The sport of Buryatia is freestyle wrestling. Women's struggle in Buryatia is haunted by scandals

Among them are prize-winners of the championship of Europe, Russia and international tournaments

Alexey Mantatov

The athlete is 22 years old, he was born in the Irkutsk region. He took up freestyle wrestling at the age of 13. Has the title of Master of Sports of Russia. Performs in weight category up to 57 kg in freestyle, up to 63 kg in national wrestling. The first coach of the athlete was Bator Tsyrenov. Now the promising wrestler continues to train under the guidance of an athlete and coach, who is called "Miracle Bator" in the sports community, as well as with Bator Dagbaev and Tsybik Maksarov. In the piggy bank of achievements, Alexey Mantatov has prize medals of the Championship of the Siberian Federal District, in addition, he is the champion of Children's International Asian Games, silver medalist international tournament for the prizes of the world champion, Russia, Europe and Asia Boris Budaev, bronze medalist of the international tournament for the prizes of the head of Buryatia, champion and medalist of the championship of the republic, champion all-Russian tournaments for the prizes of the rector of the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok), "Carpet BAMA" (Tynda), the tournament for the prizes of Kovalev (Blagoveshchensk). As the athlete himself said, his favorite moment in sports is to climb to the highest step of the podium. Alexey Mantatov watches the fight of Jamal Otarsultanov, Nachyn Kuular, watches the fights of Besik Kudukhov, Buivasar Saytiev.

- V free time I like to play football. I support FC Barcelona. I also try to spend more time with my family and friends,- the athlete shared.

In one of the most popular weight categories, up to 57 kg, it will not be easy for Mantatov to take a leading position. But in a highly competitive struggle at the regional level, Alexei will have great opportunities to conquer all-Russian and world pedestals. His teammates in the national team of Buryatia, Zhargal Damdinov, Andrey Gataulin, Tamir Garmayev, Zhargal Ochirov, make up a tough competition. When they all come together in the same weight, height sports uniform increases several times, says Bayar Tsyrenov, ex-senior coach of the youth team of Buryatia. He is sure that in such conditions the responsibility of an athlete, his diligence and desire to win every day are important. He believes that Mantatov has such qualities.

Andrey Gataulin

Andrey Gataulin is 19 years old, he is a pupil of the Kizhinginskaya Children's and Youth Sports School. In the fight for 8 years. Performs in the weight category up to 57kg. Andrey trains under the guidance of the coach of the Kizhinginsk sports school Tsyren-Dorzho Tsydenzhapov. Now the wrestler has three coaches: the first coach is Tsyren Tsydenzhapov, as well as Gocha Makoev and Valery Ivanov. Andrey Gataulin - silver medalist of the international freestyle wrestling tournament in memory Olympic champion Roman Dmitrieva, silver medalist of the Moscow Cup (2017), champion of the Russian freestyle wrestling championship in Perm, 2-time silver medalist of the Russian Championship, 6-time bronze medalist of the Russian Championship, as well as 2-time champion of the Siberian Federal District and multiple winner and medalist international tournaments. In 2017, the athlete received a special. a prize from Boris Budaev as "The best wrestler of the tournament" for his prizes. In 2016, Gataulin helped the Russian national team win the Marturs Cup in Iran. This became one of the most important performances in the career of an aspiring wrestler.

- The Buryat wrestler brilliantly performed at the competitions, winning all fights ahead of schedule: in the quarterfinals he won a clear advantage over his opponent from Armenia (10: 0), and in the semifinals he put out the Bulgarian athlete. In the final, Gataulin was opposed by the owner of the carpet, the representative of the Iranian national team. After the first period of the fight, Andrey lost 4: 5, but in the second period he showed his skill, putting the Iranian on the carcass,- reported the public "Fighters of Buryatia" Vkontakte.

Andrey Gataulin this year in last time fights among juniors and with next year will move to the adult category of men. It will be difficult for him, says Zorikto Menzhikov, senior coach of RSHOR, because the transition from boys to juniors and from juniors to men is always difficult. But Andrey already has good competitive experience and hard work, which are so important for any wrestler. Now Andrei Gataulin is the leader of the youth team of Buryatia, and it is on him coaching staff Freestyle Wrestling Federation of the Republic entrusts great expectations for the future in elite sports.

