National and non-Olympic sports. Non-Olympic sports - why are they called that? Tourist sports

They would become even more popular if they included several new disciplines.

Today, there are several very popular winter sports that, for various reasons, are not Olympic.

And, nevertheless, these sports can compete with many Olympic disciplines in terms of entertainment.

1. Skijoring (dog racing)

This sport is quite young. In the USSR, there was a discipline called skier towing, which was later renamed in Russia as skidoring.

The skier is pulled forward by a horse, dog or deer (less often), which is controlled by the rider or the skier himself - it all depends on the type of skijoring.

It is also worth noting that riding when a snowmobile or SUV acts as a tug can also be called skijoring. In Russia, this winter sport is associated with dogs, and in the USA with horses.

2. Competitions for speed (alpine skiing)

In this sport, skiers compete for speed, descending from a specially prepared slope. It should be noted that this is the fastest non-motor sport, not counting skydiving.

Usually, in a speed competition, competitors can reach a mark exceeding 200 km / h. The speed of the skier is determined on a 1 km segment. The winner is the one with the highest speed.

3. Sports ballet on ice

In the USA and Australia, ice ballet is known as "TOI" (Theater on Ice). This winter sport is a mixture of singles and pair skating and ice dancing sports.

Synchronized figure skating in ice ballet aims to tell a complete story. The emphasis is on aesthetics over technique. For the first time ballet on skis appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in Austria. Despite the fact that the discipline itself is quite new, it is gaining popularity very quickly.

4. Winter sports: military patrol competition (patrol race)

The patrol race is the forerunner of modern biathlon. This sport was known in the first half of the 20th century.

The military patrol competition includes several stages: men's and women's cross-country skiing at a distance of 25 km and 15 km, respectively, a mountain route (ski mountaineering) and rifle shooting at pre-prepared targets.

Before being replaced by biathlon, the patrol race was a winter Olympic sport at the very first games in 1924.

5. Ball hockey (bandy)

There are two teams of 10 field players who use skates to move. Despite. That in Russia this sport is officially called "bandy", in international practice its name is "bandy".

The International Olympic Committee recognizes bandy as a winter sport, but has not yet introduced it into the official program of the Winter Olympics. According to the President of the Russian Bandy Federation and the International Bandy Federation, this sport will take place at the 2018 Winter Olympics.

6. Snowkiting

Being a kind of kitesurfing, the main element of this winter sport is a kite (kite), which pulls the athlete along. The participant can ski and snowboard.

In Russia, snoykiting is developing very quickly, in contrast to kitesurfing. For example, in Togliatti you can watch the international snowsurfing competition "Zhigulevskoe more".

Snowkiting (video)

7. Non-Olympic sports: sled sailing

Sailing sleds also have another name - gliders. The main structure is the sail, which is attached to the hull, which already has three short steel skates. The rear ridge plays the role of the sled's rudder.

Gullies are capable of high speeds, but it all depends on the ice and wind strength. There are places where sledding is a very popular sport, for example Poland, where there are about 2,000 lakes and a huge number of rivers in the northeastern part.

8. Non-Olympic sports: ice climbing (ice climb)

Simply put, it is climbing the icy steep slopes. Here you need to have a high level of concentration. Ice is quite fragile, which means that one careless movement can lead to a crack.

Ice climbers climb the same peaks as rock climbers in the warm season. However, ice climbers have another obstacle that climbers do not have - a frozen waterfall.

It should be noted that Russian fans of this sport can be found in the Caucasus. There are also many ice rinks to be found in Crimea. In addition to natural ones, there are also artificial ice structures for training.

9. Winter equestrian polo

Despite the fact that winter equestrian polo is not an Olympic sport, major competitions are held in it. Competitions in this sport have been held in Moscow since 2004.

The most famous winter equestrian polo tournament is called the Cartier Polo World Cup, and it takes place every year in Switzerland, namely on the ice of Lake St. Moritz. The rules for this sport are the same as for regular equestrian polo. The only difference is the ball, which is painted in a brighter color and has a larger diameter.

Since the climatic conditions in Russia allow this sport to develop, the International Federation of Modern Pentathlon is seriously interested in the prospect of this development. It is worth noting that the head of this federation is Prince Albert of Monaco, who is very fond of this sport.

10. Figure skiing

This sport was part of freestyle (skiing) from the early 60s until 2000. Within 90 seconds, participants had to perform various acrobatic elements while skiing down a small slope to music.

In the 80s, there was a pair competition in which, in addition to jumps and turns, participants had to perform lifts and demonstrate synchronicity. The performance was assessed by the judges.

Kaluga State Pedagogical University

On the subject "Physical culture" on the topic:



Group: ORM - 21.

Student: Ioenko Denis.

Sport is one of the key moments in human life. For many centuries people competed with each other, tried to be the first, the best, the only ones. It was thanks to this desire that various competitions arose, where each person could express himself without harm to others, show what he was capable of.

A huge number of competitions and sports achievements originated in the mists of time, but there are also young sports that are not even decades old. Not all of them are safe for health, but there are people willing to take risks in order to please themselves and others.

In my essay, I would like to touch on the topic of extreme sports, as well as try to qualify those traditional sports that have not entered the status of Olympic sports, but are an integral part of the life of modern society .. For many years there have been interesting and exciting sports competitions. They, too, undoubtedly deserve attention. And it is about some of them that will be discussed in my essay.

Dozens and possibly hundreds of sports are popular and in demand among a huge number of people. Of course, we will not be able to even briefly dwell on all of them, but we will get to know some of them better.

Oddly enough, but in the world there are many people who cannot live without adrenaline in their blood. And all these people also make history, although some consider them to be crazy people who are tired of living ...

No matter how hard you try, no one will be able to combine individual extreme sports into any groups and subgroups, each sport is its own world, into which outsiders are prohibited from entering.

In my abstract, I would like to talk in more detail about only one of the categories of extreme sports, which can be united by only one aspect - the presence of a board.

Surprisingly, by the end of the twentieth century, simply stuffed to overflowing with all sorts of technical bells and whistles, avant-garde sports just reached for simplicity. The usual, if not to say primitive, board began to determine the form and content of all newfangled entertainment. They attached a sail to the board and began to glide along the waves - windsurfing appeared. With a parachute canopy behind them, they came up with the idea of ​​jumping out of a helicopter on the board and imitating sliding and dizzying stunts in free fall - sky surfing was born. Wheels were attached to the board, and a street sports culture was formed - skateboarding. But the board idea did not stand still, and more recently wakeboarding appeared - riding a board behind a towing boat. And, naturally, boarding mania could not ignore winter sports, snow and mountain slopes. A snowboard - a snowboard - can be considered a great sports and entertainment invention of our time, which was supported with a bang by the younger generation with enthusiasm, commensurate only with the previous choice of Pepsi.


Skysurfing - jumping with skis to perform various figures in free fall - is a relatively young type of parachuting. Having appeared recently, it has received a very rapid development in Russia. The aerodynamics of a skier is very different from a simple free fall, which is why ski jumping is considered almost a different sport. Since all the work is in free fall, an air operator is needed to evaluate the jump, who films the entire jump and based on this video, an assessment is made. Thus, the team consists of two people - a skier and an operator. Only 50 seconds of the jump counts. The skill and artistry of performing the figures and the work of the operator are assessed. In order for the ski not to interfere in emergency situations, there is a ski release mechanism. If the ski is heavier than 20 g / cm, it must be equipped with its own parachute. Ski jumping is a difficult sport and only very experienced athletes are allowed to it, although at the moment, according to one of the sky surfers, only the lazy one does not want to ski. Although this statement does not fully correspond to the truth, the dynamics of the development of this sport is simply amazing. In 1995, at the World Championships, our athletes took quite high places, despite the almost complete absence of competitive experience in this form. Russian athletes have shown excellent results in international competitions. And in 1998, Russian skysurfer Valery Rozov took first place at the X-Games.


