The most effective single combat. The most dangerous martial arts in the world (10 photos)

The ability to defend plays important role in the history of every nation. Under the influence of natural, historical and cultural factors, many tactics of hand-to-hand combat were created and developed, each of which absorbed elements of the ethnic group of its country. Ways to hit the enemy and inflict pain became more effective, and over the centuries the usual fight with stones and sticks has become a real martial art.

We bring to your attention the 10 most dangerous martial arts in the world, each of which went beyond the country of origin and became popular in many parts of the world.

10. Jiu-jitsu

This is a very effective and tough way of fighting, which appeared during street fights, and is now included in the list of sports disciplines.

9. Kazukenbo

This is an explosive mixture of boxing and karate. It arose in the first half of the twentieth century in Hawaii, as a street wrestling. The aborigines thus defended themselves from the sailors and bandit groups who had arrived.

8. Capoeira

This method of fighting, included in the 10 most dangerous martial arts in the world, originated in Brazil during the time of slaves and their owners. Fugitive slaves defended themselves in this way from soldiers and slave traders. The fighting technique was so skillful that capoeira was legally banned. But the Brazilian blacks did not want to part with her, and this struggle continues to this day in the form of a dance with combat elements.

7. Sambo

This type of struggle arose in the 20s of the twentieth century in the ranks of the Red Army, as self-defense without the use of improvised means. Sambo is a universal wrestling in which you can use not only arms and legs, but also elbows, knees, throws, jumps and choke holds.

6. Bojuka

Bojuka is also one of the ten most dangerous fighting techniques in the world, since its use is aimed at a swift victory over a real enemy, and there are no specific rules and prohibitions in this martial art. It arose at the end of the last century and is actively used in the training of bodyguards.

5. Jeet Kune Do

Its creator is the legendary Bruce Lee. This is a mix of many combat techniques, aimed at maximum damage to the enemy in a minimum of time. In this way, Bruce Lee transformed pompous Chinese fighting techniques into effective street fighting.

4. Combat technique of the GRU special forces

It is used by special forces soldiers. There are no analogues of Russian martial art in any country in the world, therefore it is considered one of the most dangerous.

3. Muay Thai

This technique is certainly worthy of entering the top of the most brutal martial arts in the world. Everything is used in it: feet, knees, elbows, head.

2. Aikido

Perhaps each of us has heard about this martial art. But not everyone can skillfully master it, because aikido implies the ability to control human and earthly energy, redirect it in the right direction and fight without aggression and anger. To become a true professional in aikido, you need to learn the most ancient Eastern teachings and become spiritually enlightened, what at first glance is done very easily is achieved by incredible physical and spiritual efforts. In the arsenal of a professional, Aikido becomes the most dangerous weapon.

1. Bocator

This name translates as "fight with the lion." Originally from Southeast Asia, this fight owes its origin to observant men who copy the habits of animals during battle. Bocator, among other "animals" of the martial arts, is considered the most dangerous, since, like Muay Thai, there are practically no prohibited techniques in it.

It is still not clear which martial art is best for self-defense? Fencing? Well, walking around the doorways with a dull sword is not a good idea. Any outlandish martial art that is spoken about all over the world? Skills street fight is also not always enough, because the hooligans who decide to clean out your pockets, most likely, own them as well as you. So it is very difficult to say right away, probably everyone has their own opinion, for someone and boxing is enough. Therefore, it makes no sense to extol one martial art over others, instead we offer 7 highly effective martial arts ideal for self-defense. Highly short review and the right to choose at your own discretion.


Country of origin: Japan
Also Known As: jujju
Nickname:"The art of softness"
Famous fighters: Ice-T

Jiu-jitsu history

Many of the modern and popular styles martial arts, including judo, aikido and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, originate from classic Japanese jiu-jitsu.
By by and large, without jiu-jitsu, the fair of modern massacre would not be as we know it in its current form. It may seem to someone that the Jiu-Jitsu Federation paid us extra, but in fact, many martial arts would lose their effectiveness.

So, jiu-jitsu, or as they say in Japan, jujutsu was one of the fundamental methods of samurai combat training. Well, of course, when it comes to Japan, then the case, in one way or another, is connected with samurai, or with technology, or with geisha, or with very bad porn.

