The largest soccer stadium in brazil. "Maracana" is empty

There was a rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Games, where I was involved as a volunteer. Immediately upon arrival, I went to a meeting with this "temple" of Brazilian football. Despite the fatigue of two days on the road, the realization that you are in the other hemisphere in the holy of holies of Brazilian culture caused a surge of energy and emotions.

I arrived just in time for sunset, the lights of the favelas in the mountains were on. There were people and scenery around for the opening ceremony.


Once the sports stadium "Maracana" (accent on the last syllable) was the largest in the world (today it remains so only in Latin America) and gathered a huge number of fans. For example, the 1950 game between the national teams of Brazil and Uruguay is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a game with a maximum number of spectators - 199,854 people. But now "Maracana" is not even included in the top 50 in terms of capacity.

The fact is that initially on "Marakana" there was a special place for the poor, which was called "chewed". Here, for a purely symbolic payment of one cruzeiro or dollar, one could stand to watch the match and discuss the course of the game. The biggest "experts" of football gathered here, a special atmosphere reigned. But FIFA has banned standing space, and after upgrading for the 2014 World Cup, the stadium has only 73,531 seats.

The fate of "Maracana" is connected with the 1950 FIFA World Cup, the first post-war one to host. For this event, the country has decided to implement an ambitious plan and build the largest stadium in the world. Soon, matches began to be held here, but it took another 15 years to complete the construction of the facility.

The life of the King of Brazilian football, Pele, is inextricably linked with the stadium. Here he scored the most spectacular goal, beating six defenders and a goalkeeper. Pele also dreamed of sending his thousandth ball into the gates of this stadium, which he did, breaking through a penalty. Unfortunately, for health reasons, the famous football player was unable to take part in the opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympics, where he was supposed to carry the Olympic flag.

The Temple of Brazilian Football has also hosted various iconic events. For example, the visit of Pope John Paul II. Madonna, Sting, Paul McCartney, Tina Turner, The Rolling Stones, Frank Sinatra and many other world-famous artists have performed here. Brazilians feel and perceive music especially, so the concerts are held in a very festive atmosphere.

How to get there

“You have to be very careful in Rio,” I constantly hear from Brazilians. Nothing bad has happened to me yet, but the tips are as follows:

  • Do not hold a mobile phone in your hands, as it may be snatched away;
  • Cross the road only at the green light and only when you see that the car has stopped and let you pass.

Yes, if you have a ticket to the game, then with it you can use public transport for free four hours before the start of the competition and two hours after the end.


The easiest way to get to the stadium is by subway (line 2, green) or the Supervia train. Bus stop / station "Maracana".

Pay attention to the pointers.

By bus

Bus routes in Brazil are constantly changing. I was prompted to sit on No. 606, but in reality, No. 353 turned out to be necessary.

Always ask the driver (motorista): Você passa Maracanã? ("Are you driving through the Maracanã stadium?").


You can stop a taxi driver or use Uber. The latter is much cheaper and more convenient due to the fact that a prerequisite for working in this company is knowledge of the English language. The Rio government tried to ban Uber during the Olympic Games, seeing them as competitors, but they did not succeed. Install the application on your phone. I paid 1 ruble to install on Phone.


There is more to see at Maracana than just a match. By purchasing a ticket for a tour, you can look at the footprints of great football players and compare them with your size. Or the handprints of goalkeepers. Ticket offices are open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Ticket price from 6 € (20 BRL - Brazilian reais).

At the moment, the excursion activities of "Maracana" are suspended due to the Olympic Games. The exact opening time is unknown, approximately in October 2016.


During matches at the stadium, you can have a snack and take drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

According to FIFA standards, Maracana has 4 large screens, 230 toilets, 60 bars and a cafeteria. The seats are painted blue, yellow and white, with a good view of the field from anywhere. Moreover, 90 seats are available for people with special needs, 85 seats for people with obesity and limited mobility.

Olympic "Maracana"

The destiny has predisposed this stadium to take a great place in the culture of Brazil. The country is hosting more and more world competitions. In 2014, the World Cup was held here, and in 2016 the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics and Paralympics will be held.

Brazilians will cope with the role of hosts of the event and will surprise the whole world. I know I was there;).

Excursion to the Maracanã stadium in Rio: how to see celebrities and visit the Brazilian football museum. How does the stadium live today? Photos and reviews.

