How to pump up beautiful calves for a girl. How to pump up calves at home - calf exercises

Female feet- this is the part of the body that men pay attention to, not least. I especially want to show off the girls with pumped legs in the spring and summer. But if the legs below the knees are thin and expressionless, then you just want to hide them in some trousers. In order to proudly wear short skirts and shorts, you need to know how to pump up a girl's calves.

How to properly train the calf muscles for girls

Note that the gastrocnemius muscle is a very hardy and strong tissue. To get the relief of this muscle, you need to increase it in volume. And for this you have to work and be sure to fulfill two conditions:

  1. Workout calf muscles girls should be regular. Passes, concessions and breaks in the form of two months' leave are not permitted.
  2. The load on this muscle group must be increased regularly.

Muscles begin to grow due to frequent stress ( physical activity), so it is very important to increase the load from class to session. Hard workouts will provide a good effect even if you visit the gym once every 6-7 days. You can judge the quality of training by how hard you are given the last approaches. If the approaches are performed lightly, without a feeling of pain in the muscle, then such training can be considered useless, there will be no calf muscle growth.

Before you learn how to pump up the inner part of girls' calves, first remember the ways to increase the load. This can be achieved with the following methods:

  • add repetitions;
  • add exercises;
  • reduce rest time between sets;
  • add working weight;
  • add the number of approaches.

Is it possible to pump up calves for a girl at home in a week

To pump up a girl's calves quickly, you need to organize your actions in correct system... To do this, you need to take 4 steps:

  1. Choose the days when the workouts will take place (do not forget that 2-3 days should pass between workouts).
  2. In each session, do the 3 exercises that you like best from the following.
  3. Do the exercises for 12-30 repetitions (start small), 3-5 sets. Weights can be used as you pump up your calf muscles.
  4. Remember to breathe properly during your workout.

But do not think that your calves will pump up very quickly, for example, in a week. If you want to know how to quickly pump up the calves of a girl's legs, then there is only one advice you can give - to work hard from workout to workout, increasing the load, and not letting yourself relax. Only in this way can the gastrocnemius muscle be able to increase in volume. And all because it is this muscle group that is endowed by nature with incredible endurance. To know how to pump up the calves of a girl's legs, you need to remember that calves give in to growth slowly, only with the correct reinforced approach. In addition, excessive stress that your muscles can no longer withstand will not be beneficial either. Your calves may simply be injured. Therefore, in everything, measure and correct calculations are important.

Calf workout program for women

The calf training program for a girl should consist of the following activities:

  • Warming up muscles (warm up);
  • Main work (main exercises);
  • Sitting, rise on your toes;
  • Standing, rise on your toes;
  • Stretching.

You can pump up a girl's calves at home. If you can't get to the gym, armed with the right information and willpower, you can exercise regularly at home. Most effective exercise for the development of the calf muscles for the girl we present below:

  • Toe walking;
  • Springs;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Weighted squats;
  • Sitting, we rise on our toes;
  • Standing, we rise on our toes;
  • Rises with a stand;
  • Gun.

There are other methods on how to pump up calves at home for a girl. These are bicycles, running, skating, tennis, skiing, rollerblading, stair climbing. You can read more about this in the relevant materials on our portal.

The calf is a muscle group that sits between the lower leg and knee and is responsible for extending the feet. The trained muscles help to better cope with the stresses associated with the movement of the foot and stabilize the position of the leg while running and walking. Newbies who are just learning resistance exercises rarely train this muscle group separately. Only professionals preparing for performances in bodybuilding competitions pump calves in isolation. But, even if you are not a professional, our tips will help you to strengthen your calves.

The superficial gastrocnemius muscle, which is visible to the naked eye, makes up only about 25% of the total calf volume. Underneath is the hidden soleus muscle, which accounts for the remaining 75% muscle mass... This separation helps to transfer some of the load to the other muscle. The flounder part is responsible for the work of the bent knee joint, and the gastrocnemius - for the functioning of the straightened one. Thus, when running or walking, the body automatically redistributes the load, allowing some of the load to be transferred like a baton.

The most popular exercises for men and women

For efficient pumping calves do not have to go to expensive gyms and work out with huge weights. For training at home, only your own weight and the desire to exercise are quite enough. People in any physical form can do the exercises correctly, because the variety different techniques allows you to work even with large own weight... Each of us involuntarily works out calves during the day, climbing stairs or hurrying after a departing bus.

