How to make a reliable bicycle lock with your own hands. Means of protection against bicycle theft Do-it-yourself bike lock from a chain

Edited: 10/22/2019

Let's be honest right away - no bike lock gives a 100% guarantee against bike theft.

Make the hijacking as difficult and time-consuming as possible.

All bicycles, both expensive and cheap, are stolen. So those who think that his bike is too old and ugly - you can be sure that if you need it, then there will definitely be someone who needs it too. Maybe just ride and quit, or maybe sell on the cheap.

In most cases, thieves operate according to several basic schemes:

  1. They bite lock cables or weak chains with bolt cutters or powerful wire cutters.
  2. They open simple locks with keys in the same way as they do on the doors of apartments - with master keys.
  3. Weak locks are knocked down with milk from the cable. This means the place where the cable is attached to the locking part.

If it takes more than a minute or two to steal a bike, it's likely that the thief won't mess with your bike.

Bicycle theft is a poorly solved crime that brings a good income to bike thieves and accounts for about a third of all crimes against private property. According to the police in many countries, most stolen bikes are sold as used in the markets or on the Internet, sometimes for parts. In the US, about 50% of stolen bikes are sold online, and another 30% are sold directly on the street.

Who are the most likely bike thieves? In addition to professionals who will not be stopped by ordinary locks, these are mostly petty thieves, homeless people, drug addicts and teenagers who just dream of driving a cool bike. What is their motivation? Resell on the cheap or ride and quit.

Hence the conclusion - by no means all of them have the skills to open key or combination locks. Although the Internet is full different videos about how to pick various locks, but seeing and doing it yourself are slightly different things.

But they can use simple and decisive methods such as a small bolt cutter, hammer or powerful wire cutters.

Most The best way protect the bike - do not leave it unattended. But it is clear that this is not always possible. A very good way out is to ride in a company, or at least together, so that one of your friends always stays with the bike.

Bicycle locks are of several types:

  1. Arc(they are also called or D-shaped). Such a lock, especially if the arc is of normal thickness (at least 10-12 mm) and is made of hardened steel, you can’t just bite with bolt cutters. These are the most secure locks.

  2. lamellar.

    Similar to the previous type, but instead of an arc, steel plates are firmly fastened together. In terms of durability, it is also one of the most reliable. Especially if they are made of thick hardened steel plates. Pay attention to the attachment of the plates to each other.

    On some cheap Chinese models, such a lock was easy to break simply at the place where the plates were attached to each other. These locks are more compact than U-locks and take up less space when traveling. Most often, they are folded in the form of a rectangle and attached to the frame, taking up a minimum of space.

    Moreover, they are not only rectangular, but also round, more compact in shape.

  3. Chain.

    It is also a fairly reliable option, but only if it is a strong thick chain, each link of which is welded. If you take a thick steel chain, place it in a fabric sleeve so as not to scratch the frame, and hang a normal barn lock on it, then such a home-made bike lock will reliably protect the bike from theft. Only his weight will not be 200 grams, which you need to carry with you.

    When choosing chains, it is better to take not an ordinary chain from a hardware store, but cargo chains with a thick link made of hardened steel.

  4. Cable.

    It's quite comfortable, lightweight. But, again, a lot depends on the thickness of the cable and the material from which it is made, as well as in all other cases, on the lock cylinder. How durable and anti-vandal is it?

    Remember that a thin cable is simply bitten by a bolt cutter.

  5. Bike locks Ottolock.

    Their peculiarity is that they are durable, flexible and take up little space, fitting perfectly in or even in your pocket.

    The lock band itself consists of several thin but strong steel plates covered with a layer of Kevlar in a Santoprene thermoplastic braid. It is very difficult to bite such a tape with bolt cutters, but it will not stand against the grinder. In order to break the head of the lock, you need to apply a force of 2 tons.

    These are quite comfortable and reliable bicycle locks.

  6. Wheel locks.

    These devices are different types. Some simply put on the wheel, put on the rotors, attach the wheel to the frame, but they all have one serious drawback. They do not allow you to simply carry the bike in your arms or take it away by car.

By type of locking device, bicycle locks are of two types.

  1. Full construction
  2. With code block.

Here everyone decides for himself what is easier for him - to remember the code or to carry the key with him. There are ways to open both those and other locks. Key locks are opened with master keys, and codes are simply selected. If you choose a code, then take at least four digits.

