Curl of the arms with a barbell while standing biceps. The Most Powerful Biceps Exercise

    Lifting the bar for biceps reverse grip- An exercise commonly used to increase muscle mass in the arms. It gives a very good visual effect, thanks to it the musculature of the arms looks more voluminous, more prominent and more massive. Anatomically, the movement is similar to performing "hammers" with dumbbells, but for many athletes it is much more convenient, since it reduces the load on the elbow joints at the lowest point of the amplitude. Due to its effectiveness and anatomical convenience, this exercise has gained well-deserved popularity in CrossFit, bodybuilding and fitness.

    What muscles work?

    Despite the fact that the exercise is firmly entrenched in the well-known name of lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip, in contrast to the classic lifting of the bar for biceps, the load on this muscle is much less here. Of course, the biceps work when lifting the bar in this way, but the lion's share of the work falls on the brachialis, the brachyradialis muscles of the forearms. The front beams act as stabilizers deltoid muscles and flexors of the wrist.

    The benefits of doing the exercise

    To make it easier for you to decide. it is worth including this exercise in your training process, we will give several main reasons in which the benefits of performing a reverse grip barbell lift are most visible.

    • By doing this exercise technically correct, you will significantly increase muscle mass hands. As we already mentioned, the load on the biceps is much less here, and the lion's share of the load falls on the brachialis and muscles of the forearms. A well-developed brachialis visually "pushes" the biceps outward, making the arm larger and increasing the peak of the biceps.
    • Trained forearms improve grip and help us hold the bar in a static stationary position, such as when doing deadlifts or bent over rows.
    • You should also take into account the fact that the muscles of the arms are very fond of variety in training process... If you don't change your training program, then, most likely, very soon you will stop noticing progress in increasing mass and strength. Reverse grip biceps curls help to cope well with such stagnation. Accustomed to monotonous work in the same plane, the biceps and forearms will receive a lot of stress, and in the long term this can lead to serious progress. Of course, provided that you correctly distribute the load, eat right and recover.

    We recommend that you perform a reverse grip barbell lift for biceps every 2-3 workouts in order to regularly "shock" the muscles. It is better to do this at the end of arm training - so you can "finish off" already tired biceps and a positive result will not keep you waiting.

    Contraindications for athletes

    However, not all athletes can benefit from standing back grip biceps. And there are reasons for that. There are a number of contraindications to this exercise. First of all, these are lateral and medial epicondylitis and degenerative damage to the elbow joints, ligaments and tendons. If you are experiencing these or similar problems, performing a reverse grip barbell lift will be accompanied by severe pain, even no warming and pain relieving ointments will help. "Hammers" with dumbbells for such ailments are also not recommended.

    You do not need to endure this pain, it is better to replace this exercise with something else, for example, lifting the biceps on the lower block with rope handle... These exercises are similar in biomechanics, but moderately vigorous rope grip work should relieve you of the pain in your elbows and forearms during the exercise.

    Exercise technique

  1. Pick up the barbell from the floor or racks. Barbell weight should be moderate. The main thing in this exercise is not the pounds lifted, but the concentration on the working muscles and the constant feeling of their tension. You can use any neck: straight, EZ-shaped, or W-shaped.
  2. Squeeze the bar tightly at about shoulder-width apart using a closed grip. Press your elbows to the body. The hand should be slightly bent upwards, while the knuckles should be turned towards you.
  3. Smoothly lift the bar to your chest, concentrating on the contracting muscles and without changing the position of the elbows - they remain pressed against the body. Spreading your elbows to the sides or pulling forward is traumatic. The ascent should be accompanied by an exhalation. At the top, the corner is elbow joint should slightly exceed the 90 degree mark.
  4. Smoothly lower the barbell down, inhaling and feeling our biceps and forearms stretch. It is not necessary to lower the barbell all the way down and make a full stop. It is better to work without pauses so that the load in the muscles is constant. This will make the blood circulation much stronger, and you can achieve a good pumping, even working with small weights.

