How to quickly gain weight in the army. How to lose weight quickly and permanently Who recovered how much in the army

I, like any "person prone to fullness," tried a lot of weight loss methods. Mine differs from many similar stories in that:
- I managed to do it in two different ways;
- I will give specific advice on how to lose a lot and for a long time;
- I am a physiologist.

First, a brief background on the issue.

Until the age of 7-8, I differed from my peers in excessive thinness and I can’t even say for sure when I “recovered”. I think by the 6th grade, I began to perceive myself as a little overweight. Since then, I have regularly increased the gap from the ideal weight, and by the time I left for the army, I weighed 97 kg with a height of 182 cm. This did not particularly affect my figure, athletic form or psyche. within 1-2 months I lost 27 kg and maintained this weight for five years after the service. Then it turned out that every five years my weight jumped by five kg. Judging by my clothes, it was just a jump, but before moving to the USA I kept quite a decent shape. Further, the process went uncontrollably.

I don't think I've become significantly less active in the US. Among scientists and in St. Petersburg, he is not very active. On the other hand, I had to work 5 times more simply because there was no reason not to work. The brain had to be kept "in good shape", and I did this with the help of coffee and chocolate. It is possible that some hormones that are stuffed with cheap American products and something that caused me to feel terrible (perhaps the defoliants that are used to water cotton fields in Texas from airplanes) were added to the work stress. Anyway, 6 years ago my weight reached 115 kg. After lifting weights while moving to Washington, I began to feel pain in my back and realized that something urgently needed to be done. Up to this point, I really tried only 2 methods: 2-3-day fasting and psychological self-preparation. Fasting helped only the first time. Quite quickly, my body “understood” what was threatening it, and prepared in advance for the scheduled day of the start of fasting, and then began to save energy as efficiently as possible. Once again, I decided to take something more radical and went to an expensive gym. Expensive is a very important characteristic, because, having paid "mad money" for an annual (to save!) subscription, you understand that the more often you go there, the cheaper a single visit will cost you. In addition, I tried to eat only natural products (organic food), which I could not afford before, but looking ahead, I will say that this approach does not give a noticeable effect on the figure.

To begin with, I decided to do one hour, but to the point of exhaustion: 30 minutes on the treadmill at the maximum possible speed for me, and the same amount on weight machines; twice a week an hour after dinner (there was simply no other time). The first 2-3 months of hourly classes only increased my physical capabilities, but the weight did not decrease. The body did not want to "open the bins." And then it dawned on me: I will deceive my body and force it to switch to burning its reserves, as it already did once when I joined the army. To do this, I had to make my body believe that hard times had already come, but the feeling of hunger alone was not enough for this.

I decided to fast for three days with exercise on the second evening. This was to force the body out of energy conservation mode and force it to start wasting its reserves. Physiologically, this “output” is associated with a drop in blood glucose levels and the transition to their synthesis from fats. This switch can be achieved with intense physical activity for 45 minutes, but then with my hour of training for burning reserves, I only had 15 minutes left. Fasting in this case was supposed to prepare the body for this switch by reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the blood as much as possible and putting the body in front of the need to switch to its reserves. The last push was supposed to be given by physical activity, which my body did not expect from me.

The first result shocked me. In one session of such "starvation" I lost about 3 kg. To celebrate, I repeated the experiment a week later and again lost 3 kg almost only on the third day of fasting. My joy knew no bounds. I was already almost sure that I understood how to force the body to get rid of reserves "for a rainy day", arranging its likeness (there is nothing to eat, but you have to work). Unfortunately, the next two sessions allowed me to lose only 1 kg. The body again realized that it was being fooled. It was interesting to observe the non-interaction between the intellect and the body. Unfortunately, the intellect is on the side of the soul, then the body. Or, rather, in the latter case, the body simply suppresses him, leaving only instincts ...

