The rules for performing a push on a long cycle. Long cycle clean and jerk training technique

The long cycle push of a kettlebell is one of the most powerful male exercise developing the muscles of the arms and shoulders. Want to have powerful biceps, forearms, deltas, strong grip? Do a long cycle push at least 2 times a week.

Starting position

Take a kettlebell and stand in a basic stance. Legs wide, socks slightly apart, kettlebell near the groin in hand.

Long cycle push technique

Swing the kettlebell, leaning slightly forward, and cast to the shoulder.

The weight must be held at the collarbone, the elbow of the hand holding the weight must be pressed tightly against the upper abdomen. The torso is tilted back slightly to compensate for the weight of the kettlebell.

Next, return the kettlebell to your shoulder (with your legs sprung) and then lower the kettlebell down to your groin. This is called a long cycle: first, the kettlebell is thrown to the shoulder, then push, then return to the shoulder and lowering down.

Repeat the long cycle as many times as needed with one hand, then the other.

When working for a time (usually 1 to 5 minutes), change your arm every 5-10 reps. Find the number of continuous one-arm repetitions that work best for you. This could be 6, 7, or 9 reps, for example.


When swinging, inhale, when casting, exhale, before pushing - inhale, when pushing, exhale.

Exercise options

Long cycle jerk can be done with two kettlebells at the same time.

The jerk cast can also be done with two dumbbells or a barbell. However, the technique of the exercise will change slightly.

The largest number of lifts of two kettlebells is now performed in the clean and jerk exercise. Prior to the adoption of the new Rules in 2005, the following records of Russia in weight categories were entered in the 2004 WFGS handbook:

up to 60 kg - Dmitry Kostygov (Babaevo), 106 lifts; up to 65 kg - Mikhail Gogolev (Rybinsk), 112 lifts; up to 70 kg - Sergey Merkulin (Yakutsk), 122 lifts; up to 75 kg - Mikhail Bibikov (Samara), 130 lifts; up to 80 kg - Kravtsov Andrey (Yelets), 144 lifts; up to 90 kg - Anasenko Anton (Omsk), 169 lifts; over 90 kg - Sergey Mishin (Kaluga), 170 lifts. Despite the increasing requirements for the quality of fixing weights at the top, the record results in the push exercise are getting higher every year. The records set at the moment can be found on the VFGS website

Statistical studies by V.S. Rasskazova show that the results in the clean and jerk for 17 years increased by 2.2 times, and in the snatch - by only 20%. The ratio of the average results between "clean and jerk" in 2002 was 90:60 and continues to change annually towards increasing results in the clean and jerk.

Leg movements

The legs perform simultaneous symmetrical movements in the vertical direction with a moderate amplitude. They play a major role in kettlebell lifting. At this stage, the movements can be divided into two workers and two preparatory ones. The first include: pushing the weights up after a half-squat and getting up from the seat before fixing. The second is a half-squat, during which the quadriceps muscles of the thigh and calf muscles are pre-stretched for their subsequent powerful contraction, as well as a quick sit-down after pushing the weights up.

In the half-squat phase, the OCTT moves down, the legs are bent at the knees and ankle joints... The entire area of ​​the feet rests on the platform. After preliminary stretching of the extensor muscles of the legs, their rapid contraction follows to push the weights up. As a result of the rapid extension of the legs at the knees, and then in the ankle joints, a whip-like movement is obtained (alternate extension of the legs in kinematic links in the sequence: thigh-lower leg-foot). The pelvis rises to maximum height, transmitting the movement to the kettlebells through the ridges iliac bones and forearm bones.

Heel lift during the half-squat reduces the expulsion efficiency due to the premature engagement of the less powerful calf muscles. For effective work legs in the push exercise, high mobility in the ankles and hip joints.

To the preparatory movements of the legs, it is necessary to include amortization when lowering the weights after fixation. In this phase, after lowering the weights to the level of the head, the athlete, rising on his toes, meets the fall of the weights with his body. Tension of the calf muscles and quadriceps the kinetic energy of the weights is extinguished.

Hand movements

Hand movements are subordinated to leg movements and movement of the whole body. When lifting weights up, the triceps muscles are mainly involved in the work to fix the weights on straightened arms. Premature muscle tension in the arms during expulsion reduces the effectiveness of the movements.

The grip of the kettlebell in the clean and jerk is always from the bottom. The bow rests on the pillow thumb and passes through the middle of the base of the palm (see appendix Fig. 4 b, Fig. 7-8). Holding the bow of the kettlebell in the palm of your hand with the effort of your fingers as in starting position before pushing out and during fixation, it causes excessive tension in the muscles of the forearm and tendons in the wrist joints.

