What will the Turin ski track give? On the eve of the Olympics, "SS" analyzes the chances of Russian athletes for success. "Snowball" in Krasnogorsk

The best track for cross-country skiing in the region is located in the village of Balakirevo, Aleksandrovsky district. There would be nothing surprising in this, if not for one nuance - almost 20 kilometer track built with my own hands sport family Tyurins.

There are no disagreements in the Tyurin family - what to spend money on. Prefer new TV sport equipment. Alexander, Svetlana and their three sons - all professional skiers. The youngest son is still in school. Sasha wants to follow the example of her mother to take only prizes at regional competitions. There are many rivals. But he has an advantage. The best in Balakirevo ski Track in area. It was made by Sasha's parents. Since the 1980s, along with schoolchildren, clearings have been cut down kilometer after kilometer. Now the maximum length of the distance is 10.5 kilometers. Been here many times Olympic champions- Alexey Prokurorov and Olga Danilova.

ALEXANDER LEONOV, RESIDENT OF BALAKIREVO village: "The advantage is that it is very well prepared. Any skier can choose laps according to his qualifications, choose a distance and achieve certain results based on training on this track.

Even the little ones ride here. They are specially brought to the track from kindergartens. Schoolchildren, residents of the village: everyone gets on the ski track, which is convenient even for a novice athlete.

Alexander Tyurin came up with a dozen devices, thanks to which you can cut the ski track, level the snow cover. World forums on biathlon, cross-country skiing - the sports school is always up to date with the news. If possible, children are taken to Russian qualifying competitions.

ALEXANDER TYURIN, DIRECTOR OF THE ALEXANDROVSKAYA CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL: "The year before last, when the Olympics were opened, we also lit the Olympic flame, on that day we opened the Olympics. The Russian flag was hoisted in that clearing."

Maria Yakimushkina from Murom, Alexander Shchergunova from Raduzhny. There are many promising athletes in the region. In terms of their potential, they should reach the all-Russian level. The problem is funding.

SVETLANA TYURINA, COACH, ALEXANDROVSK CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL: "If we turn to the sport face. Our administrations. They will sponsor, take them to competitions. We cook in one of our regional porridge. That's it. Then nowhere. There are such talented guys.

Now the Tyurin family is preparing to host the district skiing championship among schoolchildren on their track. 300 participants. Will start every 30 seconds. The best judges of the region have already given their consent to work with young athletes.

On February 20, the annual All-Russian mass ski race"Ski track of Russia - 2016". At 11.00 in the village of Balakirevo on the basis of the children's and youth sports school The big ski holiday has started. The organizers of the sports festival were the administration of the village of Balakirevo and the education department of the Aleksandrovsky district administration.
"Ski Track of Russia" has become a good tradition for the athletes of the village. Every year, professional skiers and outdoor enthusiasts are waiting for this bright and exciting competition. In total, almost 250 people got up on skis that day. Before the start of the competition, each participant received a bib number.

Opening the races, the Head of the Aleksandrovsky District, Kuzmina Lyudmila Mikhailovna, the Head of the village of Balakirevo, Sergey Efimovich Danilov, and the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the village of Balakirevo, Pogorelov Vasily Semyonovich, congratulated everyone on sports holiday and wished the participants good luck in the upcoming races. Kuzmina Lyudmila Mikhailovna with pleasure overcame the track of 2000 meters. and took first place in her age category.

“Balakirevo is a state within a state. I had never been able to get to know this village so closely before. I got the impression that there are only champions in Balakirevo, they were all prepared. Later I realized that such enthusiasts live there, any city would envy. And the ski slope is amazing! There is even an electronic scoreboard. I confess to you, my children often go to this track and they told a lot about it, now I understand them, ”Lyudmila Kuzmina told the newspaper journalist.

After the report of the chief referee of the competition Alexander Petrovich Tyurin and the raising of the Russian flag, the start was given.
Participants competed in 10 polo age groups ah, each of which was determined by its own distance. By tradition, the youngest boys and girls of grades 2-3 were the first to start. They ran the shortest "ski track" - 800 meters. The first place among boys was taken by Abubakirov Sasha, 36th school of Balakirevo settlement. Among the girls Perfilieva Valeriya, 36th school, excelled.
Then students of grades 4-5 went to the start, the distance was 1.2 km. First place among boys Alexander Pakhomov, school 36, among girls Nastya Guseva, school 37 in Balakirevo village.

