Gymnastic exercises for elementary school. Gymnastics in the classroom in primary school

Compiled by L.D. Zheleznyakova teacher physical culture

The lesson of physical culture in its relevance and significance is, from time immemorial, a carrier of health. But now a special direction has emerged in pedagogy: “pedagogy of health improvement”. Health improvement is based on the idea of ​​a healthy child. Of course, preparation for a healthy lifestyle of a schoolchild, from the standpoint of health preservation, should become a priority in the activities of every teacher, that is, every student should receive knowledge during his studies that will be in demand in his future life. And the innovative activity of a physical education teacher is to create conditions for enhancing the health-preserving potential of the lesson. The development and effective implementation of the potential of a physical education lesson is facilitated by special exercises for the formation of posture, exercises for the correction of vision, exercises for the prevention of flat feet. I have developed and tested exercise complexes with and without objects for the prevention of posture, vision, for the prevention of flat feet.



(correcting vision and posture in physical education lessons).

Complex number 1. Exercises with a small ball

I. p. - The ball is in the left hand. 1 - 2 - hands through the sides up, reach out and pass the ball to the right hand - inhale. 3 - 4 - lowering your hands down, - exhale (6 - 7 times). Pass the ball over your head or slightly behind.

I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand. 1 - turn to the right, hands forward, pass the ball to the right hand. 2 - arms to the sides, and. p. (4 - 6 times in each direction). The arms are straightened, the heels are not lifted off the floor, the legs are straight.

I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the left hand. 1 - 2 - tilt to the right, pass the ball over your head with your right hand - inhale. 3 - 4 lowering your hands, and. p. - exhale (3-4 times on each side). Do not lower your head, push your chest forward.

I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - deep squat, legs together, pass the ball to the left hand at the toes - exhale. 3 - 4 - straighten up, arms to the sides - exhale (5 - 6 times). Take the exact position of the hands.

I. p. - stand feet apart, ball at the top. 1 - lean forward, put the ball on the floor - exhale. 2 - straighten up, arms up - inhale. 3 - lean forward, take the ball - exhale. 4 - straighten up, the ball up - inhale (4 - 5 times). Count slowly, legs straight. Straighten, push your chest forward.

I. p. - hands on the belt, the ball on the floor in front. 1 - 8 - jumping in a circle (70 - 80 cm) around the ball (2 - 3 times in each direction).

Complex number 2. Exercises with a small ball.

I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the left hand. 1 - 2 rise on toes, hands up through the sides, stretch, shift the ball to the right hand - inhale. 3 - 4 lowering the hands - exhale (6 - 8 times). Pass the ball over your head, push your chest forward.

I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the left hand. 1 - 2 tilt forward, pass the ball over the head, in the right hand, look forward - exhale. 3 - 4 straighten up inhalation (5 - 6 times). Do not lower your head, look forward.

I. p. - hands up, the ball in the left hand. 1 - deep squat, put the ball at the toes - exhale. 2 - stand up, arms up - inhale. 3 - sit down, take the ball with your right hand - exhale. 4 - stand up, arms up - inhale (5 - 6 times). Keep counting slowly. Straightening, push your chest forward, arms straight.

I. p. - emphasis on the knees, the ball on the floor between the hands. 1 - 4 - taking the ball with the right (left) hand, describe a large circle forward - up in the lateral plane, put the ball in place. Raising the hand - inhale, lowering - exhale (4 - 5 times with each hand).

I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand. 1 - raise the bent at the knee left leg, pass the ball under the knee to the right hand - exhale. 2 - and. p. - the ball in the right hand - inhale (4 - 5 times in each leg), do not bend the supporting leg.

I. p. - right (left) leg in front, hands on the belt, ball on the floor between the legs. Jumping on two legs. Change the position of the legs with each jump (20 - 40 jumps).

Complex number 3. Exercises with a small ball.

I. p. - the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - putting the right leg back on the toe, arms arcs forward upward, pass the ball to the left hand - inhale. 3 - 4 - i. p. - exhale (8 - 10 times). Legs are straight.

I. p. - right hand on the belt, left in front, the ball in the palm of your hand. 1 - 4 - sit down, move to the sitting position and straighten your legs. 5 - 8 get up, and. p. (6 - 8 times). On account 8 - put the ball in the other direction.

I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - tilt of the body to the right, left hand up through the side, take the ball from the right hand - inhale. 3 - 4 - and. p. - exhale (3 - 4 in each direction).

I. p. - kneeling, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - turning the body to the right and bending over, put the ball between the feet. 2 - straighten up. 3 - turn left and take the ball with your left hand. 4 - straighten up (5 - 6 times).

I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - swing the right leg forward - upward, pass the ball under the knee to the left hand. 2 - lower the leg, arms to the sides (5-6 times with each leg).

I. p. - about. with., the ball from the side on the floor. Jumping on two legs over the ball (10 - 20 jumps).

Complex number 4. Exercises with a small ball.

I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the right hand. 1 - right hand over the side up. 2 - left hand up - inhale, pass the ball to the left hand, 3 - 4 - hands through the sides down - exhale (5 - 6 times). Pass the ball over your head with straight arms, do not lower your head.

I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball is in the right hand. 1 - 2 - putting the right leg to the side on the toe, tilt to the right, hands behind the head, pass the ball to the left hand - inhale. 3 - 4 - and. p. - exhale (5 - 6 inclinations in each direction). Keep your head straight.

I. p. - support sitting behind. The ball between the feet. 1 - 2 - holding the ball with your feet, raise your legs to shoulder level. 3 - 4 - and. p. (7 - 8 times).

I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand.! - 2 - crouching down, the ball between the legs and the body - exhale. 3 - 4 - straightening, take the ball with the other hand - inhale (6 - 7 squats).

I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - leaning forward, bend, arms up, pass the ball to the left hand, look forward. 3 - 4 - and. p. (7 - 8 slopes). Perform the exercise with straight legs.

I. p. - hands on the belt, the ball between the feet. Jumping in place, holding the ball with your feet (10 - 20 jumps).

Complex number 5. Exercises with a small ball.

I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the right hand. ... 1 - right hand over the side up. 2 - left through the side up - inhale. 3 - taking your hands back, bend over, pass the ball to your left hand. 4 - hands through the sides down (8 - 10 times).

I. p. - sprock stance, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - tilt to the left leg, pass the ball to the left hand under the leg. 2 - straighten up, arms to the sides (5 - 6 tilts to each leg).

I. p. - an emphasis sitting behind, the ball on the shins of the legs at the feet. 1 - 2 - lifting the legs, roll the ball to the body. 3 - 4 - lower your legs and move the ball with both hands, and. p. (8 - 10 times).

I. p. - about. with. - the ball is in the right hand. 1 - lift up the right leg bent at the knee, the ball under the knee. 2 - take away bent leg back, bend over. 3 - bent leg forward, take the ball with your left hand. 4 - and. n. the ball in the right hand (6 - 7 times with each foot). Keep the score slowly.

I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides. ball in his left hand. 1 - 2 - bending the left leg, left arm up, release the ball and catch it with the right hand. 3 - 4 - straightening the leg, and. p. (5 - 6 slopes in each direction).

I. p. - stand on the left leg, left hand with the ball to the side, right on the belt. 1 - 8 - jumping on the left leg around an imaginary support - the ball. Change the direction of the jumps and the supporting leg (4 - 6 circles).

Complex number 6. Exercises with a small ball.

1. I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - hands through the sides up, pass the ball to the left hand, stretch - inhale. 3 - 4 - hands down through the sides, pass the ball from behind into the right hand - exhale (8 - 10 times) .. Hands are straight.

2. I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - tilt, pass the ball from behind the shins to the left hand. and. p. (7 - 8 times). Legs are straight.

I. p. - the ball in front, palms "boat". 1 - 2 toss the ball 5-10 cm, squatting to catch. 3 - 4 - get up and. p. (7 - 8 times).

I. p. - an emphasis sitting behind, the ball on the shins at the feet. 1 - 2 holding the shins horizontally, pull the shins to the chest, take the ball with your right hand. 3 - 4 - support sitting behind, the ball in the right hand. 5 - 6 - put the ball back. 7 - 8 - and. p. (8 - 10 times). Keep the score slowly.

I. p. - gray, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - right leg up, pass the ball under the leg to the left hand. Do not bend your knees. 2 - and. n. (6 - 7 times with each leg).

I. p. - the ball under the knee of the right (left) leg, hands on the belt. 8 jumps on one leg. Place the ball under the knee of the other leg (4 - 5 times with each leg).

Appendix No. 1.

Exercises for shaping correct posture

"Giant". Stand on tiptoe, raise your hands up and stretch higher and higher, without taking your eyes off your fingertips. Go ahead.

" Military parade". Starting position the main stance and move like a military man on a parade: stretch the toe forward and put your foot on the entire foot.

"Sit in Turkish". Sit cross-legged on the floor. Put your hands on your knees and straighten your back.

"Curious" Lie face down, press all the muscles of the torso to the floor, put your hands behind your back in a lock. Bending your chest, look forward, around, back. Make sure that only the head moves, while pressing your hands to the body.

"Gates". Stand with your backs to each other, Raise the hoop up. Take small steps to disperse in opposite directions, without taking your eyes off the hoop, and stretch. Then, in the same small steps, return to and. etc. and put the hoop on your shoulders. In this case, the head appears to be in the frame of the hoop.

Game - competition "Frightened horses". Stand with your backs to each other, take on the same gymnastic stick, take one step forward, while lowering your shoulders down, and arch your back. At the signal, pull each other in opposite directions.