As you know, a samurai's equipment made him a killing machine, but in battle anything can happen, and in frequent cases, when a warrior was left without a sword, dagger and bow, he had to fight with the last weapon that he had left - with his hands and feet, and more often everything, against an armed enemy.
The literal translation of "jujutsu" can be confusing. The Art of Softness ... are you serious !? Powerful and effective techniques, invented in order, if not to kill, then simply to lay down the enemy with his bare hands, least of all give off softness.

Why is jiu-jitsu one of the best martial arts?

Jiu-jitsu is one of the most effective martial arts in the world because it uses the attacker's aggressiveness and impulse against himself. In fact, this is the art of counterattacking, self-defense in its purest form. For a shackled and orderly tired samurai, there was no point in throwing himself on the edge of a spear or sword, it was easier for him to kill the enemy with his own energy. In addition, hitting armor with your hands and feet is not entirely effective, but dodging, intercepting the blow and planting the enemy on his own weapon is quite useful.

The basic principle of jiu-jitsu is “not to go into direct confrontation in order to win”, not to resist, but to yield to the onslaught of the enemy, only directing his actions in the right direction until he is trapped, and then turn the strength and actions of the enemy against himself.

Jiu-jitsu fighting techniques are based on knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and psychophysiology, as well as on filigree technique, brought to automatism and nuances of strategy and tactics of conducting a duel. There is no place for all kinds of dance "pas" and techniques in the style of "cinema". The task is one: to destroy your enemy or enemies as quickly as possible, using any methods in your arsenal.


Country of origin: Korea
Also Known As: Taekwondo, Taekwon
Nickname:"The path of the hand and fist"
Famous fighters: Barack Obama, Steven Seagal, Jessica Alba, Willie Nelson

Taekwondo history

Taekwondo is very closely intertwined with the history of Korea itself, and perhaps therefore in last years is developing as well as the southern neighbor of Kim Jong-un.
There were originally nine kwan (schools) in taekwondo that were recognized by the Government South Korea... Each school had its own unique style taekwondo. In 1955, nine kwan were combined into one that is commonly studied today. In order to describe the history of this art in more detail, a separate article will be needed, suffice it to say that all political events, including the notorious Korean War, had a strong impact on the appearance of martial arts.

Why is taekwondo one of the best martial arts?

When a fighter kicks quickly and briskly for one frame in films with high intensity martial arts, he is most likely using taekwondo. Actually, powerful high kicks, and make taekwondo so effective view martial arts.
The main charm of taekwondo is not only that one good kick can knock an opponent out of action, but that this martial art is extremely effective against several opponents. Unless, of course, they do not know taekwondo.
The word "taekwondo" is made up of three words: "te" - a leg, "kwon" - a fist (hand), "do" - art, the path of taekwondo, the path to improvement (path of the hand and foot).
Taekwondo is the only martial arts on this list that is Olympic view sports. But Olympic restraint and fear of death did not make him less effective.

Krav Maga

Country of origin: Israel
Also Known As:"Contact battle"
Famous fighters: Eyal Yanilov


Krav Maga has long been recognized as one of the best self-defense martial arts in the world. This type of martial arts owes its birth to the outstanding fighter Imi Lichtenfeld. He originally trained his fighting system in Bratislava to help defend the Jewish community from Nazi militias. He created a group of trained thugs with characteristic surnames and noses, who, as best they could, defended the Jewish population from the growing, and at the same time very radical, manifestations of anti-Semitism.

After arriving in Palestine, Lichtenfeld began teaching hand-to-hand combat at the Haganah. After the formation of the State of Israel in 1948, he became the chief instructor in physical fitness and hand-to-hand combat at the Israel Defense Forces Combat Training School. Lichtenfeld served with the IDF until 1964, constantly developing and improving his system. After retirement, Krav Maga was adapted by him to civilian realities. In fact, Krav Maga is his brainchild.

Why is Krav Maga one of the best martial arts?

Krav Maga is designed to quickly neutralize the threat. The techniques are simple and often very dirty. However, the Jews did not have to choose. There is even a saying: "If the reception looks good and beautiful, then this is not Krav Maga."