After pushing out during the squat, the arms are fully extended (see Appendix Fig. 4, 8). The elbow joints are strengthened by the muscles surrounding them: the biceps and triceps shoulder, brachioradial muscles, flexors and extensors of the hand, etc. Their tension depends on the position of the bones of the forearm. Slightly bent, it requires more muscle tension than unbent one, because in the second case, the extensor muscles and passive forces of the bones contribute to the strengthening of the joint (the olecranon of the ulna is firmly held in the ulnar fossa humerus). At the first stage of learning the technique, it is necessary to strive for full extension of the arms during the squat.

After fixing, the arms are bent at the elbows in a single rhythm with lifting to the socks, controlling the lowering of the kettlebells to the chest.

Torso movements

While lifting the weights up and lowering them to the chest, the body performs rhythmic movements relative to the transverse axis of the kettlebell's body.

In the original static position before the next pushing out, the body is tilted back, the head is in an upright position. Curvature of the spine is characterized by flexion in the thoracic region. In the squat phase, the torso is tilted back and is level with the hip line. While pushing the weights up, the shoulder girdle, rising, lags slightly behind the lifting of the pelvis. The body is tilted back as much as possible. At the time of the squat, to create the condition for straightening the arms, a rapid forward movement of the body follows. Such strong movements of the body in the anteroposterior direction with a large amplitude make it difficult for beginners to rationally coordinate working and preparatory movements.

The position of the head is mainly vertical, it does not tilt or turn to the sides. However, for some leading athletes (E. Lopatin, S. Rudnev, A. Sinitsky), in the pushing phase, the movement of the head lags behind the movement of the body upward. From the side it looks like throwing the head back. In fact, when viewing the video recording of the exercise frame by frame, it becomes noticeable that when the legs are extended and the pelvis is raised up, the head remains at the same level. Consequently, these athletes, pushing the weights up, exclude the action of the force of gravity of the head, since at this moment it does not rise up.

Breathing in the starting position before the next pushing out is difficult. In novice athletes, the gravity of the kettlebell squeezes the abdominal cavity and chest. In this position, the stronger the support of the elbows on the crests of the iliac bones, the more easier breathing is, and vice versa, it becomes more difficult if the elbows are supported.

go into the muscles of the abdomen. In the squat phase, the abdominal cavity and chest are squeezed even more, and the athlete exhales naturally. In the push-out phase, the chest and abdomen are released from the pressure of the kettlebells and the athlete inhales.

In the squat phase, the chest is fixed due to muscle tension shoulder girdle, upper limbs and abdominal... Therefore, it is advisable for an athlete to exhale. A delay in expiration in this phase, which is often observed in beginners, is unacceptable. Due to the lack of breathing skill, some of them hold their exhalation until the weights are lowered after fixation.

In the position of the kettlebell fixation at the top, highly skilled kettlebell lifters perform one or two breathing cycles, depending on the pace of the lifts. While fixing weights, breathing due to the excursion chest difficult, but diaphragmatic breathing is possible.

For example, video recordings of the performances of ZMS S. Mishin show that holding the weights in the fixation position for an average of 0.75 s (2-3 times longer than other leading kettlebell lifters), he performs 1-2 respiratory cycles due to diaphragmatic breathing ( "Breathing with the abdomen") with a fixed chest.

Unstable breathing is accompanied by disruption of the heart and the circulatory system, since the suction function of the chest is weakened and the blood flow in the superior vena cava system is hampered. The latter causes stagnation of blood at the periphery and metabolic disorders (Dembo A.G., Zemtsovsky E.V., 1989).

Coordination of movements

The rational combination of movements of the legs, arms and body, as well as breathing provides a stable rhythm-tempo pattern of the kettlebell lifter's motor actions. The coordinated movement of the kinematic links helps maintain a balanced body position. Legs are the main, and often the only, source of strength for kettlebell lifts. Therefore, the movements of the legs obey the movements of various parts of the body.

The push exercise is characterized by a complex coordination of alternate movements of the legs, trunk and arms. In the starting position, before the next pushing out, the legs are straightened. The torso is unbent in the lumbar spine and bent in the thoracic spine. The arms act as a support for the kettlebells. They are pressed to the body, and the elbows rest on the crests of the iliac bones (see Appendix, Fig. 4, 7, 9).

During the half-squat, the torso, head and arms remain in the same position as they were in the starting position. The characteristic movement for beginners in this phase is the forward movement of the torso, which leads to the separation of the elbows, and the kettlebells are held due to the tension of the muscles of the arms.