Although 7 kg was not bad at first, I had to change something else, and I decided on a diet under the strict control of my wife (she is also a biologist). We chose two diets. The first - Atkins (without carbohydrates) - is very tough, and even a healthy body will not last long on it. So we limited ourselves to three weeks. I then switched to a mixture of the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet, which I followed until the weight stopped coming off. That is, about 6 months with the same mode of physical activity (up to “I can’t”, and then a little more, for an hour twice a week). By this time, I had lost another 15 kg and looked so decent that I decided to experiment with loosening the diet. Over the next 8 months, I gained about 1 kg, which indicated a significant stability of the effect. At this time, a little foreseen event happened - my wife became pregnant and completely ceased to control my diet. With the birth of my daughter, my wife was not at all up to me and the diet had to be abandoned. I switched to the usual "grass food" and began to slowly gain weight. In a year and a half, I regained the weight I lost with such difficulty, but my mood improved dramatically. The body is satisfied ... Now I’m thinking how to deceive it again ...

So, for weight loss, the main thing is to switch the body to the utilization of fats. This cannot be done while there is a lot of glucose in the blood. Glucose is removed either by intense exercise for 40-45 minutes, or by fasting. Glucose is added by sweet and starchy foods.

The main thing in my technique is to make the body believe that it should not store fat in the previous quantities, since it is needed for glucose synthesis now. If the body is rebuilt, then it is for a long time, otherwise the success will be temporary.

Recipes for stable weight loss (only for healthy people!):

1. Fast way(loss of up to 10 kg of weight without recovery):
Once a week, 2-3-day fasting (you can drink coffee and tea, but everything is not sweet). On the second evening, an hour-long physical activity with exercises for various muscle groups according to the principle “as much as I can plus a little more” (this principle is the main feature here). Repeat no more than three weeks in a row. You can try again in 2-3 weeks.

2. Slow but more effective way weight loss to the desired:
two week diet

I went to serve right after high school because I didn't get into the place I wanted to study. At first I was upset, and then I thought: I’ll serve, and I won’t have to think about it like other guys. In addition, it seemed to me that a young man who had gone through the army was treated differently, more respectfully than those who were not there. Serve just a year - time will pass quickly.

Farewell to the recruits on the platform before boarding the car is an unforgettable sight. The guys respectfully shake hands and slap on the shoulder, the girls touchingly hug and barely hold back tears. When a crowd of people comes to see you off, you immediately understand how many friends you have: against this background, everything becomes somehow easier. Parting with parents, especially with my mother, of course, is much more difficult: you just know how they will worry about me. And as for separation from your beloved girl, it’s not worth talking about - everything is immediately clear to everyone.

My first impression was not positive: We sit on the train, the commander distributed the seats. Some guy just, apparently, out of excitement, forgot where he belonged and asked the major, and he: “Are you still, bespectacled fool, will you create problems for me?” I immediately thought that I "hit": the guy two insults at a time! What will happen next? Then some nimble kid from “ours” ran through the car and said: “The major needs to “make a clearing”.

We immediately thought that we would have to give away the products that our parents gave us on the road, but no: just had to set the table. I did not feel sorry for my food, but somehow it became a little unpleasant. Then I saw how, before leaving the car, the guys gave the food given to them by their parents to the conductors, and they willingly took it. The boys, as they say, "unloaded", but I think they would need something if they got hungry later. I didn’t give anything away - my mother cooked! - and then shared with the rest: no one seemed superfluous.

The first months of service were difficult, despite the fact that before the army I went in for sports and accustomed to physical activity. It was especially difficult and uncomfortable in the field, when it rained in autumn and we spent the night in tents, and intensive exercises were coming up during the day. At first I thought: how can I survive? But every day it got easier and easier. I gradually got used to it, and further service no longer seemed so difficult.

We didn't have hazing. The only moment: when it was necessary to withdraw money from the card (two thousand rubles were transferred to it per month), then it was necessary to ask those who had been in the army for more than a month to do this. We, the newcomers, were not allowed out of the barracks anywhere. And some guys took a "commission" for themselves, that is, they did not give away all the money. But then we already knew who was honest and who was not, and, accordingly, turned to the first. Then everything became freer for us, although during the year of service I was dismissed only once.

