How to make a bicycle lock with your own hands. We make a bicycle alarm with our own hands

Everyone knows the word bicycle parking, but the bicycle parking itself in a number of places in our country remains exotic. And the situation itself is not calm everywhere, and a bicycle left for a while at the entrance, at the dacha or in the courtyard of a private house can leave without an owner or ride or permanently. It has been noticed that a stationary bike strapped to something attracts less attention than a standing one without a lock or with a lock on the wheel. A simple device will protect you from misunderstandings.

How to make a hook for a bike lock

A ring-head screw works very well as a hook for a lock. The screw is purchased at the hardware store. Installation on a wooden surface is easy. The height of the screw from the floor is determined. A small hole is drilled with a diameter equal to half the diameter of the screw. A screw is screwed into the hole with your own hands to the very head. A screw is screwed in without a special tool - a metal object or a wooden stick is installed in the ring as a lever. For installation on a concrete or brick wall, you first need to install a suitable plastic dowel and then screw in the screw. Can be fixed firmly using, for example, a chemical dowel.

Hole drilled Parking hook Bike parking at the hook

Are you fastening your bike securely? Even whether it is expensive or not, you will feel uneasy if one day you do not find it in the place where you recently left it. Reliable bike protection has great importance, at least you need to make it as difficult as possible for a thief to steal your bike.

Check out the tips in the article for what options and secrets are there to protect your bike.

Method 1: A sure way to protect your bike

1. Remove the front wheel. If the bicycle wheel can be quickly removed, then remove it. Place the front wheel next to the rear and secure both wheels with a padlock. It is very common for thieves to remove the front wheel of a bicycle if it is equipped with a quick release mechanism.

  • If the front wheel cannot be removed without a key, or your U-lock is small and does not allow you to fasten both wheels, then read the following tips.

2. Secure the front wheel and frame with a padlock to stationary metal objects. Also use a U-lock to attach back part a bicycle with a wheel to another object.

  • If your lock is small enough to wrap around an object, then attach only the rear wheel to a stationary object. Note that the lock only needs to be attached inside the triangle of the frame. In this case, it is impossible to separate bicycle frame from the rear wheel. Usually this action is enough to stop the thief, as he will need to break the valuable rear wheel in order to steal the bike.
  • Do not attach the U-lock to the top tube of the bike frame. This way of fastening the lock will help a thief to steal your bike, because you can use the bike frame as a lever to break the lock.

3. Protect the front wheel from theft if it does not detach. The front wheel is less valuable than the rear, but it also needs to be secured.

4. Before leaving your bike unattended, it is advisable to take with you or hide removable parts and personal belongings. You must take your bag, flashlight, reflectors, bike computer and other things with you or, if possible, secure with a separate lock.

Method 2: using expensive bike locks

1. Buy good bike locks. Cheap locks can be easily broken or opened. Good bike locks are sold in specialized bike shops or at the cycling department of a sports store.

2. Use small, sturdy steel U-locks. These rigid rings secure the bike frame or bike wheels securely to metal objects. The smaller the U-lock, the more difficult it is for a thief to pick it with tools.

  • For the best protection, select a U-lock that is sized to grip only the rear wheel, frame and the object to which it is attached.
  • The free space between the lock and the bike should be as small as possible. The material of the lock must be strong.

3. Use heavy chains to secure your bike. Chains that are thick enough (15 mm or more) are great against bicycle thieves.

4. Use a cable lock only as additional protection. You can use a lock with a thick cable (20mm), which is more difficult to bite. But this kind of lock is best used with a U-lock.

  • These locks are mainly used to protect less important parts and accessories of a bicycle, for example, a bicycle basket.

Method 3: choosing the best secure parking place

1. Find out the area where you will leave your bike. Try not to leave your bike in neighborhoods with high theft rates.

2. Try not to park near a place where suspicious persons or idlers, homeless people gather.

3. Do not leave your bike near railway or other train stations. Thieves know where people outside city limits leave their bicycles unattended all day. In such places, they can afford to spend more time stealing your bike.

4. Use well-lit areas and where there are many passers-by. It is more difficult for a thief to steal your bike in such places.

  • Try to park your bike next to a building that has a security camera. In the event of a theft, you will have a video to help you find the thief.

5. Find immovable, preferably metal objects to attach your bike to. Not every bike rack will provide reliable protection. When parking, select the following items:

  • Solid and sturdy objects. Do not select thin iron objects, wooden fences, and do not strap bicycles to objects that are easy to cut.
  • Secure your bike to non-separable items. A collapsible bike rack can be quickly disassembled by a skilled thief.
  • Choose a structure that is firmly anchored to the ground. Several strong thieves can pull out such a structure from the ground. If you fasten your bike to road signs, then also check how firmly they are fixed to the sidewalk.
  • Fasten your bike to large, heavy objects, otherwise a thief can take your bike along with a small bike rack and unfasten your bike in a secluded place.

6. If possible, try to secure your bike between other bikes. First of all, the thief will try to steal the end bicycles, as they have more free access.

Method 4: scare off bike thieves.

1. Replace your bike cams (most often on wheels) with regular turnkey bike nuts. Often bicycles are equipped with quick-release wheels and easily removable seats. Often it is these bicycle items that are the objects of theft.

  • Bicycle shops sell special anti-vandal eccentrics, which are removed with a special key. Remove the usual eccentrics and insert the anti-vandal into the same hole.
  • Some cheap cams are attached to the bike frame with a hex nut. They can be unscrewed with a hex wrench, but this mounting method will keep your bike safe from accidental thieves.

2. Protect your bike saddle from theft. If the saddle is not attached to the frame with an anti-theft eccentric or additional protection, use the length bicycle chain to attach the saddle to the frame.

3. Write with a marker or scribble your name on the bike. Then your bike will be harder to sell. Leave identification initials on the frame and tires on both sides.

  • Cover the decal on the frame with several layers of duct tape for extra protection. A thief can, of course, rip it off, but this deterrent measure will help shift the criminal's attention to an easier target.

4. The appearance of the bike should not be too provocative. Wrap the frame, seat, handlebars with adhesive tape, which can be easily removed. This type of bike will not greatly attract the attention of thieves, who will think that some damage is hidden in this way.

  • If your bike has an expensive, beautiful seat, take it with you. If you use your bike for your daily commute to work, you can attach an old or less expensive seat instead of an expensive seat.

5. Have proof of ownership of your bike. The easiest way is to take a picture of yourself with a bike at home, while holding a paper with its serial number in your hands.

  • The serial number is stamped on the bike frame or on a tag that is attached to the frame. If you don't know where to find it, ask knowledgeable friends to help you.

6. Attach the GPS controller to your bike. If your bike is very expensive, then buy a GPS controller. It is firmly attached to the bike frame and will help you find it if stolen.

Method 5: What to do if your bike is stolen.

1. Write a statement to the police as soon as possible. Bring your bike documents when you go to the police station. It is important to include the bike's serial number on the application for identification purposes.

  • Be sure to point to the presence of a GPS controller if you installed it.

2. Tell your friends about the theft of the bike, spread this information on social networks, notify all people in the place where the bike was lost (office workers, shops in the place of loss). The more people know about the theft of your bike, the more likely it is that someone saw the theft and will help you find the thief.

  • Leave your contact information and a detailed description of the bike.

3. Advertise your stolen bike on message boards and internet boards. If you receive any information about the theft, immediately report the details to the police.

4. If possible, ask for video from CCTV cameras. Ask the owners of the video cameras to watch the video to the police. This will help identify the bike thief.

5. Watch for ads on the network on message boards and in social networks - if a bike similar to yours is being sold. One of the bicycles for sale may be yours. If you find a bike similar to yours, contact the authorities and inform the site owner.

6. Visit local markets and other places where used bicycles and bike parts can be sold. Find out where these bikes are usually served. If you see your bike and make sure it is yours, contact law enforcement.

7. Claim insurance indemnity if your bike has been insured. You need to file a statement about the theft of your bike as soon as possible in order for the insured event to be recorded.

