Aerosol lubricant for a bicycle. Quality bicycle chain lubricant: which one to choose? What to fill in the machine

Every professional cyclist knows how much and what kind of lubricant is needed for the various components of his bike, especially for the chain, thanks to which the transmission of torque occurs. But amateurs and novice cyclists will be interested in learning what needs to be used to lubricate the chain and how to properly care for it so that it will serve for many years and does not lead to premature failure of the cassette mechanism of the sprockets.

What contributes to increased chain and cassette wear? What is not recommended

Do not think that by anointing several times along the chain with solid oil, you will preserve its performance, and it will serve for a very long time. Before lubricating a bicycle chain, you need to know all the nuances that arise during its operation. To begin with, the dirt adhering to the surface of the links and the inner part of them is one of the main factors that leads to very rapid wear and tear of parts and their damage. Damaged surfaces quickly begin to rust and deteriorate, so you need to know how to lubricate your bike chain and how to properly apply the lubricant.

The use of the wrong type of lubricant, heavy loads on the chain and cassette mechanism, and improper gear shifting can lead to rapid wear. The fact is that when the links hit the tooth with the lateral part, there is an increased friction of the parts, which leads to their destruction. Therefore, the gearshift mechanism needs to be checked periodically.

The lubricant should be applied in the required amount and in a strictly defined place (between the link plates and rollers). In addition, it is recommended to avoid excess lubrication, especially when using oils, as they can get into some places where their presence is highly undesirable (for example, brake pads). In addition, a large amount of dirt, including grains of sand and small particles of stones, adheres to the oil lubricant, which intensifies the destructive process.

Can I use detergents and soap solutions for cleaning? How do I clean the chain before lubricating?

Before lubricating the bike chain, it must be thoroughly cleaned. For this purpose, you can use expensive detergents that can clean the chain to almost perfect condition, as well as various solvents (white spirit, kerosene and others). However, it should be remembered that they are flammable substances, in addition, cleaning will need to be carried out outdoors due to their pungent odor and high toxicity.

When washing a bicycle chain with soap and water, dry the chain mechanism immediately after cleaning, as otherwise it may rust.

To facilitate the cleaning process, you can use special machines designed for this purpose. They will appeal to those who are interested in how to lubricate a bicycle chain at home. The principle of their operation is quite simple: detergents are poured into the device, then, by rotating the lever or pressing the pedal, we move the brushes, which clean the links from dirt. The machine is convenient to use because it allows you to clean up without the need to remove the chain. Such a device costs about 400-600 rubles. The cars are good for cleaning after off-road driving and strong adhesion of dirt.

You can also purchase brushes with stiff bristles and accessories to help remove dirt inside the links easily. In addition, unlike cars, they can be used to put things in order on the asterisks.

The easiest and cheapest way to clean your bike chain is to use a stiff toothbrush, solvent, and a regular rag. First, using bristles and solvent, all links (inside and outside) are cleaned, and then everything is wiped clean with a rag. You can use microfiber cloth to enhance the effect.

We start to lubricate the chain. How to do it correctly? Cleaning the chain after winter inactivity

So, the chain parts of our bike are sparkling clean, and now we can start the lubrication itself. How to lubricate a bicycle chain and how to do it correctly? Immediately, we note that if the bike is used in difficult road conditions, then it must be lubricated more often than walking models.

Not sure how to lubricate your bike chain and how to do it correctly? The lubricant must be applied under the chain rollers. It is not recommended to coat steel surfaces with lubricant from the outside, as this can lead to the accumulation of dirt and hard small debris, which, penetrating into the parts and under the rollers, contribute to their rapid wear. Therefore, the outside of the chain must be kept dry.

The question of how to lubricate a bicycle chain after winter can be answered unequivocally: Nano Protech lubricant for moving parts. It has excellent water repellency and lubricates rotating and rubbing parts and prevents squeaking. This lubricant protects metal surfaces from the appearance of rust, moreover, there are practically no inaccessible places for it.

Moreover, using it, you can ride at least every day in heavy rain, since it provides the proper level of protection for the bicycle chain for a long period of time. After applying lubricant to the chain rollers and links, remove residues with a rag. The product is produced in Russia. Its cost is about 250 rubles.

Polytetrafluoroethylene lubricants (multipurpose grease)

How to determine the correct way to lubricate a bicycle chain at home so that the lubricant is affordable, easy to apply to rubbing surfaces and protects the parts well? One of the most effective bicycle chain lubricants is PTFE lubricants.

This chemical compound is better known as Teflon and has a very low coefficient of friction. Therefore, rubbing surfaces treated with Teflon-based products are perfectly preserved for a long time. One of these lubricants is the CL1 Park Tool, which costs around 400 rubles. Not sure how to lubricate your bike chain in winter or after a long stay in a damp place? Use Teflon lubricants that will significantly extend the life of your bike chains and other parts.

Can grease, machine oil and lithol be used as a lubricant?