If you ask any traveler a question about what the main ones he knows, in response you can hear anything you want, from the National Park and the mountain, to the Rio carnivals and the outlandish cuisine that is offered in the peripheral regions of the country. But only a real fan and football lover, without hesitation, will say that the main attraction of Brazil is the Maracanã stadium, located, probably, in the most beautiful city in the country - Rio de Janeiro.

Maracanã is one of the largest stadiums in the world!

Stadium construction history

Built in 1948 to host the 1950 Football World Cup, Maracanã Stadium was at the time the largest of its kind in the entire world.

This arena is designed for more than 150 thousand people, but later the seats were reduced for security reasons and today the stadium can accommodate no more than 80 thousand people. Although during the first championship, according to unofficial data, more than 200 thousand people were present here.

Later, the Maracanã stadium more than once became the arena of decisive football battles, so recently in 2014 two strongest teams came together in the final "battle" here. And very soon, the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games in Rio will take place on Maracana, this will happen this year.

Celebrities and the Walk of Fame

Maracanã Stadium is clearly visible from Rio's observation decks

In addition to football, this stadium regularly hosts other sports and cultural events. So, at one time such groups as the Rolling Stones, Kiss performed here, Paul McCartney and Tina Turner, Frank Sinatra and Madonna performed as soloists, even the Pope himself more than once communicated with his flock from the stadium's field. And in honor of the athletes who played on the Maracana in 2000, the Walk of Fame was established. Therefore, today you can see such celebrities as Pele, Eusebio, Beckenbauer and many others here.

In addition, on the territory of the Maracan stadium, everyone can visit the football museum, which displays awards and personal belongings of legendary football players.

Maracanã stadium today

The stadium is visited by independent travelers and organized groups

Today, the oval bowl of the Maracanã stadium is the central sports arena in Rio, although it was originally just a renovated stadium of one of the city's clubs, Vasca da Gama.

Renovated and reconstructed for the last World Cup, the stadium today is also one of the most comfortable and equipped stadiums. All spectator seats are sheltered from the scorching rays of the sun by a darkened plastic roof, while local cafes and restaurants serve delicious meals and refreshments are always available.

In a city of contrasts, the Maracanã stadium is adjacent to the favelas

On July 13, 2014, the legendary Maracana experienced a triumph: the stands were filled with 80 thousand people, and the TV screens had another billion viewers. More than 400 million euros were spent on the reconstruction. The result is the final of the World Cup, the highest point in the existence of the stadium. In the summer of 2016, the holiday resumed. The arena hosted Olympic football matches, and the opening and closing ceremonies attracted an even larger audience (the stands were expanded) than the World Cup matches. The sight was tremendous.

Now "Maracana" looks different.

Something went wrong? Everything. The problems began with a conflict between the state and private business. Since 2013, Maracana has been privately owned by the Brazilian giant Odebrecht. After the end of the World Cup, the Odebrecht concern continued to operate the arena in working mode, played home matches for Flamengo and Fluminense, held rock concerts (in particular, Foo Fighters) - everything as it should be. Despite this, the stadium was unprofitable. Maintenance costs exceeded operating revenues by almost 50 million euros (according to Folha). The concern previously tried to judicially terminate the contract and return the stadium to the state, but the authorities of the state of Rio de Janeiro refused to accept it: why do they need such a burden on the municipal budget, which is already threateningly bursting? The Brazilian economy is contracting for the third year in a row, and the authorities have no money to maintain the stadium.

The owner of Maracana, Odebrecht, refuses to accept the stadium after the Olympics, as it is being returned in an inappropriate condition.

Nevertheless, for the duration of the Olympics, the stadium came under the control of the state committee. After the games were over, the committee was to carry out the return of the Maracana to Odebrecht. Six months passed, but this did not happen. Odebrecht simply refuses to accept the stadium back because it is being returned in an inadequate state. The company has calculated that it will cost about 20 million euros to return the "Marakana" to, let's say, the functional state. And they demanded them from the local authorities. Received a counterclaim for non-fulfillment of obligations to care for the stadium after the Olympics.

When leaving, turn off the light

The trial drags on for several months. State structures immediately after the Olympics stopped taking care of the arena, and Odebrecht does not begin to do this until it receives the object in the same form in which it rented out. Meanwhile, hell is happening on the Marakana. The stadium is empty. Symbolic security does not interfere with taking out everything valuable (monitors, bronze busts) and breaking the rest.

