The Lausanne court acquitted the Russian athletes. International Court of Arbitration for Sport


In the eyes of Russian fans, the Higher Sports arbitration court(CAS) in Lausanne looks like a cold, cynical judicial body, initially hostile towards Russian athletes who are accused of doping. However, on February 29, CAS fully acquitted the cyclist Alexander Kolobnev, who had proved his innocence. Sports lawyer Viktor BEREZOV, who was directly related to the "Kolobnev case", told SE about why CAS, for the first time in its history, acquitted a Russian athlete.


I, like you, cannot remember a doping case where the punishment of a Russian athlete for a positive test would be reduced to a warning, - said Viktor Berezov. It was he who represented the interests of the Federation in CAS cycling Russia (FVSR), which issued a warning to Kolobnev, after which the International Cycling Union (UCI) challenged this decision of the Russian side.

Not so many high-profile cases, in which the Russians would have been involved, went through CAS. “The Lazutina / Danilova case”, “the Chepalova case”, “the Yuryeva / Akhatova / Yaroshenko case”, “the case of seven”, where the defendants were Russian athletes, Berezov began to list, forgetting to mention only the “Kabaeva / Chashchina case”. - On the "seven" I was the one who represented the All-Russian federation of light athletics. In the ARAF, the athletes were given two years, in the IAAF they demanded four. CAS judged - 2 years and 9 months. Our term turned out to be closer than that of the IAAF, but to consider that case won is slyness. Frankly speaking, we went to Lausanne with one goal: to achieve such terms of disqualification so that the athletes could compete at the London Olympics. Fortunately, we succeeded.

- Each doping case is individual. But still, what does it take to win a CAS trial?

If we speak from the point of view of a lawyer, it is very important to forget how the courts go in Russia. Because CAS has nothing to do with our court system. The activity in Lausanne of the lawyer Kucherena in the "Lazutina / Danilova case" in 2002 became a textbook. The first thing he did at the very beginning of the hearings was to challenge the entire composition of the court, including the arbitrator he had chosen. When he was denied this, the rhetoric familiar to many began - "a provocation against Russia", "a political conspiracy." But the way in which Kucherena could theoretically put pressure on the court in Russia is simply impossible in Lausanne. And as a result, the case, of course, was lost. Moreover, CAS went to a principle that was rare for itself: in the final decision, it obliged Lazutina to pay 25 thousand Swiss francs in favor of the IOC for the defiant behavior of its representative.

The CAS has adopted a much more democratic procedure for providing evidence than in Russia. We cannot, relatively speaking, simply print a text from the Internet and present it as evidence. In CAS you can. In that case, of course, when the other side does not protest.

Another feature of CAS is that everything is transparent there from the very beginning. Until a certain time, you must disclose all your evidence, disclose the names of all witnesses and outline their position and the essence of the information that they would like to convey to the court. Russian lawyers often prepare for something completely different. They write a statement of claim, and then wait for a trial, during which new evidence is pulled out of the sleeve to confuse the other side.

- CAS deliberately nullifies lawyers' pleadings?

There is debate, but within certain limits. Any lawyer who is presented with a ton of new evidence will immediately take time to prepare a response. The case is dragging on. There is no such thing in CAS. The parties arrive fully prepared for the hearing. And the CAS arbitrators themselves have the opportunity to get acquainted with the essence of the case, at least in general terms.

For almost 20 years of activity of the Supreme Sports Arbitration Court, it has considered a huge number of cases. And in one, two, five cases, you can definitely find similar moments. In general, studying the practice of CAS for a lawyer is the first key to success. For example, in the judgment in the Kolobnev case, the CAS has references to about twenty decisions made by this court earlier.

- And the rest of the keys?

It is imperative to study the practice of specific arbitrators appointed to the case. We found a couple of decisions by the chairman of the jury, Italian Luigi Fumagalli, and in our answer to the "Kolobnev case" we referred to him in the winning moments for us. I think any person is pleased when his decisions are known and referred to.

Together with Kolobnev and his lawyer Claude Ramoni, we, according to the CAS rules, chose one of the arbitrators - American Geoffrey Benz. He was one of those who decided not to disqualify Brazilian swimmer Cesar Ciela Filho, whose high-profile case to some extent set a precedent in CAS. And during the meeting, Benz asked the UCI lawyer such questions, which made it possible to understand that in the case of Kolobnev, he was not on the side of the international federation.