Buyan Tsyrenov

The athlete is 20 years old. He started wrestling from the first grade of school. He fights in the category up to 74 kg or up to 70 kg. In the first run, he turns out to perform better, admits Buyan Tsyrenov. The first coach of the wrestler is Yuri Baldanov. Now the athlete is training with Zorikto Menzhikov. A member of the Buryatia national team has behind him - victories at the championships of the republic (2017, 2018), a victory at the championship of the Siberian Federal District in 2018. In addition, he is a prize-winner of the 2017 Siberian Federal District and a prize-winner of the International Tournament in memory of Roman Dmitriev. Buyan Tsyrenov, like many others, likes to win and do his best to win.

- At the recent International Tournament of Roman Dmitriev, in the fight for third place, he snatched victory in the last seconds, completing a throw with a score of four points, such fights are always remembered, - said the wrestler.

Buyan Tsyrenov shared that he always liked the fighters of the Republic of Buryatia: Boris Budaev, Oleg Alekseev, Sergey Zambalov, Olympic medalist Bazar Bazarguruev. The wrestler also monitors the success of Alexander Bogomoev. In his free time, Buyan Tsyrenov likes to read books, play the guitar and go hunting.
According to the ex-senior coach of the youth team of Buryatia, Bayar Tsyrenov, Buyan is one of the most technical, throwing fighters in the youth team. As a sparring partner with male leaders such as Arsalan Budazhapov, Evgeny Zherbaev, Alexey Sabidaev, Buyan is gaining great shape and learning techniques... The wrestler has a good future, says Bayar Tsyrenov.

Evgeny Kolychev

Evgeny Kolychev is 18 years old, he was born in Ulan-Ude. Has been engaged in wrestling for 5 years, has the category of candidate for master of sports. The athlete performs in weight up to 125 kg. The first coach of the wrestler is Vadim Tsybikov. Now he is studying with Dmitry Balkana. Evgeny Kolychev -
champion and prize-winner of the championship of Buryatia, prize-winner of the championship of the Siberian Federal District, prize-winner of the tournament for the prizes of Zaur Batayev, and also the prize-winner of the Buryatia championship among men. Examples of technicality and skill in freestyle wrestling for Yevgeny Kolychev are the Olympic champion of Rio 2016 Abdulrashid Sadulayev, medalist of the 2016 Olympics Auniuar Geduev. The most important example for him is the bronze medalist of the London 2012 Olympics, three-time world champion in freestyle wrestling, European champion in freestyle wrestling, Russian champion in Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling Bilyal Makhov.
Evgeny Kolychev admitted that of his successful performances he remembered the tournament for the prizes of Zaur Batayev most of all.

- At the Bataevsky tournament, I remember very well my reverse throw,- said the wrestler.

In his free time from training, he prefers to listen to a variety of music, except for rap. Evgeny Kolychev is a student of the Republican Multilevel College.

If an athlete meets the coach's demands, he may become an outstanding wrestler, according to Zorikto Menzhikov, senior coach of the RSSC. Dmitry Balkana has experience working with heavyweights, and he can make Evgeny Kolychev a high-class fighter.

Ochir Dorzhiev

One of the most promising athletes, Ochir Dordiev, is now 20 years old. He was born in the Dzhidinsky district in the village of Beloozersk. Has been engaged in wrestling since the age of 6. Performs in the category up to 65 kg, has the title of Master of Sports of Russia. He started training with Banzar Menzhikov. Now his personal trainer is Zorigto Menzhikov.
Ochir Dorzhiev is a multiple winner and medalist of the Buryatia championship, the Siberian Federal District championship in youth and youth. He is also the bronze medalist of the international tournament in memory of the Olympic champion Roman Dmitriev in Yakutsk, the silver medalist of the international tournament for the prizes of Buivasar Saytiev among youths in Krasnoyarsk, and the medalist of the international tournament for the prizes of Boris Budaev. Won "Carpet BAMA" in Tynda.

- When we went to the tournament in memory of Roman Dmitriev in Yakutsk in 2015, then no one counted on me or bet on me, not even my personal trainer. I became a prize-winner, and that's when I was overwhelmed with feelings of joy,- Ochir Dorzhiev admitted to the "BMK" correspondent.
The wrestler watches over all the leading wrestlers.