Whoever wins the case will now have to spend more on restoration. It will take about 1 million euros just to redecorate the lawn (if there is control over the targeted spending of funds). Investing huge amounts of money in an obviously unprofitable project in order to continue incurring losses is not surprising that both the state committee and the private company are dead. ... Nobody has been paying bills since the fall.

While the court is deciding who should pay for the restoration of Maracana, the stadium is empty and destroyed.

The latest court ruling obliges Odebrecht to resume its duties of maintaining the stadium. However, it does not take into account the possible compensation that the company is demanding from the authorities. In addition, an appeal has already been filed. In general, nothing is over yet.

Flamengo and Fluminense play wherever they need to. From the Das Dunas arena to Laranjeira and Julite Coutinho. Both clubs would love to return to the famous stadium, but admit that this is unlikely. Flamengo is acting more decisively: negotiations are underway to reconstruct the old Gavea arena in order to increase its capacity to 25 thousand spectators and make it the main one.

Lesson for everyone

The current history with Maracana cannot be compared with the situation, for example, in South Africa, where after the World Cup no one needed stadiums. Rio de Janeiro is home to Vasco, Botafogo, Flamengo and Fluminense - four clubs with a history and a large fan base. The stadium could be in demand. The problem of "Maracana" is in the initially high cost, which cannot be beaten off by any demand. And in a conflict of interest with a complex scheme of distribution of responsibility, which, due to the intransigence of the parties, led to an unforeseen increase in costs. This experience is worth exploring.

Flamengo is in talks to renovate their old arena to make it the main arena.

In theory, this situation can be modeled. For example, imagine that Zenit will not fit the functional state in which the Krestovsky stadium will be commissioned. The club will demand to carry out the missing work, and the municipality and the contractor will begin to find out in court whether the authorities are obliged to finance these works or if they relate to the unfulfilled obligations of the contractor. Or is it Zenit's expenses at all? The example of "Maracana" should discipline everyone.

Test. Stadium construction in St. Petersburg: where is the truth, where is the joke?

The construction of "Krestovsky" is one continuous anecdote. So many absurd things happened there that it is very difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.

Laranjeiras Stadium is a small arena located near the Guanabara Palace. Since it is located in the historic district of Orange, its name depended on this. This area was considered one of the most prestigious and was founded in the 17th century, and in 1905 a stadium was built.

The last game was played on it in 2000.

The appearance of the arena is unremarkable, since it was built in the old classical style. For football fans, it is recommended to visit the museum, which perfectly covers the entire history of football matches. Previously, it was the favorite stadium of the Fluminense Football Club. However, unfortunately, at the moment the stadium is going through hard times and is not particularly clean.

Coordinates: -22.93370800,-43.18518000

Maracanã stadium

Maracanã is the largest stadium on the South American continent, the main temple of Brazil's second religion - football. The exact seating capacity of the stadium was unknown until the 1980s, when, at the request of FIFA, all the seating was refurbished and numbered. In the 60s, most major matches gathered up to 200 thousand spectators, which is an absolute record. This became possible due to the fact that standing places were allowed. After the reconstruction, there are none left, and today Maracana is ready to accommodate up to 87,000 football fans.

Maracana is steeped in the history of football inside and out. This is where the famous Brazilian Uruguayan national teams rivalry took place in the 1950 World Cup final. All major matches of Botafogo, Flamengo and Fluminense took place here. Here the king of football, Pele, scored his best goals.

Since 1998, the stadium has been a historical monument.

Coordinates: -22.91262600,-43.22923400

Maracanã stadium

Maracanã Stadium is the largest indoor stadium in Rio de Janeiro. This place is usually the venue for major football matches between local teams. Maracanã Stadium was opened in the last century - in 1950. During its construction, the best Mexican builders were involved, seven architects worked on the building. The stadium got its name in honor of the Mexican journalist who advocated its construction.

Maracanã Stadium can simultaneously accommodate more than seventy-eight thousand spectators. More than half a million people visit it annually, some of the fans come to the match from other cities and even countries. In 2007, the Pan American Games were organized at the Maracanã Stadium. In addition to football matches, various concerts are held at the Maracanã Stadium. A few months ago, the stadium was slightly rebuilt, making it more convenient and modern for spectators and competitors.

Coordinates: -22.91341800,-43.23183000

Olympic Stadium Joao Havelange

The João Havelange Olympic Stadium is the largest sports facility in Brazil. The stadium hosts major football matches and organizes athletics competitions. The João Havelange stadium can accommodate more than forty thousand people at a time.