Below is a video of lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip, in which the technique of performing the exercise is very clearly demonstrated.

Technical subtleties of the exercise

  1. Do not forget about the warm-up and increasing the working weights according to the pyramid principle. Do the first set with an empty bar to get used to the movement and "catch" the contraction we need. muscle groups... And only then begin to gradually increase the weight of the projectile.
  2. Work in a high rep range of 10 or more. The biceps and forearms respond best to medium weights and long periods of stress, power records we are not interested here.
  3. Use a closed grip. Many athletes use an open grip, leaving thumb over the fretboard. Such a variation takes place, but it should be understood that with it you will have to concentrate more on not dropping the barbell from your hands, and not on working out the muscles.
  4. If you experience discomfort in your hands when lifting, then your grip strength is not yet developed enough. Reduce the weight of the barbell in this exercise and be sure to do static exercises grip strength (various holdings, hanging from a bar, hanging from a towel) to increase the strength of your wrists.
  5. The negative phase in hand training is extremely important. Lower the barbell slowly and smoothly, do not make any sudden movements.

Use on every new workout neck of a different shape so you can work out all muscle fibers avoiding the state of overtraining.

Guys love to swing their biceps, because a big hand can be seen from afar, unlike the legs, which are hidden in pants. True, pumping this largest hand is problematic due to four commonplace reasons:

  • emphasis on only one biceps without work on triceps;
  • lack of muscle relief.
  • I'll start at the end. Even if the arm is 50+ cm in girth, but it looks like a fat stick of boiled sausage, there will be no such effect as from a dry, embossed biceps, even if its volume is 3-7 cm less. Want to achieve a cool effect -.

    Also remember that the biceps are only one third of the arm. Another two-thirds are triceps. A really massive limb can be made only by actively training both of these muscle groups.

    As for the load, that is, there is both the problem of a lame technique for performing exercises, and a lack of understanding of the fact that the arms are well loaded in all pulling and pressing movements.

    A person trains biceps this way and that, with different grips, with different widths of the arms, with a barbell and with dumbbells, with an emphasis on the elbows and without it, but he, a bastard, does not grow. But if you observe such a person from the side, you will see how he bends with his whole body, throwing a too heavy barbell up when lifting to biceps and dropping it back.

    Similarly, with dumbbells - a jerk with the whole body, the projectile flew up by inertia, then they just drop it back and where is the work of the biceps? There is no her. It is called " pump your ego", But seriously, the banal lack of technique for performing the exercise.

    The selection of exercises within the microcycle matters

    There are times when everything is ok with the technique, but by selecting a separate workout on the hands, or even separately training biceps and triceps, a person simply overloads these small muscles... Let's say he trained his back and chest in one workout, and a day later he bombed his arms. But after all, they have already worked well in all pulling and pushing exercises, especially if a person has reached significant working weights, comparable to his own body weight. This is an unreasonable compilation of a microcycle.

    It makes sense to either insert the day of the legs between the back workout with the chest and arms, or change the exercises in the split. For example, after training the chest, add 1-2 triceps exercises to finish it off after working on bench exercises. Likewise with back training, during which the biceps work well. 1-2 exercises will be enough to shake it well at the end. That is, the program is drawn up with an emphasis on the work of the assistant muscles (triceps also works in the bench press, in the pull of the block to the stomach and chest - biceps).

    The second option for breaking down workouts is to focus on unrelated muscle groups in order to work them out to the maximum. Again, we take a large muscle group and a small one. In our case, this will be a separate training for the chest and biceps (first, chest 2-4 exercises, since the larger and energy-consuming group, then the biceps - a couple of exercises) and a separate back and triceps. Deltas can be trained with legs.

    What's better? To each his own, try different variants by spending at least 6-8 weeks on each training program to draw a conclusion.

    I personally prefer to load the muscles independently, which actually allows you to train your arms a couple of times a week, subject to 3-time training in a microcycle. During the workout of the back, the biceps worked as an assistant, and then I also thoroughly pumped it along with the pectorals on a separate day. Likewise with triceps. Let me remind you that for effective specialization in a particular muscle group, you need to train it at least twice a week, as mentioned in.