Definitely answer the question, what bike lock better and more reliable. Each of all types has its pros and cons. You can forget the code, and lose the key, you can bite the cable, and cut the arc with a grinder. There are no unlockable locks. The question is the time it takes. In the end, there were cases when they broke the fence and took the bike away by car. One thief sawed a tree for five hours to steal a bicycle.

  1. If you use a bike rack, do not put your iron horse on the last. Thieves most often try to steal the extreme ones, since they have more free access. Try to squeeze yours between the others.
  2. The use of bicycle cams, especially on wheels and seatposts, makes them easier to steal. Although there are special anti-vandal eccentrics. Learn it. If you do not use eccentrics, tighten the bolts on the wheel axles very tightly. This is useful both for driving safety and as an anti-theft measure. There is another original, but rather difficult idea to implement: order personalized nuts and bolts with unique keys. They will be quite difficult to unwind.
  3. Another unusual and controversial way is not to clean your bike too much. Some cyclists believe that dirty bikes are less likely to be stolen. True, you still ride it, and how comfortable it will be depends on you.
  4. There is another original way. Just leaving the bike and attaching it a good castle, take it off and take it with you. Stealing a bike without a saddle is somewhat problematic - you won’t go anywhere on it, and it’s more difficult to sell it without a saddle. If the seatpost is attached with an eccentric, it is easy to remove it. And if it is not very long and the saddle is not wide, then carrying this set with you is not too difficult. It is also possible - without them you will not ride much. True, they are not always clean, and it takes longer to twist them.
  5. Do not be afraid to look like an eccentric - a barn lock and a strong chain are much more difficult to bite than a thin cable. As mentioned above, when choosing chains, it is better to take not an ordinary chain from a hardware store, but cargo chains made of thick hardened steel. In the end, the cyclist may simply not have enough time to open these locks and saw through or bite the chain with bolt cutters.
  6. When attaching the bike, fix all easily removable parts - wheels, saddle. Remove expensive accessories - GPS navigators and other bells and whistles.
  7. Write down your frame number. Where is the frame serial number on the bike? It is knocked out at the bottom of the frame under the bushing or on the front. The bike frame number can be in the form of numbers or letters and numbers. This will help prove that the bike is really yours. It is best that it be registered in the warranty card when buying in a store. It's not bad to have a photo of you along with the bike. Firstly, this will be proof that this is your bike, and secondly, the police will clearly see what to look for, and she, "quitting everything, will immediately announce a plan to intercept in search of" your iron friend.

  8. There is another little trick. Insert inside, under or inside a piece of paper on which write down your data. It will serve as additional proof that you are the real owner. You can also write or scratch your name on it. A marked bike is harder to sell, and it will be easier to prove that it is yours.
  9. The appearance of the bike should not be very defiant. Tape the steering wheel or part of the frame. The goal is to show a potential thief that this bike is not the best one to sell. Sometimes a slightly rusty handlebar or seatpost will drastically reduce the value of the entire bike.
  10. By the way, the more original your bike is painted, the more difficult it will be to sell it and to identify it faster in case of theft. It's the same with motorists.

  11. You can use a bike alarm. She will attract attention with her squeak and scare inexperienced thieves. And the experienced ones, realizing that there is an alarm on the bike, most likely will not contact it. The alarm is most often triggered by movement.
  12. Another purely psychological moment. Most stores or office centers do not allow bicycles to be brought inside. However, "an attempt is not torture" - try to go with him. If they don't let you in, at this point ask the guard to look after the bike. At least a responsible person is already appearing and the bike is under supervision, and this is already good.
  13. Try to insure your bike against theft, theft and damage.

There are several rather original solutions for protecting bicycles from theft:

  1. Chinese engineers came up with V.Y. handle lock. This is a strong, flexible cable, which during the trip is in the handlebars of the bicycle, and in the parking lot it closes on the right grip, which plays the role of a lock. True, he still will not save from a bolt cutter.

Video about choosing a bike lock

Do you have a bike? Then we go to you:)
Spring is coming, it's time to change skis for crutches for a bicycle, so I think it's appropriate to start reviewing bicycle products.
Writing a review about a bicycle anti-theft cable is a very risky undertaking. On the thematic forums from the relevant topics, steam and flames come out. But I still made up my mind. And so, for the cause.

