Bicycle business: how to open and operate. Bicycle shop is a profitable business Cycling business where to start

We advise you to open a profitable bicycle business. Many future bike buyers are unaware that there are a great many types of bicycles (for adults, municipal, sports, road, two-seater, and so on), serving, as everyone knows, for different purposes.

Undoubtedly, it is worth mentioning that the advantage of individual bicycles of modifications lies in their high price... It is comparable to the price of Russian-made cars.

I must say that even for such expensive bicycles the clientele is sought out. It should be emphasized that they tend to pay an increased cost due to what customers think are the high quality materials from which the bike is made. Customers are provided with a receipt for this account.

You need to find a skilled seller who can present the goods to customers in a favorable light, and you also need to take care of guarantees of service for bicycles in the event of a breakdown.

We immediately advise you to solve the problem of equipping your store with various models of bicycles. I must say that the warehouse of spare parts and the maintenance of the bicycles themselves will require additional costs. It would be bad if we did not point out that the low cost of spare parts and a set of keys for bicycles increases the profit margin of this business.

Anyway, compared to the budget for opening a bike shop, these costs are not that high. The main thing is the moment of payback. In reality, the main bargaining chip is warranty service. It will attract new customers to the store. At first, you can offer free bike warranty service as a bonus.

Organization of placing bicycles in the store

Bicycles are, as everyone knows, oversized, that's why the trade area should be about 50 square meters. To this should be added a warehouse for spare parts, equipment, devices and other products.

Employee selection

We advise you to entrust the topic of purchasing a product to a competent professional. It should be noted that this should be a person who is fully oriented in all varieties of bicycles, their new products, the peculiarities of work, as they say, different modifications, the availability of spare parts for them.

I would like to emphasize that a connoisseur organizing sales is obliged to understand the devices of all models of bicycles sold. As odd as it may seem, oversights in this matter can damage your bike business.

We advise you to buy bicycles in the autumn, because by the end of summer and the beginning of winter, bicycles are being bought up, as everyone knows, by large trade organizations. Few people know that in winter cycling continues from month to month in various territories.

Amateurs riding bikes and sports cyclists often organize competitions, one or the other arrange companionship and general rides. If a cycling society exists within the city, participate in its activities, be close to sporting events, give cups to champions.

It goes without saying that if your city does not have a cycling society, then quickly create it. One fact is impressive that you yourself have created a sports society!

Calculation of commercial profit

The average retail price of a bicycle is 25-30,000 rubles. For the initial purchase of all goods (bicycles and spare parts), you will need about 500,000 rubles. Also, renting premises and additional equipment will require another 200,000 rubles. To pay wages to employees, you will need about 60,000 rubles a month.

The mark-up for bicycles on sale is approximately 25-50%. Also, the markup for spare parts usually starts at 50%.

For additional profit, you can rent bicycles, as well as introduce additional services - airbrushing and others.

The payback period for starting a bicycle business is usually about 1 year, maximum 1.5 years.

Currently, in almost all corners of our world, such a means of transportation as a bicycle is very popular, even overtaking a car in popularity. And all because, every year, the ecological situation in the world is getting worse and worse, as well as various diseases progress, due to the pollution of the atmosphere. The second reason - fast growth cars, and this leads to the formation of congestion on the road. The third reason is the huge savings from the bike.

Unfortunately, this transport is not so popular in Russia. Our residents give their choice in favor of cars and spend hours in traffic jams. But if they preferred a bicycle, then the situation on the roads would be normalized. But not everything is so bad, the popularity of bicycles is gradually growing, and, accordingly, the business of selling bicycles is developing, and in the future it has a huge prospect. And so this article is worth talking about how to open a bike shop. We will tell you the main points of such a business and help you start this business correctly.

How to start selling bicycles? Important points

Advertising policy

To have a lot of clients and, accordingly, to profit from this, you need to advertise your business. And here they can come to your aid different methods advertising. For example, it can be: the Internet, flyers and banners.

Many large metropolitan areas are bound to have clubs such as bike lovers' clubs. Having agreed with such a club, you can place your advertisement there. Just sponsor their events two or three times. And of course, regularly run promotions and set discounts, for example, at the beginning of the new season. And become one of the organizers of amateur bike rides, then more and more people will learn about you. This means that you will have a good profit.