Finally, another key to success is fluency. English language... From my own experience, I can assure you that not a single translator is fluent in legal, sports, and doping vocabulary. Therefore, coming to CAS with a translator for a lawyer means automatically lowering your chances.

At first, Russian lawyers came to CAS who did not know how to behave. The attitude of the court towards them was clearly projected on other Russian lawyers as well. When did the break in their perception take place?

It seems to me that this happened after 2004, when my immediate supervisor, Alexandra Brilliantova (head of the legal department of the ROC. - Approx. S. B.) became an arbiter of the CAS, and we began to attend meetings often. It was in 2004 that the first non-doping case won by Russia in the CAS happened. Then International Federation equestrian sport incorrectly calculated her own rating, and instead of our girl (Alexandra Karelova. - Approx. S. B.) others were admitted to the Olympics in Athens.

The day before departure to Athens, we filed an appeal, the day before the opening ceremony, it was reviewed at a meeting of the CAS temporary traveling group at Olympic Games... The appeal was upheld, and Karelova spoke in Athens.


Negative experience gained sports Russia in relations with CAS, he taught everyone to believe that since some international federation decides to sue a Russian athlete, then he has not many chances. So it seemed in the "Kolobnev case".

Federation federation strife. The IAAF, for example, uses the services of British lawyers the highest qualifications... And for all the time this federation has lost, it seems, only one case. The Kolobnev case is also one of the few lost for the UCI. But there are also opposite examples. International Federation wrestling led by President Martinetti regularly lose cases. Moreover, the mere intention to go to CAS can force FILA to change its own decision.

- How did Kolobnev behave from a legal point of view?

If you can imagine the ideal behavior of an athlete in such a situation, then this is the very case. I just don't know what else he could have done. Alexander perfectly understood what chances he had and how to act. He spent a lot of money (presumably from 50 to 100 thousand dollars. - Approx. S. B.), time and effort, and I am humanly glad that it paid off. He was advised a good lawyer - Swiss Claude Ramoni, who worked just fine.

Kolobnev presented the FVSR at the hearing of the anti-doping commission (Berezov is one of its members. - Approx. S. B.) all the necessary explanations and evidence. As a result, the commission had almost no doubts when it issued a warning to Alexander, although such a decision is always a huge risk for the federation. And then, reading the CAS decision, it was very pleasant to see on almost every page the phrase that the court fully agrees with the conclusions of the FVSR.

So, what explanation did Kolobnev give, who at the 2011 Tour de France was found to have the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide, which can be used as a masking agent?

In the late 1990s, Kolobnev underwent two operations on his veins. Periodically, he was examined by his attending physician in Nizhny Novgorod Sergei Petrov, who prescribed treatment for the rider, including prescribing biologically active additives "Kapilar" or "Kapilarprotector". Kolobnev used Kapilar more often. Last time the racer was with Dr. Petrov in 2009.

In June 2011, he came to the Russian Championship in Ufa. I went to the pharmacy of the network "36.6", asked "Kapilar". He was told that in all of Ufa in "36.6" "Kapilar" is not, but there is "Kapilarprotektor". He bought it because he had previously used it.

Kolobnev took these supplements and brought them with him to the Tour de France, where he tested positive. The concentration of hydrochlorothiazide in the sample was so negligible that Kolobnev was able to obtain the opinion of the extremely authoritative doctor Roland Rivier from Lausanne. The bottom line is that at this concentration, hydrochlorothiazide has no masking effect at all.

- Anyone know how hydrochlorothiazide ended up in the supplement?

Most likely, this is just an accident. It can be assumed that particles of another preparation containing hydrochlorothiazide remained in the production vat where Kapilarprotector was prepared. The athlete does not need to prove exactly how it happened. He needs to prove how the substance got into the body, and for this he needs to know where this substance was contained. Kolobnev sent all the dietary supplements he had to England for examination. The examination took about three months, and in the end hydrochlorothiazide was found in Kapilarprotektor. The second condition for the athlete is to prove that the intake of the substance was not associated with the goal of increasing athletic performance... But here it was obvious! From that moment on, Kolobnev could build his position.

