M4 with kilometers. Toll sections of the M4 "Don" highway

The M-4 "Don" road was designed by the Road Design, Survey and Research Institute of GIPRODORNII and built in 1959-1966 in accordance with the requirements for a road of the third technical category - with a roadway width of 7 meters and two lanes. It was designed for small loads. From 1984 to 1990, a duplicate M-4 section was built and put into operation in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region with a length of 18.4 km. In 1999, 72 km of the road with 4-8 traffic lanes were put into operation, in 2000 - 63 km of the road in the Moscow and Tula regions. As a result, today's Don highway is a continuation of Lipetskaya Street in Moscow. The former route of the road - the old Kashirskoye highway - has lost its former significance and is mainly used for regional transportation, as well as for avoiding traffic jams that appear on the Don highway. In November 1998, in the Lipetsk region, a toll section of the road to bypass the village of Khlevnoye, about 20 km long, was solemnly put into operation, the first in modern history roads of Russia paid section. In the 2000s, the reconstruction of the road continued along its entire length, as a result of which most of the road received separate carriageways and multi-level intersections with other roads, and the length of sections with night lighting increased. Bypasses were built for the cities of Bogoroditsk (2009), Efremov (2010), Yelets (2011) and other settlements.

In 2010, the road was transferred to the trust management of the State Company Avtodor. The state company, together with the Association of International Road Carriers, Opora Rossii, and the media, monitored the state of roadside service facilities, recognizing more than 50% of existing facilities as uncomfortable for use, and another 30% as not complying with legal requirements.

Almost all paid sites highway M-4 "Don" operates an open toll collection system, with the exception of the section 414-464 km, which has a mixed system. The fare is paid once when crossing the toll booth and is not charged from users who will move within the toll section without passing through the toll booth. The section in the Lipetsk region (414-464 km) has a closed toll collection system. Toll collection points are located at km 416 and km 460. Payment is made at the entrance to the paid site and is valid for 12 hours from the date of payment. To leave the toll section, you must provide a receipt for the payment of the fare to the cashier-controller of the toll plaza. If the journey through the paid section took more than 12 hours, then the journey must be paid again.

Throughout the entire length of the toll sections of the highway, there are stationary telephone sets for emergency notification of special services about the occurrence of an emergency (emergency commissioners). Due to the divided flows of oncoming traffic, the absence of traffic lights and the junction of secondary roads at the same level, the estimated speed on paid sections ranges from 90 to 130 km/h.

Also on paid sites introduced elements automated traffic control system (ASUDD) that provide:

  • collection of information about the situation on the road in real time through a video surveillance system
  • collection of information about weather conditions from automatic road weather stations;
  • collection of information on the operation of outdoor lighting and urgent operational information from emergency points;
  • operational decision making
  • transfer of information to the relevant road maintenance services, if necessary, emergency services;
  • informing road users about the speed limit, about possible travel restrictions through information boards installed along the entire length of the road.

Mode toll for this section is introduced on the basis of government decrees Russian Federation, which in turn were adopted in accordance with Article 36 of the Federal Law "On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation".

Detailed information about the location of Toll Collection Points and Sales and Service Centers on the M-4 "Don" highway is available on the page

The M-4 Don highway is the result of the work of the GIPRODORNII Institute, which is engaged in scientific design research in the field of road construction. The construction of the road was carried out in the second half of the last century (from 1959 to 1966).

The route was assigned to the road of the 3rd technical category, with parameters of 7 m in width and two lanes. Initially, the M-4 Don highway was not designed for heavy traffic.

Starting from the 80s, it became necessary to create an additional section of the road in the Moscow region (Domodedovo district), in connection with which a section equal to 18.4 km was built. On the eve of the new millennium, the expansion of the route continued. In just a year (from 1999 to 2000), M-4 Don became 135 km longer (including due to regional highways in Moscow and Tula), and the number of lanes increased to four to eight.

Important! As a result, today the route smoothly passes into the Lipetskaya street of the city of Moscow. Such transformations of the M-4 "Don" made it possible to reduce the traffic load on the section of the Kashirskoye highway, which is now used for the most part as a bypass for cars from other regions of the country.