There are bicycles today different types... Many different models can be found in stores. These bicycles, as a rule, differ in purpose and function. Bicycles are very popular view transport. And if you start selling them, you can make a good profit. And if you are interested in a similar business idea, then in this article we will tell you how to open a bicycle store.

If you have the desire and start-up capital, then in addition to the store, you can open a workshop in which bicycles will be repaired. And if you are planning to open a workshop, then remember that you will need equipment for it. And you will have to purchase equipment and for this you have to prepare at least 50 thousand. If the premises for the workshop will be rented, then you should also set aside 15 thousand rubles a month for this business. A mechanic will be engaged in repairing bicycles, which means that you have to prepare money to pay for his work.

A bike shop as a business, in turn, does not require large investments. Moreover, this business has a quick return on investment. And in order to attract new customers, offer them pleasant services. For example, after buying a bike, carry out its first service for free.

We are looking for a room

In order for the sale of bicycles as a business to bring a good income, you need to organize such a business correctly. Of course, in order to sell bicycles, you will need a room. Bicycles are considered a big thing. Therefore, to accommodate them, you need to find a spacious room.

Typically, entrepreneurs sell their accompanying parts and accessories along with bicycles. And such items are usually arranged in showcases. It follows that the place should be found not only for bicycles, but also for shop windows. The space for the bike shop should not be small. And in addition to the salon itself, there should be free space for a warehouse where bicycles and other goods will be stored.

In general, if you decide to start selling bicycles and decide to rent a large space, then remember that the rent in this case may not be small. And if you do not have a large amount of start-up capital, then first rent a room with a small area. The rental amount also depends on the location of the premises. Naturally, the premises located in the center of the district will have high rents. But the room, which is located in some kind of sleeping area, will not differ in this indicator. And in order for a buyer to come to your store, which is located even in the most distant area, you need to make sure that your establishment has favorable prices and a rich assortment of bicycles.

Also, for the convenience of customers, you should arrange a comfortable parking lot and put up a bike path near your store.

We select personnel

For your bike shop to always be popular, you need to select competent staff especially for it. Indeed, the sellers of your store should be well versed in this area and provide competent advice to your visitors. It is worth saying that the selection of personnel is a responsible task, and if you hire an illiterate specialist, you can face quite large losses.

In addition to the sales assistant, you should accept:

  • an experienced lawyer;
  • an experienced cashier;
  • knowledgeable accountant.


Purchases for a bicycle store are best done in the fall. At this time, you will meet with low prices and a large assortment. If the purchase time is postponed to the summer, then be prepared for the fact that all the bicycles will simply be sold out by large organizations.

Advertising campaign

Like any other business, a bike shop also needs advertising. And you can advertise a similar outlet in a variety of ways. To advertise a business, you can type:

  • Flyers;
  • make a banner;
  • carry out a promotion in your store.

Participation in the cyclist community is considered another good advertisement. If there is one in your city, then you can become an active participant in them. For example, you can run special promotions or sponsor such a community.

You can also easily use the Internet to advertise your business. Leave announcements about your store on thematic forums, or in social networks... And in order to significantly increase your sales, create your own website, where all the necessary information and high-quality photos will be located.


We talked about all the nuances and main tasks of this business above, now it's worth talking about specific numbers.

  • So, the price of one bicycle is 30 thousand rubles. It follows that you have to spend 500 thousand rubles to buy one batch.
  • It costs 200 thousand rubles to rent and re-equip the premises.
  • The monthly salary costs of employees are 60 thousand rubles.
  • If we talk about the mark-up, then when selling bicycles at retail, the mark-up will be 50%.

In order to receive additional money, offer another service to your customers - bike rental. Even in your salon, do airbrushing.


If you pay due attention to the organization of such a business, then all costs can be recouped after a year of your work. And as soon as things go uphill, then open a bicycle and car repair shop. In your workshop, you will not only be engaged in the repair of equipment, but also sell auto parts. This will mean that your sales business will only improve and bring you good profits.

Actual ideas for making money

There are many different types of bicycles in the world ( Mountain bikes, bicycles for the city, bicycles for sports, speed bikes, bicycles for road trips, bicycles for children, etc.). Each type has its own capabilities and a specific purpose. However, most potential buyers are unaware of this.

