Thai boxing womens group. Thai boxing training for girls

V modern world it is believed that boxing is not a woman's business. But in last years more and more girls are choosing this sport. After all, it is one of the most effective options for losing weight. In addition, boxing tightens the figure, correcting its relief. To get rid of extra pounds with the help of such training, it is worth developing an exercise program correctly.

Losing weight is possible not only with grueling diets and light "female" workouts. A perfect sport for this is boxing. Many will begin to object that a girl should not be engaged in such a brutal business, it is better to find something calmer. But in fact, if you choose the right exercises and do not abuse the loads, women, just like men, can box. After all, it really helps to tighten the figure.

Girls who chose boxing as a means to achieve ideal figure, note the following among the advantages of single combat:

The list of advantages of this martial arts for weight loss should force you to throw all doubts aside. After all, this kind of sport is the best option for those who want to get tangible weight loss results as soon as possible.

Contraindications for exercising

Insofar as similar training involve great physical exertion on the body, not everyone can afford them. Among those who are forced to give up boxing, the following groups of people stand out:

  • with various visual impairments;
  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • suffering from epileptic seizures;
  • with neuroses and neuritis;
  • with a previous concussion:
  • with diseases respiratory system- tuberculosis, asthma;
  • with diseases in a state of exacerbation;
  • excluded boxing for pregnant women, as well as in the first months after childbirth.

If you want to lose weight with the help of such a difficult sport, you should first consult a doctor. Even some illnesses that seem frivolous can negatively affect health if the body is given an unbearable load.

Thai boxing for girls: myths and reality

Muay Thai is definitely not a women's activity, as many who are afraid of "aggressive" sports claim. They argue that when practicing Thai boxing, you have to hit different parts of the body, as a result of which bruises and more serious injuries can occur. But do not think that in training, women will be forced to beat each other with their feet and hands. After all, Thai boxing, used for weight loss, involves slightly different types of loads.

In fact, Muay Thai works for women too. Often, it is the girls who become real fans of this activity and achieve significant success. Plus, it's pretty easy to lose weight with it. You just have to do boxing regularly, at least three times a week. If it turns out more often, then body fat evaporate much faster.

Now that the muscles are warmed up enough, you can start the workout itself. If the warm-up is suitable for both the weaker and the stronger sex, then the main part of the lesson will be slightly different.

For women

Boxing sparring is not an obligatory part of training for girls. It is enough to practice techniques on an invisible opponent or a special projectile - a pear or a dummy.

It is recommended to start training with a small run of about 50 meters in order to prepare the body for the upcoming stress. Next, you should go directly to boxing. When performing the exercises, you do not need to stand still, but move as much as possible, trying to imitate a fight with a real opponent.

It is necessary not only to distribute uppercuts and hooks to the right and to the left, but also to practice the technique of evading blows. Finish everything with a Sprint Run. As in the beginning, the distance should not be too long, 50 meters is enough.

You need to repeat this sequence with running and boxing several times. Optimal - 10. If the level physical activity sufficient, then the number of repetitions can be increased to fifteen. The use of this sequence of exercises is one of the most effective in the fight against excess weight.

For men

Training for the stronger sex will differ in that they can box not only on apparatus, but also in pairs. In this case, you still need to follow safety precautions so as not to get injured and not inflict them on your opponent.

As for the exercises themselves, they will not differ fundamentally from those described for women. Since men are naturally more enduring, some more physical activity can be added. Jumping strikes, exercise (from a standing position to squat, throw back legs and push up), twists and others are perfect.

It is best to start boxing with a trainer. Mastering martial arts on your own at home is unlikely to be a good idea, since right hit only a professional can teach. Therefore, the best solution would be to sign up for classes with a coach. You can box at home with a punching bag only after all the necessary techniques have been worked out in the gym.

It is recommended to complete the classes again by jumping rope, with which the warm-up began. The results from training are simply amazing: in just one lesson, you can lose 1 - 2 kilograms, if you follow all the recommendations of your mentor.

For training for men with boxing elements, see this video:

The stars who chose boxing for weight loss

Many women are afraid that by choosing this kind of sport, they will lose all their charm and fragility, which so reliably affect men. But you should not worry about this, because there are a huge number of examples when girls, while boxing, remained cute and graceful. There are quite a few such samples among celebrities.

The top model of one of the largest Victoria's Secret lingerie companies, Adriana Lima, has been involved in this “masculine” sport for more than 10 years. It is unlikely that someone will have a desire to reproach this girl for the lack of femininity, one has only to look at her photos. She is in great shape in all the pictures, but her figure has the smoothest outlines. The model admits that it was boxing that helped her put herself in order after giving birth.