There are three main principles of Krav Maga:

The most important thing is to neutralize the threat.
- Simultaneous defense and attack. Unlike many styles of martial arts, attacks and defense in Krav Maga are intertwined during the fight.
- All blocks are built to open up the opportunity for the fighter to counterattack.
All Krav Maga attacks target vulnerabilities human bodies such as eyes, face, throat, neck, groin and fingers. There is no place for ceremony, philosophy and other nuances inherent in oriental martial arts... This art was created in order to quickly and painfully eliminate an opponent. That is why it was adopted by the Israel Defense Forces. The military does not need to bow, the military needs to be killed, or at least cut down.

It is a deadly fighting style that does not accept etiquette. It was born on the basis of fighting techniques of other martial arts, in street fights with Jewish pogromists with exactly one goal - to help the Jews survive. So if you need a simple and effective method to survive in real conditions, and not a beautiful solemn combat with your inner culture - then all the attention is on Krav Maga.

Aikido - the martial art of Steven Seagal

Country of origin: Japan
Nickname:"The Way of Spiritual Harmony"
Famous fighters: Steven Seagal, Matt Larsen

History of aikido

Aikido is not exclusively a combat system. The founder of aikido, the legendary Morihei Ueshiba, studied several areas of traditional ju-jutsu, ken-jutsu, as well as the art of calligraphy. On the basis of the knowledge gained, he formed his own system - Aikido - as opposed to the traditional bu-jutsu (the art of killing). Aikido - budo (the way to stop killing), teaches the murderous techniques of bu-jutsu, not only with the aim of killing, but with the aim of stopping them, making a person strong, helping others, uniting all people on the basis of love. As they say, goodness should be with fists.
Ueshiba once said, "Controlling aggression without causing harm is the art of peace."
Aikido is also a highly spiritual martial art. The word aikido means "the way of the harmony of the spirit" ("Ai" means harmony, "ki" means spirit or energy, "do" - the way, way or way).

Why is aikido one of the best martial arts?

As a preface, aikido is one of the most difficult of all Japanese martial arts. If you want to quickly, in a short time, learn self-defense, then aikido is not your assistant here.

Aikido is a derivative of jujutsu, and in the same way focuses on merging with the opponent's attack, redirecting the attacker's energy and ending with a painful grip or throw. Aikido fighters use the aggression and momentum of the enemy to incapacitate him, or make his attacks useless.
However, one should not think that since mastering aikido takes a long time, and the style itself promotes peace and tranquility, there is little sense from it. It is one of the best martial arts for self defense.

Wing Chun - Bruce Lee's martial art

Country of origin: China
Also Known As: Wing Tsun
Nickname:"Singing Spring"
Famous fighters: Bruce Lee, Robert Downey Jr., Christian Bale

Wing Chun history

The history of Wing Chun is a mixture of facts and legends. Most boil down to the fact that it was developed in the 17th century, as an offshoot of one of the most complex styles martial arts, which are studied by the harsh and die-hard Buddhist monks. There is talk of the nun Umei, who created a martial art capable of being effective regardless of size, weight or gender.

Why is Wing Chun one of the best martial arts?

As in other wushu techniques, it is based on the technique of "chi-sao" - "sticky hands", thanks to which a fighter learns to constantly be in contact with the enemy with his hands, to feel all his movements and to prevent him from carrying out his techniques. But Wing Chun fighters are fighting on short distance, where you can reach the opponent with your hand, or even better with your elbow. In order to break through to a sufficiently close distance, they use special types displacement. Kicking is used in conjunction with punching. Usually kicks in the knees of the opponent simultaneously with the attack with the hands on the upper level.

What the Wing Chun masters are really proud of is their balance between attack and defense, they can attack and defend at the same time. And real masters are famous for their ability to correctly choose a position, so competently that it is literally impossible to take them by surprise.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Chuck Norris' Martial Art

Country of origin: Japan / Brazil
Also Known As: Jiu Jitsu, Gracie Jiu Jitsu
Nickname:"Human Chess"
Famous fighters: Carlos Gracie, Helio Gracie, BJ Penn, Joe Rogan, Paul Walker, Michael Clarke Duncan