Game - competition "Drag the stick" Sit in Turkish, backs to each other, hands up, in the hands of a gymnastic stick. Leaning forward, try to pull the gymnastic stick into your

side. All the while looking at the stick.

Exercises to strengthen the "muscle corset".

These exercises are used to develop strength and static endurance. muscle groups that provide the function of standing upright (muscles of the foot, lower leg, hip flexors, extensors of the spine) and muscle groups that do not have a leading role in maintaining upright standing (muscles of the abdominal press, shoulder girdle, neck). It is advisable to perform these exercises with weights: dumbbells, medicine balls etc.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck.

Slow turns of the head to the right, left, slowly tilt the head forward, backward, hands on the belt or to the sides.

Slow turns of the head to the sides, arms above the head, hands in the "lock".

Hands on your belt, slowly tilt your head forward, perform a semicircle movement, then slowly tilt your head back and again perform a semicircle movement.

Exercises for the shoulder girdle.

Circular movements with the shoulders.

Circular movements with hands, arms, raise the shoulders up, lower them down, shoulders forward, connect the shoulder blades.

Turning the body to the sides, kneeling, arms to the sides, to the shoulders, up, to the belt; the same, sitting legs crossed.

Standing on the knees in an emphasis, turn the body to the right (left), taking the right (left) hand to the side to failure.

Standing on your knees to bend in the chest, lumbar, right, left, bend forward, arms to the sides, stretch your arms up, stretch, and so on.

Lie face down, raise your arms up, take your legs up from the mat, the fulcrum of the abdominal muscles, (swinging).

Lying on your back, relax, bend your legs and group (swing - forward backward, right, left).

Raising the body from a prone position, hands behind the head.

Stand in the basic stance, hands on the belt or behind the head, rotation of the pelvis to the right, to the left.

The same, rotation of the torso, to the right, to the left. Etc.

Exercises for the lower torso.

Squat, arms forward, up, to the sides, behind the head.

The same in the stance of the feet together, with closed toes, with closed heels.

Squat in a rack on the toes, feet apart, feet together. Hands up, to the sides, behind the head.

From the kneeling stand, hands on the belt, stand in the main stance and kneel down, then, maintaining balance (the vertical position of the body), stand in the main stance.

From the main stand, sit down, touching the heels with your hands, perform a grouping, grip on the knees.

From the stand, legs apart, hands on the belt, turn around in a stand, legs crosswise, sit knees apart, with a turn in a circle, stand up to the starting position.

Appendix No. 2.

Exercises with a preventive orientation carried out in the water part of the lesson:

"Rubbing the ears and fingers" - activates all systems of the body.

"Cross movements" - activate both hemispheres of the brain, prepare for the assimilation of knowledge.

"Shaking your head" - improves mental activity and cerebral circulation.

"Lazy Eights" - activate structures that ensure memorization, increase the stability of attention.

"Symmetrical patterns" - improve visual - motor coordination, improve memory.

Special knowledge is communicated before performing marching commands and formations, low-intensity exercises, exercises for attention, for example: before performing exercises for the prevention of colds, theoretical information is provided on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, on the importance of sleep and rest, and personal hygiene rules. Also, in the process, the lesson includes emotional release in the form of sayings, poems, riddles. Used posters with the thoughts of philosophers about health, drawn diagrams, which indicate the components of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" and so on.

In the course of each lesson, health problems are solved (health promotion by means of physical culture and health activities; development of adaptation to living conditions; formation of primary knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; mastering wellness complexes morning exercises); exercises to relieve tension. For example:

Exercise "Frontal-occipital correction" - sitting with closed eyes, the right hand is placed on the forehead, the left - on the back of the head, the exercise is performed for 1 minute, improves cerebral circulation.

Bear Wiggle - This exercise relaxes the muscles of the spine, brain, neck and eye muscles.

Exercise "Twisting Pose" - improves blood circulation in the spine, relieves spasms of the vessels that feed the spine.

Exercises are used to focus attention, to prevent posture and vision disorders; a variety of exercises with different dosage loads; for the prevention of flat feet; for the prevention of infectious diseases; for the prevention of myopia; to strengthen individual muscle groups.

Mandatory element health-preserving organization in physical education lessons is mastering the basics breathing exercises and developing a habit correct breathing- breathe through the nose, deeply, evenly, rhythmically.

For example: Exercise "Respiratory gymnastics" - rhythmic breathing: inhalation is two times shorter than exhalation.

Or take a deep breath, slowly exhale with a "trickle" until you exhale completely.

Exercise "Candle" - an even slow exhalation, take a deep breath, hold your breath and slowly blow on an imaginary candle flame, try to blow so that the flame "lies down" and hold it in this position until the end of the exhalation.

Exercise "Extinguish the candle" - an intense, intermittent exhalation. All breathing exercises harmonize the activity of the respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular systems.

Mastering Muscle Relaxation Skills.

Exercises for facial expressions:

Wrinkle your forehead, raise your eyebrows (be surprised), relax it.

Frown (get angry) - relax your eyebrows.

To widen your eyes (fear, horror) - to relax your vei (laziness, you want to take a nap).

Expand your nostrils (inhale the smell; exhale passionately) - relaxation. Close your eyes, relax your eyelids.

Narrow your eyes - relax.

Raise your upper lip, wrinkle your nose - relax.

Show your teeth - relax your cheeks, nose.

Pull the lower lip down to relax.

Confidently perform exercises for concentration and exercises aimed at the prevention of posture and vision disorders. These exercises allow students to switch to another mode of activity faster and more efficiently.

Outdoor games and Relays.

Outdoor games are the most accessible and effective method impact on the child with his active help. Through games, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and therefore especially attractive. The game uses natural movement for the most part in an entertaining, unobtrusive manner. Play is a natural companion of a child and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the developing organism of a child - his irrepressible need for cheerful movements. The main feature of outdoor games is the presence of active motor actions, due to which they are a recognized means and method of physical education and development. The educational value of outdoor games is not limited to the development of only such valuable physical qualities like speed, strength, agility, endurance, flexibility. Many intellectual qualities develop: observation, memory, logical thinking, ingenuity. In games that have a story form, there is room for imagination and artistry, elements of dance and singing. Music accompaniment can be arranged. All this forms the aesthetic perception of the world. Being carried away by the game, children very directly and vividly show their character and other individual characteristics.

For children with mental retardation, where motor disorders such as coordination disorders, awkwardness, and slow reactions are noted, play is a vital need. Due to the fact that sensory disturbances in such children are characterized by insufficient understanding of instructions, impaired orientation in space play activity will contribute to the development of these processes. Along with insufficiently formed general motor skills, deviations in the organization are noted fine motor skills providing subtle, differentiated movements when performing labor processes, while sculpting, designing, writing and other motor acts. Mentally retarded children suffer from the ability to develop and consolidate movements, to make them automated. This takes a long time and a lot of repetitions.

The most important result of the game is joy and emotional uplift. Thanks to this remarkable property, outdoor games, especially with elements of competition, more than other forms of physical culture, are adequate to the needs of children with mental retardation, contribute to versatile, physical and mental development, upbringing of moral and volitional qualities. In addition, outdoor games, selected taking into account age, health status, degree physical fitness children contribute to the improvement, hardening, strengthening of the child's body.

When organizing outdoor games, it is necessary to carefully monitor the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the classes, in particular, the cleanliness and temperature of the room and air used. No less important is the cleanliness of the body and clothing of the trainees themselves. During the game, the metabolism of the players in the body increases significantly, gas exchange and heat transfer increase, in this regard, the students need to develop the habit of systematically washing their hands and feet, wiping their bodies with a damp towel or pouring themselves with water using generally accepted rules of hygiene and hardening of the body water treatments... The content orientation of the practical use of game material in physical education lessons is, first of all, in the following.

If the task of developing strength is solved in a lesson, then it is very beneficial to include auxiliary and lead-in games associated with short-term speed-power stresses and a wide variety of forms of overcoming the opponent's muscle resistance in direct contact with him. The main content components of such games include various pulling, pushing, holding, pushing, elements of wrestling, weightlifting, etc. Motor operations with available playing weights are also very effective for solving this problem - bends, squats, push-ups, lifts, turns, rotations, running or jumping with a load that is feasible for them. This should also include quite useful for power development engaged in throwing various objects at a distance.

To develop the quality of speed, games should be selected that require instant responses to visual, sound or tactile signals. These games should include physical exercises with periodic accelerations, sudden stops, rapid jerks, instant delays, running on short distances v shortest time and other motor acts aimed at consciously and purposefully getting ahead of the opponent.

For the development of dexterity, it is necessary to use games that require the manifestation of precise coordination of movements and the rapid coordination of their actions with teammates, the possession of a certain physical dexterity.

For the development of endurance, it is necessary to find games associated with a deliberately high expenditure of strength and energy, with frequent repetitions of compound motor operations or with prolonged continuous motor activity, due to the rules of the applied game.

Outdoor games are best used in close connection with other means of physical education, through complex use with general developmental, leading and special exercises.

When planning an outdoor game, you need to take into account the total load of the lesson and determine the purpose, time and place among other exercises and educational tasks used.

The level of difficulty of the games on physical activity used in the lessons and the complexity of the game interaction of the participants should be accessible to the practitioners and increase methodologically reasonably, smoothly and gradually.

In the process of practical implementation of the planned games, serious attention must be paid to strict observance of the norms and safety rules of both the players themselves and the spectators around them, generally accepted in physical education lessons.

Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics


Purpose: development of coordination abilities, courage, prudence. Used as an aid exercise for study assignments on gymnastic balance beam or other narrow support.

Organization: the class is divided into equal teams, formed in a column, one behind a common starting line. The distance between the columns is 2-3 m.In front of each team, one gymnastic bench, on which there are 3 medicine balls, and after 10 m behind the bench, a swivel stand is installed.

Carrying out: At the signal, the first players of each team rush forward, run along the bench, jumping over the balls lying on it, then reach the rack, go around it to the left, and come back, give a start to the next player of their team by touching an outstretched hand, and then end up at the end columns. If a player loses balance while running and leaves the bench, he must resume movement from the beginning of the bench, knocking down the ball, and put it in place. The first team to finish the relay wins.

Crossing the narrow poles

Purpose: development of dexterity, vestibular apparatus, attention and prudence.

Organization: the class is divided into equal teams, formed in a column, one behind a common starting line. The distance between the columns is 3 m. After 10 m, 2 inverted benches are installed in front of each team (parallel and close to each other).

Carrying out: At a signal, each team, holding hands, runs up to their "crossing" and begins to cross the "river" along the narrow edges of the inverted bench - in a chain, not letting go of the neighbors' hands. The winning team is the one that "crosses over" faster, without losing balance and without breaking the chain.

Balance beam wrestling

Purpose: development of coordination skills, business perseverance and tactical thinking. It is used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks on a gymnastic balance beam.

Organization: the class is divided into equal teams, built in a column one by one (boys in front, and girls behind them) from different ends of a log, lined with mats.

Carrying out: At a signal, one player from each team climbs onto the log from their end and, converging in the middle, try to unbalance the opponent and push him with the help of deceptive movements. The player who pushes the opponent brings a point to his team, etc. The team with the most points wins.

Acrobatic relay

Purpose: the development of dexterity, speed, courage. Used as an auxiliary exercise for acrobatics training assignments.

Organization: The class is divided into three teams, lining up in columns, one behind the starting line. At 7 m in front of the columns, 3 benches, lined with mats, are placed transversely, close to each other. A pivot stand is placed 15 m in front of each column.

Carrying out: At a signal, the guides of all the columns run to their pivot stand, with a long roll with a running run, overcome three benches standing in the way, go around the pivot stand and come back, etc. The first team to finish the relay wins.

Medicine Ball Relay Combo

Purpose: development of agility, speed-strength qualities, flexibility. Used as a lead-in exercise for acrobatics training assignments.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, each of which, divided into 2 groups, line up in opposite columns, legs slightly wider than shoulders. The distance between the opposing columns is 10 m, and between the players in them is 0.7 m. A gymnastic mat is placed in the middle between the columns. Team captains receive a medicine ball.

Passing: On signal, the rails pass the medicine ball overhead and back in a bend. The second player, having received the ball, leans forward and gives it back between the legs, etc. The last player, having received the ball, runs forward with him, having reached the mat, rolls forward with the ball in his hands, then continues running and passes the ball to the guide of the oncoming column. They do the same thing, and he goes to the side. As a result, with each successive cycle there are less and less players. The winner is the team whose members finish the game faster.

Don't let the hoop fall

Purpose: the development of dexterity, prudence, speed. Used as a lead-in exercise for training exercises with a hoop.

Organization: the class is divided into teams, which, open at arm's length, line up one after another behind a common start line. Three lines are drawn at 6, 8 and 10 m from the start line. Players in the first rank are given a hoop.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players of the first rank must roll their hoop forward, and when it crosses the 6th mark, run out and catch it before falling to the floor. A participant who did not manage to catch his hoop or ran out ahead of schedule is eliminated from the game (round 1). In the 2nd round - 8 m, etc. The team that retains the largest number of players after the final round wins.

Ten jumping rope

Purpose: development of dexterity, speed, attention. It is used as a lead exercise for training exercises with a rope.

Organization: the class is built in a column of four. The interval is 1.5 m, the distance is 3 m. The ranks of the right-flank players are handed out on a rope. The method of jumping is discussed.

Conduct: At the signal, the right-flank players of all ranks perform 10 jumps in place (in the agreed manner) and pass the rope to the next player, etc. the last player, having completed the task, raises the rope above his head. The team that completed the task earlier than others wins.

Catching "frogs"

Purpose: development of dexterity, speed, attention, strength. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks with vaults.

Organization: At a distance of 10-12 m, the start and finish lines are marked. At 1.5 m in front of the starting line, mark the second one. The class is divided into 2 teams, one of which stands behind the starting line and takes an emphasis by squatting with support on hands put slightly forward. At 1.5 m in front of them, the players of the other team take the same position.

Carrying out: Upon a signal, all participants in the game begin jumping forward with a "frog" pushing off with their arms and legs. The task of the rear players is to catch up and fire the players of the front team until they reach the finish line. Then both teams return to the start and switch places. The team that catches the most "frogs" wins.


Downhill running

Purpose: the development of speed in lightweight conditions and attention. Used as a support exercise for short distance running training tasks.

Organization: in a free meadow with a slope of up to 10-12, the class is lined up in one line behind the common starting line. Ahead, after 20 and 50 m, two transverse control lines were drawn.

Carrying out: At the signal, all players run forward, downhill, and for the first 20 m they must run evenly, not overtaking each other, but, having caught up with the first line, start running for the race. The winner is the participant who is the first to cross the 50 m line without breaking the rules. Boys and girls have separate credit.

Obstacle Relay

Purpose: development of speed and dexterity. Used as a lead-in exercise for training sessions with the transfer of the baton.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, lining up in a column, one behind a common starting line. The interval between the columns is 3 m. The guides are received by the baton. At 15 m, there is a rotary stand, and in the middle of the 15th segment, a hoop is placed, in the center of which a small white circle is outlined with chalk.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns run to the pivot stand, having reached the hoop lying in the way, crawl through it, then put the hoop in place, with a white circle in the center, and run further. Having reached the pivot stand, they go around it and come back, crawling through the hoop again, after which, according to the rules of the track and field relay, they pass the stick to the next player. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

Jumping on one leg

Purpose: development of strength, agility, jumping ability. Used as an auxiliary exercise for the training tasks in the long jump.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, lining up in a column, one behind a common starting line.

Carrying out: On a signal, the guiding players of the columns, standing on one leg, perform five jumps in a row, as far forward as possible, and stop. The second numbers begin the execution of this task from the place where the previous jumper of their team stopped, etc. The winner is determined by the total length of the jumps of all players on the team.

Jump over the "stream"

Purpose: development of speed, jumping ability, prudence. Used as an auxiliary exercise for the training tasks in the long jump.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, forming in a column, one behind the starting line. After 8 m from the start, two parallel lines indicate a conditional two-meter wide stream, and after another 8 m, a pivot stand is placed in front of each column.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns run to the pivot stand, jump over the stream with a running start, go around the stand and come back, overcoming the stream in the same way, and pass the baton to the next player. For each failure to cross the stream, the team is added 2 penalty seconds. The team that finishes the relay in the shortest time wins.

Accurate throwing

Purpose: the development of dexterity, prudence. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for target throwing training tasks.

Organization: the class is divided into competing pairs, who are given a small ball and a gymnastic club. The players of each pair face each other at the ends of the 8th line, in the middle of which they place a club. Cross marks are made on the line at a distance of 1 m.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players in pairs begin to throw the ball into the club in turn, trying to overturn it. The player who knocked down the mace moves it one meter closer to himself, and the game continues under the same conditions. The winner is the one who leads the mace to himself with well-aimed throws.

Dodge the ball

Purpose: development of quickness and dexterity, operational thinking. It is used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks with throwing the ball at the target.

Organization: the participants of the game disperse along the court, in the center of which is the driver with a tennis ball in his hands.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players randomly move around the court, dodging the ball thrown at them by the driver. The participant, who was hit with the ball, enters the driver's support group and together with him they shower the rest of the players using the auxiliary ball passes. As a result, the number of hardened players increases. The winner is declared the last remaining underage player, who is recognized as the fastest and most agile.

Throwing with maximum rebound

Purpose: the development of dexterity, prudence, strength. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on throwing a ball and a grenade at a target and at a distance.

Organization: At 8 m opposite the basketball backboard, the starting line is drawn. Behind it, through each meter, parallel lines are drawn with a digital indication of the footage. The class is divided into 2 teams, and they are built in columns, one behind the starting line. The guides receive the ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns throw the ball into the shield at the rebound distance, immediately pick it up by running and give it to the next participant. The farther the bounce, the more points. The winner is the team whose players score the most points.

Catch up with the front

Purpose: development of speed and dexterity, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for low-start or high-start study assignments.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, which are lined up one behind the other. The distance between the ranks is 2-3 m. A control line is drawn at 30-40 m in front of the first rank.

Carrying out: On signal, both teams from a high (low) start run to the control line. At the same time, the players of the back rank seek to catch up and stain the runner in front of them with a touch of their hand. Players who are spotted to the reference line must stop and raise their hand. Their number is counted. Then the teams are swapped.

Long jumping with the ball "penguin"

Purpose: development of speed and dexterity, jumping ability, prudence. Used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks in long jump.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, which line up in columns behind the starting line. A swivel stand is placed at 15 m. Directing players take a basketball and pinch it between their legs.

Carrying out: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns with long jumps with the ball sandwiched between their knees, rush to the rack, go around it and come back. The player who lost the ball must pick it up, return to the place of loss and continue moving from there. The first team to finish the relay wins.

Throw the ball higher

Purpose: the development of speed, strength, prudence. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks with running and throwing the ball at a distance.