In fact, the CAS quickly agreed that Kolobnev fulfilled these two conditions, and in the future, the degree of the athlete's guilt was simply determined. If we were talking about anabolic steroids or EPO, then there would be little chance of avoiding a two-year disqualification. But hydrochlorothiazide is included in the list of "special substances", where the sentence can range from 0 to 24 months.

- What was the position of the International Cycling Union?

They believed that the degree of Kolobnev's guilt was the maximum. The main reason is that he did not have the right to change the additive, although Alexander did not change, but used both "Kapilar" and "Kapilarprotektor". The UCI also, in particular, disputed that Alexander bought Kapilarprotektor in June 2011 in Ufa. But Kolobnev did not go to the pharmacy alone, but with his wife and nanny. The wife acted as a witness, CAS was absolutely normal about this. They decided not to interrogate the nanny at all.

- Who else was a witness?

Kolobnev's Katyusha teammates for July 2011 Egor Silin and Yuri Trofimov. Doctor Petrov. Roland Rivier. The court had problems with video communication, so they spoke with witnesses by phone.

- At the end of the hearings, was it already possible to draw any conclusions about the position of the court?

It's impossible. In CAS, everyone is always emphatically benevolent, but in most cases it ends badly. The confidence that we have a good position is yes. Deep down, we, including Kolobnev himself, agreed to a 3-month suspension, but the complete excuse came as a surprise to everyone.

Why did the UCI decide to go to court against Kolobnev? Were they confident that they were right or was it a purely fashion decision?

I think the image. The warning issued to Kolobnev by the FVSR became a challenge for the international union. Their position is an irreconcilable fight against doping, and it was important for them not to let things go on the brakes, but to indicate their position, and then, they say, let CAS figure it out. And further. If in the case of the "Contador case" the decision of the Spanish federation, in addition to the UCI, was also contested by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), then he had no complaints about Kolobnev. Apparently, they did not want to enter into a business, the chances of winning in which looked unprofitable.

Sergey BUTOV

Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne upheld 28 appeals Russian athletes however, on the whole, the decision did not arouse great joy among them.

“I no longer have any emotions. During this year I have had so many things that now I don't have the strength to rejoice. Do I want to compete in the Olympics? Of course, but still not everything depends on me, "- commented on the TASS decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne (CAS) skeletonist Alexander Tretyakov, whose appeal was upheld. He told RIA Novosti that he would go to the 2018 Olympics if the IOC would send him an invitation to participate in the Games.

The world champion in speed skating, Russian Olga Fatkulina, who was also justified by CAS, said that admission to the 2018 Games would be a victory for her.

“I have earned a medal with my honest work. When I found out about today's decision, my happiness did not diminish or increase. Everything was as it should be. It will be a victory if we are admitted to the Olympic Games. We will now wait - how everything will be decided there by admission. Then we will rejoice. Now the state is already such that there are no emotions. We are waiting for how everything will be further according to the situation, ”she said.

“The biggest upset is that it’s okay to say the reason, and we could fight, appeal, etc. And we do not know the reason at all, because of what. They just weren’t invited to the Olympic Games, you see, you know, how they invited someone to play football in the yard, but we weren’t invited, ”- quotes the world and European biathlon champion Maxim Tsvetkov.

However, not all athletes are negative. Sochi 2014 Olympic Biathlon Champion, World Champion Anton Shipulin believes that life goes on. “I want all athletes and all fans at this moment to unite and understand that we still have everything ahead, and we, Russia, are a strong country, a strong power,” he said.

