The golden team of Buryatia in freestyle wrestling. Buryat athlete won gold at the world championship in freestyle wrestling (video) Freestyle wrestling in Buryatia g

United World Wrestling (UWW) ranking updated best fighters free style. Buryat athlete Alexander Bogomoev, who was on the second line of the September ranking, lost his position, but remained in the top ten wrestlers in weight up to 61 kg. Evgeny Zherbaev has moved from 16 to 19 line, according to IA Buryad Ynen, according to the press service of the Russian Wrestling Federation.

Alexander Bogomoev's move from the second to the eighth position was quite expected, since he missed the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Let us remind you that last year the most loud scandal v sports life Buryatia broke out in Yakutsk during the Russian freestyle wrestling championship. It was on it that the composition of the country's national team for the Olympic Games was determined. The main contenders for a place in it in weight up to 57 kg were local wrestler Victor Lebedev and our Alexander Bogomoev. They met in the final of the Russian championship, in a face-to-face duel they had to determine which of them was stronger at that time.

Even before that, a major incident took place on the Yakut carpet, again with the participation of Viktor Lebedev. At the preliminary stage, in a dubious situation, he won Dagestan fighter Musukaev. That fight ended in a massive brawl, and after the panel of judges nevertheless awarded the victory to the Yakut, the Dagestan team left Yakutsk with their entire composition.

In the final, the judge again showed the passivity of Alexander Bogomoev, who at that time was leading in the score 1: 0. As a result, the Yakut wrestler was awarded a point, and the score was leveled, and taking into account the rules, Viktor Lebedev won the last active action. I did not agree with this coaching staff Buryatia, having filed a protest. It was considered, and the panel of judges made an unprecedented decision: two were declared champions of Russia at once - Alexander Bogomoev and Viktor Lebedev.

On this scandalous story the selection of the Russian wrestler for the Olympics is not over. After the Russian Championship, Lebedev announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy. But soon after pressure from the powerful diamond company Alrosa, he will change his mind. It is his wrestling federation of Russia that will include in the national team of the country, and Bogomoev will become the second number.

Our compatriot had a chance to compete at the Olympics after the IOC disqualified the Yakut fighter for doping at a young age. But Lebedev succeeded through international Court defend their right to perform in Rio de Janeiro. True, it was unsuccessful. Unfortunately, Alexander Bogomoev never experienced the happiness of winning an Olympic medal.

Up to 57 kg... 1 (in the previous rating - 1). Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia). 2 (2). Rei Higuchi (Japan). 3 (3). Haji Aliyev (Azerbaijan) ... 8 (8). Victor Lebedev. 9 (9). Ismail Musukaev. 17 (-) Artem Gebekov. 19 (11). Gadzhimurad Rashidov (all - Russia).
Up to 61 kg. 1 (-). Logan Steiber (USA). 2 (7). Beka Lomtadze (Georgia). 3 (-). Ahmednabi Gvarzatilov (Azerbaijan) ... 4 (9). Akhmed Chakaev. 8 (2). Alexander Bogomoev. 10 (4). Bekkhan Goygereev. 11 (3). Imam Adjiev. 16 (16). Murshid Mutalimov. 17 (-). Gadzhimagomed Aliyev. 19 (-). Victor Rassadin (all - Russia).
Up to 65 kg. eleven). Soslan Ramonov (Russia). 2 (2). Togrul Asgarov (Azerbaijan). 3 (3). Frank Chamiso (Italy) ... 7 (-). Ilyas Bekbulatov (Russia).
Up to 70 kg. 1 (10 in weight up to 65 kg). Magomed Kurbanaliev (Russia). 2 (12). Nurlan Bekzhanov (Kazakhstan). 3 (-). Mustafa Hosseikhani (Iran) ... 7 (9 - at 65). Israil Kasumov. 16 (9). Rasul Arsanaliev. 18 (11). Zaurbek Sidakov. 19 (16) Evgeny Zherbaev (all - Russia).
Up to 74 kg. eleven). Hassan Yazdani (Iran). 2 (2). Aniuar Geduev (Russia). 3 (4). Dzhabrail Hasanov (Azerbaijan) ... 8 (10). Hetik Tsabolov. 14 (14). Kakhaber Khubezhty. 15 (15). Akhmed Gadzhimagomedov. 17 (19). Zaur Makiev (all - Russia).
Up to 86 kg. eleven). Abdulrashid Sadulaev (Russia). 2 (2). Selim Yasar (Turkey). 3 (3). Sharif Sharifov (Azerbaijan) ... 7 (7). Shamil Kudiyamagomedov. 8 (9). Dauren Kurugliev. ten (-). Anzor Urishev (all - Russia).
Up to 97 kg. eleven). Kyle Snyder (USA). 2 (2). Khetag Gozyumov (Azerbaijan). 3 (3). Albert Saritov (Romania) ... 8 (15). Abdusalam Gadisov. 12 (11). Anzor Boltukaev. 12 (13). Khadzhimurat Gatsalov. 16 (-). Yuri Belonovsky. 17 (-). Akhmed Bataev (all - Russia).
Up to 125 kg... eleven). Taha Akgul (Turkey). 2 (2). Komeil Ghasemi (Iran). 3 (3). Geno Petriashvili (Georgia) ... 8 (8). Makhov was beating. 12 (-). Muradin Kushkhov. 13 (-). Baldan Tsyzhipov. 15 (-). Vladislav Baytsaev (all - Russia).