The basis of effective pushing of weights upwards is the consistency of strong extension of the legs in the knee, then in the ankle joints with the movement of the body forward at the time of the squat. In this case, the body in the chest and lumbar the spine is unbent.

After fixation, when lowering the weights on the chest, the chest is released from tension, since the muscles holding the weights up at this moment relax, and the athlete takes a breath. After the kettlebell touches the shoulders, a natural exhalation occurs. Further, the fall of the weights is absorbed calf muscles... The torso flexes again at the thoracic spine, squeezing air out of the lungs.

Thus, in the push exercise, there is a well-pronounced wave-like movement of the body, obeying which the respiratory movements are performed.

Exercise pushing kettlebells for a long (full) cycle

Long cycle push of kettlebells originated as a kind of push of two kettlebells from the chest. In this exercise, after fixing the kettlebells at the top, they drop to the hanging position and rise again on the chest for the next push up.

The records of Russia and the world in the clean and jerk for a long cycle, before the adoption of the new Rules in 2005, are reflected in the Handbook of the WFGS 2004 by weight categories:

up to 60 kg - Lopatin Evgeniy (Khabarovsk), 61 lifts;

up to 65 kg - Zhernakov Arseniy (St. Petersburg), 68 lifts;

up to 70 kg - Sergey Merkulin (Yakutsk), 78 lifts;

up to 75 kg - Mikhail Parshov (St. Petersburg), 84 lifts;

up to 80 kg - Sergey Leonov (Chita), 87 lifts;

up to 90 kg - Khozei Sergey (St. Petersburg), 91 lifts;

over 90 kg - Ivan Denisov (Chelyabinsk), 104 lifts.

The records set at the moment can be found on the VFGS website

The results in this exercise are lower than in the classic clean and jerk, since lowering the kettlebells to the hanging and swinging position after each lift takes up a huge amount of energy from the athletes.

He was distinguished by a peculiar technique multiple champion Russia and the World MSMK A. Zhernakov. Performing a powerful undermining, when lifting the weights on his chest, he first touched the chest with the weights, only then his elbows rested against the crests of the iliac bones. Record holders of Russia and the world E. Lopatin, S. Merkulin and many others, on the contrary, at first setting their elbows, gently take weights on their chest.

There is no one way to do this exercise. So, 27% of the participants in the 2004 World Championship, held in Kazan, after fixing and lowering the weights on their chest, immediately dropped them in the hang and only after the swing and lifting on the chest did a pause in the starting position before the next pushing out (ZMS E. Lopatin, MSMK S . Merkulin, etc.). The rest of the participants paused both after lowering the weights on their chest and before the next pushing out (MSMK A. Zhernakov, MSMK A. Melnik, etc.).

Since lifting weights from the chest and lowering weights to the chest are similar to movements when performing a classic push, then only dropping weights into the hanging and lifting them to the chest after a swing will be considered (see Appendix, Fig. 6 a, b).

Hand movements

Hand movements are basic when lowering weights in the hang and the next swing and lifting them to the chest. They are subject to leg movements, tilt and straightening of the body. The arms are the link between the kettlebells and the torso.

Kettlebells at the beginning of the release, moving in an arc forward and downward, lose their support and go into free fall. At this time, the hands intercept the arms of the kettlebells from the grip from the bottom to the grip from the top. The elbows, having lost support, do not spread apart, but are located next to the body. After intercepting the arches, the arms straighten under the influence of the weights' gravity, “turning into straps” (Rudnev S.L., 2004). When the kettlebells are blown up, the arms are also straightened. They bend only in the phase of lifting to the chest, during which the arms are intercepted from the top grip to the bottom grip. Then the hands are pressed to the chest and the kettlebells again find support on the forearms.

Leg movements

Legs make symmetrical movements. They perform a shock-absorbing and coordinating role when lowering weights in a swing. During the detonation, the leg extension is the main movement that creates the force of lifting the kettlebell up to chest level. After lifting weights on the chest, there is a slight shock-absorbing flexion of the legs in the knee and ankle joints.

Torso movements

The body, when lowering weights in a swing, when undermining and jumping on the chest, performs a balancing and coordinating role. When dumping, when the weights move forward and down, the body tilts back. When the weights pass the vertical in the hanging, the body leans forward a little, the arms and body "stick" to each other. Further movement of the weights in the backswing in an arc backward until it stops at the "dead" point causes a balancing forward tilt of the body. Thus, the projection of the GCP of the “kettlebell - athlete” system is always located in the support area.