Athlete Natalya Matveeva found out about the CAS decision during training:

Post from Natalia Matveeva (@matveeva_natalia_rus) Feb 1, 2018 at 1:24 PST

Skeleton player Elena Nikitina, whose appeal was also satisfied by the court, noted that there is still justice: “The mood is fighting, as it was. Of course, we are very happy and have been waiting for this decision - there is still justice. Of course, we are waiting for an invitation from the IOC, we ourselves, so to speak, asked for this holiday. "

Skier Aleksey Petukhov admitted that he had a double state from the news: “A little at a loss, I understand that everything is over, but the state is incomprehensible, twofold. It turns out that it is not clear with the Olympic Games, the IOC will probably not allow it, and the list has been formed. But the fact that we will continue to prepare for the World Cup is a positive decision. With renewed vigor in new fight! Justice has triumphed, there is higher power and the truth is above all nasty things. Now let those who spoke badly about us think, let them be ashamed. And we came out victorious, it's great that the court heard us. "

According to him, the return of Sochi results plays primarily a role for those athletes who took medals there. “And my 8th place, in principle, has no effect. As for the Olympic Games - 2018, we are unlikely to get there, the list there is not rubber. It will be difficult to go there. As I understand it, a very small percentage of this is possible. I am ready to go, ready to fight, but it is difficult to comment here, the situation is not yet clear, "Petukhov added.

“This is great news that Tanya Ivanova and I have been acquitted, justice has triumphed. Now it is necessary to resolve the issues of including Ivanova, first of all, in Olympic squad... Well, our coaching staff needs to be fully restored at the Olympics, because the athletes have been declared innocent. We will continue to prepare and hope that all of us will be given accreditation for the Olympics, "said Main coach Russian national luge team Albert Demchenko.

As a reminder, on Thursday, CAS appealed 28 Russian athletes, annulling their lifelong suspension from participation in the Olympic Games, which the IOC had previously imposed on athletes.

The athletes were suspended by the IOC following an investigation by a commission led by Denis Oswald, which rechecked doping samples from the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. The results of the acquitted athletes at the Games in Sochi have been restored.

Image copyright EPA

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne on Thursday upheld the appeals of the Russian athletes, annulling the decision of the International Olympic Committee(IOC) on their lifelong suspension from the Olympics.

The Russian service of the BBC tells how athletes, officials and journalists reacted to this decision.

International Olympic Committee

This could have a major impact on the future fight against doping. Therefore, the IOC will review the rationale for decisions very carefully as soon as they are available and will consider possible consequences- including the possibility of an appeal to the Swiss Federal Tribunal.

As for the participation of athletes from Russia in the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, the decision of the IOC Executive Committee of December 5, 2017 remains in force. This suggests that since the Russian Olympic Committee has been suspended, Russian athletes will only be able to compete in Pyeongchang at the invitation of the IOC.

Image copyright AFP / Getty Image caption The CAS considered that the evidence collected against athletes was insufficient to clearly indicate a violation anti-doping rules.

The decision of the Lausanne Arbitration Court does not mean that 28 athletes will be invited to the Games. The fact that they are not under sanctions does not mean that they automatically receive the privilege of being invited to the Games.

It is also important to note that the CAS general secretary said at a press conference that the court's decision "does not mean that 28 athletes have been declared innocent."

Pavel Kolobkov, Minister of Sports of Russia

Now the Russian Olympic Committee will send a letter to the IOC with a proposal that they declare our athletes to participate in the Olympic Games. We will wait for the official decision of the IOC. (Interfax)

All athletes were acquitted in the case on charges of violating anti-doping rules during the Games in Sochi. Both guys and all of us are glad that justice has finally triumphed.

The CAS panel admitted that they were innocent and overturned the decisions of the Oswald Commission (IOC). Today's CAS decisions confirm that many who have been accused are "pure athletes." (RIA News)

Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of Russia

We have repeatedly said that, of course, through all possible channels, support for our athletes will continue in any steps that are aimed at defending their rights.

The information received about the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport in relation to our athletes confirms that vigorous actions to defend their rights both in court and in other categories are justified, can be effective and should be continued. And we hope that, of course, these actions will continue.

Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia

We never doubted that our athletes absolutely deservedly received all those medals that were won in Sochi. It is good that the court has fully confirmed this, proved their purity.

This means that the athletes who brought the claims are fully rehabilitated. And in relation to them, no prohibitive decisions are no longer valid, their biography is absolutely pure. And all those awards that they acquired have been restored.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Skeleton player Alexander Tretyakov should now get back gold medal

Everything must (...) be done as quickly as possible so that fully rehabilitated athletes can take advantage of all the opportunities that open up to them as a result of this judicial decision. (Interfax)

Vitaly Mutko, former Minister of Sports of Russia

Good news, but bitter. To be frank, this was not exactly what we expected a decision, but nevertheless we proceeded from the fact that in all these hearings and commissions of Oswald, WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), accusations are so superficial, hasty, without justification.

