Yoga poses for the lower back. Yoga for the back and spine: the best set of exercises for beginners

All the strength and beauty of human health lies in the physiological and anatomical state of the spine. Sometimes the impact of negative factors impairs its functioning and causes a number of irreversible consequences. If this happens, life loses its dynamism, and every movement causes pain. In such cases, yoga for the spine comes to the rescue.

Effects of Yoga Exercise on the Condition of the Spine

Our spinal column is a single organ that consists of individual vertebrae, each of which is flexibly articulated with the others. This mobility is due to the presence of intervertebral discs, short interspinous muscles and ligaments. Every day is a serious test for our spine. The progress of degenerative changes and destruction of discs, weakness of short muscles, cause the onset of pathological processes. They lead to infringement of the roots of the spinal cord, spasm of the back muscles, hernia of the spine, and, accordingly, to the appearance of pain. The function of the spinal cord is highly dependent on the muscle tone of the spine. If the muscles are weakened, the nervous processes slow down and the body ages. The presence of pathological processes in the internal organs also depends on which part of the spine suffers. Yogis believe that the usual muscular efforts, stretching and twisting the spine, are the best medicine. Such exercises, the need for which is inherent in nature, bring the state of the cervical and all other parts of the spine closer to the ideal, even in the case of advanced pathological processes. Yoga for the back allows you to restore each section, restoring the joy of movement. The complex of asanas must be performed every day.

How yoga exercises affect spinal mobility

All yoga exercises are based on long-term static retention of asanas, which must be performed every day. What happens at this moment? Reduced intradiscal pressure in both healthy and affected discs. This is very important for spinal hernia. The degree of mobility of the intervertebral joints of each part of the back increases, due to an increase in the elasticity of muscle and ligamentous tissue. The complex has a strengthening effect on the muscles, since a sufficient force of the muscle corset is necessary to maintain the posture. Static tension mobilizes the motor neuron apparatus and contributes to the early restoration of impaired functions. Thus, the complex of asanas allows achieving a combination of two important influences on the spine: increasing muscle strength and stretching. When performing certain asanas, you can use both a limited segment and the entire spinal column. With a hernia of the spine, exercises should be selected with caution, taking into account the place of its localization, the stage of the disease. Prior consultation with a doctor is required. In this case, classes should be carried out only under the guidance of an experienced instructor. If you do the complex at least every day, a healthy back will be your best reward.

Cervicothoracic training

If you start your lesson with this department, be sure to do a set of preparatory exercises, which consists of turns, tilts and circular rotations of the head. All these manipulations must be done once a day, at first at a slow and calm pace, at least 10 times each. Gradually increasing the amplitude and speed. After that, we move on to performing asanas, which we perform once a day.

7. Parivatrikonasana. (side triangle). We make a wide lunge to the right, bending the knee to a right angle. The toes of the left foot are directed forward, and the toes of the right are directed to the side. We tilt the body to the bent leg, stretching the left arm to the right and up. The other arm can be bent and placed on the bent leg, or it can be straightened down. The head is turned upward as much as possible, and the gaze is directed there. Day by day we try to get close to the chest to the thigh.

8. Bhujangasana (cobra) - the first and second degree of performance, where the head and body are raised only in the upper thoracic region.

Exercises that should be performed only with a good level of training, in a state of remission, in the presence of diseases of the cervical spine. With a hernia, only after consulting a doctor.

2. Karna Pidasana (pinched ears pose).

3. Grivasana.

4. Sirshasana (headstand).

Exercises for all parts of the spine

Yoga for the spine prescribes to do them slowly. Start learning difficult poses with simpler options.

1. Trikonasana - flexion in the hip joints. The back should be straight along the entire length of the spine. Hands hang limply, we raise our head. Do it every day.

2. Padahastasana - forward bend with a round back. It starts from the cervical spine, dropping the chin to the chest. Then the vertebra behind the vertebrae bend the thoracic, thoracolumbar and lumbar regions.

3. Ardha-Chakrasana - backward bend. It is necessary to ensure that all vertebrae are involved. Perform gradually, like Padakhtasana, starting from the cervical spine.

4. Konasana - side bends. The exercise should be started by tilting the head. First, the first cervical vertebra is included in the movement, then the second, and so on to the sacral region. One hand hangs calmly in front of the chest, the head should be tilted to the shoulder, then the face does not change the frontal position. We begin straightening in the reverse order. From the sacrum to the neck. The same exercise can be done with arms raised up. The distance between the arms is slightly more than shoulder width. During the tilt, the hands are motionless, remain at ear level.

5. Mrigasana (deer) - performed from Virasana. We bend forward so that the face rests on the floor, and the back is straightened as much as possible. We take our straight arms back up. We tear off the feet from the floor.

6. Setubandhasana (bridge posture with arms support) - from a lying position with bent legs, we tear off the pelvis and back from the floor to the edges of the shoulder blades. We rest our palms on the back, pointing our fingers outward. The elbows are directed towards the legs. You cannot separate them to the sides. The head rests with the chin on the chest. The cervical region is firmly pressed to the floor.

7. Uttan-Prishthasana (extended back) - Kneeling, bend your chest to the floor and stretch your arms as far forward as possible. We try to touch the floor with armpits. The face and gaze are directed forward.

8. Ushtrasana (camel) - kneeling, we bend back from the cervical vertebrae to the sacrum. We lower our hands with our palms on the soles of the feet.

9. Yastikasana (cane) - stretching while lying down. It is necessary to fully stretch from the belt line. Pull the legs down, the torso and arms up. It should feel like you want to rip in half. Do it even on the day when you do not complete the whole complex. You can after waking up.

Useful Tips

1. In the presence of serious problems, such as a hernia of the spine, yoga for the back should be performed only under the guidance of an experienced master, moving from simple asanas to more complex ones.

2. All exercises must be done in conjunction with Savasana and Makrasana. Relaxation postures must be included after maximum tension asanas.

3. It is important to ensure that the entire spine is gradually included in the work, and not one of its sections.

4. Correctly combine pranoyama with asanas. Breathing correctly affects the movable links of the spine. This allows the prolapsed vertebrae to be returned to their place.

5. Exercise can cause a feeling of pulling discomfort, but never a sharp pain.

6. Performing the complex every day, you will understand what a healthy back is.

Probably everyone has already heard about yoga. A healthy body, a beautiful and fit figure, spiritual harmony with oneself ... The word "yoga" in Sanskrit means "union, connection, connection, unity, harmony." It is worth pondering with what?

Here the opinions of philosophers were divided. For idealists, this connection is nothing more than a union with a deity, a high mind, or an absolute spirit. For materialists, yoga is the practice of the integrity of the harmony of spirit and body, as the harmony of perfect physical health and spiritual wealth of a person.

The subject of yoga, as an Indian teaching, is the three principles of man: physical, mental and spiritual. Striving for their balance and maintenance in constant harmony.

The mechanism of influence of yoga on the human body

Back pain is a common symptom of anxiety today at any age. Yoga can (and should) be used as physiotherapy exercises for the back and spine, as well as simply as a means of relaxation.