History of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Like aikido, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an adapted version of Jiu Jitsu. Brazil is very fond of martial arts, and therefore with pleasure they developed the technique shown by the outstanding jiu-jitsu master Mitsuyo Maeda during his visit to the sunny country.
The founders and creators of Brazilian jiu-jitsu (bjj) are the brothers Carlos and Helio Gracie. Carlos showed the knowledge he had received from Maeda to his many brothers, trying to teach Eastern wisdom to everyone except the frail and too young Helio. An annoyed boy who was already complexed by the fact that he was much younger and sicker than his brothers took and developed the basics of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This new style of martial arts allowed him to use leverage and choke rather than brute force to control combat.
But the real popularizer of the martial art was Helio's son, Royce Gracie. Speaking in the UFC, with the help of road safety techniques, he easily laid opponents several times higher and heavier than himself. After the success of Royce, the popularity of road safety increased significantly.

Why is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu one of the best martial arts?

BJD is undoubtedly one of the most effective martial arts styles in the world. Almost all MMA and UFC fighters have studied road safety extensively. The style teaches fighters to use leverage and proper weight distribution to defeat stronger opponents.

Leverage is about isolating the opponent's limb to a specific body position, which forces the joint to move in a straight line (rotate on its axis) outside of its normal range of motion. With an increase in pressure on the limb, the opponent, who has not managed to avoid this position, surrenders. He may surrender verbally or pat the opponent several times (clapping on his own is dangerous because the opponent may not hear). Strangulation is used to disrupt the oxygen supply to the opponent's brain, which can cause him to become unconscious if he does not surrender soon enough. It is clear how dangerous it is, deadly dangerous species sports, therefore, in some countries, road safety sections and tournaments are not approved by law.

Muay Thai

Country of origin: Thailand
Also Known As: Thai boxing
Nickname:"The Art of Eight Limbs"
Famous Fighters: Tony Jaa

Muay Thai history

Muay Thai is a Thai style of martial arts with very deep roots. National Thai fighting style, which is not only a sporting but also a cultural heritage of the country. The secrets of Muay Thai were passed down from older warriors and fathers to children, from generation to generation, and perhaps it was thanks to this traditional struggle that Thailand, surrounded by sworn enemies, managed to survive through the ages.
The most brutal spectacle, from which one could emerge either victorious or defeated. They fought for life and death, in the truest sense of the word. It was impossible to give up - shame and contempt for life, so the defeated one left the battle either badly beaten or dead.
Over the years, only one thing has changed in Muay Thai - thanks to the introduction of glasses, it became unnecessary to die, however, the combat itself did not become softer, deaths are also not uncommon.

Why is Muay Thai one of the best martial arts?

Muay Thai is not only one of the most effective martial arts in the world, it is also one of the best martial arts for self-defense. In modern Muay Thai, punches, feet, shins, elbows and knees can be pounded, which is why it is called the "eight-limb fight." Essentially, every part of the body turns into a weapon, a deadly weapon. The hands became daggers and sabers; elbows with clubs and hammers; the knees are like axes, and the shins and forearms protect the body like armor. There are many discouraging lethal strikes that have helped Muay Thai win a number of impressive victories over other martial arts. And to this day, this harsh single combat evokes sacred fear and admiration in all.

The idea that with the help of a secret and deadly martial art you can kill a person with your bare hands, or has always warmed the hearts of nerds around the world. And, of course, the thought of fighting like Jackie Chan, breaking boards with his bare hands. The debate about how realistic or unrealistic it is to kill everyone with bare hands runs like a red thread through all holivars in many forums. We are writing this only to tell you something interesting.

1. Sambo. Country of origin: Russia

An interesting observation: the more often a country has to defend itself and attack various neighbors, the more often it all translates into an interesting martial art. Russia is just such a country. After the revolution, all the numerous experience of wrestling with bare hands was combined into "Self-defense without weapons" or sambo. Both government agents and ordinary soldiers were trained in this type of struggle.

And here is SAMBO in action.

2. Muay Thai. Country of origin: Thailand

Thailand's borders were also often violated, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that they had their own martial art, no. Another name for Muay Thai is fight with eight limbs, or Thai boxing... What are the extra limbs? Elbows and knees, of course! The fighters use them like clubs, masterfully beating their opponents with them. The power of the blow in this kind of martial arts is simply amazing. One smart man once said that Muay Thai is "Hit the bull with one blow." And he was damn right.