Skateboarding is the fastest growing in popularity, ahead of snowboarding, aggressive rollerblades and BMX bikes. It is a participant in all MTV Sports and Music festivals, is part of ESPN's X-Games in three disciplines, and is considered a potential Olympic sport.

Skateboarding originated in the late 60s in the sunny state of California. This state is considered to this day the center of the skateboard movement. California surfers invented the skateboard as the land-based counterpart of the surf. Avoiding obstacles, downhill skiing - this is the area that the first skaters mastered and improved. At that time, in order to be considered cool, it was enough to dashingly slide down the hill without just falling. If you knew how to ride on your hands, then all the local girls wanted to sleep with you.

In the 70s, skaters grew long hair and skateboarding became technically challenging. At the same time, Ollie Gelfand came up with the ollie trick. The ordinary jump on the board without the help of hands became the basis for the further development of all skateboarding. Later, another iconic person, Rodney Mullen, based on ollie creates a whole bunch of tricks that have made up the entire modern street style.

The crisis in the real estate industry played into the hands of skaters. Many swimming pools built for the wealthy ended up without owners. They were perfect for skateboarding, as Americans build their pools with rounded sides. Skaters simply occupied all the empty pools. This is how another direction was born - pool skating. In the 90s, skateboarding finally became a popular extreme sport. The government builds special parks, produces colorful magazines on three hundred pages, the best skateboarders are shown on TV. Osiris' skate video The Storm is released in DVD format with a separate soundtrack. Finally, passers-by cease to shy away at the sight of a fellow cruising on a skateboard.

But not with us. Unlike the States, skateboarding in the USSR appeared only in the early 80s. Until the 90s, it existed in the form of slalom. A huge influence on the development of the movement in the country of the Soviets was carried out by the demonstration in cinemas of American films about skaters: Reaching the Impossible and Collision. After that, the boom began. Several military factories have retrained to produce skateboards. There were some kind of competitions, such as the Union Cup. But branded boards, on which you can jump, were made only abroad, closed to citizens of the USSR. Information also leaked badly from abroad. Therefore, the popularity of skateboarding gradually faded away by the mid-90s. The second coming began in 96-97, when young people had a real opportunity to travel abroad. And the surge in popularity began in the last two years, when several skate shops opened. The first professionals and competitions immediately appeared. But domestic skateboarding is still ahead. And you have a chance to become a real star in one of its varieties.

Modern skateboarding is divided into several types: vert (skating in the ramp), street (skating in the streets), skating in the mini ramp and pool skating (skating in the pool). Each species has its own technique, its own tricks. The most technically difficult type is vert, not every beginner skater will take the risk, simply, move off the four-five-meter steep edge of the ramp. The ramp is half a pipe, an expensive structure, not everywhere, so vert is an elite type of skateboarding. The names of the top skaters occupying the top lines in this form are known all over the world. These are Americans Tony Hawk, Andy Macdonald, Swiss Mathias Ringstrom. Matthias, for example, starred in a Sprite commercial.

Street style is the most accessible and popular, based on overcoming all kinds of street obstacles with the help of various tricks: benches, curbs, railings, steps, flower beds, litter bins, etc.

For forty years of its existence, skateboarding can be proud of its achievements, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Some of them:

In the summer of 1999, Tony Hawk performed 2.5 (900 degrees) rotations on the ramp. 900 degrees is the hardest trick in skateboarding history. Hawk, now in his late twenties, has been trying this trick for 13 years. Another iconic skater, Danny Way, has twice jumped from a helicopter, first setting a world record for the height of a jump of 5 meters 5 millimeters, and then trying to beat him.

Many skeptics who are critical of skateboarding do not even realize how deeply the roots of skateboarding have penetrated into youth culture. Gwen Stefanni of No Doubt, Jon Bon Jovi, leader of Metalica, skated. Limp Biscuit, Ben Harper and Innocence Criminals, Beastie Boys, Mel C, 311 invited skateboarders to appear in their music videos.

The scandalous film Kids, the debut of the famous photographer Larry Clark was filmed not just about the life of teenagers, but about the life of New York teenagers - skaters. Sponsored by major skate companies, in particular the shoe company Airwalk. One of the roles was played by a professional skater from the Zoo York team, Harold Hunter.

Spike Jones, the iconic director, is still making videos for the Girl / Chocolate skate company. He made the video for the Sabotage trio Beastie Boys, and one of his last works is the video for Praise you (Fat Boy Slim). Spike himself played the role of an insane breaker from a community of public dancers. Last year he worked for Universal Pictures on the feature film Being John Malkovich with fashion actress Cameron Diaz.

There is a youth skateboarding game show on cable TV in Japan. In a huge studio, the designers arranged a maze of ramps, half-ramps, quarter ramps, benches, railings, etc. The player's task is to complete the entire course without falling off the board, without touching the ground with his hands and feet. To amuse the audience, the producers installed a pool with water in a difficult place. The prize fund is several thousand dollars.

Video game developers have already realized that skateboarding is the sport of the future. During 1999, several games were released one by one on the Sony Playstation: Street Skater, Tony Hawk's pro skater, Trasher. Some of them are just as interesting to play as to ride. The developers of Tony Hawk's pro skater relied on the digitization of the strongest professionals. For the tracks, real popular skiing spots were chosen, filmed in dozens of skate videos, such as Burnside Skatepark and Hubba Highout in San Francisco.

The very popular youth shoe companies (which started out as manufacturers of skateboarding shoes) DCSHOECOUSA, Vans are already breathing sports monsters Nike and Adidas into their backs. They, in turn, are trying to break into a lucrative new market with a series of skate shoes. Adidas recruits both old, iconic skaters and up-and-coming young people to their team to advertise their products. Nowadays, everyone is wearing skateboard products. Tommy Hilfiger, Levi's have launched a line of skate clothing. Skateboarding is especially closely associated with hip-hop culture. Wu-tang Clan have developed skateboards with their own symbols. Coca-Cola, Casio G-Shock, Swatch have signed major sponsorship contracts with some of the pro.

A skateboard consists of several parts: a board (deck), suspensions, wheels, bearings, screws and skin.

1. Any deck consists of 6 or 7 compressed wood layers. When buying, check for visible delamination between the layers.

2. Ask the seller: how long have the decks been delivered? Usually the skateboard of the company is released during the year 2-4 series of decks. If the board has been lying in the store for more than six months, it may break on the very first day, as it gradually shrinks, loses its shape.

3. The width of the hangers must match the width of the board. It can be slightly narrower, undesirably wider.

4. For the ramp, it is better to choose larger wheels, wider boards.

5. I recommend tightening all screws. The likelihood that the board will break is reduced. For a beginner, it is better to buy a skateboard assembly. It will cost you less than buying the deck (board), suspensions, wheels, bearings, screws and skin separately.

So, you really want to learn how to ride a board with wheels like those foreign guys on TV. Behind all the cool tricks on "theirs" videos (and ours too) are years of hard skating - eight hours a day, or even more. Skateboarding is one of the most challenging extreme sports. So decide, first, if you can afford to spend so much time skating ... The next aspect is financial. New decks and slippers are quite expensive. And it will take a long time to ride. On average, a beginner can learn to do about 10 tricks in one season. Plus falls ... About falls - separately. They are an indispensable element of skiing, get ready for the fact that you will have to fall quite often. Therefore, if you have already been involved in extreme sports, it will be a little easier.