We were allowed to use mobile communications in very limited quantities, even my mother was allowed to call no more than once a week or two. We handed over the phones to the commanders, although I heard that in some units the guys are even allowed to sit in VKontakte! For some reason, in the army, I wanted to receive letters that people wrote to each other before, that is, by hand, sealed in an envelope. I asked my mother to send me just such, and she wrote, but for some reason not all of them reached.

In the army, I gained nine kilograms, but, returning to the "citizen", I dropped them, and quickly and somehow by itself. In general, an interesting observation: the thin in the army get fat, and the fat ones lose weight. The latter, probably, from loads, and the former - because the food is still regular, not some kind of “snacks”. They fed well: for breakfast there could be porridge, or even pasta with a cutlet, tea. For lunch - soup, for example, pea, borscht; the second - let's say, buckwheat with meat, and the third - say, compote, fruit drink. No one left the dining room hungry.

From my own experience, I can say that a person with “hands” in the army has something to do between exercises. Let's say I sewed on a uniform, sewed towels and pillowcases, and one day I accidentally saw that there was a hole on the flag on the parade ground! I said so and they let me sew it up. And so the road was built, and the fences were painted, and the bushes were trimmed. The commanders were mostly normal adequate people - I can’t complain about anyone.

A lot depends on the command, I think. I recently learned from a friend who lives in the south that a 19-year-old conscript has escaped from a military camp. For more than a week they searched for him throughout the district, and in the end they found him hanged next to a part, not far from the monastery. They say that co-workers dopekli. The young man was the son of some higher rank, it seems that he was mocked for this, and not only morally. Where were the officers looking? Someone, of course, will be punished, but the guy will not be returned.

During my time, only one tragedy occurred in our unit: the soldier shot himself because of the girl. He was in a dress, and in the dress we had mobile phones. He called her, and she said that she had found another, and he, without thinking twice, shot himself, since he also had a weapon with him. It’s a pity for the guy, but first of all, you need to think about your parents, what it will be like for them to lose their son! I think shooting because of a girl who could not stand even a year of separation is simply stupid. Such a girl in any case would not be faithful and would still cheat. Ahead is the whole life, the realization of plans, the realization of hopes - this is not something that lies in a coffin at such a young age, burying all dreams, and not seeing anything else.

I know that not all guys want to serve in the army. A friend of mine chose alternative civilian service, not because he was a coward and a weakling, but because he considered himself a strong supporter of pacifist beliefs. In addition, he was sure that the Russian army often violates basic human rights. He collected the necessary documents, submitted an application and went to the commission. The first time he was refused, he filed an appeal and got his way. It is curious that in the first commission there was only one military man, and the rest were civilians, and mostly women. And for some reason, they were against his decision.

I believe that if a young man does not want to join the army, then there is no need to force him. This is not about "sloping", but about the "alternative". Not everyone is psychologically ready to hold a weapon in their hands, someone is entirely focused on creation and, with any manifestation of violence, falls into a stupor. I do not agree with the statement: whoever has not served is not a peasant.” Every person should have the right to choose. In the end, you can benefit your homeland by working either at the post office or as an orderly in a hospital - I heard that guys who have chosen an alternative service are most often sent there. Yes, and you need to serve there longer - not a year, but two.

I returned home in uniform - I put it on specially to show my relatives and friends. They met me almost with posters, a whole holiday was arranged! Later, my mother told me how many tears she shed and how much she was worried. She marked each day on the calendar and counted how much was left. At any time, for mothers to send their son to the army is, of course, a great test. Dad was very proud of me and told everyone he knew: my son came from the army! And with my girlfriend, I hope the feelings only got stronger. After the army, I took a little walk, rested, and now I am studying in absentia at a technical school and working. I think that military service is not a waste of time, but a new and somewhat useful experience.

Modern men don't really care about their diet when there are so many tempting ways to have a good bite: buy fast food, order pizza or buy sausage in dough at a local stall. And in stores, it’s usually not healthy food that attracts, but the one that is bright and seductive, like chips, crackers and other not very healthy products. Therefore, men began to look not quite the way they should: someone is very thin, and someone is too full.