8. Do not try to return the bike yourself. As soon as you find your bike anywhere, immediately contact law enforcement. Do not expose yourself to the risk of sorting out on your own.


  • Make it harder for thieves to steal your bike. Then the thief will choose another bike.
  • If possible, strap your bike so that you can see it from the window.
  • Use the most reliable bike locks from famous brands (Kryptonite, Abus, Trelock, etc.).
  • Attach the seat and handlebars to the frame if possible using a cable lock.


  • Try to keep the lock off the ground. This will prevent the thief from using a hammer and other heavy objects when picking the lock.
  • Never leave your bike where it is not permitted to park bicycles or where it will obstruct other road users.

What is needed

  • At least 2 bike locks, preferably U-locks, but at least one U-lock.
  • Bicycle chain (optional)
  • Items that repel bicycle thieves. For example, duct tape or patches that can mask your bike.

In conclusion, watch an interesting video on how to make a reliable bicycle lock with your own hands:

A cyclist who decides to use his vehicle for practical purposes will sooner or later have to face parking his bike on the street. Leaving the bike in a "free" state is unsafe: even after 5 minutes of absence, the owner runs the risk of not catching his faithful servant on the spot.

Special parking locks for bicycles will help prevent theft. These devices allow you to fasten the bike to a stationary object and thus prevent an intruder from taking the bike and driving it away. There are a large number of different anti-theft devices on the market, it is important to approach the choice correctly, to know the types of bicycle locks, their pros and cons, and, of course, be guided by banknotes in your wallet.

List of types of bike locks

By type of attachment anti-theft locks are divided into the following groups:

  • wheel blockers;
  • cable;
  • chain;
  • u-shaped;
  • lamellar;
  • homemade.

Wheel locks are small rings that firmly attach the rim to the frame of the bike. To provide anti-theft protection it is enough to lock only the rear wheel, however, two locks are sold in the kit at once. The point of protection is not to give the thief the opportunity to ride away on the bike, but to make him carry on his shoulders. And there the owner will catch up.

A common version of a bicycle lock is a metal cable with a polymer sheath. The ropes are low in price, they have several length options: from 10 - 15 cm to 1 meter. Short cables can be used as blockers, long ones will allow you to park the bike to a tree, post, road sign, pipe and so on.

Every cyclist is familiar with ropes

Chain Bike Lock is a heavy and angry defender. It is represented by a thick metal chain, covered with dense fabric or polymer coating. From frequent parking, the outer layer wears out, so you can often find a bare chain. The length is large enough to clip the frame to large items.

But the U-shaped locks for bicycles do not shine in length: short elongated arches with a locking device. In shape, they resemble old door locks, only elongated. The bike can only be fastened to a narrow tube such as a road sign.

U-lock anti-theft protection from Onguard

Plate bike locks are a kind of chain made not of links, but of plates. The material in them is strong hardened steel, from which the links are fastened. Typically, this type of bike locks are provided with an outer shell - thick fabric or polypropylene.

And finally, let's touch on hand-made anti-theft devices. This is usually done by older cyclists riding Soviet "Kams" and "Salutes". Making the fastening yourself is very simple: just connect a regular door lock with a steel chain.

Comparison of types of anti-theft accessories

Convenient and simple - lock the wheels, put on the bike and go about your business. Block locks are inexpensive, simple and easy to use. A significant drawback of blockers is that there is no protection as such. A thief who sets out to steal a bike will take it away, even by dragging it or on his shoulders. It is recommended to use wheel locks for short-term parking, no more than 5 minutes.

"Handcuffs" for bicycle wheels

Bike cable locks are simple and inexpensive. Some of them, for example, from the manufacturer Bulat, also differ in durability. But, like the most popular locks, they are the most vulnerable to bike robbers. It is quite easy to bite or break the connection of the metal cable with the lock block, as long as the tool is nearby.

Another disadvantage of such locks for bicycles can be attributed to "freezing": the polypropylene shell has low cold resistance, which is why, even at +5, the lock gets stuck and it becomes problematic to roll it up.

Chain and plate locks are reliable locks, unlike cable locks, their competitor. Naturally, such devices will cost more, and they are not so common on sale. Here, the quality directly depends on the original production technology of the product: poor quality material easily succumbs to wire cutters, hammers and crowbars. The plate mounts are weak points, so their steel should be as strong as possible and resistant to impacts.

Chain in a casing with a keyhole for parking is great

U-locks are even more reliable and durable than all previous ones, but the cost will be significantly higher. Among the manufacturing companies, we note Abus, which is recommended precisely in the manufacture of such accessories.

Their limited use is due to their short length: the bike cannot be attached to thick pipes, trees, lamp posts, etc. We'll have to look for something narrow and small. Advice for cyclists with U-locks: it is better to have an additional chain or cable anti-theft guard.

Probably, homemade anti-theft devices are the best: a proven lock and a thick iron chain. 100%, of course, does not protect, however, with such "guards" thieves prefer not to mess with.

Self-made "grandfather's" castle

A code or a key - which is safer for the cyclist?

According to the method of closing, the anti-theft system is divided into key and code. The locks of the first type are supplied with several keys; on the packaging of combination locks there is a unique combination of numbers that opens the lock. There are types of code anti-theft devices that require closing with a code.

The division into a code and a key is relevant for cable locks; to a lesser extent, the code can be found on chains and plates. Manufacturers also prefer to cut a key hole in U-shaped fasteners. Let's figure out which lock is preferable: a code or a key.

The main disadvantage of key locks is the ability to pick up master keys for them. It is not uncommon for the key to break right in the lock and not be pulled out. This is the sin of small keys that neatly and accurately break in half. And, of course, you can accidentally lose your keys, and then you will have to become a cracker on your bike yourself.

In terms of ease of handling, the anti-theft code is much better, but it is easier for a thief to choose a combination of numbers than a combination. Three-digit cheap devices are especially dangerous in this regard. It is easier to hit the jackpot with such locks than it seems. As a last resort, you can simply cut the cable with a special tool. Normal anti-theft cables on the codes are produced by the manufacturer Cyclotech, but they will cost more than their key counterparts.

For an inexpensive bike, a code option is also suitable, attackers usually look askance at super-speed bikes with disc brakes and shock absorbers. If you have to leave the bike for a long time, it is advisable to secure it with not one, but several locks. So, a good option would be to use a key chain, code cable and wheel locks. We remember, however, about the shortcomings of key representatives: it is better to choose more expensive locks and keep an eye on the keys.

Bike alarm - is it worth installing?

In addition to lock fasteners, another type of anti-thief type of protection has appeared in the cycling environment - anti-theft systems with alarms. Until this device came out to the masses, it is used only on very expensive bikes. Perhaps, in the future, the signaling will replace the old ways of securing, so it's worth talking a little about it.

Let us consider the principle of operation of the alarm using the example of the three-mode JX:

  • A - setting a unique digital code to unlock the bike;
  • B - blocking the wheels;
  • С - change of the sound alarm level.

The signal beeps quite unpleasantly, the sound intensity can exceed 100 dB. This sound alone will make an attacker change his mind about stealing this bike. It is also worth noting the level of high sensitivity, the device reacts even to touch. It is better to install a bike with an alarm away from a large crowd of people, otherwise the bike will continuously beep and scare people.

Bicycle Alarm Kit

The anti-theft alarm system has its drawbacks:

  • high current consumption and frequent battery replacement;
  • false alarm due to a supersensitive vibration probe;
  • price.

The first minus is especially unpleasant. In one hour, this device consumes a tremendous amount of energy. Leaving the bike for half a day is likely to damage the battery. Wouldn't it be better to get the bike attached to something in a standard way?

On the contrary, frequent signals from the bike will annoy both the owner and passers-by. The same unjustified consumption of battery power will force you to remove the device from the bike and use a conventional anti-theft device. With the price of the device, which will not be justified for most bicycles, everything is clear. In general, the alarm is an interesting accessory, but not yet in great demand.