The basis for almost every skateboard trick is Ollie is, directly, a jump in the air while the skate is attached to your legs. So, if you are riding a skateboard down the street, and suddenly an old grandmother falls in front of you and blocks your path, then you will have to make an ollie in order to jump over it and continue on your way.

Place your front foot in the middle of the board and your back foot on the tip of the board. This is your pre-placement of your legs, it will help you jump higher.

You need to touch the tip (tail) of the board on the ground (hereinafter it will be called - click). You need to click while you are jumping. Once the tail of the board touches the ground, you should slide your front foot from the middle of your board to the nose (or to the beginning of the board). The secret of this trick is that there must be a "jump" with a "click", and at the same time with the sliding of the leg - this is achieved with practice, so be patient and you will succeed. Tip: You start jumping off the rear wheels before the tail of the board actually touches the ground.

Bounce. By jumping in the air, you "slide your feet" to align your board. "Foot slip" is the process of scraping your foot (or more likely your shoe) up and down the skin towards the nose of the board. You only do this after the tail of the board touches the ground and bounces back. In fact, you have to click and slide with your foot at the same time.

Landing. Tip: a good thing to remember is to do any trick I call it a "box". Imagine yourself in an invisible "box" the size of your skateboard. Always keep your body centered above your board and in this box. I find it will help you land successfully when tricking, because the most common mistake is leaning too much forward and backward.

At the end of a conversation about skateboard, I want to say: do not try to do those tricks that you do early, for example, jump over a tire from an ollie of 20 cm or for the first time getting into the ramp, move off the top. This, of course, is cool that you are not afraid, but maybe because of this you will have to lose the opportunity to skate for a month.


History is silent when and who invented BMX, but nevertheless it exists and continues to develop all over the world, and in our country. Like most modern sports, BMX was created in America. At first it was just a little bike, not meant for any stunts! They just drove it! Soon, the naughty guys, who were tired of just driving, began to jump and rush through the streets. And manufacturers began to develop and offer new designs of such bicycles. The American Freestyle Association (AFA) was soon formed. It brought together hundreds of riders, flatlands and Vert fans. All riders tried to follow the AFA tradition and wore full protection regardless of discipline. By that time there were no “Protec” helmets, so you had to do tricks in huge Ecko helmets. AFA consisted of Beginners, Experts, Experts and Professionals, divided into 4 groups: 13 and under, 14-15, 16-18, 19 and over, and one competition had 120 competitors in the 16-18 category among flatland experts. The best riders competed in both flat and vert.Vert is riding in a pump (most often in Half-pipe) and includes tricks in the air (during departures, the so-called Air-tricks), all kinds of turns, sliding along I paint ramps (coping) and others.

Taking care of the bike was part of the ride day. Before riding, it was necessary to wipe the brake loops, twist the pegs (then they were wrapped around the axle, which quite often led to a breakdown of the axle). There were no chrome rims in the 80s (and chrome is the best surface for braking. Soon the first real freestyle bike, the Haro Sport, was born. It had drop pegs, mags brakes and GYRO (a system that allows you to rotate the handlebars 360 degrees without tangling The first bikes were introduced in 1988, which switched to "990s brakes." New companies appear. The most sophisticated Haro sold with 48-spoke rims. At the time, the frame still left a lot to be desired. A year of service, a maximum of two - everything that you could expect from your frame.

Hammer introduced shin protectors. They used neoprene and foam rubber for softening. This was a real lifesaver for a lot of riders because they just "killed" their shins with the pedals and pegs.

In the history of BMX there are 3 years, in which it not only did not develop, but simply disappeared! This time is from 1989 to 1991. The competition stopped, bikers were tired of spending huge amounts of money on buying spare parts and fixing bicycles. The magazines were either closed or did not correspond to the topic. 1991 was the death of freestyle. But there was a guy ready to make the bikes a little better. His name was Bill. The renaissance of freestyle has begun. Standard Industries introduced the first long hardened freestyle axle, allowing pegs to be fitted with a new deep socket bolt on technology (they were bolted on like on modern bikes). Matt Hoffman hosted the BS - Bicycle Stunt Series. This was the first competition that proved that the fewer rules and the more “reckless” the participants, the better. Without exception, flat, vert and straight were all there. Whether you were a pro or just a beginner, it made no difference! The BS series was the start for the X-Games and B3 (X-Trials). The magazine "Ride" appeared and presented freestyle in a way that no one else had done before. They allowed (oh no!) Obscene words on their pages and advertised small companies. Hoffman Bikes took off and riding began to reach its highest point. It looks like it was the best year for the competition. The riders finally realized they could make a difference to the industry and started doing it. GT and Haro, unable to compete with other brands that released all the new bikes, began to redesign theirs. The GT was so popular that it captured most of the market. Dennis McCoy won BS and became the best at the end of the year. But a new rider entered the arena, who began to step on the heels of Dennis "y. It was Canadian Jay Miron. In 1995 ESPN begins to be active. Hoffan decided to quit the competition, and take up his bike company. BS comes under the control of ESPN. First of all. , they removed beginners from the competition. They said that they would also not mind getting rid of the flatland. And McGoo "made" this mess. He was a real "stupor." He urged children not to ride, and explained what a waste of time a beginner is to participate in. All you had to do was to hold a competition for 500 guys for three days! And people would tell about it much better than ESPN or any magazine. Everyone knew that there are guys who will travel 1000 kilometers to take the last place among beginners and will come home with more desire to ride than ever! In 1996, ESPN continued to talk about dropping flatland from the X-Games (formerly BS). The times when magazines had 10-15 flatland photos are receding. Vert become the mainstream. Then they began to do 900, Flair (back somersault by 180 degrees), and all that remained was to do the same on a larger departure. The street becomes the most interesting in the competition, as the venues change from place to place. The different location of the trampolines forces the riders to ride differently in each new location. Straight is mainly driving over city obstacles or simulated obstacles in a skate park. Usually these are jumps on trampolines with the execution of Air-jumps, sliding on rails, etc.

To completely limit the number of riders, ESPN began to allow 30 people to participate in each class among professionals and "middle peasants". All riders must register in advance. Riders were forced to ride the same tracks as skaters and skateboarders. As bad as it sounds, this is not the end of the world. Local competitions are gaining popularity again.

In Russia, BMX really started to develop only last year. Now bmx "erov can be found on the streets of large cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg and smaller cities: Sosnovy Bor and Pskov. The first people begin to make 360 ​​and real flights. Flatland was developed by Moscow circus performers who do incredible tricks. There are several parks with springboards. for DirtJumping "a. But we are still 6-8 years behind America. As sad as it may sound, but we will never catch up with them, unless a star appears, which will prove to the whole world that Russia can also do something ...

Roller sports.

No one is exactly sure when the first inline skates appeared. It looks like the first skates were just a rework of ice skates, although it is believed that as early as 500 years before, Japanese super-spy ninjas slid lightning across the stone floors of their enemies' castles, rolling them on cleverly secured bamboo skating rinks.

The first recognized inventor of roller skates was the Belgian Jozeph Merlin. He made the first casters with metal wheels in 1760. He showed his invention in London, rolling on the floor and playing an expensive violin. It is said that due to the fact that his skates could not turn or stop, he crashed into a mirror and was seriously injured.

The first "successful" roller skating show took place in 1849, when the Frenchman Louis Legrange used roller skates to portray ice skating in the play "Le Prophete". He made rollers by attaching small wheels to ice skates. In the middle of the nineteenth century, many other inventors took up the challenge and a large number of different types of skates emerged. All of them, however, suffered from the same disadvantages as Merlin's skates - they could not be effectively controlled and stopped. So the first wave of roller skates popularity came from James Plympton, who received a patent in New York for a four-wheeled skate with a pair of axles -<тележки>, or<табуретки>... A little later, rink hockey and figure skating on rollers appeared, which are still popular in England, Portugal, Germany, Italy and Australia.