Yoga affects a person's energy

Types of yoga effects on the human body:

  1. Mechanical impact. Most of the asanas involve not only most of the muscles, but also those muscles that are usually not used on a daily basis. They include specific muscle groups and have a mechanical effect on the internal organs of a person through non-standard changes in the shape of the body.
  2. Humoral effects. The exact sciences of physics and chemistry represent the human body as a set of vessels filled with different liquids and gases. Yogic asanas allow you to carry out their specific hydraulic massage.
  3. Psychosomatic impact. It's no secret that the psyche is very closely connected with the human body. If you influence the body in any way, you can make changes in the state of mind.
  4. Stressful impact. Most of the yoga postures are unnatural for the body. Each asana introduces the human body into a stressful state, through an unusual position of the body. However, too much stress has the opposite effect and you need to know when to stop.
  5. Hormonal effects. Some asanas have a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands by changing the intensity of blood flow, thereby stimulating their work.
  6. Energy impact. The subject of influence of asanas is human energy. They direct energy in the right direction and give a person strength.

Benefits of Yoga for Spine and Back Health

All asanas are performed statically. When a person assumes any position, the pressure inside the intervertebral discs becomes less, and the degree of mobility of all parts of the spine increases.

People who regularly practice yoga in their lives have fewer health problems, including back pain, and, accordingly, look better. People who exercise daily have strong, healthy and flexible backs.

Yoga trains muscles

Yoga has such an effect on the back:

  • stretches the spine, increases flexibility, helps to straighten it;
  • works on the back and neck muscles, which prevents the development of back diseases;
  • relaxes tight muscles;
  • relieves internal stress, improves mood;
  • nourishes the cells of the body with oxygen, renews cells, preserves youth through measured and deep breathing;
  • makes the back straight, reduces curvature;
  • increases the mobility of each vertebra;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • facilitates and reduces them with regular exercise.

Contraindications for yoga

Yoga has a beneficial effect on the body, but it also has contraindications that must be taken into account before starting classes:

You can't do yoga with a spinal injury

  • migraine;
  • schizophrenia, psychosis;
  • severe blood diseases;
  • hernia in the groin;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • stage 2 and 3 hypertension;
  • spinal injury;
  • articular diseases of an infectious nature;
  • the first six months after a stroke;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the first 60-90 days after surgery in the peritoneum and chest;
  • arthrosis of the joints of the lower part;
  • spinal hernia (it is better to contact a vertebrologist and neurosurgeon after treatment for drawing up a set of exercises);
  • scaled displacement of the vertebrae;
  • high joint hypermobility;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia, aortic aneurysm, uncompensated heart defects;
  • during pregnancy and the first postpartum three months (there is a separate complex for pregnant women - yoga for pregnant women, which prepares women for motherhood and maintains normal health for 9 months);
  • fever, increased body temperature;
  • ARI, ARVI;
  • suppuration;
  • period of menstruation.

IMPORTANT! With all of the above diseases, yoga classes are strictly contraindicated, the implementation is possible only after undergoing treatment!

There is no age limit for yoga. At the age of 60 and older, it is not recommended to practice yoga therapy on your own, it is better to seek help from an experienced instructor.

Yoga rules and recommendations for beginners at home

To improve your health and get your body in shape, you need:

Start with simple asanas

  • exercise regularly at home;
  • during classes, do not be distracted by extraneous noise;
  • do not force your body.

When practicing yoga, beginners need to observe some rulesvila:

  • start with the simplest asanas;
  • allocate 15-30 minutes for gymnastics;
  • breathe deeply, evenly and calmly (this is very important);
  • a quiet and warm place to stay warm;
  • avoid pain;
  • be sure (!) to warm up before training (20-25 minutes): warming up the neck, rotating arms, torso and pelvis, turning the body, bending, jumping, swinging legs, squats, circular movements of the legs and warming up the galena feet (to avoid stretching);
  • Between asanas, it is better to take a 1-minute break, completely relax and take a couple of deep breaths and exhalations to restore the heartbeat.

You need to do asanas slowly, calmly, balancing and keeping balance, each time you can increase the time spent in one of the asanas.

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable lower back pain. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! Several months ago, I was twisted at the dacha, a sharp pain in the lower back did not allow me to move, I could not even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. I prescribed some medications, but they did not help, it was unbearable to endure this pain. They called an ambulance, they set up a blockade and hinted at an operation, all the time I thought about it that I would be a burden for the family ... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article on the Internet to read. Can't imagine how grateful I am to her for that. This article literally got me out of my wheelchair. In recent months, I began to move more, in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

General set of hatha yoga exercises for relieving back pain

Hatha yoga- This is a type of yoga, which consists in the static performance of exercises aimed at physical strength, health and calmness. "Ha" means the sun, "Tha" means the moon.

Exercises for the cervicothoracic spine

Any selection of yoga exercises should start with this exercise. Stand up, straighten your lower back. The position of the legs is shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath in and out. On inhalation, you need to reach up, concentrate on the exercise, on exhalation, return to the starting position. It is enough to do it 5-10 times.

Tadasana Exercise

Performing this asana, you should not turn around to pain. Breathe calmly, evenly.

Ardha-Matsyendrasana exercise

The left leg should be put forward, and the right leg back. The right hand must be raised up, lower the body of the body down so that the fingers of the right hand touch the floor. The left hand remains up. Turn the body slightly to the left and fix this position. You need to be in the asana for 8-10 breaths. Breathe calmly, evenly.

Doing the Utthita Trikonasana exercise

This exercise is similar to the previous one, only performed in a lunge. You need to lunge with your left foot, be sure to maintain a right angle, and you need to stretch your right leg back. With the opposite hand, you need to reach up, the body is directed towards the left leg. Don't forget about calm breathing.

Asana Parivatrikonasana

Perhaps this asana is one of the easiest. It is performed on the stomach, legs are straight together. Hands, as in push-ups, under the shoulders. It is necessary to raise the body and throw your head back. Breathe calmly, evenly.

Bhujangasana - snake pose

Exercises to work out other parts of the spine

Feet should be placed a little narrower than shoulder-width apart and bend over to the floor. The back is straight, the legs are straight (prerequisite). It is not necessary to reach the floor with your palms, since the level of training is different for everyone. Stretching will get better with each workout. Breathe evenly and calmly. The presence of painful sensations can be excluded.

Padahastasana exercise

Stand up straight, feet together. Put the palms together. Raise your hands up and start, bending back. It is worth staying in the asana for 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly, calmly. Avoid pain.

Performing Ardha Chakrasana

You need to sit on your heels so that your knees are under your ribcage. Tilt the body forward, take your hands back. It is necessary to stretch with the buttocks to the heels, and not the whole body forward. Exercise allows you to stretch your back, relieve tension from the spine. Stay in the asana for 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly, calmly. Avoid pain.

Exercise Child Pose

Perform on the floor with your legs bent. Tear the pelvis and body off the floor. Reach your heels with your hands. Having mastered this asana, you can complicate it a little and grab your heels with your hands. Linger and stand like this for 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly and calmly. Avoid pain.

Exercise Setubandhasana

Exercises for scoliosis

With such diseases of the spine as or, you need to be especially careful; if pain occurs, you must immediately stop exercising.

Simply put, the pose of a cat. You need to get on all fours, bend your back up, and then gently bend in the back, while throwing your head back. Remain 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly and calmly. Pain should be avoided.