My ancient cable is gradually coming to an end and it's time to change it.
More precisely, with the cable itself, everything is in order, but the lock on it is very worn out.
And what to choose for a replacement? What's better?

As I wrote, the debate on this topic is endless. But my position is this - the security system should cost a small part of the cost of the protected object, and certainly no more than what it protects. In addition, it should be comfortable so as not to spoil the pleasure of using both itself and the protected item.

And so, what are the mechanical anti-theft for bicycles.
Let's look at a few designs.

The most resistant to mechanical stress are:

Well-known companies, of course. And of course they cost like spaceships.

However, they do not provide any protection against such cases:

Or even these:

You can of course do this:

But I don't think it's very convenient.

There are exotic options:

Or like this:

Or even like this:

There is another variation of such anti-theft, but for aesthetic reasons, I placed it under the spoiler.
It is better not to open the spoiler for children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with a delicate mental psyche, aesthetes, etc.

Additional Information

But I still preferred the classic cable, the classic pink color:

In fact, from three existing color options for this cable:

I chose black. So much more practical.
Here and below are real photos:

Why did I choose cable again? There are several reasons.

Unlike U-locks, it allows you to fasten the bike to thick poles and trees.
It rolls into a compact coil and is easy to place on the bike.
It stands and weighs relatively little.
Unlike chains, it retains its shape better when folded and does not rattle while riding.

Yes, yes, I know, in the comments it will definitely be written that any bicycle anti-theft cable can be eaten with nail scissors and blah blah blah. But firstly, after all, not everyone has such scissors with them, with which you can bite the steel cable.
And secondly, I described the reasons and grounds for my choice earlier, there is no point in repeating.
Who needs maximum protection against caries, I recommend taking a welder with you and welding the entire bike to the fence / pole. Well, a grinder, then to saw off.

Well, we proceed directly to the consideration of the subject of this review.

Let's start with what immediately catches your eye - from the castle:

It's code here. Why did I choose code?
I have an old cable with a key. In general, he's fine with it. But there is one small problem with the key.
You constantly don’t know where to put it (after this phrase, I think it will definitely be written in the comments where I can put it myself).
I know it's a problem, but it's there.
Therefore, I decided to try how convenient / inconvenient it would be in reality with a combination lock.
The key, of course, has its advantages - opening / closing the lock is faster with the key. More precisely, even for closing, a key is not needed at all - the lock simply snaps into place.
But, nevertheless, I decided to try another version of the castle, it's interesting, after all.

The numbers are embossed on the code discs, so they will not be erased soon. And if they are erased, then you can quickly smear paint into these recesses and return it to almost its original form.

The discs spin with noticeable discreteness (fixation in the position of each digit), you clearly feel the turn by one digit, it is very pleasant to the touch.
There are inexpensive locks with a small number of numbers on the disk (6 for example). There are 10 of them in this castle - i.e. all the digits of the decimal system known to science at the moment :)

Factory set code: 0000.
You need to type it opposite these protrusions:

To change the code, you need to dial the current code, pull the right side out of the lock:

There, on right side lock, from the end there will be a wheel:

It must be rotated in the direction of the arrow until it stops (90 degrees).

Dial a new code, return the wheel back. Everything. Now you have a new code.

Let's move on to the cable itself.

Its total length, as stated, is 120 cm.
The outer coating, as stated, is silicone. It looks like the truth. And by tactile sensations and because with a not very long exposure to fire, it does not burn and does not melt.
I have not seen silicone coated cables before. I find it difficult to say what the advantage of such a solution is.
The only thing that comes to mind is that PVC tans over time and the cable becomes more rigid. With silicone, this phenomenon does not occur. Although my old one, who served 10 years, didn’t get very tired.
Well, silicone looks a little more presentable than PVC (in my opinion):

This is what my old cable looks like on a bike:

And here's the new one.

Much cuter.

Well, let's get into his soul, let's see what's inside him? :)

And here's what:

Still, it could not do without PVC, but its layer is much less than in my old one.

What about PVC? And under the PVC there is still a steel cable, of this diameter:

Let's just say not a lot. But the old cable, by an amazing coincidence, has exactly the same diameter of a metal cable. My bike has never been stolen with an old cable. Let's see what happens with the new one :)

That's actually all that I wanted and could tell about this bike cable. If you have any questions - ask in the comments.