The second wave began in the 1920s in France (re-read the first chapters of Nabokov's "Lolita") and by the end of World War II swept through all of Western Europe. But back in 1916, especially dashing feminists did not just roller-skate, but also rolled a barrel hoop in front of them using a special hook. For this, special dresses were sewn (at that time, defiantly short and tight-fitting). Since the 19th century, huge indoor skating rinks were built for roller skates, many of which were later abandoned. But in the 80s of our century came the era of "disco", only in the United States then there were 6 thousand hangars with loud music, a light bar and showers. Disco roll shoes, which many pioneers of extreme culture still ride on, have a two-axle platform and a semi-rigid or soft boot with a brake in front - they are really good for dancing, but also stable on departures from trampolines. They slide on the railing and twist somersaults, but you can't slide down the stairs - this is already another generation of "hooves".

However, already with<тележек>in commercials, along with the sports and dance direction, street extreme appeared - Street Style (Street Style). Soon it was outlawed, and even special road signs appeared. Tricks on a skateboard, rollerblades, and then on a bicycle - not in a gym or in a circus, but simply on the street, and more often also on monuments, cathedral stairs and other central places, soon became a headache for the police, janitors and city authorities , the subject of discussion in the press and debate in parliaments. Favorite theme of skate comics: typical urban crime around (a man throws his mother-in-law from the balcony, blacks drag a TV set from a broken window, unscrew the wheels from the car), and in the center, a fat policeman, hung with handcuffs and clubs, grabs a little boy on rollers by the collar. Here is the main evil! However, the same authorities are forced to expand the zones of non-motorized transport, and in them create special police units on rollers (the largest in Paris). Street style has become the embodiment of the pacifist and environmental values ​​of a new generation, a new look at independence, freedom of movement and freedom in general. And the big money that Western industry extracts from any youth hobby soon crushed the paramilitary foundations of sports and education.

In 1995, the American corporation ESPN received a patent for X-games (Extreme games). This became the official recognition of street style and clearly separated it from the sport. Still, where did it come from? Oddly enough, the spirit of street style comes from such beachy (and therefore irresponsible and anarchic) ​​entertainment like surfing (riding a board on the crest of a tidal wave). Already in the late fifties, lazy Californian and Australian surfers began to slide down to the beach, standing or sitting on carts from auto repair shops. In our country, they still cannot replace oiled quilted jackets, but in the west, a mechanic rolls them under cars on a special trolley with bearings instead of wheels. In 1965, the first factory (manufactory) skateboards appeared.

It is believed that for the first time polyurethane wheels for rollers were developed and manufactured by the company<Криптоникс>... For a long time, skateboarding developed as a kind of circus<уродство>- unusual acrobatics with which surfers whiled away the storms. Only in the early 80s, in the so-called freestyle (dance acrobatics on a flat area), Rodney Mullen from Florida introduced the technique<олли>- a jump by tapping the bent edge of the board. On the other side of America, in California, at this time, farmers switched to drip irrigation, and a huge number of irrigation canals passed into the possession of skaters. Soon the first pro team appeared, performing on the ramp, a special structure with a flat bottom and rounded (unlike a canal) edges. The sale of boards jumped sharply, but the skate teams still looked more like a traveling circus and were rigidly fenced off from young people, primarily by the danger of the ramp (try to slide down from a height of 3 or even 5 meters) and its inaccessibility (3 thousand dollars minimum). By the mid-80s, the technique of departures, flips (somersaults), grabs (grips), grinds and slides (sliding) was already known, but the audience was no longer surprised, and the mass movement had nowhere to develop. Skate companies were closing ... But Powell-Peralta supported young skaters in time, for whom the board became part, or rather the center of the whole lifestyle. They just didn’t part with her at school, or in the supermarket, or at a party. They were hooligans - behaved defiantly, dressed differently, knew no bounds. They didn't need a ramp - they slid over the railing and jumped onto park benches. Soon the sales of street skateboards reached millions. The ban on hooligan skating in the city center soon led to the emergence of skate parks with special equipment that mimic urban<препятствия>: benches, railings, steps, ramps, parapets. Rollers and cyclists began to ride on them next to skaters, performing almost the same tricks and without changing their name.

For example, the legendary Temka Mac Twis 540 was invented and made back in those days on a skateboard. Its author is Mike McGill. Jumping technique developed very quickly thanks to skater Tony Alva. On the ramp was King Tony Hawk. In Germany, Titus Dittmann, first a gymnasium gymnasium teacher, then the leader of street extreme in Europe and a millionaire, along with the skateboard business, founded the Titus Roll Sport company and actively promoted<тележки>on the ramp and in the street. At the beginning of 1991, extreme sports began in Crimea, and then in Ukraine. In Moscow, in the early 90s, Natalya Bondarenko began to write about roller skating in the press and promote "Activity-Team", the team<Радиация>collected by Roman Dyrin (Acrobat). By that time in Russia there were already two relatively powerful rival skateboard centers: Leningrad (the first ramp was welded by Sergei Sinodalov himself) and Saratov, where the minirump is still the best in Russia. Kharkov. Riga skaters usually also took part in Russian competitions. In 1992, skaters from 20 countries competed at the Volga Open Cup in 1992, in addition to Central Television, these competitions were filmed by an American<Суперчэнел>... Rodney Mullen himself came to St. Petersburg and there were mutual exchanges with the California League (the strongest in the world) for travel to competitions.

In August 93, Roma Acrobat became the champion of Russia in aggressive roller skating for the first time, still performing at<табуретках>... In total, 6 people performed on the ramp then, to be honest, compared to skateboarders, they almost did not do any tricks. The new big frenzy of the 90s and the new wave of crazy-roller street culture are associated with "blades" ("blades"): four wheels in a row on runners (frames) mounted on a high hard boot. Their birth took place in Las Vegas, where in 1981 American hockey player Scott Olson and Italian Giuseppe Cavazin, a manufacturer of ice hockey skates and alpine ski boots, met at an industrial exhibition.

In the early 90s, the number of roller skaters in the world was estimated by the World Roll Sports Federation at 90 million people. Now only the young Italian firm "Rouches" boasts that it has owned 40 million. Probably the same scale at Rollerblade (USA - Italy), slightly more modest at Bauer (Switzerland-Canada) and Ultravills (USA). Now these firms are fighting for the Russian and Ukrainian markets. Firms that have made money on surfing, skateboarding, downhill skiing and other close entertainment offer their customers roller skates, for example, the prestigious American company "K2" or the Austrian<Оксижен>from the group, tennis makes good wheels.

Interestingly, a consumer revolution took place in Moscow in 96 years: on September 8, among the 1,500 skaters gathered in honor of Moscow Day on Poklonnaya Gora, there were no more than 30 in good skates. The rest stumbled on Chinese fakes made of cheap, bright plastic - such bots are called "rattles" or "rattles". On April 5, 1997, at the 1st international festival of extreme culture in Luzhniki, several hundred Muscovites have already flown on real "hooves", and "Rouches" in Russia is still pressing competitors, despite the fact that "Rollerblade" has settled down in the best place for trade - has its own department in GUM. In the article of the "Rovesnik" magazine (No. 4.1997), describing the roller boom of the summer of 1996 in Moscow, you can see 2 poles of post-Soviet consumption (typical for both electronics and clothing): making fortunes on cheap Chinese fakes, with one on the other hand, and, on the other, the passion of the new Russians for the most expensive firms. People who sensed the "wave" then sold five trucks of skates a week, buying in China for 10-15 dollars per pair and bringing retail to 80 dollars.