The maximum cost of individual bicycle models can reach the cost of a car in the domestic automotive industry. But there are buyers for such an unusual price and quality product. Naturally, they want to get a good enough product for that kind of money, with a warranty, so it's worth considering the idea of ​​opening a bike workshop and specialist bike shop in your area, unless, of course, no one has already taken a suitable location.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that you should immediately resolve the issue of opening a workshop at your store immediately or in the future. Naturally, renting premises and purchasing various equipment will require additional investment from you. Rental rates for premises start at 15 thousand rubles and increase depending on the area and the premises itself. Purchase necessary equipment and tools for the workshop, you will have to allocate about 50 thousand rubles. Don't forget about wages for your employees. For example, the salary of a mechanic now costs 30 thousand rubles.

Nevertheless, when compared with the total budget required for opening a bicycle store, it turns out that these costs are not so high, and the period during which these costs pay off is much less. And the advantage of a workshop at a store is that the service, in turn, will attract additional customers to you. In addition, you can safely use various promotions by combining sales and service, for example, free maintenance for a certain period or first service, etc.

Aspects of the choice of premises for the sale of bicycles.

Due to the fact that bicycles are very large items, you will need a retail space of at least 50 square meters. It is very important that in your store there are showcases with various types of equipment, protective equipment, spare parts, all kinds of accessories and other related products. Therefore, take care of additional space in advance for this.

I would also like to draw your attention to the need for storage facilities. After all, you need a lot of storage space for bicycles, parts and accessories. It is quite obvious that renting this kind of premises cannot boast of its cheapness. Therefore, think about whether it would be more profitable to open a store not in a large shopping center somewhere in the central part of the city, the rent of which will cost you a large sum, but some room in a residential area of ​​the city.

A bicycle is not a product that people buy right away when they go to the first store they come across. They tend to prepare for the purchase of this product in advance, pondering options, looking for information about models, consulting with friends. Therefore, if your store is replete with a wide range of models, and is well known in your city, the buyer will not think that he will have to drive a few extra kilometers to your store. Also, it would be a very good idea to equip your store not only from the inside but also from the outside. Equip a special bike parking lot for visitors - it will be both an advertisement and a convenience for potential customers.

Employees for your business

It should be noted right away that the purchase of goods for your store should be made by a qualified specialist. If you are not, then you should hire him.

Naturally, such a specialist must fully understand the types of bicycles, their model range, various manufacturers, the nuances of operating a particular model, as well as the availability of spare parts for bicycles and their features. It is also very important that the specialist involved in the purchase of bicycles is aware of the level of demand for a particular bike model. Excessive frugality or mistakes in approaching this issue can be a loss for you in your bicycle sales business.

I would like to recommend that you buy bicycles in the fall, because closer to summer, bicycles are bought by fairly large trading companies, and you will have a rather meager choice of leftovers. And it must be remembered that your order can be completed within a certain time, even several months, and not immediately. AND cycling season lasts on average from February to November, slightly different in different regions.

Advertise your store.

Advertising, as mentioned above, is an indisputable guarantee of success in your business. Therefore, after opening a store, you should come to grips with this issue. You may be suitable various options... Fortunately, we are now provided with almost unlimited opportunities in this area. So, for advertising, you can use the distribution of leaflets, catalogs with your products, holding promotions, a bike ride under the logo of your store, advertising on the radio, etc.

V different types sports and recreation, amateurs and fans organize clubs, communities and various groups, which then arrange joint events, competitions, etc. This also applies cycling and rest. A similar community may exist in your city. Ask about the life of this community, it will be advisable to inform it about the existence of your store. Taking part in the life of such communities, sponsoring competitions and other events will be very good advertising for you. If such a community does not exist in your city, it would be a good solution to organize one yourself.

The Internet will also be a good helper for you. With the help of advertising on thematic sites, creating thematic groups on social networks and your own website, you will be able to convey information about your store well. And your own website with the ability to buy through it and deliver will be a good addition to your business.

Business economics

The average retail price for a bicycle is 25-30 thousand rubles. Accordingly, for the purchase of an initial batch of bicycles, as well as various kinds of related products, you will need about 500 thousand rubles. As for the rental of premises, as well as its arrangement, the purchase of equipment, you will need at least 200 thousand rubles. Also, the amount that you need to allocate for the salaries of your employees per month will be at least 60 thousand rubles.