Many inexperienced cyclists naively believe that the more lubricant is present on the links of the drive chain, the better, they say, abundant lubrication is the best remedy preservation of metal rubbing parts. So how to lubricate the bike chain: engine oil, lithol or grease? It would be possible to give a positive characteristic to all these materials, if not for one significant thing, but it is dirt that instantly adheres to lubricated parts.

Sand, small solid particles and other debris turn into a durable abrasive when interacting with such a lubricant, which inevitably leads to the erasure of the units of various mechanisms, primarily rotating and rubbing parts. Before lubricating the bicycle chain with lithol, you should remember that the dirt accumulated in it also significantly complicates the rotation of the pedals, therefore, it is strictly not recommended to use such types of lubricant.

On the use of graphite grease and aerosols

Considering the question of how to lubricate the bicycle chain (grease and other fatty lubricants are not suitable, as we have already said), you should pay attention to graphite lubricant, as well as various products that are made in the form of aerosols.

The graphite lubricant has a good protective effect on metal parts, removes rust and penetrates deeply into the most inaccessible places. A graphite-based lubricant creates a permanent film that prevents metal deterioration and reduces frictional force. Usually it is enough for a mileage of about 400 km, provided that there is no rain and deep puddles. Otherwise, there will not be enough lubrication for 50 km of run.

There are no inaccessible places for aerosols. Such a lubricant is sold in special cans, in which the agent is under pressure, and it is sprayed by pressing the appropriate button. As active funds can be used different kinds oils or substances that are able to clean the metal from the effects of rust, weaken the "stuck" fastener, and also displace moisture.

Don't have anything at hand and don't know how to lubricate your bike chain? "VD 40" will help to solve this problem (such an aerosol can be found in many car and bicycle enthusiasts). However, it should be remembered that, nevertheless, "VD" is not a lubricant and is quickly washed off with water, so the ideal option would be to pre-treat the chain with this agent, followed by applying lubricant.

Bicycle chain lubricants

Today, bicycle equipment sellers have a large arsenal of all kinds of chemicals and various protective equipment, including special liquid lubricants for bicycle chains. There are universal remedies that can be used in any weather. In addition, there are chain lubricants that are used when driving in rain and severe drought. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which type of lubricant to choose.

As for the use of liquid products, they are sold in polymer bottles equipped with a special nozzle-watering can, which makes it possible to carry out point lubrication. Therefore, if you do not know how to lubricate the chain on a bicycle, or are in doubt about the choice of a tool, opt for liquid lubricants.

The problem of hard-to-reach places is solved using a conventional syringe, into which lubricant is easily drawn. This lubricant should be applied at the joints of the chain links, after which it should be removed. Before buying this type of lubricant, you need to ask the seller how the product behaves in the cold (does it thicken too quickly), since most of them become unusable at sub-zero temperatures (however, in the heat they quickly restore their properties).

Bi-component lubricant

Considering the answer to the question, the better to lubricate the bicycle chain, you should also pay attention to the lubricant, which consists of two main components: a liquid solvent and a thick lubricant mass. Such material has a fairly effective effect on rubbing parts. The bicomponent grease is sold in special grease nipples that allow fluid to be poured under the chain rollers.

The essence of using such funds is as follows: after the main component of the lubricant is delivered to the required place, the solvent evaporates, and a thick lubricating layer remains on the surface of the part for a long time. It is recommended to allow the solvent to completely evaporate after processing the parts with this agent before cycling, which will take at least 1 hour.

Many novice cyclists often have a question about when and how to lubricate a bicycle chain. How can you tell if she already needs lubrication? Many years of experience in operating bicycle equipment shows that when a squeak first appears in the chain mechanism, lubrication of its components is necessary. Usually this can be observed every 100-130 km of run (means of the Nano Protech type are able to protect the chain up to 900 km). To make calculating the mileage easier, you can install an odometer that will accurately count the kilometers traveled.

As we said before lubrication, the chain and sprockets need to be thoroughly cleaned and dried on their surfaces. In the case of using a bicomponent or liquid lubricant, the composition is applied from special oilers into the chain gap, which is made up of rollers and side plates that connect the links to each other.

All rollers are lubricated, for which it is necessary to drip through each gap, while moving the chain by rotating the pedals. In order not to get confused in counting the number of lubricated links, the side plates of one of them are made of a different color or branded (usually they begin to lubricate).

How to lubricate the bike chain is definitely up to you. After applying the lubricant (regardless of the type of agent used), it is recommended to wipe off excess lubricant with a dry cloth. Then pedal for a few minutes to distribute the lubricant evenly on the rollers and plate axles. After that, the excess must be removed again with a rag.