A completely different, Western wave has passed through a network of prestigious sports salons and car dealerships. On the alleys of Aleksandrovsky Garden and Gorky Park, one can appreciate the real riot of mobility at the end of the twentieth century: where the cell phone, on which, driving around on rollers, he gives commands, and the length of his companion's legs, brought to a real shock by the design of the rollers, are logically combined with their jeep.


Wakeboard is a dynamic sport of the 90s and is a combination of water skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing. The boat is towing a rider standing on a short, wide board. Moving at a speed of 30-40 km / h with additional ballast at the stern, the boat leaves behind a wave about 50 cm high, which the rider uses as a springboard. In a jump, you can perform almost all the tricks that are done on a snowboard or skateboard.

For decades, surfing has been the most popular sport of beach dwellers. Already in those days, some surfers rode their boards along the coastline behind a boat or even behind a truck. And so in 1985, a surfer from San Diego named Tony Phin invented the "scarf". Scarfer looked like a small surfboard, and riding on it vaguely resembled a snowboard or skate.

In the summer of 1985, leg straps appeared on the scarf. Their invention played a huge role in the development of the wakeboard. Now you can make big jumps using the wave as a springboard. This added more dynamism and freedom to the sport.

In the second half of the eighties, Tony Fin was actively involved in the promotion and popularization of his invention. The result was the first scarf competition in 1990. Unfortunately, the lack of technology and complex skating technique hindered the development of a new sport. A narrow, with an excessive buoyancy reserve, the scarfer reluctantly obeyed newcomers, making it difficult to start from the water.

It was around this time that Herb O "Brian, owner of HO Sports, a water ski company, began experimenting with boards. He introduced the first wakeboard, the Hyperlite. Formed by compression, the new board had a neutral buoyancy that made it easy to submerge in water before starting. any age.

O "Brian continued to improve the wakeboard. The board had a thin profile at the edges, which allowed it to make cut turns, like a slalom ski. The special shape of the bottom absorbed the impact energy upon landing, making it softer. Following the leader, other board companies began to produce wakes.

With the development of the sport, wakeboards have gotten better. The first Hyperlite models, created in the early 90s, were shaped like a surfboard with a pronounced bow. In 1993, Jimi Redmon, an acclaimed wakeboarding guru, developed a symmetrical "twin-tip" shape for the board. Not only the shape has become symmetrical, but also the location of the keels at the ends of the board, as well as the rider's stance.

Since 1992, wakeboard has started to develop as a professional sport. In 1993 the magazine "Wake boarding" was published. In 1992, the major sports promoter World Sports & Marketing organized the competition, which since 1998 has been held on a global scale. More than a thousand different amateur tournaments are held around the world, and the most prestigious competitions for professionals are held as part of the Wakeboard World Cup.

It is very important to choose a board that suits your skill level. Length and shape will largely determine your riding style. Just like snowboarding, there are three main types of boards: freeride, freestyle and allaround. The narrower the board, the better it cuts arcs, the faster and faster it accelerates. On the other hand, the wider the board, the more it gets kicked off the wave. The length of the board is determined based on the rider's weight. Wakeboards are available in lengths from 120cm to 147cm. Sometimes longitudinal channels run along the bottom of the board, they absorb the impact energy upon landing, making it softer.

You should also pay attention to the rocker deflection. Large deflection provides a soft landing and good handling. A board with a small deflection will accelerate better, allowing you to approach the wave at a breakneck speed and jump really far. What to choose? It all depends on your riding style.

There are currently two main types of wakeboard bindings. Sandals are universal size bindings that are adjustable to almost any foot size, can be easily removed and put on even without water. They often do not have a backdrop and do not hold their feet very well. If your whole family is fond of wakeboarding, one pair of these bindings can save a lot on equipment.

If you decide to practice seriously, you need anchorage of the "boot" type, the correct size of your feet. Here are some points to consider when choosing bindings: A. The bindings should fit well around the ankle, this will reduce the likelihood of injury to the leg:

Q: The base of the attachment should be made of a material that absorbs impact energy well, protecting the heel and toe from bruises;

S: There is nothing worse than sitting on the pier, trying to get into the mount when everyone has already left to ride. The heel loop is the equivalent of a regular shoe scoop. It greatly facilitates the access of the leg into the mount;

D: Make sure the mounting plates are made of good metal and do not bend

The fins determine the behavior of the wakeboard on the water. Large, deep fins are good for beginners. They give the board stability and ease of handling. More experienced riders prefer fins that are 5cm or less in height, which allow them to aggressively cut the wave. In most cases, the fins on the board can be changed to find the best fit.

Despite the fact that there is water all around, while riding a wakeboard there is always the possibility of getting serious damage. The vest significantly reduces the likelihood of injury. It should be lightweight and not rob you of your maneuverability when performing complex tricks.

The halyard and handle The halyard is the lifeline that connects the rider to the boat. For large jumps, it is important to hold the halyard handle until landing. If this fails, you will have a hard time. Striking the water at full speed will quickly wash the smile off your face.

It is important to correctly set the length of the halyard. It depends on the weight and skill of the rider. Usually the average length is 12-15 meters. If it seems to you that the halyard needs to be shortened or lengthened - not a problem, the main thing is that you feel confident.

The main requirement for the halyard is that it must not stretch. This is necessary to maintain balance while following the boat and landing. Please note that slalom ropes have little stretch. The wakeboarding handle is also different from the one used in water skiing. For ease of grip, it is made wider (38 cm).

If you are just getting started with wakeboarding, the choice of the halyard and handle is not your main problem. Start with what is at hand (clothesline will not work), and over time you will understand what you need.

If you are already water skiing, windsurfing, snowboarding or skateboarding, it will be easier for you to get started with wakeboarding. It is a combination of these sports and your previous skills will undoubtedly come in handy.

There are already more than 20 manufacturers of wakeboard equipment. So far, only the largest of them are represented in Russia: Hyperlite, LiquidForce, Blindside. In any case, before you buy something, it is better to take a board for rent or from a friend, and then decide which wakeboard you need and whether you need it at all :)

For surfers, skaters, snowboarders and water skiers (cross out unnecessary), this problem has already been resolved. If you have not yet decided which leg is more convenient for you to move forward, refer to the above (you probably have such friends). There are many ways to calculate your chocolate leg. It is worth adding only that in wakeboarding the "duck foot" stance is optimal - the legs are symmetrically turned in both directions at the same angles. And when someone pesters you with the question "What leg do you have in front?", You answer "Both, buddy!

Deepwater start This is the element from which wakeboarding begins. In the sense that if you want to ride, you have to learn how to do it. In terms of complexity, starting from the water is comparable to climbing on a drag lift, standing on a snowboard with two legs locked. In short, it's easy

So. Submerge yourself in the water, lying on your back, position the board so that it is perpendicular to the line of tension of the cable, and your friends in the boat can better see the cool design on the "slide". Pass the cable through the top of the board, hold the handle with both hands. Do not try to lower the board into the water, under yourself. When you're ready, pull your knees up to your chest, smile and shout "Help!" To the boat's minder. or something else that you usually shout in such situations

When the boat pulls on the line and starts pulling you, keep your arms straight and don't try to get up right away - let the 300 hp mechanical miracle. itself will pull you out of the water. Keep your weight evenly distributed across both feet and the board at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the plane of the water. When you finally feel like the boat has fully pulled you out of the water, shift your weight onto your lead leg, pull the handle toward your stomach and swing the wake around in the direction of travel. Everything. Then you fall into the water, everyone is having fun, and you start over.