As is always the case with good things, there are many legends associated with Muay Thai. the most famous and partly true dates back to 1774, when the kingdom of Burma took over Thailand, then Siam. Against the great muay thai master Nai Khanom Thom, who was captured, the king of Burma, for the sake of general jubilation, put forward a great master of Burmese martial art, called lethwei. They say that dude lasted 10 seconds against Tom and was brutally killed. But the judge decided that Tom was cheating by distracting his opponent. Being a true gentleman, the Muay Thai master agreed to another nine(!) battles that he won with amazing ease and cruelty. The King of Burma was impressed by Tom's skill and offered him, along with the freedom to choose, two awards: two very beautiful girls and a bag of money. Tom refused the money (happiness is not in them), but he took the women. And he left with them into the sunset on a horse.

3. MCMAP - Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. Country of origin: USA

The martial art for the United States Marine Corps was invented in the eighties. Its peculiarity was the ability to use a pistol, bayonet-knife, rifle with a bayonet as an improvised weapon for close combat. Most often, the program is used in order to neutralize the enemy, breaking a couple of his bones, immobilizing him with hellish pain, but you can also kill it.

4. Silat. Country of origin: Malaysia

Malaysia also suffered a lot in its time. Pirates, Portuguese, British, and even Japanese - all these dudes tried to bend the Malays. But they did not whine and invented the silat.

Many martial arts have been invented to improve body and spirit, find oneself, and complete one's spiritual quest. So, silat does not apply to them. The first masters of this martial art used it to beat the enemy to a state of non-standing with lightning attacks in 10 seconds, and then finish off the half-dead with something heavy. Various dastardly strikes and tricks are encouraged by the silat masters.

The most brutal and dastardly fighting methods are still taught in the jungles of Malaysia. Rumor has it that such masters at the age of 7-10 once beat an adult to a pulp. The dudes who were taught silat spent years in dark caves where they saw nothing beyond their noses. If the Shaolin monks learn restraint, the silat madmen learn from their young nails to rip flesh like animals.

By the way, silat masters actively use kris - a wavy dagger that tears pieces of meat out of a victim. Often deadly poison is literally melted into kris, which is very easy to kill a person - just a scratch is enough.

5. Excrima. Country of origin: Philippines

Excrima is an ancient Philippine art of beating opponents with wooden sticks at staggering speed. Until 1521, the Filipinos practiced excrement on each other, but then Magellan arrived, and the foreigners tried on their own skin what the Filipino martial art means.

Excrima became the main defense for the rice farmers. The most famous victim of this art was Fernand Magellan, who was beaten to death with sticks. For 450 years, Excrima was banned and survived only due to the fact that it was disguised as a dance.

If you don't feel too confident seeing the girl off in the evenings, and the last fight ended for you already in the eighth second, it's time to change something in this life.

For example, stop pumping in gym useless in melee calf muscles, but to do something more serious.

In just 6-18 months, everyone can learn how to fight well. Here are the five most effective self-defense systems:

# 5: Kyokushinkai Karate

The legendary Masutatsu Oyama invented this most spectacular form of karate 60 years ago. They say that he just got tired of watching the ancient martial art degenerate and become less and less contact. As a result, already in the 1960s, Oyama's brainchild was called nothing more than "karate for millions."

If you choose kyokushinkai, then after one and half year you will be able to pass the exam for the 6th kyu - student "grade" with a yellow belt. And this means that you can deal with one or two amateurs to "light a cigarette" in the alley without a lighter.

# 4: kickboxing

Legend has it that the term kickboxing was coined by Chuck Norris in the early 1970s. Whether it’s true or not, this fusion of boxing and martial arts has become very popular all over the world. No dans, kyu or other tameshiwari. Instead, a battle familiar to the Slavic soul, where blows are delivered in full force - with feet and hands. In a word, everything you need to stand up for yourself if something happens.

Of course, it is much easier to advance in kickboxing if you have passed a technical educational program in boxing or taekwondo. But already after a year and a half classes "from scratch" you will feel that you are worth something in this world.

# 3: Jiu-Jitsu

This martial arts veteran is over 400 years old. But if earlier this samurai training complex taught how to not only break the enemy, but also quickly send him to the next world, today it is just self-defense for everyone.