Adriana Lima

Another supermodel from the Netherlands, Doutzen Cruz, chose boxing as a tool for losing weight. She is especially fond of the exercise "shadow boxing", that is, without the participation of a living partner. The girl spends a lot of time on working out the technique, as well as keeping herself in good shape - she devotes at least an hour a day 4 times a week.

As it turned out, boxing is quite popular among the models. Among the fans of this sport are Shay Mitchell, Gigi Hadid, Martha Hunt. None of these girls are definitely masculine. All of them have retained their fragility and true femininity.

Looking at all these slender beautiful models, you can safely follow their example and start boxing if you want to lose weight as soon as possible. And you certainly should not be afraid that as a result of hard training, female attractiveness and charm will go away. On the contrary, flexibility, endurance will develop, and the silhouette lines will become smoother.

Do not think that boxing can ruin a graceful silhouette and dispel the charm of femininity. This is the same type of workout, but at times more effective for losing weight than the rest. Boxing will not affect femininity in any way, on the contrary, it will only contribute to the improvement of the figure. The main thing is to observe regularity and choose suitable exercises... Moreover, it is great way fight negative emotions.

Useful video

For boxing workout for women, see this video:

Text: Maria Semendyaeva

In 2011, I worked at Kommersant as a correspondent for the culture department, lived in a rented room in a commune, and my salary was barely enough for food, and the need sports loads became quite apparent when I couldn't fit into my only winter pants. I went to Thai boxing for several reasons: the gym was next to work, the training was ruthless, all the equipment was given out in the classroom three times a week and it cost about 4 thousand rubles a month. It was especially pleasant that the main tool was becoming own body, and you could train anywhere - you would have a sparring partner.

Muay Thai, or Muay Thai, is a form of wrestling that is considered an adaptation of an even deadlier ancient martial art. In Thai boxing, shin strikes are used on three levels (high to the head, middle to the stomach and low to the thigh), as well as punching boxing techniques, elbow and knee strikes, straight foot kick (chib) and, of course, clinch - wrestling without parterre, that is, on the feet, not on the mat. In order to start training, from the equipment at first, only boxing gloves, bandages and mouthguards are enough, but in the future you will need protection on the shins, a helmet and chest protection. Thai shorts are a special aesthetic pleasure, but not only: you cannot imagine more comfortable for training.

Contrary to popular belief that Muay Thai is tough martial arts"Not for girls", there are many girls in this sport, and, other things being equal, they often achieve much more serious results than boys. This is because, firstly, not all girls are such fragile creatures, and secondly, because there is much less competition in this area than men. For example, in the category up to 70 kg, as it was with me at the beginning, in principle it is not easy to find a worthy competitor. Even in the category up to 63.5 kg, the number of female athletes is several times less than that of female athletes, and in a few years, in principle, it is realistic to achieve the title of master of sports.

Even if you do not set yourself the task of participating in competitions, Muay Thai training will definitely help you to believe in yourself, but in order to achieve at least some progress, you need to do at least three times a week. Today, contact martial arts can be considered a type of lifestyle: people visit the gym once every couple of weeks, do without practicing technique and without heavy exhausting sparring, lightly hammer a pear and then post pretty selfies from the locker room. You can find girls and boys who have been practicing Thai boxing for several years, and at the same time they have neither hitting technique, nor strength, nor even resistance to pain.

Talking about why people go to martial arts, there is a risk of going too deep into complex combinations of complexes, social attitudes and aesthetic preferences. For me, Muay Thai has become a pathway to emotional health (although physical health nevertheless blew up a little). Firstly, Muay Thai training fosters the habit of overcoming difficulties: usually a lesson lasts from one and a half to two hours, and about an hour of this time is allotted to a tedious warm-up and cool-down.

Working out is an effective way to get rid of irritation and resentment,
and push-ups clear the head much better than caffeine or alcohol

Running, jumping rope, push-ups, jumping out, stretching, working out technique, coordination exercises and exercises on the vestibular apparatus develop the body from various angles. Each good coach will explain that even if one thing does not work out - for example, my vestibular apparatus is personally very weak - you can develop some other area and focus on it. After six months of training, for the first time in a long time, I believed in myself when I won an easy sparring over a beginner who came from classic boxing - I just used my knees, realizing that he was stronger than me “on fists”.

