Gennady and Alina are raising a son, Vadim, and a 4-month-old daughter.

The wife of a two-time world champion, Olympic champion-2012, the winner of the Vel Barker Cup and the deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan Serika Sapieva - Moldir... The couple got married on April 1, 2006. The Sapiev family has three daughters: Akku, Alua and Aisulu. The ex-boxer's wife said that their family will be large: their daughters need a brother.

Clara Isa- the beloved of a Kazakh professional boxer Zhankosha Turarova. Young people got married in November 2016. In May, the couple became parents. A daughter was born in the Turarov family, who was named Aliana.

Two-time bronze medalist Olympic Games and professional boxer Ivan Dychko got married in 2012. His wife's name is Marina... The couple has a 3-year-old daughter, Miroslava. Marina has her own brand of knitted clothes.

The chosen one of the winner of the Asian Championship and Asian Games Anton Pinchuk name is Sofia Kurbangalieva. The couple got married in 2015. In May 2017, the couple had a son.

Boxer's wife "Astana Arlans" Meirbolata Toitova - Madina. Young people started a family in 2014. Currently, they are raising their daughter Amina.

Wife of the champion of Kazakhstan, Asian Games Ilyasa Suleimenova - Dina... The girl gave birth to two boys to the boxer.

While their husbands defend their country's honor on the world stage, they patiently wait for them at home, cheer for them in competitions, raise children and look after them after difficult fights. invites you to meet the spouses of the most famous Kazakhstani boxers.

Spouse of Gennady Golovkin - Alina

Gennady and Alina have been married for 10 years, this couple met and tied the knot back in their hometown- Karaganda. The wife gave birth to a son, Vadim, to the boxer, and recently gave a daughter to the favorite of Kazakhstanis. The baby was born in one of the US clinics.

Zhankosh Turarov's wife - Clara

The boxer got married last November. His chosen one was a charming girl named Klara Isa, who is now the keeper of the family hearth in the Turarov family.

Wife of Ivan Dychko - Marina

Bronze medalist of two Olympiads Ivana Dychno got married after the games in London in 2012. Wife Marina gave birth to a daughter to Ivan and continued to engage in creativity. Today she is a well-known knitwear designer and make-up artist in her circles.

Serik Sapiev's wife - Moldir

On April 1, 2006, the future Olympic champion and deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan created a new cell of society with the beautiful Moldir. The Sapiev family has three daughters Akku, Alua and Aisulu.

Marat Mazimbaev's wife - Zhanna

Jeanne can be called a mother-heroine. The boxer's wife bore him five children: four daughters and a long-awaited son, who was named Torekhan.

Daniyar Eleusinov's wife - Alina

In 2014, the Olympic champion Rio Daniyar Yeleusinov married Alina Kurbanalievna. She became his faithful companion, wife, and then the mother of his first child. In 2015, the newlyweds had a son, Daniel.

SE presents the life partners of Vladimir Klitschko, Alexander Povetkin, Floyd Mayweather and others best boxers planets that recently entered the ring.


For the first time, the romance of the boxer and Hollywood actress Hayden Panettiere became known at the end of 2009. After a successful fight against Povetkin, the Ukrainian champion made a marriage proposal to his girlfriend. This 24-year-old American TV star announced during the show "Live with Kelly and Michael" on October 9. It is noteworthy that Klitschko is 45 centimeters taller than Panettiere and 60 kg heavier. Vladimir's height is 198 cm, weight - 110 kg. Physical data Hayden: height - 153 cm, weight - 50 kg.


Alexander Povetkin and fashion model, finalist of the beauty contest "Miss Kursk-2008" Evgenia Merkulova officially registered their marriage shortly before the fight against Vladimir Klitschko - in July 2013. Prior to that, Povetkin and Evgenia met for three years, but before the responsible battle they decided to legalize their relationship. This is the boxer's second marriage. From the first he has a daughter - Arina.


Mexican boxer Juan Manuel Marquez and his wife Erica are happily married and have two sons and a daughter. Last years the spouse advises her husband to quit sports. Especially her words became relevant after the defeat by Timothy Bradley: “I am very nervous and worried when Marquez has fights with someone, and especially I was worried during his series of fights with Manny Paciao. I was very upset when the Filipino's wife cried after her husband's knockout. that she constantly expects the worst, and felt this suffering. I physically felt the pain of Manny's wife when Pacquiao lay motionless in the ring and did not get up. I want my husband to leave boxing, because he cannot prolong his life with the money he earned, buy health. And it is impossible to earn all the money in the world. "


Timothy and Monica have known each other since high school. The boxer's wife is a vivid example of the difficult part of the companion of a famous athlete, who is forced to fulfill several roles at once: wife, mother of his children, media manager and many others. For this, he regularly "pays" with her won battles. As, for example, in the case of the duel against the Mexican Juan Manuel Marquez. And together, we admit, they look very colorful.


