Requirements for the growth of the pilot. Medical Commission for the pilot or walkthrough vlack step by step

Not only people with physiological abnormalities or diseases can count. Even those conscripts who are underweight have a chance that they will not be taken into the army.However, it should be borne in mind that not in every such case a young man has the right to hope for a military ID, which exempts him from the need for service.

Why can't you serve in the army due to lack of weight?

Young people between the ages of 18 and 27 are required by law to serve in the Armed Forces. To conclude on the suitability (or vice versa), recruits need to go through a military medical commission, which will determine, among other things, and the physical state young men. It is assumed that recruits are required to be with good physical health... In domestic conditions, not every conscript is distinguished by the absence of diseases, including in terms of problems with a lack of weight relative to the indicators required for passing the army.

Dystrophy (lack of weight) is the official name for a disease in which body weight is seriously below the medical norm. The cause of its appearance can be, for example, poor nutrition, and dystrophy can also develop against the background of another disease. If the medical commission revealed that a young man is underweight, then, in accordance with the law, he is given a period of six months - in other words, until the next call.

How to prove dystrophy on a medical board

Any young man who received a summons must appear at the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination. She will establish the suitability of the young man for military service. In this case, experts take into account the following factors:
  • BMI values.
  • Availability of medical certificates.
  • Identification of concomitant diseases.
The young man must take the required certificates and documents. If the doctors of the commission find signs of dystrophy in a potential recruit, the conscript, where the reasons leading to the lack of mass will be determined. In such a situation, the young man in mandatory exempted from conscription for six months - it is assumed that during this period he must make every effort to recover and try to gain additional mass. In this case, the young man will be obliged to see a doctor every month, who, in turn, conducts examinations and sees the changes taking place in the young man's body.

In order not to miss the tracking of the disease, it is worth remembering that it falls on April 1, and the autumn begins on October 1.

After 6 months, the conscript will be obliged to undergo a medical examination again, she re-makes a conclusion about whether the young man is suitable for service. If the diagnosis of underweight is confirmed within six months, a deferral for health can be given already in the amount of 12 months, otherwise the conscript is issued a military card, thanks to which the young man is exempted from military service.

Do you want to get an exemption from the army by weight?

Get advice from a military lawyer on your situation with the military registration and enlistment office. You will learn how to get a military ID step by step and not serve in the army.

* we guarantee the confidentiality of your data

In what case are they taken into the army with an underweight?

Young people today often suffer from, less often from dystrophy. However, this does not mean at all that a person liable for military service will be able to evade service. The fact is that there are certain medical norms on the basis of which some deviations are allowed. For example, if the height of a conscript is 182 cm, his body weight should be in the range of 64.5-76 kg. The growth of a young man of only 160 cm with the same body weight may be a reason for him to receive a reprieve due to obesity.

Similarly, if, with the same height, the mass of a conscript does not exceed 45 kg, he may be diagnosed with dystrophy, with which they also do not take to serve. The absence of any deviations in the mass in the absence of other diseases and pathologies is an unambiguous reason to send a person to serve in the army. At the same time, there are established ones that indicate the suitability (or, on the contrary, the unsuitability) of a person liable for military service.

These are:

  • A: full fitness.
  • B: fit for service, however there are some restrictions.
  • Q: limited availability.
  • G: not fit for service temporarily.
  • D: complete uselessness.

Table of data on the lack of mass for persons of military age. Here you can observe the ratio of height to weight.

Weight specifications for conscripts

The first thing doctors are interested in is BMI indicators. Certain ratios of these indicators form this indicator. For boys, whose age is 18-25 years old, the normal value is considered to be values ​​in the range of 19.5-22.9. Those who received a summons at the age of 24-45 must have a BMI in the range from 20 to 25.9. If young people fit into these figures, the military registration and enlistment office directs them to serve without restrictions (when no other deviations have been identified).

If a young man is underweight, then this may be a reason for delay. It is forbidden, after the first medical examination, to send to the service persons for whom the BMI value is within:

  • from 18.5 to 19.4 for conscripts aged 18-25.
  • from 19 to 19.9, if the age ranges from 25 to 45 years.
If the weight of the conscript is less than 45 kg, then, regardless of BMI, he can be released from service.

If a person of military age fits within the above limits, then the medical board can provide him with a deferral, which is established by law for a period of 6 months.

You need to know how... Be sure to take all certificates confirming the presence of diseases.

A young man who will be diagnosed with dystrophy will have to go to hospital for treatment. If the 6-month grace period has expired, the body weight has not undergone any changes, while no concomitant diseases have been found, and there is also proper working capacity, a young man with category B3 is sent to defend the Motherland on a general basis.

Taking into account the above, we can conclude that dystrophy for young people in the body, in general, is not a reason to avoid service. In addition, it must be remembered that when the commission deems it necessary to make a full examination, the delay can be extended only for 6 months. Further, the conscript can be taken into the army on a general basis, if no other diseases are found.

Groups liable for military service are distributed depending on:

  • attitude to military service (conscript, past military service, in reserve, etc.);
  • military rank;
  • features of the call (urgent service or contract).

The presence of any disease for each of the groups liable for military service can be qualified with varying degrees of fitness for military service. With what diseases are they not taken into the army? For convenience, the section "Schedule of diseases" is structured by types of diseases. Each block contains an extensive number of names of diseases, which are divided into subgroups depending on the course - for example, chronic disease or acute. Diseases that can interfere with military service include.