It should be remembered that not only sand and other debris can increase the wear of the chain and sprockets. An incorrectly selected gear also contributes to the rapid wear of parts. For this reason, the chain must not be positioned at maximum skew. This will be its position if it is located on the front and rear small or large sprockets. These options complicate the switching process itself, contribute to a poor transition of the chain belt to the teeth of the sprockets and its rapid failure. It is also highly discouraged to expose the chain to overloads (for example, when driving uphill in an overdrive).

Do not forget about applying grease to the bicycle's pivot mechanisms, as well as bearings and bushings. In addition, it is necessary to lubricate the chain tensioner mechanism, pedals, carriage and steering column. V mandatory it is recommended to subject to preventive treatment the bicycle cables that provide mechanical brakes and are involved in gear shifting.

It is no secret that a bicycle serves its owner much longer if at least the minimum requirements for its care are met and all its parts are periodically lubricated. One of the main structural components for the movement of a bicycle is the chain. It is very important to take a responsible approach to the selection of a suitable lubricant for the chain, since the technical condition of the entire transport depends on its quality.

As a rule, from the very beginning, every cyclist understands that the chain needs periodic lubrication, but not everyone comes to understand what exactly this part should be lubricated with. And often only after much trial and error and accelerated wear of the entire transmission, the owner of the bike still comes up with the right lubrication option.

It is important to understand that only bike-specific lubricants should be used to lubricate any part of the bike, including the chain. But it is worth noting that successful and unsuccessful options can be found both in the budget category and in the more expensive one.

The following types of lubricants are distinguished:

We add that there are also lubricants for dry and wet weather. Lubricants for dry weather are applied in a thin layer to keep as little dust and dirt as possible. Wet-weather lubricants are usually water-repellent and apply thicker to prevent the lubricant from washing out quickly.

  1. Teflon bicycle lubricant is the most common and highly effective and versatile lubricant. At the same time, her price is very reasonable. It is not difficult to guess that such a lubricant is made on the basis of Teflon, which has the ability to form a thin film on the treated surface. Thanks to this effect, dirt and other "nuisances" from the environment do not penetrate the chain. When choosing this lubricant, it should be borne in mind that for the chain it is better to take a bottle with a narrow neck, and not a spray.
  2. Wax lubricant is a more expensive lubricant option. In terms of its protective properties, it is similar to Teflon grease: it does not attract dirt and dust. However, it is less popular due to the need to clean and rinse the chain before using it, and it is also important to dose it correctly, otherwise the wax can clog the chain mechanism.
  3. Silicone grease, like Teflon, is easy to apply and does not allow dust to stick. However, most often it comes in aerosol cans, which is not very welcome when lubricating the chain.
  4. An environmentally friendly lubricant is a biologically processed vegetable oil that is inferior in its properties to the above options, but does not harm the environment.

When choosing a lubricant, it is better to trust already proven brands, while reading reviews at the same time. Among those who have proven themselves with better side manufacturers include the following: Bike Line, Muc-Off, Weldtite, Finish Line, Park Tool, Pedro's Extra Dry, Tersus.

Each lubricant has its own pros and cons, so be guided by your wallet and weather conditions, and choose the best option for you.

It is probably worth adding that in no case use WD-40 and other similar agents that contain white spirit as a lubricant for the chain. Such means are just used to clean the chain from the remnants of the previous lubricant. Trying to lubricate the chain with something like this, on the contrary, leaves it without any residual lubricant, thereby corroding. It is also better not to even try to use transformer and machine oil if you want your bike to serve you faithfully for a long time.

Bicycle chain lubrication

A bicycle chain, like any other mechanism, is subject to wear and tear. It depends on the conditions in which it is operated. Special attention it is worth paying attention to how to properly lubricate the chain.

First of all, you need to understand which lubricant to use. Here it is necessary to choose a compromise between the liquid and the viscosity of the composition. The thinner the lubricant, the deeper it penetrates into the chain joints, but the more often the chain will need to be relubricated. Among the liquid composition, silicone in tubes with a narrow neck is suitable, which will allow you to spot lubricant at the joints of the chain links. A grease like graphite will stick to the chain longer, but its penetration is much lower. A compromise option would be the use of special bicycle compounds that have adaptive properties - when the chain is moving, it becomes liquid, and when it is parked, it thickens.

If you can, you can use machine oil for motorcycle chains and chainsaws. This oil has balanced physical and anti-static properties to keep the chain clean in any weather. With this lubricant, the chain will function normally with a range of 500 to 1500 km. For example, Motul C4 Chain Lube FL grease is very popular, the cost of which for 400 ml will not be less than 600 rubles. In no case should you use ordinary engine oil, which is poured into a car engine. It is not designed to work in the external environment, in the air. Dirt will accumulate extremely quickly on it.

Clean the chain before lubricating it. This should be done either with a soft dry cloth (if the chain is not very dirty), or soaked in (if the chain is heavily dirty and crunches during driving). For a more thorough cleaning, you can use a special machine. It consists of a plastic box and hard brushes that clean the chain efficiently. It is worth pouring into the box either kerosene or a special mixture for cleaning the chain, which is sold in specialized stores. At worst, a hard toothbrush soaked in kerosene is suitable for cleaning the chain.