And as a bonus, if the review gets a lot of clicks on this button at the end of the review:

Then I will post here a video of my attempt to open the lock without knowing the code.
Did I succeed or not, if I succeeded, then how, if not, then why you can see if the review gets enough votes.

And finally, a slightly non-standard use of bicycle anti-thefts:

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review is published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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Bicycles are becoming increasingly popular among various segments of the population, and along with their prevalence, the number of thefts is increasing.

This is also due to the fact that bikes are not included in special databases, as they do with cars or motorcycles, and without fail.

And since the iron horse is not tracked, it can be easily stolen with impunity, and then sold as a whole or for parts.

However, the lack of bases and compulsory insurance does not make cyclists helpless against the theft of their property.

In this article, we will look at how to protect the bike from theft.

Protection methods

In general, there are two types of anti-theft protection:

  • Active;
  • Passive.

Active protection are tools that directly prevent theft. These include all kinds of locks, cables and chains. Passive protection can be called actions and mechanisms that are activated after the hijacking has been committed. They allow you to return the bike to the hands of the rightful owner or pay damages. Passive methods include insurance and self-entry of bike data into the database.

Another protection tool is an alarm.

It can be partly attributed to both active and passive protection.

Although it does not actively lock the bike, it can prevent theft and scare away the thief.

Locks, cables and chains

The most common method of protection against bicycle theft are metal cables.

Bicycles and scooters

They are popular due to light weight and low cost. Some cables can be 1.5-2 meters long, which will allow you to wrap it around the frame and between the wheels.

This is the most reliable way to fix locks, because sometimes thieves remove the wheels and carry away elements that are not secured with locks.

But this method of protection is not the most reliable, and if you purchased a cheap Chinese cable, then you can even eat it with ordinary household wire cutters.

Therefore, it is advisable to use cables in crowded places, where the thief cutting the cable will immediately be noticed by others. In addition, purchase only reliable cables from reputable manufacturers.

Chains and U-locks are a more durable option to secure your bike.

However, due to their massiveness and heaviness, they have not gained such high popularity.

These items are almost impossible to bite or cut, and scrap will not take them. But each of them has a drawback.

The U-lock prevents the bike from being attached to a tree or pole.

To fix the unit, a fence or a special bicycle parking. A similar minus for chains.

To capture objects bigger size, you will need a chain 1.5-2 meters long, and not everyone will agree to constantly carry an extra couple of kilograms with them. Therefore, cyclists make their choice.

In addition to locks, chains and cables, there are also wheel locks that are threaded into the rim between the spokes and fix the wheel.

Scrolling, the blocker rests against the fork and does not allow the rim to rotate.

Compact and handy fixture.

But it is important to remember that a thief can simply take away your property and for this he does not need to.


More interesting option. The miniature device is usually attached to the seatpost.

During vibrations, a special sensor is triggered, and the device emits a piercing loud sound that attracts attention and scares away the thief, and you do not receive a notification.

The last function is not available in all modifications. Convenient, but not always effective.

For example, if you park your bike in a deserted place, no one will be afraid of the alarm, and impudent thieves will not hesitate to steal it with a working alarm even at rush hour on the square of the metropolis.

In addition, the device that makes sounds can be easily removed and left without it.

The downside is the high cost of the device. It makes sense to put it on expensive bikes.

A little about passive protection

As mentioned above, it includes insurance and entry into the database.

Since there are no bike databases at the state level, some groups of cyclists create their own databases where you can enter data about the bike, including the serial number.

If it is stolen, using the data in the database, the lost unit will be found faster.

In addition to protective equipment, there are general tips to help prevent theft. A well-known proverb says: a prudent person sees trouble and hides.

Therefore, you can anticipate such situations and not give a reason for theft. For example, do not leave your iron horse in a deserted place, especially in the evening.

Remember that the brighter and more unusual your bike, the less likely it is to be stolen, as it is more difficult to hide or sell.

Even if the bike is securely fixed, hooligans can steal the equipment. Therefore, leaving the bike unattended, take flasks, pumps and other devices.

When planning to park the unit in a bike rack near shopping centers, make sure that it falls into the lens of CCTV cameras.