- I would like to watch all their fights! I like how the Georgian wrestler Vladimir Khinchigashvili fights, and of course our Sasha Bogomoev. These are two fighters that I really like - said Ochir Dorzhiev.

- In my free time from training, I catch up with studies, spend time with friends, read books, go to my parents home in the village,- he said.

The wrestler's coach Zorikto Menzhikov is sure that Ochir Dorzhiev has all the qualities to win. In the meantime, he is preparing for the Championship of the Siberian Federal District in Kyzyl and gets used to competing among adult men. He performs in this category for the first year. The athlete has good prospects in the category up to 65 kg.

Tamir Garmaev

Tamir Garmaev is 22 years old, of which he has been engaged in wrestling for 11 years. Performs in the category up to 57kg, Master of Sports of Russia. His first coach was his father, Dasha Garmaev. Now the athlete is training under the guidance of Munko Munkozhargalov. Among his achievements are victories and prizes at international tournaments, the Russian championship (2nd place), and the European championship (2nd place). The athlete said that his father is always an example of courage for him. The director of the sports school of the Durdulginsky region, Gonchik Rinchinov, told reporters after Tamir Garmaev's success at the European Championship that this athlete could not be overlooked.

- He is gifted from birth. It was seen when he was growing up that he would good fighter... He has a strong character. Such data is necessary for a real athlete and even more so for a fighter,- said Gonchik Rinchinov.

For the athlete himself, a significant memory is the victory at the Russian Championship.

- When I fought in the Championship and won a ticket to Europe, it was very pleasant. Also in front of my father. He was very happy, and I was doubly pleased,- said Tamir Garmaev.

The athlete monitors the success of many wrestlers and revises the fights of sports legends.

-I look at everyone, because everyone has their own technique, I try to take the best for myself!- said the wrestler. Among his favorite wrestlers, he singled out Buivasar Saytiev, Mavlet Batirov.

According to Zorikto Menzhikov, senior youth wrestling coach at the RSHOR, Tamir Garmaev at the upcoming championship and championship of the Siberian Federal District in Kyzyl (May 10-13) may be the best in weight up to 57 kg. And at the national championship and championship, the athlete has every chance to enter the top three winners and strengthen in the national team in his weight category.

Zhargal Dorzhiev

Zhargal is 18 years old, was born in the Dzhida region, the village of Verkhniy Burgaltai. In the struggle, he was from the 1st grade of school, but he began to study seriously from the 5th grade. At first he was fond of national wrestling, then he switched to freestyle. Performs in the weight category 61 kg, Master of Sports of Russia. As Zhargal Dorzhiev said, his first coach Vladimir Garmaev brought him to the sport. Now the wrestler is training with Zorikto Menzhikov and Bayar Tsyrenov.

Zhargal Dorzhiev is the winner and prize-winner of the Buryatia championship, the Siberian Federal District championship, the winner of all-Russian and international tournaments.

- Ilyas Bekbulatov is my example to follow,- said the wrestler.

Zhargal Dorzhiev enjoys playing billiards and enjoys watching films in his free time.

The athlete's coach, Zorikto Menzhikov, is making big plans for the future of the wrestler. At the Russian Championship in Smolensk, Zhargal Dorzhiev showed a good result, becoming the 5th in the weight category up to 61 kg. He won 4 of 6 fights. Buryat athlete included in the Russian national team and will perform in juniors before 2019.

Zhargal Damdinov

Zhargal Damdinov was born in the village of Gunei, Aginsky District, Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, a 20-year-old athlete. He has been engaged in wrestling since he was 10 years old, performs in weight up to 57 kg. Has the title of Master of Sports of Russia. The athlete's trainers are Bator Bazarov and Balig Damdinov.
The wrestler is known for his victory at the international tournament in memory of Roman Dmitriev (in weight up to 55 kg, 2015). Also among his achievements are the bronze medal of the tournament for the prizes of the head of the Republic of Buryatia (2017), the "gold" of the Russian championship among youths (2012) and the first place in the championship of Buryatia (2018).
Zhargal Damdinov told "BMK" that he grew up on the example of Alexander Bogomoev and Bulat Batoev. Also his idols are Soslan Ramonov, Ray Higuchi, Jordan Burrows, Haji Aliyev.