Protecting your bike on the street is just as important as the ride itself. By choosing the optimal protective accessory for his bike, weighing all its pros and cons and making an informed choice, the cyclist will definitely provide his two-wheeled friend with a calm and long-term parking.

A bicycle anti-theft lock is usually a cable or chain with a lock at the end, with which the owner wraps around the spokes of the wheel, frame and element of the grill or parking lot for bicycles.

Theft of expensive bicycles, theft of wheels is a common phenomenon, and technically trained people are engaged in it. The chain or cable is silently cut with a bolt cutter, the bike is put into the car, and the crime scene is abandoned. Only the bitten off anti-theft lock remains in place.

When manufacturing a serial anti-theft lock, manufacturers put the following qualities at the forefront:

  • attractive appearance;
  • minimum weight;
  • the convenience of use;
  • competitive cost of the finished product;
  • speed of use;
  • resistance to biting.

It is impossible to satisfy all the requirements at the same time, and in the end, it is even profitable for manufacturers to make devices that are easy to bite. They will buy new ones because they cannot be repaired. The owner of the stolen bike will have to strengthen the security by purchasing an expensive, but not more bite-resistant lock.

There is no reception against scrap, but the capabilities of the bolt cutter are limited by its geometric parameters. Cutting through thin chain links, 4-5 mm thick, or cables up to 15 mm in diameter is no problem for the specialized bolt cutter.

To bite a bolt with a diameter of 12-14 mm, with a strength class of over 8.8 is already not easy, you will need a grinder, which is used much less often. A chain with a link thickness of 8 mm or more in diameter will weigh a couple of kilograms, which in some cases is unacceptable.

Unfortunately, the consumer demands that it be easy, clean, beautiful, fast, cheap, but not stolen. This is almost impossible to achieve. The specificity of fastening a bicycle to different structural elements of a post or lattice prompts the use of a chain or cable inside a rubber or plastic hose, or with a heat-shrinkable PVC film put on and crimped. It is not difficult to make a semblance of a purchased product on your own in the presence of a lock, chain and decorative hose, and the manufacturing measures are obvious.

Let's try to execute another version of the anti-theft lock.

A chain or cable can be replaced by a metal strip 4-5 mm thick, 40-50 mm wide, one part of which is attached to the frame with a strap, the other to an element of the concrete structure of a bicycle stand or a lattice.

The meaning of the design is to slip a thick and wide strip of metal or rather thick bolts under the bite. If the strip will have an articulated connection - like an element of a bicycle chain, then it can be folded like a folding ruler. The locking element can be made from a bolt, which can only be unscrewed with a special wrench. The L-shaped hex key is cut off, and the minimum possible 5-7 mm remains under the protective strip. To the bolt - do not crawl from the sides, only the L-shaped hexagon or the owner's torx will fit under the pad. The nut on the reverse side of the strip is welded, compressed tightly. In the same way, the technical issue of "crimping" is solved on the other side of the folding anti-theft piece of iron.

You can make this product yourself. Having painted the details and resolved the issue of transport placement on the bike frame, you can reliably and aesthetically protect the bike from theft, and get a convenient and non-standard device.

Hijackers, people are cautious, and they simply won't solve atypical tasks, it will be easier for them to find another bike with a regular chain

Nothing could stop him, no longer than a minute later he had already stolen the bike. Finally, the authors of this video decided to puzzle the hero with a chain made of an extra strong alloy, two fingers thick. Then the thief simply brought a meter long bolt cutter, bit the chain, put one handle on the asphalt, pressed on the other with all his weight, and that's it - the bike is free.

Alas, old and inexpensive bikes are the main prey for bicycle thieves. The reason is that it is the cheap ones that make up the bulk of those parked near supermarkets. The cost of such devices is low, so thieves feel at ease - they understand that there will be no criminal prosecution, and the former owner, most likely, will not show persistence in catching a dashing person.

It is a very dangerous delusion to rely on the supervision of a stranger. Even if the guard answers your request with consent, this does not guarantee anything at all. Firstly, he does not owe you anything, he can go to the toilet, or simply not pay attention to your bike.

Camcorders are also not a problem for thieves. They wear a baseball cap and a hood, which, combined with the low resolution of the device, makes them completely unrecognizable. You can only helplessly watch on the tape how, by your own stupidity, you are deprived of an expensive toy. Therefore, if you park a bike near the entrance of a supermarket, closer to the cameras, then rest assured that this will not embarrass the rascals at all.

Such thefts are often carried out on a tip, and if thieves find out that there is something valuable in the basement, then hacking it will no longer be a problem. The common vestibule is someone else's territory, and I highly discourage leaving a bike there.

Good neighbors may forget to close doors, bad neighbors may forget to bring thieves. Drug addicts sometimes conduct raids on the vestibules, since it is very easy to get there, and it is even easier to escape in case of danger. Again, from the experience of real friends, I can say that this is not some theoretical opportunity to part with the bike, but very real. At least those people will definitely not put the bike either in the vestibule or in the basement.

This advice has a double meaning. First, dealing with two locks is at least twice as long. Secondly, drug addicts often “undress” the fastened bicycles, two locks will save the wheels.

this castle

Everything is clear here: you need to remove the bike computer, flashlight, purse, everything that you have hung there. If you have to leave your bike strapped on, do not use eccentrics. The first thing to remove from bicycles is the wheels and seat. If it is easy for you to shoot, it will be even easier for others. Therefore, replace the eccentrics on the axles and the screws for the internal hexagon, and even better - for the torx


That's all I can tell you about bike theft and prevention. Unfortunately, there is only one way to protect your bike from theft - keep it always in front of your eyes. Travel to the store together, park only in the apartment.

If this option is completely unacceptable, then there is an alternative - folding bicycles. Such a device can be taken with you to a supermarket, and at home it can easily fit under a sofa. I'm going to write a post on folding bikes, where I will review the most interesting models and compare them for prices. I advise you to subscribe to updates on my site in order to receive the article by e-mail.

Using a bike lock is a way to keep your bike safe if you occasionally have to leave it somewhere. Unfortunately, there are people for whom stealing is the norm. They will not be ashamed to steal your bike when they get such an opportunity. Therefore, be careful when choosing a means of protecting your vehicle, so that no one even has a thought to steal it.

There are several types of locks. Let's talk about each separately.

1. Rope

2. Rope with alarm

3. Chain

4. Lamellar

5. U-bracket

6. Wheel lock

8. Homemade

The cable lock is the most widespread due to its low cost, small dimensions, and low weight. With its help, it is easy to attach the bike to a post, a tree, you can pass a cable through both wheels, a frame and still it will be enough (of course, in the latter case, the cable must be at least 2 meters long). Cable locks differ from each other in length, thickness and opening method (coded or turnkey).

Unfortunately, all its advantages are more than outweighed by many disadvantages. The main one is that cable locks are the most unreliable in terms of breaking. "Intelligent hacking" is not yet very widespread, so they are simply bite or torn in a second. On inexpensive locks, the fixing point is so unreliable that a closed lock can be unhooked by hand. Even with household wire cutters, it can be picked out in 1-2 minutes, so it is completely unsuitable for more or less long-term storage. If you keep a bicycle in the stairwell with such a lock, then sooner or later you will need advice from our article "What to do if a bicycle is stolen." Remember one simple thought: a cable lock is foolproof. It will save only from those who have decided to take your bike for a ride during your visit to the store from the bully (do not believe it, there are such people, mostly teenagers and companies "tipsy"). It can also be used to protect the wheels from being removed from the bike. Everything. He's no good for anything else. There is no way to hope for such a lock.

You can partially rely on such a lock if it is equipped with an alarm. Yes, no one likes to listen to this unbearable screeching in close proximity, so faced with such a surprise, an inexperienced thief will most likely hurry to hide. Such locks can be triggered by the slightest touch, which also complicates their operation. At a bicycle parking, for example, someone will surely touch him while he unties his bicycle. In addition, loud sound eats up battery power very quickly, so the effectiveness of such devices is still in question.

