Who slows down in a 4 seater bobsled. Bobsleigh: what kind of sport is it, its history and rules

Downhill downhill along specially equipped ice tracks on controlled sleds - bobs. Bobsleigh is a variety tobogganing which is included in the Olympic program. In bobsled, the descent is carried out on a special bollide sled called "bobs" along the ice tracks specially equipped for this. The very name of bobsleigh comes from the English verb bob - strange, awkward to move and sleigh - sleigh, sleigh ride.

The homeland of bobsleigh is Switzerland. Here in 1888 the English tourist Wilson Smith connected two sledges with a board and used them to travel from St. Moritz to Celerina, located slightly below. In the same place, in St. Moritz, at the end of the 19th century. the world's first bobsleigh was organized sport Club, where the basic rules of competition in this sport were developed, and the sleigh crew then consisted of five people - three men and two women. Subsequently, the number of bobsleigh crew members changed - two, four, five, and sometimes eight people.

The world's first special sleigh - "bob" was designed in 1904. The sled is made according to a standard design from a streamlined all-metal body, fixed on two pairs of skate-runners. The front pair is movable with a steering wheel. The rear pair is fixed with a brake. Two-seater (deuce) and four-seater (four-seater) bobsleighs are used. The length of the two is not more than 2.7 m, the mass is not more than 165 kg, and the weight of the crew is not more than 200 kg. The length of the four is no more than 3.8 m, the mass is no more than 230 kg, and the weight of the crew is no more than 400 kg.

The attractiveness of this sport is primarily in its dynamism and entertainment. Bob can reach an average speed of 135 km / h and even higher. The inability to predict the winner in advance makes bobsleigh extremely popular. Often times, winners are separated from losers by fractions of a second. Therefore, bobsleigh is often referred to as the winter "Formula 1". The speeds here are simply tremendous, and the athletes are experiencing great overloads. Bobsleigh is truly a beautiful and exciting sport.

But bobsleigh is also an extremely dangerous and traumatic sport. But without this, sport will probably no longer be a sport. Speed, unpredictability - this attracts a lot of people. Unfortunately, in our country there is no sports facilities, on which our athletes could train in order to compete with bobsledders from Germany, the USA and Canada. But despite this, our guys in recent times, all the same, they occupy a worthy place among the leaders of bobsleigh. Alexander Zubkov and his accelerators, since last year, broke into the elite of the world bosley, and now our team is always in the favorites.

Bobsleigh (English - bobsleigh - downhill), downhill from the mountains on a specially equipped ice track on controlled sleds - bobs. The sled is made of a streamlined all-metal body, fixed on two pairs of runners - skates: front - movable with a rudder and rear - fixed with a brake.

The bobsleigh track is an ice chute on a reinforced concrete base with turns and bends of various steepness. The speed of the bobsleigh during the descent along the track can reach 150 km / h. The length of bobsleigh runs, the difference in altitude between the start and the finish, the number of turns and turns are not constant. For example, in Lake Placid in 1932, the length of the track was 2366 m, the vertical drop was 228 meters, and there were 26 turns and bends on the track. In Lillehammer, in 1994, bobsledders competed on a 1,365-meter track with 107-meter vertical drop and 16 corners and turns.

The International Federation of Bobsleigh and Toboggan (FIBT) was founded in 1924 and unites 56 national federations(2002). In the program of the Winter Olympic Games since 1924 - competitions on four-seater (in 1928 - five-seater) sleds since 1932 (except 1960) - on two-seater and four-seater.

Until 2002, the competition was held for men only. But at the Salt Lake City Olympics (2002), women took part in the double bob races. In each issue of the Olympic program, a country is represented by no more than two crews. At the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, the crew of Dmitry Abramovich, Russia took 7th place in twos and 9th in fours. Dmitry Vladimirovich Abramovich from Krasnoyarsk is a Russian bobsledder, a member of the Russian national bobsleigh team, three-time champion of Russia (2008 and 2009 - deuces and 2009 - fours), winner of the Russian Cup (2004 - fours).

One of the most popular disciplines among spectators at the Winter Olympics is bobsleigh. This sport is a downhill down an artificially created ice-covered chute on a special controlled sleigh - a bob - a team of two or four people. Bobsleigh is one of the fastest, most spectacular and at the same time traumatic sports in the program Winter Games... How does the pilot control the bob, on great speed passing the bends of the track?

How does a bob sled work and what are the responsibilities of a crew member?