- In my free time I like to play FIFA or UFC, watch movies, especially action films and war films, comedies,- shared Zhargal Damdinov.

Zhargal Damdinov trains in the highly competitive category up to 57 kg, where it is simply impossible not to become a good wrestler, says Bayar Tsyrenov, ex-senior coach of the youth national team of Buryatia. He also assumes that the guys will benefit from such high competition, because at the national and world level, serious passions flare up in this weight category, where seasoned character and experience play a vital role.

Andrey Elbaskin

Andrey Elbaskin is a follower of the family wrestling tradition. His uncle, Mikhail Elbaskin, was a famous and respected wrestler, the first USSR champion among juniors in Buryatia, a master of sports of the USSR. Andrei Elbaskin is 18 full years old, he was born in the Olkhonsky region, the village of Shara-Togot, Irkutsk region. From 6 years old in wrestling. Performs in the category up to 86 kg, candidate for master of sports. The first coach of the athlete is Kirill Osodoev, currently Andrei also trains at the Republican Sports School of the Olympic Reserve with Dmitry Baldaev.
Andrey Elbaskin is the champion of the Republic of Buryatia among juniors, the silver medalist of the international tournament for the prizes of Boris Budaev (2017), has the bronze medal of the international tournament in memory of the Olympic champion Roman Dmitriev, and he is also the champion and medalist of the Siberian Federal District.

- Traveling to competitions is always interesting. Visit another city, meet other guys, once again try your hand, new tricks, correct mistakes of past competitions, get a new precious experience. The most pleasant thing in competition for any athlete is victory, - the athlete shared.

For Andrey Elbaskin, the most striking example of skill is Buvaysar Saytiev. In addition to him, the athlete monitors the success of many wrestlers in Russia and other countries.

- In addition to sports, I am fond of photography, I love taking pictures of nature. I like to be alone with the nature of Olkhon and Baikal,- Andrey Elbaskin told "BMK".

According to Zorikto Menzhikov, Andrey Elbaskin is the future leader among the heavyweights of Buryatia. In 2019, he will still compete among juniors. His trainer and uncle, Kirill Osodoev, is eager to make a star out of a wrestler and, above all, an athlete with Olympic qualities. Former senior coach of the youth national team of Buryatia Bayar Tsyrenov is sure that the promising and hardworking Andrey Elbaskin has a great future in sports if he also trains with a twinkle in his eyes.

Erdem Tsyrenzhapov

To the fighter from the village. Erdem Tsyrenzhapov is 19 years old. Has been engaged in wrestling since the age of 13. In 2018, Erdem Tsyrenzhapov moved from the weight category up to 97 kg to the category up to 125 kg and joined the ranks of the promising heavyweight groups of Buryatia.In February 2018, at the championship of the Siberian Federal District, he fulfilled the standard of the Master of Sports of Russia in freestyle wrestling and a week later at the Russian championship up to 21 year became a master of sports in sumo.

The first coach of the athlete is Gongor Dugarov, now the wrestler is training under the guidance of Bator Bazarov and Valery Ivanov.
Erdem Tsyrenzhapov has many achievements. For the 2017-18 season, at the moment, behind him - the "silver" of the international tournament for the prizes of Boris Budaev (Ulan-Ude, 2017), the "silver" of the championship of the Siberian Federal District U21 (Nazarovo, 2018) ... Athlete's Sumo gold medal Championship of Russia U21 and a bronze medal in the absolute weight category among sumo wrestlers of the same age. In addition - the third place in team competition in "absolute" in the age category up to 23 years at the championship of Russia in Dzerzhinsk.

Erdem loves throwing victory throws in competitions. He follows the examples of his coach Gongor Tsedashievich Dugarov, as well as Alexander Bogomoev, Bayar Tsyrenov, Abdularashid Sadulayev.

Former senior coach of the youth national team of Buryatia Bayar Tsyrenov believes that now Erdem Tsyrenzhapov gives odds to the adult wrestlers of the national team, heavyweight Baldan Tsyzhipov and Tsybik Maksarov. So ahead, with hard work on himself, he will be successful in the heavy weight category.

According to the senior wrestling coach of the Republican Sports School Olympic reserve Zorikto Menzhikova, there are many talented guys in Buryatia, but not all of them reach the level of high-performance sports.