There are no questions about the effectiveness of chain locks. Especially if the chain is from a more or less well-known brand. Unlike a cable, which is a weave of thin metal threads in a sheath, a chain consists of relatively thick metal links, which require a special tool to break. The higher the quality of the metal, the more expensive the chain lock, but also the more reliable. There are carbide chains that do not lend themselves to tools used by thieves. The main problem with chain locks is their weight - carrying them with you in a backpack, for example, is very inconvenient. Alternatively, wind the chain around the frame or seatpost, but then take care of the soft material over the links to avoid damaging the frame cover. The disadvantage in the form of a high price is compensated by the reliability of such locks. Agree, it is better to spend money on a means of protecting your bike than on a new bike - it will be much cheaper.

Something in between a cable and a chain is a plate lock. He wins, first of all, in terms of size. It takes up even less space than a cable lock, and in terms of reliability tends to chain lock, but still loses.


The U-brace lock is very reliable. This name stuck because of its shape. It is a relatively thick metal bar with a fairly strong hold. Depending on the manufacturer, the price, the thickness of the bar, and the material of manufacture change. In addition to weight, the narrowness of its use is also inconvenient. Such a lock does not grip a tree or a pillar - at most, a road sign, and ideally a bicycle parking or a discontinuous fence. It is also not very convenient to transport such a lock - it is difficult in a backpack, and for the most part it cannot be attached to frames. It is good for "static" use, for example, if you store it at work, and the bike needs to be secured during the working day. In extreme cases, a bicycle can be attached to such a lock in the entrance.

A very exotic way to prevent theft is a wheel lock. It is mounted on the wheel and does not allow the bike to move. At a minimum, an unlucky thief will not be able to leave on it, but if the thief is experienced, then he can simply drag him into a pre-prepared van.

Not exactly a lock, but a good way to steal a bike. The module is compact, hides easily in the fork rod or in the seat tube, using a special program on a computer or smartphone, you can track its movements and the final point of arrival. Of course, in the process of tracking, you need to write a statement to the police, explain the principle of operation of your device and as soon as possible go to the place, the coordinates of which are reported by the module.

If none of the options offered by the manufacturers suits you, you can easily make a lock yourself. You just buy a chain of the required length and thickness, a strong padlock and that's it - you already have a fairly reliable structure in your hands.

Remember that it is impossible to protect your bike as much as possible with one of the bike lock types. It is important to use them together. For example, carry a chain to secure the frame and rear wheel and a cable to secure the front wheel to the frame.

Watch the video on how to make the most reliable lock.

And to finally cast aside the cable lock illusion, check out this video (from 1:03).


Kinky2 years ago

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What is useful to know about locks?

Which is better - a lock with a key or a combination mechanism?

D- and U-locks

However, the main disadvantage of D- and U-shaped locks is their low grip capacity. Therefore, in the course of their operation, cyclists often have to face the dilemma of what is better to fasten - a wheel or a frame. The design features manifest themselves in the most negative way when it is necessary to fasten a bicycle to wide posts and pipes.

Chain lock

A completely different matter - locks with chains of improved metal alloys. The use of high quality materials of manufacture along with the special shape of the links makes it much more difficult to break. However, such a lock for a bicycle will cost much more.

Bicycle cable lock

Chain and wheel blocking

Are you fastening your bike securely? Even whether it is expensive or not, you will feel uneasy if one day you do not find it in the place where you recently left it. Reliable bike protection is of great importance, at least you need to make it as difficult for a thief to steal your bike as possible.

Check out the tips in the article for what options and secrets are there to protect your bike.

Method 1: A sure way to protect your bike

1. Remove the front wheel. If the bicycle wheel can be quickly removed, then remove it. Place the front wheel next to the rear and secure both wheels with a padlock. It is very common for thieves to remove the front wheel of a bicycle if it is equipped with a quick release mechanism.

  • If the front wheel cannot be removed without a key, or your U-lock is small and does not allow you to fasten both wheels, then read the following tips.

2. Secure the front wheel and frame with a padlock to stationary metal objects. Also use a U-lock to secure the rear of the bike and wheel to another object.

  • If your lock is small enough to wrap around an object, then attach only the rear wheel to a stationary object. Note that the lock only needs to be attached inside the triangle of the frame. In this case, it is impossible to separate the bike frame from the rear wheel. Usually this action is enough to stop the thief, as he will need to break the valuable rear wheel in order to steal the bike.
  • Do not attach the U-lock to the top tube of the bike frame. This way of fastening the lock will help a thief to steal your bike, because you can use the bike frame as a lever to break the lock.

3. Protect the front wheel from theft if it does not detach. The front wheel is less valuable than the rear, but it also needs to be secured.

4. Before leaving your bike unattended, it is advisable to take with you or hide removable parts and personal belongings. You must take your bag, flashlight, reflectors, bike computer and other things with you or, if possible, secure with a separate lock.

Method 2: using expensive bike locks

1. Buy good bike locks. Cheap locks can be easily broken or opened. Good bike locks are available from specialist bike shops or the bike department of a sports store.

2. Use small, sturdy steel U-locks. These rigid rings secure the bike frame or bike wheels securely to metal objects. The smaller the U-lock, the more difficult it is for a thief to pick it with tools.

  • For the best protection, select a U-lock that is sized to grip only the rear wheel, frame and the object to which it is attached.
  • The free space between the lock and the bike should be as small as possible. The material of the lock must be strong.

3. Use heavy chains to secure your bike. Chains that are thick enough (15 mm or more) are great against bicycle thieves.

4. Use a cable lock only as additional protection. You can use a lock with a thick cable (20mm), which is more difficult to bite. But this kind of lock is best used with a U-lock.

  • These locks are mainly used to protect less important parts and accessories of a bicycle, for example, a bicycle basket.

Method 3: choosing the best secure parking place

1. Find out the area where you will leave your bike. Try not to leave your bike in neighborhoods with high theft rates.

2. Try not to park near a place where suspicious persons or idlers, homeless people gather.

3. Do not leave your bike near railway or other train stations. Thieves know where people outside city limits leave their bicycles unattended all day. In such places, they can afford to spend more time stealing your bike.

4. Use well-lit areas and where there are many passers-by. It is more difficult for a thief to steal your bike in such places.

  • Try to park your bike next to a building that has a security camera. In the event of a theft, you will have a video to help you find the thief.

5. Find immovable, preferably metal objects to attach your bike to. Not every bike rack will provide reliable protection. When parking, select the following items:

  • Solid and sturdy objects. Do not select thin iron objects, wooden fences, and do not strap bicycles to objects that are easy to cut.
  • Secure your bike to non-separable items. A collapsible bike rack can be quickly disassembled by a skilled thief.
  • Choose a structure that is firmly anchored to the ground. Several strong thieves can pull out such a structure from the ground. If you fasten your bike to road signs, then also check how firmly they are fixed to the sidewalk.
  • Fasten your bike to large, heavy objects, otherwise a thief can take your bike along with a small bike rack and unfasten your bike in a secluded place.

6. If possible, try to secure your bike between other bikes. First of all, the thief will try to steal the end bicycles, as they have more free access.

Method 5: What to do if your bike is stolen.

1. Write a statement to the police as soon as possible. Bring your bike documents when you go to the police station. It is important to include the bike's serial number on the application for identification purposes.

  • Be sure to point to the presence of a GPS controller if you installed it.

2. Tell your friends about the theft of the bike, spread this information on social networks, notify all people in the place where the bike was lost (office workers, shops in the place of loss). The more people know about the theft of your bike, the more likely it is that someone saw the theft and will help you find the thief.

  • Leave your contact information and a detailed description of the bike.

3. Advertise your stolen bike on message boards and internet boards. If you receive any information about the theft, immediately report the details to the police.

4. If possible, ask for video from CCTV cameras. Ask the owners of the video cameras to watch the video to the police. This will help identify the bike thief.

5. Watch for ads on the network on message boards and in social networks - if a bike similar to yours is being sold. One of the bicycles for sale may be yours. If you find a bike similar to yours, contact the authorities and inform the site owner.

