How to disassemble a bicycle chain link. Cleaning the chain before removing

On almost all domestic road bikes, the chains are made in such a way that they can be separated. One segment of such a chain has a special lock. And on sports bikes it will not work to make a chain with a split cell, because this lock will interfere with gear shifting. However, in Lately detachable chains are made specifically for sports bikes.

The need to remove the chain arises quite often - for example, to replace it or completely clean it. If, after replacing the cassette or the entire system, the number of teeth on them has changed, then in this case the chain will have to be increased (by installing additional ones) or vice versa - shortened (by removing extra links). Under any circumstances, this will have to secure the axis of the chain links. As with everything, there are a few things to keep in mind. If everything is done correctly, then in the future it will be possible to avoid certain problems with the chain. And you can see how to do it correctly from the small instructions below.

The figure shows how to properly remove the chain using a chain squeezer. The sequence of action consists of the following:

You need to select a chain segment

To remove a one-piece chain, we must first press one line out of the sleeve. For this purpose, we need a special tool - squeezing the chain. And to remove the detachable chain, other special tools or devices are not required.

Select the chain segment to be parsed. It is worth noting that during the secondary disassembly of the bike chain, it is preferable to use another segment, since after each operation (disassembly / assembly) the chain link is slightly loosened, reducing its strength.

Given the very design of the squeeze, you need to insert the desired element into the mounting hole

We insert the chain into the release tool, fix it with a screw with a corrugated surface.

(see image - fixing screw shown on the right).

An important detail - Many squeezes have two seats for the chain. In other words, inserting the chain into the squeeze can be done in two ways.

First method: The seat, which is located closer to the fixing screw, is intended for pressing in or pressing out the axle. In particular, you need to refuel there in order to remove or install the chain.

Second method: The other seat is used exclusively for adjusting the position of the axis of the inner part of the hub. If you try to press out the axle when the chain is tucked into this seat, then there is a possibility of damaging the squeeze or the chain.

Just do not forget that after this item of work, you need to use the clamping bolt, in otherwise squeeze can turn into a disposable.

It is necessary to carefully squeeze the axis towards the reinforcing screw.

You can safely begin to wrap the squeeze screw with the handle, while squeezing the axis inside the fixing screw.

Be more careful that the axle does not have defects during work, because it will have to be pressed again when reassembling the link

If in the future you plan to assemble a link with the same axis, then turn the handle slowly, in order not to squeeze the axis to the end. Otherwise, it will be difficult to re-insert it later. If you do not have experience in disassembling and assembling chains, then it is necessary to periodically remove the chain from the release mechanism and inspect the axle.

The open link itself should look as shown in the image. The chain has been removed.

Timely maintenance of the bicycle chain - important condition for good transmission. A complex mechanism consists of several links. The easy and silent course of the bike directly depends on the condition of the chain. Periodically, it must be lubricated, cleaned of dirt, replaced links that have served their useful life. When installing or replacing sprockets, you should also read how to remove the chain from the bike. Properly done work allows you to always avoid a number of problems.

Circuit fault signals

Owners of multi-speed bicycles should be especially careful. The main signals of chain damage are incorrect gear shifting and the occurrence of suspicious sounds (with the exception of loss of lubrication). To determine a chain failure, it is bent from the largest star to see the number of free teeth. With a free departure of the chain from 3 teeth, it is urgent to change it. If 2 teeth come off, this indicates imminent wear, but it is still allowed to ride. Similarly, it is determined how loose the chain is in single-speed bicycles.

The second way the degree of wear is detected by measuring the length of the chain:

  • In normal condition, the chain should be 304.8 mm long.
  • The average wear indicator, when the chain is in need of repair, but you can still ride, varies from 306.5 to 307.5 mm.
  • With a high degree of wear, the chain is stretched to 308 mm.
  • If the length of the mechanism is more than 308 mm, then the chain is completely damaged and should be changed.

In all the above cases, the chain is completely removed.

Required inventory

The chain is dismantled using:

  • pliers;
  • devices that squeeze the chain;
  • a set of keys;
  • screwdrivers.

Difference between lock chain and solid

The lock chain has a clamping device. This chain can be easily unhooked and put back on by simply releasing the lock. To find the split link, the chain is carefully examined from each side. If the chain is clean, the lock is found quickly. It is protected by a tick - a link fixer. The lock link has a production engraving. The lock cannot be found in two cases:

  • with severe contamination of the mechanism;
  • the chain has no lock (solid).