Once the chain shines, you can start the lubrication process. If the user decides to use a grease, then the best solution is to use a toothbrush. Under no circumstances should the entire chain be lubricated with a solid, otherwise dirt will adhere to it, and the chain will break very quickly. It is necessary to apply grease only to the place of articulation of the links, excess grease with a dry soft cloth. The same applies to liquid formulations. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times in order for the lubricant to penetrate into the chain.

Subsequent lubrication should be based on how easily the chain moves through the system and cassette, as well as the sound it makes. If the chain does not crack, does not squeak and does not jam during movement, then lubrication of the chain is not required.

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Experienced cyclists know that caring for a two-wheeled vehicle will significantly increase its lifespan. The main attention in prevention should be paid to the undercarriage of the bicycle - the wheels and transmission. It is especially important to clean it promptly and regularly bicycle chain and apply lubricant to it.

Bicycle chain care

One has only to forget about the maintenance of the chain, and the bike will cease to function normally. An abrasive mixture is formed between the links, which includes dust particles, sand and remnants of old grease. Over time, this mixture actively and aggressively affects the metal of the chain and the bicycle sprocket. As a result, the mating parts are deformed, the chain stretches and eventually becomes unusable.

Proper and timely lubrication can help overcome these problems, but only when applied to a clean and properly prepared surface. Before lubricating the chain, it is recommended to remove the chain from the bike and place it in a container of solvent for a while. For this purpose, ordinary kerosene or a special liquid that can dissolve old grease is suitable.

There are other ways to clean the chain so that it remains on the bike. Today in specialized stores you can pick up a special device for cleaning the chain. It is a case or box through which the chain is passed and pulled by rotating the pedals. Rollers and brushes built into the body of such a machine effectively clean the links from dirt.

Chain maintenance should be regular. It is largely determined by how often you cycle. In general, the chain should be cleaned and lubricated on a monthly basis, and at least once a week for extended driving on poor roads.

Under no circumstances should fresh lubricant be applied to a dirty chain, as this will only increase the abrasive effect of old deposits. Every chain lubrication must be thoroughly cleaned of any contamination.

Bicycle chain lubrication

The recommended lubrication frequency for the chain is largely determined by the type of substances used for this purpose. Among cyclists, the boiling of links in graphite lubricant has become widespread. For this removed chain placed in a metal container and kept on fire for 10-15 minutes. This treatment allows you to apply lubricant even to the most difficult to reach places. This procedure is usually repeated every 350-400 km of riding, and when operating the bike in the rain, this can be done even more often.

Cycling enthusiasts today can afford to choose a chain lubricant from a wide range of similar products, focusing on their financial capabilities and operating conditions of the equipment. Bicycle lubricants are very convenient, which are sold in the form of bottles with a narrow "nose", although if you wish, you can completely use a medical syringe. The grease should be buried in those places where the links directly connect, preventing the composition from getting on outside chains.

Remove excess substance with a clean cloth. This lubrication, with moderate use of the bicycle, performs its function for several weeks.

Multipurpose aerosol lubricants are considered especially convenient to use. They can be used in any weather. Using aerosol lubricant is very simple: just point the spray device at the link connections and spray them lightly. It is recommended to use such a lubricant more often than usual, while focusing on the degree of contamination of the chain.

Every cyclist knows about the need to care for a bicycle chain - however, not everyone is aware of how to lubricate it in order to avoid rapid wear and other unpleasant consequences. Choosing the right lubricant for your bike chain is quite simple - the main thing is to understand its types and their purpose.


Lubrication is vital for a bicycle chain, as it reduces friction in the contacting links and parts - after all, the chain is in constant motion with the cassettes and sprockets of the system. These mechanical influences quickly wear out parts and cause the bike to malfunction. The two-wheel friend should be maintained regularly, limited to cleaning and lubricating the chain.

For smooth operation of the bicycle chain, you need to use special oils that prevent the appearance of "rustling" and the adhesion of dirt.

Some cyclists often use household motor oil as a lubricant, which is easy to buy at a cheap price in any store. This type of lubricant is not suitable for maintaining a bicycle chain, as the machine oil literally collects dirt and dust on itself, damaging the chain itself and the stars. It is by no means recommended to be used for expensive modern bicycles requiring the best handling of their parts.

Lubricant selection

Bicycle chain lubricants are classified into aerosol, liquid and two-part lubricants. Aerosol lubricant is a liquid oil in cans with tubes and is intended for the treatment of moving chain elements. It should be chosen for lubrication of hard-to-reach places and for long journeys, since it is absolutely safe to carry in a backpack (oil does not seep through the straw). The disadvantage of aerosol cans is the likelihood of spraying the lubricant on the rims or brake discs of the bike.

Typically this type of lubricant is used for maintenance in garage or bicycle workshops.