6. Visit local markets and other places where used bicycles and bike parts can be sold. Find out where these bikes are usually served. If you see your bike and make sure it is yours, contact law enforcement.

7. Claim insurance indemnity if your bike has been insured. You need to file a statement about the theft of your bike as soon as possible in order for the insured event to be recorded.

8. Do not try to return the bike yourself. As soon as you find your bike anywhere, immediately contact law enforcement. Do not expose yourself to the risk of sorting out on your own.


  • Make it harder for thieves to steal your bike. Then the thief will choose another bike.
  • If possible, strap your bike so that you can see it from the window.
  • Use the most reliable bike locks from famous brands (Kryptonite, Abus, Trelock, etc.).
  • Attach the seat and handlebars to the frame if possible using a cable lock.


  • Try to keep the lock off the ground. This will prevent the thief from using a hammer and other heavy objects when picking the lock.
  • Never leave your bike where it is not permitted to park bicycles or where it will obstruct other road users.

What is needed

There are several types of bike locks:

According to the type of locking device, bicycle locks are of two types.

  1. Full construction
  2. With a code block.

Here everyone decides for himself what is easier for him - to remember the code or carry the key with him. There are ways to open both those and other locks. Key locks are opened with master keys, and codes are simply picked up. If you choose a code, then take at least four digits.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which bicycle lock is better and more reliable. Each of all types has its own pros and cons. The code can be forgotten, but the key can be lost, the cable can be bite, and the arc can be sawed with a "grinder". There are no unbreakable locks. The question is in the time it takes. In the end, there were cases when the fence was broken and the bike was taken away by car. One thief sawed a tree for five hours to steal a bicycle.

  1. If you are using a bike rack, do not put your iron horse on the edge. Thieves most often try to steal the extreme ones, since they have freer access to them. Try to squeeze yours between others.
  2. The use of bicycle cams, especially on wheels and seat posts, makes them easier to steal. Although there are special anti-vandal eccentrics. Consider this. If you do not use eccentrics, tighten the wheel axle bolts very tight. It is useful both for driving safety and as an anti-theft measure. There is one more original, but rather difficult to implement, idea: order custom nuts and bolts with unique keys. It will be quite difficult to promote them.
  3. Another unusual and controversial way is not to wash your bike too clean. Some cyclists think dirty bikes are less likely to be stolen. True, you still need to ride it, and how comfortable it will be depends on you.
  4. There is one more original way. By simply leaving the bike and securing it with a good lock, remove the saddle and take it with you. Stealing a bike without a saddle is somewhat problematic - you can't go anywhere on it, and selling it without a saddle is more difficult. If the seatpost is fitted with an eccentric, it is easy to remove. And if it is not very long and the saddle is not wide, then carrying this set with you is not too difficult. You can also remove the pedals - you won't ride much without them. True, they are not always clean, and it takes longer to twist them.
  5. Don't be afraid to look eccentric - a barn lock and a strong chain are much more difficult to eat than a thin cable. As mentioned above, when choosing chains, it is better to take not an ordinary chain from a hardware store, but cargo chains made of thick hardened steel. In the end, the velor may simply not have enough time to open these locks and saw or bite the chain with bolt cutters.
  6. When attaching the bike, fix all easily removable parts - wheels, saddle. Take off expensive accessories - bike computers, GPS navigators and other bells and whistles.
  7. Write down the frame number for yourself. Where is the frame serial number on the bike? It is embossed at the bottom of the frame under the bushing or on the front of the head tube. The bike frame number can be in the form of numbers or letters and numbers. This will help prove that the bike is really yours. It is best that it was registered in the warranty card when buying in a store. It's still not bad to have a photo of you with your bike. Firstly, this will be proof that this is your bike, and secondly, the police will clearly see what to look for, and she, "having dropped all business, will immediately announce an interception plan in search of" your iron friend.

  8. There is one more little trick. Place a piece of paper inside the handlebars, under the grips or inside the seatpost, on which you write down your details. It will serve as additional proof that you are the real owner. You can also write or scratch your name on it. A tagged bike is more difficult to sell, and it will be easier to prove that it is yours.
  9. The appearance of the bike does not have to be very provocative. Wrap tape around the handlebar or part of the frame. The task is to show a potential thief that this bike is not the best option for sale. Sometimes a slightly rusted handlebar or seatpost will drastically reduce the value of the entire bike.
  10. By the way, the more original your bike is painted, the more difficult it will be to sell it and the faster it will be identified in case of theft. This is the same as that of motorists.

  11. You can use a bicycle alarm. She will attract attention with her squeak and scare inexperienced thieves. And experienced ones, realizing that there is an alarm on the bike, most likely will not get involved with it. The alarm is most often triggered by movement.
  12. Another purely psychological moment. Bicycles are not permitted inside most shops or office centers. However, "try not torture" - try to go with him. If they are already not allowed, at this moment ask the guard to look after the bike. At least, there is already a responsible person and a bicycle under supervision, which is already good.
  13. Try to insure your bike against theft, theft and damage.

There are some pretty original solutions for protecting bicycles from theft:

  1. Chinese engineers invented V.Y. Handle Lock. This is a strong, flexible cable, which during the trip is in the handlebars of the bicycle, and in the parking lot it closes on the right grip, which plays the role of a lock. True, it will not save you from a bolt cutter.

Types of bike locks

Anti-theft cable

The most popular and cheapest type. It is a steel cable in a rubber sheath, at one end of which there is a lock, on which the cable is closed. The cables are long, short, of different diameters, with a seat tube attachment, with a combination lock or with a key.

It is best to take it as long as possible so that you can hook the bike not only to the frame, but also grab the wheels. If you cling only to the frame, then they will steal by no means cheap, and if only for the wheels, then everything else. In addition, in this way you can fasten several bicycles at once, which is very convenient.

It is also better to take a larger diameter (more than 15 mm). In no case take the thin Chinese anti-theft cables - they have a bite in a matter of seconds.

Also, look carefully at the lock itself, at least visually it should inspire confidence. In theory, a lock on a key should be more reliable, but in practice it can be opened with a master key or broken off with a hammer in a few seconds, and there is also a risk of losing the key. In this case, you will be able to test the quality of the bike lock in practice.

Chain bike lock

More reliable option. Unlike the cable, the chain has a higher strength and it will not be so easy to bite it. I would even say extremely difficult, but sometimes thieves even use a grinder.

Your best bet, it seems to me, is to buy a real thick, case-hardened chain yourself, and an equally good lock. But there are also special chain bike locks on sale, which are wrapped in a cover (fabric) so as not to scratch the frame, and in general they look more aesthetically pleasing.

U-shaped bike lock

A very secure lock indeed. The hardened steel frame is made in the shape of the letter U. The weight can sometimes reach one and a half kilograms, which additionally tells us about the strength. The price for some of the models goes up to 100 Euro, which hints to us even more about reliability.

However, I see one significant drawback - it will not be such an easy task to attach the bike. It is necessary that both the frame and the object of the fastener are at the same level. In addition, you cannot additionally grab the wheel, this is also a considerable risk.

An improved version of the U-lock. It consists of 5 mm thick hardened steel plates that fold easily. Thus, such a bike lock is much more compact, but at the same time durable.

Some cyclists say about the poor quality of the Trelock FS 455 plate lock, they say that it takes no longer than a minute to crack it with only hands. Therefore, if you have already chosen an expensive lock, try to find reviews on it on the Internet.

Bicycle lock blocking the wheel

Quite an original, but ineffective means of protecting a bicycle from theft. It simply blocks the wheel, but who cares when the bike can be quickly loaded into the car.

There are also such. It is an analogue of an anti-theft cable, with the only difference that an alarm is implanted into the lock itself. When a thief tries to cut a cable or break a lock, an alarm is triggered for 15 seconds with a sound at a volume level of about 90 decibels. All in all, not a bad solution.

Best bike lock

If you put the question bluntly, then I think the best option for a bicycle lock is a U-shaped one or made of plates. Among the U-shaped locks, bicycle locks from Kryptonit and Kensington can boast of excellent quality, they are the undisputed leaders in this segment. It is only advisable to fix the wheels separately if they are dear to you.

