Is cycling tourism a sport or a recreation? Cycling tourism from a to z Why cycling tourism is attractive.

The benefits of cycling tourism

Give any kind of rest, and we will tell you how much less profitable it is than cycling tourism... The answer lies on the surface - you don't need fuel or fuel to get around on your bike. in addition, in cycling tourism, movement through narrow passages is very common. Often there is a lot of beauty there too. Can you get to places like this in a vehicle? Of course not. A car is much larger than a bicycle. I would also like to note that cycling is much faster than walking.

Why is cycling tourism attractive?

Do not forget about the main advantage of bicycles - movement on it contributes to the improvement of the condition and strengthening of health. This means that by participating in bike excursions, you will not only enjoy picturesque places, but also spend active leisure time. Cycling tourism gives a lot of advantages to the participant. First of all, time. As a rule, such activities are not required so much when compared with other types of tourism. But if you wish, you can significantly increase the time of participation in cycling tourism.

By the way, there are two types of cycling tourism. Now we will tell you about them. We will do this in order to be able to find a suitable option and understand why cycling tourism is attractive.

Types of cycling tourism

Bike tours... This is a fairly popular and demanded type of cycling tourism. It is travel by bike, without unnecessary load. As a rule, all the necessary luggage is stored in the vehicle that accompanies the group. Participants of such cycling tourism eat in various cafeterias and other establishments; overnight stays in hotels

Cycling trips. This type of cycling tourism has colossal differences. The main difference is that the participants will have to carry all the essentials on themselves. Second, the route mostly consists of those places where there is no civilization at all. Therefore, you will hardly be able to enjoy the benefits of civilization. This should be taken into account when choosing the look you want.

It should also be noted such a sport that is included in the concept of cycling tourism - sports cycling tourism. There are six categories of travel difficulty in this sport. The easiest stage is 300 km. This is one of the features of cycling tourism. It lies in the fact that there are a lot of varieties.

By the way, cycling tourism is very popular in the west. Moreover, in some countries, the development of such a direction of cycling tourism as adventure tourism has begun. In Russia, cycling tourism is not so much in demand, and abroad travel agencies organize various tours to exotic and hard-to-reach places. Yes, on bicycles. This is the next feature of cycling tourism.

If you would like to choose this type of tourism, you can find similar offers on our guide exchange. In addition, if necessary, you can choose a guide who will take you through picturesque and interesting places. This way you can understand why cycling tourism is attractive.

Cycling tourism has some characteristics compared to other types of tourism. This is, first of all, a high intensity of traffic and, as a result, a cyclist has time to see much more than, for example, a pedestrian or a mountaineer. A cyclist travels using a more complex technique - a bicycle, and the cycling group and each of its athletes individually, is a road user and must obey the rules of the road.

Let's consider the main features of cycling tourism. The first of them is due to the strong influence on the development of cycling tourism, ski and mountain tourism, as well as sports traditions. This feature lies in the sporty style of hiking, which is expressed in time saving and clear organization of work on the route and in the camp. During the movement, any stops are prohibited without the permission of the commander, tents and belongings of the participants are collected while breakfast is being prepared; when breakfast is ready, almost all things should be collected. The mode of movement is the same as in other types of sports tourism: 50 walking minutes and 10 minutes of rest. After the third crossing, lunch. Lunch, as is customary in other types of tourism, is never hot, and is, as a rule, a sandwich with sausage or cheese, washed down with clean spring water. During each halt, dried fruits are distributed, and after every 50 km. and a chocolate bar is laid on the passes.

The second feature is that routes should be planned so that they do not include pedestrian areas. If a pedestrian section occurs, it must be justified (for example, it connects two interesting areas). We believe that cycling tourism should be done by bicycle. But, nevertheless, I want to see places that cannot be reached by bike. Therefore, a feature of the tactics of cycling tourism is radial pedestrian exits or radials on empty bicycles. This allows you to see the sights with a minimum of time.

The third feature is that cycling routes should be run as fast as possible. This allows you to look more, and, if everything goes according to plan, make several radial exits to interesting objects along the route. In addition, the high pace makes the route more interesting in terms of sports.

The fourth feature is respect for nature. In each trip, the position of an ecologist is established, who brings the parking lot to the proper form before leaving. And also collects all the garbage created by the group on the route in order to burn it at the stake in the evening.

Cycling tourism is one of the types of sports tourism, which consists of cycling routes containing general and specific obstacles for cycling tourism.

There are six categories of hiking difficulty in cycling tourism. The first category is the simplest, the sixth is the most difficult. The difficulty category of the hike is determined by the Cycling Hike Categorization Methodology.