Liquid Lubricant is a specialized liquid material that is ideal for handling bicycle chains due to its characteristics and convenient packaging with a dispenser. A two-component grease consists of a solvent and a thick oil. Once the chain is lubricated, the solvent evaporates quickly and the oil stays on the chain joints for a long time.

An excellent choice for wet weather is a wet weather grease that is dirt-repellent, protective and water-repellent, as well as low rinse off with excellent adhesive properties. It is usually used in high humidity and other corrosive environments.

In order to prolong the life of your bike, you need to lubricate it regularly. If you can figure out exactly which nodes to lubricate in a bicycle, then it is very difficult to choose how to lubricate a bicycle on your own. Let's consider in stages which parts need to be lubricated in the bike and which lubricant to choose.


The bike chain should be lubricated with a low viscosity grease with good abrasion resistance. Your best bet is WD-40 or a penetrating lubricant. And even if WD-40 and its analogs are not quite a lubricant in a technical sense, it is precisely such compositions that are optimal for penetration into the joints and chain links, which means they wash out the dirt in the best way and do not leave a dirty mark. Of course, specialized lubricants can be used, but they are usually very expensive.

Every professional cyclist knows how much and what kind of lubricant is needed for the various components of his bike, especially for the chain, thanks to which the transmission of torque occurs. But amateurs and novice cyclists will be interested in learning what needs to be used to lubricate the chain and how to properly care for it so that it will serve for many years and does not lead to premature failure of the cassette mechanism of the sprockets.

What contributes to increased chain and cassette wear? What is not recommended

Do not think that by anointing several times along the chain with solid oil, you will preserve its performance, and it will serve for a very long time. Before lubricating a bicycle chain, you need to know all the nuances that arise during its operation. To begin with, the dirt adhering to the surface of the links and the inner part of them is one of the main factors that leads to very rapid wear and tear of parts and their damage. Damaged surfaces quickly begin to rust and deteriorate, so you need to know how to lubricate your bike chain and how to properly apply the lubricant.

The use of the wrong type of lubricant, heavy loads on the chain and cassette mechanism, and improper gear shifting can lead to rapid wear. The fact is that when the links hit the tooth with the lateral part, there is an increased friction of the parts, which leads to their destruction. Therefore, the gearshift mechanism needs to be checked periodically.

The lubricant should be applied in the required amount and in a strictly defined place (between the link plates and rollers). In addition, it is recommended to avoid excess lubrication, especially when using oils, as they can get into some places where their presence is highly undesirable (for example, brake pads). In addition, a large amount of dirt, including grains of sand and small particles of stones, adheres to the oil lubricant, which intensifies the destructive process.

Can I use detergents and soap solutions for cleaning? How do I clean the chain before lubricating?

Before lubricating the bike chain, it must be thoroughly cleaned. For this purpose, you can use expensive detergents that can clean the chain to almost perfect condition, as well as various solvents (white spirit, kerosene and others). However, it should be remembered that they are flammable substances, in addition, cleaning will need to be carried out outdoors due to their pungent odor and high toxicity.

When washing a bicycle chain with soap and water, dry the chain mechanism immediately after cleaning, as otherwise it may rust.

To facilitate the cleaning process, you can use special machines designed for this purpose. They will appeal to those who are interested in how to lubricate a bicycle chain at home. The principle of their operation is quite simple: detergents are poured into the device, then, by rotating the lever or pressing the pedal, we move the brushes, which clean the links from dirt. The machine is convenient to use because it allows you to clean up without the need to remove the chain. Such a device costs about 400-600 rubles. The cars are good for cleaning after off-road driving and strong adhesion of dirt.

You can also purchase brushes with stiff bristles and accessories to help remove dirt inside the links easily. In addition, unlike cars, they can be used to put things in order on the asterisks.

The easiest and cheapest way to clean your bike chain is to use a stiff toothbrush, solvent, and a regular rag. First, using bristles and solvent, all links (inside and outside) are cleaned, and then everything is wiped clean with a rag. You can use microfiber cloth to enhance the effect.

We start to lubricate the chain. How to do it correctly? Cleaning the chain after winter inactivity

So, the chain parts of our bike are sparkling clean, and now we can start the lubrication itself. How to lubricate a bicycle chain and how to do it correctly? Immediately, we note that if the bike is used in difficult road conditions, then it must be lubricated more often than walking models.

Not sure how to lubricate your bike chain and how to do it correctly? The lubricant must be applied under the chain rollers. It is not recommended to coat steel surfaces with lubricant from the outside, as this can lead to the accumulation of dirt and hard small debris, which, penetrating into the parts and under the rollers, contribute to their rapid wear. Therefore, the outside of the chain must be kept dry.

The question of how to lubricate a bicycle chain after winter can be answered unequivocally: Nano Protech lubricant for moving parts. It has excellent water repellency and lubricates rotating and rubbing parts and prevents squeaking. This lubricant protects metal surfaces from the appearance of rust, moreover, there are practically no inaccessible places for it.