It would be great to use a bicycle alarm in conjunction with a bike lock. It clings to the frame, several sensitivity modes are selected, and in which case, reacting to movement, the alarm is triggered for 15 seconds.

An experienced thief, seeing the installed bicycle alarm, is likely to pass by. The inexperienced, hearing a shrill squeak, will run away in panic. Plus, the attention of passers-by is guaranteed, and you yourself can quickly run out of the store. It is inexpensive, up to $ 10.

However, more than 50% of the stolen bicycles were strapped on, which is a hint. Therefore, I again recommend that you familiarize yourself with how to protect a bike from theft and watch this video:

Don't buy cheap Chinese junk, ride your favorite bike as much as possible, and stay with the site.

You can buy a bike lock in Russia.

How to find the best bike lock? There are a whole host of different types of anti-theft devices. Let's try to figure out together which product will best protect the bike from intruders.

What is useful to know about locks?

To find the most effective bike protection, you need to understand the types of locks, have information about the advantages and disadvantages of certain models.

When choosing a bike lock, you need to take into account possible parking places. Most of the products are designed to protect two-wheeled vehicles that are left in special parking lots in front of buildings. However, if you wish, you can pick up reliable remedy for securing the bike to a lamp post, pipe or bench.

Whichever type of lock suits the cyclist, whether it is a product based on a metal cable, a lock for a bicycle chain or a U-shaped system, you must always remember that the miser pays twice.

Which is better - a lock with a key or a combination mechanism?

Bicycle locks can be locked with a key or using a code cipher. A combination lock for a bicycle, according to the level of reliability, is approximately the same efficiency as a model on a key.

The choice in this case depends on the convenience of the user. Some cyclists find it difficult to keep the lock code in mind, while others feel uncomfortable finding the key. Be that as it may, in both cases the main role is played by the convenience of transporting a rather bulky product with a lock.

D- and U-locks

As practice shows, this category of bicycle locks is one of the most reliable in everyday use. The lock for a bicycle of such a specific shape is difficult to bite or open with a pick. Be that as it may, in order to achieve the goal, the attacker will need to spend a whole lot of time and effort.

However, the main disadvantage of D- and U-shaped locks is their low grip capacity. Therefore, in the course of their operation, cyclists often have to face the dilemma of what is better to fasten - a wheel or a frame. The design features manifest themselves in the most negative way when it is necessary to fasten a bicycle to wide posts and pipes.

Chain lock

Due to the special variety of the model range and individual parameters, the protective qualities of bicycle locks with a chain vary significantly. Often, the reliability, ease of use and quality of such a lock directly depend on the cost.

A bicycle lock with a thin metal chain can only protect against a child who does not have any tools at hand. As for a trained attacker, it will not be difficult for him to cut the chain with the help of good wire cutters.

A completely different matter - locks with chains of improved metal alloys. The use of high quality materials of manufacture along with the special shape of the links makes it much more difficult to break. However, such a lock for a bicycle will cost much more.

As for the length of the locks with a chain, in most cases it turns out to be quite enough to easily chain the required part of a two-wheeled vehicle to any suitable object.

Bicycle cable lock

Systems in this category practically do not differ from products with a chain. However, they are lighter and more compact. Particularly convenient can be a product in the form of a spiral, which during transport is wrapped around the seat post.

Despite its compact size in the assembled position, the spiral is capable of unwinding to an impressive length. Thanks to this, several elements of the bicycle structure can be simultaneously fixed with the help of a cable.

Chain and wheel blocking

The lock for the bicycle chain and wheel lock can become convenient to use. Naturally, such protective equipment should only be used in conjunction with other types of locks.

The mechanism of action of the systems for blocking the chain and wheels is based on fixing these elements in a static position, which prevents the rotation of the mechanisms. It is recommended to fasten your bike with such locks for a short time. Indeed, in the event of a theft, the attacker, at best, will have to carry the bike on his own shoulders.

To reduce the likelihood of theft, as well as causing any damage to two-wheeled vehicles, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is better to fasten the bike in the most crowded places... Naturally, this will not be able to stop a skilled cracker, but it will certainly make beginners think.
  2. It is worth using several locks at the same time. Breaking them will definitely take more time from the attacker. In addition, fixing individual parts of the bike will protect you from those who hunt, for example, for wheels or the trunk of a vehicle.
  3. When using several anti-theft agents, it is desirable that one bicycle lock be U- or D-shaped, because it is not so easy to quickly break a thick metal arch.
  4. Shifting the bike systems into low gears helps catch up with the burglar. Even pedaling furiously, an attacker will not be able to move faster than a walking pace. Naturally, this option is effective only if the bike is constantly in sight of the owner.

Today I want to touch on a topic that is very relevant for any cyclist. Beginners, and even those who have already started, often ask how to choose a bike lock so that they do not steal a bike.

Trust me friends, the best advice you can get from me is: never leave your bike unattended.

If you've already decided to buy a bike lock, start saving for a new bike at the same time, because now it is only a matter of time before losing your old one. Why? It's simple: leaving the bike fastened a couple of times, you will believe in the effectiveness of the lock, and you will park it for a longer time. And sooner or later it will definitely be cut off.

For some reason, novice Catalans categorically do not accept this point of view. On the forums, controversy constantly flares up on this topic discussed different kinds bike locks, the safest places to park bikes are offered ... The result, unfortunately, is predictable. Don't believe me? Think you can find the perfect bike lock that is too tough for thieves?

I have collected four main myths that cyclists believe in leaving an iron horse guarded by a chain.

I fasten my bike with an expensive bike lock

This myth is the most tenacious. Cyclists believe that there is a perfect lock that will definitely protect their toy. Like, let him stand big money, but this is an ironclad guarantee. Unfortunately, there are no such locks.

There is a saying: "locks are made by honest people", and this is perfectly applicable to this area. Ordinary cable locks are cut and broken so easily that even drug addicts with trembling hands can get rid of them in a matter of seconds. More expensive ones are disabled with master keys or broken with crowbars.

There is a direct relationship here: an expensive castle guards an expensive bicycle, so thieves will use more sophisticated and arrogant methods in this case. I watched a video on the Internet where a former professional bicycle thief opened bicycle locks for a while.

Nothing could stop him, no longer than a minute later he had already stolen the bike. Finally, the authors of this video decided to puzzle the hero with a chain made of an extra strong alloy, two fingers thick. Then the thief simply brought a meter long bolt cutter, bit the chain, put one handle on the asphalt, pressed on the other with all his weight, and that's it - the bike is free.

If you hope that passers-by will immediately call the police at the sight of an operating thief, loudly indignant and interfere with his activities in every way, then you are deeply mistaken. Firstly, no one cares, and secondly, thieves act very quickly and impudently, so that passers-by do not really understand what is happening. If you don't believe it yet, watch the video at the end of the article. Although it happens in New york, but I strongly doubt that we will have anything differently.

My bike is old and cheap, nobody needs it

Alas, old and inexpensive bikes are the main prey for bicycle thieves. The reason is that it is the cheap ones that make up the bulk of those parked near supermarkets. The cost of such devices is low, so thieves feel at ease - they understand that there will be no criminal prosecution, and the former owner, most likely, will not show persistence in catching a dashing person.

However, even older bicycles are easily marketed for $ 30-50, which is a reliable and safe source of income for a thief. Again, a cheap bike is unlikely to have a good lock, and there is no difficulty or risk in getting it away.

Think about what this means to you. Do you think that if a bicycle was stolen for a couple of thousand rubles, then this is not a big deal. But after losing this bike, you will most likely buy the same stuff for trips to the store.

This means that the costs will already amount to four thousand, and this is only until the next time. What's the point in feeding the thieves? How many times do you need to repeat this procedure to understand that it is better to buy a good bike right away and never leave it strapped on.