    Well, we figured out the cycling of the load, now let's move on directly to the most effective exercises.

    Five Powerful Bazooka Hand Forming Exercises

    Below are the most effective exercises for training hands, according to the author, but this is not the ultimate truth. Each has its own levers, muscle attachments and dominant groups, respectively, what works well on one does not necessarily work on another. But there is also such a thing as anatomy and biomechanics of movements, research and experience. Based on all this, I selected exercises.

    So, the biceps has only two attachment points and in any case it is fully and completely involved in traction movements and when bending the arms. Accordingly, the grip width does not matter. Just pick the neck that's comfortable for you, like the EZ neck or the classic straight neck. The only exception is the position of the Hammer-type brushes. In this case, the brachialis is already working.

    Accordingly, why invent a bicycle when the good old is enough for the effective development of arms ...

    ... Lifting the bar for biceps

    This is a classic. For beginners, when working in FullBody mode, only this exercise will be enough for 3-4 months to train the bituha. I described the main nuances above, and you can see them in the video below:

    Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting on an inclined bench

    Another very effective exercise for training biceps. Moreover, according to my observations, it loads more efficiently biceps arms than the classic standing dumbbell lift with supination. In principle, a couple of these exercises are enough for the qualitative development of the biceps.

    But there is one more basic and considered the most effective exercise. It…

    ... Reverse Grip Biceps Pulls

    It involves several joints at once, in contrast to the movements described above (only the elbow joint works). There are a minimum of features here - use a narrow reverse grip and try to keep the main movement in the elbow joint, excluding the back muscles. Sometimes you can pull up with a narrow, straight grip for development. shoulder muscle(brachialis), which is located under the biceps and when it is developed, it kind of pushes the biceps out, making it more effective.

    As an additional alternative exercise, I can recommend the biceps barbell curl at Scott's bench. The options for working in the block are, in fact, similar to those with a barbell or dumbbells.

    Moving on to the triceps. In the past, I did a bunch of all kinds of extensions in blocks with different handles and grips, with dumbbells, and so on, but only two exercises turned out to be the most effective for the development of the triceps muscles. First…

    ... Bench press narrow grip

    A basic exercise involving all three triceps heads. Of the important features, I will highlight:

    • grip width - at shoulder level or slightly wider so that the hands do not bend inward;
    • the location of the bar is at the base of the palm;
    • the trajectory of movement is to the lower part of the chest and it is not worth lowering the barbell until it touches, as soon as the hands are level with the body - we raise the projectile back, without bringing 10-15 cm down.
    • elbows parallel to the body, in the upper position we extend our arms completely.

    French press

    A slightly more isolated movement, in which it is important to fix the elbows in one position and not spread them apart.

    If the exercise does not suit you (I have come across this in practice - some people cannot fix their elbows without spreading them to the sides, or they feel acute pain in them), you can replace them with the extension of the arms in the block:

    Secret secrets

    The main secret in effective training of arms, and indeed of any other parts of the body, is a systematic increase in the load from training to training. Read more about this in this article:

    The second secret is you want big hands, train your legs. At least when it comes to natural training. The legs are the largest muscle group, the training of which gives the greatest release of anabolic hormones, which in turn has a positive effect on the growth of all muscles, including the arms. Research on the topic is described.

    Today it is not necessary to say that the biceps is the most popular muscle, because even those who are far from fitness, bodybuilding, bodybuilding and other types know about it sports activities... In fact, the biceps muscle, more precisely, its size, is of great importance not only for the athlete, but also for men in general, because this is a clear indicator physical strength and power. There are many ways to train biceps, but really effective exercise is bending the arms using a barbell while standing.

    Anatomical reference

    Before doing barbell curls, it is important to become familiar with the target muscles of the exercise. This information gives an idea of ​​in which part of the body the load from the barbell should be felt as much as possible and where, according to standards, it affects secondarily. The end result of the flexion, the effectiveness of the exercise and the productivity of training depend on this.