With what weight do they not take into the army?

It should be understood that the excess or lack of weight of persons of military age does not yet guarantee that they will not be taken into the army. The index is easy to calculate by yourself, for which it is enough to use the formula.

BMI = m: h², where:

  • m is the mass of the human body (kg);
  • h - full height (m).

Let's give a simple example of calculating body mass index. If the conscript weighs 67 kg and his height is 1.81 m, the index is determined as follows.

BMI = 67: (1.81 * 1.81) = 20.45. Body mass index values ​​for young people of military age 18-25 should vary in the range of 19.5-22.9. For men 26-45 years old, this indicator is 20.0-25.9.
Conscripts with a normal index are recruited into the army without any restrictions.

Are they underweight in the army?

It will turn out to be deflected from the army by those whose weight is in the border zone of 2 and 3 degrees. But a good lawyer can find a way to get away from the draft.
Obesity of the 3rd degree According to the schedule of diseases, the third stage is considered as a non-conscription disease. A citizen with this pathology undergoes an examination in accordance with clause 6, is credited to the reserve according to the category B.

In a peaceful period, he will not be called up for service, mobilization will only take place during martial law in the country. The assignment of category B is carried out when a conscript of 18-26 years old has a BMI coefficient of 35-39.9, at the age of 26-27 years - 36-40.9.
So, if a young man of 19 years old weighs 110 kg, then he will not be drafted into the army. In this case, the IHC sends the citizen for an additional examination, and then gives a delay of 6 or 12 months. More detailed information is given in the table in the Schedule.

How overweight or obesity affects the determination of fitness for the military

Below is a table of BMI values: BMI indicator Ratio of weight and height of a person ≤ 16 There is a pronounced underweight 16-18.5 Lack of body weight 18.5-24.9 Norm 25.0-30.0 Overweight (pre-obesity stage) 30.0–35.0 Obesity I degree 35.0–40.0 Obesity II degree ≥ 40 Morbid obesity III degree See also: How to register for military service? Documents for the military registration and enlistment office The military medical commissions conducting the examination of conscripts are guided by the data of the table, which is available in the schedule of diseases. Please note that if a young man is underweight (lack of weight), he will be called up for military service.

If the doctor reveals that the conscript is underweight, he will be assigned an additional examination, which will identify the reasons that caused the excessive weight loss.

With what weight are they not taken into the army in 2018?


In this case, the young man will be obliged to visit an endocrinologist and be examined by a gastroenterologist, who will be able to confirm or deny the presence of pathologies on the part of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system... If, on the basis of expert opinions, it is established that there are no diseases causing a low index of mass, the conscript will be assigned a category of suitability "B-3".


The young man will be taken with her into the army with some restrictions on the service. For such soldiers, a double ration is provided, since, as practice shows, an increase in the daily ration allows a soldier to gain weight.

Important: conscripts who have problems with body weight (pronounced underweight or obesity) are required to undergo an outpatient examination no later than six months before the start of the draft.

With what diseases are they not taken into the Russian army?

A citizen receives a category D, that is, "not eligible." Young people with astigmatism are also considered unfit for military service if the difference in refraction is more than 6 diopters. Nearsightedness or hyperopia of more than 8 and up to 12 diopters, as well as astigmatism with a difference of refractions of more than 4 and up to 6 diopters, determine category C (limited suitability) for citizens of the 1st and 2nd groups and category B - suitable with minor restrictions (C - individually) - for the 3rd group of conscripts. In an individual assessment of fitness for service, visual acuity will be critical. Citizens with myopia of more than 6 and up to 8 diopters will be assigned category C for the 1st and 2nd groups and B for the 3rd group of persons liable for military service.

Draft 2018 - restrictions and details. disease schedule.

Be sure to take all certificates confirming the presence of diseases. A young man who will be diagnosed with dystrophy will have to go to hospital for treatment.
If the 6-month grace period has expired, the body weight has not undergone any changes, while no concomitant diseases have been found, and there is also proper working capacity, a young man with category B3 is sent to defend the Motherland on a general basis. Taking into account the above, we can conclude that dystrophy for young people in the body, in general, is not a reason to avoid service.

In addition, it must be remembered that when the commission deems it necessary to make a full examination, the delay can be extended only for 6 months. Further, the conscript can be taken into the army on a general basis, if no other diseases are found.
Weight gain reasons:

  • improper eating behavior;
  • heredity;
  • disorders in the production of hormones;
  • low physical activity;
  • binge eating.

Specialists distinguish four stages of the development of the disease:

  • excess weight is insignificant, is 20-29% of the norm;
  • excess kilograms is 30-49%;
  • the norm is exceeded by 59-99%;
  • body weight is 100% more than the prescribed amount or more.

How is excess defined? When passing a military medical examination, the height and weight of conscripts must be measured. These parameters add up the body mass index (BMI). It is calculated according to a special formula: The coefficient obtained with this calculation indicates an excess or lack of a person's mass. So, at 20 years old with a height of 1.80 m, a young man should weigh no more than 80 kg.

With what weight do they not take into the army 2018 table

Normal physical condition fits within BMI values ​​from 20.0 to 25.9. The conclusion about malnutrition is made with a BMI less than 19.0, and about reduced nutrition - a BMI from 19.0 to 19.9.