I park my bike next to a security guard, in the range of security cameras

It is a very dangerous delusion to rely on the supervision of a stranger. Even if the guard answers your request with consent, this does not guarantee anything at all. Firstly, he does not owe you anything, he can go to the toilet, or simply not pay attention to your bike.

Secondly, more than once it happened that the guards themselves directed the thieves to the expensive bicycles getting your percentage. It also happens when a bike parks in a guarded building and disappears without a trace, despite all the precautions.

Such an unpleasant story happened to a girl from our cycling club: a good bike was pulled from the office building where she worked. The guard saw nothing, and no eyewitnesses were found either. Obviously, one of his own people stole it, since there is no free entrance to this building.

Camcorders are also not a problem for thieves. They wear a baseball cap and a hood, which, combined with the low resolution of the device, makes them completely unrecognizable. You can only helplessly watch on the tape how, by your own stupidity, you are deprived of an expensive toy. Therefore, if you park a bike near the entrance of a supermarket, closer to the cameras, then rest assured that this will not embarrass the rascals at all.

My bike is stored in a secure basement or shared vestibule

Also a popular way to put your bike in more suitable hands. I don’t understand how much you need to dislike a bike in order to send it to the basement to spend the night. There are no reliable basements, which is proved by the statistics of bicycles stolen from there.

Such thefts are often carried out on a tip, and if thieves find out that there is something valuable in the basement, then hacking it will no longer be a problem. The common vestibule is someone else's territory, and I highly discourage leaving a bike there.

Good neighbors may forget to close doors, bad neighbors may forget to bring thieves. Drug addicts sometimes conduct raids on the vestibules, since it is very easy to get there, and it is even easier to escape in case of danger. Again, from the experience of real friends, I can say that this is not some theoretical opportunity to part with the bike, but very real. At least those people will definitely not put the bike either in the vestibule or in the basement.

If you still stubbornly do not believe that a fastened bike can change its owner one day, then so be it, you will have to give advice on how to minimize the danger.

Fasten your bike in a crowded place

Do not look for a place under video cameras, but park your bike in the most accessible place. This will by no means confuse professionals, but at least it will cut off beginners. And yet, there is at least some hope that one of the passers-by will be not indifferent.

Use at least two locks

This advice has a double meaning. First, dealing with two locks is at least twice as long. Secondly, drug addicts often “undress” the fastened bicycles, two locks will save the wheels.

It is imperative that one of the locks be U-shaped, since a thick metal bow is more difficult to bite / saw through by simple means... However, thieves do not try to "bite" inexpensive U-shaped locks, they easily break the larva itself.

Of the expensive, it is considered very reliable among cyclists this castle, at least it won't be easy to bite it with a bolt cutter.

Leave your bike strapped in low gears

This is ridiculous advice, of course, but I heard that he helped someone keep the bike. If you put the lowest gear, both in front and behind, then even pedaling madly, the thief will not go faster than five kilometers per hour. There is a vanishingly small possibility that you will appear at the climax, and he, in confusion, will not have time to switch to high gear.

When leaving, remove everything valuable from the bike, do not use eccentrics

Everything is clear here: you need to remove the bike computer, flashlight, purse, everything that you have hung there. If you have to leave your bike strapped on, do not use eccentrics. The first thing to remove from bicycles is the wheels and seat. If it is easy for you to shoot, it will be even easier for others. Therefore, replace the eccentrics on the axles and the screws for the internal hexagon, and even better - for the torx

Don't tell anyone the real price of a bike

Of course, no one, except for colleagues at the bike forum, knows the price there very well. But friends who are not very familiar with bicycles should not say that they paid forty thousand for a bike.

Information spread by an impressionable friend that you went crazy and spent a lot of money on a bent piece of iron may fall into the wrong ears. Oddly enough, but many thefts occur on the involuntary tip of friends. So your bike is worth ten thousand to them. It's calmer this way.

Write down the serial number before, write a statement after

If yours is already at risk, then write down its serial number, it is knocked out from the bottom of the carriage assembly (the lowest point of the frame). This will help claim the bike if the police find it somehow. Of course, the theft must be reported immediately. Chances are slim, but still


This includes various exotic gadgets such as multi-unit howlers, alarms, and gps trackers. All this can be mounted on a bicycle, however, this already resembles military operations for the sake of war itself.

Weighting your beloved bike with a ton of incomprehensible priblud, just for the sake of leaving him at the supermarket ... the scale seems to be small. In addition, as practice shows, thieves successfully cope with electronic protection.

That's all I can tell you about bike theft and prevention. Unfortunately, there is only one way to protect your bike from theft - keep it always in front of your eyes. Travel to the store together, park only in the apartment.

If this option is completely unacceptable, then there is an alternative - folding bicycles. Such a device can be taken with you to a supermarket, and at home it can easily fit under a sofa. I'm going to write a post on folding bikes, where I will review the most interesting models and compare them for prices. I advise my site to get the article by e-mail.

Promised video, watch how easy it is to steal a bike on a street full of passers-by.

A cyclist who decides to use his vehicle for practical purposes will sooner or later have to face parking his bike on the street. Leaving the bike in a "free" state is unsafe: even after 5 minutes of absence, the owner runs the risk of not catching his faithful servant on the spot.

Special parking locks for bicycles will help prevent theft. These devices allow you to fasten the bike to a stationary object and thus prevent an intruder from taking the bike and driving it away. There are a large number of different anti-theft devices on the market, it is important to approach the choice correctly, to know the types of bicycle locks, their pros and cons, and, of course, be guided by banknotes in your wallet.

List of types of bike locks

According to the type of fastening, anti-theft locks are divided into the following groups:

  • wheel blockers;
  • cable;
  • chain;
  • u-shaped;
  • lamellar;
  • homemade.

Wheel locks are small rings that firmly attach the rim to the frame of the bike. To provide anti-theft protection, it is enough to block only the rear wheel, however, two locks are sold in the kit at once. The point of protection is not to give the thief the opportunity to ride away on the bike, but to make him carry on his shoulders. And there the owner will catch up.

A common version of a bicycle lock is a metal cable with a polymer sheath. The ropes are low in price, they have several length options: from 10 - 15 cm to 1 meter. Short cables can be used as bollards, while long ones will allow you to park the bike against a tree, post, road sign, pipe and so on.

Every cyclist is familiar with ropes

Chain Bike Lock is a heavy and angry defender. It is represented by a thick metal chain, covered with dense fabric or polymer coating. From frequent parking, the outer layer wears out, so you can often find a bare chain. The length is large enough to clip the frame to large items.

But the U-shaped locks for bicycles do not shine in length: short elongated arches with a locking device. In shape, they resemble old door locks, only elongated. The bike can only be fastened to a narrow tube such as a road sign.

U-lock anti-theft protection from Onguard

Plate bike locks are a kind of chain made not of links, but of plates. The material in them is strong hardened steel, from which the links are fastened. Typically, this type of bike locks are provided with an outer shell - thick fabric or polypropylene.

And finally, let's touch on hand-made anti-theft devices. This is usually done by older cyclists riding Soviet "Kams" and "Salutes". Making the fastening yourself is very simple: just connect a regular door lock with a steel chain.

Comparison of types of anti-theft accessories

Convenient and simple - lock the wheels, put on the bike and go about your business. Block locks are inexpensive, simple and easy to use. A significant drawback of blockers is that there is no protection as such. A thief who sets out to steal a bike will take it away, even by dragging it or on his shoulders. It is recommended to use wheel locks for short-term parking, no more than 5 minutes.

"Handcuffs" for bicycle wheels

Bike cable locks are simple and inexpensive. Some of them, for example, from the manufacturer Bulat, also differ in durability. But, like the most popular locks, they are the most vulnerable to bike robbers. It is quite easy to bite or break the connection of the metal cable with the lock block, as long as the tool is nearby.

Another disadvantage of such locks for bicycles can be attributed to "freezing": the polypropylene shell has low cold resistance, which is why, even at +5, the lock gets stuck and it becomes problematic to roll it up.