Marjariasana - Cat pose

Lying on your stomach, take your hands back, close them in the lock and raise the body. Linger in the asana for 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly and calmly. Avoid pain.

Performing the Shalabhasana pose

Sit on the floor, bring one leg back, the other is bent, bend in the back, leaning on the palms or fingers. Further, the exercise can be complicated: raise straight arms up and lean back as much as possible. Stay in this position for 8-10 breaths. Pain should be avoided.

Kapotasana is made in different versions. Having mastered the basic pose of a pigeon, you can, bending your outstretched leg, stretch your head to the leg.

Kapotasana or pigeon pose

Asanas for hernia of the spine and osteochondrosis

Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog). In the position on all fours, the legs and arms are straight. Linger in the asana for 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly, calmly. Avoid pain.

The exercise becomes more difficult if you raise your leg up. This exercise is beneficial for both the back and abdominal muscles. It works the muscles of the legs, upper body.

Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward facing dog pose

Lunge forward with your leg (leg parallel to the floor, the angle is 90 degrees), stretch your arms and tilt your head up, bend in the back. Linger for 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly, calmly. Avoid pain.

Virabhadrasana pose

Baddha Konasana (butterfly pose). Sit on the floor, bend your legs. Connect the feet in "namast" and stretch with your knees to the floor. You can sit upright, or you can lean forward or backward, stretching your back. Linger for 8-10 breaths. Avoid pain.

Baddha Konasana (butterfly pose)

Joint exercises

Stand straight, pull your heel to the buttock with your hand, extend your other hand up. Next, you need to raise the leg even higher and bend more strongly in the back. With regular exercise, the arch in the back will increase, and the leg will rise higher and higher. Linger in the asana for 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly and calmly. Be sure to avoid pain.

Ardha Urdhvasana Exercise

You need to squat and spread your legs, while stretching your back. Bend down gradually. It costs 8-10 breaths to stay in the asana. Breathe evenly and calmly. Avoid pain.

Malasan pose

Asanas for a stooped back after 80 years

Perform on the floor, on your back. Pull your knees towards you and grab them. It is worth holding for 8-10 breaths and exhalations. Breathe evenly, calmly. Avoid pain.

Lying on your stomach, connect the lower limbs, raise the body, bending your arms at the elbows. It is worth holding on for 8-10 breaths and exhalations. Breathe evenly, calmly. Avoid pain.

Pavanamuktasana Pose Performing Urdwa Mukha Shavasana

Exercises for pregnant women

Stand up straight, put your legs one to the other. You need to raise one leg and put your foot on the middle of the thigh of the other leg. Put your hands together and lift up. Stay in the asana for 8-10 breaths. Breathe calmly, evenly. Avoid pain.

Sitting on the floor, spread your legs to the sides. Stretch forward, left and right. This helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and sides. Linger for 8-10 breaths. Don't forget about deep breathing. Avoid pain.

Upavishta Konasana Maternity Exercise Tree Pose

Iyengar yoga for the back

Iyengar yoga is another type of yoga that closely echoes hatha yoga and was developed by Bellur Krishmanchar Iyengar. He wanted everyone to do yoga, regardless of age, level of flexibility and plasticity, physical training and gender.

Iyengar yoga masters say that asanas must be performed in a specific order in order to achieve maximum healing effect.

Stand up straight, bend forward. Raise a straightened left leg back, arms straight outstretched forward. It is worth staying in the asana for 8-10 breaths. Breathe evenly and calmly. Avoid pain. Exercise trains the muscles of the arms, neck, legs. Works on the abdominal muscles.

Virabhadrasana pose

Lie on your stomach and rise from this position on straight arms. Legs are straight, you need to stand on your toes. Remaining in this position, take 8-10 breaths. Do not forget about proper breathing. The exercise involves the shoulders, back, abdomen and legs.

Kumbhakasana exercise

From a position on your stomach, bend, bend your legs, take your ankles with your hands. Pull yourself to your legs, arching as much as possible in the back.

Performing Dharunasana

Kundalini yoga lessons for the back and spine

Kundalini Yoga is the identification and correct use of a person's inner resources. This type of yoga is aimed at full awareness of oneself and at working with energy channels, cleaning them.

General structure of the lesson:

  1. Warming up, chanting mantras.
  2. Kree.
  3. Relaxation.
  4. Singing mantras at the end.

You need to sit down, legs straight, shifted together. Toes point straight up. Lean forward, stretch with your chest (not your head!) As low as possible to your legs.

Pashchimottasan pose

Stand up, straighten, legs wide apart. Lean forward so that your head can reach the floor. If you can't reach the floor with your head, you can bend your elbows, put them together and reach the floor with them.

Doing the Prasarita Padottanasana Exercise

It is necessary to stand in Tadasana, bend your legs slightly, braid one leg over the other so that the toes of one leg catch the shin of the other. At the same time, the back is straight, the arms are crossed.

Garudasana pose

What to do if your back hurts after yoga?

Pain in the muscles for 1-2 days is normal, the body adapts to physical activity. If the back continues to hurt for several days, you can relieve pain by using, as well as resorting to a hot aromatherapy bath or warming ointments.

But it is best to consult a specialist: chiropractor, surgeon, neurologist. He will help you figure out what happened and get rid of pain.

Morning set of yoga exercises from Yulia Safronova for the back in 15 minutes

The set of yoga exercises by Yulia Safronova is designed for beginners. , allow you to relax, awaken the internal energy that is so needed in the morning.

Just 15 minutes every morning - and cheerfulness and a healthy back will be a well-deserved gift for your work. The workout allows you to stretch your arms, back, sides, hips, improving blood circulation.

Aloiza Raab's book "Yoga Against Posture Disorders and Back Pain"

This book is suitable for those who have long wanted to master yoga, but did not dare. The book describes in detail the various asanas that have a positive effect on the back and spine. Its difference lies in the addition of the Crocodile asana. The impact of each on the spine and various parts of the back is detailed in the lessons.

Followers of Aloiza Raab say that Yoga Against Posture Disorders and Back Pain will help heal poor posture and back pain by making your back straight, beautiful and healthy.

Pilates or yoga - which is better for the back?

Pilates is a type of fitness that aims to strengthen muscles, improve posture, coordination and balance, and increase flexibility.

Yoga is a religion and philosophy that needs a more serious approach than Pilates. Yoga consists of 8 levels that help to know oneself, develop inner energy, harmony, and work with the chakras.

Yoga is an excellent assistant in the struggle for a healthy back, body flexibility and mental clarity, which will help to keep the body in good shape, achieve peace of mind and harmony with oneself.

Pilates and yoga have, perhaps, only one similarity - the technique of correct breathing. Pilates should be chosen for those who want to strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve their back, and yoga - for those who want to improve their back and get to know their inner "I".


Yoga - prevention and treatment of spine problems. Causes of spine problems. A set of exercises for hatha yoga (photo). Back exercises

A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that many people have back problems. How can yoga help cope with spinal problems? What exercises can you do at home. Recommendations and contraindications.