Organization: participants stand in one line in front of a circle with a diameter of 3 m, in which there is a small ball, and are calculated in order. From the circle comes a marked treadmill... Two judges are appointed: one at the circle, the other at the treadmill (he has flags of different colors in his hands).

Carrying out: At the signal from the line, the first player enters the playing circle, takes the ball lying there and throws it up. While the ball is flying, the player runs on the treadmill, trying to run as far as possible during the flight of the ball. At the moment the ball lands, the referee at the circle says loudly: “stop”, and the referee at the track puts a flag opposite the place where the runner was caught landing the ball. Then the same task is performed in turn by all participants. The winner is the one whose flag will be next.

Running with obstacles

Purpose: development of speed, jumping ability, attention. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for educational tasks on overcoming vertical and horizontal obstacles.

Organization: the class is divided into 2-3 teams, which, with a 5-meter interval, stand on the site behind the starting line in columns one by one. A swivel stand is placed at 20 m, and 2 barriers are installed on the way to it at an equal distance. A mat is placed in the middle of the way back.

Carrying out: At the signal, the first players of the columns run to the rack, jumping over 2 barriers on the way, go around the rack and come back, jumping over the mat with a running start, then pass the baton by touching the hand. For each barrier or mate not jumped, 2 penalty seconds are added. The team that completes the task in the shortest time wins.


Purpose: development of speed, dexterity, tactics of joint actions.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, lined up in columns, one behind the starting line. A medicine ball is placed 10 m in front of each team.

Conduct: At the signal, the participants sit on the floor with their legs bent. Each participant grabs the partner sitting behind him by the ankles, and the entire column resembles a crawling caterpillar, alternately moving his legs or buttocks. Moving, in this way, they reach the medicine ball, go around it and also return back.

Pursuit with handicap

Purpose: development of speed, dexterity, attention.

Organization: Draw 2 parallel lines A and B at intervals of 3-4 m. Finish line C is drawn at a distance of 8-10 m from line B. Players are divided into 2 teams and line up in 2 ranks on lines A and B. Team B players, occupy an uncomfortable position.

Conduct: At the signal, the participants rush to the finish line, and the players of the back team try to catch up and stain the players of the front team. One point is awarded for each soldier. Then the teams are swapped. The victory is awarded to the team with the most points.

Sport games

Ten blows with a pass

Purpose: development of speed, dexterity, attention. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for educational tasks on dribbling and passing the ball in basketball or handball.

Organization: the class is lined up in 3 ranks. The right-flank players of all ranks receive the ball. Distance and interval - 2 m.

Dribble: On signal, the right-flank players start dribbling in place with 10 bounces off the floor, and 11 kicks direct the bounce of the ball to the next player. The last player, having completed the task, raises the ball over his head. The team that completes the task earlier than everyone else wins.

Ball flying

Purpose: development of speed, dexterity, prudence. It is used as a lead exercise for educational tasks on receiving and passing the ball in basketball, volleyball.

Organization: the class is divided into several equal teams, which are lined up one after another. A cord with flags is pulled one meter in front of the first row between two posts at a height of 2.5 m. The first ranked players are given a ball each.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players of the first rank must throw the ball over the line and, quickly running under it, catch the ball on the other side. A player who does not have time to catch the ball before it lands is eliminated from the game. Then the second line performs the same task. In the 2nd round the distance increases to 1.5 m, in the 3rd round - up to 2 m, etc. The team with the largest number of players after the final round wins.

Ball race in a circle with side steps

Purpose: development of speed, dexterity, attention. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for educational tasks with receiving, dribbling, passing the ball in basketball.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, which are lined up opposite each other behind the endlines of the basketball court. At 2 m in front of each line, a circle with a diameter of 6 m is drawn with chalk, and the guide is given a ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players of both ranks begin to dribble the ball with side steps in their own circle, making the first turn with their right side forward, and the second player with their left side, after which they pass the ball to the second numbers of their ranks and step aside. The first team to complete the mission wins.

Interception of the ball

Purpose: development of speed, dexterity, operational thinking. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for basketball training tasks.

Organization: the participants in the game receive the ball and line up in a circle. A ball interceptor is selected, which goes to the center of the circle.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players begin to pass the ball, and the interceptor, running in a circle, tries to intercept the ball in flight, on the floor, or take it from his hands. After taking possession of the ball, the interceptor takes the place of the player who lost the ball.

Rapid transmission

Purpose: development of speed, dexterity, attention. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on passing the ball in volleyball, basketball.

Organization: the class is divided into several equal teams, which choose the captains and stand in columns one at a time behind the starting line. Behind another line drawn 4-6 m opposite each team is its captain with the ball in his hands. The method of passing the ball is discussed.

Conduct: At the signal, the captains begin passing the ball to the first player in their column. Having received the ball, the player returns it to the captain and squats down, etc. If in the course of these passes the receiving player misses the ball, then he must run to pick it up, return to his place and only after that continue the game. The first team to complete the mission wins.

Shots to the basket from the spot

Purpose: development of dexterity, attention, accuracy. Used as an auxiliary exercise for basketball training tasks.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, each of which occupies its own half of the basketball court and line up in a column, one behind the free throw line. The guides receive the ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the captains begin to throw into the ring, then run to the backboard to pick up the ball and pass to the next player in their column, while they themselves return and stand at the end of the column. The team with the most goals in the basket wins.

Volleyball relay

Purpose: development of speed, accuracy of movements, attention. It is used as a lead exercise for training tasks with aiming the ball in volleyball.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, each of which is assigned a longitudinal half of the volleyball court. Each team is lined up in its area in 2 opposing columns on opposite sides of the net, behind the lines of attack. The captains receive the ball.

Conduct: On a signal, the captains pass the ball with two hands from above through the net to the guide of the opposite column of their team and run to the end of their column. The one to whom the ball is addressed, in the same way sends it through the net to the next player. The first team to finish the volleyball relay wins.

Single Combat at the Shield

Purpose: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for basketball training tasks.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, which are lined up in columns one by one behind the center line of the basketball court and are calculated in order. The distance between the columns is 2-3 m.

Conduct: the teacher throws a basketball into the backboard and calls any serial number of the participants in the game. Players of both teams with this number run out of line and rush to the backboard, trying to get hold of the ball before the opponent. The one who succeeds, brings his team a point and immediately makes a long pass to the directing player of his column, and he, having received the ball, quickly passes it with two hands back along the column, from hand to hand, to the last player in the formation, who, having received ball, lifts it up. The player who conceded the ball in single combat at the backboard runs with side steps to his original place in the column, trying to overtake the ball, which is passed over the heads of the players of the rival team. If the runner with side steps is in his place before the finish of the ball, then one point is awarded to his team. If not, then the opposing team gets one more point. The team, the players of which score the most points, wins.

Ski training

Sliding on one ski

Purpose: development of the force of repulsion with sticks, balance, attention. It is used as a lead-in exercise for training tasks of ski movements with a sliding step.

Organization: The class is lined up in a row, open at outstretched arms, and, moving forward in a parallel course, each participant of the game makes a ski run for himself, and the teacher marks the start and finish lines (from 20 to 50 m). Then all players turn in a circle, come back and line up behind the starting line.

Carrying out: At the signal, all participants in the game as soon as possible slide along their track to the finish line on one ski, lifting the other top and pushing off with sticks. A player, touching the snow with a raised ski, is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who finishes first.

Now on the right, then on the left ski

Purpose: development of the force of repulsion with sticks, balance, speed, dexterity. It is used as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks in skiing with a sliding step.

Organization: The class is lined up, open at outstretched arms, behind the starting line. After 20-30 m from the start, a turn line is marked.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players should, pushing off with sticks, slide to the pivot line on the right ski and return back on the left ski. The winner is the one who completes the task first, never stumbling with his free foot in the snow.

Descent on a snowy slope

Purpose: the development of dexterity and courage. Used as an aid exercise for downhill training assignments.

Organization: On a hill with a steep slope of 15-18, the class is divided into two teams.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players of both teams alternately perform downhill skiing in the main stance, trying not to fall over the course. A penalty point is awarded for each person who falls. The team with the fewest fallen players wins.

Descent for two

Purpose: development of dexterity and courage, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for downhill training assignments.

Organization: On the slide, the class is divided into two teams, which are lined up in columns of two behind the starting line. Each pair of players has one pair of skis.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players, trying not to fall, alternately roll down the slope, standing together on the same pair of skis. The partner standing behind is holding on to the belt of the front one. A pair that made a descent without falling, brings their team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Storming the summit

Purpose: development of dexterity, speed, strength and mutual assistance. Used as a lead-in exercise for uphill training tasks.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, lined up in front of the slides.

Carrying out: At a signal, all players rush forward, trying to climb to the top of the mountain as quickly as possible. The winner is the team whose players all gather on the top of the snowy mountain earlier.

Vacant place

Purpose: development of speed, attention, coordination abilities. It is used as a lead-in exercise for the training tasks of fast skiing with turns.

Organization: in the clearing, the class is in two adjacent circles, open on extended sticks. One circle is girls, the other is boys. The distance between the circles is 10 m. The driver is selected in each circle.

Carrying out: At the signal, each driver begins to detour his circle from the outside and, having chosen one of the players standing in it, touches him with his hand, while he continues to move. The skier summoned by him immediately turns and runs in the opposite direction, trying to go around the circle as quickly as possible and take his previous place (vacant place). The player who did not have time to take a seat becomes the driver.