Let's highlight a few simple and effective exercises, for which your own body and a few simple adaptations are enough:

  1. Find a ladder, stand on the edge of the step, and try to smoothly perform the toe raises. At the top point, linger for a second and just as slowly return to starting position.
  2. Pick up a rope and start performing the simplest jumps. In addition to training calves, working with a rope allows you to strengthen the heart muscle and improve physical fitness... For isolated workout calf muscles, start jumping on your toes.
  3. Working with weights does not have to involve expensive dumbbells, weights, barbells, and other similar devices. It is enough to take a few bottles of water or sit the child on his neck and begin to rise smoothly on his toes. If after some time a pleasant burning sensation is felt in the calves, then you are doing everything right.
  4. An excellent exercise aimed at developing both the calf muscles and the musculoskeletal system, shoulders, triceps and latissimus back is called a rock climber. To complete it, you need to take an emphasis lying down, taking turns pulling your knees to abdominal press... The faster the intensity of the approaches, the more impressive the result will be.

Correct calf training will not only strengthen the muscles, but also make the position of the foot more stable, which will significantly reduce the risk of injury while running and walking.

Calf training program for women

Any girl striving for a perfect body knows that the thin calf muscles contrast sharply with the pumped muscles of the legs and buttocks, creating imbalance and giving the figure an incompleteness. In order for the calves to begin to grow, women need to carefully work out the training program, exercise regularly and gradually increase the load. To fully work the part of the legs between the lower leg and knee, a comprehensive set of exercises has been developed that allows you to achieve impressive results:

Standing Calf Raise

This exercise can be performed both at home and on a special simulator. To complete the approach, it is enough with the toes of the feet on the edge of the step or a stable platform and smoothly rise to the top point, linger on it for a second, and then return to the starting position. It is important not to bend your knees, perform an ankle approach in isolation, and not pause at the bottom of the amplitude. Choose a weight that allows you to lift without sacrificing technique. Excessive weights can cause injury.

Seated Knee Raise

Sit on the edge of a bench and place a block of wood or any other support under your toes. Place the weights on your knees and begin to smoothly raise your feet to the top point. Having paused for a moment, begin to smoothly lower the ankle to its original position. This exercise works effectively on the soleus muscles.

Toe squats

Grab the weights and start doing classic squats, moving the support to the socks. As a result, the load will shift from the muscles of the thighs and buttocks to the calves.

Toe walking

Stand on your toes and walk around the room. If the exercise seems too easy, then grab a couple of dumbbells or heavy objects.

Climbing stairs

It is enough to take the weights and begin to climb the stairs smoothly on toes. To increase the load on other parts of the leg muscles, you can step over one step. One approach lasts 10-15 minutes until the calves are completely exhausted.

Choose the optimal weight of the weights so that the number of repetitions in the approach is between 15 and 30. In total, you need to do 3-5 sets of each exercise per workout. Classes can be completed only when the calves are completely "clogged" and are not able to perform even one extra repetition.

Calf workout program for men

Exercises for the male sex are performed with the highest possible weights and intensity. For effective growth calf volume and strength, you need to pick up such an additional weight that will allow you to perform from 4 to 8 repetitions per set.

Indicative exercise program for men:

  • lifting on toes from a standing position on the calf muscles;
  • toe raises from a sitting position on a bench or simulator to the soleus muscles;
  • press with socks on a special simulator for the calf muscles;
  • "Donkey" toe raises with a partner.

The most effective exercise for the calf muscles, allowing them to completely “hammer” them, are the toe raises, standing on one leg. Its implementation not only promotes muscle growth, but also significantly strengthens ankle joint allowing you to support the foot in correct position and avoid injury while walking and playing sports.

The intensity of the classes and the duration of the programs

Calves belong to those muscle groups that are energized every day. Walking, running, climbing stairs - all this puts a rather serious load on this muscle group. It is best to purposefully train calves no more than 1-2 times a week, allocating no more than 15-20 minutes for this exercise.

To improve your results and shock your calf, try to continually introduce new exercises and constantly change the sequence. Remember what more weight the weights you choose, the more strength results will increase. For muscle growth, resistance is ideal, allowing you to perform 8 to 15 repetitions per set. The workout should be finished only when the muscles are completely depleted.