The solid mechanism is somewhat more difficult to separate. Its links look identical and are equally linked to each other. It is rather problematic to clean a solid chain with a solvent. If the lock chain is easy enough to remove, put in a container and fill with kerosene; then the solid mechanism remains hanging on the bicycle frame, even if it is removed from the stars.

Despite the fact that the locking mechanism is more convenient than a solid chain, there is a possibility of loosening the fastening. The tick tends to fly off, as a result of which the link is disengaged. As for the solid mechanism, the weak spots are excluded here, and a rush is possible only if the chain is of poor quality.

How to open the lock and squeeze the link axle

The lock is opened with a screwdriver or a knitting needle. With the selected tool, you need to carefully pry off the tong clamp. Care must be taken to avoid damage or loss of the tick. Without a plier, the chain will not be fixed later. Then the link is completely disengaged. Now you can remove, clean or change the chain.

To disconnect the solid mechanism, you will need a special tool - squeeze. Using it, parsing is carried out without any damage. Although the manipulations are simple, the work should not be hastily carried out. The process is carried out in several stages:

  • Choice of a link for parsing.
  • Inserting the chain into the pressing position along with pressing in the link axle (pin).
  • Tightening the screw with a handle and pulling out the axis. The extrusion must be directed towards the extrusion screw (towards you).

Since the pin is not easy to put back in, it is not necessary to completely remove it. Due to the fact that the squeeze contributes to the loosening of the axis, repeated disengagement must be carried out on another link.

The axle is pressed into the link in an inverse way. The adjacent links are connected to each other and the pin is pressed in with a screw.

Replacing a chain on a bike

Chain slack is considered the most common type of chain wear. In this case, there is a relative increase in the initial length of the mechanism. No need to rush to change the chain, perhaps the mechanism needs to be repaired. Since long-term loads entail axle loosening, expansions are formed: transverse and longitudinal. Elimination of the transverse expansion is impossible, while the longitudinal is corrected.

The elimination of extra links is carried out in the calm passage of the chain along the largest star (without tension). The removal of extra links is done by squeezing. The axle shafts of the removed parts must be pulled out to the end. It is important not to make a mistake - it is unacceptable to remove an excessive number of links.

If you need to ride a bicycle with a stretched mechanism, it is strongly recommended to install chain dampers - clamps that prevent the chain from falling off while riding. Devices are:

  • frame (rollerless);
  • roller with two clamps;
  • wide roller.

Of course, you can resort to sedatives. Only tightening with the replacement of the chain is undesirable.

How to install a chain on a bike

The installation of the single speed chain is done by hanging it on 2 stars, pressing the pin and snapping the lock. High-speed bikes involve a somewhat complicated procedure, which involves the following steps:

  • Fixing the switches of small stars.
  • Putting a chain on the stars. Be sure to consider how the tension rollers are located.
  • Combination of links.
  • Chain clamping and axle pressing. If there is a lock, no squeezing is required.

Upon completion of the installation, the quality of the transmission is checked by pedaling. Correctly installed chain suggests no chain slack or free transmission when pedaling. The same conditions apply to the correct length of the mechanism.

Removal and installation of the chain is available to every bike owner. The work is easy and takes little time. Simple manipulations will bring only positive emotions in the future.

During the operation of the bicycle, a situation may arise in which it is necessary to remove the chain from the bicycle frame. There can be several reasons: replacement of the chain due to its wear, the need to remove the chain for its complete cleaning, work to increase the number of links (chain extension) or reduce the number of links, chain break during operation. As you can see for yourself, without disconnecting one of the chain links, remove it from bicycle frame If it doesn't work, then you have to disconnect.

Chains from different manufacturers differ in the type of link connection. For example, some Shimano chains do not have connecting links, and some in the sales kit have a special connecting pin (pin) to facilitate the first installation of the chain on the bike. There are also chains with special locking links. Such a lock link is usually highlighted on the chain by color. It can be easily disconnected and reconnected without the use of special tools.

Removing the lock chain

Unlock the lock bicycle chain very simple. To do this, you need to take the link-lock in your hands and move its pins (pins) with your hands or pliers towards each other. After that, the two halves of the lock link should separate from each other, each remaining with its own pin.

In order to disconnect the chain, it is necessary to press out one of the pins with a squeeze. In this case, it should be noted that it is impossible to press out the connecting pin, which is available in some circuits. The fact is that this pin is slightly thicker than the others and is subject to more wear. Its secondary use dramatically increases the risk of chain breakage. The connecting pin is different from the rest - so it is quite easy to distinguish it.