Descent with throwing snowballs

Purpose: the development of dexterity, courage, prudence. Used as an aid exercise for downhill training assignments.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, and they stand on a small slope. All players harvest two snowballs and form columns behind the starting line. Not far before the finish of the descent, 5 m to the side of the track, a portable board measuring 1 * 1 m is installed longitudinally.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players take turns rolling down the slope and, passing the shield, throw two snowballs at it. For each snowball hitting the target, the team is awarded a point. The team, the players of which score the most points, wins.

Pick up the flag when descending

Purpose: development of attention, courage, coordination skills. Used as an aid exercise for downhill training assignments.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, skiing without sticks. The game is played on a small slope. On one of the sections of the descent, on the right side, put a control flag and a judge with spare flags.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players of the first team, one after the other, with an interval of 10 seconds, start from the hill with the task: to sit down, pick up the flag on the descent, without stopping the movement. The judge immediately replaces the taken away flag with a new one - for the next participant, and on the way back the flags are returned to the judge. After the first command, the second command performs the same task. The team whose players pick up the most flags wins.

Don't hit the gate

Purpose: development of attention, courage, coordination abilities. It is used as a lead-in exercise for the training tasks of the difficult descent from the mountain.

Organization: the game is played on a long, gentle slope with gates on the way. Judges are assigned to each gate. The class is divided into two teams, lining up in a column, one behind the starting line.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players alternately descend the slope on skis, trying to pass through all the gates in the way, bending down and not touching them. For each gate hit or overturned - a penalty point. The team with the lowest penalty points wins.

Race of mutual pursuit

Purpose: development of speed endurance, coordination abilities, tactical prudence. Used as training exercise in preparation for passing the training standards in cross-country skiing.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in ranks open on extended sticks. The distance between the ranks is 100 m. On the left, next to each player, a rotary flag is placed.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players rush forward to the flag of the opposing player of the opposing team, and, bypassing the flag on the right, turn back, trying to catch up with this player and touch him with his hand. After a few turns such ski race with turns in a circle every 100 m, one of the two competitors in a pair overtakes the other and brings a point to his team.

Name of the game: "River and Moat"

Content: Students are built in the middle of the hall (platform) in a column one by one. To the right of the column is a moat, to the left is a river. You need to swim across the river (walk, imitating the movements of a swimmer with your hands), over a ditch - jump over. At the teacher's signal "Moat - to the right!" children turn right and jump forward. Anyone who jumped the other way is considered to have fallen into the river. They help him to get out by giving a hand. Everyone comes back and builds in the middle of the hall. At the signal "The river is on the right!" children turn left and "swim to the other side." One who has fallen into the moat is given a hand, he returns to his comrades. The player with the fewest mistakes wins.

Game card number 2

Game name: "Owl"

Content: The players are located on the court at random. The "owl" is selected. Her nest is away from the site. After the words of the teacher, “The day is coming - everything comes to life,” the children walk, run, imitating the flight of birds. After the words "Night comes - everything freezes" the players stop in the position in which the signal caught them. The owl goes out to hunt: he takes those who have moved to his nest. The teacher says "Day ...". The owl goes to the nest, the players "come to life".

Game card number 3

Name of the game: "Trap in a circle"

Content: In the middle of the site draw a circle with a diameter of 4 - 5 m. Students stand in a circle. The driver is selected (trap). He stands in the center of the circle. At the signal "One, two, three - catch!" children run crossing the circle. The driver must touch them without leaving the circle. The man is considered caught and is temporarily out of the game. After 1 - 1.5 minutes the signal “Stop!” Is given. Those caught are counted. A new driver is selected from the non-salted ones.

Rule: You can only catch in a circle.

Game card number 4

Name of the game: "Catch with ribbons"

Content: The players stand in a circle. Each of them has a colored ribbon placed behind the belt or collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal "Run!" children scatter around the playground. Lovishka runs after the players, trying to take the ribbon from someone. The one who has lost it temporarily moves aside. At the teacher's signal "Into the circle!" everyone runs in a circle. The trap counts the tapes taken and returns them to the children.

Options: Feet off the ground. It is impossible to catch those who managed to stand on any towering object.

"With a ball". The driver must hit the runners with a ball.

"With a squat." You cannot catch a crouched player.

Game card number 5

Game name: "Burners"

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out.

Look at the sky - the birds are flying

The bells are ringing,

One, two, three - run!

After the word "Run!" the children standing in the last pair lower their arms and run forward along the column: one to the left and the other to the right. They run forward, try to hold hands again and stand in front of the driver. He tries to catch one of the couple before the children have time to meet and join hands. If the driver manages to do this, he forms a new pair with the caught one and stands in front of the column. The one left without a pair is the driver. The game ends when all pairs have run once.

Relay races.


Two participants are given two sheets of paper. They must pass through the "swamp" along "bumps" - sheets of paper. You need to put a sheet on the floor, stand on it with two feet, and put another sheet in front of you. Step over to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and put it in front of you. And so, who will be the first to pass through the room and come back.


You need to jump a certain distance, holding a normal or tennis ball... If the ball hits the ground, the runner picks it up, squeezes it again with his knees and continues jumping.

Baba Yaga

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. He holds the handle with one hand and the mop in the other. In this position, it is necessary to go the entire distance and pass the stupa and broom to the next one.

Come through, don't hit

Out of the blue, at a distance of a step from each other, 8-10 towns are placed on one line (or pins). The player stands in front of the first town, he is blindfolded and offered to go back and forth between towns. The winner is the one who drops the least number of towns.


The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up behind each other's heads. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players grasp with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants of the attraction, depending on which side of the rope he stands on, is taken with his right or left hand by the ankle of his right or left leg. At the signal of the leader, centipedes jump forward 10-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can just run on two legs, but then you should put the guys very close to each other. Victory is awarded to the team that ran to the finish line first, provided that none of its participants unhooked from the rope while running or jumping.


Teams take part in the relay game, each of which line up in a column one by one. At the start, in front of each team, there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. A hoop is placed in front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters. The task of the participants in the relay is, one by one, at a signal, running out with sticks, to spread them around their hoop in rays - "draw a sun". The winner is the team that will complete the task faster.


The starting line is drawn in front of the teams standing in the columns, and racks or medicine balls are placed 10-12 m from each of them. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers from each team run to the racks, run around them, return to their column, but do not stop, but go around it and again run to the racks. When they cross the starting line, the second numbers join them, hugging the first in the belt. Now the two players are already running around the rack. In the same way, third numbers are attached to them, etc. The game ends when the entire team representing the train cars finishes. In the game, a large load falls on the first numbers, therefore, when the game is repeated, the participants in the columns are arranged in reverse order.

Ball in the ring

Teams are built in one column, one by one in front of basketball backboards at a distance of 2 - 3 meters. After the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball down, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that got into the ring most of all wins.

Running with three balls

At the start line, the first player takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and puts the balls near it. Back it comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, without reaching 1m, puts them on the floor.

Instead of big balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,

Instead of running, jumping.

Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player shoots the ball backward between the players' apart feet. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs with it along the column forward, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, etc. The winner is the team that finishes the relay faster.


Children stand in two columns. Put a hoop at a distance of 2 m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to get into the hoop. If the child hits, then his team gets 1 point. Bottom line: whoever has more points, that team won.


Two teams of 6 children participate. These are grandfather, grandmother, bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs by the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a turnip image. The grandfather starts the game. At the signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, for the turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulled the turnip faster wins.

Counter relay with hoop and rope

The teams are structured like a counter relay. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a rope. At the signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping over the hoop (like over a rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the starting line of the opposite column, the player with the rope starts, who moves forward, jumping over the rope. After completing the task, each participant transfers the inventory to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and switch places in the columns. Jogging is prohibited.


4 players (2 from each team) stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big ball... They must be carried to the final destination and returned. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and to raise a fallen ball without outside help also not easy. Therefore, the porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too great). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Three jumps

The participants are divided into two teams. Put the rope and the hoop at a distance of 8-10 m from the start line. After the signal, the 1st, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The second takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it, and there is an alternation of the rope and the hoop. The team whose team copes faster will win.

Ball Race

The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one by one. In front of the ball. At the signal from the head, the ball starts passing back. When the ball reaches the one behind, he runs with the ball to the head of the column, becomes the first and starts passing the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team's players is first. It is necessary to make sure that the ball is passed with straight arms with an inclination back, and the distance in the columns would be no less than a step. Complication: before passing the ball, toss the ball up, catch it after the clap and pass it over the head to the next participant.

Gave it - sit down!

The players are divided into several teams and line up behind the common start line in a column one by one. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5 - 6 m. The captains receive the ball. On signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. After catching the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then to the third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, squats. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The winner is the team whose players complete the task faster.

Relay with a skipping rope

Players of each team are lined up behind the common start line in a column, one at a time. A rotary stand is placed in front of each column at a distance of 8-10 m. At the signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line and moves forward, jumping over the rope. At the pivot stand, he folds the rope in half and grabs it in one hand. He moves back, jumping on two legs and rotating the rope under his feet horizontally. At the finish, the participant passes the rope to the next player of his team, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The winning team is the one whose players finish the relay more accurately and earlier.

Running in a hoop

Players line up in pairs like. The first couple has a gymnastic hoop in their hands, and in front of the teams - an object (medicine ball, flag, town) that must be run around. At the signal, the first two players in the teams move forward inside the hoop, holding it with both hands. Having run around the object, the first pair hands the hoop to the next pair, and she herself stands at the end of the column. The relay ends when all the players have completed the exercise and the hoop is again in the hands of the first pair.