    So, the main muscle involved in flexion is the biceps (the muscle structure of the short and long heads). Secondary, and therefore less active, is the brachioradialis muscle, main function which is the flexion of the forearm. Stabilizing muscles include: deltas, pectoralis major, dentate, rhombs, muscles of the lower back and wrists.

    When performing the exercise, you can use a variety of sports equipment: bar, EZ bar, barbell. In fact, the neck is an element of the bar - its base, on which discs of various weights are fixed. Most often, beginners and athletes who are contraindicated with the bar work heavy weights... Bars with a lot of weight can be used as the main equipment for lifting, squatting, and deadlift. Externally, the neck is a long and straight metal rod with thread for discs. Among the varieties of the projectile, you can distinguish the curved EZ-bar, which is also suitable for training the biceps. It differs from the classic neck in its wave-like shape, which allows to reduce stress on the back and wrists during use. heavy weights... The EZ neck also features a thread for training discs.

    Straight and curved (EZ) bar with training disc threads and disc locks

    Taken together, the bar and discs represent a completely different equipment - a barbell, which also comes in several varieties: Olympic (20 kg, diameter 28 mm), for powerlifting (20 kg, diameter 29 mm), standard (from 10 to 20 kg, diameter 25 mm). As a rule, in the exercise for the biceps, a large number of discs are not used; the barbell is loaded in accordance with its weight. The bar at the bar can be either straight or curved. The discs are attached to the neck using threaded locks.

    Varieties of inventory

    The barbell design allows you to use a variety of weights in your workouts. After the bar, to develop the strength and volume of the biceps, athletes move on to a more complex level of training, where the barbell becomes the main working equipment.

    Technique for doing curls with a barbell or bar while standing

    In practice, you can find several options for performing the exercise, among which the most common are bending of the arms with straight, reverse, narrow and wide grip... Each option involves training the biceps with the inclusion or isolation of additional muscle groups. The main difference between the types of lifts is the location of the arms and hands.

    Curl of the arms with a barbell with a forward and reverse grip

    The direct grip (aka the bottom grip) is the classic version of the exercise. Such a grip allows you to work with large weights, raise the bar higher, and make bending easier. The technique for performing the exercise of curling the arms with a barbell from the bottom is as follows:

    1. Set the weight on the bar (or use only the bar).
    2. Take the barbell in your hands so that the fingers of the hands are facing in your direction.
    3. Begin to bend your elbows, lifting the barbell towards your chest.
    4. Do not pull your elbows to the sides, keep them static.
    5. After passing the highest point, slowly lower the barbell, taking the starting position.

    Sets and reps: 3 x 15 reps.

    Correct technique for performing straight-grip barbell curls

    Video instructions for performing the exercise, thematic recommendations:

    Holding the bar with a reverse grip is more difficult, however, when performing this version of flexion, not only the biceps, but also the muscles of the forearms are actively involved in the work. Thus, the exercise allows you to simultaneously work out several muscle groups at once, which is an advantage over classic barbell lifts. The disadvantage of this flexion option is the inability to use large weights.

    Execution technique:

    1. Select the appropriate equipment (barbell, straight or curved neck), set the working weight.
    2. Hold the bar in your hands with the fingers pointing away from you.
    3. Press your elbows against your body, straighten your shoulders and begin to lift the barbell towards your chest, bending your arms at the elbow joint.
    4. Try to keep your hands static to avoid injury while pulling.
    5. After reaching the highest point, slowly lower the barbell.

    Number of approaches: 3-4.

    Number of repetitions: 12-15.

    Reverse Grip Barbell Curls

    Correct hand placement when doing disc bar lifts

    Curl of the arms with a barbell with a narrow and wide grip

    The shoulder-width option is the most simplistic, but not the most popular. Most often, they use a wide or narrow setting of the hands on the bar. The purpose of the narrow grip is to effectively target the long head of the bicep. The purpose of the wide grip is to emphasize the load on the short muscular head of the biceps. In accordance with which part of the biceps you need to work out, one or another arrangement of the brushes is chosen.