In the summer, an addition happened in the family of the two-time Olympic champion from Ukraine Vasily Lomachenko: on July 26, the boxer's wife, Elena, gave birth to a daughter, a debutant in the professional ring. The happy parents named the girl Victoria. This is not the first child in their close-knit family: Vasily and Elena have a son, Anatoly, who was born in November 2011.

Floyd Mayweather & Chanthel Jackson

Meet Chantelle Jackson. Not every girl on planet Earth would venture into a relationship and engagement with undefeated champion Floyd Mayweather, who was sentenced to 90 days in prison for domestic violence and assault on his ex-girlfriend.


Vladimir's older brother, Vitaly, is not just a boxer, politician, leader of a political party and a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, but also an exemplary family man. Since 1996, he has been married to a former athlete and model Natalia Egorova. Together, the couple are raising three children: Yegor-Daniel, Elizaveta-Victoria and Maxim. Vitaly has not finished boxing yet and plans to enter the ring in 2014.

It was first included in the program of the Olympic Games. Today, boxer Natalya Ragozina is a prominent representative of this sport. During her career, the girl has not suffered a single defeat. Moreover, she had 22 fights, in which she won the corresponding number of victories. 13 fights ended with knockout of rivals.

Natalia Ragozina: photo

Natalya Ragozina is a boxing champion nicknamed "Sledgehammer". Her name is entered into the Guinness Book of Records for a reason. Girls from all over the world are equal to Ragozina and dream of being like her.

Natalia Ragozina: biography

Natalia Ragozina was born in the Karaganda region. The girl's first dream in childhood was to fly on airplanes and serve passengers in beautiful form stewardesses. After the first flight, little Natalya experienced incredible fear. And one dream was replaced by another. The girl, slender and tall by nature, decided to become a model. But it did not work out here either. Then she went headlong into athletics, and later became the champion in middle distance running.

But in 1993, when she turned 17, the biography of the young athlete changed dramatically. Natalia Ragozina moved to Nizhny Tagil, where she seriously took up kickboxing. Parents said that boxing for girls was not for her, but they did not interfere with this. When the first fight of their daughter was shown on TV, on the contrary, they began to be proud of her.

Natalia Ragozina - Boxing Champion - Photo

Natalia - boxer

Natalia Ragozina won her first kickboxing victory in 1993. Naturally, the promising girl was invited to Moscow, and she agreed without hesitation.

In the capital, Natalia showed great success in kickboxing and 3 years later, in 1998, she was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports. In those years, Ragozina became the first owner of such a title in our country.

After that, the athlete took up amateur boxing until she was awarded gold at the European Championship. In 2004 Natalia Ragozina moved to professional boxing... Natasha Kuvalda became world champion 2 times, and at the same time managed to win the World Cup. Her portfolio includes victories over such eminent rivals as Laura Ramsey and Iva Weston.

If we take into account that the girl's boxers are engaged in such an "inelegant" sport, Ragozina looks very feminine. Natalia Ragozina is often invited by modeling agencies and even men's glossy publications. For the latter, the girl starred naked, trying to popularize women's boxing in such an unusual way.

World Boxing Champions: Women

Until recently, the phrase "girl boxer" sounded strange, causing confusion and many questions. But with the advent of women in the UFC, the fair sex began to attract the lion's share of attention.

Let's list the most famous women's boxers today:

Fitness box for girls

The essence of fitness boxing is that a girl in boxing gloves works out the movements and punches borrowed from boxing.

Usually, a workout begins with an active warm-up, which lasts 10-15 minutes. And, as a rule, it is running. Then a warm-up begins, aimed at stretching the various muscle groups. Only then are the necessary movements and strikes practiced.

Fitness boxing benefits:

  • Movement coordination development;
  • Burning calories;
  • Improving self-defense skills;
  • The minimum likelihood of injury;
  • Tightened body shape;
  • Improving endurance;
  • Uniform development of all muscles in the body

Boxing girls - photo

Women's boxing clothing

Women's boxing equipment consists of comfortable sports shoes, shorts (in terms of level - not shorter than mid-thigh), a T-shirt that completely hides the back and chest. If the boxing shorts are identical in color to the shirt, then the belt must be highlighted with a contrasting stripe. This requirement plays an important role, since in women's boxing blows below the belt are strictly prohibited.

In addition, women's boxing clothing includes a helmet, mouthpiece (mouthguard), and a special protective bandage.

Women's boxing gloves have specific symbols. When the competition is at the beginner level, their color can only be red and blue. Before putting on gloves, the hands are carefully bandaged, this maximally softens the load on fragile joints.

Equipment in a fight and during training plays a huge role, and if appearance the boxer has any violations, she may not be allowed to fight.

Boxing for women. Photos and pictures

Women's boxing - video

Natalia Rogozina - Russian Sledgehammer in the ring

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