Secondly, after I started doing Muay Thai, I became much more confident in myself. It was the confidence that I could stand up for myself, even if I had to do it physically. Unfortunately, this method is less accessible to girls than to guys, because from childhood we are taught to negotiate, not insist, and rejoice that violence is used against us, and not repulse it - after all, tugging braids and pinching in the corridor is a manifestation of attention ... Once I realized that I could fight back, it literally became easier for me to live and deal with stress - from the mere awareness of my security, and not the willingness to get down to business. In addition, give all your best in training - effective method get rid of irritation and resentment, and push-ups clear the head much better than caffeine or alcohol. The punching bag with the face of a boss is a world-famous invention of Japanese clerks who cannot better take out their irritation than beating such a stuffed animal from the heart.

I will not hide, sometimes even the thought of how exactly (in detail!) You can respond to the aggression of others, help to restrain the manifestation of this aggression on their part. True, it is better to be more careful with these thoughts, because in fact it is very unpleasant to hit a person, and a feeling of shame for this act will inevitably come - sooner or later - especially if your opponent is not a thaiboxer at all. Recently, a Facebook friend wrote that after the action he thought about sending his daughter to knife fighting classes. I told him the following: if you master some deadly skill, it is very difficult not to use it. Now I understand that when I was a neophyte in Muay Thai, my behavior was often unnecessarily aggressive.

As with any wrestling, Muay Thai is not easy to be a rookie. The prospect of a fight with a real enemy scares away many from the very beginning - they say, they pile on me, I do not know how, they will beat me. The truth is that the danger usually comes from the beginners themselves, who do not yet know how to calculate their strength and can hit too hard, causing real injury. Girls in Thai boxing often behave in a specific way: many at first apologize a lot when they put a little more strength than to swat a mosquito. “Oh, I'm sorry! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to ”, - these absolutely uncontrollable phrases are uttered by every girl in the first few months of class. People who have already been engaged in these several months can react to this in their own way: often it seems to them that the opponent is "hypocritical" and does not work at full strength.

Another issue is the attitude in society towards a girl who has learned to stand up for herself. Today, martial arts are no longer considered an aggravating circumstance in the commission of a crime, and nevertheless, in the news about the case of Russian powerlifting champion Tatyana Andreeva, who stabbed a rapist acquaintance and was convicted, she is persistently called an "athlete", as if this type of activity determines the degree of resistance with rape. In turn, the MMA star ( mixed martial arts) Rhonda Rousey was even convicted of domestic violence after she described her quarrels with her ex-boyfriend in an autobiographical book. However, such cases are rather rare: real violence and sports limited "violence" in training are completely different things, and it is quite possible to say that in wrestling classes women and men gain experience of equality and learn respect.

The relationship between athletes and athletes in training is a separate difficult issue. Sexist jokes in the gym are not uncommon, as is internal misogyny among female athletes. However, if a girl can be joked about his period, the guy cannot avoid being ridiculed for the fact that the girl put him down with a hikik.

For many men, being paired with a woman is akin to humiliation, but gradually having learned that a partner has a chest that cannot be hit, and is much lighter weight category, the boxer may well get used to sparring with a girl. There are also such athletes who like to "teach" newcomers, especially women, they hit on the move in full force, as if declaring: "If you want to be on an equal footing, get it." In this case, it is very important how the coach behaves. If he encourages such behavior, we must leave this hall, because sport is a sport, and not a platform for self-affirmation and demonstrative flogging.

Like any other combat sport, Muay Thai is traumatic and not very beneficial for physical health.

The hobby for Thai boxing came to the masses from street confrontations between fan groups and conflicts between left-wing radicals and right-wing radicals, but gradually it is becoming a thing of the past along with these phenomena. After three years training, I lost seven kilograms, became the champion of the Moscow region in muay thai, won one master tournament, attended several amazing competitions. However, when at that very masterful tournament one of the coaches began to tell me that the Holocaust was invented by the Jews, and several guys from my gym once again began to joke about the eastern name of my rival, I realized that all this had nothing to do with sports. that I spend a huge amount of time with people who are completely alien to me.

This is one of the most important problems faced by people who come to the world of martial arts. The regulars of ordinary, not the most expensive halls, where very serious fighters can be trained, are mainly schoolchildren or students, schoolgirls or students, most likely belonging to some ideological group. For example, in one of the halls where I trained, all the members of the Spartak fan firm "School" were engaged, in another club where I went, Evgenia Khasis was trained, convicted of complicity in the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova. Last time When I tried to go to Thai boxing a year ago at the Institute of Physical Education, at the end of the training I was offered to train cheaper at the expense of a sponsor. In exchange, it was required to attend rallies and support the point of view of the construction company, known, in particular, for the dispersal of the old edition of the Russian Planet.