Many guys join the army not only to fulfill their duty to the state, but also to become a man. Skinny guys are often interested in: " How to gain weight in the military? If you look, it is not as difficult as it seems, you just need to figure out what the male body needs to build muscle mass.

How to quickly gain weight in the army

The modern army has long been improved, as well as its nutrition. It has become much more diverse and better quality. The main secret to quickly gaining muscle mass in the army is to follow a diet and exercise. Since the army does not allow to cool off, the main conditions will be maintained to the nearest minute. In addition, there will be control that will not allow yourself to feel sorry and lazy.

The main thing is to follow the schedule:

  • 6 am - rise. Get dressed quickly and immediately go to morning exercises;
  • charging takes approximately 40 minutes. Usually you run a lot and run about three kilometers in 15 minutes. In order for the load to be greater, you can use berets, but these are not very comfortable shoes for running, so it is better to purchase leg weights. It is necessary to take weighting agents weighing 700 grams. Morning exercises include push-ups, pull-ups, a load on the abdominal muscles;

Important! The body needs to get used to heavy loads and the fact that it needs to build muscle mass, so it must store energy.

  • after charging water procedures;
  • breakfast. Usually the morning diet includes porridge and meat. Porridge can be any. They give everything else an omelette or an egg, a little butter, cheese, tea or coffee with sugar, a little bread;
  • after breakfast the usual army business;
  • lunch at 13.00. For the first, they give something liquid - soup, borscht, etc. The second is pasta, mashed potatoes, porridge and meat. Vegetable salad and bread;
  • Classes are held 4 days a week in the afternoon, 3 times a week the same program of physical activity as in the morning exercises;
  • dinner at 19.00. Usually they give some kind of porridge or pasta with fish. Bread, flour product and tea with sugar, plus a small piece of butter.

If you look at nutrition, it mainly contains proteins and carbohydrates. And these are the most important elements for gaining muscle mass. This is very important, because just after a workout, you need to consume protein food in 20-30 minutes, and just cereals, meat and eggs are saturated with protein, which is so necessary for normal muscle growth. After all, it is after a workout that protein is very well absorbed and goes into muscle mass gain, and not into body fat.

Physical activity and proper nutrition

Sports are very important for gaining muscle mass. It would seem that those who want to lose weight go in for sports, however, if you look at the nuances, you can see completely different results. As you know, physical activity stimulates muscle growth and testosterone production in men.

When a man goes in for sports, he actively burns fat mass and builds muscle. But for muscle growth, you need to consume enough protein so that the muscles can grow normally. You can’t eat at random, because if you eat everything, it can lead to stretching of the stomach and the formation of excess body fat in the body. Here you need to eat right and balanced, then the weight will immediately go up, and the thin guy will begin to turn into a real man.

The army diet allows you to consume a sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates, and an important condition for weight gain is a well-established regimen. In the army, a soldier is supposed to eat about 4,300 kilocalories a day, which is much more than the norm for an ordinary person.

Interesting to know! The norm for a man with an active lifestyle at the age of 20 to 30 years is 3000 calories, and at the age of 30 to 50 years - 2800-3000 calories.

In any case, you can be sure that in the diet of soldiers there are no particularly fatty fried foods, various artificial additives and preservatives - this is proper nutrition that does not allow excess fat to be deposited in the body. And the effect will not keep you waiting. As employees with underweight say about it, they quickly get rid of thinness and acquire a courageous appearance. It literally takes 4 months. But sometimes it happens that the first few months the guy starts to drop everything. Do not be afraid, the body is not yet accustomed to such a regimen and is being rebuilt, and soon the weight will go on adding.

Basic principles for weight gain

There are certain principles that help a guy grow up and achieve good physical shape:

  • Meals must be regular! There are no problems with this in the army, everything is calculated by the minute;
  • nutrition should be balanced and correct. Without fail, carbohydrates must be present in food, which give energy to a young fighter, proteins for building muscle tissue and, of course, fiber and dairy products. There are no problems with this in the army, because, as mentioned above, there is a fairly balanced diet that will help you gain weight;
  • drink plenty of fluids. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • the whole regimen of proper nutrition must be supported by good physical activity. Without them, muscles will not grow, since proteins consumed with food must be directed in the right direction;
  • give the body a rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Having figured it out how to bulk up in the military, you can see that this is not so difficult, especially since this practice can be applied quite calmly at home.