Chain and plate locks are reliable locks, unlike cable locks, their competitor. Naturally, such devices will cost more, and they are not so common on sale. Here, the quality directly depends on the original production technology of the product: poor quality material easily succumbs to wire cutters, hammers and crowbars. The plate mounts are weak points, so their steel should be as strong as possible and resistant to impacts.

Chain in a casing with a keyhole for parking is great

U-locks are even more reliable and durable than all previous ones, but the cost will be significantly higher. Among the manufacturing companies, we note Abus, which is recommended precisely in the manufacture of such accessories.

Their limited use is due to their short length: the bike cannot be attached to thick pipes, trees, lamp posts, etc. We'll have to look for something narrow and small. Advice for cyclists with U-locks: it is better to have an additional chain or cable anti-theft guard.

Probably, homemade anti-theft devices are the best: a proven lock and a thick iron chain. 100%, of course, does not protect, however, with such "guards" thieves prefer not to mess with.

Self-made "grandfather's" castle

A code or a key - which is safer for the cyclist?

According to the method of closing, the anti-theft system is divided into key and code. The locks of the first type are supplied with several keys; on the packaging of combination locks there is a unique combination of numbers that opens the lock. There are types of code anti-theft devices that require closing with a code.

The division into a code and a key is relevant for cable locks; to a lesser extent, the code can be found on chains and plates. Manufacturers also prefer to cut a key hole in U-shaped fasteners. Let's figure out which lock is preferable: a code or a key.

The main disadvantage of key locks is the ability to pick up master keys for them. It is not uncommon for the key to break right in the lock and not be pulled out. This is the sin of small keys that neatly and accurately break in half. And, of course, you can accidentally lose your keys, and then you will have to become a cracker on your bike yourself.

In terms of ease of handling, the anti-theft code is much better, but it is easier for a thief to choose a combination of numbers than a combination. Three-digit cheap devices are especially dangerous in this regard. It is easier to hit the jackpot with such locks than it seems. As a last resort, you can simply cut the cable with a special tool. Normal anti-theft cables on the codes are produced by the manufacturer Cyclotech, but they will cost more than their key counterparts.

For an inexpensive bike, a code option is also suitable, attackers usually look askance at super-speed bikes with disc brakes and shock absorbers. If you have to leave the bike for a long time, it is advisable to secure it with not one, but several locks. So, a good option would be to use a key chain, code cable and wheel locks. We remember, however, about the shortcomings of key representatives: it is better to choose more expensive locks and keep an eye on the keys.

Bike alarm - is it worth installing?

In addition to lock fasteners, another type of anti-thief type of protection has appeared in the cycling environment - anti-theft systems with alarms. Until this device came out to the masses, it is used only on very expensive bikes. Perhaps, in the future, the signaling will replace the old ways of securing, so it's worth talking a little about it.

Let us consider the principle of operation of the alarm using the example of the three-mode JX:

  • A - setting a unique digital code to unlock the bike;
  • B - blocking the wheels;
  • С - change of the audio alarm level.

The signal beeps quite unpleasantly, the sound intensity can exceed 100 dB. This sound alone will make an attacker change his mind about stealing this bike. It is also worth noting the level of high sensitivity, the device reacts even to touch. It is better to install a bike with an alarm away from a large crowd of people, otherwise the bike will continuously beep and scare people.

Bicycle Alarm Kit

The anti-theft alarm system has its drawbacks:

  • high current consumption and frequent battery replacement;
  • false alarm due to a supersensitive vibration probe;
  • price.

The first minus is especially unpleasant. In one hour, this device consumes a tremendous amount of energy. Leaving the bike for half a day is likely to damage the battery. Wouldn't it be better to get the bike attached to something in a standard way?

On the contrary, frequent signals from the bike will annoy both the owner and passers-by. The same unjustified consumption of battery power will force you to remove the device from the bike and use a conventional anti-theft device. With the price of the device, which will not be justified for most bicycles, everything is clear. In general, the alarm is an interesting accessory, but not yet in great demand.

Protecting your bike on the street is just as important as the ride itself. By choosing the optimal protective accessory for his bike, weighing all its pros and cons and making an informed choice, the cyclist will definitely provide his two-wheeled friend with a calm and long-term parking.

The bike is less protected from theft than any other vehicle: even if it cannot be taken away, nothing will prevent a thief from removing everything that is not welded from the frame. However, few people will bother with dismantling the bike. If you often leave it on the street and not or, a bicycle lock will help reduce the likelihood of theft: which one is better to choose from the existing protection options?

The anti-theft bicycle lock is designed for attaching a vehicle to a fixed support - a post, road sign, fence. When choosing a lock for a bicycle, remember that they differ in design features, strength, ease of use, and cost.


U-lock for a bicycle, made in the form of a rigid steel arch. High strength - a tool is required to break into, and even with it, theft will take a long time. The U-shaped lock looks like a classic padlock with an elongated shackle... Due to this shape and rigidity, they cannot fasten the bike to a large diameter support. In addition, the thick U-lock has a noticeable weight, which can be a disadvantage.

Depending on the width of the arc, you can use such a lock for different purposes:

  • small - for fastening the front or;
  • medium - for bicycles with thin frames (mainly sports models);
  • large - for thick frames () or fastening several parts of the bike at once.

Good to know! Small locks, although they limit the choice of support, do not allow the thief to pull the arc out of the lock by the force of the lever - in any case, you will have to bite the thick latch with a bolt cutter (the saw will not take hardened steel).


Bicycle cable lock is the most common and economical option. The steel cable is covered with a polymer sheath, which protects the lock from corrosion and biting (it is not easy to cut it), but makes operation less convenient. Polymer is not flexible and hardens in cold weather.

However, in general, it is easy to use. It has a length of up to one meter, which allows you to fasten your bike to a variety of structures. But the cable protects against theft worse- you can eat it with nippers if you can remove the plastic cover. The effectiveness of the protection depends on the thickness of the lock. In any case, this option should be supplemented with other anti-theft devices.


If the bike lock cable is not satisfied with the low efficiency, good choice will become a chain. It is found in different varieties:

  • closed with a fabric cover;
  • protected by a polymer casing;
  • naked.

In the latter case, it is less protected from corrosion, but more mobile. The advantages of the chain are obvious: hardened links are difficult to cut, and they cannot be sawed at all. Its length can be any, therefore it is allowed to fasten the bike to objects of different diameters. If you wish, you can chain at least the whole frame with the wheels with a chain.


A plate lock is a type of bicycle chain lock that uses hardened steel plate links instead of rings. They are fastened in the same way as parts of handcuffs - with strong rivets that cannot be knocked out by force. Link joints - vulnerable part castle, so its quality needs to be paid Special attention... Additionally, the bike lock is protected by a casing.

Important! Plate locks are reliable, but expensive and difficult to access.

How to choose a bike lock?

When choosing, the following factors are taken into account:

  • length... It is difficult to find specially equipped bicycle parking in our country, so you will have to fasten your bike to whatever is available on the spot. In order not to have to circle around the area in search of a thin enough tree, it is better to buy a long castle;

    Advice! U-lock is a situational device, as the main lock will rarely be used, it is better to block the wheels with it.

  • thickness... The thicker the lock, the more difficult it is to break it;
  • quality and strength of steel;
  • price.

In addition, you need to decide on the method of closing - variations are found in cables. The devices on the key have disadvantages: the ability to open it with a master key, the key sometimes breaks or is lost. A combination lock on a bicycle is safer - the main thing is not to forget the combination. Otherwise, you will have to think about how to open the combination lock with improvised means. For more safety it is worth choosing a product with a 4-digit code.

Important! You can make a lock with your own hands, but its reliability in this case will be questionable.


When choosing which bike lock is better to buy, you should rely on the reputation of certain manufacturers. The most reliable locks are produced by the following companies:

To reduce the likelihood of stealing or removing wheels from your bike, it is necessary to combine bike locks- especially if the bike is left in an uncrowded place for a long time. An excellent option in this case would be a lock with an alarm, which will inform you if they want to rob you.


When you choose a bike lock, price is one of the most important parameters. It varies widely depending on its type.

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