-There are many different problems. Our guys finish early, because they cannot support themselves, and the coaches cannot find sponsors who could help, - said Zorikto Menzhikov.

The editorial staff of "BMK" did not tell about all the promising wrestlers of the youth national team of the republic, but it is from these guys that they expect a breakthrough in the new sports season.

First, the coach of Zhargalma Tsyrenova admitted that she was caught on a substitute in the Russian championship and was disqualified for two years, and then it became known that two legionnaires from Chuvashia were playing for Buryatia.

Overweight substitution

Last year, the Russian championship was held in St. Petersburg. One of the participants in the tournament was the international master of sports Zhargalma Tsyrenova, who is a member of the national team.

- Zhargalma went a week before the start of the competition. We prepared for a performance in weight up to 63 kilograms. The weigh-in for this weight was scheduled for June 10, as these weights fought on June 11. During the week that she left earlier, Zhargalma decided to fight in weight up to 60 kilograms, she said that she was feeling well and wanted to fight in this weight, having presented me with a fact on the phone. My setup as personal trainer she did not fulfill it, - shares Tsydenzhab Balzhinimaevich.

According to the coach, the weigh-in in the weight category up to 60 kilograms took place on June 9, and Zhargalma went to him without his consent. As a result, the athlete could not "make" the weight - the overweight was 1,400 grams.

- The judge from Buryatia suggested to Zhargalma that Ulyana Tukurenova, also my student, pass the weigh-in instead of her, since the judge from the republic promised all-round support. Our fighters showed cowardice and unprincipled incomprehensible to me and agreed. It was a very unpleasant, dishonest act, for which our athletes were punished. Coaches from other regions noticed the substitution. There was a big scandal. Both of my students were disqualified, - the coach recalls with bitterness.

During the weigh-in, there was Main coach the Russian national team Yuri Shakhmuradov, who was in extreme indignation and justly condemned this act. He announced the disqualification of our wrestlers for two years. As a result, Zhargalma missed the championship and the Cup of Russia, the main competition where the composition of the national team is formed.

- They stopped paying her salary as a member of the Russian national team. Until January 2017, Zhargalma did not perform anywhere. Only in January 2017, she was allowed to participate in the International Tournament "Grand Prix Ivan Yarygin", because everyone was allowed there. Russian athletes... The only one of all the athletes who represented the national team of Buryatia, she took third place, - continues Gulgenov.

This season, Zhargalma was going to take part in the Grand Prix in Sweden at her own expense, but Shakhmuradov was categorically against: "In no case, we do not allow you."

- Although there was no official document on disqualification. In the Ministry of Sports of the republic literally today, apart from other wrestlers who participate in the championship, Zhargalme allocated money for the Russian championship. At present, the issue of Zhargalma's participation in the Russian Championship has not yet been finally resolved. How everything will turn out is not yet fully understood. Much to my regret, I did not train Jargalma recent times due to a ruptured Achilles tendon in January and was undergoing treatment until April 21. We resume our training. I also really hope that this situation will be resolved, and Zhargalma Tsyrenova will again perform at the very high level- says the coach of the wrestler.

This is not the first time that athletes have tried to cheat at a weigh-in. Recently UFC champion Daniel Cormier lost 540 grams in two minutes. Cormier did a trick that none of the athletes' representatives paid attention to. Both times he weighed himself naked and closed from the public with a towel. The only difference is that for the second time, the UFC champion leaned his hands on a towel, and thus transferred part of the weight.

Recall that Zhargalma Tsyrenova is the world champion among students, multiple winner of the Russian Cup, silver medalist of the European Championship, champion of Russia in 2014, winner of the Grand Prix Ivan Yarygin.

Exchange of experience and fighters

If the participation of Zhargalma Tsyrenova is still questionable, then 12 other fighters from Buryatia are already "sitting on their suitcases." Russian Women's Wrestling Championship in this year will pass in Dagestan, about 150 athletes from 35 regions will take part in the tournament.

There are three names in the Buryat national team. This is the world sambo champion Anna Shcherbakova, who is not for the first time trying to transfer her tatami successes onto the carpet.

The other two surnames, unlike Shcherbakova, are little known to the Buryat public. This is not surprising, because Maria Kuznetsova and Veronika Chumikova grew up in Chuvashia, for which they played. However, since last year, the athletes have been training in Ulan-Ude.