For about half a century, Vasily Enkhoevich Garmaev has faithfully served sports - freestyle wrestling in Buryatia. He brought up a whole galaxy of famous Buryat fighters. Best coach in freestyle wrestling of the XX century, the honored trainer of the USSR Dmitry Mindiashvili called him a real patriot of the republic, one of those who "put Buryat wrestling on its feet, created an authoritative school in the entire wrestling world."

Phenomenal organizer

Vasily Garmaev is the son of a front-line soldier who fought from Stalingrad to Berlin, the first master of sports in freestyle wrestling of the republic. The first judge of all-Union and international categories in freestyle wrestling in Buryatia.

Any decision made by Vasily Enkhoevich becomes final and retroactive does not have. It is difficult to tear him away from live work. Now he is 77 years old, and he is still in the thick of the events of the wrestling brotherhood, he works as a trainer-methodologist at the Children's and Youth Sports School-10.

He cannot imagine himself without a struggle, it is this love that leads him through life. She makes him furiously get excited, ruthlessly criticize his mistakes and stand up to defend athletes and coaches with his chest.

Everyone knows that Vasily Enkhoevich has phenomenal organizational skills. Thanks to him, the first freestyle wrestling championship of the republic took place.

It was Garmaev who initiated the holding of an international freestyle wrestling tournament in the republic for the prizes of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper with the participation of teams from more than 10 countries of the world. This tournament, according to experts, gave a powerful impetus to the development of freestyle wrestling in Buryatia.

And what is his idea of ​​holding open championships of sports societies "Dynamo", "Burevestnik", "Spartak", "Trud", "Harvest"!

Struggle is in the genes of the Buryats

Vasily Yenkhoevich asserted and continues to assert that free-style wrestling with its specific techniques, as if specially created for the Buryats: “The ancestral memory of the Buryats, genes, is triggered”.

He was one of the first to train young village wrestlers and opened a section on classical and freestyle wrestling - on a voluntary basis.

In the newspaper "Dzhidinskaya Pravda" Valery Samdanov recalled how in 1962 a young livestock breeder Vasily Garmayev appeared in Beloozersk and immediately opened a free-style wrestling section in the village. With the light hand of Garmaev, freestyle wrestling became business card district. In the same year, he organized a historic match meeting between the combined teams of wrestlers from the steppe Dzhida and the mountain Tunka.

As the first secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, he stubbornly bent his line: he actively promoted free wrestling, opened and helped spread the wings of talented youth: Ravil Valeev, Anatoly Budunov, Nikolai Gomboev, Nikolai Mitapov, Tsyden-Damba Viktor Ayusheev, Valery Garmazhapov

Aisuev. It was he who convinced the history teacher Anatoly Tsaganov to become a wrestling coach in Verkhniy Ichetui. And in Petropavlovka I noticed a tall boy Sergei Pashinsky and brought him to the freestyle wrestling section.

He laid the foundation for the traditional sports rivalry between Jida and Mongolia. With his submission, sports competitions began to be held by profession - among shepherds, machine operators, agricultural specialists.