Indicators above 25.9 allow us to conclude that:

  • increased nutrition (BMI 26.0-27.9);
  • 1st degree obesity (BMI 28.0-30.9);
  • 2nd degree obesity (BMI 31.0-35.9);
  • 3rd degree obesity (BMI 36.0-40.9);
  • 4th degree obesity (BMI 41.0 and above).

Exemption from military service in category D is provided for obesity of the 4th degree. Obesity of the 3rd degree allows you to get category C (release in peacetime) for citizens of the 1st and 2nd groups and category B (suitable with minor restrictions) or C individually for citizens of the 3rd group.

With a reduced diet, the index fluctuates between 18.5-19.4 for those under 25 and 19-19.9 for men over 25. In case of malnutrition, the BMI is less than 18.5 for citizens 18-25 years old and less than 19 - for people from 26 to 45 years old. When determining the suitability of conscripts for service, members of the medical board use special tables. Underweight in the army. Table 1. Age 18-25 years Weight with undernutrition Weight with undernutrition Height 50.3 50.4-52.9 165 53.4 53.5-56.2 170 56.6 56.7-59.6 175 59.9 60-53.1 180 63.3 63.4-67.2 185 Underweight in the army. Table 2. Age 26-27 years Weight with undernutrition Weight with undernutrition Height 51.7 51.8-54.3 165 54.9 55-57.7 170 58.1 58.2-61.1 175 61, 5 61.6-64.7 180 65 65.1-68.3 185 Who should be conscripted? Complete tables BMI ratios are given in the Schedule of Illnesses. If the weight of the conscript is within the limits of the reduced one, he will be taken into service.

What weight is not taken into the army 2018 table russia

However, this does not mean at all that a person liable for military service will be able to evade service. The fact is that there are certain medical norms on the basis of which some deviations are allowed.

For example, if the height of a conscript is 182 cm, his body weight should be in the range of 64.5-76 kg. The growth of a young man of only 160 cm with the same body weight may be a reason for him to receive a reprieve due to obesity. Similarly, if, with the same height, the mass of a conscript does not exceed 45 kg, he may be diagnosed with dystrophy, with which they also do not take to serve. The absence of any deviations in the mass in the absence of other diseases and pathologies is an unambiguous reason to send a person to serve in the army.

Article 27. Candidates for pilot training must have: height not lower than 160 cm and not higher than 190 cm, sitting height - not more than 95 cm, for navigator and flight engineer - not lower than 157 cm and not higher than 190 cm. Muscle strength in persons flight personnel and those entering flight schools with wrist dynamometry should be on right hand not less than 35 kgf, on the left - 30 kgf (for a left-hander it may be the other way around).