To avoid possible injury and loss of motivation, aspiring bodybuilders must adhere to a few essential rules:

Calf workout can be included in any bodybuilding program, combining with the study of others muscle groups... Unlike the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, even with the most intense workout calf, the athlete in the morning is unlikely to feel discomfort the next morning. Strong calves will complete the figure and prevent injuries to the knee and ankle joints.

The volume of caviar increases often rather reluctantly. However, this is not a consequence of the stubbornness or stubbornness of the muscles itself, but rather a reaction to improper training, violation of exercise technique or poor posture. In fact, caviar is one of those groups that are very easy to pump up even at home, if you remove everything that prevents them from growing.

Why don't caviar grow?

The muscles of the lower legs, as well as the deep muscles of the back, practically do not rest during the day, as they have to bear the weight of the body and balance in interaction, maintaining balance and stabilizing the joints when walking. This means that it is focused on a "dry", hardy development option and actively uses the shock-absorbing capabilities of the tendons (in particular, the Achilles tendon, whose role in the development of the gastrocnemius muscle will be discussed separately).

In case of poor posture, overextension (or insufficient flexion) of the joints, a redistribution of motor roles occurs. Lumbar lordosis almost always leads to underdevelopment, and weak hamstrings and calf hypertrophy.

The lower leg triceps (external calf muscles) consists of two muscles connected by a common (Achilles) tendon. it upper two-bundle gastrocnemius muscle and deep lying beneath them soleus... The muscles that provide mobility of the ankle and fingers lie even lower. In addition, there are knee and shin stabilizers.

If some part of the muscles is “excluded from the process,” it weakens, atrophies, and others take over its function. Triceps takes part in flexion of the knee and extension of the foot, fixing the knee in bent position... The flounder muscle is almost always long, but the outer bundles can have either long or short abdomens (then they are called "short caviar").

A short calf can be brought to an aesthetically acceptable state only due to the hypertrophy of the underlying muscles, which "lift" it. The function of the gastrocnemius muscle can be partially intercepted by the tendon, biceps, and with the habitually overextended or bent knee- overdeveloped quadriceps (in this case, it relaxes more, and according to the rule of "synchronous muscle traction of antagonists" the leg is bent with less calf effort).

Warm up before calf workout

To increase blood flow, warm joints and reduce trauma, a warm-up is necessary. You should not neglect it, even if the lower leg does not swing on a separate day, but after other exercises.

Ideally, the warm-up is done lying (synchronously on both legs) and standing (you will have to work out the joints alternately: stand on one leg, flexing the other). A sitting warm-up is undesirable. Movements are performed 4-5 times.

  • squeeze and unclench, spread your toes;
  • stretch your toes away from you, then pull the socks towards you, and the heel away from you;
  • move your feet left and right;
  • rotate with both feet simultaneously: first to the left, then to the right, then multidirectional rotation
  • bend and unbend the knees;
  • while sitting, take the leg by the shin, shake the relaxed foot. Repeat for the other leg;
  • while sitting, take the leg above the knee, shake the relaxed lower leg. Repeat for the other leg;
  • standing: sitting down a little, perform rotational movements with your knees - first to the right, then to the left;
  • standing, hands on hips, swing on hip joints, then rotate the pelvis so that the torso is motionless, and the pelvis writes out a horizontal "eight";
  • standing, alternately, holding on to the support, shake each leg, completely relaxing it;

How to build calves (calf exercises)

To pump up calves at home for a workout, you need to do 2 of the exercises below. Training the lower leg, like other muscles, consists in micro-injury followed by fiber restoration.

  1. Rise on toes.
  • Stand up, holding the support with your hand, rise on the toes of both legs. The hand only insures.
  • The feet are parallel, between them 15-20 cm, the knees are slightly bent and fixed, directed straight forward.
  • The movement is slow, with maximum tension in the gastrocnemius, extensors and flexors of the fingers.
  • The knee is motionless. At the top of the ascent, there is a pause, then downward movement. The heel does not fall to the floor.
  • All repetitions should be performed as one long, stringy movement.

Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions, then 1 approach with toes out and 1 approach with socks inward (working out different beams). Then perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg (with toes straight, inward and outward), the other leg is relaxed or bent. If one leg is weaker, then they are guided by the number of its failures.