Breathing is coordinated with the movements of the arms and trunk. The most common breathing method is two breaths and two breaths in a complete throw-and-throw cycle. Inhalation occurs at the beginning of the release, exhalation ends at the end of the kettlebell swing back. At the beginning of the movement of the kettlebells forward and during the detonation, inhalation occurs, and at the end of the lifting of the kettlebells on the chest, exhalation occurs.

However, among high-class masters, when dropping and lifting weights on the chest, three breathing cycles are noted. During the release, the chest is released from the pressure of the weights' gravity. Here the athlete takes a breath until the kettlebell arches are intercepted. After they are gripped from above, the arms and the entire shoulder girdle are subjected to a load due to the action of centrifugal forces. The tension of the muscles of the shoulder girdle fixes the chest, therefore, in this phase, the athlete exhales before completing the kettlebell swing back. At the beginning of the movement of the kettlebells forward, the chest does not experience strong pressure and inhalation begins, which ends with exhalation, when the kettlebells pass the lowest point, before detonating. Undermining the weights upwards is accompanied by inhalation. During the flight of the kettlebells upward, the inhalation is completed at the moment of interception of the arches from the grip from above to the grip from below. During amortization, flexion of the trunk in the thoracic spine causes exhalation.

Coordination of movements

The key position in the overall coordination of movements is the moment when the weights explode upward after they have passed the vertical, as well as the continuity and rhythm of the respiratory cycles.

Athletes with low qualifications, in a hurry to complete the cycle, start braking and pulling weights when they are still moving backward or are at a “dead” point, without waiting for the weights to come to the vertical like a pendulum. In this case, the rhythm of movements and breathing is disrupted.

When weights are undermined upward, the lifting force developed by the legs is applied to the weights through the body and straight arms. Having received the required number of movements, the kettlebells by inertia rise to the level of the chest, where they are picked up by the arms bent at the elbows (see Appendix, Fig. 10).

Jerk exercise

Snatch exercise is different from other exercises kettlebell lifting high dynamics of asymmetric movements of arms and legs (see Appendix, Fig. 5 a, b).

A snatch performed with one kettlebell, due to its dynamics and amplitude, stretches the spine and gives a smooth muscle load. This exercise is an excellent way to strengthen the muscles of the back, develop flexibility, develop correct posture and prevention of curvature of the spine (Rasskazov B.C., 2004).

According to the technique of execution, the snatch is the most difficult exercise in kettlebell lifting. The strength and own weight of an athlete when performing a snatch are of great, but not decisive, importance (Vorotyntsev A.I., 2002).

Prior to the introduction of the new Regulation in 2005, the result in this exercise was defined as twice the number of “weak” hand lifts.

Russian snatch records registered in the 2004 Handbook:

up to 60 kg - Andrey Popov (Biysk), 74 lifts;

up to 65 kg - Alexander Melnik (St. Petersburg), 71 rise;

up to 70 kg - Alexander Nesterenkov (Smolensk), 91 rise;

up to 75 kg - Sobolev Nikolay (Rybinsk), 97 lifts;

up to 80 kg - Vladimir Gomonov (Bryansk), 99 lifts;

up to 90 kg - Salakhiev Fanis (Tatarstan), 104 lifts;

over 90 kg - Salakhiev Fanis (Tatarstan), 109 lifts.

Since 2005, according to the new rules of the WFGS, the result in the snatch is counted as half the sum of the lifts of both hands. The records set so far can be found on the VFGS website

We have found two characteristic methods of detonation. The most common method is to undermine the kettlebell due to active extension of the leg of the same name, including extension of the foot, with a turn of the body in the direction of the same name. When performing the exercise in the second way, undermining is carried out due to the synchronous extension of the legs with only a slight turn of the body in the direction of the same name. In the first method, the lowering of the weight in the swing occurs along a steeper trajectory than when lifting (see Appendix, Fig. 11). In the second method, the trajectory of lowering the weight on the lower half of the path repeats the trajectory during swing and undermining (see Appendix, Fig. 12).

Leg movements

In the jerk exercise, the legs perform two preparatory and one working movement. The preparatory movement of the legs when lowering the kettlebell in the swing consists in cushioning the fall of the kettlebell due to the tension of the calf and quadriceps muscles of the thigh. In the phase of lowering the kettlebell, these muscles work in an inferior mode until the hand with the kettlebell passes the vertical position. Further, moving along the trajectory of the pendulum, the weight rises up, freeing the legs from the load. The second preparatory movement is made during the forward swing. The legs are bent again at the knee and ankle joints for their subsequent extension in a working movement. Depending on the method of performing the jerk in the phase of undermining the kettlebell upwards, the leg of the same name in the knee and ankle joint is first unbent asymmetrically, and the opposite leg only in the knee joint. In the second method of lifting the kettlebell, both legs are simultaneously unbend (see Appendix, Fig. 12).