Moreover, using it, you can ride at least every day in heavy rain, since it provides the proper level of protection for the bicycle chain for a long period of time. After applying lubricant to the chain rollers and links, remove residues with a rag. The product is produced in Russia. Its cost is about 250 rubles.

Polytetrafluoroethylene lubricants (multipurpose grease)

How to determine the correct way to lubricate a bicycle chain at home so that the lubricant is affordable, easy to apply to rubbing surfaces and protects the parts well? One of the most effective bicycle chain lubricants is PTFE lubricants.

This chemical compound is better known as Teflon and has a very low coefficient of friction. Therefore, rubbing surfaces treated with Teflon-based products are perfectly preserved for a long time. One of these lubricants is the CL1 Park Tool, which costs around 400 rubles. Not sure how to lubricate your bike chain in winter or after a long stay in a damp place? Use Teflon lubricants that will significantly extend the life of your bike chains and other parts.

Can grease, machine oil and lithol be used as a lubricant?

Many inexperienced cyclists naively believe that the more lubricant is present on the links of the drive chain, the better, they say, abundant lubrication is the best way to preserve metal rubbing parts. So how to lubricate the bike chain: engine oil, lithol or grease? It would be possible to give a positive characteristic to all these materials, if not for one significant thing, but it is dirt that instantly adheres to lubricated parts.

Sand, small solid particles and other debris turn into a durable abrasive when interacting with such a lubricant, which inevitably leads to the erasure of the units of various mechanisms, primarily rotating and rubbing parts. Before lubricating the bicycle chain with lithol, you should remember that the dirt accumulated in it also significantly complicates the rotation of the pedals, therefore, it is strictly not recommended to use such types of lubricant.

On the use of graphite grease and aerosols

Considering the question of how to lubricate the bicycle chain (grease and other fatty lubricants are not suitable, as we have already said), you should pay attention to graphite lubricant, as well as various products that are made in the form of aerosols.

The graphite lubricant has a good protective effect on metal parts, removes rust and penetrates deeply into the most inaccessible places. A graphite-based lubricant creates a permanent film that prevents metal deterioration and reduces frictional force. Usually it is enough for a mileage of about 400 km, provided that there is no rain and deep puddles. Otherwise, there will not be enough lubrication for 50 km of run.

There are no inaccessible places for aerosols. Such a lubricant is sold in special cans, in which the agent is under pressure, and it is sprayed by pressing the appropriate button. As active agents, various types of oils or substances can be used that are able to clean the metal from the effects of rust, weaken the "stuck" fastener, and also displace moisture.

Don't have anything at hand and don't know how to lubricate your bike chain? "VD 40" will help to solve this problem (such an aerosol can be found in many car and bicycle enthusiasts). However, it should be remembered that, nevertheless, "VD" is not a lubricant and is quickly washed off with water, so the ideal option would be to pre-treat the chain with this agent, followed by applying lubricant.

Bicycle chain lubricants

Today, bicycle equipment sellers have a large arsenal of all kinds of chemicals and various protective equipment, including special liquid lubricants for bicycle chains. There are universal remedies that can be used in any weather. In addition, there are chain lubricants that are used when driving in rain and severe drought. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which type of lubricant to choose.

As for the use of liquid products, they are sold in polymer bottles equipped with a special nozzle-watering can, which makes it possible to carry out point lubrication. Therefore, if you do not know how to lubricate the chain on a bicycle, or are in doubt about the choice of a tool, opt for liquid lubricants.

The problem of hard-to-reach places is solved using a conventional syringe, into which lubricant is easily drawn. This lubricant should be applied at the joints of the chain links, after which it should be removed. Before buying this type of lubricant, you need to ask the seller how the product behaves in the cold (does it thicken too quickly), since most of them become unusable at sub-zero temperatures (however, in the heat they quickly restore their properties).

Bi-component lubricant

Considering the answer to the question, the better to lubricate the bicycle chain, you should also pay attention to the lubricant, which consists of two main components: a liquid solvent and a thick lubricant mass. Such material has a fairly effective effect on rubbing parts. The bicomponent grease is sold in special grease nipples that allow fluid to be poured under the chain rollers.

The essence of using such funds is as follows: after the main component of the lubricant is delivered to the required place, the solvent evaporates, and a thick lubricating layer remains on the surface of the part for a long time. It is recommended to allow the solvent to completely evaporate after processing the parts with this agent before cycling, which will take at least 1 hour.

Many novice cyclists often have a question about when and how to lubricate a bicycle chain. How can you tell if she already needs lubrication? Many years of experience in operating bicycle equipment shows that when a squeak first appears in the chain mechanism, lubrication of its components is necessary. Usually this can be observed every 100-130 km of run (means of the Nano Protech type are able to protect the chain up to 900 km). To make calculating the mileage easier, you can install an odometer that will accurately count the kilometers traveled.