To close the gap between the legs, it is recommended to focus on performing in the socks out position. In this position, it sways inner part- to aesthetes and girls on the note for the correct increase in the calves of the legs. This will help reduce or eliminate this disadvantage. Just remember to train.

  1. Rise on tiptoes, standing on a dais.

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but the flexion amplitude is increased.

  • Carried out on a step 10-15 cm high. Hand insurance is required.
  • They stand on the edge of the support with their fingers (if they are still weak, then with the ball of the foot).
  • Extending the ankle, rise on your toes, linger at the top point, strain your calves as much as possible.
  • Sinking down, stretch your heels to the floor, stretching your muscles as much as possible.

Do 4 sets of 10 reps, then 3 sets for each leg to failure.

  1. Donkey calf exercise with a partner.
  • Stand by leaning forward and resting your hands on the bench. The back is straight, almost horizontal, fixed motionless.
  • The partner sits astride the lower back (not the waist!).

The principle of movement is similar (when extending the foot and lifting on toes, the ankle and metatarsal joints work, the knee is slightly bent and motionless), the only difference is that the double load (your own weight and the weight of the partner sitting on the lower back) falls on both legs simultaneously. Potentially traumatic for the lower back.

  1. Lifting on toes on one leg with weights (kettlebell or dumbbell in hand).

It is performed similarly to exercises 2 and 3. First, they learn to do it with a short amplitude, then - on a step. Weights in the left arm, when doing lifts on the left leg, right leg bent at the knee, and right hand insures, holding on to the support.

You can additionally complicate the exercise by putting weights on your legs. It is performed very slowly, with maximum tension and relaxation of the calf abdomen at the extreme points of movement, otherwise the tendon is too stretched, this can shorten the abdomen.

Caviar can be pumped to capacity only if the movement is performed slowly. Chasing the number of repetitions, the more rapid, is pointless, the caviar from this will only dry out, throwing the load on the tendons. Calves rarely hurt after training, they recover quickly, like all muscles with relatively short abdomens.

Even if there is pain, the usual daily exercise while walking is sufficient to warm up the muscle. You can train with mild pain, with strong pain it is better to give rest.

Gait and shoes affect calves!

Few people know that the effect of posture and gait on the development of the lower leg is much stronger than the effect of training... Flat feet, if not taken into account and not compensated, also interferes with bringing the volume of the lower leg in accordance with the BB standard (the volumes of the neck, biceps and calves should be equal or close in value). To pump up calves without exercise machines, you can simply choose the right shoes and adjust your gait.

The habit of placing a bent leg on the heel leads to underdevelopment of the calf. If the leg is on the toe, the calf will be voluminous even without training. This is explained by the fact that the size of the calf depends not only on the triceps, but also on the muscles that provide the mobility of the fingers. If the fingers are not actively involved in walking, their flexors and extensors are underdeveloped. Naturally, their participation in the increase in volume is negligible.

Flat feet or shoes that exclude the work of the fingers and ankle, forcing the walk so that the foot drops to the heel, and then put the entire surface without rolling, also lead to underdevelopment of the calf.

How to Strengthen Your Shin Without Training or Increase Your Workout Effect

Compliance with these rules in itself leads to the beginning of the growth of lagging eggs - make it a habit.

  1. The gait must be correct. The step is wide, the foot is placed on the toe, then, with a roll, it is lowered onto the heel. You need to walk more, at least 5-6 km a day, preferably at an interval pace.
  2. The shoe should allow the toes to move in it while actively participating in the walk.
  3. If possible during the day, it is worth swinging from heel to toe or standing on your toes.
  4. Walk barefoot more often.
  5. The best running is a slow, barefoot run on a grassy lawn, sand, or forest dirt path. You need to put your foot on your toes and outer part feet with a roll. Running in sneakers has almost no effect on the development of the muscles of the lower leg.
  6. Prevention of flat feet is relevant at any age, as with age, it can occur in any person. Training from this complex removes the risk of flat feet, and always leads to the growth of calves.
  7. Special workouts are performed on the same day with the training of the biceps and quadriceps of the thigh, but after them, or the next day - so that large tired muscles do not intercept the load from the periphery.
  8. The training should take into account the habit of the Achilles tendon to unload the triceps. Therefore, the movements are slow, with full control, with static at the highest point of tension or extension. A springy effect should not be allowed when the abdomens of the muscles are not working.
  9. The set of exercises for the lower leg must necessarily include exercises that involve the toes.
  10. Sedentary work mechanically injures the biceps of the thigh and impairs the blood supply to the triceps of the lower leg (the popliteal blood vessels are pinched). Therefore, it is very important to get up and stretch your legs (a "farmer's walk" or climbing stairs with support on toes and active ankle extension are ideal).
  11. Be sure to follow the sleep schedule: if you sleep less than 8 hours, and the day after training you spend on your feet or sit motionless all day on the priest, you can not hope for hypertrophy.