    1. The execution technique for both cases is typical, the main difference is the grip:
    2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, this stance will allow you to maintain balance throughout the exercise.
    3. Get a barbell with discs installed (if you are a beginner, use a regular bar without weights).
    4. Place your hands either close to each other or at a large, but comfortable distance.
    5. Start lifting the bar up, bending your elbows.
    6. Do not swing your body, keep your elbows and shoulders static.
    7. After passing the highest point, lower the bar to its original position.

    The number of approaches and repetitions: 3 × 15, 4 × 15 - depending on the level of physical fitness.

    Options for performing an exercise for the development of the biceps muscle: broad and narrow setting hands

    Video instruction for the technique of performing the exercise with different positions of the hands

    You can achieve the perfect technique in pumping biceps quickly by following the recommendations for performing the exercise:

    • To increase the volume of the biceps muscle, use mainly the bottom grip.
    • Use an overhead grip to develop your forearm muscles, but remember that this will train your biceps less.
    • The whole body when performing curls with an ez-bar should be static, exclude swaying, wobbling, and bending.
    • Even if you are a professional or seasoned hobbyist, start with low weights.
    • Choose the placement of your hands based on your main goal.
    • For perfect workout biceps periodically change the straight bar to the curved one and vice versa.

    Thus, standing barbell curl is one of the basic elements in biceps training. The result of the exercise is an increase in the volume of biceps, an increase in the strength and endurance of the athlete. The considered nuances and features will help you in choosing correct technique execution of bar lifts. For effective training alternate between different variations of the grip and position of the hands, increase the weight of the weights gradually, try to work with different sports equipment... A variety of flexion methods will not allow the muscles to adapt to the same load; changing techniques will contribute to their active development and strengthening.

    Standing biceps curls are the main exercise for developing strength and volume in the flexors of the arms. In terms of its effectiveness in terms of working out the arms, it can be compared to the bench press for the pectoral muscles.

    About the volume of the biceps

    Agree, pumped up biceps looks much better than its absence. The shape and size of the biceps muscle is determined by many factors: genetics, physical activity, additional strength loads.

    With the help of training, we can remove fat from the surface of the hand, thereby exposing the muscle itself. We can also increase its volume through correctly performed exercises and create more relief.

    As their name suggests, the flexors of the arms provide movements aimed at flexing the arm at the elbow. Another function of the biceps muscles is to antagonize the triceps. The triceps and biceps are in a kind of balance with each other, so that the hands do not twitch due to minor jolts back and forth.

    In the formation of arm volume, biceps does not play a primary role. For the most part, this is the merit of the triceps (it is he who creates 70% of the volume of the arm). Therefore, you should pay enough attention to both muscles. Swing your biceps 1-2 times a week, and in no case forget about triceps (do bench press, bench press, sitting, angle and other exercises for them). Forgetting flexor pumping and doing one bench press is also not an option.

    Now let's find out how to pump up your biceps with a barbell.

    Technique and exercise options

    Bicep curls are usually done while standing. And here it is not even a matter of efficiency. The fact is that lifting the bar for biceps while sitting with a narrow or any other grip is not a very convenient solution. And it is preferable only for work on Scott's bench. This is not a bench press that is done from any position.

    Direct grip

    A barbell biceps exercise can be performed in several grip options: straight and reverse, wide and narrow.

    The direct grip is aimed at developing not only the biceps, but also the muscles of the forearm (a narrow grip is not used in this case). If you've ever tried this grip, remember that the weights on the bar were less than when using the reverse grip.