At the dawn of its emergence as an independent sport, sledges were made of wood. Subsequently, aluminum and fiberglass were used to make the body of the bob. The modern bob has a body made of Kevlar, a super-strong material that has proven itself in the design of body armor. The bob's chassis is made of extra strong steel. The weight of an empty two-seater sled is about 165 kg with a length of just under 3 meters, and the weight of a four-seater sled is already about 230 kg with a length of 3.8 m.

The team captain is the helmsman pilot, from whose clear actions the safety of all team members. Pushers-accelerators - athletic heavyweight athletes - are responsible for a good set of speed by the bob when accelerating at the top of the track. Finally, the braking one is located in the tail of the sled body and is responsible for stopping them in a timely manner.

How is a bobsled sled being operated?

The bob design assumes that it has a controlled front axle while the rear axle is stationary. The front runners are connected with special rings, which the bob pilot holds in his hands, with the help of heavy-duty flexible rods. Applying certain efforts, through these rings, he activates the steering mechanism of the sled, which allows them to fit into the bends as accurately as possible and pass them at high speed.

The accelerators practically do not take part in the process of controlling the bob while driving - they perform only the function of making the sleigh heavier, grouping as much as possible in order to reduce air resistance and deviating in the right direction during the bends. Braking at the right moment activates the brake mechanism, which is located between the front and rear axles and resembles a huge metal comb. Of course, the athletes' skills in controlling the bob are honed to the point of automatism, which allows them to demonstrate such impressive results in competitions.

(speech at the pedagogical council)

Barannik Dmitry Nikolaevich

Awkward movements on the beans

Bobsleigh is one of Olympic species sport, which is downhill, on special, controlled sleds, race cars, called "bobs", on specially equipped ice tracks.

The very name of bobsleigh comes from the English verb bob - strange, awkward to move and sleigh - sleigh, sleigh ride.


Like many winter views sports, bobsleigh comes from Switzerland, where wealthy guests of mountain resorts constantly came up with all sorts of funny things for their own entertainment.

Sleds, of course, have been known to people for a long time, but the design of such a device as a bob occurred only at the end of the 19th century. However, the versions of the appearance of this device are different.

According to one of them, the English tourist Wilson Smith connected two sleighs with a board and, with the help of such a structure, traveled from the Swiss resort town of St. Moritz to the village of Chilerino located below, apparently out of laziness, not wanting to get there, like all normal people. skiing or something else.

In the same place, in St. Moritz, at the end of the 19th century. the world's first bobsleigh sports club was also organized, where the basic rules for competitions in this sport were developed, and the sled crew then consisted of five people - three men and two women. Subsequently, the number of bobsleigh crew members changed - two, four, five, and sometimes eight people.

According to another version, the lazy Englishman has nothing to do with it - it's all about the Swiss themselves, who came up with a toboggan, that is, to such an Indian wooden sled without runners, attach a swivel mechanism ..

Be that as it may, bobsleigh soon became very fashionable in equally fashionable European resorts. The first bobsleigh club was founded in 1897 in the same St. Moritz. The world's first special sleigh - "bob" was designed in 1904.

For this fascinating and dangerous species sports even began to be held competitions and national championships. The pioneers in this were Austria and Germany, where bobsledders from all over the country could compete with each other as early as 1908 and 1010. respectively. By 1914, the competition took place on a variety of ice tracks and the athletes were never tired of experimenting.

However, bobsleigh remained amateur and semi-professional until 1922. And in 1923 a significant event took place for bobsledders all over the world - their favorite sport was recognized as a professional one.

To commemorate this, the International Federation of Bobsleigh and Tobogganing was even founded. And soon preparations began for the inclusion of bobsleigh (namely, a variety with four athletes) in the program of the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix. The doubles descent was officially introduced at the Olympic Games at Lake Placid in 1932.

For a long time, bobsleigh remained a sport for the elite - that is, for the young and wealthy adventurers and thrill-seekers. The cream of society, vacationers at various ski resorts, they didn't even really train - they just bought or rented a sled (which, of course, was hard to do for an average citizen with an average salary), went down the track a couple of times as a co-pilot, and then, having understood the principle of management, took it upon themselves ...

It was only in the 50s that this sport began to acquire modern features. The bobsledders realized the importance of the take-off run before the start, and therefore began to attract representatives of other sports to the teams, which could provide a powerful impetus. Soon, many handball players, athletes and gymnasts became interested in bobsleigh.