- In 2016, wrestlers from Chuvashia approached the head coach of the women's national team of Buryatia, Andrei Buzin. The athletes expressed a desire to play for the national team of Buryatia and train with us, since, in their opinion, women's wrestling is very well developed in Buryatia. A little later, the Ministry of Sports of Chuvashia turned to the Ministry of Sports of Buryatia with an official proposal to combine efforts to train representatives of the Republic of Chuvashia, Veronica Chumikova and Maria Kuznetsova. These athletes are part of the Russian national team and are well known to the fighters of Buryatia for joint training camps and competitions, - explain the situation with the legionnaires in the Ministry of Sports.

As a result, an agreement was signed between Chuvashia and Buryatia, and the coaching council of the Russian Freestyle Wrestling Federation gave the go-ahead for Chumikova and Kuznetsova to move to Buryatia and be employed at the Sports Training Center.

It is interesting that in the official starts Chumikova and Kuznetsova perform in the framework of a double offset: Chuvashia - Buryatia.

- Points are awarded to two regions. The athletes expressed a desire for Buryatia to be mentioned first at the upcoming Russian championship in the framework of the double classification, - the department explains.

The fact of attracting legionnaires to the national team of Buryatia caused the anger of fans on the Internet. However, it should be recalled that without the involvement of athletes from other regions, the republic would not have received the Olympic bronze in 2012. Lyubov Volosova was born in the small Khakass village of Tashtyp and moved to Buryatia back in 2004. And her success in London did not bother any of the sports fans in our region.

By the way, in this composition of the Buryatia national team there are enough legionnaires in addition to the Chuvash duet. Stalvira Orshush moved from the Irkutsk region, and Nina Menkenova brings medals not only to Buryatia, but also to her native Kalmykia.

Lev Khandazhapov, "Number One"
Photo: Federation wrestling RF

Friday, 07 February

13th lunar day with the element Fire. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. Today it is good to lay the foundation, build a house, dig the ground, start treatment, buy medicinal fees, herbs, and conduct matchmaking. Going on the road - to an increase in well-being. Bad day for people born in the year of the Tiger and Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, make friends, start teaching, get a job, hire a nurse, workers, or buy livestock. Haircut- to happiness and success.

Saturday, 08 February

14th lunar day with the element Earth. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Cow, Tiger and Rabbit. Today is a good day to ask for advice, avoid dangerous situations, perform rituals to improve life and for wealth, run for new position buying livestock. Bad day for people born in the year of the Mouse and the Pig. It is not recommended to write essays, publish works on scientific activities, listen to teachings, lectures, start a business, get a job or help get a job, hire workers. Going on the road is in big trouble, as well as parting with loved ones. Haircut- to increase wealth and livestock.

Sunday, 09 February

15th lunar day with the element Iron. Beneficial deeds and the sinful deeds committed on this day will multiply a hundred times. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Dragon. Today you can build a dugan, a suburgan, lay the foundation of a house, build a house, start a business, study and comprehend science, open a deposit in a bank, sew and cut clothes, as well as for tough solutions to some issues. Not recommended move, change their place of residence and work, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter to a bride, as well as hold a funeral and commemoration. Going on the road is bad news. Haircut- to luck, to favorable consequences.

For about half a century, Vasily Enkhoevich Garmaev has faithfully served sports - freestyle wrestling in Buryatia. He brought up a whole galaxy of famous Buryat fighters. Best coach in freestyle wrestling of the XX century, the honored trainer of the USSR Dmitry Mindiashvili called him a real patriot of the republic, one of those who "put Buryat wrestling on its feet, created a school authoritative in the entire wrestling world."

Phenomenal organizer

Vasily Garmaev is the son of a front-line soldier who fought from Stalingrad to Berlin, the first master of sports in freestyle wrestling of the republic. The first judge of all-Union and international categories in freestyle wrestling in Buryatia.

Any decision made by Vasily Enkhoevich becomes final and retroactive does not have. It is difficult to tear him away from live work. Now he is 77 years old, and he is still in the thick of the events of the wrestling brotherhood, he works as a trainer-methodologist at the Children's and Youth Sports School-10.

He cannot imagine himself without a struggle, it is this love that leads him through life. She makes him furiously get excited, ruthlessly criticize his mistakes and stand up to defend athletes and coaches with his chest.