This can frighten off the thief, and in case of theft, identify him.

Some cyclists, planning to leave the bike unattended, take it off to prevent the thief from getting away. In combination with signaling, this method is very effective.

Even if a thief damages or removes the alarm from the frame, he will not leave without a chain.

And thanks to the sound of a siren, you can find out about an attempt to steal your property and catch up with the thief.

Another way to protect against theft can be a GPS tracker, which you can read about.

When purchasing anti-theft products, choose only high-quality devices. It would be a shame if you save a few hundred on a cable and lose an expensive bike.

Take care of your iron horse and do not let the thief get close to your property. Happy rides!

Video about means for protecting a bicycle from theft:

The use of certain means of protecting a bicycle will not save its owner.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

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To prevent theft of a bike, you need to follow the elementary rules of caution. It does not matter at what cost the property was acquired.

The situation when the “iron friend was stolen” is familiar to the owners of both expensive and relatively cheap bicycles. Since every two-wheeled vehicle has a serial number, its return depends entirely on the efficiency of Russian law enforcement agencies.

However, thieves and swindlers easily adapt to the circumstances: therefore, the stolen property is sent for analysis. The last action leads to the fact that the search for lost property becomes futile and fruitless.


An epidemic of bicycle theft occurs during the summer months. During this period, the streets and avenues of Russia are "flooded" by active bikers. After all, a folk sport allows you not only to quickly get to your destination, but also to easily tighten your leg muscles.

Bicycle theft is a common occurrence in the hustle and bustle of city life. Under the conditions of ordinary Russian life steal even what is screwed, attached or installed on the roof of the car.

The following areas are at high risk:

  1. Small parking near bars, cafes.
  2. Uninhabited places.
  3. Access compartments designed to store bulky items.

When analyzing all incidents, the following rules are revealed:

  1. Rule 1 Driveway thefts develop according to the same scenario. First, the stolen bike is placed in one of the apartments, and at night it is taken out into the street.
  2. Rule 2 Most crimes in the daytime are committed from 15.00 to 21.00.
  3. Rule 3 If the bicycle is seized under the “robbery” option, then a minor child is selected as the owner of the property.
  4. Rule 4 The thief most often acts alone. On account of each attacker, there are about 20 similar episodes.
  5. Rule 5 Video surveillance will scare away any thief. Therefore, the number of thefts undertaken in parking lots near large shopping centers has been reduced to zero. Video recording reduces the successful chances of petty thieves to nothing.

Statistics on the facts of atrocities shows that for each hijacker there are an average of about 30-40 episodes. Although there are exceptions.

For example, in Yekaterinburg, one of the attackers committed as many as 120 thefts. Or, conversely, the criminal element will once take advantage of a favorable situation and then specialize in the most serious deeds:

Note: the statistics provide data on the transport, the owners of which turned to the police department and launched a criminal case.

Considering that 160 thieves were caught in Moscow, the crime detection rate is not so sad: 160 * 20 = 3200 (approximately 1: 1).

But this fact does not give the bike owners the right to relax and not observe elementary precautions.

What are the ways to protect the bike from theft

The catalog of anti-theft products designed for active sports enthusiasts contains the following attributes:

  1. Rope with code lock. The adaptation involves the use of encryption of 4 numbers from one to nine. It is inconvenient, since an athlete or a student can forget a set of numbers.
  2. Rope with lock. The lock is closed with a key. One key is kept at home, the other is in the cyclist's pocket.
  3. U-locks. They are considered to be a reliable design.
  4. chain locks braided.
  5. Folding (flexible) locks.

Immediately make a reservation that the cable-lock is a cheap tool. But, unfortunately, this protection option is recommended to be used only in combination with other methods.

Otherwise, in the presence of wire cutters, the cord easily breaks, and the bicycle becomes a tasty "prey" for an unscrupulous person. You can bite the cable even to an amateur thief.

Cyclists choose hardened steel chains as a reliable means of protection against theft. To crack them, you need to do a lot of manipulations. And yes, will it work?

Among these actions:

What to buy and how much it costs

The number of bike thefts is on the rise. According to statistics, models from manufacturers GT, Merida and Stels are recognized as leaders here. Black bikes are also stolen more often. Although owners of other colors should also heed the advice.