The Olympic Stadium was opened in the summer of 2007. A month later, the first football match was held on its site. The construction of the stadium cost the local treasury three hundred and eighty million dollars.

Currently, part of the João Havelange stadium is leased to the local football federation for twenty years.

During its existence, the João Havelange stadium has been repaired several times. Its largest reconstruction took place in 2009. By 2016, it is planned to increase its capacity to six hundred thousand people. In addition to sporting events, the João Havelange Stadium often hosts concerts of world celebrities. It featured Paul McCartney, Justin Bieber and Roger Waters.

Coordinates: -22.89276100,-43.29259200

Cayo Martins Stadium

The Cayo Martins Stadium, opened in July 1941 in Niteroi, is a Brazilian stadium that has long been the site of Butafogu's victories in the Brazilian championships. The stadium has a capacity of 15 thousand people.

The first match at the stadium was played on July 20, 1941 by the teams "Vasco da Gama" and "Canto do Rio" (score 3: 1). On April 26, 1992, 13,160 people were present at the stadium for the match between the teams of Botafogo and Santos (score 2: 0).

After 2004, junior and youth teams have been training at this stadium. At the stadium there is a hotel with 20 seats, as well as a medical center, a gym, a psychologist's office, changing rooms, bathrooms with hydromassage, swimming pools, a restaurant, a kitchen, and a laundry. The stadium was reconstructed in 2003.

Coordinates: -22.90055600,-43.10583300

Sao Januario Stadium

Sao Januario Stadium is one of the oldest and most popular football arenas in Rio de Janeiro. The stadium is located northwest of the city center and is considered the most famous sports attraction in Rio.

Sao Januario opened in April 1927 and has grown in popularity since then. Originally

the stadium could accommodate 15 thousand fans, but later, after reconstruction, this figure increased to 25 thousand. Until the 1940s, Sao Januario was the largest stadium in the country.

Sao Januario is also an important historical monument. From its rostrum, the presidents of Brazil have repeatedly delivered speeches to their people. And at the 2016 Olympic Games, the stadium will be the site for rugby competitions - this sport will be included in the Olympic program for the first time, and Sao Januario was chosen for this memorable debut.

Coordinates: -22.89073500,-43.22909300

Rio de Janeiro landmarks

Maracana (Maracana) - the largest, most important, in the past the largest stadium in the world. It is often referred to as the heart of Brazil. The full official name of the stadium is "Stadium of the Journalist Mario Filho" ( Estadio Jornalista Mario Filho ). Located in the main city of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro. Home stadium of the Flamengo and Flumiense clubs and the Brazilian national team.

The construction of Maracana was started in 1948, it was being prepared for the 1950 FIFA World Cup, but they were a little late and the first game was played at an unfinished stadium. The main part was ready and games could be held at the stadium, but there were nuances that took another 15 years to fix!

The stadium's capacity, according to various sources, ranges from 150 to 200+ thousand spectators, although after reconstruction in 2005-2006, the stadium's capacity was reduced to 88 thousand spectators. According to FIFA requirements, the stadium should have only numbered seats, and after the reconstruction the “zheral” sector was eliminated - the most democratic sector (standing places behind the gates and benches). A ticket for the meal cost only 1 USD, and everyone could attend a match of their favorite team.

Maracanã Stadium has released such world football legends as Wagner Love, Ronaldo, Pele and other stars of Brazilian football.

In addition to football, concerts of famous singers were held on Maracana. Over the years, Maracana has become the stage for: Kiss, Sting, Tina Turner, Paul McCartney, Madonna and the Rolling Stones. Music stars liked to feel the spirit of a huge crowd, so concerts were always held with a special mood. Football at this time faded into the background.

Maracanã stadium- a historic building, immortal in every sense. The stadium has officially been a historical monument since 1998 and cannot be seriously modified. All renovation and modernization projects can only be related to improving the safety and comfort of the spectators.

As a tourist attraction, not only the stadium building is interesting, but if it works out, it is advisable to attend the game inside there.

How to get to the Maracanã stadium

The easiest way to get to the stadium is at. You need to get to the Maracana station, when you exit you will see the stadium.

You can get there, it is not very expensive, from Copacabana a taxi will cost about 20 R $ (7 USD)

It is a pity that Maracanã has already lost its status as the world's largest stadium. What will happen next, only time will tell. In 2016, Maracanã will be the sports arena for the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games.

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