(4 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Thin calves do not look pretty against the general background of the legs. However, moderately inflated calf muscles will visually balance your figure and add flavor to your legs. But even in order to simply give a sexy shape to your calves, you will have to sweat - you will need power training... Today you will learn how to pump up a girl's calves.

How will your caviar grow?

The calf muscles are a hardy and strong muscle group that is used when walking throughout the day. In order for the outlines of your calves to acquire a relief, it is necessary to increase the volume of these muscles. Muscle growth(increase in volume) occurs with a regularly applied load (stress), which the body has not previously encountered. Those. two conditions must be met:

  • Exercise should be regular.
  • You must progress the load.

The calf muscles should be trained in the same way as other muscle groups.... A good hard workout once a week will provide the right stress for a long recovery phase. What does hard training mean? This means that it must be difficult for you to do the last repetitions of the calf exercises. It will be a mistake to feel sorry for yourself, to underperform - so the muscles will not respond, why should they grow if the load is not so serious?

One calf workout per week is probably enough for you, but this should not be an axiom. If calves do not grow from one workout while maintaining the ideal exercise technique, hard work and adherence to the principles, and only then add another workout.

To build muscle, you need to give your body such a load that it has not received before. That is why it is so difficult to pump up the calves of the legs of a girl at home. The lack of equipment on which you can perform effective exercises and the absence of weights will make this process long and painful. Don't waste your time and nerves on home workouts - go to the gym!

How can the load progress:

  • Increase in working weight.
  • Increasing the number of exercises.
  • Increase in the number of approaches.
  • Increasing the number of repetitions.
  • Reducing rest pauses between sets.

Each new workout should be at least a little bit, BUT it should be more difficult than the previous one, especially for the calf muscles, which by their nature are strong and enduring.

How to train calves

Let's briefly go over the anatomy of the lower leg muscles. What we call the calf is made up of two muscles: the calf and soleus. The calves are located high on the lower leg and perform the function of raising the heels from a standing position.

The soleus muscle is located under the gastrocnemius in the depths of the lower leg. It serves to raise the heels from a sitting position. The developed soleus muscle pushes out the calf muscle of the lower leg, making it visually more voluminous.

How can this be useful? For the development of the calves, the most physiological exercises should be used (do not invent a bicycle - these are calf raises while standing and sitting), using both functions of these muscles.

Calf Exercises

The first and most important exercise in calf training should be standing calf raises. Use a special trainer that will allow you to lower your heels below the horizontal - this way you will work at a large amplitude. Read on to understand how to properly perform standing calf raises. Put the technique of execution in the first place:

  • Do not bend your knees (a slight bend is acceptable as a way to take the load off the knee joint).
  • Work takes place only with the ankle joint.
  • Don't pause at the bottom to keep your muscles from resting.
  • Work at full amplitude. At the bottom is the maximum stretch, at the top is the peak contraction (pause for a second at the top point).
  • The pace of the exercise is smooth.
  • Choose the right working weight without sacrificing technique.
  • For a deeper calf workout, try one-leg lifts.

The second exercise will be seated calf raises. The best option would be to use special simulator... If there is no such thing in your room, do not despair. Place a block under your toes so that your heels can go below the horizontal, take a dumbbell or barbell, sit on a bench and place the weights on your knees. The principles of execution here are absolutely the same as in standing leg raises.

These two exercises will be enough for you to build the shape of the calf muscles you need. Put them at the end of your workout, but don't be careless about this work. Achieving a burning sensation on the last reps is a sure sign that you are doing everything right.

And don't worry about pumping your caviar. Firstly, you can stop at any time as soon as you achieve the desired shape and perform supportive workouts, and secondly, in order to develop colossal calf, you need serious loads, coupled with pharmacological preparations.