Hand movements

The movement of the arm during the snatch is consistent with the movements of the legs and trunk. In the phase of lowering the kettlebell, first there is supination of the hand and flexion of the arm in elbow joint... Further, moving down, the kettlebell unbends the arm. In this case, the hand is pierced and the bow is intercepted from the grip from below to the grip from above. The arm, accompanying the kettlebell in the swing, remains straightened until the end of the undermining phase and bends at the elbow joint during the squat phase. The interception of the bow of the kettlebell from the top grip to the bottom grip occurs in the squat phase.

The ability to relax the muscles of the hand is of great importance. Tight squeezing of the fingers during the interceptions of the bow can lead to the formation of calluses on the fingers and palms, tearing of the skin, as well as to tangible blows to the forearm during the squat and fixation phase.

Torso movements

The body in the snatch exercise has a balancing and coordinating function. Lifting the kettlebell only by extending the back leads to quick fatigue of the back extensor muscles and pain in the lower back.

In the lowering phase, when the kettlebell moves forward and downward, a counterbalancing backward movement of the body is made.

In the snatch exercise, breathing conditions are easier compared to the push and jerk exercises of two kettlebells in a long cycle.

At the moment of fixing the kettlebell at the top, when performing an exercise with heavy (28, 30 or 32 kg) kettlebells, a low rate of movement allows 1-2 breathing cycles (inhalation - exhalation). Beginners in this phase use chest breathing more familiar to them, but highly skilled athletes use diaphragmatic breathing. When lowering the kettlebell, inhalation is performed due to the excursion of the chest, since due to the release of tension from the upper shoulder girdle, it is freed from the action of gravity. After intercepting the bow of the kettlebell from the grip from below to the grip from above, the gravity force of the kettlebell again loads the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, creating conditions for exhalation. At the end of the swing phase, before changing the direction of movement, the horizontal and vertical components of the weight's velocity decrease to zero. Therefore, before the weight begins to move forward, favorable conditions are created for the start of a short inhalation. When the kettlebell passes the lowest point, when the effect of gravity begins, it is advisable to exhale briefly and then immediately inhale when the kettlebell is blown up. At the moment of interception of the bow of the kettlebell from the grip from above to the grip from below, exhalation is performed until the kettlebell is fixed at the top. With this method of breathing, in one cycle of jerk exercise, three inhalations and three exhalation are obtained.

When lifting 16 kg or 24 kg weights, the rate of lifting is much higher. Additionally, inhalation and exhalation are not performed during fixation. Athletes in one exercise cycle do not have time to complete more than two breathing cycles: lowering the kettlebell - inhale, swing - exhale, explode - inhale, fixation - exhale.

Many athletes, even with heavy kettlebells, do not switch from two-cycle breathing to three-cycle breathing. At the same time, in the swing phase, they have a holding of breath (straining), which can adversely affect the level of efficiency, and ultimately, on the results.

Coordination of movements

The exercise starts from its original starting position. In this position, the weight is set at a distance of approximately one foot from the area of ​​the weight lifter's support. At the start command, the kettlebell lifter with a straight hand grasps the bow of the kettlebell from above, while the legs are bent at the knees, the heels do not come off the platform. The body is tilted forward, the back is straight. The arms and trunk are rigid kinematic links, movably fastened in the shoulder joint.

The exercise begins with a preparatory movement - extension of the legs and a decrease in the angle of the torso. The kettlebell, like a pendulum, moves backward and upward. The suspension point is shoulder joint, the hand is the connecting link. The weight moves backward and upward and, losing its kinetic energy, hangs at a "dead center". After stopping, the kettlebell, like a pendulum, begins a forward-downward movement, during which the legs bend in knee joints, the body takes an upright position. When bending the legs, the extensor muscles of the thigh are pre-stretched for their subsequent powerful contraction in the working movement - undermining the kettlebell upwards.

The working movement - undermining the kettlebell upwards - begins after passing the hand with the kettlebell in the lower vertical position. When undermining, the torso leans back, the legs are extended at the knee and ankle joints, and the hand continues to function as a connecting link.

When performing the preparatory movement, as well as in the undermining phase, the arm and body remain rigid kinematic links. Bending the arm with a kettlebell and the trunk (rounded back) during these phases of movement reduce the efficiency of the leg muscles. The amount of movement developed by these muscles will be lost in the extra "hinge" joints (in the elbow joint, in the lumbar and thoracic spine).