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    The army is gaining weight. For six months, Russian conscripts "get fat" by 5 kg

    • 09:46, July 15, 2013
    • Comments

    Conscripts began to gain weight much faster than 5 years ago. According to the results of control weighings, for six months of service, recruits in 2012 gained up to 5 kg in weight.

    The previous figure, until 2009, was 3 kg, an informed source in the military medical service of the Western Military District told Izvestia.

    As Andrey Datsko, head of the examination department for conscripts of the Central Military Medical Commission of the Ministry of Defense, explained to Izvestia, an increase in the weight of recruits was recorded based on the results of medical examinations that took place in April and May 2013 - military doctors conduct such examinations of soldiers every six months. The data are summarized in the military districts, then they go to the Main Military Medical Directorate (GVMU) of the Ministry of Defense, and from there to the Minister of Defense.

    The main reason for the rapid increase in the weight of soldiers is that they began to feed the fighters very satisfyingly - the Russian combat ration is the most high-calorie in the world - 4.4 thousand kcal per day, and only those who receive significant physical activity can “burn fat”.

    “Only a serviceman has to eat 235 kg of bread a year, twice as much potatoes and meat as his counterpart in civilian life,” a former employee of the Catering R outsourcing company, which provided food to servicemen in the Eastern Military District, told Izvestia.

    The lower weight limit for a Russian conscript is 44 kg, this is with a height of 150 centimeters. "Fat men" are those who, with a height of 175 cm (the norm is 60-70 kg), show on the scales a mark above 107 kg - such a recruit will no longer be put under a gun.

    Viktor Goremykin, head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense, said that he did not see a problem in increasing the weight of military personnel.

    "Soldiers really get better during their service, especially those who were called up with a weight deficit. We specially fatten such people so that they gain natural weight," the chief personnel officer of the military department explained.

    According to him, the problem of overweight may threaten senior officers more than soldiers or lieutenants.

    “We, for example, have equipped two volleyball courts in our yard and installed simulators so that staff officers can keep themselves in shape,” Goremykin noted.

    Scientists believe that the rapid increase in the weight of soldiers is a direct consequence of a lack of exercise and an excess of calories in the diet.

    “To burn 4.4 thousand kilocalories, a young person needs 4-5 hours of strenuous physical activity,” Arseniy Martinchik, a researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition laboratory of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, told Izvestia. “Otherwise, excess body fat occurs, especially for those who are physiologically inclined to be overweight. In men who exceed the diet, the tendency to be overweight begins to appear at the age of 20-30 years, and if a young man put on weight while serving in the army, then a decent tummy is guaranteed to him in the home kitchen.

    Feeding in the Russian army has indeed become more plentiful and varied, this is even noted by the secretary of the Soldiers' Mothers Committee, Valentina Melnikova, who had previously actively scolded the generals because of the scarcity of army rations. But physical training, which, logically, should have burned kilocalories, has become less.

    The former obligatory 5 hours of physio were reduced - they were given in favor of combat training. At the same time, an afternoon hour's sleep remained, which was supposed to compensate for physical activity. And if in the landing, motorized rifle units and marines there is enough physical activity even without any sports, then in the Strategic Missile Forces and Air Defense "movement" has become much less. It is likely that even in the scientific companies that are being created, "botanists" in soldier's uniform will not receive the physical exertion that is necessary to maintain a normal weight.

    By the way, the problem of obesity is now faced by the British military in Afghanistan, and the American earlier - in Iraq. Due to increased nutrition and sedentary service at posts, movement in armored vehicles and the inability to get a full physical load, soldiers began to rapidly gain weight.

    As Izvestia found out, the average 5 kg recruited by soldiers is not yet considered critical. However, if this figure rises to 7-8 kg (which is not excluded with such a rate of "weight gain"), then, according to military doctors, it will be possible to assert that the problem of excess weight has not bypassed our army either.

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