All this week, the athletes have been proving their innocence. Doping is a fairly simple thing: there are samples, and all this talk and speculation should not be considered at all. As soon as some consideration comes to a legal basis, then everything falls into place.

One can only express regret that WADA entrusted all these processes to the commissions, Richard McLaren was absolutely unconvincing in this process.

Of course, we are very pleased that 28 athletes were acquitted. We never doubted them. All of them have always been outstanding athletes for us, and we had no doubt that they are in fair fight won their podiums. And the president said that we were never going to leave them without support and help. (RIA News)

Mikhail Degtyarev, Head of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs

We counted on positive decisions in court. You always have to go to the courts, because silence means agreement with decisions taken or accusations. The next step should be lawsuits in civil courts in order to refute the false theses of the McLaren report and to protect the honor and dignity of athletes and coaches.

Elena Vyalbe, President of the Russian Cross-Country Skiing Federation

When they found out the decision, even the gift of speech was gone. It is a pity that the three are still not fully justified, but the disqualification is only for these Olympic Games. In general, we are just happy, I believed that sooner or later this will happen. (RIA News)

Olga Fatkulina, world champion in speed skating

Image copyright AFP / Getty Images

I earned a medal with my honest work. When I found out about today's decision, my happiness did not diminish or increase. Everything was as it should be. It will be a victory if we are admitted to the Olympic Games. We will now wait - how everything will be decided there by admission. Then we will rejoice. Now the state is already such that there are no emotions. We are waiting for how everything will be further according to the situation. (RIA News)

Artem Kuznetsov, speed skater

Of course, common sense triumphed, but many questions remain: what happened, why we were accused, and I'm afraid they will remain unanswered. It's a shame that we, most likely, will not go to the Olympics anyway, because there are no invitations yet, and it is not clear what will happen. (TASS)

Alexey Petukhov, skier

Image copyright Reuters

Having learned the decision, I just thought that justice had triumphed, there are higher powers and truth above all nasty things. Now let those who spoke badly about us think, let them be ashamed. And we came out victorious, it's great that the court heard us.

A little at a loss, I understand that everything is over, but the state is incomprehensible, twofold. It turns out that it is not clear with the Olympic Games, the IOC will probably not allow it, and the list has been formed. But the fact that we will continue to prepare for the World Cup is a positive decision. With renewed vigor in a new battle. (RIA News)

Alena Zavarzina, snowboarder

Nikita Kryukov, skier

I want to go to court, because the decision to disqualify me greatly affected me. They just took my name, the name of the Olympic champion, and dipped it in the mud. I fully admit that this could make the fans doubt the purity of my results, my victories. I see no reason to tolerate this with impunity. Therefore, going to court seems to me a perfectly logical step.

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Sports arbitration has justified the suspended Russian athletes for life

Alexandr Yakovlev / Russian Look

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne on February 1 announced a decision on 39 Russian athletes who had previously been banned from participating in the Olympic Games for life in connection with a doping scandal.

As the correspondent of the site reports, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) found that at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, athletes violated anti-doping rules, and decided to disqualify them, thereby depriving them of the medals they received. In addition, athletes were banned for life in any capacity from participating in the Olympic Games.

39 Russian athletes filed complaints, stating that there was no direct evidence of their doping use. Arbitration was opened for each appeal.

On February 1, the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne granted appeals from 28 of 39 Russian athletes, according to a CAS press release.

The list of acquitted persons included: Dmitry Trunenkov, Aleksey Negodailo, Olga Stulneva, Lyudmila Obuvkina (bobsleigh); Alexander Tretyakov, Sergey Chudinov, Elena Nikitina, Olga Potylitsyna, Maria Orlova (skeleton); Alexander Legkov, Evgeny Belov, Maxim Vylegzhanin, Alexey Petukhov, Nikita Kryukov, Alexander Bessmertnykh, Evgenia Shapovalova, Natalia Matveeva (cross-country skiing); Olga Fatkulina, Alexey Rumyantsev, Ivan Skobrev, Artyom Kuznetsov ( skating); Tatiana Ivanova, Albert Demchenko ( luge); Ekaterina Lebedeva, Ekaterina Smolentseva, Ekaterina Pashkevich, Tatiana Burina, Anna Shchukina (ice hockey).