For persons entering control rooms, restrictions on height, body weight and muscle strength no.
For candidates for training in civil aviation flight schools under the age of 20, body weight up to 25% is not regarded as a manifestation of insufficient physical development (during the period of intensive development of the body, body weight may lag behind growth).
With infantilism, the issue of suitability for training is decided after consulting an endocrinologist.
Article 28. In case of damage to the lymph nodes, aviation personnel are subject to medical examination by specialists.
In case of tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, a medical examination with the aim of restoring to flight (dispatch) work is possible with complete clinical cure and deregistration at the anti-tuberculosis dispensary. With actinomycosis, restoration to flight (dispatch) work is possible with complete clinical recovery, taking into account the conclusion of a dermatologist (mycologist), but not earlier than a year after the end of treatment.
Article 29. Assessment of the function of the joints is carried out according to the generally accepted method.
When establishing the specific etiology of the disease, the presence of sequestral cavities, fistulas, aviation personnel are deemed unfit for work, regardless of the degree of dysfunction. In case of positive results of treatment and remission of at least 6 months, the issue of admission to work may be considered.
All types of pathological kyphosis determine unfitness for flight work and training. Pathological kyphosis does not include "Round back" (a kind of posture).
Juvenile scoliosis of the 1st degree (the angle of the scoliosis arch is not more than 10 "") with normal physical development, congenital changes (sacralization of the V lumbar, lumbarization of 1 sacral vertebrae, splitting of the arches), not accompanied by dysfunction of the spine and pelvic organs, are not an obstacle to flight training and dispatching specialties.
Spondyloarthritis of infectious and allergic genesis (ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter's disease, etc.) belong to the therapeutic section of the Requirements.
In case of degenerative - dystrophic processes in the spine, accompanied by radicular syndrome, an expert opinion is made by a neurologist.
In case of fracture of the vertebral bodies with subluxation, in case of tuberculosis of the spine (regardless of the phase of the process and the state of function), aviation personnel are considered unfit. After a compression fracture of the bodies of one or two vertebrae, examination is carried out no earlier than 12 months after the injury or operation.
In case of fractures of the transverse, spinous processes, aviation personnel are allowed to work and train to restore function and eliminate pain.
In case of consolidated fractures of the pelvic bones, a medical examination is carried out no earlier than 6 months after the injury.
In operations on muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints, suitability for flight training, flight (dispatch) work is determined after the restoration of functions. An arm or leg may be shortened as a result of an operation (injury) no more than 2 cm.
In case of refusal of the operation with indications for surgical treatment of habitual dislocation, pseudarthrosis, aviation personnel shall be deemed unfit under clause 29.1.
Small tantalum fixators used in osteosynthesis (screws, Len plates, etc.), if there are no signs of metallosis, are not an obstacle to continuing flight, dispatch work and training.
Metal retainers introduced intraosseously (rods of CITO, Bogdanov, etc.) must be removed by the time of restoration for flight operation.
The absence of a hand, absence, complete reduction or immobility of two fingers on one hand, the first or second fingers on the right hand, as well as the first finger on the left hand refers to clause 29.1.
The absence of a nail phalanx on the first toe and two phalanges on the others is equivalent to the absence of a toe.
Evaluation of suitability for other defects of fingers and hands is determined by the degree of preservation of the function of the hand.
The absence of a foot, congenital and acquired deformity of the foot, which disrupts its function and makes it difficult to walk (clubfoot, III degree flat feet, etc.), refer to item 29.1.
The absence of the first toe is an obstacle to flight training.
Flat feet of the I degree and the initial form of the II degree are not an obstacle to learning. If necessary, for a more accurate determination of the height of the arch, an X-ray of the foot should be taken in the support.
Flat feet with a longitudinal arch height less than 20 mm determines unfitness for flight training.
With extensive flat scars of the skin (more than 20% of the body surface), regardless of the condition and degree of dysfunction, candidates for civil aviation educational institutions and hired flight attendants, flight operators are considered unfit.
Article 30. An exception to clause 30.1 is stage 1 skin and lower lip cancer. For the period of treatment, temporary disability is determined. The question of professional ability to work is decided by the surgeon, taking into account the conclusion of the oncologist and the normalization of peripheral blood parameters.
Recovery to work using an individual assessment according to clause 30.2 is possible after treatment of stage 1 (T1 N0M0) or 2a (T2 N0M0) tumors.
In the absence of a relapse or generalization of the tumor process in aviation personnel with complete and stable compensation of body functions, the issue of recovery for flight, dispatch work and work as a flight attendant is considered in the following terms: in case of stomach and intestinal cancer - no earlier than 3 years after the operation; for malignant tumors of the breast, thyroid gland, kidney, testicle, cervix - no earlier than 2 years after the end of treatment (surgery, radiation therapy, combined). The documents submitted to VLEK should reflect: the stage of the tumor, a detailed pathomorphological conclusion (anatomical type of tumor growth, its morphological characteristics, the state of regional lymph nodes) and the treatment performed (for surgical - the date, nature of the operation and the course of the postoperative period; for radiation - terms and method of irradiation, total focal dose, general and local radiation response).
In case of a pathomorphological conclusion ("cancer in situ"), regardless of the location of the tumor, an expert opinion is made depending on the nature of the treatment (operation) performed.
The article does not include tumors of the central and peripheral nervous system, eyes and ENT organs.
Article 31. In addition to true tumors, the article includes osteo-cartilaginous exostoses, nodular goiter, prostate adenoma, mastopathy.
Clause 31.1 applies to tumors that are not subject to surgical treatment due to their localization, size, anatomical relationship with neighboring organs, the possibility of dysfunction of the surrounding organs and organs from which they emanate.
The terms of admission to work after removal of benign tumors are determined by the scale of the operation and its outcome.
For benign tumors of small size without a tendency to grow, which do not interfere with the wearing of clothes and shoes, the article does not apply.
Those who enter educational institutions and work as a flight attendant, who have previously been operated on for benign tumors, submit to the VLEK GA an extract describing the nature of the operation performed and data on the histological examination of the tumor.
In case of benign tumors of the gastrointestinal tract (in the overwhelming majority, polyps) and respiratory organs, the inability to work with pesticides is determined. The question of therapeutic tactics for these tumors is decided by an oncologist (proctologist).
The issue of restoration to flight (dispatch) work and training in these specialties after removal of the nodular goiter is considered by the therapist no earlier than 3 months after the operation.
With adenoma of the prostate gland I st. without dysuric disorders, if, according to the conclusion of the urologist, surgical treatment is not indicated, the persons of the flight and dispatch personnel are suitable according to clause 31.2. At II - III stages of adenoma, as well as at stage I, if it is complicated by acute urinary retention, aviation personnel are considered unfit.
The question of removing benign tumors of the external genital organs is decided after consulting a gynecologist (urologist). Patients who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, which are asymptomatic, are subject to dispensary observation. Candidates for training as a flight attendant and newcomers to this job are considered unfit. In the case of fibroid growth, violations of ovarian-menstrual function and the development of pain syndrome, surgical treatment is indicated. Admission to work after the operation is allowed within the time limits specified in Art. 34.
Candidates for civil aviation flight schools with multiple pigmented nevi measuring 2 x 3 cm or more located on areas of the body exposed to constant pressure from clothing and shoes are considered unfit.
The article does not include tumors of the central and peripheral nervous system, eyes and ENT organs.
Article 32. After an operation for diseases of the chest cavity and mediastinum, aviation personnel are deemed unfit for flight (dispatch) work and training. With favorable treatment results, the issue of suitability for work (training) is decided together with a therapist no earlier than 6 months after the operation.