So, when the squeeze pin is selected, you need to install the squeeze on the chain. On many squeezes, two seats for the chain are made. The chain should be laid closer to the adjusting screw, otherwise you can hopelessly damage its links or the squeeze itself. The second seat for the chain does not participate when it is disconnected. To understand how to insert the chain, it is best that the squeeze is in the state as in the image below:

Next, you need to tighten the adjusting screw and tighten the squeeze screw until the squeeze is held on the chain. It is worth checking that the adjusting screw does not allow the link to bend, and the squeeze tip presses exactly on the pin, and not on the link. In this case, there should be no distortions or any strange positions of the chain in the squeeze.

The chain is fixed in the squeeze.

After you have made sure that everything is installed correctly, you can start turning the squeeze screw. At the same time, it can rotate with decent effort. You should not rotate quickly, because if you later want to reconnect the link in this place, then it is necessary that the pin does not come out of the outer part of the link, otherwise it will be very difficult to put it back. If you are doing this procedure for the first time, do not be lazy, rotate slowly, often remove the chain and check how much the pin has already come out.

If everything is done correctly, then the circuit will be disconnected. Remember that if you often disconnect-connect the circuit, then it is best to squeeze out different pins. After each squeeze of the pin, the reliability of this node decreases.

If you ride a bike for many kilometers, then the parts will wear out sooner or later. After a long run, the bike chain will "stretch" and will need to be replaced.
Technically the chain does not stretch, but the pins that connect the links wear out, which increases the length of the chain.

stretched chain accelerates the wear of the cassette and the chainrings on the sprocket, so get a new chain when the stretch is already noticeable - good idea. It is recommended to replace the chain every 1000-1500 kilometers. By the way, replacing a chain is much cheaper than replacing cassettes or gear chain rims on an asterisk.

The information on repairing and shortening the chain below will be very helpful.

Bicycle chain parts and necessary tools

Chain wear indicator: A typical chain wear indicator hooks onto a pin in the chain while the other end is inserted between two pins or rollers. The numbers on the tool will show how worn the chain is and whether it is time to change it.

New chain: The type of chain depends on the number of speeds of the bike. So, for example, if the bike is 9-speed, you need to buy a 9-speed chain. More advanced chains include a special coating that will delay the appearance of rust, or they are already made of stainless steel.

Replacing pins or connecting link: New chains come with a new pin or special link called a tie link that connects the 2 ends of the chain together.

If you are repairing an existing chain, you will need to buy replacement pins or connecting links separately - they must be compatible with the chain speed and brand.

pomace: If you have a chain with standard links, you will need a compatible clutch that will allow you to easily remove the old pin and put in a new one when disconnecting and connecting the chain.

Pliers: If you have a chain that connects to a connecting link, you will need pliers to make it easier to separate and connect the connecting link.

How to check a bicycle chain

To test the chain for significant stretch, use . Hook one end to a roller or pin in the chain. The other end will either come on its own to the drive wheel, or you can fit it in between the two rollers. If it falls out of this gap, then the chain is so stretched that it should be replaced.

The chain wear indicator has numbers showing the amount of wear on the chain. A value between 0.5 and 0.75 indicates that the chain needs to be replaced. A value of 0.75 or higher means that not only should it be replaced, but the condition of the cassette and sprockets should also be checked, as stretching the chain could cause significant damage to the cassette and sprockets.

You can check the chain in another way - measure the chain with a ruler or tape measure. On unworn or new chain 12 full links (measured pin to pin) should equal 12 inches (30.48 cm). If the 12 links are 31 cm long or more, then the chain needs to be replaced.

How to remove a chain from a bicycle

To remove the chain from the bike, you will need to disconnect (break) it. There are several ways to do this, depending on whether the chain has a connecting link or not.

Before you begin, move the chain to the smallest sprocket and smallest cog.

It will be even better if you remove the chain from the front drive sprocket or remove rear wheel from a bicycle. Both of these methods will take the tension off the chain.

If you have a standard chain without a connecting link: Install the squeezer so that the pin of the squeezer aligns with the pin in the chain. Rotate the squeeze knob so that the pin is pulled out far enough to break the chain.

If you have a chain with a connecting link: To find a connecting link, look for a link that is markedly different from the others.

This is where you can break the chain.

The connecting link has a pin on one side, inserted into a notch on the other side.

Use pliers, squeeze the connecting link on both sides so that it opens.

How to determine the length of a new chain?

Usually the new chain is too long, so it will have to be shortened by removing the links. There are several ways to do this. The lightest and The best way determine the length of the new chain- attach it to the old chain. Then you just need to shorten it to match the old one (to be sure, you should count the number of links).