If there are a lot of people who want to play, you can arrange a running in hoops in threes, while the sequence of changing threes remains the same.

Needle eye

Along the line of the relay there are 2 or 3 hoops on the ground. The guide, the first one must reach the first hoop, pick it up and thread it through himself. Then with the following hoops the same way. And so on the way back. Then pass the baton to the next one.

Circular relay

All players are divided into three - five teams and stand with rays from the center of the circle (like the spokes of a wheel), turning their left or right side to the center. Each ray line is a team. The players standing farthest from the center of the circle hold a relay baton (town, tennis ball) in their right hand.

On a common signal, the outer players with the relay run in a circle from the outside past the other "spokes" to their team and pass the wand to the player waiting on the edge, and then run to the other end of their line (closer to the center) and stand there.

The recipient of the baton also runs around the circle and passes it on to the third number, etc. When the player who started the game is on the edge and the object is brought to him, he raises it up, announcing the end of the game by his team. The rules prohibit during the game to touch the players standing in the "spokes", to interfere with those who make dashes. The fallen stick is raised and continued to run. Penalty points are awarded for violation of the rules. The relay race in a circle, as well as the oncoming one, can be carried out with basketball ball... You can change the direction of movement, that is, repeating the game, instruct the participants to run in a circle in the other direction.

Children are divided into two teams and are lined up in columns one after the other. Following the signal from the leader, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with two feet from a place. The first one jumps, the second one stays in the place to which the first one jumped, and jumps on. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumped further wins.


Children are divided into two teams that "relax on the river". Each hoop team has a "boat". The teams must cross in a "boat" from one bank to the other. The start and finish lines are determined. Following the leader's signal, the first players get into the "boat", take one player with them and help him swim to the other side. Then they come back for the next one. You can only take one passenger with you. The team that is faster on the other side wins.

Funny hockey

Each team has 6 people. Each team has five balls (it would be nice different sizes) and children's clubs. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers lead one ball to the club and back. The second - two, the third - three balls and so on up to five. Which team will do it better and faster?

Roll the ball

The teams line up in columns one at a time. A volleyball or medicine ball is in front of the first player on each team. Players dribble the ball along the ground with their hands. In this case, the ball is allowed to be pushed at arm's length. Having rounded the turning point, the players return to their teams in the same way and pass the ball to the next player. The team that completes the task wins.

Ball towards

Two teams of 10 people are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 meters. The first numbers have balls. At the signal from the leader, the guys roll the balls towards each other so that the balls do not collide. Having caught the balls, the players pass them to the next numbers.


Also, two teams line up between the two lines at a distance of 4 m. But at the signal from the leader, they take the position of "caterpillar", that is, each player serves the left leg, bent at the knee, to the player standing behind, and with his left hand supports the leg in front of him. He puts his right hand on his shoulder. At the second signal, the columns begin to move forward by jumping on one leg. A task requiring dexterity and strength. The winner is the team whose trader crosses the finish line earlier. In this game, it is important to keep the rhythm of the movement. Therefore, one of the players can count out loud - one, two, etc.


There are 10 pins in one row at a distance of 3 m. Each team member tries to knock down the pins with the ball. The team that hits all the pins with the fewest throws wins.

Funny frogs

The game involves two teams (as many as possible). A jump rope is placed 3-4 m from the start line. The first numbers of the teams go to the start line. At the signal, the participants run up to the skipping ropes by jumping "frogs", perform 10 jumps and run back to the start line.

On a thread

Several (according to the number of participants in the game) parallel straight lines marking the distance are drawn on the ground with a sharp stick. Start! Everyone is racing - it is important not only to come first, but also to run the distance "like a thread" - so that the tracks must fall on the drawn line.

, Leapfrog

Relay participants line up one after another at the start line. The team is split into pairs. The first one bends, the second jumps over it, then the second one bends, and the first one jumps, and so on to the flag and back. The winner is the team with the fastest jumping pairs.


Team members are divided into pairs. The first pair is given two planks. When the referee blows the whistle, the movement begins. One puts planks, and the other steps on them. When they reach the flag, they change, the main thing is not to fall off the board. When they reach the start, they pass the boards to the next pair from their team.

Cat in a poke

Participants line up one after another at the start line. The first number takes the bag and climbs into it. At the command of the referee, he begins to jump to the flag and back, then he gives the bag to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay quickly wins.

Hoop game

The players are divided into two teams of 10-12 people and stand parallel to each other at a distance of 6 steps. The team captains hold the hoops on their outstretched arms. At the command of the leader, the captains try to crawl into the hoop as soon as possible and pass it on to the next team member, who does the same, etc.

The team that will cope with this task faster wins.


Roll a medicine ball in a snake-like pattern between the pins; put it in the hoop that lies opposite the team. Back to return running. The next participant first runs after the ball, then rolls it with a "snake" between objects. Roll the ball with both hands. The game ends when all participants complete the task.

Dexterous squirrels

The squirrel must deftly jump from tree to tree (from hoop to hoop), while carrying nuts (balls).


At the signal, the participants run in pairs: one runs in the hoop, and the other holds the hoop from behind. You need to run to the landmark (run around the snowball) and return, pass the hoop to the next pair. The competitor standing behind must hold on to the hoop at all times. The game ends when the last pair crosses the starting line.


The relay is performed in a lap stream. The last participant crawls on all fours in the tunnel and gets up first. The relay ends when the first participant falls into place.

Snow block

The players are arranged in a line, on the sides of which there are hoops. One hoop contains objects according to the number of participants (balls, cubes, sticks). Sitting sideways to each other, at the signal, you need to disassemble the "snow block", transferring objects from hand to hand into another hoop, and roll the balls on the floor under bent legs. Transfer items only from hand to hand.

The first team to place the last item in the hoop is considered the winner.

Nimble monkeys

The participant overcomes the path to the "palm tree" along the liana (the rope lying on the floor), stepping on the rope with his feet, holding on to it with his hands. Take a “banana” at the “palm” landmark and run to the team. The team that has collected all the "bananas" is the winner.

Take the ball from the hoop

Counter relay. The first participant runs like a "snake" between objects. He takes the ball from the hoop, runs along the bench, passes the ball to the second and stands up last. The second one runs along the bench, puts the ball into the hoop and runs like a "snake" between objects. He passes the baton with a clap on the shoulder and stands up last.

Compiled by: teacher of physical education Zheleznyakova L.D.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Improving the "bridge" from a standing position with help.

2. Development of flexibility, strength.

3. Education of industriousness, discipline.

Location: gym.

Inventory: gymnastic mats, gymnastic sticks, gymnastic benches, hoops, volleyball, plaques with the names of the stations.

During the classes.

1. Introductory part.

1) Organization of the lesson - construction, communication of the tasks of the lesson.

Teacher: guys today we will go on a short trip to the country "Sportlandia", where difficulties and trials await us. The guys hit the road.

Circular warm-up:

Students progress by running on a gymnastic bench, jumping through a swamp (hoops), side steps with their right side to the second bench, along which they move in an emphasis lying down, pulling themselves up with their hands.

Students stop at the first station.

"Magic stick".

Why is this wand called magic? That's right, because it will help you become stronger and will also come in handy in an unexpected situation.

A set of ORU with a gymnastic stick.

2.The main part.

Students approach the next station.

"City of acrobats".

Teacher: Welcome to our city and take part in some exercises. Students review previously learned exercises.

    Somersault forward.

    Somersault back.

    Stand on the shoulder blades.

    "Bridge" from a prone position.

    "Bridge" from a standing position with help.

    Learning a gymnastic combination: balance on the left, right forward, arms to the sides - crouching down - somersault forward crouching down - roll back into a stand on the shoulder blades - lying position - "bridge" from a prone position - crouching down - somersault back - arm jump up ...

The guys finish the exercises, take their places for the further journey. Students move by hops to the next city.

"City of the Strong".

Teacher: and here you are. Want to measure your strength? But first, let's warm up.

1. Flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying on the floor, boys - 15 times, girls - 10 times.

2. Raising the body from a supine position, hands behind the head 17 times.

3. Play exercises on the development of strength:

    Knee wrestling.

    Hand wrestling.

    Finger wrestling.

    Pulling a partner with a gymnastic stick from a sitting position, legs rest against each other.

    Pushing the partner off the gymnastic mat with the shoulder ( on the knees).

    Fight of roosters.

Teacher: Well, we checked your strength and it turned out that you have it, and what kind. Now let's start moving to the next destination.

Pupils move by walking "cheeky" (chest forward, hands back, palms down).

"Trail of riddles".

2 stripes in the snow
Surprised 2 foxes
One came closer
Someone else was running here (skis).

This riddle is not easy
I always write after two "K"
Hit the ball and the puck with a stick
And I am called ………. (hockey).

White and fluffy
Lightweight, silver
Gets on the nose
It immediately melts. (snow).

Two new maple
Two-meter soles
You put 2 legs on them-
And run through the big snows. (skis).

Two snub-nosed girlfriends
Keep up with each other
Both are running in the snow
Both songs are sung. (skis)

I have 2 horses
Fights and zeal
Only the horses do not
No tail, no mane.
In the summer they sleep on their side
They don't graze in the field,
And in winter you can't hold:
Everyone rushes forward. (skates)

Who on the ice will catch up with me?
We are running in a race.
And it's not the horses that carry me,
And the shiny ... ... ... (skates)

I want to become a strongman
I come to the strongman:
“Tell us about this:
How did you become a strong man? "
He smiled in response:
“It's very simple: many years
Every day, getting out of bed
I lift it up ……… .. (dumbbells)

The river flows - we lie
Ice on the river - we are running. (skates)

Teacher: ok guys, you have guessed all the riddles. But while moving along the trail, you injured your leg.