The minimum length of a bike trip of the first category of difficulty is 300 km. Among the types of sports tourism, where only human muscle strength is used for movement, cycling tourism is the leader in terms of speed of movement and the length of routes.

But it is necessary to engage in cycling tourism, of course, wisely. Exercise should be of great importance here.

Despite the fact that you go on a hike only in the warm summer season, training should be carried out systematically, all year round. In winter, it can be skiing, ice skating, athletics. Even with short breaks in training, the process of developing endurance is disrupted, and each time you have to start all over again.

A gradual increase in the load, the complication of training sessions - this is the key to the correct development of fitness.

The rational daily routine of the athlete is also of great importance here: sufficient rest at night, the correct diet, rest and sports activities in the fresh air, systematic morning exercises, etc. hike.

Those who have not yet participated in a large bike race should not immediately go on a too far journey, but first take a few short walks.

For children 9-10 years old, it is not necessary to choose a path more than 5 km for a walk; 11-12-year-old students can take the first walk for no more than 10 km. Teenagers 13-14 years old can go for a farther distance for the first time - up to 25 km, 15-16 years old - up to 35 km; 17-18 year olds - up to 40 km. This value is about half the way for a one-day hike. On subsequent trips, you can gradually increase the distance so that it is first 60, 70, then 80 and 90% of the day's crossing. It is recommended to drive at a speed of no more than 15 km per hour on an asphalt road and no more than 10 km per hour on a country road, making stops for 10 minutes every 5 km of the way. And, of course, every cyclist needs to learn and firmly know the rules of road traffic and cycling.

When the group moves, a guide rides in front, which is selected from among the participants in the journey, and the trailing guide, who is usually the group leader, is at the back. The interval between cyclists should be 3-5 m, and on difficult terrain - up to 10 m or more. In order to properly distribute forces and not get tired, every 45-50 minutes of driving is supposed to take a break for 10 minutes. During the halt, you need to do a warm-up (several exercises), inspect the bike, load; rest lying or sitting.

Teenagers 13-14 years old, who have been involved in cycling tourism for several years, can extend the route up to 30 km per day. With such a length of the path, the mode of movement should be as follows: after the first 10 km of the path - a halt for 30 minutes, in the middle of the way - a large halt for 3-4 hours, during which cyclists rest, have lunch, swim, inspect places of interest, museums, cook cars to the next crossing, etc.

It is good after a tiring journey to freshen up with a swim in the river. After swimming, fatigue goes away faster, the cyclist feels more vigorous. But remember that right after the ride, you cannot enter the water while being hot. Sit on the beach for a while, relax, cool off.

A certain diet should also be a law for a tourist-cyclist. You can't have a hearty lunch just before going out. There should be an interval of at least 1.5 hours between eating and starting to move. After stopping the movement, it is recommended to eat after some rest (about an hour after stopping for a rest).

Compliance with all these rules will help the cyclist's body to function properly, and a participant in a hiking trip on a bicycle will develop strength, endurance, and improve overall physical development.

According to the form of carrying out, cycling routes are divided into organized (planned and amateur (club-section) and unorganized - amateur (“wild).

Planned cycling tourism provides for the organization and conduct of trips by tourist organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership (mainly for tourist vouchers). They are carried out along developed, studied, described and sometimes marked routes under the guidance of instructors who have sufficient experience and are well familiar with the terrain. The entire route, as a rule, passes through tourist centers or other tourist accommodation facilities, where the participants of the hike are provided with accommodation, food, cultural and medical services, and in some areas by road.

Most novice tourists make their first cycling trips along such routes that run through picturesque corners of nature, include ancient monuments, interesting architectural structures, literary-memorial or historical sites. Most of these routes are not difficult and do not require special tourist training.

Amateur tourist cycling routes organize and conduct tourism councils, sports associations and sports sections of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions, health and sports camps, etc.

Amateur tourists themselves choose the composition of the group, choose the area of ​​travel, develop a route, provide themselves with the necessary equipment, food, and organize overnight stays and excursions on the route. The routes of amateur cycling trips are approved by the itinerary qualification commissions, and their passage is controlled by the relevant institutions (control and rescue services and detachments).

The peculiarity of unorganized cycling routes is that tourists themselves choose the area of ​​travel, often without a clearly developed plan and program of the trip. Most of these groups gather from friends, families, acquaintances. Their main task is active recreation during summer vacations or vacations.

Another feature of modern cycling tourism is that today the world is witnessing a transition from mass tourism to individual, family, small groups.

The developed cycling routes have a different category of difficulty (from I to V), which differ in the length of the route, the relief of the area, and the form of conduct.