Yoga is the path to a healthy back and flexible spine

Causes of spine problems

A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, the presence of a car and an elevator deprive our lives of the necessary amount of movement, lead to the fact that the lower back begins to ache, the back hurts, and the neck crackles. Problems with the spine begin in childhood, scoliosis and kyphosis occur in those children who do not attend sports clubs, do not go out in the open much, and spend most of their time at the lessons or at the monitor.

For many women, back problems begin during pregnancy, weak back muscles cannot cope with the increased load, vertebrae sit down, nerve endings are pinched, which leads to pain and curvature of the spine. Being overweight often causes back problems.

Poor nutrition, lack of protein, calcium and minerals lead to bone weakness and muscle underdevelopment.

Uneven physical activity, haphazard exercises associated with lifting weights and increased stress on the spine change posture and lead to health problems.

Lack of water in the body is another cause of back pain. With age, the elasticity of the intervertebral discs changes, they become drier and weaker. Poor circulation and congestion can damage or rupture your intervertebral discs. Herniated discs lead to compression of the nerves and are very difficult to treat.

In the human body, there is a close relationship between all organs and the spine. The most important human organ - the spinal cord - is concentrated in the spinal canal, and any disorders in the spine - pinching of the nerve roots or damage to the blood vessels, lead to disruption of the organ, which is associated with the nerve ending.

Yoga - prevention and treatment of spine problems

Yoga has been successfully used to prevent and treat back pain. Some exercises are aimed at stretching and strengthening certain muscle groups, while others improve the tone of the abdominal muscles that support the lower back. By practicing yoga, you can strengthen your back muscles, stretch and lengthen the spinal column, relieve tension and fatigue.

A set of hatha yoga exercises helps to cope with the following diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Osteochondrosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Lordosis
  • Kyphosis
  • Herniated discs
  • Arthritis of the joints
  • Arthrosis

Contraindications for classes are

  • The severity of the disease, when it is difficult for the patient to perform even the simplest movements;
  • Infectious lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Traumatic brain injury, serious disorders of the spine;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Systematic medication intake;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Increased body temperature.

It is better to practice yoga as a prevention of serious back problems, but if the disease has already arisen, yoga is exactly the tool that can help cope with the disease.

Yoga is best done in specialized groups. An experienced instructor will tell you which exercises will be useful in your particular case and will correct the exercises so that you can perform it most comfortably. At first, you can perform the simplest complex, which is aimed at strengthening the back muscles and stretching the spine.

Back exercises that can be done at home (photo)

Exercise posture in the form of the letter "T"

The stand is performed on the left leg, the right leg is laid back and straightened, the body is stretched forward, the arms are held by the support, the head is directed straight. In this position, you need to linger for three seconds, then change your leg. Run 3 times for each leg. Exercise strengthens the legs and back, energizes.

Exercise cat

It is performed on all fours. On inhalation, the back bends, the head tilts upward, on exhalation - the back is rounded, the stomach is pulled in, the chin is pressed to the chest. Do it three times. The exercise stretches and relaxes the muscles of the spine, tightens the abdominal muscles, and improves breathing.

Balancing arms and legs

It is performed on all fours. The right arm is extended forward, the left leg is extended back parallel to the floor. The head is directed forward. Change your pose. Run 3 times on each side. Gives flexibility to muscles, improves coordination.

Exercise cobra

(Light version) Performed while lying on your stomach. Support on the elbows, hands closed in the lock. The neck is relaxed, the head rests on the hands. With a sigh, the head slowly rises, the gaze rushes up, the spine flexes, and the back muscles tense. On exhalation - the back gradually relaxes, the head slowly sinks into the hands. Run 3 times. Exercise improves blood circulation, gives flexibility to the spine, and relaxes the muscles in the neck and upper spine.

Exercise boat

It is performed lying on the stomach, arms extended forward. On inhalation, the outstretched arms, legs and head are raised, the gaze is directed upward. On exhalation - starting position. Run 3 times. The exercise strengthens all the muscles of the back, massages the internal organs.

Knee flexion

It is performed from a supine position. As you inhale, the right leg bends at the knee and is attracted to the body. The knee is covered with hands and pressed against the chest, the head is pulled to the knee, on exhalation - the starting position. The same exercise is performed for the left leg. In conclusion, both legs are bent and pulled to the chest, the arms are wrapped around the knees, the head is pressed to the knees. From this position, rolls are performed from the coccyx to the shoulder blades. The exercise is performed three times for each position. Strengthens the muscles of the lower back, massages and improves blood circulation.


(Lightweight version). It is performed from a supine position on the shoulder blades. The legs are bent at the knees, the arms are extended along the body, the palms are directed downward. As you inhale, the hips are raised, and the chin is pressed against the chest. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Run 3 times. Exercise relieves back pain, relieves fatigue, and reduces pressure sores.

Stretching on the floor

Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended behind your head. You need to stretch the toe of the left leg and the left arm, then the toe of the right leg and the right arm, then both arms and both legs. Repeat each exercise three times. Stretching gives flexibility and relaxes your back muscles.

  • Do not exercise if your condition is seriously aggravated;
  • Practice in a well-ventilated area;
  • Do not eat before class;
  • Start your workout with a warm-up;
  • To do exercises on the floor, purchase a special yoga mat;
  • Start with pure thoughts and a positive attitude;
  • If the exercise does not work out the first time, do the asana as best you can, without violence and haste;
  • If you have sore knees, use a small pillow or folded towel;
  • Perform all exercises smoothly, do not hold your breath;
  • At the end of the session, do a relaxing asana.

Having mastered the basic asanas of Hatka Yoga: Sun, Hero, Fish, Candle, Shavasana, Plow, Snake, Dog, Plank, Lotus, Star, Bird, move on to more complex asanas. Exercises that previously seemed too difficult to do will turn out to be not so difficult, the main thing is to correctly perform asanas and listen to the instructions of the instructor. Regularly practicing yoga, you will soon forget that you suffered from osteochondrosis or back pain.

This article will be useful for those who have injured their back and suffer from back and lower back pain. With the help of detailed and illustrated exercises, you can independently get rid of painful sensations in the lower back, as well as strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen to prevent problems in the future. You can describe these exercises as yoga for the back.

The article will be of interest to yoga instructors and yoga therapists who will undoubtedly benefit from this material and will be able to effectively help those in need.


Many, starting to practice asanas, are faced with pain in the lumbar region. The pain can be of a different nature, sometimes there is no particular pain in the lower back, but there is pain that passes along the back of the leg, reaching the toes. Sometimes the pain is localized in the lower back. The intensity of pain can vary, especially after a long sitting or at the end of the day. In acute functional blockade, the pain is so strong that having taken a certain position in which the sensations of pain subside a little, it is even impossible to move because of the fear that the painful sensations will paralyze the whole body again. This creates a certain discomfort in life, prevents its full manifestation. A lingering problem can affect the functioning of internal organs, disruption of blood supply and, as a result, various diseases can come. What to do if you began to suffer from back pain? How to build a yoga practice after injury and start enjoying life in all its forms again?
To answer these questions, it is useful first to familiarize yourself with the anatomical structure of the spine - after all, it is its structural components and the muscles of the back that are the causes of pain and the discomfort that causes us pain.

The main causes of back pain

Next, we will consider the most likely changes in the body that lead to the appearance of pain. The most interesting thing is that the cause of pain can be different, but the method of eliminating it and the state of pain is practically the same. Regardless of the cause of the pain, the same work of the back muscles occurs - they contract and try to fix and immobilize the segment where the problem occurred.