You may need to try several times before anything works. The main thing is to coordinate your actions and not despair ahead of time.

Wakeboard revolutionized water sports, just as snowboarding did for alpine skiing. From a hobby of a group of enthusiasts over the past few years, it has evolved into a popular sport with its own philosophy and culture.

There are no hard landings in wakeboard that can discourage beginners from learning or prevent advanced riders from leveling up. All tricks are very similar to snowboarding, which makes it possible to progress all year round. All you need to do is just change the board!

Wakeboard is an extreme sport and not every person dares to try himself in it, but despite this, there is a large number of people, usually young people, who engage in this sport and develop it. Of course, such an extreme cannot be attributed to the Olympic sports, however, one cannot turn a blind eye to the existence of such sports innovations.


In conclusion, it should be said that there are many more x-sports in the world that are no less interesting (B.A.S.E. jumping, Trial, etc.). New ones are also being invented: snake (like a skateboard, but with fixed legs), kick board (jumping scooter). New views will open and open, maybe even someone will decide to "run on the rails in the subway", so do not forget about those pioneers who, without sparing themselves (in the literal meaning of this word), tried to give this world devices with the help of which people could get adrenaline and highs naturally.

National sports.

In the modern world, millions of people are involved in national sports. From time immemorial, these popular hobbies have come down to us. Even before the very word "sport" was born, a person knew the excitement of rivalry in a duel with the enemy, on a hunting trail ...

Over time, the old local and national isolation ... comes the all-round connection and all-round dependence of nations on each other. This applies equally to material and spiritual production. The fruits of individual nations become common property.

International international forms of physical culture do not hinder the development of national forms of physical culture, but, on the contrary, contribute to their development and improvement. And this process is a necessary condition for the formation of a new person, the all-round development of the personality, the improvement of the way of life with the use of all types of physical education. Physical culture and sports, being actively involved in this process, are thus one of the important factors in the internationalization of the entire spiritual life of peoples.

National sports generally do not require stadiums. In summer for them, the stadium is a lawn, and in winter it is a packed snowy clearing. About 30 national sports are known only in Russia and the CIS countries.

Sports hobbies of different peoples for their national sports, a good springboard to modern professional sports. So at the Russian Championship, an aviation mechanic from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Vladimir Durkin, threw a 350-gram hunting ax almost over two football fields - 186 meters! A native of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, veterinarian Ilya Smetanin made 169 jumps in a row simultaneously with two legs, through closely spaced sledges half a meter high and half a meter wide. I could not jump more than 50 times). A reindeer herder from Khanty-Mansiysk Vasily Chaly, in throwing a tynzyan (lasso) at a distance, sent a rawhide belt to 47 meters 18 centimeters and clearly looped a pole vertically placed at this distance.

In the Tuva Autonomous Republic, the Khuresh wrestling championship is regularly held. Before the start of the competition, the wrestlers on the field perform the "eagle" dance, and after the end of the fight, this ritual is performed by the winner. As a reward, he is awarded, in addition to the traditional tokens, a thoroughbred horse.

Throwing a hunting knife, pulling a stick, reindeer sled races, running, hapsagai wrestling and jumping over sledges have long been loved by the Yakuts. Competitions are usually held on national holidays - "Uruu" and "Msyakha".

In Hasakia, from a boy to an adult, everyone knows the kures fight. On the banks of the Amur, Nanai, Ulchi, Nivkh - hereditary fishermen and hunters - include in their traditional tournaments running with sticks, lifting weights, archery, rowing on boats, and national wrestling on sashes.

National sports traditions have been developing since ancient times. They improved as a person's economic activity, as his mind improved. National sports traditions depended on many factors: landscape, climate, nature, etc.

All types of national sports are aimed at developing physical and spiritual qualities in young people. In addition, many types of national sports are aimed at instilling in young people the will to achieve the goal, at unity with the nature of the steppes, the culture of other peoples.

The data indicate that the processes of mutual cultural influence and cultural communication have a great influence on the nature of the games themselves as one of the important means of spiritual development of people.

National sports are equal with other sports and in sports qualifications. According to them, sports categories are assigned, the best - the titles of masters of sports.

Intellectual sports.

Along with active sports games, there are also less active, intellectual games. These include: chess, checkers, renju, and so on. These board games are also widespread and are an integral part of the country's sports life. Competitions are also held in these sports, the winners of which receive premium awards at a high level.

Let's take a closer look at one of the types. The smallest field for sports battles is a chess court. A square, each side of which is up to half a meter in the usual version and no more than a palm in a miniature version. However, battles are sometimes played out on chessboards so great that even huge sports palaces and football stadiums could envy them.


The name "chess" comes from the Persian words "chess mat", which means "the ruler is dead." Before that, the game had a different name, and most likely, the first name of chess was "chaturanga". In Indian it means "four-class". This was the name of the military detachments made up of four types of troops - elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry. There is a version that the ancient game was based in its first name on the number "four" not only because it imitated the battles of the four-class Indian armies. It is believed that it symbolized the change of four seasons or the struggle of four elements: air, fire, earth and water. In any of these cases, the game of chess reflected the structure of the world.

Everyone knows that chess first appeared in India. But does everyone know how long and through what stages did chess go to its modern form? First, the so-called chaturanga (four-part army), where the game was not reduced to mating the king, but to the destruction of all the forces of each of the opponents, who made moves in turn, depending on the readings of the dice. So, if the number 2 fell out, then the rook played, 3 - the knight, 4 - the bishop, and so on. Chaturanga originated in North India no later than the 5th century. At the turn of the 6th - 7th centuries, chaturanga turned into shatranj (or shatrang) - a game for two opponents, outwardly similar to today's chess, but with different rules. There was no castling here, the pawn moved only one square and turned only into a queen. The queen itself was considered a weak piece and moved in the same way as in modern chess. Not only checkmate, but also stalemate was considered a win. In addition, the winner was the one who took all the opponent's pieces, even if the strongest side had only one piece or pawn left by that moment.

Today's chess meets the deep need of people for creative self-expression. Chess is an abstraction, a pure thought, you will not find anything tangible in life that would adequately express in it. This is a demonstration of our ability to create new things on the basis of the known. They test us not statically, not in cold comparison, but in a sharp confrontation of mind, will, insight, imagination, foresight. In an abstract form, they embody the idea of ​​justice: before chess, everyone is equal. The game meets the truly human needs of the mind, our spiritual being. In the struggle, breathtakingly beautiful pieces of chess art are created, bearing the imprint of drama, insights and delusions.

Thus, chess undoubtedly has a positive impact on the mental development of a person. The sharpness of the mind is improved in anticipating the further moves of the opponent, complete mastery of his pieces and their correct use in the course of the game. For the correct development of the entire human body, it is also necessary to engage in various physical exercises that ensure its correct development, good blood supply to the brain, which increases its activity. Immediately before a chess match, it is useful to conduct breathing, movement exercises, which are also useful to repeat after the match, since the game often lasts a very long time. By strengthening your body in this way, it is much easier to perform chess techniques, which require careful thought over the position.

In chess today there are very complex rules of the game. The main pieces are placed from a1 to h1, and the pawns from a2 to h2. In this case, pieces, except for pawns, have their own possibilities of movement. Pawns can only move one square, but during the first move, a pawn can move through one square and always only forward. They only cut diagonally. The rook, without restrictions, can move any distance horizontally and vertically. The knight moves with the letter L, making a move through the obstructing pieces. The bishop walks diagonally to any distance. The queen, in principle, has no restrictions, and can move both horizontally and vertically, and diagonally to any number of cells. The king can also move in any direction, but only one square. The whole game comes down to checkmating the king. In addition, there are many nuances associated with castling to the short or long side. Having reached the opposite side of the playing field, the pawn can become any other piece (except for the king, of course), including the queen, which represents a significant force in the "chess battle".