Typically, the retail markup for a bicycle can be around 25-50%. And for related products, the margin will be about 50%.

Also, it is worth noting that the modernization of cycling services does not stand still. A promising decision will be to rent bicycles for a certain time, you can consider the option of providing airbrushing services, etc.

Thus, if the implementation of the business idea - a bicycle store is carried out according to all the rules and taking into account local realities, then the investment in such a business will pay off in about a year or a year and a half.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Cycling has been and remains a popular and favorite sport and outdoor activity. Bicycles are actively used not only for going out into nature, but also for trips around the city, bypassing traffic jams and congestion.

As a rule, there are sections with cycling goods in large sports stores and hypermarkets, but in most cases there are inexpensive children's and teenage models of little-known manufacturers there. Meanwhile, quality bicycles leading manufacturers are of several types (road bikes, hardtails, two-suspension, etc.), have different purposes, and some of them can even be compared in cost to the prices of domestic cars. Despite this, such bicycles are in great demand among cyclists who compare riding a branded and cheap bike with riding a racing car and a Zaporozhets.

The target audience, although rather narrow, is nevertheless ready and able to pay for a quality product with the possibility of warranty repair and maintenance. Therefore, if your city still does not have a separate "bicycle salon" with a bicycle workshop, you should think about opening them.

To do this, you need to choose a room for a store.

How to choose a premise for a bicycle store

The main condition is that the retail space must be at least 50-60 sq. m. Bicycles are a dimensional product.

In addition, you will need a place for display cases with related products, equipment, protective equipment, spare parts and accessories.

You cannot do without warehouse premises where goods, packaging, warranty documentation will be stored. It is rather expensive to rent such an area in the city center in a place with high traffic capacity, so it is better to rent a room in one of the "sleeping" areas.

If your assortment is wide enough and the prices are loyal, the long distance to the store will not scare off your potential customers. But it is advisable to equip a cycle path and equip a bicycle parking in front of the store to facilitate the entrance, because your customers will need to leave their vehicle while they shop.

Bicycle store staff

It is better to entrust the purchase of goods to a specialist (or even several). These should be people who are not just fond of bicycles, but are well versed in their types, manufacturers, inventory, accessories, equipment and spare parts. Errors due to ignorance of demand can result in high costs and the accumulation of warehouse illiquid assets. Please note that it is better to buy goods in the fall, since closer to the beginning of the season, running models are quickly sold out by retailers and there will be nothing to choose from. In addition, the lead time for your order may take a couple of months, which must also be borne in mind. At the same time, the cycling season lasts from February-March to October-November.

In addition to the purchasing manager, your staff will include an accountant, a lawyer (preferably), a cashier and at least two salespeople.

Related sources of income for the bike shop

At the opening stage, consider whether you will open a bicycle workshop at your store now or in the future. Its rental and equipment will require additional costs: rent - from 15 thousand rubles / month, tools - from 50 thousand rubles, salary for bicycle mechanics (one per shift) - from 40 thousand rubles. But compared to the total budget for opening a store, these costs are not so large, and the payback period is much shorter. In addition, the bike service will attract additional customers to your store, and the free first service of the bike can be an additional bonus for your customers.

Use all available options to promote your store - outdoor advertising (especially in the area where the store is located), handouts (flyers, mini-catalogs, etc.), radio ads, and promotions.

Cycling enthusiasts and cycling professionals usually gather in clubs, often arrange joint trips and friendly competitions. If there is such a community in your city, take part in its life, act as a sponsor, providing prizes to the winners at sporting events and arrange them yourself. If there is no such community, organize and lead it.

As additional sources of income, you can offer services for renting a bike or airbrushing on bicycles.

Store opening costs

To purchase the first batch of goods, you will need from 500 tons. and higher. Prepare from 200 thousand rubles for rent, repair and arrangement of premises for a store. The salary of the staff will be from 60 tons per month.

The retail mark-up on bicycles, as a rule, is not less than 25-50%, from 50% - for equipment, accessories and consumables, it can be up to 200%.

The average retail price of a "budget" bike is 25-30 tons. The payback period for such a store is from 1-1.5 years.

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