In the presence of foreign bodies in the chest wall or tissue of the lungs, distant from large vessels, heart, which do not give clinical manifestations, and good external respiration function, an expert opinion is made in accordance with clause 32.2. Candidates for training in civil aviation schools are considered unfit. In traumatic pneumothorax, an expert decision is made after the end of treatment and clinical examination.
With a penetrating wound of the chest without damaging the internal organs, the question of suitability is decided after recovery. In case of diaphragmatic hernias with a tendency to infringement or causing functional disorders of the esophagus and stomach and complicated by refluxesophagitis, a conclusion is made about the inadequacy. With a favorable outcome of surgical treatment, the issue of flight (dispatch) work is considered no earlier than 6 months after the operation.
Article 33. The article includes diverticula, cicatricial changes, cardiospasm, acholasia of the cardia. With a favorable outcome of surgical treatment of the diverticulum, the issue of suitability for flight, dispatching work is considered no earlier than 6 months after the operation. Clause 33.2 applies for diverticula measuring no more than 2 - 2.5 cm, which do not retain the contrast mass, are not accompanied by diverticulitis and dysfunction of the esophagus.
Article 34. Candidates for training and persons entering flight (dispatch) work in an airline, if they have postoperative scars on the abdominal wall, submit documents on the nature of the operation to VLEK GA. After surgery for developmental anomalies, damage to the abdominal organs, non-neoplastic diseases, including peptic ulcer, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, acute and chronic pancreatitis, strangulation obstruction and volvulus, candidates for training and persons applying for work in airlines are recognized as unfit.
In case of appendicular infiltration, aviation personnel are considered unfit. Recovery to work is possible only after surgical treatment.
With a favorable outcome, admission to flight work (work on ATC) and continuation of training is allowed in the following periods after the operation:
with penetrating wounds of the abdominal cavity without damage to internal organs, appendectomy for acute or chronic appendicitis, removal of the Meckel diverticulum, diagnostic laparotomy (if, according to the intraoperative revision, an in-depth examination or long-term conservative treatment is not indicated) - no earlier than 6 weeks;
for penetrating wounds with damage to internal organs, as well as diseases not complicated by peritonitis - not earlier than after 4-6 months;
in case of injuries or diseases of the abdominal organs complicated by diffuse peritonitis - not earlier than after 12 months.
In case of adhesive disease, an unresolved cause of volvulus and after surgery on the pancreas, aviation personnel cannot be recovered.
A medical opinion after surgery for gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and its complications, cholecystectomy, splenectomy for systemic disease is made by the surgeon together with the therapist.
Hernias of the abdominal wall are subject to surgical treatment. Aviation personnel are allowed to work (train) no earlier than 5 - 6 weeks after the operation. With direct inguinal hernias with a diameter of up to 4 cm and the absence of pain, surgical treatment is allowed during the intercommission period. With umbilical hernias with a diameter of not more than 1 cm, the indication for surgical treatment is pain.
Article 35. Upon detection of an epithelial coccygeal passage with signs of acute inflammation, as well as a fistulous form in the cold period, surgical treatment is indicated. With favorable treatment results, continued work (study) is allowed. In the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids, chronic paraproctitis, epithelial coccygeal passage, the question of suitability is considered after recovery, but not earlier than 4 weeks after the operation; in case of prolapse of the rectum and insufficiency of the anal pulp - no earlier than after 6 months.
Frequent exacerbations of hemorrhoids are considered single exacerbations for 3 consecutive years or more than 2 exacerbations within one year.
Perineal condylomatosis is considered under item 35.2 after consulting a dermatovenerologist. For polyps and rectal polyposis, the requirements of Art. 31.
Article 36. The article includes obliterating diseases of the arteries (endarteritis, atherosclerosis), atherosclerotic occlusions, aneurysms, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis, post-thrombophlebic disease, elephantiasis, the consequences of vascular injuries and operations on them.
In case of a favorable outcome of the surgical treatment of post-traumatic arterial aneurysms, the decision on suitability for flight and dispatch work is made no earlier than 4-6 months after the operation according to the results of a clinical examination.
With varicose veins with signs of trophic disorders, decompensation of blood circulation, with thinning of the skin over the nodes with the threat of rupture, aviation personnel are considered unfit.
The issue of admission to flight, dispatching work after surgical treatment of varicose veins lower limbs resolved no earlier than 3 months after the operation. In the event of a relapse of varicose veins, flight attendants are deemed unfit for work, and an individual assessment is applied to the rest of the aviation personnel, taking into account the degree of circulatory disorders. In case of post-thrombophlebic disease in the stage of compensation, the dispatchers are recognized as fit, the rest of the aviation personnel are unfit, regardless of the stage of the disease.
Article 37. The question of recovery to work after surgery on the kidneys, ureters, bladder and the urethra is seen no earlier than 6 months after surgery. Mild renal parenchymal dysfunction, detected only by the radioisotope method, is not an obstacle to recovery for flight (dispatch) work according to clause 37.2.
For flight crews who have undergone nephrectomy or have a single kidney from birth, an individual assessment is applied depending on the state of kidney function.
Grade I - II nephroptosis in the absence of violations referred to in clause 37.1 is not an obstacle to the continuation of flight operations. In case of grade III nephroptosis, flight personnel are deemed unfit, and an individual assessment is applied to air traffic controllers.
Flight attendants in the presence of grade III nephroptosis are considered unfit.
For all types of cryptorchidism (testicular retention or ectopia), a conclusion is made that it is unfit for training. Persons who have undergone an operation to remove a testicle (with abdominal retention, descent of the testicle, ectopia) are recognized as fit for training. Fitness for flight training after surgical treatment of cryptorchidism with descent of the testicle is determined no earlier than 6 months after the operation, provided that the testicle is in the scrotum, and not at its root.
After surgery for dropsy of the testicle, spermatic cord, cadets, flight personnel and flight attendants are allowed to study (work) 5-6 weeks after the operation, dispatchers - after closing the sick leave.
With a moderate expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord (without a pronounced conglomerate of veins, their significant increase with tension of the abdominal press), candidates for training are recognized as suitable. In case of head hypospadias, training candidates, flight personnel, dispatchers and flight attendants are considered eligible.
In case of dropsy of the testicle and spermatic cord, dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord for persons sent to work on polar expeditions and in countries with hot climates, an individual assessment is provided.
Article 38. The article includes tuberculosis of the kidneys and genitourinary organs, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urinary incontinence. With the active phase of tuberculosis, a decision is made about the uselessness. In case of acute nonspecific inflammation, aviation personnel are subject to treatment. After curing (conservative, operative) tuberculosis of the testicle, epididymis and deregistration in the TB dispensary, admission to flight (dispatch) work is allowed.
Aviation personnel who underwent nephrectomy for tuberculosis are deemed unfit.
With an exacerbation of chronic nonspecific diseases more often than twice a year or one-time annual exacerbations for three consecutive years, aviation personnel are deemed unfit.
Aviation personnel with prostate stones without clinical manifestations are suitable for flight (dispatch) work.
Incontinence sufferers are unfit for all counts.
Article 39. When establishing the diagnosis of urolithiasis, a clinical examination is indicated. In the absence, according to his data, of morphological and functional changes in the urinary tract, clause 39.2 is applied. In case of impaired renal function due to renal colic (with or without stone discharge), aviation personnel should be treated for up to 3 months, followed by a medical examination.
Aviation personnel treated with extracorporeal lithotripsy are allowed to work no earlier than 3 months after the operation.
Skin and venereal diseases