This was the last straw in my hobby for Thai boxing: it became obvious that it is extremely difficult to practice it and stay away from ideology. Today, Thai boxing in Russia is a sport that will require you to rebuild your life and, perhaps, even your interests and views - and the more, the longer you practice it. While you are still interested in learning about the world of youth subcultures, trying yourself in a new role as a boxer, choosing multi-colored bandages and running to training in anticipation of new knowledge, it makes sense to think about what next sport you will do. Unless you are going to become a pro and make money from fights, any sport has a ceiling for development.

In any case, the opportunity to learn a couple of three simple strokes and in general, to become physically stronger is a definite plus. In addition, any girl who has tried herself in single combat at least once expands the possibilities of self-realization for all women. Once at training, a guy asked me: “Why did you go to boxing, because it’s not women's sports? " I asked if his mom drives a car and if his sister walks in jeans. Of course, he answered in the affirmative, because it never entered his head that in many countries of the world these are still "not female" occupations.

We approached this issue from a scientific point of view and experimentally found out what Thai boxing is for girls.

Most of the girls came to Thai boxing, before this other sport, someone athletics, someone yoga, or just went to gym regularly, however, there are those who simply took up boxing, following the example of friends and loved ones, up to this point, having nothing to do with sports. Most girls, starting to practice Muay Thai, knew practically nothing about it.

At the same time, "no thoughts of self-defense and the splash of unnecessary aggression" did not move the girls when they first came to the hall. Some frankly admitted that they are peace-loving people and Thai boxing for them is primarily a sport, and not an extra opportunity to throw out their anger or indignation.

Motivation, as we can see, is quite simple and obvious, this sport has become for our respondents one of the priorities in life, an antidepressant, a generator of vitality, a simple and radical way to change oneself and one's lifestyle.

Thai boxing with a woman's face

Thai boxing, according to athletes, makes a person:

  • purposeful;
  • seasoned;
  • diligent;
  • disciplined;
  • resistant to stress;
  • liberated;
  • courageous;
  • confident;
  • calm;
  • less conflicted and more collected.

In addition, this type of martial arts teaches you to respect others and cope with your fears and emotions.

Bruises, trauma and other fears

It is no secret that Muay Thai is a contact sport and is fraught with the risk of injury. However, none of the girls expressed fear or doubts about this. Many very intelligently emphasized that it is possible to get injured on the way to work, which happened to them more often than when they played sports. And frankly speaking, we do not remember a case when any of the girls received any serious injury in training. Bruises - yes, it happens sometimes, but no more. In addition, one injury does not mean anything in comparison with the whole world of possibilities that this sport opens up for a person. Martial arts in this case can be compared with reading books, when at first glance it seems boring, hard and useless, but it is worth making an effort of will, reading the first few pages and an interesting and fascinating world opens up in front of you.

The goal of practicing martial arts is not always about fierce fights in the ring and the conquest of championship belts. Rather, it is a lifestyle that brings pleasure, health and harmony to the life of an athlete, giving motivation and strength to achieve goals in everyday life: at work, in school, family, etc. Muay Thai fosters, first of all, the human spirit, which is the source of happiness and well-being. And to fight or not to fight is just the choice of a free person, not an obligation, because in martial arts this is not the main thing, because it is not for nothing that Muay Thai in translation means “the duel of the free”.

It's safe to say that Muay Thai is a sport for girls. More than a quarter of the Veles club athletes are girls, among them:

  • masters and candidates for masters of sports;
  • champions and prize-winners of the Russian Thai boxing championship;
  • champions of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • winners and finalists of the All-Russian and international tournaments in muay thai;
  • as well as those who just want to be in excellent physical form, become more self-confident and learn to defend yourself.

The "Veles" martial arts club invites all girls to a Thai boxing school in Moscow for girls. The team of professional trainers and experienced athletes of the Veles club will help you master effective self-defense skills, learn the basic principles and techniques of Muay Thai, become more self-confident, stronger and learn how to achieve your goals.

In the modern world, every girl wants to be able to stand up for herself. Also, most of them care about their appearance. It is because of this that Thai boxing is gaining great popularity among the beautiful part of the population of our planet. Ladies break stereotypes about their weakness by proving to everyone, and first of all to themselves, that there are no insurmountable obstacles. Despite the fact that Muay Thai is a contact type of martial arts, there are more and more girls involved in this sport every day. This is not surprising, because the benefits of training in Thai boxing are very many.