The highway was also notable for the fact that one of its bypass sections in the Lipetsk region (near the village of Khlevnoye), built back in 1998, subsequently became the first in the country to charge a toll. And although the length of this road was only 20 km, it became the first in the list of toll roads in Russia.

Since the zero years, large-scale construction aimed at the development of the route, the creation of separate carriageways, as well as intersections with other routes, through the construction of multi-level highways, continued to gain momentum. The night lighting system is being actively put into operation.

From 2009 to 2011, several bypass roads were built (the cities of Bogoroditsk, Efremov, Yelets, etc.), which made it possible to endure intensive road traffic outside of populated areas.

After control over the road passed to the state company in 2010, it, together with partners (association of carriers, the media), initiated an inspection of the condition of the route and the level of service on the road. As a result, it was found that half of the infrastructure facilities do not meet the requirements of comfort, and a third - the norms of the law. The history of the introduction of toll sections on the M-4 Don highway.

Reference! October 1999 - a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation is issued regarding the establishment of the first toll section of the M-4 Don highway. The roadbed itself and infrastructure facilities around it were repaired: the road became wider and smoother, it was fully equipped with a lighting system at night; rest areas and fast lanes became compliant with the provisions of the law.

A multi-level traffic interchange, which allows changing to additional branches of the main road, was built at 461 km. A section of the bypass road between the settlements of the city of Zadonsk and the village. Khlevnoye (from 417 to 464 km), which increased the total length of the route, became paid at the end of 2010.

In the spring of 2013, a common Toll Collection Point (TOC) appeared. We installed it at 71 km of the route for a section of 20 km (from 51 to 71 km). Subsequently, this segment became longer by 52 km.

In 2013, toll sections of the road from 225 to 260 km became gradually; from 330.8 to 414.7 km and from 287 to 321 km - a bypass route around the city of Efremov is being created.

2015 - new sections of the highway appear, for which drivers must pay. After the global repair of the bypass road around Voronezh, the section from 492 to 517 km became paid. In the same year, all car owners began to pay for travel along the section of the road from 544 to 633 km.

2016 brought new changes. Now it was impossible to drive for free along 93-211 km of the Moscow-Tula road, and also along 571-544 km of the Voronezh region (here a bypass section of the route was built around the villages of Novaya Usman and Rogachevka).
In the Rostov region, the toll on the M-4 Don highway (from 1091 to 1119 km) was introduced at the end of 2017.

Attention! All paid sections of the route are equipped with special systems for collecting money for travel: open or mixed. The vast majority of sections use an open system, meaning that the driver pays once, passing through the toll booth.

He does not pay anymore (regardless of the time frame), if only he moves without leaving the borders of the paid zone. And only on the Lipetsk section of the road (414-464 km) a different payment system is used: here, drivers pay for the fare when crossing the toll plaza, however, the validity of the payment is limited to 12 hours. If the car stays within the boundaries of the paid zone longer, then the fee is paid again when leaving the territory. The length of stay on the paid section is determined on the basis of a check issued to the driver at the entrance.

For the convenience and safety of traffic, all paid sections are equipped with fixed telephone facilities, with the help of which, in the event of an emergency, you can contact emergency services.

On the toll roads there is no system of traffic lights and adjoining side roads, and oncoming traffic flows are divided among themselves. This allows drivers to reach speeds of up to 130 km / h.

Equipped with toll roads and an automatic control system, the functioning of which is ensured by the work of various technical. means - video cameras, weather stations, etc. This allows you to quickly receive information about the situation on the road, depending on the weather, lighting, emergency cases.

Reference! The collected data makes it possible to quickly make decisions to eliminate any problems on the track, with the involvement of the appropriate assistance services. Information important for ensuring the normal movement of transport is placed for drivers on the road special. scoreboard.

The establishment of paid travel is under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation, which operates on the basis of Article 36 of the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 N257-FZ.

The M4 - Don highway has a length of 1543.7 km and connects Moscow and Novorossiysk. Initially, the road had only two traffic lanes, while the lanes were not separated by protective fences, which led to a large number of accidents, most often fatal. As a result, the track was called the road of death.