Being underweight is a good reason to get a deferral and it will be given at a second medical board at the same institution. The approximate height-to-weight ratio should differ by one meter - that is, if your height is 180 cm, then your weight should be around 80 kg ..

Therefore, if a recruit has a height of 175 cm. Weight. - then most likely he suffers from a disorder in the work of the digestive system and he will be given a reprieve and prescribed treatment.

There really is a deferral from conscription in case of insufficient weight of the conscript, more precisely, with a certain ratio of height and weight. So after graduating from university, my son was summoned to the recruiting office for a commission. With a height of 185 cm, his weight was the same as me with a height of 168 cm - only 55 kg. It was impossible to look at him on the beach without tears.

But the son did not experience any special ailments. He was sent through the military enlistment office to a diagnostic center for a free examination, I must say not too pleasant - endoscopy (examination of the stomach), they found a slight deviation in the work of the stomach. They gave me a delay of six months.

Six months later, the weight remained the same, the son was examined again with the same result. After that, the military registration and enlistment office issued a military ID to his son. He was not called again. No action was taken on our part. Now (at 32) he weighs at least 20 kg more.

With a difference in the height-weight ratio of twenty-five or more units, it is already considered a deviation from the norm. That is, if a young man, with a height of 180 centimeters, weighs only 55 kilograms, then such a recruit will probably receive a reprieve from the army and be sent for examination or immediately sent for treatment.

Those who will not be accepted into the ranks of the military, you can immediately see that excessive thinness is a sign of some kind of malaise or even an illness that needs to be cured while the body is young.

He was given a reprieve and prescribed treatment, he has gastritis of the last stage bordering on an ulcer and now he is on a special diet and is constantly rushing to the hospital.

Apparently in different regions of the country they look at this problem differently or not. - more than a year ago

Now, few people are given a reprieve to the Army due to insufficient weight, they say that the food in the Army is excellent, plus the regime and the soldiers there, on the contrary, are gaining the missing weight.

But if your height is 1.70 and you weigh 50 kg, then of course you will be given a reprieve and sent for an additional examination to find out the reason for such a small weight.

In case of insufficient nutrition, in fact, at all times, a "white ticket" was never issued. Deviation from the "norm" in terms of weight implies a deferral from conscription for a period of either six months or a year. All this is provided solely for additional examination and identification of the reasons influencing the "underweight" weight. I would like to say that there are plenty of such reasons, these are various diseases, fast growth when the mass "does not have time" to gain and even hereditary thinness. If, during the provided deferral, there is no positive dynamics of weight gain, then the deferral from the call will be extended. And so it is possible to "hold out" until the end of the draft age).

The table of the ratio of body weight and weight in medicine is quite complicated. There, the body mass index is taken into account (BMI = body weight divided by the square of the height). Therefore, I propose the simplest formula for young guys, this is an increase in 100 minutes and minus 10 percent. For example, with a height of 180 cm normal weight should be = 72 kg. With such a weight, they will definitely be taken into the army, but the insufficient one begins, see the table (all that is less - it may generally be hypertrophy)

With any weight (with very few exceptions), they will still be taken into the army. If the weight loss is significant, then a delay of six months will be given. And during this time, it is not necessary to gain any specific mass, but simply enough so that the weight begins to increase. And the postponement will end with an appeal.

Underweight (low weight, malnutrition), obesity, fit or not?

On January 1, 2014, a new disease schedule came into effect. Unfortunately since spring call 2014, it is impossible to get rid of the army with a diagnosis of malnutrition.

The eligibility categories for diseases "malnutrition", "undernutrition" and "obesity" in the schedule of illnesses are specified in article 13 of the schedule of illnesses.