The next students started in grades 6-7. The first place among boys was taken by Maxim Runov, school 13, Alexandrov, among girls Zhavoronkova Nastya, school 13.
A distance of 2000 meters was covered by skiers of three age groups. In the group of girls in grades 8-9, the first was Tuzikova Vera, school 14, Alexandrov. For boys in this category, Dima Abubakirov, school 36, Balakirevo, finished first. Of the girls in the group of 10-11 classes, Tatyana Burchikova, school 13, Aleksandrov, won. In the category among boys of 10-11 classes at a distance of 3.7 km. best result at Andrianov Alexey, 2nd school, Alexandrov. And for women born in 1997. at a distance of 2 km. the first was Karina Bortkevich from Karabanovo. Among men born in 1997 at a distance of 2.7 km. the first was Anufriev Vsevolod, Alexandrov. Dmitry Andrianov from Karabanovo finished first in the age category of men aged 36-45. And in the category of men 45-55 years and older, Blokhin Vadim p. Balakirevo was the first to finish.
Near the finish line, everyone was treated to traditional tea and cookies after passing the distances.
All the winners were awarded certificates and medals, which were presented by the Head of the village Danilov S.E., the Head of the village administration Pavlov I.V. and Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War Pogorelov V.S. and photo for memory.

But the main results of "Ski Tracks of Russia - 2016" are smiling, cheerful competitors crossing the finish line, and the highest award is people's faith in their limitless possibilities on the way to sports peaks!

Undoubtedly, a holiday of sports and healthy lifestyle life in the village of Balakirevo took place.


on holding the All-Russian competition "Ski track of Russia-2017" dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the interregional tourist route

"Gold ring"


Competitions are held for the purpose of:

promotion of winter sports,

mass attraction of the population to systematic physical culture and sports,

agitation and propaganda skiing as an important means of improving the health of the population,

level up sportsmanship, identifying the strongest athletes.


All-Russian competitions "Ski track of Russia-2017" are held on February 12, 2017 in the Cheryomushki area, st. Snopovskaya.

Opening ceremony at 10:45 a.m., race start at 11:00 a.m.

Group of the strongest 5 km., start 11-00 h.

Mass start 5 km., start 11-00 h.

Mass start - VIP. 3 km run. (women) 11.00 am

Group of the strongest 1 km., start 11-05 h.

Mass start 1 km. start 11-15 hours.

Chief referee of the competition - Vershinin A.L.


To participate in All-Russian competitions"Ski track of Russia-2017" everyone from 6 to 80 years old and older is allowed: ( comprehensive schools, colleges, institutes, industrial enterprises, firms, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other organizations of the city and the region).

School groups and students are allowed only with a doctor's permission, adults are allowed with a personal receipt confirming personal responsibility for their health and life.


Competitions are held in free running over two distances:

1) born in 2003 and younger - 1 km.,

2) born in 2002 and older - 5 km.

The group of the strongest 6 people from the organization is included in a separate protocol and starts in the front row, numbers are issued 1 hour before the start at registration. Mass run: Physical education teams make bibs on their own (size 15 x 25 cm, fasten on the chest).

School No. 1: from 100 to 199,

School No. 2: 200 to 299

School #3: 300 to 399

School No. 4: 400 to 499

School #5: 500 to 599

School No. 13: from 1300 to 1399

School No. 14: from 1400 to 1499

College of Medicine: 1500 to 1599

APGC: from 1600 to 1699

with. Andreevskoe: from 1700 to 1799

Karabanovo: from 1800 to 1899

Strunino: from 1900 to 1999

Balakirevo village: from 2000 to 2999

Production teams: from 3000 to 4000 (as agreed with the sports committee)

The team championship will be held in % of the ratio of participants to the number of people involved or working in a team.

Applications for participation certified by the leaders and the doctor are submitted to the sports committee until February 9, 2017 at the address: st. Sverdlova, 37, tel. and fax: 9-33-60 email: [email protected] Registration of participants on the day of the competition from 10.00 am to 10.40 am in the registration area.


In the individual championship, winners and prize-winners are awarded with medals, certificates in groups: 1 km and 5 km (boys and girls), (men and women), incentive prizes from first to tenth places.

In the team standings among physical education teams (group 1 - among secondary schools and group 2 - among organizations), the team that takes 1st place is awarded the Cup; teams that take 2nd and 3rd places are awarded with certificates approved by the Department for physical education, sports and tourism administration of the Aleksandrovsky district.


The costs associated with holding and awarding competitions are borne by the department for physical culture, sports and tourism of the administration of the Aleksandrovsky district (judging, preparation of distances, preparation of the competition site, awarding, clearing roads and parking lots, payment for a medical worker and an ambulance).

Other expenses: travel, daily allowance, meals at the expense of sending organizations.