Everyone knows that Vasily Enkhoevich has phenomenal organizational skills. Thanks to him, the first freestyle wrestling championship of the republic took place.

It was Garmaev who initiated the holding of an international freestyle wrestling tournament in the republic for the prizes of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper with the participation of teams from more than 10 countries of the world. This tournament, according to experts, gave a powerful impetus to the development of freestyle wrestling in Buryatia.

And what is his idea of ​​holding open championships of sports societies "Dynamo", "Burevestnik", "Spartak", "Trud", "Harvest"!

Struggle is in the genes of the Buryats

Vasily Yenkhoevich argued and continues to affirm that free-style wrestling with its specific methods, as if specially created for the Buryats: “The ancestral memory of the Buryats, genes, is triggered”.

He was one of the first to train young villager wrestlers and opened a section on classical and freestyle wrestling - on a voluntary basis.

In the newspaper "Dzhidinskaya Pravda" Valery Samdanov recalled how in 1962 a young livestock breeder Vasily Garmayev appeared in Beloozersk and immediately opened a free-style wrestling section in the village. With the light hand of Garmaev, freestyle wrestling became business card district. In the same year, he organized a historic match meeting between the combined teams of wrestlers from the steppe Dzhida and the mountain Tunka.

As the first secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, he stubbornly bent his line: he actively promoted free wrestling, opened and helped spread the wings of gifted youth: Ravil Valeev, Anatoly Budunov, Nikolai Gomboev, Nikolai Mitapov, Tsyden-Damba Viktor Ayusheev, Valery Garmazhapov

Aisuev. It was he who convinced the history teacher Anatoly Tsaganov to become a wrestling coach in Verkhniy Ichetui. And in Petropavlovka I noticed a tall boy Sergei Pashinsky and brought him to the free-style wrestling section.

He laid the foundation for the traditional sports rivalry between Jida and Mongolia. With his submission, sports competitions began to be held by profession - among shepherds, machine operators, agricultural specialists.

He was the first of the fighters of Buryatia to visit Olympic Games, after which the rumor about the wrestler Garmaev spread throughout The Soviet Union... Then, in 1964, on the initiative of Dmitry Mindiashvili, the Komsomol Central Committee encouraged Vasily Garmaev, as the first freestyle wrestling master in Buryatia, with a free Komsomol ticket to the Tokyo Olympics. At that time, it was almost impossible to get to the freestyle wrestling competitions at the Olympics due to the high cost of tickets. The resourceful Garmaev wrapped his heads in a towel (it turned out to be a kind of turban), joined the Indian delegation and went into the hall. One of his fellow Bayangol residents remarked on this occasion: “You cannot imagine a second Vasily Garmaev. It's a whole phenomenon. "

Having headed the Urozhay DSO in 1976, Vasily Garmaev made sure that not only sports schools in freestyle wrestling, but also a youth sports school with departments of chess, checkers, athletics, boxing. And the main subject of his concern was and remains free-style wrestling.

Through the efforts of coaches V.N. Ivanova, N.S. Ivakhinova, G.B. Baymeeva, F.N. Makhutova, V.M. Sydeeva, V.M. Bumboshkin, the national team of the republic in freestyle wrestling of the 70s-90s was formed. Legendary names - Oleg Alekseev, Gennady Manzhuev, Batotsyren Dashinamzhilov, Ayur Tsyrendorzhiev, Garmazhap Tsyrenov, Munko Tsydypov, Anatoly Leznov, Vladimir Vostretsov, Mikhail Elbaskin, Bair Tsyrengarmaev, Gennady Makhutov, Vashlavyevy, Iashlavyevy, Ilya Pashlyaev , Dorzho Khaltanov, Sergey Zambalov, Dugar Zhamsuev, Albert Khangalov.

An idea generator, a person with tremendous organizational skills, he organized several significant freestyle wrestling tournaments. One of his brainchildren is a competition for the prizes of the regional committee of the Komsomol, which has grown into a tournament for the prizes of the head of Buryatia at the international level.