  • 1. Thai boxing exercises replace the sets of stretching exercises and individual exercises for the muscles of the buttocks, abs, legs and chest. This allows you to keep your figure in shape without any separate effort.
  • 2. Constant training, subject to a reasonable diet, helps to normalize (lose) weight and improve the figure.
  • 3. By doing Muay Thai you will become more agile, graceful and graceful.
  • 4. After several months of regular training in the gym, you will begin to feel more confident, because you will realize that you can fight back the bully.
  • 5. The longer the girl attends training. the better she is at self-defense. Training sessions in our gym include exercises for coordination of movements, strength, agility and stretching, thanks to which the complex development of the body occurs. The benefits of Thai boxing training are great and much more complete than regular fitness exercises. After the first training in Thai boxing, the girls celebrate changes in themselves and their attitude.
  • 6. Thai boxing helps to relieve psycho-emotional stress. It's simple: a regular outburst of negative emotions will prevent your blues and bad moods from developing.

Can a girl or a woman practice muay thai? Such questions are often asked by many people.

Contrary to popular belief that Muay Thai is a tough martial art "not for girls", there are many girls in this sport. And they often achieve more serious results than young men. Currently, there is much less competition among women in this area than among men.

And not all girls are such fragile creatures. Even if you do not set yourself the task of participating in competitions, Muay Thai training will definitely help you to believe in yourself. But in order to achieve some kind of progress, you need to practice at least three times a week. After I started doing Muay Thai, I became much more confident in myself, it was the confidence that I could stand up for myself, even if I had to do it physically. It’s easier for me to live and deal with stress, and giving my best in training is an effective way to relieve irritation. After six months of training, I began to believe in myself when I defeated a beginner who came from classic boxing in an easy sparring. I just used my knees, realizing that he was stronger than me on my fists. In any case, the ability to learn a couple of simple punches and generally become physically stronger is a definite plus. In addition, any girl who has tried herself in single combat at least once expands the possibilities of self-realization.

Once in training, a guy asked me: "Why did you go to Thai boxing, because this is not a women's activity?"

I asked if his mom drives a car and if his sister wears jeans. Of course, he answered in the affirmative, because he could not even imagine that in some countries of the world this is still "not a woman's occupation."

Muay Thai training program

Muay Thai training consists of two parts. This is a repetition of the basics - basic technique and training with a partner or conditional free fight (sparring). The trainees showing high results of mastering the program can be transferred to the program of sports training.

  • At the first stage of the training preparatory period the task is to increase the level of overall physical fitness, development of strength, speed, endurance, motor skills. As well as mastering the basic elements of Thai boxing: punches of hands, feet, knees and elbows; defense, wrestling in a clinch: grabs, twists; movements; assimilation of theoretical knowledge.
  • At the second stage, development continues physical qualities, improving the technique of Thai boxing, studying the elements of tactics, organizing sports, training and control fights. Great attention paid to the development of moral and volitional qualities.
  • Thai boxing is the oldest martial art that originated in Thailand. It is also called Muay Thai (which means free Thai fight). By its nature, it is similar to other types of Indo-Chinese battles, but it also has striking differences. In modern Muay Thai, punches, elbows, feet, shins or knees are allowed, for which it is also called "the fight of the eight limbs." Muay Thai is popular these days for girls, which is often offered as self-defense courses.

    Thai boxing for women

    Despite the fact that Muay Thai involves contact fighting, there are more and more girls involved in Muay Thai every day. This is not surprising, because the range of benefits from such training is very high:

    1. Thai boxing exercises replace complexes of exercises with individual exercises for the buttocks, abs, legs and chest. This allows you to keep your figure in shape, without making separate efforts for this.
    2. Constant, provided a reasonable diet, contribute to the normalization of weight and improvement of the figure.
    3. By practicing martial arts, a woman becomes more agile, graceful and graceful.
    4. After several months of such training, a woman begins to feel very confident, because she realizes that she can fight back absolutely any bully.
    5. The longer a girl attends training, the better she is at self-defense.

    As coaches like to joke when a wife is engaged in Thai boxing - the husband does not forget to take out the trash or wash the dishes, and the children bring only excellent marks from school. The benefits of these workouts are very high, much more complete than from regular fitness activities.

    Thai boxing - training

    The workouts are quite dynamic and include many useful exercises on coordination of movements, strength, dexterity and stretching, thanks to which the complex development of the body occurs. After the first lessons, the girls notice changes in themselves and their attitude.

    In the suggested video, you can see short presentation training, which includes a long warm-up and preparation, practice of blows on a bag and even contact combat in full equipment. There is no need to be afraid of such activities - no one will force you to fight if you are not yet sure that you will do everything right. Using these skills, you can improve your mental and the physical state and become much more confident in yourself.

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