During the development of a tourist cycling route, the following requirements should be adhered to:

  • - tourist routes should not run in areas that are potentially dangerous for tourists, i.e. where rock shifts, landslides, avalanches are possible, through swamps, river rapids, etc. and endanger other participants on the route. For example, cycling routes should not run along pedestrian or horseback routes, sidewalks or motorways;
  • - new tourist routes should be laid where there are already laid roads, there are reservoirs;
  • - you should avoid laying routes on highways with heavy traffic. Tourist routes should pass territories with favorable ecological and sanitary-epidemiological conditions;
  • - it is necessary to provide for the possibility of tourists staying overnight in designated places and / or in tourist accommodation facilities;
  • - it is necessary to take into account the possibility of preventive, repair, construction work by the owners of roads or objects of accommodation and food facilities.

Every traveler of this type of tourism should be proficient in the technique of cycling, including with a load, and, not only on highways, but also off-road. Therefore, participants must have appropriate physical training, selection of tourist equipment in accordance with the period of the year.

The most important condition for ensuring the safety of a cycling trip is strict adherence to traffic rules. To minimize the likelihood of an accident, reduce your speed on descents, especially on poorly paved roads and when driving on a wet highway or unpaved road with puddles, as water can close deep potholes and holes. You cannot drive on roads at dusk and at night.

Cycling safety also largely depends on the technical condition of the bike and the ability to drive it, especially on a bad road and when overcoming obstacles, since natural obstacles in cycling tourism include: mountain roads and passes, difficult forest trails, off-road sections, fords, ravines . Therefore, technical inspection of bicycles must be carried out daily and any defects noticed immediately should be eliminated.

Cycling, as well as auto racing, skiing, boating and other active sports, has its own hazards that require the use of appropriate safety equipment. The most common hazards in cycling are head injuries from falls.

An important safety feature is a bicycle helmet that protects the cyclist from serious injury. softening blow.

Padded shorts and gloves increase not only comfort, but also the safety of cycling. Cycling shorts are often fitted with natural or faux suede lining, gel liners, or other materials that reduce the effects of road vibration on the sitting bones of the pelvis. Padded fingerless gloves protect the cyclist's hands from damage from road vibration and in the event of a fall.

Conclusions to the first section

Cycling tourism is an environmentally friendly form of recreation . Not picky about age the criteria of a person, since the loads in him are easily dosed. With this type of transport, you can drive on almost any road, along a path and just on level ground, with it you can climb over a deep ravine, overcome sands, rocky mountain paths and talus, wade rivers . The whole the load is attached to the bike and led the tourist you don't have to carry on yourself all equipment. Cycling tourism can be considered one of not only active types of recreation, but also one of the most interesting and sporty types of tourist recreation. The bicycle makes it possible to travel long distances faster, with less effort than walking. This is the most widespread and most widespread mode of transport. And it does not require any additional source of energy. This is the most environmentally friendly and quiet mode of transport.

Researchers have proven that the use of a bicycle provides an excellent opportunity to combine movement with loads on all muscle groups. This type of tourism will help many people to keep fit and in good shape.

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School Safety - Assess your top dangers. Walk around the facility regularly. Remember - your main task is to survive! Avoid close proximity to terrorists. Preventive action. Actions when threats are received by phone. Actions when taking hostages. Pay attention to carried bags, packages, etc.

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"Safety Technique" - Safety Technique. Safety instructions for walking, hiking, excursions TB-059-OSh. Instructions for carrying out educational activities. Instructions for the summer internship. Instruction logs. Ensuring the safety of the CDO activities. Safety precautions in the educational process.

Safe Conduct Rules - Remember. Rules for the use of gas appliances. Switch off the device. Use of the water supply system. Use of hazardous substances. Why are electrical appliances dangerous? Devices containing mercury. The federal law. Safe behavior. General rules. Remember and know. Rules for working at the computer. Unified state system.

There are 17 presentations in total

One of the most inexpensive and exciting types of tourism is. To take advantage of this type of travel, you need not only a bicycle, but also good physical fitness.

The history of the creation of the bicycle

According to some sources, the first mentions of human movement on structures with wheels date back to the 15th century. But the development of the bicycle as a form of transport began only in the 19th century.

So someone Ludwig Dries designed a steerable front wheel for his scooter. Its length was 2.4 meters, and the wheels were 30 inches. On such a scooter, he covered 100 kilometers in almost 7 hours. Somewhat later, Pierre Michaud, in 1860, installed two pedals on the front wheels of a scooter, and two years later such scooters began to be mass-produced, and they got their name - a bicycle. As soon as a bicycle appeared, it immediately begins to undergo various reconstructions and changes. A frame made of tubes appears, rubber is put on the wheels.

Beginning in 1870, a certain Hillman began producing and selling the first all-metal bicycles with high wheels. Such a wheel was twice the size of a modern bicycle. The first low chain-driven bicycle appeared in 1885 and was called the "rover", and its weight was 20 kilograms. In 1888, after the invention of tires that were filled with air, the true heyday of the two-wheeled bicycle began.