And in 1952, a rule was introduced limiting the weight of participants, and thus for fat men, due to one of their masses, giving more acceleration to the bob, this sport was closed. But it is open to athletes who have brought the proper professionalism to bobsleigh.

Since then, bobsleigh has continued to develop, keeping pace with scientific and technological progress, improving the tracks and equipment, which will be discussed below.

The International Federation of Bobsleigh and Toboggan - FIBT was founded in 1923. It unites over 50 national federations. Word toboggan, mentioned in the name of the Federation - this is a tribute to the tradition, describes useless wooden sledges widespread among the Indians of Canada, which, in a slightly modified form, began to be used as sports equipment.

At the beginning of the 20th century, official competitions on the descent from the mountains on the tobogan. Then this word was traditionally preserved in the name of the FIBT International Federation, which is still in charge of the development of bobsleigh in the world, although this sport has now replaced the skeleton.

The Bobsleigh World Championships have been held since 1924. Bobsleigh has been included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games since 1924.

Then the competition was held on a four-seater sled, in 1928 - on a five-seater, and since 1932 competitions have been held on a two- and four-seater sled.

Until 2002, the competition was held only for men. But at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City (Winter Olympic Games 2002) women took part in double bob races.

In each issue of the Olympic program, the country is represented by no more than three crews. Places are determined by the sum of the time of the two races.

At the World Championships and Olympic Games, 4 races are held, and places are determined by their sum. The starting order for the first heat is determined by the current FIBT ranking.

In the third race, they start from the best crew to the worst, and in the fourth - from the worst (three races) to the best, and in the last race only 20 best crews participate. Thus, the main contenders for the victory start last.

Until the mid 80s major competitions for bobsledders there were European Championships, World Championships, and, of course, the Olympic Games. However, from that time on, the World Cup began, the numerous stages of which added sharpness to the rivalry of bobsledders.

Well, and in order to conclude our not very short historical excursion on a joyful note, let us inform you that in the early 90s a significant omission was corrected in bobsleigh - for the first time women bobsledders began to participate in the competition.


It is not difficult to guess that for bobsleigh, first of all, you need a bob, that is, a specially designed device that gave the name to the sport. The world's first bob appeared in 1904, and was made of wood. More than a hundred years have passed since then, and the appearance of the bean has changed radically.

Modern bobsled sleds are made of a streamlined all-metal body (to ensure the aerodynamics of the projectile), to which two pairs of skate runners are attached. The front pair of skates is movable and connected to the steering wheel, and the rear pair, equipped with a brake, is stationary. Although throughout the history of bobsleigh, the number of athletes in one bob has varied from 2 to 5 (some teams even consisted of three men and two women - "a freaky deal," as one American youth movie said).

Today the beans come in two and four places. Each of these sleds must meet very strict standards. So, a two-seater bob should not be longer than 2.7 m and not exceed 165 kg, and a four-seater cannot go beyond 3.8 m and 230 kg. The rear pair is fixed with a brake. Double ("deuce") and four-seater ("four") bobsleighs are used. The length of the two is not more than 2.7 m, the mass is not more than 165 kg, and the weight of the crew is not more than 200 kg. The length of the four is no more than 3.8 m, the mass is no more than 230 kg, and the weight of the crew is no more than 400 kg.

There are also an unimaginable number of other rules, including about the chemical composition of runners (for example, they should not include radium), their temperature, the use of lubricants (which is prohibited), special parameters and weighing procedure, and much, much more, for which it would take a lot of time.

Today the IBSF federation strictly regulates the possibilities for the technical support of teams. The rules for the 2011-2012 season, for example, say that bob runners must be made from specially licensed materials at specially licensed enterprises, each pair of runners must have a serial number printed, which is checked before each official start.

In addition, the federation limits the number of runners used by one rider per season. All this is done in order to ensure equal basic opportunities for all participants in official competitions.

The bobsleigh track is an ice chute on a reinforced concrete base with turns and bends of various steepness. The length of the track is 1500-2000 m with 15 bends with a minimum radius of 8 m, and the height difference is from 130 to 150 m.

The length of bobsleigh runs, the difference in height between the start and the finish, the number of turns and bends are not constant. For example, in Lake Placid in 1932, the length of the track was 2366 m, the vertical drop was 228 meters, and there were 26 turns and bends on the track.

In Lillehammer, in 1994, bobsledders competed on a 1,365-meter track with 107-meter vertical drop and 16 corners and turns.