He was the first of the fighters of Buryatia to visit Olympic Games, after which the rumor about the wrestler Garmaev spread throughout The Soviet Union... Then, in 1964, on the initiative of Dmitry Mindiashvili, the Komsomol Central Committee encouraged Vasily Garmaev, as the first freestyle wrestling master in Buryatia, with a free Komsomol ticket to the Tokyo Olympics. At that time, it was almost impossible to get to the freestyle wrestling competitions at the Olympics due to the high cost of tickets. The resourceful Garmaev wrapped his heads in a towel (it turned out to be a kind of turban), joined the Indian delegation and went into the hall. One of his compatriots, Bayangol residents, remarked on this occasion: “You can't think of a second Vasily Garmaev. It's a whole phenomenon. "

Having headed the Urozhay DSO in 1976, Vasily Garmaev made sure that not only sports schools in freestyle wrestling, but also a youth sports school with departments of chess, checkers, athletics, boxing. And the main subject of his concern was and remains free-style wrestling.

Through the efforts of coaches V.N. Ivanova, N.S. Ivakhinova, G.B. Baymeeva, F.N. Makhutova, V.M. Sydeeva, V.M. Bumboshkin, the national team of the republic in freestyle wrestling of the 70s-90s was formed. Legendary names - Oleg Alekseev, Gennady Manzhuev, Batotsyren Dashinamzhilov, Ayur Tsyrendorzhiev, Garmazhap Tsyrenov, Munko Tsydypov, Anatoly Leznov, Vladimir Vostretsov, Mikhail Elbaskin, Bair Tsyrengarmaev, Gennady Makhutov, Vashlavyevy, Sergey Pashlavyev Boris , Dorzho Khaltanov, Sergey Zambalov, Dugar Zhamsuev, Albert Khangalov.

An idea generator, a man with tremendous organizational skills, he organized several significant freestyle wrestling tournaments. One of his brainchildren is a competition for the prizes of the regional committee of the Komsomol, which has grown into a tournament for the prizes of the head of Buryatia at the international level.

In the mid-70s, he had the idea of ​​organizing an international tournament under the auspices of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper. Many did not believe that Garmaev would be able to organize such a large-scale tournament in Ulan-Ude, calling him a dreamer. An, no. The uniqueness of Garmaev lies in the fact that many of his seemingly unrealistic ideas were brought to life. He went to Moscow to see the editor-in-chief of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper, a member of the CPSU Central Committee, and unnoticed slipped past the guard. A few minutes later, he went downstairs with an imperturbable look and persuaded the security guard to let the then state coach of the sports committee, Klim Olzoev, pass.

For about half a century, Vasily Enkhoevich Garmaev has faithfully served sports - freestyle wrestling in Buryatia. He brought up a whole galaxy of famous Buryat fighters. The best freestyle wrestling coach of the 20th century, the honored coach of the USSR, Dmitry Mindiashvili, called him a real patriot of the republic, one of those who "put the Buryat wrestling on its feet, created a school authoritative in the entire wrestling world."

Phenomenal organizer

Vasily Garmaev is the son of a front-line soldier who fought from Stalingrad to Berlin, the first master of sports in freestyle wrestling of the republic. The first judge of all-Union and international categories in freestyle wrestling in Buryatia.

Any decision made by Vasily Enkhoevich becomes final and has no retroactive effect. It is difficult to tear him away from live work. Now he is 77 years old, and he is still in the thick of the events of the wrestling brotherhood, he works as a trainer-methodologist at the Children's and Youth Sports School-10.

He cannot imagine himself without a struggle, it is this love that leads him through life. She makes him furiously get excited, ruthlessly criticize his mistakes and stand up to defend athletes and coaches with his chest.

Everyone knows that Vasily Enkhoevich has phenomenal organizational skills. Thanks to him, the first freestyle wrestling championship of the republic took place.

It was Garmaev who initiated the holding of an international freestyle wrestling tournament in the republic for the prizes of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper with the participation of teams from more than 10 countries of the world. This tournament, according to experts, gave a powerful impetus to the development of freestyle wrestling in Buryatia.

And what is his idea of ​​holding open championships of sports societies "Dynamo", "Burevestnik", "Spartak", "Trud", "Harvest"!

Struggle is in the genes of the Buryats

Vasily Yenkhoevich asserted and continues to assert that free-style wrestling with its specific techniques, as if specially created for the Buryats: “The ancestral memory of the Buryats, genes, is triggered”.

He was one of the first to train young village wrestlers and opened a section on classical and freestyle wrestling - on a voluntary basis.

In the newspaper "Dzhidinskaya Pravda" Valery Samdanov recalled how in 1962 a young livestock breeder Vasily Garmayev appeared in Beloozersk and immediately opened a free-style wrestling section in the village. With the light hand of Garmaev, freestyle wrestling has become the hallmark of the region. In the same year, he organized a historic match meeting between the combined teams of wrestlers from the steppe Dzhida and the mountain Tunka.