As we said before lubrication, the chain and sprockets need to be thoroughly cleaned and dried on their surfaces. In the case of using a bicomponent or liquid lubricant, the composition is applied from special oilers into the chain gap, which is made up of rollers and side plates that connect the links to each other.

All rollers are lubricated, for which it is necessary to drip through each gap, while moving the chain by rotating the pedals. In order not to get confused in counting the number of lubricated links, the side plates of one of them are made of a different color or branded (usually they begin to lubricate).

How to lubricate the bike chain is definitely up to you. After applying the lubricant (regardless of the type of agent used), it is recommended to wipe off excess lubricant with a dry cloth. Then pedal for a few minutes to distribute the lubricant evenly on the rollers and plate axles. After that, the excess must be removed again with a rag.

It should be remembered that not only sand and other debris can increase the wear of the chain and sprockets. An incorrectly selected gear also contributes to the rapid wear of parts. For this reason, the chain must not be positioned at maximum skew. This will be its position if it is located on the front and rear small or large sprockets. These options complicate the switching process itself, contribute to a poor transition of the chain belt to the teeth of the sprockets and its rapid failure. It is also highly discouraged to expose the chain to overloads (for example, when driving uphill in an overdrive).

Do not forget about applying grease to the bicycle's pivot mechanisms, as well as bearings and bushings. In addition, it is necessary to lubricate the chain tensioner mechanism, pedals, carriage and steering column. It is imperatively recommended to subject the bicycle cables to preventive treatment, which provide mechanical brakes and are involved in gear shifting.

Drivetrain care is what you most often need to do with your bike if you want it to last and look great. But there are important tricks here ...

Cleanliness is the key to health! This expression is true not only for organisms, but also for bicycle transmission. A terrible dream of your bike - black (like night) cassette, chain and system, completely covered with "plasticine" from old grease, dust and poplar fluff ... Have you seen this?

In such a favorable environment, "steel-cutters" usually start up - evil microbes, imperceptibly devouring stars, chains and rollers ... :).

A well-groomed drivetrain should look "shiny".

Transmission care

This is the most important and frequent thing you will do with your bike. Ideally, after every 100 km of travel in dry weather, give the transmission 3-5 minutes of time to clean, and lubricate it only when you hear the rustle of a dry chain while driving.

Chain lubrication is one of the most important steps in maintaining your bike. The used oil (lubricant) directly affects not only the quality of the transmission, but also the durability of the chain and sprockets on your bike. That is why today I will tell you how and with what you need to lubricate the chain, and how you cannot lubricate it.

How is bicycle chain lubricant different from other oils? The bike chain is in motion, with its rollers constantly rubbing against the stars, as well as against the rollers of the rear derailleur. Friction of the chain rollers of the sprocket (external friction) - does not lead to "stretching" (increase in length) of the chain. The most intense friction occurs just inside the chain itself. Each link consists of four elements (2 plates, pin and roller). There are about 110 such links in the chain in total.

The new chain slides precisely into the teeth of the new cassette with its rollers. To understand where the lubricant is most needed in the chain, you need to understand what it is in it that wears out. Please note that the pins are firmly seated in the holes of the outer plates, which means there is no friction between them. There is friction between the inner link plates and the pins. It is here that the development of the pin takes place, the inner plates rub the grooves in it, which leads to the lengthening of the chain (they say: "the chain is stretched"). As a result, the rollers no longer hit the sprocket teeth so accurately and wear them out. Rear derailleur rollers, usually made of plastic, also suffer. In addition, the clarity of gear changes is reduced, noise, clicks, chain slip and other undesirable phenomena occur. Thus, the most undesirable chain wear does not occur from the outside, but inside her.

The task of any chain lubricant is to penetrate inside, and stay there as long as possible: do not dry out, do not wash out with water, do not splash when the chain moves. But on the outside, the lubricant does more harm than good. coupled with dust, it turns into an abrasive paste that does its job perfectly.

The chain must be kept dry on the outside and lubricated on the inside.

After you have applied liquid (!) Lubricant to each roller, you need to wipe the chain dry with a soft cloth. When riding, some of the lubricant still flows out and accumulates dust, so the chain, stars and rollers must be cleaned with a medium-length hard-bristled brush. It is best to use special handy brushes for this, which can clean hard-to-reach areas, such as derailleur rollers and the gap between the stars.

With regular cleaning, your transmission will not only look great, but it will also perform well and last much longer.

A brush alone will not be enough to bring a black "running" transmission back to normal, so you need a chain cleaner. It is also called a "digizer" (grease remover, from the word de-greaser). This composition washes well stubborn grease with dirt. At worst, WD-40 will help out, but special cleaners work better.

If a lot of sand or dirt has got into the chain (for example, after a serious "mud-kneading"), then the brushes are of little help: the chain should be wash... For this purpose, there is no better way than a special chain wash. It allows you to gently wash the bike chain even in the apartment.