Unlike karate, in jiu-jitsu, the emphasis is not on punches and blocks, but on creases, strangulation, painful holds and throws. It was not for nothing that even the city of tsarist Russia at the beginning of the 20th century studied the techniques of this system. To master Jiu-Jitsu at a level sufficient for self-defense, you have enough 8-10 months.

# 2: Kadochnikov's system

The "youngest" self-defense system was born in the restless head of the head of the laboratory of the Krasnodar military school, Alexei Kadochnikov, in 1983. Despite the fact that it is used in the special forces, it is available to everyone - from a teenager to a housewife.

The only drawback: to find out how "it" works, you need not so much to have good hit from both hands, how much to know physics, psychology and anatomy. Kadochnikov himself did not show the techniques, but explained the physical laws or the principles underlying them. Therefore, if you manage to find a science-savvy instructor, already after 7-8 months training you will tear black belts like napkins.

# 1: Krav Magá

A unique school of contact combat, which is "professed" in the Israeli army, police and special forces. Has nothing to do with competitions, sparring, medals or any philosophy. And therefore it is considered the most effective and useful martial art in real life.

The Krav Maga was developed in the 1930s by Imi Lichtenfeld, who in this way decided to teach skinny Slovak Jews to fend off the attacks of muscular stormtroopers.

In this Israeli "struggle" everything is logical and well thought out. The emphasis is on countering an armed attack. And even to the smallest detail, the defense is practiced with improvised means (from a pencil to a diplomat) and a group fight.

The main thing in Krav Maga is to understand the reflexes of both your own and the enemy. If you are mobilized, you can really complete the course and become invincible in just 6 months.

Many people wonder what kind of martial art is best to practice in order to feel confident in a conflict situation on the street. It was this question that prompted me to write this short article to help novice martial artists.

In this article I will not say anything about street hand-to-hand combat or about applied martial arts in general. It will focus exclusively on those martial arts that I consider the most effective for street fighting today and of which I am a fan.

I would like to make a small reservation right away: martial arts, which have applied value, are inevitably associated with hardships and hardships. training process... When you come to class, you will definitely get hit on the head, most likely it will be painful and hard for you, but the knowledge and experience that you gain will be one hundred percent real. Having started practicing one of the martial arts listed in this article, you are guaranteed at least something, but you will learn, it remains only to choose the optimal direction for you.

To begin with, I will announce the truth that absolutely all people who are fond of martial arts know: if you have never done anything before and start from scratch, then BOX is an ideal option for street self-defense. The thing is that boxing is a super-universal sport. With a solid foundation in boxing, your continued growth in the martial arts world will be no problem for you.

One of the main advantages of boxing over other martial arts is the relative simplicity and incredible effectiveness of the technical arsenal practiced. That is why, if you do not have a lot of time and you are faced with the task of learning to fight as quickly as possible, boxing, due to its hyperspecialization, provides the best ratio of the time spent and the knowledge and technical skills gained during this time. Among other things, the methodology for training boxers in our country has been worked out quite well, so by coming to almost any gym you will receive high-quality training services.

However, this direction also has disadvantages, which are the reverse side and a continuation of its advantages: due to a rather narrow technical arsenal, a boxer remains vulnerable to a huge range of techniques used in hand-to-hand combat, such as throws, kicks, elbows, knees, wrestling technique, melee technique, etc…. However, this is not a cause for concern: in my experience, about eighty percent of the technique used in street fights is the technique of hands on middle distance... Rarely does the arsenal of an average fight exceed a few crooked punches and a couple simple strokes feet. By learning how to defend against basic kicks and counterattack with a standard boxing combination, you will protect yourself for the rest of your life.

In order to confidently master the technique of boxing, you just need to spend about 3 years studying it, after which you will not have any problems communicating with people with a low level of culture.

The second in order, but not in importance, in my personal rating of the most effective martial arts for street fighting is Thai boxing, or as it is also called, Muay Thai. The advantages of this martial art are that the technical arsenal used is as close as possible to that of a street fight. The blows are applied with all parts of the body (except for the head), the work is carried out both at medium and long distances, and in the clinch.