Often, people who are not related to chess hear on television, radio, mass media, or simply from people playing chess, various concepts used in the game of chess. These are mainly such as checkmate, stalemate, guard, endgame and so on. These concepts are used in chess when certain positions and situations arise during the game. As you know, the whole essence of the game of chess comes down to checkmating the king. Thus, from this we can conclude that the entire strategy of the game should be developed from defending one's own king and attacking the opponent's king.

If the king is threatened by any piece of the opponent, then in this case it is declared check. In this case, the checked king can either move to the side or close himself with some of his pieces. It is forbidden to castling during check. Castling in turn also refers to one of the concepts of a chess game. It is performed in the event that the king is not threatened and the path from the rook to the king to the right or to the left is clear. In this case, the obligatory rule should be that the king and rook have not yet made a single move. If the king is threatened by an opponent's piece, and there is nowhere to move, then in this case the mat and the winning side is awarded. In a similar case, if not a single piece has a move, but the check has not been made, then in this case it is fixed stalemate, that is, a draw. And even if one player has a significant advantage over the other.

There are also different situations for the queen. If the queen is under the threat of being cut down, then in this case the garde, but the queen in certain situations can be sacrificed if the king is under threat or the circumstances of the game require it. These concepts belong to the basic ones when playing chess, and even novice players need to know them.

Thus, tracing the history of the development of the game of chess and the place of chess in the present time, we can conclude that chess from the very beginning became widespread and famous among many fans of mental games. And, although chess was not similar to modern chess, yet it was not forgotten.

Despite the fact that chess has never been an Olympic sport, it occupies one of the leading places among the intellectual games around the world.

This game undoubtedly has a positive effect on the human body, but at the same time, one should not forget about the physical development of a person.

Chamber (exercise) sports.

Nowadays, most people are inactive. They walk from the car park or bus stop to their establishment, from the work desk to the buffet or cafeteria. Even young people do not really indulge themselves with physical activity. And the lack of movement has a bad effect on the state of health and on the capabilities of a person in all spheres of life. Medical research shows that exercise can help improve mental health, blood circulation, and protect the body against heart disease. Physical activity is what it needs for normal functioning, health promotion and well-being.

Not everyone can afford to train in large stadiums or professional gyms with sophisticated special equipment. Therefore, all the sports presented below are united by the following common features: small areas, the possibility of individual lessons. These kinds of sports can be performed both in the gym and in an ordinary apartment. They provide a viable route to losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. It is this aspect that attracts young people most of all. But it must be said that exercise can only contribute to weight loss, and diet is the main factor.

Chamber sports include the following: aerobics, bodybuilding, fitness, strength gymnastics, stepping, etc.

Let's consider in more detail bodybuilding and fitness... Anyone who wants to do these sports can do it by coming to the gym. This is another level of development of strength, speed, determination, dexterity, courage and dynamics.

All segments of the population are engaged in fitness and bodybuilding: to improve health, improve their appearance, raise self-confidence, increase self-esteem, as an active recreation. Orthopedics are beginning to use bodybuilding and fitness to rehabilitate patients with certain physical disabilities. Elderly people, doing these sports fight the aging process. Many athletes in other sports, after completing their performances, start thinking about careers in bodybuilding and fitness.

Bodybuilding and fitness is one aspect of life plus physical health. Bodybuilding is about building the body, and fitness helps to maintain these gains, so the two sports go hand in hand. Bodybuilding and fitness have great shape, aesthetic image, proportionality, definition and other parameters of the physique, debilitating and dehydrating diets, as well as stage performance and artistic demonstration. In bodybuilding and fitness, when training, the most important thing is the consistency of visiting the gym and the confidence that through training you can change your body, give it an ideal shape. The proof of this is the magnificent figures of athletes.

The path of bodybuilding and fitness can be traced back to ancient Greece with its antique sculptures. Throughout all times, especially in ancient times, there was an interest in physical strength and its effects on human health.

The birth of athleticism in Russia can certainly be considered August 10, 1885. Then the "Circle of Athletics Amateurs" was created, at the head of the circle was Doctor of Physical Education Kraevsky. Since then, they began to call him "the father of Russian athletics."

The general enthusiasm for athleticism dates back to the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Competitions and performances with athletic performances were held everywhere: in luxurious circuses, puritanical gardens of the Society for the Guardianship of Popular Sobriety, city theaters, parks, as well as in numerous booths that traveled across the expanses of Russia.

Athleticism has been popular across all walks of life. Athleticism gradually began to be called bodybuilding, and its ancestor can rightfully be called Eugene Sandov, who in 1911 in England was awarded the title of professor of physical development by King George V. And Winston Churchill came to see the performances of the Russian athlete Alexander Zass in England.

At the dawn of bodybuilding (athleticism), the demonstration of strength was very different; they tore stones off the ground, bent pokers, broke horseshoes, broke chains, lifted people on a platform, held a horse on their shoulders. Over time, all power tricks migrated to the circus, becoming only a spectacle.

In the 1920s-1930s. it became apparent that physical development is closely related to human health. Training knowledge was limited at the time, but bodybuilders could learn a lot by simply comparing their physique to that of a previous generation.

However, the tradition of athletic competitions continued.

In the 1940s. the physique of bodybuilders, as opposed to other muscular development sports, has been recognized as something new and special. Bodybuilding, bodybuilding, athleticism were still unknown sports.

In the 1950s-1960s. a new competition arose - "Mister Universe". Athletes from different countries became champions. This speaks to the popularity of the new sport.

In the 1970s-1980s. superstars A. Schwarzenegger, F. Zane, S. Oliva, R. Wayne, etc. appear, who have contributed to the development and promotion of this sport, becoming one of the great athletes in the world.

In the 1990s-2000s. there has been an explosive growth in bodybuilding and fitness - not only as a competitive sport, but also as a way of the physical development of mankind.

The heyday of bodybuilding took place in parallel with the developing new sport - fitness and a simultaneous increase in interest in human physical health.

Fitness is a young sport, the development of which is very intensive, is a mixture of artistic and rhythmic gymnastics and a sports beauty contest. During the competition, the judges evaluate: the proportionality of the physique, the elasticity and tone of muscles, their density, symmetry, posture, artistry, the ability to stay on stage, the purity of the performance of poses, the complexity of the elements of the free program, style, coordination, strength elements, acrobatics, aerobics and even the choice suit.

Bodybuilding and fitness competitions are organized by category. The age of the participants is not limited, many of them are over 40, 50 and even over 60 years old. The guideline for healthy men and women is the age from 18 to 35 years.

Bodybuilding, athleticism, athletic gymnastics, bodybuilding and fitness are all synonymous. The name of the sport does not change the meaning. Fitness and bodybuilding are some of the best health-promoting sports. Exercising on simulators, choosing the right methods and principles of training, eating rationally and in a balanced way, a person can work miracles with himself.

In many countries of the world, these sports are included in the compulsory program of physical education for young people. The main thing about these sports is that there is no age limit. In many cities there are health groups "who are over 50 years old."

Initial training courses lay the foundation, the basis for the further development and results of a person. Mistakes in the training of the initial course are unacceptable - this is the basis of the basics. The usual initial course is designed for 4 months of training.

In the initial course, the training is built on the principle of a split, which in translation means the distribution of training to separate muscle groups, on different days of the week.

For example, on Monday - chest, back and abdominal muscles; on Wednesday - the muscles of the shoulders, arms and abdominals; on Friday - the muscles of the thigh, lower leg, lower back and abdominals. Rest on other days.