As the first secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, he stubbornly bent his line: he actively promoted free wrestling, opened and helped spread the wings of talented youth: Ravil Valeev, Anatoly Budunov, Nikolai Gomboev, Nikolai Mitapov, Tsyden-Damba Viktor Ayusheev, Valery Garmazhapov

Aisuev. It was he who convinced the history teacher Anatoly Tsaganov to become a wrestling coach in Verkhniy Ichetui. And in Petropavlovka I noticed a tall boy Sergei Pashinsky and brought him to the freestyle wrestling section.

He laid the foundation for the traditional sports rivalry between Jida and Mongolia. With his submission, sports competitions began to be held by profession - among shepherds, machine operators, agricultural specialists.

He was the first of the fighters of Buryatia to attend the Olympic Games, after which the rumor about the wrestler Garmaev spread throughout the Soviet Union. Then, in 1964, on the initiative of Dmitry Mindiashvili, the Komsomol Central Committee encouraged Vasily Garmaev, as the first freestyle wrestling master in Buryatia, with a free Komsomol ticket to the Tokyo Olympics. At that time, it was almost impossible to get to the freestyle wrestling competitions at the Olympics due to the high cost of tickets. Inventive Garmaev wrapped his heads in a towel (it turned out to be a kind of turban), joined the Indian delegation and went into the hall. One of his fellow Bayangol residents remarked on this occasion: “You cannot imagine a second Vasily Garmaev. It's a whole phenomenon. "

Having headed the Urozhay sports school in 1976, Vasily Garmaev made sure that not only freestyle wrestling sports schools were opened throughout the republic, but also a youth sports school with departments of chess, checkers, athletics, and boxing. And the main subject of his concern was and remains free-style wrestling.

Through the efforts of coaches V.N. Ivanova, N.S. Ivakhinova, G.B. Baymeeva, F.N. Makhutova, V.M. Sydeeva, V.M. Bumboshkin, the national team of the republic in freestyle wrestling of the 70s-90s was formed. Legendary names - Oleg Alekseev, Gennady Manzhuev, Batotsyren Dashinamzhilov, Ayur Tsyrendorzhiev, Garmazhap Tsyrenov, Munko Tsydypov, Anatoly Leznov, Vladimir Vostretsov, Mikhail Elbaskin, Bair Tsyrengarmaev, Gennady Makhutov, Vashlavyevy, Sergey Pashlavyev Boris , Dorzho Khaltanov, Sergey Zambalov, Dugar Zhamsuev, Albert Khangalov.

An idea generator, a man with tremendous organizational skills, he organized several significant freestyle wrestling tournaments. One of his brainchildren is a competition for the prizes of the regional committee of the Komsomol, which has grown into a tournament for the prizes of the head of Buryatia at the international level.

In the mid-70s, he had the idea of ​​organizing an international tournament under the auspices of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper. Many did not believe that Garmaev would be able to organize such a large-scale tournament in Ulan-Ude, calling him a dreamer. An, no. The uniqueness of Garmaev lies in the fact that many of his seemingly unrealistic ideas were brought to life. He went to Moscow to see the editor-in-chief of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper, a member of the CPSU Central Committee, and unnoticed slipped past the guard. A few minutes later, he went downstairs with an imperturbable look and persuaded the security guard to let the then state coach of the sports committee, Klim Olzoev, pass.

In a conversation with Alexander Pavlovich Kharlamov, he was so convincing (Siberia needs just such a tournament! ") That the editor-in-chief of a popular newspaper had no choice but to give the go-ahead. At the very first tournament for the prizes of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper, which immediately became international, seven Buryat wrestlers became champions.