According to article 13 of the schedule of diseases, the normal ratio of weight and height is considered for persons aged 18 to 25 years, corresponding to a body mass index (BMI) from 19.5 to 22.9, for persons aged 26 to 45 years - with BMI from 20.0 to 25.9. Increased nutrition (BMI 23.0-27.4 (or 26.0-27.9 for persons aged 26 to 45) does not interfere with military service.

Underweight is determined on the basis of height, that is, with known data on weight and height, the so-called "Body Mass Index" (also called BMI for short) is derived using a special formula. If there is insufficient weight, in this case the military registration and enlistment office sends for examination to the hospital for FGDS. If gastritis is detected, a deferment from the army will be issued.

A large number of conscripts are interested in obtaining a respite from the army. A young man may be considered unfit for combat service, not only in the presence of certain diseases, but also in case of a lack of body weight.

Underweight can indicate problems with physical development conscript, or malfunctions of some body systems. In the presence of pathologies that cause weight deficiency, you can get a delay. Consider the conditions under which a conscript will be released from military duty.

BMI conscripts categories

There are body mass index categories according to which conscripts are recruited into the Armed Forces. It should be understood that the excess or lack of weight of persons of military age does not yet guarantee that they will not be taken into the army.

Let's give a simple example of calculating body mass index. If the conscript weighs 67 kg and his height is 1.81 m, the index is determined as follows. BMI = 67: (1.81 * 1.81) = 20.45.

Body mass index values ​​for young people of conscription age should vary in the range of 19.5-22.9. For men years, this indicator is 20.0-25.9. Conscripts with a normal index are recruited into the army without any restrictions. Below is a table of BMI values:

The military medical commissions conducting the examination of conscripts are guided by the data of the table, which is available in the schedule of diseases. Please note that if a young man is underweight (lack of weight), he will be called up for military service.

If the doctor reveals that the conscript is underweight, he will be assigned an additional examination, which will identify the reasons that caused the excessive weight loss. In this case, the young man will be obliged to visit an endocrinologist and be examined by a gastroenterologist, who will be able to confirm or deny the presence of pathologies on the part of the digestive tract and the endocrine system.

If, on the basis of expert opinions, it is established that there are no diseases causing a low index of mass, the conscript will be assigned a category of suitability "B-3". The young man will be taken with her into the army with some restrictions on the service. For such soldiers, a double ration is provided, since, as practice shows, an increase in the daily ration allows a soldier to gain weight.

Important: conscripts who have problems with body weight (pronounced underweight or obesity) are required to undergo an outpatient examination no later than six months before the start of the draft. When diseases and pathologies are identified that affect the change in weight indicators, it is necessary to record data on their course in the patient's outpatient card. Otherwise, the disease may not be taken into account when making a final decision on a conscript by the military medical commission.

With what weight do they not take into the army?

Underweight and overweight may become grounds for exemption from military service. If a young man has a pronounced thinness, and his weight does not exceed 45 kg, he will not be accepted into the Armed Forces.

If the military medical commission determines that the conscript has insufficient nutrition, he will be sent for examination without fail. If necessary young man can provide appropriate inpatient treatment. In this case, conscription into the army will be postponed for six months, besides the conscript for this period will be assigned the degree of suitability for service "G".

If during the specified period, doctors do not identify a disease that affects weight loss, the young person will be assigned a degree of fitness "B". This means that a conscript can serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with some restrictions.

If a conscript of IV degree of obesity is identified, he is assigned the category "D". Young people with a large weight are not taken into the army if their body mass index exceeds 41.

Conscripts who have grade III morbid obesity are assigned a degree of fitness "B". This means that they will be exempted from military service in peacetime. Obesity of I and II degrees usually gives doctors the right to assign recruits to category "B", which allows a person to be drafted into the Armed Forces with some restrictions.

Please note that upon the initial detection of III degree of obesity in a conscript at the medical board, he is given a deferral from service for six months. For this period, the category "D" is assigned (if necessary, the terms can be extended), and the young man will have to be examined and treated. If weight gain continues, and treatment measures do not bring the desired result, a degree of suitability "B" is assigned. Recall that there are 5 of them in total:

If the military medical commission made an unlawful decision in relation to a conscript, he has the right to appeal it in court. An experienced lawyer will help to resolve such issues, who will tell you how to properly appeal the opinion issued by the commission.

Will they be recruited into the army when the weight is normalized?

Yes, they will take it as soon as the BMI indicator allows the military commission to make an appropriate decision on the conscript.

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As you can see, the lack or excess of body weight will allow the conscript to evade military duties only if the BMI indicator is significantly deviated from the norm, and serious illnesses are confirmed. Otherwise, the young person is assigned a degree of fitness that allows him to serve with some limitations.

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What is the lack of weight not taken into the army?

BMI = 59 / (1.79 * 1.79) = 18.41

weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters: BMI = weight / (height * height)

There is a conscript with a height of 179cm. and weighing 59kg. Then his BMI will be equal to:

BMI = 59 / (1.79 * 1.79) = 18.41

This index is less than 18.5, but the military registration and enlistment office will try to round up the figures for height and weight and recognize the conscript as fit with minor health restrictions. For this, the floor scales in the military registration and enlistment office, which are used for weighing conscripts, are equipped with springs that change the readings, “adding” an extra 2-3 kilograms to the body weight. But, if the conscript read this article, then he will not allow himself to be deceived and will require the employee of the military registration and enlistment office to enter the exact numbers of his height and weight in order to get a deferment from military service by weight.

normal height-to-body ratio (BMI - 19.5 -22.9)

reduced nutrition (BMI - 19.4-18.5-)

undernutrition (BMI - less than 18.5)

You can apply for a deferral from military service by weight only for the last item - if your BMI is less than 18.5

Does the “reduced food” clause give the right to deferment from military service? Unfortunately no. At this point, you will receive an entry "Good with minor restrictions" in your personal file. With such a record, the road to the landing, special forces and navy is closed to you. But you are welcome to the construction battalion!