Some specialists in the field of spine treatment, in particular M.Ya. Zholondz, believe that “the main culprits of severe pain in the spine are the lateral and medial intertransverse muscles of the lower back and the interspinous muscles of the spine, that is, its shortest muscles that attach to the transverse and spinous processes of two adjacent vertebrae ... excessive tension (contraction) of these muscles and leads to disease. Moreover, the muscles can be in this state for an unlimited time, calculated in years. "

This can be attributed to the case when the MRI does not give any abnormalities, and the person suffers from unbearable pain. On this score, there is a slightly different explanation, where the cause of pain lies in the facet joint. According to Sarah Key, author of the bestselling Handbook for Back Pain, “the most popular explanation was pinched meniscus(a tiny cartilaginous wedge at the edge of the facet joint) between the two articular surfaces, which immediately caused a protective spasm of the back muscles. A similar, and more likely, explanation indicated a pinching of the sensitive tissue of the synovial membrane between the two articular surfaces.

Interestingly, a pinched joint cannot occur by itself; there must be a reason for this, and the main reason is poor coordination of the back muscles during movement, or simply the lack of training of the latter. A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of poor back and abdominal muscles.

Frequent stress and internal tension contribute to spasm of the deep muscles of the back. Walter Cannon, the author of the concept of the constancy of the internal environment - homeostasis, also argued that any situation that threatens us leads to the mobilization of the whole body, pushing us, depending on the circumstances, to fight or flight. This reaction, or, one might say, one of the old programs polished over millennia, continues to work, but, as a rule, is suppressed, obeying the norms of behavior accepted in our society and its realities. For example, if your boss yelled at you, and you cannot answer him, then you have a restructuring of the body - muscle tone turns on, blood supply to internal organs is redistributed, heart rate increases, etc. - i.e. everything that occurs during a stressful reaction. In this list, we are interested in muscle tone. If the reaction to a change in the situation is strong enough, but it cannot be expressed in any way, that is, one cannot enter into a struggle, and one cannot escape, then it is suppressed, but muscle tension remains.

If the action does not take place, there is no discharge on the physical plane, then the tension remains and remains for a long time. We are not yet talking about emotional relaxation, because in this context we are interested in bodily muscular work, although it should be mentioned that the emotional state is fixed in the body along with tense muscles. Against the background of general muscle tension during an awkward turn or tilt, the deep short muscles of the back on one side of the body may spasm. And that will cause pain.

Sikorsky in 1996 published his study on 131 patients with back pain. The researcher came to the conclusion that only 38% of patients had real problems of the physical plane with intervertebral discs or degenerative changes in the bones and joints of the spine, while the rest only needed the help of a psychologist, because their problem was psychological stress.

Another reason for back pain is damage to the intervertebral disc... The disc consists of a fibrous ring and a nucleus pulposus, which has the ability to retain water, thereby helping to relieve and evenly distribute the load from the spinal column during life. Occasionally, the annulus fibrosus can protrude significantly beyond the vertebrae, causing pain, but "according to modern research, this is only 5% of cases the cause of back problems," says Sarah Key. This can be attributed to disc protrusion.

The main part of back problems is associated with the so-called herniated disc, which can happen for a number of reasons, including degeneration of the disc and vertebral tissues, segment instability, excessive asymmetric load, or injury.
With a hernia, the annulus fibrosus ruptures and the contents of the disc rush outward. The cause of pain in this case is not damage to the disc tissue, but the contact of the ruptured disc with nearby nerve endings, including the spinal cord. If the disc “went” towards the spinal canal, towards the back skin and pressed on the spinal cord, then signals from mechanoreceptors, and subsequently from chemoreceptors, would be regarded as severe pain.

Such pressure on the spinal cord can lead to impotence, problems with menstruation, poor digestion, discharge, numbness in the pelvic region, and most importantly, it will bring obvious discomfort to life, accompanying it with intolerable pain.

A lot of problems are caused by the "breakthrough" of the disc back in the lateral direction, then the "closure" of the spinal nerves occurs, which can cause some pain in the lower back, and also spread along the leg, from which there was pressure on the spinal nerve.

It should be noted that disc herniation in most cases does not occur suddenly, but is a rather long process of degeneration of the disc and vertebrae, which ends in tissue rupture. And as usual, in order to protect the spinal cord and restrict movement in the problem segment, the deep and sometimes superficial muscles of the back are involved in the work, which spasm and block the spine in the region of several vertebrae.

Exactly protective muscle spasm is what contributes to the further inflammatory process and the persistence of pain. Blood quickly enough can carry away the "dropped out" contents of the nucleus and complete suffering, but the muscle spasm that lasts for a long time retains pain, prevents venous outflow, which leads to the development of inflammation and thereby closes the circle. It can also be noted that in many cases, disc herniation is asymptomatic and does not cause any particular concern.

Another cause of back pain may be minor displacement of articular surfaces facet joints. This problem is more common than disc herniation. The displacement of the articular surfaces can occur due to the disordered work of the muscles of the back and abdomen, with uncoordinated sharp movements, with asymmetric deflections, sharp twists, especially with the use of levers.

The result is inflammation of the joint capsule, which is accompanied by swelling of the joint due to excessive secretion of synovial fluid. The swollen joint has a mechanical and chemical effect on the nerve endings. As a result, there may be radiating pain in the buttock and leg, as well as some pain and discomfort in the lower back. As always, the segment is blocked by the contracted muscles of the back, as if for the good, wanting to limit the mobility of the joint, thereby closing the circle - sipping the inflamed tissues and strongly compressing the intervertebral disc, which can increase pain and delay the healing process. The pain can spread along the leg, as with a herniated disc, only its nature will be different. With a herniated disc, the pain is somewhat similar to a convulsive one, and with a problem with a joint, the pain spreads in undulating hot flushes.

In all considered cases, regardless of the "triggering" problem, there is deep back muscle spasm... As a rule, the fibers of the multifidus muscle, the interspinous muscle and the intertransverse muscle are spasmodic. In addition, the upper layers of the muscles can be spasmodic.

In order to relieve acute pain syndrome, first of all, you need to try to relax tense muscles, relieve muscle spasm. If the pain is unbearable, then it is better to take an anti-inflammatory drug, use muscle relaxants in order to relieve muscle spasm and relax in bed, finding a comfortable position so that the pain bothers as little as possible.

Next, you need to start stretching the back muscles. By sipping on tense muscles, we increase blood circulation in them, which leads to relaxation. Also, due to movements, venous outflow in the directly problematic segment improves, which reduces inflammation. To reduce the latter, it is good to use external ointments, such as diclofenac, which accelerate the removal of inflammation. You can also use hot and cold compresses. Take a contrast shower. The combination of cold and heat will ultimately help remove toxins and reduce inflammation.