At the beginning of the squatting phase, the hand with the kettlebell bends at the elbow joint, the fingers holding the kettlebell relax slightly and facilitate the interception of the kettlebell arch without sliding into the palm at the moment of intercepting the bow from the top grip to the bottom grip. At the end of the squatting phase, the free flight of the kettlebell upward is completed by the reception of the kettlebell on a straightened arm. To cushion this movement, the legs are slightly bent at the knee joints. At the beginning of the exercise, there may not be such bending of the legs, however, at the end of the exercise, against the background of fatigue, the height of the free flight of the kettlebell decreases and the squat is performed deeper.

The next preparatory movement - lowering the kettlebell in the swing - is performed after fixing the kettlebell at the top. When lowering the weight, its path can be divided into two parts. The first part it takes place during the supination of the hand, and the second - during the pronation of the hand.

Lowering begins with the movement of the kettlebell forward and turning it due to supination of the hand (turning the palm towards you). Accompanying the downward movement of the kettlebell, the arm is bent at the elbow, the shoulder is brought to the body. The torso is tilted back, and at the level from the chin to the abdomen, the kettlebell's arch is intercepted from above. With the beginning of lowering the kettlebell into free fall, it rotates around the vertical axis due to the pronation of the hand (turning the palm inward). At further movement down the weight in free fall unbends the arm and moves in an arc downward and backward due to the weight of the weight (by inertia). With further pendulum movement of the kettlebell back-up, the legs unbend at the knee joints, however, as fatigue increases, the angle in the knee joints begins to increase and gradually becomes equal to the angle to which the knees bend at the end of the kettlebell lowering phase.

Chapter 4 Review Questions

1. List the exercises of kettlebell lifting and describe the main motor actions.

2. Expand the structure of motional actions in kettlebell lifting exercises.

3. What are the main technical elements jerk in exercise.

4. What are the main technical elements in the long cycle clean and jerk exercise?

5. What are the main technical elements in the snatch exercise?

6. Describe the athlete's motor actions during the start (lifting weights on the chest) in the push exercise.

7. Describe the athlete's motor actions when dropping and lifting two kettlebells on the chest in a long-cycle push.

8. Describe the position of the athlete's kinematic links at the moment of fixing the kettlebells at the top in the push and pull exercises.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Stavropol Military Institute of Communications

USSR Master of Sports in kettlebell lifting

p / Colonel Apanasenko Igor Borisovich


In modern, sports world increased requirements are imposed on the level of the body's motor functions. To address these issues, new training methods are being developed in order to expand the boundaries of human capabilities. When preparing athletes for competitions, there is always an urgent problem of determining their individual pre-start physical condition... However, it is often not recommended to make control estimates, since excessive expenditure of nervous and muscle energy can lead to an inevitable decline. physical form athlete, violation of the course of the planned training process... By processing normative, statistical and experimental data, the author has developed a methodology that allows with great accuracy to determine the predicted results of athletes weight categories 80, 90 and over 90 kg in a two-handed clean and jerk of two kettlebells in a long cycle. The data, tested in practice, prove that the ratio of 24 kg and 32 kg weights is proportional enough to put them in a graphical relationship. This makes it possible to determine the level of physical readiness of the athlete with high reliability during planned trainings and, if necessary, promptly make changes in the volume and intensity of the load. In preparation for the competition, weights of 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32 kg are mainly used. In order to determine the result of a weight lifter, it is not necessary to make an estimate for maximum weights... To do this, it is enough to carry out the timing of the time during training (it is equal to 10 minutes) with any weight of weights with which the training is going.For example, an athlete did the push of two 28 kg kettlebells 90 times. We determine it according to the schedule sports uniform with weights of 32 kg - 60 lifts (Fig. 1).

Results above the baseline can be predicted in a similar way. To do this, you need to find a control point on the graph that corresponds to the expected result. So, to achieve the goal of 75 lifts with 32 kg weights, passing the checkpoints corresponds to: 24 kg weights - 150 lifts, 26 kg weights - 131 lifts, 28 kg weights - 112 lifts. When preparing for a competition using this chart training load, you can achieve maximum results. Moreover, this technique accurately determines the boundary of equality of strength and endurance, and a deviation from the proportion allows us to assume where it is necessary to make a correction in insufficient development preparation physical qualities- strength and endurance.