The construction time of the route is not exactly fixed, because. it was built from existing sections, but the date 1957-1961 is more common than others, and it is taken as the time the road was created.

In 1984, the construction of a traffic lightless understudy road in the Moscow region began. By 1990, two launch complexes were built and put into operation in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region with a length of 18.4 km.

After the collapse of the USSR in December 1991, the highway was included by the Russian government in the list of federal roads, receiving a modern name. At the same time, it was lengthened by almost 500 km by joining to it a section of the former Rostov-on-Don-Beslan-Baku route from Rostov-on-Don to Pavlovskaya, the Pavlovskaya-Krasnodar, Krasnodar-Dzhubga roads, as well as a section of the former Sukhumi highway from Novorossiysk to Dzhubga.

In 1997, the active construction of an alternate road in the Moscow Region was resumed, which made it possible in 1999 to put into operation 72 km of the road with 4-8 lanes, in 2000 - another 63 km in the Moscow and Tula regions. As a result, today's Don Highway is a continuation of Lipetskaya Street in Moscow. The former route, the old Kashirskoye Highway, has lost its former significance and serves mainly for regional transportation, as well as for avoiding traffic jams that appear on the Don Highway due to repairs or accidents.

In the 2000s, the reconstruction of the road continued along its entire length, as a result of which most of the road received separate carriageways and multi-level intersections with other roads, and the length of sections with artificial lighting increased. Bypasses of Bogoroditsk (2009), Upper Mamon (including a new bridge across the Don, 2009), Boguchar (2009), Efremov (2010), Yelets (including a new bridge across the Fast Sosna, 2011), Yarkin (2011), Tarasovsky (2013) were built ) and other settlements, the bypass of Voronezh was reconstructed (2013).

In the summer, the road is often congested due to the large number of vacationers who travel by car with their families from Moscow and other large cities to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, to other areas of the Rostov Region, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, Crimea, which are favorable for recreation. for trucks exporting agricultural products from the southern regions of Russia to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions for sale. Significant traffic jams occur during repair work in the Voronezh and Rostov regions, as well as on a two-lane section of the road in the south of the Voronezh region.

Traffic jams also periodically occur in front of the toll booths on the toll section in the Moscow Region (km 48-71).

AT winter time during bad weather, there may be problems with driving along the mountainous section of the road in the Krasnodar Territory. But sometimes, due to snowfalls and ice, problems also arise on flat areas: for example, at the end of 2009, traffic was paralyzed for several days on an unreconstructed section of the road in the Rostov region due to heavy snowfalls.

The main congestion-forming places are narrowings from 2 + 2 to 1 + 1, for example, at the beginning of the narrow section of Losevo - Pavlovsk. Also, a traffic jam occurs around the village of Loseva, where the 1 + 1 road is slowed down by a “zebra” in the center of the village. There are similar places in the area of ​​Rostov-on-Don (narrow bridges and ramps near the Mega shopping center and the city of Bataysk) and in the area of ​​Krasnodar (narrow bridge and ramp at the junction of the Rostov highway).

In general, the M4 highway today has the largest number of toll booths and in the near future their number will increase.

When leaving Moscow towards Novorossiysk, do not forget to stop by our service station. service and check the machine. Confidence in the health of your car is a guarantee of the health of you and your passengers.

Due to the high traffic of the route in the summer, we ask you to sign up in advance for those. inspection and repair.

the M4 trolleybus line operates every day. Regular opening hours: 0:08 - 23:58

Alerts for trolleybus Routes "Magistral"

For Magistral Routes trolleybus alerts, please check the link. You will also receive up-to-date information on the status of the trolleybus, delays, changes in trolleybus routes, rescheduled stops and other changes.

M4 (Routes "Magistral")

The first stop for the M4 trolleybus is K/T Udarnik and the last stop is Metro Ozernaya. M4 (Direction: K/T "Udarnik"‎→Metro "Ozernaya") is operational during every day.

Additional information: the M4 route has a total of 42 stations and the duration of the trip is approximately 75 minutes.

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When does the M4 trolleybus run?

Trolleybus M4 starts running at 0:08 on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat.