A set of exercises for back and lower back pain

Exercises to stretch the muscles of the back

There are several ways to stretch the deep back muscles. Let's look at everything in order, starting from the simple ones, and finish with the rather complex ones. Everyone will be able to choose suitable methods of stretching for themselves according to their condition. During the exercise, painful conditions should not occur. As an exception, you can consider the case when there is inflammation of the joint and the accumulation of synovial fluid, here, to release the latter, you need to perform exercises, regardless of the pain, but you need to know exactly what happened and choose the right exercises. Breathing during exercise should not go astray. If you feel a clear overstrain, the muscles begin to tremble, then you need to lie down and relax. Classes should go on increasing (progressive training), gradually increasing the retention time and the number of repetitions. It is best to exercise on a yoga mat.

For the proper effect, you can do the exercises in several repetitions. For example, one exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back, which a trained person can perform for 2 minutes, a beginner can perform the same 2 minutes, only in total in three sets of 40 seconds (you need to rest between sets until breathing is restored).
All exercises are done on the floor, on a yoga mat (not in a soft bed).
Before each exercise, it is best to do a back extension by properly positioning the spine. Execution: lie on your back, stand on your elbows and begin to pull the spine out of the pelvis, directing the lumbar spine to the floor, gradually pushing the elbows to the sides, vertebra by vertebra, completely lay the entire spine on the yogic mat. Then you need to grab your shoulder blades with your hands and roll a little over the shoulder blades. After that, grab your head and pull, stretching your neck and lay the back of your head, as far as possible from the shoulder girdle on the mat. Then you can move on to doing exercises for stretching the deep muscles of the back.

Back traction

1. Stretching of deep muscles with the help of rolls on the back... This exercise can be performed immediately after the injury (when the sensations in the back allow) to normalize the mobility of the clamped vertebrae. If the painful sensations do not make it possible to do rolls, then you can try to perform swinging, pulling up from the knees at the chest, or limit yourself to pulling the knees to the chest without swinging.
Fulfillment: lie on your back, bend your knees and wrap your arms around them, tighten and slightly strain your stomach, make several rolls along your back forward and back. Make sure that the back is rounded and that there are no slaps and hits on the floor. Rolls should go almost along the entire spine. If this does not work, then you can try to roll along the muscles along the spine, then on the right, then on the left. You can reduce the amplitude of the rolls and swing only on the sedentary part of the back. Perform rolls for 30 seconds, then, without straightening your legs, rest and repeat again. Perform a total of 5 rolls with rest between sets.

2. Stretching the deep muscles of the back, directing the knees to the sides and pressing the spine to the floor... Apanasana. Execution: lie on your back, bend your knees, wrap your hands around your shins. Direct the tailbone down and try to press the entire spine to the floor. Fix the position for 2 minutes.

3. Stretching the deep muscles lying on your back with your feet on the wall. Exercise: lie sideways against the wall and gently lower to the floor, raise your legs along the wall. Place your hands behind your head and stretch as shown in the figure below. Press the spine to the floor. Stay in this position for 2 minutes.

yoga stretching exercise against the wall "

4. Stretching the back - Pavanmuktasana. Exercise: lie on your back, bend your right leg at the knees and stretch your forehead to the knee, as shown in the figure below. Fix the position for 1 minute. Then straighten your leg and relax. After relaxation, perform on the other leg.
5. Marjariasana - stretching cat pose. Fulfillment: squat down with an exhalation, direct the chin to the chest and arch the back, the first drawing is below. With a breath, we throw our head back, look at the ceiling and bend in the other direction, the second picture.

Can be done freely within three minutes. Then turns are made to the sides. The head goes in the same direction as the pelvis. Drawings below

6. Stretching the back with pillows. For those who find it difficult to perform rolls and other exercises, especially with a herniated disc, to move the disc away from the spinal canal, an exercise can be performed as shown in the lower figure while lying on pillows. Fulfillment: you need to take two small pillows and put one under the pelvis, the other under the stomach and lie on them.
There are other types of stretching, for example, on the horizontal bar or with the help of ropes, which are quite well developed in Iyengar yoga.

Strengthening the back muscles

In order for the work of the back muscles to be coordinated, to increase the stability of the segments of the spinal column, for the normal flow of water to the discs and nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, the deep muscles of the back must be trained and there must be mobility in the segments of the spine.
If the muscles are developed, then there is not a great chance to make an awkward movement and cause muscle spasm. Trained muscles, as a rule, quickly return to their normal state after contraction. And even if there is a muscle spasm, and it probably is, if there is a problem with the back, then in order for the muscle to relax, in addition to stretching, you can use tension. A short-term tension, with a constant above average effort, is necessary to trigger the relaxation process, and it usually works.

1. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back

Execution: lie on your stomach and stretch out, put your hands along the body, palms down. Make as many lifts of the chest as possible from the floor. Three series of 5 lifts can be performed.

B.K.S. Iyengar, in his description of Shalabhasana, mentions that he helped many who suffered from back pain, precisely using this asana for practice. As an option for back pain, he suggests bending the knees (lower legs perpendicular to the hips) and bringing the knees together.
Exercise: Lie on your stomach, as always before the exercise, pull the spine out of the pelvis, move your arms forward and raise both legs and arms above the floor, drawing below.

Count how many breaths you can take until you feel tired in your back muscles and sink to the floor. It is better to record the number of breaths. You can also use the clock and time the execution. Do not overexert yourself, you need to start small, gradually increasing the exposure time. After resting, repeat the Shalabhasana variations with different hand positions as shown in the pictures below.

After the muscles are strengthened, you can perform all the variations without resting between them. We can confidently say that the one who can freely hold Shalabhasana for two minutes will forget about the problems associated with back pain!
Next, you can add to the complex exercises, which are shown in the figure below.

Exercises are performed on two sides.

3. Virabhadrasana III and Mayurasana. As the pain is soothed to strengthen the muscles of the back, the practice of Virabhadrasana 3 and Mayurasana (a simple version with support on the toes) is turned on. Here you need to approach carefully so as not to reverse muscle spasm and do only when the back is ready.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Slow forward bends with bent legs and a rounded back from a supine position. The abdominal muscles are trained, the enslavement of the spinal segments is removed.

Execution: lie on your back and stretch out, bend your knees and put them slightly wider than the pelvis. Slowly rounding the back and pulling in the stomach, rise and stretch in an incline (the back is rounded, the stomach is pulled in and slightly tense). Rising, you can first press your hands on the floor, helping yourself to get up. Then, along the same trajectory, slowly return to the starting position, drawing below.

Perform without jerking, start with three sets of five times (longitudinal muscle exercise).

2. Exercise to strengthen the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen. Execution: lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head and put your palm on your palm. With an exhalation, rise to your feet, drawing below.

Perform three episodes five times. A more advanced version of this exercise is the starting position, as in the picture below,

as we exhale, raise our bent legs and head, drawing below,

with a breath, we lower our head, and we straighten our legs, but do not lower them, the drawing is below.

We repeat the rapprochement of the head and knees. Perform three series of five sets. For the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, you can modify the exercises by moving diagonally.
3. Exercises to strengthen the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. Exercise: lie on your right side, as shown in the figure below.

Straighten your right hand forward and lean on your left. Raise one leg at a time, in the final position with the legs together.
Hold the starting position for 30 seconds, then relax and perform on the other side.
Once the back pain has been relieved, more advanced asanas such as Lolasana and Navasana variations can be performed.