In the same way, using this forecasting method, it is possible to construct a graphical dependence for 24 and 32 kg kettlebells in the preparation of young men and juniors. It should be noted that the athlete's qualifications must be at a sufficient level to ensure the exercise is performed within the time allotted by the regulations. Moreover, the most reliable predicted results are within the optimal balance of 28 kg for weights weighing 32 kg and 20 kg for weights weighing 24 kg. On the basis of the foregoing system, it is proposed to consider the ratio of the standards of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd category in the push of two weights with two hands over a long cycle and to determine the graphical dependence of the forecasting results.

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Basics of kettlebell lifting: teaching motor actions and training methods Vladimir Fedorovich Tikhonov

Exercise pushing kettlebells for a long (full) cycle

Long cycle push of kettlebells originated as a kind of push of two kettlebells from the chest. In this exercise, after fixing the kettlebells at the top, they drop to the hanging position and rise again on the chest for the next push up.

The records of Russia and the world in the clean and jerk for a long cycle, before the adoption of the new Rules in 2005, are reflected in the Handbook of the WFGS 2004 by weight categories:

up to 60 kg - Lopatin Evgeniy (Khabarovsk), 61 lifts;

up to 65 kg - Zhernakov Arseniy (St. Petersburg), 68 lifts;

up to 70 kg - Sergey Merkulin (Yakutsk), 78 lifts;

up to 75 kg - Mikhail Parshov (St. Petersburg), 84 lifts;

up to 80 kg - Sergey Leonov (Chita), 87 lifts;

up to 90 kg - Khozei Sergey (St. Petersburg), 91 lifts;

over 90 kg - Ivan Denisov (Chelyabinsk), 104 lifts.

The records set at the moment can be found on the VFGS website

The results in this exercise are lower than in the classic clean and jerk, since lowering the kettlebells to the hanging and swinging position after each lift takes up a huge amount of energy from the athletes.

The multiple champion of Russia and the world MSMK A. Zhernakov was distinguished by a peculiar technique. Performing a powerful undermining, when lifting the weights on his chest, he first touched the chest with the weights, only then his elbows rested against the crests of the iliac bones. Record holders of Russia and the world E. Lopatin, S. Merkulin and many others, on the contrary, at first setting their elbows, gently take weights on their chest.

There is no one way to do this exercise. So, 27% of the participants in the 2004 World Championship, held in Kazan, after fixing and lowering the weights on their chest, immediately dropped them in the hang and only after the swing and lifting on the chest did a pause in the starting position before the next pushing out (ZMS E. Lopatin, MSMK S . Merkulin, etc.). The rest of the participants paused both after lowering the weights on their chest and before the next pushing out (MSMK A. Zhernakov, MSMK A. Melnik, etc.).

Since lifting weights from the chest and lowering weights to the chest are similar to movements when performing a classic push, then only dropping weights into the hanging and lifting them to the chest after a swing will be considered (see Appendix, Fig. 6 a, b).

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Among the most popular types sports one of leadership positions is engaged in kettlebell lifting. It has long been known for helping to develop tremendous strength, build muscle and improve health. From the epics we all know about the power of the heroes, who raised huge stones to build up their strength. There are pluses and minuses to working with kettlebells, you need to know them.

Kettlebell lifting - what is it?

Kettlebell lifting is a cyclical sport, the essence of which is lifting kettlebells as many times as possible in a given period of time. There are different disciplines for the male and female categories:

  1. For men - 2 disciplines: classic nordic and long cycle clean and jerk. Biathlon includes exercises to push two kettlebells with both hands from the chest and sharply raise the kettlebells with one hand. Long-cycle push involves throwing the projectile onto the chest.
  2. For women - 1 discipline: weight snatch.

In the past, weightlifting competitions were only the lot of men, the ancient Greeks were the first to declare this sport. In our country, exercises with heavy products began to be introduced since the 19th century, the doctor Vladislav Kraevsky was the first to bring this novelty to St. Petersburg. He also organized an athletics club in 1885 to promote healthy image life, and very quickly found supporters.

Kettlebell lifting - benefit or harm

The experience of athletes and the statements of doctors prove that working with kettlebells not only helps, but also develops strength, endurance and good coordination movements, however, it is tacitly considered that this is the most traumatic type. How is kettlebell lifting useful?

  • helps to lose weight;
  • is one of the safest;
  • very simple exercises;
  • minimum costs.

The harm from training with kettlebells is also not excluded, but only if the athletes start right away with lifting heavy weights. Then the unpleasant consequences can be:

  • Crick;
  • fractures of fingers or hands;
  • heart problems.

Kettlebell lifting - the pros

For the benefits of such exercises to be more than harm, you need to be careful and listen to the instructions of the trainer about the loads. If you follow all the recommendations, kettlebell lifting is a clear benefit for the body, many athletes agree with this. The list of advantages of such activities is obvious:

  • you can practice both in a group and individually;
  • no need to look for special equipment or sites;
  • a personal training method is selected for each;
  • you can start practicing at any age.