Students move to the next station by walking "lame" (do not bend the left one in knee joint).

"City of Games".

The game "Crows and Sparrows". The class is divided into two teams.

3. The final part.



Be sure to grade all students.


6th grade acrobatics lesson

Prepared by: V.A. Zaika

Gymnastics for schoolchildren does not at all imply complex exercises like artistic gymnastics. This is a set of exercises similar to industrial gymnastics. After all, the students sit at the school desk, then they sit at home, doing their homework, after the lessons they sit at the computer. If a student does not play sports, and leads a sedentary lifestyle that is associated with mental and psychological stress, his health can be seriously weakened. Psychological and physical development involves a harmonious combination of physical activity and mental activity. In physical education lessons, you can do exercises on uneven bars, a crossbar, acrobatic movements on mats, but this requires shells, a qualified instructor must monitor safety.

The benefits of exercise

Gymnastics for schoolchildren contributes to the development of bone structure and internal organs, strengthens the immune system. Physical education lessons are not enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, so the child needs to be introduced to physical exercise at home.

You can make a gymnastic wall, buy a punching bag, make you play football in the yard. But classes need to be carried out regularly, and the best time for simple physical exercises - morning, when you can do a simple set of morning exercises. The hygiene of school education often requires taking breaks between lessons for physical exercise, so the complex is also suitable for school physical education minutes.

It is also useful for schoolchildren to temper the body with the help of morning jogging, dousing cold water... But the load should be done gradually so that the body strengthens its defense, getting used to adverse factors.

Simple exercise complex

Exercise is better on fresh air or in a ventilated room, preferably with musical accompaniment. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart.

Of course, you can do more complex exercises, exercise on a horizontal bar or do acrobatic exercises, but a minimum set of exercises will help make physical activity available to everyone, with minimal effort to keep the body in good shape.

In physical education lessons

In physical education lessons, they learn to do exercises more difficult, because there are special conditions - a soft coating, sports equipment... Well, if gymnastics is included in the physical education program, then the student can get a charge of health and physical development, because gymnastics develops comprehensively.

In fact, at school you can learn the elements artistic gymnastics, do exercises on a balance beam, uneven and parallel bars, study the elements of acrobatics. But in ordinary schools there is still not enough groundwork for the study of this special course, there is also not enough equipment and instructors for ordinary schoolchildren to study this sport. But if the material and technical base allows, it is imperative to apply various gymnastic techniques that will positively affect the physical and psychological development of children.

Especially you need to take care of safety - there should be soft mats when performing acrobatic exercises, on vaults, the teacher must belay, holding the student by the hand and back during landing. Gymnastics is associated with injuries in professional sports. V school conditions it is possible to avoid them if instructed on the safe performance of gymnastic tricks.

We give sample exercises for schoolchildren, which can be done if the gymnastic discipline is included in the curriculum. The list of exercises can roughly guide the teacher, who makes his own program, based on his own skills and technical base. sports hall... But if it turns out to introduce at least some of the exercises, schoolchildren and parents will be grateful for a creative approach to work, because such physical education lessons are more reminiscent of classes in a sports school.

Methodology recreational activities.

homework complexes 1-4 grades.


The lesson of physical culture in its relevance and significance is, from time immemorial, a carrier of health. But now a special direction has emerged in pedagogy: “pedagogy of health improvement”. Health improvement is based on the idea of ​​a healthy child. Of course, preparation for a healthy lifestyle of a schoolchild, from the standpoint of health preservation, should become a priority in the activities of every teacher, that is, every student should receive knowledge during his studies that will be in demand in his future life. And the innovative activity of a physical education teacher is to create conditions for enhancing the health-preserving potential of the lesson. The development and effective realization of the potential of a physical education lesson is facilitated by special exercises for the formation of posture, exercises for the correction of vision, exercises for the prevention of flat feet. I have developed and tested exercise complexes with and without objects for the prevention of posture, vision, for the prevention of flat feet.

Complex number 1. Exercises with a small ball

    I. p. - The ball is in the left hand. 1 - 2 - hands through the sides up, reach out and pass the ball to the right hand - inhale. 3 - 4 - lowering your hands down, - exhale (6 - 7 times). Pass the ball over your head or slightly behind.

    I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand. 1 - turn to the right, hands forward, pass the ball to the right hand. 2 - arms to the sides, and. p. (4 - 6 times in each direction). The arms are straightened, the heels are not lifted off the floor, the legs are straight.

    I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the left hand. 1 - 2 - tilt to the right, pass the ball over your head with your right hand - inhale. 3 - 4 lowering your hands, and. p. - exhale (3-4 times on each side). Do not lower your head, push your chest forward.

    I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - deep squat, legs together, pass the ball to the left hand at the toes - exhale. 3 - 4 - straighten up, arms to the sides - exhale (5 - 6 times). Take the exact position of the hands.

    I. p. - stand feet apart, ball at the top. 1 - lean forward, put the ball on the floor - exhale. 2 - straighten up, arms up - inhale. 3 - lean forward, take the ball - exhale. 4 - straighten up, the ball up - inhale (4 - 5 times). Count slowly, legs straight. Straighten, push your chest forward.

    I. p. - hands on the belt, the ball on the floor in front. 1 - 8 - jumping in a circle (70 - 80 cm) around the ball (2 - 3 times in each direction).

Complex number 2. Exercises with a small ball.

    I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the left hand. 1 - 2 rise on toes, hands up through the sides, stretch, shift the ball to the right hand - inhale. 3 - 4 lowering the hands - exhale (6 - 8 times). Pass the ball over your head, push your chest forward.

    I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the left hand. 1 - 2 tilt forward, pass the ball over the head, in the right hand, look forward - exhale. 3 - 4 straighten up inhalation (5 - 6 times). Do not lower your head, look forward.

    I. p. - hands up, the ball in the left hand. 1 - deep squat, put the ball at the toes - exhale. 2 - stand up, arms up - inhale. 3 - sit down, take the ball with your right hand - exhale. 4 - stand up, arms up - inhale (5 - 6 times). Keep counting slowly. Straightening, push your chest forward, arms straight.

    I. p. - emphasis on the knees, the ball on the floor between the hands. 1 - 4 - taking the ball with the right (left) hand, describe a large circle forward - up in the lateral plane, put the ball in place. Raising the hand - inhale, lowering - exhale (4 - 5 times with each hand).

    I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand. 1 - raise the left leg bent at the knee, pass the ball under the knee into the right hand - exhale. 2 - and. p. - the ball in the right hand - inhale (4 - 5 times in each leg), do not bend the supporting leg.

    I. p. - right (left) leg in front, hands on the belt, ball on the floor between the legs. Jumping on two legs. Change the position of the legs with each jump (20 - 40 jumps).

Complex number 3. Exercises with a small ball.

I. p. - the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - putting the right leg back on the toe, arms arcs forward upward, pass the ball to the left hand - inhale. 3 - 4 - i. p. - exhale (8 - 10 times). Legs are straight.

    I. p. - right hand on the belt, left in front, the ball in the palm of your hand. 1 - 4 - sit down, move to the sitting position and straighten your legs. 5 - 8 get up, and. p. (6 - 8 times). On account 8 - put the ball in the other direction.

    I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - tilt of the body to the right, left hand up through the side, take the ball from the right hand - inhale. 3 - 4 - and. p. - exhale (3 - 4 in each direction).

    I. p. - kneeling, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - turning the body to the right and bending over, put the ball between the feet. 2 - straighten up. 3 - turn left and take the ball with your left hand. 4 - straighten up (5 - 6 times).

    I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - swing the right leg forward - upward, pass the ball under the knee to the left hand. 2 - lower the leg, arms to the sides (5-6 times with each leg).

    I. p. - about. with., the ball from the side on the floor. Jumping on two legs over the ball (10 - 20 jumps).

Complex number 4. Exercises with a small ball .

    I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the right hand. 1 - right hand over the side up. 2 - left hand up - inhale, pass the ball to the left hand, 3 - 4 - hands through the sides down - exhale (5 - 6 times). Pass the ball over your head with straight arms, do not lower your head.

    I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball is in the right hand. 1 - 2 - putting the right leg to the side on the toe, tilt to the right, hands behind the head, pass the ball to the left hand - inhale. 3 - 4 - and. p. - exhale (5 - 6 inclinations in each direction). Keep your head straight.

    I. p. - emphasis sitting behind. The ball is between the feet. 1 - 2 - holding the ball with your feet, raise your legs to shoulder level. 3 - 4 - and. p. (7 - 8 times).

    I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand.! - 2 - crouching down, the ball between the legs and the body - exhale. 3 - 4 - straightening, take the ball with the other hand - inhale (6 - 7 squats).

    I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - leaning forward, bend, arms up, pass the ball to the left hand, look forward. 3 - 4 - and. p. (7 - 8 slopes). Perform the exercise with straight legs.

    I. p. - hands on the belt, the ball between the feet. Jumping in place, holding the ball with your feet (10 - 20 jumps).

Complex number 5. Exercises with a small ball.

    I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the right hand. ... 1 - right hand over the side up. 2 - left through the side up - inhale. 3 - taking your hands back, bend over, pass the ball to your left hand. 4 - hands through the sides down (8 - 10 times).

    I. p. - wide stand, arms out to the sides, ball in right hand. 1 - tilt to the left leg, pass the ball to the left hand under the leg. 2 - straighten up, arms to the sides (5 - 6 tilts to each leg).