Of course, the price of the device must correspond to the original cost. vehicle. If the starting price of the bike varies between 150 and 50 thousand, then you should not save on protection.

Steel chains are considered the most expensive purchase. They cost the bike owner 6 thousand rubles. But protection against theft of a bicycle on a chain is considered the most reliable method. The only drawback is that the hardened steel chain weighs about 3 kg.

The “bracket” system is distinguished by less weight and lower cost. Of course, if desired, it can be "hacked" with a hammer. But this is really feasible only in 20 cases out of 100.

The price of the device depends on the degree (class) of protection. Examples:

Thus, a cyclist needs to purchase, in order to protect, at least two clamps:

  1. Device for protection front wheel(must be attached to the frame).
  2. Protective device rear wheel(frame and saddle are captured).

But this is not enough to fully protect the "friend" from the actions of intruders. Modern realities require the use of newfangled anti-theft agents.

Actual ways

Chains, staples, cables are not a panacea for theft. Degrees of protection work for a short time. To achieve a full anti-vandal effect, the use of other modern methods of vehicle safety is also required.

These methods include:

  • gps bike theft protection. It helps to track the path of a stolen vehicle through a smartphone. Price from 6490 rubles;
  • signaling. Some types of sensors are especially effective in crowded places, as the noise level reaches 100 decibels. Cost up to 2500 rubles;
  • bike computers. On-board computers help not only track the "route" of stolen property, but also block its motor functions;
  • bicycles with self-protection;
  • anti-theft helmets.

Self-Defense Model

The Yerka bicycle has long been invented. Its advantage is the ability to independently prevent theft. It is not possible to hack such a system.

What to do to activate the anti-theft system:

  1. Detach the bike frame.
  2. Lean the bike against a tree and a pole.
  3. Secure the frame around a tree or pole.
  4. Snap the lock.

Control via smartphones

The Vanhawks Valor model allows you to lock the bike through smartphone applications. "Obediant" transport transmits a signal to its owner on a keychain or smartphone. A navigation map will help you find your lost hardware.

Flexible frame

On a Bendy Bicycle, the frame easily changes its state: it becomes either rigid or soft. Rigid surface is used when moving, plastic - when forced to stop.

Thus, the cyclist has the right to “twist” the model in half and leave it near any fence.

head lock

A helmet called Head lock is used both for its intended purpose and as a combination lock. When stopped, it blocks the wheel of the bike.


Denny has its own anti-theft system integrated into it. The on-board computer is located in the steering wheel. It has the property of backlighting and anti-theft protection.

When visiting a shopping center or store, the driver takes the steering wheel with him, leaving the non-functional parts of the bike "on the street".

gps tracker

A sensor is now installed on many bicycle models. This device, in case of force majeure situations, sends messages to the owner's Android or IOS.


DIY fixtures

For this:

  1. A chain with a diameter of 8 mm is taken.
  2. It must be cut with special equipment so that there is enough length to capture two wheels and a saddle.
  3. Then the chain is hardened with a gas burner (2 links each).
  4. After manipulation, the chain is cooled in salt water.
  5. The castle itself is also hardened.
  6. To protect the bicycle frame from damage, the chain is wrapped with reinforced tape.
  7. On the sewing machine, a cover made of dense fabric is sewn, which is turned inside out.
  8. The cover is put on the chain.

Such steel is not sawn. When you try to bite with a bolt cutter, the cutting edge of the tool bends.

The best protection against bike theft is not to leave your "friend" unattended, even if you have protection for more than 30 minutes.

The owner of the vehicle needs to be vigilant:

  • store the vehicle only in enclosed spaces;
  • purchase a modern anti-theft agent (or rather, use several devices);
  • in case of theft, immediately contact the police department;
  • register on the websites of cyclists and promptly mark “Stolen”.

The last event helps in case of force majeure, that is, with the direct theft of iron.

Since expensive bicycles, as a rule, are sold to a casual passer-by in commission stores for next to nothing, its next purchaser can check the legality of this purchase and sale.

To do this, the serial number displays information whether the bike was stolen or not.

Video: We make a reliable bicycle lock, protection against theft of a bicycle, motorcycle or scooter!