In the mid-70s, he had the idea of ​​organizing an international tournament under the auspices of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper. Many did not believe that Garmaev would be able to organize such a large-scale tournament in Ulan-Ude, calling him a dreamer. An, no. The uniqueness of Garmaev lies in the fact that many of his seemingly unrealistic ideas were embodied in life. He went to Moscow to see the editor-in-chief of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper, a member of the CPSU Central Committee, and unnoticed slipped past the guard. A few minutes later, he went downstairs with an imperturbable look and convinced the security guard to let the then state coach of the sports committee, Klim Olzoev, pass.

In a conversation with Alexander Pavlovich Kharlamov, he was so convincing (Siberia needs just such a tournament! ") That the editor-in-chief of a popular newspaper had no choice but to give the go-ahead. At the very first tournament for the prizes of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper, which immediately became international, seven Buryat wrestlers became champions.

Familiar names on the pedestal

From 14 to 15 December, the 56th championship of the Republic of Buryatia in freestyle wrestling in honor of the honored coach of Russia, master of sports of the USSR, world champion among veterans Viktor Baimeev was held at the Physical Culture and Sports Complex.

Viktor Vasilyevich Baimeev is a legend of the Buryat wrestling. He opened the first section of freestyle wrestling in Buryatia, for about 15 years he led the School of Higher sportsmanship... On the initiative of Viktor Vasilyevich, in 1962, the republic's first freestyle wrestling championship was organized.

At the 56th championship, honored coach Viktor Baimeev greeted the participants and shared his memories:

- Back in 1962, we, a group of student wrestlers from the sports faculty and physics and mathematics, came to the Spartak gym, where the guys were training Greco-Roman wrestling... After three months of training, we decided to stay in the gym for 30-40 minutes and asked permission from the administration to train in freestyle wrestling. And so we, not knowing the rules and technique of freestyle wrestling, practiced and fought in the Buryat wrestling. And then Viktor Morozov came to us from Burevestnik and trained us for three months. After him, the coach was Viktor Borisov, and many other coaches. And immediately after that, the master of sports Vasily Garmaev appeared, the second was Nima Ivakhinov, and the third was me. And then the galaxy has already gone sports masters, - said the coach.

Also, the participants of the championship were greeted by the Minister of Sports and Youth Policy of Buryatia Vyacheslav Damdintsurunov. He noted that this championship is the main thing sporting event for freestyle wrestlers, according to its results, the national freestyle wrestling team of the Republic of Buryatia will be formed.

- Today the championship is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the honored coach Viktor Baymeev. I have known him for a long time, since 2001, when I entered the Buryat State University. Despite the fact that I was not involved in freestyle wrestling, I saw how this coach works. Many of my friends were and remain the students of Viktor Vasilyevich. This is one of the founders of free-style wrestling in Buryatia. It's nice that today champions, masters of sports of international class are in the ranks at the opening parade, this suggests that we do not forget traditions and honor the elders, we respect and honor our veterans,- said the minister.

At the end of the championship, the places were distributed in the following order:

57 Kg: 1. Denis Danzhalov, 2. Baras Shoypolov, 3. Timur Bayarov, Myagmar Dalaev.

61 Kg: 1. Solbon Tumenbayarov, 2. Zhargal Damdinov, 3. Alexey Mantatov, Bulat Bayaskholonov.

65 Kg: 1. Alexander Bogomoev, 2. Bayashkhlan Ochirov, 3. Erdem Sharastepanov, Bulat Batoev.

70 Kg: 1. Alexey Borovitskai, 2. Bayar Tsyrenov, 3. Ochir Dorzhiev, Sansaran Zhansaranov.

74 Kg: 1. Evgeny Zherbaev, 2. Buyan Tsyrenov, 3. Tumen Erkhituev, Aldar Garmatarov.

79 Kg: 1. Arsalan Budazhapov, 2. Alexander Tsoktoev, 3. Vitaly Bazarov, Ayur Galsanov.

86 Kg: 1. Alexey Sabidaev, 2. Delger Dabain, 3. Badma Balzhinimaev.

92 Kg: 1. Baras Bazarov, 2. Alexey Anishik, 3. Andrey Elbaskin.

97 Kg: 1. Alexander Dambaev, 2. Alexander Khantakov, 3. Bulat Darizhapov.

125 Kg: 1. Bator Dorzhiev, 2. Evgeny Kolychev, 3. Dmitry Zhargalanov, Erdem Tsyrenzhapov.

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