    Bending the arms with a barbell while standing is correctly done as follows:

    1. You can install the bar on the barbell racks by lowering them as far as possible, you can put it on horizontal bench... It will be inconvenient to pick it up from the floor and lower it there between sets.
    2. In theory, you can do an EZ barbell lift for biceps, but in this case it is better to take a straight bar. In general, it is believed that the curved bar is less traumatic for the flexors of the arms, but this is more true for the reverse narrow grip. So, take the bar and get ready for the warm-up approach.
    3. It is very important to accept correct posture: feet shoulder-width apart, elbows pressed to the body, shoulders are straightened, and the pelvis is laid back. For better support and elimination of unnecessary movements, we recommend standing with your back to the wall, or even better, to the Smith machine frame.
    4. If you stand up correctly, the supports will touch: the back of the head, shoulder blades and pelvis. Do not forget about the chest - it is bent forward.
    5. We take the bar with a straight grip at the natural shoulder width (that is, the arms are parallel to each other).
    6. Trying not to bend the wrists, lift the barbell with the force of the biceps to the maximum possible height (to the chest).
    7. We do 10-15 warm-up reps. If you have a 20kg Olympic bar, it may be too heavy for you. If you are a beginner, do not look at others, do not envy the number of pancakes on their bar. Time and patience will lead you to a similar result.

    If you decide to do the exercise without support, firmly fix your body, press your elbows against it. During the ascent, you should not make any swinging movements. Only the arms work, everything else, including the "toss" of the bar to the chest with the help of pelvic oscillations - cheating and an unjustified risk of injury to the lower back.

    At the same time, the elbows do not need to be pulled back. They are positioned so that the shoulder is oriented straight down towards the floor.

    Reverse grip

    Bending the arms with a barbell while standing is most often done with a reverse grip. This is because with inside the forearm muscles are stronger than the outside. This means that you can lift more weight with such a grip, plus it can be raised even higher than with a straight grip.

    You can take a barbell with a narrow grip, or you can take a middle one, placing your hands shoulder-width apart so that they are parallel to each other. Lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip to the chest will, accordingly, better develop biceps.

    Bending the arms with a barbell in a standing reverse grip is performed as follows:

    1. Find support. In this case, it is advisable to stand leaning against power frame, Smith, wall or wide pillar.
    2. Take a straight or curved bar with a reverse grip. When you press the weight against your legs, your palms will be facing your legs with the backs.
    3. Medium grip for a straight neck, or narrow for an EZ neck.
    4. With the force of the biceps, without moving the elbows back and forth, we lift the weight to the chest. Then you can use the shoulder muscles to raise the bar even higher up to the neck. Many coaches say that lifting the barbell is enough not only to the chest, but to an acute angle at the elbow. That is, the forearms are not brought to an upright position.
    5. We hold the barbell in the upper position for 1 second.
    6. We lower the weight to the starting position, repeat the warm-up 10-15 times, if this is the first biceps exercise for today (by the way, it is correct if it comes first).
    7. We set the working weight and do 3 sets of 8 times to failure, or 10-12 times to maintain muscle tone with low weight.

    Major mistakes


    You can regularly see beginners doing a reverse grip barbell lift (or any standing barbell lift) in fast pace... This is ineffective and dangerous. In this style, you distort the technique, the speed makes it difficult to do the exercise correctly.

    You can damage the biceps tendon. You can also rip your back, as with fast performance, the load will imperceptibly go to the lower back (for example, to extinguish inertia when lowering the weight).

    Do a reverse grip barbell curl or any bicep curl smoothly and correctly. To be more specific, here is the optimal frequency of execution: 2 repetitions in 3-4 seconds.


    When a person takes too heavy weight, it does not matter, with a narrow or wide grip, he throws it up with the help of movements of the legs, pelvis, body. Then, at the top point, he intercepts it with the muscles of the arms and lowers it back. As a rule, the weight simply falls back to the starting position, since the practitioner does not have enough strength to make the movement smoothly.

    The moment you catch the bar with your biceps, you can damage them. Whenever you lift the weight with body movements each time, you run the risk of tearing your lower back. Instead of wasting energy on a specific exercise, the body is sprayed on everything except the biceps training itself.