The technical improvement of bobsleigh sleds is carried out taking into account latest achievements scientific and technological progress. However, for obvious reasons, it is limited by weight and size restrictions established by international rules for two-seater and for four-seater sleds.

Still final results in bobsleigh competitions, the speed gained by the crew at the starting section of acceleration is determined - before boarding the sled; at a distance, the result depends primarily on the skill of the pilot - the helmsman, on his ability to pass the track along the optimal trajectory, with the least loss of speed overcoming turns and bends.

Naturally, you cannot cook porridge with only one bean. The second main element of this sport is the downhill trail. It is nothing more than an ice chute, fixed on a reinforced concrete base, consisting of turns and bends varying in steepness.

To date, strict standards have been developed for the conformity of the bobsleigh track. Its length is 1500-2000 meters, which includes 15 bends with a minimum 8-meter radius.

By the way, during the descent, the bob can reach a speed of about 135 km / h in just 60 seconds, while the athletes are not at all sweet - during this they experience four times the force of gravity.

A bobsleigh team consists of a pilot, that is, the person who directly controls the bob, and the brakeman, that is, the athlete sitting behind and responsible for braking.

The team of four, in addition to these characters, includes two so-called pushers, which, in fact, are engaged in pushing the bob, and during the race they keep the balance of the projectile (they shift the mass back and forth, that is, as the yachtsmen would say, they open it).

In addition to the basic elements, bobsledders need special suits that should simultaneously protect the athletes from the cold, but not cause overheating, conduct enough air and at the same time be light.

Today, for such suits, a specially developed material is used, designed for active pastime in extreme temperature and atmospheric conditions. bobsleigh sport olympic

And, of course, we must not forget about helmets, especially considering that not too lucky athletes sometimes have to do part of the descent literally on their heads. Now they are also made of a special material, which, thanks to a unique technology, absorbs impact as much as possible and does not weigh very much.

Shoes for bobsledders are also not simple - there are spikes on the soles for better ice repellency, however, they should not be thicker than 1 mm, longer than 4 mm and are located no closer than 3 mm from each other (yes, in bobsleigh, everything is really not simple) ...


At the Olympics, each team must complete 4 races. To keep everything honest, the order of starts in each race is determined by a simple drawing of lots. After the end of the races, the results are summed up and the winners are those with the smallest total race time.

By the way, no more than two crews can compete from each country. In terms of rules, everything is pretty simple.

World leaders

At the dawn of the emergence of bobsleigh, the leading positions in it were occupied by the British, and then by the Americans. However, when did bobsleigh become truly professional sports, the situation has changed somewhat. Dominance was entrenched in those countries in which the conditions for

training and development of bobsleigh were the best, because it is logical that representatives of, say, Cameroon or Kenya will achieve excellent results in this sport.

In addition, representatives North America, that is, US residents and Canadians maintain and consolidate their achievements. True, Swiss athletes have especially succeeded in their business - in the entire history of bobsleigh, they have won the largest number of medals.

Today, new players are also entering the stage, for example, Russia has burst into the top three, the men's four of which this season is in second place, and the two is in third.

In addition, Russian bobsledder Alexander Zubkov takes third place in the individual standings (ahead of the Russian American Todd Hayes and the German Andre Lange). This is in the standings of twos, and in fours the second and third places are the same, and the first is occupied by the Austrian bobsledder Martin Annen.

Well, the first places are occupied by the USA, Germany and Switzerland, replacing each other in this honorary post. In doubles, the German team is leading with 365 points, the second is the Yankees (350), and the Russian duo is 279 points.

And among the fours the leader is Germany (360 points), then Russia is coming(330 - I would like to add, everyone ...), and the third place is taken by four guys from Switzerland (325 points).

For women, the situation is about the same, although there are no rich bobsleigh traditions, because the ladies started performing only in the 90s, and in Olympic program female twos were included in 2002.

In the first place in the individual standings German Sandra Kyriasis (400), the second is Shauna Robock from the States (330), and the third is still another fearless American Jane Pram (285). As for the national teams, Germany has 400 points, the USA has 350, and Canada has 305 points. All these figures are based on the results of 4 out of 7 stages of the World Cup.

Bobsleigh in Russia

In Russia, the beginning of the development of bobsleigh is considered to be 1980, when the physical culture and sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a Resolution was adopted on the creation of the USSR national bobsled team. Simultaneously with the creation of the national team of the country, the development of bobsleigh began in sports societies.

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