Another 11 athletes were found guilty of violating anti-doping rules, but the court replaced the lifelong suspension with a ban on participation in the 2018 Pyeongchang Games.

On December 5, 2017, the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) suspended the membership of the Russian Olympic Committee and removed the Russian national team from winter Olympics... Only those athletes who can prove their "purity" were allowed to participate in the Games. They will not be able to demonstrate national symbols, they must perform under the IOC flag, and if they win, the Olympic anthem will sound.

On January 25, the Russian Olympic Committee published full list Russian athletes who have received invitations from the IOC to Pyeongchang. As part of the team “ Olympic athletes from Russia ”169 athletes will compete in 15 sports (225 Russian athletes were selected for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi).

Against the background of anti-doping courage, the Russian national team lost 111 applicants for a trip to Pyeongchang, including more than 10 superstars who claimed gold for the 2018 Olympics. Among them - sixfold Olympic champion short track speed skating Viktor An, Olympic biathlon champion Anton Shipulin, two-time champion world in cross-country skiing Sergei Ustyugov, skaters Pavel Kulizhnikov and Denis Yuskov, figure skaters Ksenia Stolbova and Ivan Bukin.

The Olympic Games in Pyeongchang will be held from 9 to 25 February. For those athletes who have not received an invitation to the 2018 Olympics, an alternative tournament will be organized in Sochi.

Russia still has a lot of work to do and to improve its anti-doping system. But the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne is good news. during a trip to Rostov-on-Don, which is eight days before the start Winter Games in Korea, fully acquitted 28 Russian athletes. Suspended for life from all Olympics. At the same time, the president called for refraining from euphoria and respecting Russia's opponents in this case.

The Russian Olympic Committee is already preparing an additional application to the IOC. The Russian side hopes that the decision to restore the rights of our athletes to participate in the Olympics will be made on an expedited basis. The athletes themselves count on this, who all this time did not stop preparing for the competition and believed in justice.

The first Olympic athletes from Russia are already in Pyeongchang and have already settled in olympic village... And the first news on Korean soil is good for our team.

“The judges of the Court of Arbitration for Sport held unanimously that the evidence provided to the IOC in this case did not carry sufficient weight in each individual case. Therefore, the evidence collected in 28 cases was found to be insufficient to establish anti-doping rule violations by these athletes,” says Mathieu Ribe, Secretary General Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Appeals from 28 athletes are upheld. This means that the list of athletes from Russia admitted to the Games may be replenished with new names.

“I knew that this would be the case, that the truth would be on our side. I hope that we will continue to win these cases so that we can go to the Olympic Games,” rejoices Olga Fatkulina, Olympic silver medalist in speed skating.

Elena Nikitina, Olympic bronze medalist in skeleton, is also from the list.

"Yes, I qualified for the Olympic Games number one and I really hope that we get there, we seem to have a chance to get there."

The athletes did not believe until the last that CAS would make a decision in favor of Russia. We are already used to continuing the courts month after month.

“I learned this news during training, so I was ready to ride until the evening because of such good news! Of course, our lawyers made an immediate request. IOC ", - shares his emotions Maxim Vylegzhanin, three-time Olympic silver medalist in cross-country skiing.

However, the IOC has already rushed to declare that automatically after the decision of the CAS, no one will be admitted to the Olympics. So athletes and coaches will have to wait for a verdict again.

Albert Demchenko, the head coach of our luge athletes, hopes to fly to Korea at least on Sunday. His charges, the leaders of our team, are already in Pyeongchang. We arrived just in time for the opening of the Olympic Village.

Direct flight Moscow - Seoul, 8 and a half hours in the sky. During this night, our athletes will have to cross 6 time zones, but cope with physical activity they are used to it.

“The main thing for me is to sleep 3-4 hours after the flight,” admits Roman Repilov, three-time winner of the World Luge Championship.

"Some big problems I do not feel. Plus, we have a very competent medical staff who helps us ", - says Semyon Elistratov, Olympic champion in short track speed skating.