Using a bike lock is a way to keep your bike safe if you occasionally have to leave it somewhere. Unfortunately, there are people for whom theft is the norm. They will not be ashamed to steal your bike when given the opportunity. Therefore, be careful about choosing the means of protecting your vehicle so that no one even thinks of stealing it.

There are several types of castles. Let's talk about each separately.


It is the most common, due to its low cost, small size, low weight. With it, it is easy to attach the bike to a pole, a tree, you can pass the cable through both wheels, the frame and still it will be enough (of course, in the latter case, the cable must be at least 2 meters long). Cable locks differ from each other in length, thickness and opening method (coded or turnkey).

Unfortunately, all its advantages are more than outweighed by many disadvantages. The main one is that cable locks are the most unreliable in terms of breaking. “Intellectual hacking” is not yet very common, so they are simply snacked or torn in a second. On inexpensive locks, the fixation point is so unreliable that the closed lock can be unhooked by hand. Even with household wire cutters, it can be opened in 1-2 minutes, so it is completely unsuitable for more or less long-term storage. If you store your bike in the entrance with such a lock, then sooner or later you will need the advice from our article. Remember one simple thought: a cable lock is foolproof. It will only save you from those who decided to take your bike for a ride during your visit to the store (do not believe it, there are such people, mostly teenagers and drunk companies). It can also be used to protect the wheels from being removed from the bike. Everything. He's no good for anything else. One cannot hope for such a castle in any case.

You can partially rely on such a lock if it is equipped with an alarm. Yes, no one likes to hear this unbearable squeal in close proximity, so faced with such a surprise, an inexperienced thief is likely to rush to hide. Such locks can be triggered by the slightest touch, which also complicates their operation. At a bike rack, for example, someone will definitely touch him while he is untying his bike. In addition, loud sound eats up batteries very quickly, so the effectiveness of such devices is still in question.

There are no questions about efficiency. Especially if the chain is from more or less famous brand. Unlike a cable, which is an interlacing of thin metal threads in a sheath, a chain consists of relatively thick metal links that require a special tool to break. The higher the quality of the metal, the more expensive the chain lock, but also more reliable. There are carbide chains that do not lend themselves to the tools used by thieves. The main problem with chain locks is their weight - carrying them with you in a backpack, for example, is very inconvenient. Alternatively, wind the chain around the frame or seatpost, but then you need to take care of soft material over the links so as not to damage the frame coating. minus in the form high price offset by the reliability of such locks. Agree, it is better to spend money on protecting your bike than on new bike- it will be much cheaper.

Something in between cable and chain is. He wins, first of all, in size. It takes up even less space than a cable lock, and in terms of reliability it strives for chain locks, but still loses.


Very reliable lock in the form. This name stuck because of its shape. It is a relatively thick metal bar with a fairly strong fixation. Depending on the manufacturer, the price, the thickness of the bar, and the material of manufacture change. In addition to weight, the narrowness of its application causes inconvenience. Do not wrap around a tree or a pole with such a lock - maximum road sign, and ideally a bike rack or a non-continuous fence. It is also not very convenient to transport such a lock - it is hard in a backpack, and for the most part it cannot be attached to the frames. It's good for "static" use, like if you keep it at work and the bike needs to be secured during the work day. In extreme cases, a bicycle can also be attached to such a lock in the entrance.

A very exotic way to prevent theft is a wheel lock. It is mounted on the wheel and does not allow the bike to move. At a minimum, an unlucky thief will not be able to leave on it, but if the thief is experienced, then he can simply drag him into a prepared van.

Not exactly a castle, but good remedy when the bike is stolen. The module is compact, easily hidden in the fork stem or seat tube, using a special program on a computer or smartphone, you can track its movements and the final point of arrival. Of course, in the process of surveillance, you need to write a statement to the police, explain the principle of operation of your device and, as soon as possible, go to the place whose coordinates are reported by the module.

If none of the options offered by the manufacturers suits you, you can easily make a lock with your own hands. You just buy a chain of the required length and thickness, a strong padlock and that's it - you already have a fairly reliable design in your hands.

Remember that it is impossible to protect your bike as much as possible with one type of bicycle lock. It is important to use them in combination. For example, carry a chain to secure the frame and the rear wheel and a cable to secure the front wheel to the frame.

Watch the video on how to make your own secure lock.

And to finally discard the illusions about the cable lock, check out this video (from 1:03).