    Therefore, cheating will not lead to a result in terms of muscle growth. Perhaps a one-time lift will be performed with an impressive weight. But you have a different purpose of visiting gym? Your actions should be consistent with your goals. Let's do the exercise in strict accordance with his technique.

    Grip problems

    When the biceps have enough strength to handle the weight of your choice, but the wrist does not, problems begin. The wrists cannot keep a straight line between the elbow and the fist. The arm begins to bend and the bar hangs.

    The reverse grip lifting of the bar for biceps solves this problem, but with the direct grip it is more difficult. If this happens, give up the direct grip, try bending your arms with a barbell in a standing reverse grip.

    Additionally, practice exercises that develop exactly the strength of the grip.


    Both the bench press and the lifting of the weight are almost always done with the same breathing - the effort (lifting) to exhale, to inhale - the weight returns to the starting point.

    Video Standing Barbell Lifting for Women

    Parsing the exercise

    Anatomy of Exercise: Which Muscles Are Working?

    The reverse grip barbell curl is the most famous single-joint exercise used in bodybuilding to effectively train the biceps muscles, increase their strength and volume.

    In the classic version this exercise a greater load falls on the lateral or internal head of the muscle, but the degree of its involvement can be reduced in favor of the medial bundle if the technique of the basic movement is adjusted, for example, taking the barbell with a narrow grip or practicing abducting the elbows back.

    In addition to the target muscle, the following are involved in the work:

    Preparation for execution

    If the biceps training follows immediately after the back training, it is enough to perform 1 "preparatory" approach of the exercise with light weight, and then proceed to the main block of work, since in this case the biceps muscle is already sufficiently warmed up.

    In the event that arm training is withdrawn on a separate day, before performing the main approaches of the exercise, it is recommended to stretch the biceps well and perform 2-3 warm-up sets of lifts.

    Correct execution

    1. At the top, the hands should be in line with the elbows. The deviation of the hand from the vertical projection relieves the load from the biceps and transfers it to the forearms.
    2. Bringing the bar to the top position is carried out by the force of the biceps muscles. The only exception can be finishing repetitions in the last heavy sets, when cheating is deliberately used (the rule is true for experienced athletes). For beginners, it is necessary to lift the barbell to the biceps cleanly, keeping the body and legs motionless, making the movements smoothly and under control.
    3. Compliance with the breathing technique involves inhaling in the negative section of the amplitude and exhaling at the time of bending the arms.
    4. In order for the load to fall exclusively on the biceps muscles, it is important to avoid over-extending the elbows forward when lifting the bar. Technically, the elbows should be on the sides of the body and remain fixed during all phases of the movement. Otherwise, the "peak" biceps tension will not be achieved due to the involvement of the shoulders in the work.
    5. After lifting the bar, it is necessary to linger at the top point, straining the biceps with a conscious effort.
    6. The use of excessively large weights reduces the total load on the biceps muscle, since to overcome them at the top point of the amplitude, the assisting muscles are forced into work.
    7. When the body is pulled back, the spinal muscles are connected to lifting the weight, and this is not only counterproductive for targeted pumping of the biceps, but also traumatic for the lower back. For beginners, to make it easier to control this moment and completely isolate the biceps, it is recommended to perform a curl with a barbell while standing against a wall.
    8. The movement should occur only in the elbow joint (do not forget that this is a single-joint exercise), therefore lifting / turning of the shoulders must be excluded. This not only lowers the effectiveness of the impact on the biceps, but also threatens injury to the thoracic spine.


    1. "Blockage" of the hand with the neck in the direction of the body.

    2. Swinging and inertial "throwing" of the projectile.

    3. Lack of control over breathing technique.

    4. Strong extension of the elbows forward at the moment of lifting the projectile.

    5. Lack of voltage at the final upper point of the amplitude.

    6. Using large weights.

    7. Deviation of the body back.

    8. Raising the shoulders or pulling them back.

    Most experienced athletes prefer to use the classic straight bar for the exercise. Although physiologically a straight bar is considered less comfortable than a curved bar, nevertheless it allows:

    Inclusion in the program

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