As you can see from the formula for calculating BMI, your height also plays a role. With the help of a little trick, you can add a couple of centimeters to yourself - just while measuring your height, when you stand with your back to the measuring board, stand up slightly on your toes - this will add a couple of centimeters to you - perhaps they will help you get a reprieve from military service by weight. If the doctor notices your trick and starts scolding and trying to make you stand up normally - brazenly declare that you usually walk like that - on tiptoes. It's more convenient for you and it's your own business. Most likely, the doctor will wave his hand at you and write down what he intended - which is what we needed.

Usually, you will receive a deferral from military service by weight for six months to a year - then you need to go through a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office again. But perhaps this period will give you time to find another way to get away from the army, so you should not discount this method as getting a reprieve from military service by weight.

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Is it possible, due to lack of weight, not to join the army

Postponement in the army today implies not only the presence of any diseases in the conscript, but also due to physiological reasons, such as underweight. But you should not immediately focus on this, since not every lack of weight is considered a prerequisite for obtaining a military card without going through military service.

Why are they not underweight in the army?

Due to the fact that persons from 18 to 27 are called up for military service, they initially need to be examined by doctors of a special commission, who give conclusions on the suitability of the conscript to carry military service... In addition, they must have good health and physical endurance, but it is not so rare that young people cannot be called up for military service as a result of non-compliance with established standards in relation to weight category.

One of the main signs is considered to be dystrophy, a disease associated with very low body weight relative to height. It often happens when a young man of military age does not eat well or another illness has become the cause. Therefore, after the examination, they can be suspended for 6 months, since they are not able to complete the training in full.

Dear Readers! Our articles talk about typical ways of solving problems, but each case is unique and should be solved individually!

ext. 620 Moscow and Moscow Region

ext. 272 St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

ext. 249 Regions of the Russian Federation

Passing a medical examination with a lack of mass

After a young man of military age is presented with a summons to undergo training in the army, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, where his suitability is established. First of all, the doctor of the draft board takes into account:

  • the amount of body weight in relation to height;
  • revises medical certificates;
  • finds out if there are any diseases.

Therefore, you need to have all the necessary documents and certificates with you. As a result, if it is determined that the conscript has problems with lack of weight, then he is sent for a special medical examination to find out the cause of this condition. In this case, he is exempt from service for 6 months, during which he must try to cure the disease and gain weight. For six months, he needs to undergo monthly examinations, which will show changes in the state of the body. After this time, a commission is again appointed, which makes a decision on conscription. If there are no changes, then you can get a delay of 12 months or a military ticket, which exempts him from military service.

When to serve

Despite the fact that quite often young people have problems with weight, for example, overweight or by his underweight, not everyone will be able to evade military duties. This is due to the fact that there are established limits for the norm of body weight, which allow deviations from the standards. For example, the normal ratio is considered to be the norm with a height of 182 cm. The body weight should be - 64.5 to 76 kg, but if a young man has a weight of about 45 kg or a height of 160 cm, then this may serve as a basis for giving a respite from the army. Although, if a conscript with such indicators does not reveal any diseases, then he will be sent to military service on a general basis. The assignment of the degree of fitness is indicated by the following categories:

ext. 272 (St. Petersburg)

ext. 249 (Regions)

  • "A" the young man is fully fit for military service;
  • "B" conscript can be accepted into the armed forces, but has some restrictions;
  • "B" is a young guy of limited fitness for the army;
  • "G" this designation indicates that the young man is temporarily unable to serve in the armed forces;
  • "D" conscript is considered completely unfit for service.

As for point "B", guys with such restrictions can be drafted into the army only during hostilities.

Underweight table for military service

Underweight indicators for conscripts

The main indicators for determining the correspondence of body weight and height, which doctors of the draft board pay attention to, is the body mass index (BMI). Normal index for citizens from 18 to 25 years old, an indicator is considered in the range from 19.5 to 22.9. And for persons from 25 to 45 years old, respectively, from 20 to 25.9. With such indicators, recruits are sent to serve without any restrictions.

As for the shortage in weight, which are considered the basis for postponement in the army, these indicators are at the level:

  • Young people from 18 to 25 years old have a BMI of 18.5-19.4;
  • Persons from 26 to 45 years old do not exceed 19-19.9;
  • If the weight of the conscript is 45 kg or less, then he can count on being exempt from the army.

As for the first indicators, they imply underweight, which is the basis for a delay of 6 months.

If a young man of military age is notified of the inadequacy of the weight category, he will be referred for inpatient treatment. If after six months the body weight has not changed, and no diseases are detected, and full working capacity has been preserved, then he is sent to serve in the Armed Forces on a general basis with category B3.

Considering the information received, it can be seen that insufficient body weight is not a reason for evading military duties. In addition, do not forget that if the draft board deems it necessary to conduct a full examination, then the deferral can be extended only for six months. And then a young man can be drafted into the army without any restrictions, if diseases associated with underweight are not identified.

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