How many reps and sets should you do?

Considering the above (natural features of the calf muscles and the characteristics of the female body), take the following program as a starting point:

  • Warm up
  • Basic workout
  • Standing Calf Raises
  • Seated Calf Raises 1-2 sizes sets of 4-5 working 15-20 reps
  • Hitch

Do not exercise without. If you do calf exercises at the end of the main workout, then your muscles will be warmed up and ready to work, no special warm-up is required. Choose a working weight so that it will be hard on the last 2-3 reps, but you still performed the exercises in the PERFECT technique.

Try to make pauses between approaches short (from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes). Make it harder for your muscles. On each new workout Increase the load for your calves at least a little: by adding 0.5 kg to the working weight, additional repetitions, etc.

After your workout, do not forget to do it, which includes short cardio and stretching. Cooling down will prevent seizures, improve access nutrients to the trained muscles, which contributes to their better recovery, and therefore growth.


The article gives an understanding of the quick way to pump up the calves of a girl's legs. The emphasis is on classes in gym since this will allow you to perform the most effective exercises and maintain the principle of progression of loads.

Take your workouts responsibly, approach them with enthusiasm and passion, and complete the look slim figure graceful shape of their calves. Good luck!

The calf muscles are constantly under stress when moving, so it is not easy to pump them. To achieve desired result, you need to do it at home regularly, without missing classes... Optimal training regimen - in one day... This will allow the muscles to completely recover from exercise and accelerate the growth of muscle cells.

In addition to performing the complex special exercises, the girl needs fix food increasing q ole protein food in the daily diet. Other types are also useful. physical activity (cardio training, aerobics). To pump up your calves quickly, it is advisable to do the exercises below. at the end of the main lesson program to maximize the load on the target muscle group.

How to pump up calves for a girl: the most effective exercises (video)

You need to start your workout, as usual, with a warm-up. To increase blood flow, warm up muscles and stretch, it is recommended that you first do light massage... Then you should do a few rotational movements of the foot in different directions, take a couple of minutes jumping and running in place... After preparation, you can proceed to the main part - raises on socks... It is this group of exercises that provides the maximum load on the leg muscles:

  • Standing straight, you need to rise on your toes as high as possible, fixing at the top point for a couple of seconds, and then lowering to the starting position. It is recommended to start from 4 approaches, at least 30 repetitions in everyone.
    - To improve the effectiveness of the training load should be increased using weights: not too heavy dumbbells or plastic bottles filled with water.
    - If it is difficult to maintain balance, then with one hand you need lean on the wall, and take the shell to another. Effective also lifts on one leg.
  • For execution next exercise in gym a step platform is used. At home, a step or an ordinary thick book will do, on which you need to stand so that both heels hang down.
    - Standing straight, you need while inhaling, rise on your toes as high as possible, and on exhalation - to descend trying to touch the floor with your heels.
    - Depending on the position of the feet in such lifts are involved different groups muscle shins.
    - If the feet are standing parallel, the main load falls on the back surface if the socks turned to the side- to the internal one. When heels are divorced, the outer area is being worked out.
  • You can pump your calves while sitting. Sitting on the edge of a chair and keeping it straight, you need to smoothly raise and lower your knees with a weighting agent placed on them.
    - The intensity of the load increases if fix the legs at the top point for a few seconds, and when returning to the starting position do not touch the floor with your heels.
    - Such prolonged tension will help to pump up your calves quickly.
    - At the same time, it is important to monitor the sensations and avoid muscle overload, fraught with convulsions.
  • The chair can also be used for lifting on socks with support. To do this, turn it back towards you, grab it and slightly tilt the body forward. Perform movements in the same way as in the first exercise.

Lesson ends traditional for strength exercisesstretching... This stage is especially relevant for the muscles of the lower leg, since it is they who are susceptible to frequent seizures.

The most simple stretching exercise- this is the widest step back with the heel pressed to the floor. The body must be tilted forward at the same time. You can also, while facing the wall, put your foot on it and lean on this leg for a few seconds.

Additional Ways to Build Your Calves Fast

The muscles of the legs work almost constantly, therefore, to pump it, it is required increase the load in all possible ways. The effectiveness of special exercises can be increased many times over if supplement them with jumping, running and other types of physical activity.

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