“There are more difficulties with diurnal biorhythm disorder. The big time difference and because of this is more difficult,” says Sofya Prosvirnova, four-time European short track champion.

“We have already completed the flight to Korea, we had a World Cup stage here last year and an international training week, and we already know what to expect from this long flight, what state we have already recorded,” explains Sergei Chudinov, senior coach of the Russian national luge team.

Due to the truncated composition of our teams, there is no medal plan this time. Many favorites of the Olympics from Russia remain in the stop-list, not involved in doping scandals, but, nevertheless, not admitted to the Games, without clear explanations from the IOC. So, as our athletes say, we will have to fight in Pyeongchang both for ourselves and for our teammates who have remained in Russia.

“We know our business, we go for results, for high results and we will do everything in our power,” promises Vladislav Antonov, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in luge.

"There are a lot of emotions, they mix, and I can't say anything specifically. It's sad, but we will break through, everything will be fine," Elistratov says.

Our athletes will begin their first training sessions at the facilities from next week. In the meantime - good sleep, rest and acclimatization.

It would seem that you can pack your things. The charges were dropped. Lifetime suspension - canceled. However, the International Olympic Committee still does not want to see Russian athletes at the games in Pyeongchang.

"The decision of the IOC Executive Committee of December 5, 2017 remains in force. It clearly indicates that Russian athletes can take part in the Games in Pyeongchang only at the invitation of the IOC, since the Russian Olympic Committee has been suspended. The result of the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport does not mean that these 28 athletes will be invited to the Games, "said Mark Adams, IOC spokesman.

What prevents this invitation from being issued is the main question. 28 athletes are clean, the arbitration admitted it unanimously. If we are only talking about the fight against doping, there can be no obstacles to admission. However, judging by the reaction of the IOC, this is a story not only about sports.

"Although there are still no grounds for non-invitation, but, nevertheless, the IOC may refuse an invitation and not send an invitation to them. Now the lawyers who have powers of attorney from the athletes are studying the issues and the possibility of challenging this decision," said Alexey Kravtsov, head of the Russian Skating Union.

The first thing the lawyers plan to do is send a formal request. If the IOC persists and responds with a non-admission decision, it will be immediately appealed. On an emergency basis. In order to still be in time for the start of the competition.

“We need to act quickly. And we will act quickly. We hope that the Arbitration will force the IOC to admit athletes to the Olympic Games. Our position is strong enough. Games of Russian athletes, from which all charges were dropped, despite the fact that athletes of other nationalities in a similar situation are allowed to play, "says Philip Burch, lawyer, representative of the interests of Russian athletes at CAS.

The Russian Olympic Committee will also work to ensure that the Russian athletes who have been acquitted by the Arbitration Court are admitted to the games.

“Of course, the IOC at all its meetings stated that they defend the interests of“ clean ”athletes. So. CAS has now confirmed that our athletes are“ clean ”and have earned the right to participate in the Olympics. Therefore, the Russian Olympic Committee will now send a letter with a proposal that they declare our athletes to participate in the Olympic Games. And we will wait for the official decision of the International Olympic Committee, "he informed the public.

The list of those who can participate in the games will be formed by the end of this day. Skeletonists Alexander Tretyakov, Elena Nikitina and Maria Orlova. Speed ​​skaters Olga Fatkulina, Alexander Rumyantsev and Artyom Kuznetsov. Sleeper Tatyana Ivanova. They all said they were ready to go to Pyeongchang. All that remains is to get an invitation.

“We all prepared and continue to prepare. And the mood is good. And today it is also such a definite, of course, a pleasant positive moment for anyone,” said Elena Vyalbe, President of the Federation ski racing Russia.

The moment is not just pleasant - it is fundamental. In fact, 28 athletes defended not only the right to fairness, but also their reputation. Your own, and most importantly, Russian sports... And they are not going to stop there.

For the International Olympic Committee, the Arbitration decision is, of course, the most inconvenient. And not only because the composition of the participants can change just a week before the start of the games. The main thing is a reputational blow: if the accusations of McLaren, Rodchenkov and Oswald are unfounded, where did the IOC look? Why did you listen? The questions are apparently too awkward to be answered. It's easier to go for a new attack. And this path, it seems, is not yet complete.

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