    I. p. - an emphasis sitting behind, the ball on the shins of the legs at the feet. 1 - 2 - lifting the legs, roll the ball to the body. 3 - 4 - lower your legs and move the ball with both hands, and. p. (8 - 10 times).

    I. p. - about. with. - the ball is in the right hand. 1 - lift up the right leg bent at the knee, the ball under the knee. 2 - take the bent leg back, bend over. 3 - bent leg forward, take the ball with your left hand. 4 - and. n. the ball in the right hand (6 - 7 times with each foot). Keep counting slowly.

    I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides. ball in his left hand. 1 - 2 - bending the left leg, left arm up, release the ball and catch it with the right hand. 3 - 4 - straightening the leg, and. p. (5 - 6 slopes in each direction).

    I. p. - stand on the left leg, left hand with the ball to the side, right on the belt. 1 - 8 - jumping on the left leg around an imaginary support - the ball. Change the direction of the jumps and the supporting leg (4 - 6 circles).

Complex number 6. Exercises with a small ball.

1. I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in the right hand. 1 - 2 - hands through the sides up, pass the ball to the left hand, stretch - inhale. 3 - 4 - hands down through the sides, pass the ball from behind into the right hand - exhale (8 - 10 times) .. Hands are straight.

2. I. p. - arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - tilt, pass the ball from behind the shins to the left hand. and. p. (7 - 8 times). Legs are straight.

    I. p. - the ball in front, palms "boat". 1 - 2 toss the ball 5-10 cm, squatting to catch. 3 - 4 - get up and. p. (7 - 8 times).

    I. p. - an emphasis sitting behind, the ball on the shins at the feet. 1 - 2 holding the shins horizontally, pull the shins to the chest, take the ball with your right hand. 3 - 4 - support sitting behind, the ball in the right hand. 5 - 6 - put the ball back. 7 - 8 - and. p. (8 - 10 times). Keep counting slowly.

    I. p. - gray, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - right leg up, pass the ball under the leg to the left hand. Do not bend your knees. 2 - and. n. (6 - 7 times with each leg).

    I. p. - the ball under the knee of the right (left) leg, hands on the belt. 8 jumps on one leg. Place the ball under the knee of the other leg (4 - 5 times with each leg).

Appendix No. 1.

Exercises to form correct posture

    "Giant". Stand on tiptoe, raise your hands up and stretch higher and higher, without taking your eyes off your fingertips. Go ahead.

    " Military parade". The starting position is the main stance and move, like a military man on a parade: stretch the toe forward and put your foot on the entire foot.

    "Sit in Turkish". Sit cross-legged on the floor. Put your hands on your knees and straighten your back.

    "Curious" Lie face down, press all the muscles of the torso to the floor, put your hands behind your back in a lock. Bending your chest, look forward, around, back. Make sure that only the head moves, while pressing your hands to the body.

    "Gates". Stand with your backs to each other, Raise the hoop up. Take small steps to disperse in opposite directions, without taking your eyes off the hoop, and stretch. Then, in the same small steps, return to and. etc. and put the hoop on your shoulders. In this case, the head appears to be in the frame of the hoop.

    Game - competition "Frightened horses". Stand with your backs to each other, grab the same gymnastic stick, take one step forward, while lowering your shoulders down, and arch your back. At the signal, pull each other in opposite directions.

    Game - competition "Drag the stick" Sit in Turkish, backs to each other, hands up, in the hands of a gymnastic stick. Leaning forward, try to pull the gymnastic stick in your direction. All the while looking at the stick.

Exercises to strengthen the "muscle corset".

These exercises are used to develop strength and static endurance of muscle groups that provide the function of upright standing (muscles of the foot, lower leg, hip flexors, extensors of the spine) and muscle groups that do not have a leading role in maintaining uprightness (muscles of the abdominal press, shoulder girdle, neck) ... It is advisable to perform these exercises with weights: dumbbells, medicine balls, and so on.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck.

    Slow turns of the head to the right, left, slowly tilt the head forward, backward, hands on the belt or to the sides.

    Slow turns of the head to the sides, arms above the head, hands in the "lock".

    Hands on your belt, slowly tilt your head forward, perform a semicircle movement, then slowly tilt your head back and again perform a semicircle movement.

Exercises for the shoulder girdle .

    Circular movements with the shoulders.

    Circular movements with hands, arms, raise the shoulders up, lower them down, shoulders forward, connect the shoulder blades.

    Turning the body to the sides, kneeling, arms to the sides, to the shoulders, up, to the belt; the same, sitting legs crossed.

    Standing on the knees in an emphasis, turn the body to the right (left), taking the right (left) hand to the side to failure.

    Standing on your knees, bend in the chest, lumbar region, to the right, to the left, bend forward, arms to the sides, stretch your arms up, stretch, and so on.

    Lie face down, raise your arms up, take your legs up from the mat, the fulcrum of the abdominal muscles, (swinging).

    Lying on your back, relax, bend your legs and group (swing - forward backward, right, left).

    Raising the body from a prone position, hands behind the head.

    Stand in the basic stance, hands on the belt or behind the head, rotation of the pelvis to the right, to the left.

    The same, rotation of the torso, to the right, to the left. Etc.

Exercises for the lower torso.

    Squat, arms forward, up, to the sides, behind the head.

    The same in the stance of the feet together, with closed toes, with closed heels.

    Squat in a rack on the toes, feet apart, feet together. Hands up, to the sides, behind the head.

    From the kneeling stand, hands on the belt, stand in the main stance and kneel down, then, maintaining balance (the vertical position of the body), stand in the main stance.

    From the main stand, sit down, touching the heels with your hands, perform a grouping, grip on the knees.

    From the stand, legs apart, hands on the belt, turn around in a stand, legs crosswise, sit knees apart, with a turn in a circle, stand up to the starting position.

Appendix No. 2.

Preventive exercises:

    "Rubbing the ears and fingers" - activates all systems of the body.

    "Cross movements" - activate both hemispheres of the brain, prepare for the assimilation of knowledge.

    "Shaking your head" - improves mental activity and cerebral circulation.

    "Lazy Eights" - activate structures that ensure memorization, increase the stability of attention.

    "Symmetrical patterns" - improve visual - motor coordination, improve memory.

Special knowledge is communicated before performing marching commands and formations, low-intensity exercises, exercises for attention, for example: before performing exercises for the prevention of colds, theoretical information is provided on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, on the importance of sleep and rest, and personal hygiene rules. Also, in the process, the lesson includes emotional release in the form of sayings, poems, riddles. Used posters with the thoughts of philosophers about health, drawn diagrams, which indicate the components of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" and so on.

In the course of each lesson, health problems are solved (health promotion by means of physical culture and health activities; development of adaptation to living conditions; formation of primary knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; mastering health-improving complexes of morning exercises); exercises to relieve tension. For example:

    Exercise "Frontal-occipital correction" - sitting with closed eyes, the right hand is placed on the forehead, the left - on the back of the head, the exercise is performed for 1 minute, improves cerebral circulation.

    Bear Wiggle - This exercise relaxes the muscles of the spine, brain, neck and eye muscles.

    Exercise "Twisting Pose" - improves blood circulation in the spine, relieves spasms of the vessels that feed the spine.

Exercises are used to focus attention, to prevent posture and vision disorders; a variety of exercises with different dosage loads; for the prevention of flat feet; for the prevention of infectious diseases; for the prevention of myopia; to strengthen individual muscle groups.

    An obligatory element of health-preserving organization in physical education lessons is mastering the basics of breathing exercises and developing the habit of correct breathing - breathing through the nose, deeply, evenly, rhythmically.

    For example: Exercise "Respiratory gymnastics" - rhythmic breathing: inhalation is two times shorter than exhalation.

    Or take a deep breath, slowly exhale with a "trickle" until you exhale completely.

    Exercise "Candle" - an even slow exhalation, take a deep breath, hold your breath and slowly blow on an imaginary candle flame, try to blow so that the flame "lies down" and hold it in this position until the end of the exhalation.

    Exercise "Extinguish the candle" - an intense, intermittent exhalation. All breathing exercises harmonize the activity of the respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular systems.

Mastering muscle relaxation skills.

Exercises for facial expressions:

    Wrinkle your forehead, raise your eyebrows (be surprised), relax it.

    Frown (get angry) - relax your eyebrows.

    To widen your eyes (fear, horror) - to relax your eyelids (laziness, you want to take a nap).

    Expand your nostrils (inhale the smell; exhale passionately) - relaxation. Close your eyes, relax your eyelids.

    Narrow your eyes - relax.

    Raise your upper lip, wrinkle your nose - relax.

    Show your teeth - relax your cheeks, nose.

    Pull the lower lip down to relax.

Confidently perform exercises for concentration and exercises aimed at the prevention of posture and vision disorders. These exercises allow students to switch to another mode of activity faster and more efficiently.

Appendix No. 4.


Flat back exercises

    Back bends, bending out and. etc. kneeling.

    Lying on the stomach "basket", the same alternately with the right, left foot.

    "Bridge" from a prone position.

    Hanging hanging on a gymnastic wall.

    The hanging is more mixed.


    Bends back while kneeling.

    Sit on your heels, hands forward, touch your knees with your shoulders.

    Sit legs crossed, bend forward, alternately touching the knees with your head.

    From the support, squatting down the extension of the legs at the knees, hands at the toes.

    Raising the legs in support while sitting.


    we drop our hands, shake our hands

    shake the water off our fingers,

    raise and lower your shoulders,


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