The international freestyle wrestling tournament for the prizes of the Head of the Republic of Buryatia will be held from 10 to 12 March 2017 in the universal hall of the Physical Culture and Sports Complex in Ulan-Ude (Ryleeva st., 2).
Tournament will take place at 3 days, the day of arrival of the participants on March 9, 10, 2017
On March 10, from 14.00 to 16.30, a meeting of the credentials committee will be held at the FGC, from 17.00 to 17.30 - medical control and weighing of participants also at the FGC.
Athletes from China, Mongolia, South Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Abkhazia, Ukraine, Belarus, Finland. Athletes from other regions will also come Russian Federation, such as Sakha-Yakutia, Khakassia, Dagestan, North Ossetia-Alania, Tyva, Irkutsk region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Novosibirsk region.
In total, about 120 athletes are planning to take part in the tournament. The team of the Republic of Buryatia currently has 15 licenses giving the right to participate in international competitions... Athletes of the national team of Buryatia Tsyzhipov Baldan, Gataulin Andrey, Vlasko Yuri, Budazhapov Arsalan, Balzhinimaev Aldar, Zherbaev Evgeny, Sharastepanov Dasha, Borovitskiy Alexey, Sabidaev Alexey, Maksarov Tsybik, Darmaev Tamir.
Prize fund for the 1st place - 90,000.00
II place - 60,000.00
III place - 30,000.00
19 judges of the international category, 2 judges of the Olympic category (Alexey Bazulin (Russia), Timurbaatar (Mongolia), as well as 4 judges - representatives of the Republic of Buryatia) were invited to serve the tournament.
The chief judge of the tournament was appointed by the Russian Wrestling Federation - judge of the international category Zaseev Soltan Sergeevich (Perm),
Chief secretary - judge of MK Galiakberov Radik Abramovich (Krasnoyarsk).
United World Wrestling Technical Delegate ( International Federation wrestling) appointed - Jan Tsong-Rong (Taiwan, PRC).
The Russian Wrestling Federation is expected to arrive twice Olympic champion, Vice-President of the Russian Wrestling Federation Arsen Suleimanovich Fadzaev; General manager-senior coach of the Russian national team in wrestling Khristaki Evstafievich Alexandridi; Head coach of the Russian national wrestling team Khadzhimurad Saigidmagomedovich Magomedov.
The national team of Buryatia will be represented by the strongest athletes of the republic.
The ceremony will take place on March 11 from 17.00-18.00 grand opening International tournament.
Competitions will begin on March 11 at 10.00 am, will be held on 2 wrestling mats that meet the requirements of the International Wrestling Federation.
FGC will use a pass system (tickets, badges). Tickets are already distributed in 7 points of the city (Sibkassa).
Ticket prices are: morning program - 200 rubles, evening - 300 rubles.


XXII - International freestyle wrestling tournament for the prizes of the Head of the Republic of Buryatia

Arrival day, placement of teams

Accreditation of participants, coaches and team representatives

Meeting of the credentials committee

Meeting panel of judges

Medical control and weighing of participants weight categories: 57.65.74, 97 kg.

Preliminary meetings and repechage bouts of participants in weight categories: 57.65.74, 97 kg.

Final meetings for 3 places in weight categories:

57.65.74, 97 kg.

Medical examination and weighing of participants in weight categories: 61.70, 86, 125 kg.

Opening ceremony

Semifinal and final matches for 1-2 places, awarding of winners and prize-winners of weight categories: 57.65.74, 97 kg.

Preliminary meetings and repechage bouts of participants in weight categories: 61.70, 86, 125 kg.

Semifinal and final meetings, awarding of winners and prize-winners of weight categories: 61.70, 86, 125 kg.

Departure day

Friday, 07 February

13th lunar day with the element Fire. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. Today it is good to lay the foundation, build a house, dig the ground, start treatment, buy medicinal fees, herbs, and conduct matchmaking. Going on the road - to an increase in well-being. Bad day for people born in the year of the Tiger and Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, make friends, start teaching, get a job, hire a nurse, workers, or buy livestock. Haircut- to happiness and success.

Saturday, 08 February

14th lunar day with the element Earth. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Cow, Tiger and Rabbit. Today is a good day to ask for advice, avoid dangerous situations, perform rituals to improve life and for wealth, new position buying livestock. Bad day for people born in the year of the Mouse and the Pig. It is not recommended to write essays, publish works on scientific activities, listen to teachings, lectures, start a business, get a job or help get a job, hire workers. Going on the road is in big trouble, as well as parting with loved ones. Haircut- to increase wealth and livestock.

Sunday, 09 February

15th lunar day with the element Iron. Beneficial deeds and the sinful deeds committed on this day will multiply a hundred times. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Dragon. Today you can build a dugan, a suburgan, lay the foundation of a house, build a house, start a business, study and comprehend science, open a deposit in a bank, sew and cut clothes, as well as for tough solutions to some issues. Not recommended move, change their place of residence and work, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter to a bride, as well as hold a funeral and commemoration. Going on the road is bad news. Haircut- to good luck, to favorable consequences.

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