Another variant. Pass the chain through the front derailleur and drape it over the large sprocket in front and over the large cog in the back. Do not run the chain through the rear derailleur yet. Tightly connect the two ends of the chain. If the chain is connected and there are still 2 whole links on the overlap (the floor of the link is still left at the end - the place where you connect the chain), the chain length is chosen correctly.

Note: many full-suspended mountain bikes use a circuit that moves the rear axle away from the bottom bracket while the bike is riding through the suspension; it is called " chain growth". To accommodate chain growth, you will need to compress the rear suspension hard when using the method above.

Before removing unnecessary links, make sure that the two ends of the chain will connect. A circuit can only connect if outer side link will connect to the inside of the connecting link. Then disconnect the remaining links.

Installing a bicycle chain

It's time to thread the chain through the rear derailleur and connect it. Pay attention and make sure that the chain goes exactly through the drive wheel on the rear derailleur.

Use of pins: If the chain does not have a connecting link, then use a pry to connect the chain to the pin that is already in the new chain.
If you are repairing old chain, always use a new pin instead of the old one. The new pin must be compatible with the chain, its speed and brand. The new pin must be inserted halfway with a squeeze, then pulled out from the other side with the help of pliers.

Using connectors: If you are connecting a chain with a connecting link, put one half on each end of the chain, connect the ends of the chain, assemble the connecting link with a tool to put it in place.

It is also possible to connect the connecting link without a tool. Connect it and pull the chain in different directions to block the connecting link as much as possible. Then loosen the derailleur clutch, if equipped, pedal so that the connecting link is on top of the drive chain. Using the brakes, stand firmly on one pedal, the voltage will go to the chain, and it will fall into place.

How to replace a chain on a bicycle - video

Sometimes there are times when it is simply necessary to remove the bicycle chain. This is, for example, if it is stretched and you need to dismantle one or more links. Or you just decided to clean it thoroughly from dirt (which we will do today). And it's not difficult if she has a special removable chain lock, but what to do with a chain that does not have one? Today we will look at how to remove the chain using an example.

Components of a chain

Before we talk about how to remove the chain, it is necessary that you understand what in question. To do this, below, we will provide an explanatory picture with constituent elements.

Cleaning the chain before removing

We put the chain on the middle stars (for example, 2 - 5). We take an old dirty rag. We wind the chain and rotate the pedals back. It will not be possible to achieve perfect cleaning, because part of the oil and dirt is on the stars and, when rotated, it again sticks to the chain. Therefore, we stop pedaling and clear a small gap (10-20 cm) between the stars. In this section, we will disconnect the bicycle chain.

Squeeze out the pin with a squeeze

I use the cheapest chain squeeze (about $4) and it does the job just fine.

We insert the link into the grooves (as in the picture), press it with a clamping bolt (it has a spring-loaded rod in the middle, where the pin will come out) and squeeze out the pin. Care must be taken so that the release rod hits the pin clearly. Do not rush and in case of failure, you should correct the chain and repeat the procedure.

After you have set everything correctly, we begin to gently rotate the knob clockwise. If you do not need to dismantle the link, but simply need to disconnect the chain, then the pin should not be squeezed out completely. Initially there will be a tight move, then a little easier, and in the end again tight. Here at the last stage, you should slow down and act carefully so as not to squeeze out the pin completely (it will be problematic to insert it back). You can safely remove the pomace and see how much more you need to turn the handle.

After that, we disconnect the chain (it should be remembered that the chain is under tension, and so that it does not fly away and scratch your bike feathers, you should hold it).

Cleaning the chain, front and rear sprockets

After you have removed the chain, you can safely attach it to various water procedures. If a soapy solution is used (this also includes other detergents / cleaners), it should be rinsed thoroughly after cleaning clean water. Upon completion of the cleaning stage, we send it to dry. With the cleaning of the stars special problems also no. Please note that if your bike has disc brakes, then the disc must first be removed from the wheel so that oil and dirt do not fly onto it when cleaning the cassette (if this is not done, you will also have to degrease the brake disc). Rinse everything with clean water and wait until it dries.

Putting the chain back

We pass the chain between the rollers of the rear derailleur and do not forget about the front frame. In the picture we will show how the bicycle chain should be.

We insert the links into each other (if everything was done correctly at the stage of separation, then the chain should hold).

After that, we examine the junction. The pin should come out evenly on both sides of the chain. We check the link, it should move without any effort (like everyone else). After that, it remains only to lubricate the chain and enjoy cycling.


In this article, you have fully learned how to remove a bicycle chain that does not have a lock. Having completed all the operations, you can safely dismantle the chain without fear of incorrect actions.