What to do with the new chain.

The new chain is lubricated when the links are assembled at the factory with a thick but very sticky lubricant. It will be enough for 300-400 km of driving, after which it will be difficult to put grease into the rollers.

Wipe off the sticky grease from the new chain before the first ride. soft cloth slightly moistened with solvent. Do not wash out the factory grease from the inside!

If you don't wipe new chain, then very quickly factory sticky grease will turn your transmission into black iron. By the way, for some reason, sellers do not talk about this, but this simple procedure will make it easier for you to maintain the transmission in a brilliant form (in every sense). Now let's take a look at the chain lubricants.

Than not to lubricate the chain.

One of the most common mistakes is lubricating the chain with WD-40 aerosol and its analogues.

WD-40 is a highly penetrating liquid designed primarily to unblock acidified compounds and displace moisture. Yes, it contains a small amount of oil, but in essence WD-40 is "carbonated kerosene", but not a lubricant. It is nevertheless good to use "Vedashka", Anyway (Khado) and other analogs to dissolve old grease if you want to clean well "running" transmission elements. In this case, you need to generously spray the parts, putting a rag so that the composition does not get on the other parts, and wait a little. After that, clean with a brush, wipe dry and lubricate with a special liquid chain lubricant (see below).

Engine oil as a chain lubricant is already better, but so far "on the four". As the name suggests, this oil must operate in motors, in a closed environment at high temperatures. Its outstanding motor properties are not needed at all in bicycles. Conversely, engine oil does not "promise" us to penetrate the rollers well, does not dry out for a long time, does not wash off and weakly attract dust. The same can be said about sewing machine oil, as well as transformer oil, motorcycle oil, olive oil, massage oil and aroma oil ...)) With excellent bicycle oils, there is no point in dripping any other oil into the chain and thinking "what will happen."

Having bought a jar of excellent bicycle chain oil for 100-200 UAH, you will present it to your grandchildren. Does it make sense to look for an alternative?

How to choose a bicycle chain lubricant.

Only the chain should be lubricated in the bicycle transmission, and in no case the stars. As stated above, the following qualities are important in a bicycle chain lubricant:
It is good to penetrate the videos.
Stay there for a long time, do not dry out and do not leak.
Attract as little dust as possible.
Resist being washed away by rain.

In principle, motorcycle chain oil will work for us too, but it should also not spray out of the rollers when the chain rotates at high speed. Therefore, motorcycle oil is more expensive, and it has more packaging. Bicycle chain lubricants are divided into two main types.

Dry grease. They are often made with Teflon and are designed to be used in dry or not very humid conditions. It has a good dustproof effect due to the large amount of Teflon in the composition. Well protects the chain from short-term moisture ingress. If you get caught in the rain, this smear will protect the chain from corrosion, but as soon as you get home it is better to clean the transmission, wipe it dry, lubricate the chain and wipe it dry again. According to many mechanics, dry weather grease is versatile and can be recommended as an “everyday oil”.

Wet and wet lubricant (Wet). It is made on the basis of synthetic silicone oils, sometimes with the addition of paraffin. The lubricant protects the chain very well against direct and prolonged exposure to moisture. Due to the high content of silicone, it works great in wet and dirty conditions, but is categorically not suitable for use in dry weather due to the high fat content of the composition. We recommend using this type of lubricant on rainy autumn days, in early spring, when participating in marathons in bad weather, and especially in winter.

Deserve special attention greases containing ceramics... According to the manufacturers, they create a ceramic layer of increased strength on the rubbing parts, which is their service life.

Also interesting thickened greases... When grease is applied to the roller, it is very fluid, after which the solvent evaporates from it, and it becomes thick. Thus, it stays inside longer. When lubricating, it is important to wipe off the outside of the chain in time.

The main types of grease packaging are tip bottle and aerosol can. Despite the seeming primitiveness of the bottle, I still recommend it. It allows me to apply lubricant directly to each roller, so it takes up less space in my backpack. An aerosol can be taken for a workshop where you need to quickly lubricate more than one chain in a day. Due to spraying, a lot of lubricant is sprayed "by", the consumption increases. Also, if you are not used to the spray, it is easy to stain the rims, spokes, frame, brake rotors.

For home use, it is better to choose a regular bottle of oil with a volume of 50-100 ml "with a spout".

Let's summarize.

In summary, I advise you not to skimp on lubrication and choose a special oil for bicycle chains. It takes into account all the nuances of the operation of an open bicycle transmission. I recommend choosing a bottle with a spout. If you choose a spray, be sure to put a rag under the stream so that the grease does not get where it should not. You only need to lubricate the chain, and only inside the rollers, only when you begin to hear the "dry" rustle of the chain while driving. Wipe the chain dry after lubrication. Clean the chain, stars, rollers with a brush, avoiding the accumulation of dirt, sand, dust on them.

Have no boring trips!

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