Kettlebell lifting - cons

Since kettlebell lifting requires good physical fitness, before signing up for the section, you must consult with your doctor. There are a number of diseases in which you will have to give up classes. Takes into account kettlebell lifting contraindications are:

  • diseases of the heart or blood vessels;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia, hypertension;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lung problems;
  • poor eyesight, astigmatism;
  • weak ligaments and fragile bones;
  • problems with the endocrine or genitourinary system;
  • varicose veins or hemorrhoids.

What muscles does kettlebell lifting pump?

Many men are interested in the question: what develops kettlebell lifting? They are mainly interested in whether there will be beautiful figure and molded muscles. It is believed that in this sport only the muscles of the arms develop, but this is not the case. The shells can be used to pump up the pectoral and dorsal muscles, legs and delta. This must be done correctly, there are several rules for pumping up muscles:

  1. For the back and upper shoulder girdle - "snatch" and "push" exercises.
  2. For chest muscles - squeeze lying horizontally or at an angle.
  3. For the broadest back muscles- pull-up with a kettlebell.
  4. For - squeeze over your head.
  5. For legs - squat or walk with weights on your shoulders.

You can squeeze the load over yourself both in turn and at the same time. An alternate approach develops strength, a simultaneous one - endurance. Experienced coaches advise using a snatch, which is repeated many times, then there is much less risk of injury. The basics of kettlebell lifting are teaching motional actions and training methods, there are several of them, the coach selects methods individually for each athlete.

Which is better - kettlebell lifting or powerlifting?

Many people think that kettlebell lifting and powerlifting are identical sports, but this is not the case. Powerlifting is aimed at the strength of the athlete, because he must lift as much as possible more weight, therefore, for such exercises, only muscle strength is important, and for exercises of such sports as kettlebell lifting, due to sophisticated technology exercises are also important:

  • flexibility;
  • speed;
  • coordination.

Working with a barbell puts a huge load on the spine, often athletes are injured due to lifting heavy weights. Often, a competitor swings at a weight that is too heavy for him. This does not happen with a kettlebell, because the weight of the projectile is strictly coordinated, based on the load and age. Kettlebells strengthen the muscles of the entire figure, and the barbell only strengthens the arms.

Sports nutrition for kettlebell lifting

To those who chose weightlifting, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Nutrition in kettlebell lifting also includes vitamin complexes that are created specifically for security officials. To improve the endurance of athletes, it has been developed sports nutrition Leveton Forte, today, is one of the the best complexes... Its most important components:

  • leuzea root;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • bee pollen;
  • amino acids, beta-carotene.

A good effect is noted by weightlifters and creatine, which affects muscle contraction. Available in powder, capsule and tablet form, it is advised to use it both before and after workouts. This drug:

  • helps to increase muscle mass;
  • acts as a lactic acid blocker;
  • develops relief;
  • relieves inflammation in strained muscles.

Kettlebell lifting - interesting facts

Over the years, all sports have created collections interesting facts... Weightlifting is no exception, the following secrets of kettlebell lifting are noted:

  1. Translated from of English language, the word "weight" is translated as "kettle bell".
  2. The shape of modern shells for kettlebell lifters was invented in the 18th century by gunners. It was very difficult for them to lay the cannonballs, and the craftsmen decided to attach a handle to the cannonball so that the shells could be thrown into the mouth. As a result, they began to charge several times faster.
  3. At the beginning of the 21st century, the masters of the Titan enterprise cast an amazing gift for the anniversary of the city of Verkhneuralsk - a weight that weighed 100 pounds.

Kettlebell lifting legends

The pages of weightlifting achievements have recorded many names of athletes who have made a great contribution to the development of kettlebell lifting.

  1. Ivan Poddubny... A famous strongman who amazed the whole world with his abilities.
  2. Peter Krylov... Circus artist, wrestler demonstrated the best skills in working with kettlebells.
  3. Valentin Dikul... Being paralyzed, he managed to achieve fame as a kettlebell lifter, juggled with steel balls weighing up to 80 kilograms.
  4. Sergey Rachinsky... The Honored Master of Sports, entered the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to his unique abilities, he performed the jerk of a kettlebell, which weighed 16 kilograms, more than one and a half thousand times an hour.
  5. Evgeny Lopatin... Honored Master of Sports, he was the first in history to push 2 weights weighing 32 kilograms more than 100 times in 10 minutes.
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