The Thai clinch is powerful. It is a set of simple twists, carvings and throws, which, in an organic combination with the percussion technique of Muay Thai, become incredible effective weapon and a way to create a lot of problems even for experienced masters of mixed martial arts! In my deepest conviction, this is the closest technical arsenal to real, applied hand-to-hand combat, and this is how the application of the elements of fighting in practice, in real life, should look like. Amplitude throws and parterre, which are popular in wrestling circles, in my opinion, are not suitable for street fighting.

Despite the significant role of parterre in competitions in mixed martial arts, it is highly undesirable to transfer the battle to the ground in a street fight. And if you do find yourself on the ground, which is quite likely, your main task is to get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Do not try to mess with anyone, otherwise you may not be able to get out of an extreme situation alive and healthy, since the rules governing your safe stay on earth on sporting events, do not work on the street.

However, in order to sufficiently master the technical arsenal of Muay Thai, you need to spend significantly more time than if you were engaged in English boxing. The combination of the striking technique of arms and legs requires greater coordination and motor endowments, which is why the necessary frequency of visits sports hall to obtain reliable self-defense skills will be higher than that of boxing.

For those who do not want to bother and spend a lot of time on martial arts, this option is not ideal. However, if you feel enthusiastic, drawn to martial arts and have enough time to regularly attend training, then Muay Thai is your choice.

And, finally, if you want to take martial arts seriously and get the maximum applied value from training, then I would strongly recommend that you go to combat sambo. Combat Sambo is the most complex combat system of all I know. She has absorbed all the best and proved to be extremely effective not only in our country, but also in the international arena. It is an open, flexible hand-to-hand combat system that is constantly evolving and improving, cultivating all possible martial arts techniques and conducting competitions according to the most free rules.

The technical arsenal of sambo is inexhaustible. It is impossible to master it fully. It includes both fighting technique and striking technique of arms and legs, technique of painful and suffocating techniques, a special section for special services, a section for working with weapons, techniques of total combat, detention, escorting, etc.…. In general, to briefly summarize all of the above, SAMBO is an encyclopedia of the best knowledge available to a person in the field of sports and applied martial arts today. If you have decided to do combat sambo, then please be patient, because you simply will not conquer this peak.

While practicing sambo, you will not receive highly specialized skills, as you would get in boxing, but a fairly wide range of knowledge that you can apply in a wide range of situations.

However, if we are talking about a variant of self-defense and it is interesting for you to solve specifically applied problems on the street, to win fights, then the arsenal of combat sambo will be redundant and not optimal for you, since it contains many techniques specialized for the conditions of conducting a competitive duel, which are not desirable for use in real fight... What you can painlessly do on a carpet, in good light, after warming up and stretching, is guaranteed to give you a lot of trouble when trying to implement the same thing on the street, where the surface is most often heterogeneous and hard, there is not much space for performing the technique , the enemy may not be alone or armed, and temperature drops and "cold" muscles are guaranteed to lead you to injury when you try to show a "beautiful" technique. Well, this is not the fault of SAMBO as a system: the point is, as I have already said, that the selection of the most effective and efficient technical actions in any combat sports takes place on the basis of the conditions and rules of the fight. With the same success, a sambo fighter will experience difficulties entering the cage at mixed martial arts competitions, where there is no wrestling jacket, which is familiar to him, which makes it difficult to perform many techniques. But it is worth making a reservation: eighty percent of the technical arsenal practiced in combat sambo, suitable for universal use in any outdoor situation.

In addition, if you do not have sufficient time resources for deep immersion in this martial art and for its thorough mastering, it is better to take a closer look at one of the options listed above.

Therefore, to summarize, it is necessary to outline the main features of the above styles of hand-to-hand fighting: take up boxing, if you are running out of time, but you want to learn how to fight ..., if there is more time (about 3 free evenings a week), choose Muay Thai, but if you are a fan martial arts and are going to get carried away with it seriously and for a long time, then combat sambo is your choice!

However, in my opinion, it always lies somewhere in between. Speaking about solving problems of an applied nature (winning on the street), personally, I would tend to train in Muay Thai. In my opinion, training in hand-to-hand combat is a rather time-consuming and difficult activity that requires regularity and consistency. By practicing Muay Thai a little more often, you will get incomparable more experience and master a much more diverse technical arsenal than in English boxing, and at the same time not redundant, as in combat sambo. That is why, in my personal rating of the most effective martial arts for street fighting, Muay Thai takes first place!

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