Slopes and deflections

In case of back pain, to restore the mobility of the segments of the spine, it is imperative to do both bends and deflections of the spine, only with certain restrictions. First, you need to reduce the depth of both slopes and deflections. In the tilt, the vertebrae are displaced and contribute to the movement of the disc towards the spinal canal, which is not desirable in case of a back problem associated with an intervertebral disc. But for the development of segments, removal of puffiness and replenishment with water of the disc, which normally absorbs water, only with constant changes in pressure in the latter, movement is necessary.
At first, it is enough to do inclines from exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles with bent legs. Then you can add slopes with support on the chair (palms rest on the back of the chair, then on the seat, etc. - a reference point for sensation in the back). After getting rid of the pain, you can gently proceed to Paschimottanasana, just do not put pressure on your back!).
From backbends in pain, it is advisable to perform a gentle bend of the back on the pillows. Basketball or tennis ball rolls. You can also use a special roller for the back or yoga probes - a slide for deflections. Next, Ardha Urdhva Dhanurasana is performed, the picture below.

After eliminating pain, you can begin to perform the Dhanurasanu bridge.


Twisting has a beneficial effect on the stretching of the multifidus muscle, interspinous and intertransverse muscles.
The complex of twists "Crocodile" has a powerful healing effect on a sore back. All twists are performed on holding the breath after inhaling with a tucked up stomach. The extra pressure in the abdomen helps the discs to move the collapsed vertebrae apart.
Execution: lie on your back, stretch the spine. Put your left foot on your right and after inhaling, hold your breath. Perform several movements, turning your head and toes in opposite directions, as shown in the figure below.

Then change your feet and do the same.
Perform similarly to the first twist option, placing the heel on the toes, as in the figure below.

Next, perform the same twists, only the feet are slightly wider than the pelvis, the figure below

and finally, knees at the sides, as shown in the figure below.

The exercises are performed in dynamics in both directions.
After improving the condition, you can start performing Parivrita Ardha Chandrasana and Parivrita Trikonasana, if there are any inconveniences, then you can use probes (bricks or a chair).


All exercises should be performed pain-free.

Breathing is even and calm. On the basis of these yoga exercises (although, there are some who write, as they hear - yoga exercises :)), you can build your individual complexes of classes, depending on your condition.
It should be taken into account that the training should include frontal stretching, soft twisting on the sides and asanas to strengthen both the deep muscles of the back and the muscles of the abdomen.

For a more complete understanding of the exercises, you need to get advice from a yoga instructor competent in yoga therapy of the spine.
It should also be added that it is a good idea to use full breath from time to time with the movement of the diaphragm at maximum amplitude.

Good luck in your practice!

Spine function

The spine in our body is, first of all, a frame base on which all other parts of our body are "assembled", as the spine performs a shock-absorbing function - the spine has natural physiological curves: in the neck - lordosis, in the thoracic region - kyphosis, in the lumbar again lordosis and kyphosis in the sacrum. As a result, the muscles, ligaments and discs with the vertebrae form a kind of spring, for example, when walking, when we transfer weight from foot to foot, the spine contracts and unclenches synchronously with steps. As a result, the internal organs and the brain make soft rocking movements. The next function is a protective function, the spine protects the spinal cord, which passes inside the spine, a huge number of nerve endings rush to the spinal cord through which nerve impulses pass to the internal organs, in turn. through the nerve endings, internal organs "contact" with the spinal cord, sending response signals.

The spine is divided into five sections - the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx. The basis of the spine is made up of the vertebrae (porous bone formations), to which the intervertebral discs are attached, or, more precisely, the vertebrae are fastened together by the vertebral discs. It turns out, as it were, a layer cake: vertebra, disc, vertebra, disc, etc.

The basis of the spine is made up of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. The discs with the vertebrae are embedded, as it were, in a stocking made of strong ligamentous tissue. The anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments start from the I-II cervical vertebra and end at the level of the I-II sacral. Ligaments stabilize the spine and prevent excessive movement. Almost every vertebra has three pairs of processes and one unpaired. An unpaired spinous process departs from the arch of the vertebra to the back of the body; these processes can be easily felt with your fingers, moving your palm along the midline of the back. Four articular processes extend from the vertebrae above and below, which connect with the articular processes of the underlying vertebra and the overlying vertebra, forming 4 facet joints. The transverse processes extend along the sides of the vertebra, they serve as guides for movements.
The muscles of the deep muscles are attached to the processes, which help to unbend and twist the spine on the sides. Muscles play an important role in the movement of the spine and in the stabilization of the latter. There is a so-called muscle corset, which, in addition to the deep muscles of the back and neck, includes the superficial muscles of the back and neck and the abdominal muscles.
Closer to the posterior surface of the body, the vertebrae and their arcs form a hole through which the spinal cord passes.

Deep back muscles

There are long deep back muscles and, accordingly, short ones. For us, among the long back muscles, the muscle that straightens the spine m will be of interest. The Erector spinae is a powerful back muscle that runs along the entire spinal column, from the sacrum to the occipital bone, and the multifidus muscle, a muscle located at the back of the spine. With a unilateral contraction, it rotates it, with a bilateral contraction, it straightens it. Strengthening these muscles helps to deal with segment instability and helps stabilize and extend the spine for other common problems. The polypartite muscle allows you to control the inclination of the spine and its extension, realizing the well-coordinated work of the articular surfaces of the facet joints of the vertebrae.

The short deep muscles include the interspinous muscles mm. Interspinales, which are attached in pairs to the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae.
Their function is to straighten the spine and maintain an upright position. Transverse muscles mm. Intertranceversarii are stretched between the transverse processes of two adjacent vertebrae. They serve to twist the spine when bending to the side, straighten the spine and keep it upright.

Abdominal muscles

The deepest of the abdominal muscles is the transverse. Its distinctive feature is that it modulates the work of the back muscles to maintain or implement body movements.

The fibers of the transverse muscle run around the waist like a wide belt and are attached to the lumbar-thoracic fascia, the various layers of which are attached to both the transverse and spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae.
The abdominal muscles allow us to bend forward (rectus muscles) and twist to the sides (oblique and transverse). The trained abdominal muscles counteract the sliding of the vertebrae forward, do not allow the pressure in the abdomen to be discharged, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intervertebral discs. Tightened muscles of the back and abdomen tend to stretch the spine, just as we squeeze a ball on both sides, while the top and bottom of which protrude, thereby lengthening the latter.

The role of the diaphragm

The diaphragm is one of the main respiratory muscles, partially attached to the sides of the lumbar-thoracic fascia. During lower breathing, the diaphragm helps, due to alternating tension and weakening of the thoracic fascia, to change the pressure in the intervertebral discs and tighten the deep muscles of the back. When the pressure in the discs changes, the discs are naturally trained to maintain elasticity and the ability to retain water. Full yogic breathing can be seen as prevention of possible lower back problems and as part of a rehabilitation method for back pain.

When holding the breath after inhaling with a slightly tucked up abdomen, it is possible to achieve stabilization of the lumbar spine from both sides - from the back and from the abdomen. The increased pressure in the abdomen will cause the intervertebral discs to tend to unclench the nearby vertebral bodies.