In 1950, the famous Italian cyclist Tullio Campagnolo invented the derailleur, which is used in this form on most modern bicycles today.

Improvement and reconstruction of the bicycle continues in the twentieth century. So in 1974 they began to produce bicycles from titanium, and from 1975 - from carbon fiber. 1983 was marked by the invention of the cycling computer, and in the early 1990s, the spread of the index gearshift system began.

Types of bicycles

Modern bike manufacturers are producing the following range of bicycles.

Road bike. This bike is designed to move at high speeds on high quality asphalt. These bicycles set records in multi-day cycling races such as the Tour de France, Giro di Italia, Wales, as well as the Olympic Games. When developing the design of such a bicycle, manufacturers optimize first of all the speed characteristics. The cost of such bicycles is quite high, since they are intended for high-class professionals, and amounts to about 10-20 thousand US dollars. The cost of bicycles for beginner cyclists is somewhere around $ 300, and for improved designs up to $ 1000 and more.

MTV (mountain bike). These bicycles are somewhat different. So they have a slightly smaller wheel diameter, in contrast to the road. The frame of such a bicycle is made with a slightly increased strength. Since mountain bikes have to be operated in rather difficult road conditions, innovations such as hydraulic brakes and suspension forks were created specifically for mountain bikes.

What all road and mountain bikes have in common is that these bikes have been designed to achieve maximum speeds in a variety of race conditions. When operating these bicycles, cyclists often sacrifice ease of use and ride comfort in order to achieve maximum speeds.

City bike (citybike). The name itself speaks of the range of its application, it is intended for driving on city streets. By its design, it is similar to the "road" one. The design of such a bicycle uses multi-speed planetary hubs, which require almost no constant maintenance, and which provide the ability to shift gears in any condition, even without pedaling.

Touring bike. This type of bike is intended for hiking trails. This can be country trips for one or two days, as well as multi-day autonomous transcontinental travel. In appearance and construction, it is similar to a road bike, however, they have increased stability and make it possible to move comfortably with a significant load.

Tourists on bicycles

Of all the existing types of travel, cycling tourism is the most profitable. Unlike motor transport, a bicycle does not require fuel, it can travel where no other mode of transport will pass, it can be carried on the hands in difficult-to-reach terrain, and in case of emergency it can be taken with you on the train. Traveling by bicycle is much more pleasant than using public transport, and the speed of movement is much higher than that of a pedestrian, and there are no problems with a backpack at all.

Probably, there is no such person who would not know how to ride a bicycle, because almost everyone learns this ride in childhood. The industry nowadays produces a wide range of road and touring bikes that are easy to ride, pick up speed quickly and brake easily, and are lightweight. In addition, for this type of travel, special clothing is available for sale, which makes it possible to feel quite comfortable in any weather conditions.

Cycling is good for your health. Cycling helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, in addition, the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body is strengthened and normalized. Bicycle rides can be short or long. As you can see, cycling has become one of the most popular types of summer recreation and entertainment.

There are two types of cycling travel - cycling and cycling tours. Participants of the cycling tours travel without their luggage, as they are usually transported in an accompanying car. They eat in cafes and restaurants, stay overnight in hotels or campgrounds. Taking part in a bike trip, it is not always possible to take advantage of the benefits of civilization. This is due to the fact that the route can pass through places where there are none at all.

As a sport, there is also sports cycling tourism, in which there are six categories of hiking difficulty. So the length of a bicycle trip of the first category of difficulty should be at least 300 km.

Cycling tourism in the west is very popular, and in some countries such a direction of tourism business as adventure tourism has even begun to develop. Travel companies began to organize trips to the most remote and exotic corners - tropical forests, mountains and deserts. According to some data, annually about a million people travel around Europe on bicycles. In countries such as Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, a large number of people travel on bicycles, and the number of bicycles exceeds the number of cars. For the convenience of cyclists, there are special paths and bicycle parking areas on the roads.

If you look at the development of cycling tourism in Russia and Ukraine, then very little attention will be paid to it. Anyone who is fond of cycling should take care of everything himself. First of all, you need to plan a travel route. Try to get it past highways and busy highways. It is necessary that such a route pass along country roads, unpaved or asphalted, but in good condition. This route will be the safest and the air is much cleaner. When drawing up a route, it is necessary to calculate its duration and rest time, taking into account the physical capabilities of the participants in the hike. Particular attention should be paid to equipment that will protect the head, arms and legs. Clothing should be bright so that drivers on the road can easily spot you.

We also invite you to watch a video about cycling tourism in the USA.

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