Back problems in yoga practitioners

This article on yoga therapy of the spine will be interesting both for those who have been practicing yoga for a long time and for novice practitioners, for those who are taking their first steps on this difficult, but noble path. Through negligence, ignorance, or too strong a desire to get an early result, practitioners sometimes abuse the fact that they mercilessly "load" their bodies, causing themselves suffering and injury. The gross mind is oblivious to the signals the body sends in the hope of curbing wrong actions and ending the violence. As a result, knees, lower back, wrists, etc. are injured in those who practice yoga incorrectly. I have to recover from yoga classes.

How to maintain a balance between non-violence to the body, caring for it as a part of the universe, and your desires?
Desires can be completely different from how to learn to sit in the lotus position, keep youth and health to get rid of bad karma, awakening the spirit, etc.
First of all, you need to develop understanding or awareness, the range of distribution of which is not limited and in the final expansion corresponds to Enlightenment. Without the development of awareness, even without understanding the need to develop it, it is very difficult to advance along the noble path, and at each of its segments, certain problems-prompts will occur, the nature of which will be refined, but there will be no cardinal changes in their perception.

The simplest, one might say the first, tips for beginners to practice yoga are problems with the body as a result of incorrect practice. Here you need to immediately understand for yourself, if you started practicing, then you need to devote at least two, and preferably three classes a week to this. There should be a regularity of classes. You should choose a group for yourself according to your level, and not according to a convenient location. Self-study of the ancient texts of Yoga and the works of modern masters will positively affect the standard of living and the nature of the practice. In the classes themselves, you need to maintain presence, be aware of the sensations that are happening at the moment, practice in a collected manner and without distractions. Following this, we can confidently say that you will not have any injuries. Well, at the end of the introduction, it should be noted that the performance of certain asanas, such as, for example, padmasana, chakrasana or hanumanasana, is not a goal to strive for, anticipating that having achieved it, you will get something or something. then you will achieve. You need to practice yoga according to your individual characteristics, not to confuse method and purpose, and develop understanding and awareness.

We can say that the back, and the spine in particular, are one of the main objects in yoga therapy, since they bear the main load, and also the main nerve channels connecting the brain and organs pass through the spine.

Yoga for a sore back is very effective, but the point is that back pain can be of different causes; in some of them, certain movements are not recommended, for example, in scoliosis, you need to be very careful with twisting the spine (in most cases, they are simply prohibited). Therefore, before embarking on self-medication with yoga, be sure to find out the causes of your pain, and what types of physical activity you can.

The most common cause of back pain is poor posture and weak muscles, resulting in sprains or even dislocations of the vertebrae. Sometimes the pain comes from old injuries or from strong or prolonged ones - yoga can help here too.

It is more and more difficult with scoliosis and a herniated disc - before doing it, you must definitely consult a doctor to avoid it.

Yoga Against Back Pain - Important Notes

Before we move on to yoga poses that can help relieve or relieve back pain, here are some tips.

  • Breathe deeply, but without straining, trying to harmoniously combine movement with breathing. When reaching the final position of the pose, you must also continue to breathe deeply and freely, unless otherwise instructed.
  • Take your time when doing yoga poses; it’s not even a matter of avoiding injuries (but this is also, of course!) - just with a more measured performance of poses, you can “immerse yourself” in the process more, and get more effect and benefit. In addition, most yoga poses in their final phase just involve holding, combined with relaxation and deep breathing for maximum effect.
  • Be careful in your practice. Our consciousness plays a huge role in yoga practice - because sometimes the effectiveness of the practice can be increased up to 50% due to calm concentration on the process.
  • Regularity is also very important when practicing yoga, whether it is a common practice or a therapeutic one, i.e. medicinal. Regularity allows our body to begin to rebuild in the direction we need (in this case, towards improving the condition of the back until it is completely healed, if possible). The ideal option is to do yoga every day; if for some reason this is not possible, do it every other day or three times a week. Larger spacing will have much less effect.
  • If you feel severe fatigue or pain, slowly stop the practice.
  • Do not force yoga. Of course, if you just don't feel like it, this is not a reason to shirk from classes; by the phrase "through force" I mean practice, when you already feel exhaustion, but are trying to complete the planned number of asanas; or when you still cannot take the final form of a particular pose, but are too tense to do it. Take your time, everything will come in due time.


1. Padahastasana or forward bend.

This is the first pose that I usually always recommend. Note that for some serious diseases of the spine, forward bends are prohibited!

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and parallel to each other. Inhale - exhale and gently lean forward. If you can, touch the floor with your hands or grab your ankles. But do not overstrain - the main thing here is to try to relax. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.

2. Gomukhasana or "cow face"

Sit on the floor with your feet forward; bend one knee and pull your leg towards you, bend the other leg and place it on top of the first. Correct the position of your legs to be comfortable. It turns out that you are sitting between your heels. Now, spread your arms out to the sides and bend them, placing one hand on top of your back, the other on the bottom of your back. Try to keep your hands together behind your back. In the final position, breathe normally, trying to straighten your chest and shoulders; do not strain. Do the exercise again - symmetrically, placing the "lower" arms and legs up.

3. Setu asana or bridge posture with support

The pose helps to gently arch the back, open the chest. Lie on your back, bend your knees and move towards your hips. Knees are directed towards the ceiling. Raise your hips and lower torso to a comfortable height. If you find it difficult to stay in this position only due to the muscles, substitute a yoga block under the pelvic bones. Stay in the pose for a time that is convenient for you.

4. Halasana or plow pose

This pose is very effective, but can be difficult to master at first. Lie on your back with your arms along your torso. Inhale, exhale, and bring your knees to your stomach (legs bent). Next, gradually raise your pelvis, straighten your legs, and place them behind your head. In the final position, remain as long as it is comfortable, breathing is free. With an exhalation, return to the "knees at the abdomen" position, then slowly straighten your legs, and lie down for a couple of minutes, relaxing.

Simple twist - lie on your back, then bend one leg at the knee, pull to the stomach and place on the floor in the opposite direction (if the left leg is bent, then to the right; turn the head to the left). Stay in this position, breathing freely, as long as you feel comfortable.

Sit with your feet forward. Place a support (yoga block or pillow) at the back. Another head support will be needed. Lean back carefully so that the central and thoracic spine rests on the support; also place your head on the stand. Spread your arms to the sides, relax. Perform for about 3-5 minutes, or as long as convenient.

Quite a simple pose: lie on your back, bend one leg, and place your foot next to your thigh. Bend the other leg and place it on top of the bent one. You push your hand through the hole under the knee of the leg, which is on top, grab the leg that is on the floor, and smoothly pull it towards you. The upper leg slides inward a bit, increasing the stretch. Change your legs. After finishing, return to the supine position.

Lying on your back, bend one leg and pull it as close to you as possible - help yourself with your hands. Hold in the end position, feeling a stretch in the lumbar spine and hip, then lower your leg and do the same with the other leg.

Lying on your back, lift one leg to a perpendicular position relative to the floor, if possible (try to keep it as straight as you can), then lower it to the opposite side, being careful not to bend at the knee. Reach it with your hand, and try to grab the ankle or foot. Lie down as long as it is comfortable, breathe freely. Repeat on the other side.

Here's a simple yet effective yoga for back pain. Take your time, but exercise regularly, always on an empty stomach. Gradually, you will be able to get rid of back pain - how much, it will depend on you, on your determination and patience. Good luck!

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