The first week of classes in the initial course must be performed one or two approaches, 8 repetitions in each approach, no more. During this week, you need to correctly and technically competently perform the exercises. Learn to breathe correctly, exhale is done on an effort in the exercise, rest between approaches. All of this will come in handy when training.

In the second and third week, you can do three approaches in exercises, and so during these months you can safely bring up to five approaches in exercises.

Working out in gyms, some want to pump up and gain weight, while others, on the contrary, want to lose weight.

Being serious about fitness and bodybuilding, in addition to hard training, involves adherence to a diet, which is better to start in stages. At the first stage, you should abandon fatty sauces, ketchup, sour cream, mayonnaise, etc., replace your favorite sauce with soy. Vegetable salads can be seasoned with a little olive oil. If the first ten days are matured, then you can move on to the second stage of our diet. The second stage is the rejection of all sweet and starchy foods (sweets, pastries, cakes, buns, etc.), replacing these products with dried fruits and diet foods that do not contain a lot of fat and sugar. Having withstood another ten days, we proceed to the next stage. At the third stage, we give up alcohol.

Having endured three stages, we can talk about those products that are needed for life, what you need to eat in order to get the necessary energy. And the last thing we do is switch to protein foods. What foods to get protein from? From fish, river and sea products (pollock, hake, shrimp, squid, lobster, etc.). And also from an ordinary chicken egg, however, we use one protein. You can also eat white chicken meat (chicken breasts). We eat these products only boiled. We also include carbohydrate foods in our diet - these are cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice, bread, rye muesli, bran) and fruits. Protein - not only chicken breasts, but also fish (sea and river), but also mussels, shrimp, lobster, squid, etc. Vegetables are also very important: it is fiber, first of all, and vitamins. You can eat very tasty and lose weight at the same time. Just remember that carbohydrates are the lightest fuel. And fats "burn" in the "fire" of carbohydrates. So, by sticking to this diet, you will be confident in the knowledge that your figure is beautiful and slim. And for girls, this is important.

You should eat every 3-4 hours, there should be no feeling of hunger. Start eating low-fat protein shakes. Thus, we distribute the protein intake at the rate of 3 g per 1 kg of its own weight.

As for the liquid, you can use only still water or natural juice. Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, herbs, etc.) should be included in the diet. This diet lasts about 3-4 months. Having withstood it, the most important thing is not to start eating everything and in huge quantities at the end of the diet.

Now there is a lot of literature, where they write about new food additives. New scientific developments prove that by taking sports nutrition, you will achieve success faster than without it.

A simple example of non-compliance with the rules of training is the state of a person when interest in training disappears and visits to gyms become less and less frequent. The reason for this can be both a simple overwork of the body from incorrectly dosed work, and the absence of visible results due to illiterately constructed training sessions.

To avoid all the unpleasant consequences of physical education, it is necessary to deliberately approach each lesson and, if possible, comply with the necessary training conditions. There are certain requirements that are common to everyone and that first of all need to be paid attention to:

1.Clearly formulate the purpose of the lessons

It is quite clear that, depending on the goal set, a certain plan of training sessions will be built. Moreover, the difference between these plans can be very significant. Therefore, the formulation of the problem is the first and one of the most important stages of training.

2.determine the initial level of your physical condition

One of the main training parameters is the intensity and volume of the session. To successfully achieve the set goal of training, it is necessary to strictly dose the intensity and duration of the load. Moreover, the intensity and duration of classes are directly related to the level of physical fitness.

3.based on the level of training, build an individual training plan

A big drawback of some fitness clubs is that people with different levels of physical fitness can work out in the same group. As a result, it turns out that the intensity of the lesson that the instructor offers is suitable only for some of the trainees, and for the rest, whose level is slightly higher or lower, the training will be less effective. Moreover, the lesson efficiency is the less, the greater the difference between the required intensity for the trainee and that offered by the instructor. After some time of ineffective training, the majority lose interest in classes (since the result in this case will be very insignificant).

4.After a certain period of time, monitor your results

A noticeable result of your work can be seen only after a fairly long time. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to objectively assess your condition, relying only on your own feelings. In this situation, the use of special tests can help, which in numbers will show your condition for a certain period of time. Based on the test results, you can analyze the effectiveness of your training and decide whether to reduce or increase the load.

Bodybuilding and fitness are science intensive sports. Research institutes and academies of sciences in all countries of the world are working on them. This suggests that bodybuilding and fitness are making a victorious march across planet Earth.

Speaking of Olympic recognition, it is easier for fitness to become an Olympic sport, since in fitness the refereeing criteria themselves limit (and sometimes exclude) the use of doping.

Does fitness have disadvantages? As a way of life - no. Like a competitive sport, you can find as many as you like. However, fitness can be the successor to where we started: that bodybuilding, in which hard training and proper nutrition are in the first place, in which steroids are only a help (and not the main tool) in achieving the main goal of a healthy and beautiful body. ...

Tourist sports.

The development of civilization is closely connected with the development and strengthening of contacts between individual states, nationalities, and territories. Numerous - from the very beginning of the development of human society - travel initially played a purely practical role: revealing the nature of neighbors - their friendly or hostile attitude - exchange of experience, search for sales markets and purchase of goods, etc. In this regard, travels repeated the fate of everyday objects, which gradually acquired, in addition to the utilitarian, an aesthetic function that was insignificant for survival, but important for a person psychologically. So travel over time received a new status - also not playing a special role for the life of a given tribe / city / state, but which turned out to be so significant for each individual person that it is not only not lost to this day, but also continues to be actively used, making up one of the important articles in the development of the economy of virtually any country.

So, in addition to people for whom travel was a professional necessity (seafarers, researchers and scientists, merchants, later - priests), there were people who just wanted to see new lands and get new impressions. There was such a thing as tourism.

Most of the various definitions of tourism boil down to the fact that tourism is a set of relations, connections and phenomena that accompany the trip and stay of people in places that are not places of their permanent or long-term residence and are not related to their work activities.

Today there are a huge number of types of tourism. According to the distance of travel, local (as a rule, local history) tourism, domestic tourism and international tourism are distinguished. Based on the title of the topic under discussion, we will focus on the sports form of tourism. It includes: walking (including mountain hiking, mountaineering), cycling, water (rowing, sailing; river, sea, etc.).

I would like to dwell on such a kind of tourist sport as orienteering.


A map and a compass have led people on the right path since very distant times. The first reliable news of the use of a compass dates back to 235 AD.

Orienteering was included in the course of military sciences and from these exercises emerged as a sport at the end of the last century. The starting point is taken on May 13, 1897, when the first official competition took place in Norway.

The initiative of the Norwegians was intercepted by the Finns, creating the world's first federation. By 1946, even a special Nordic Orienteering Union was formed.

After the Second World War, orienteering began to actively develop in the socialist countries, and in 1958 an international conference was created, after which, three years later, the International Federation of Orienteering was established. More than 40 national federations are now represented there.

In our country, orienteering looked completely different from what it is now. Leningraders, for example, ran with lanterns in their hands on night roads. They covered 20-40 kilometers, looking for control points until dawn. It was imperative to carry the weight in a backpack weighing 15 kilograms.

The name "orienteering" was not yet available. The competitions were called “closed tourist routes”. There were no uniform rules for a new sports hobby either. Their foundations were laid in 1961 by representatives of Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk who came to Tartu.

Two years later, the first governing organization of the Knights of the Run with Compass and Map was created under the Central Tourism Board. In 1963, the first all-Russian competitions were held. 12 union republics are represented there. In 1965, orienteering was included in the Unified All-Union Sports Classification. The first masters of sports appeared. The European Orienteering Championships have been held since 1962, and the World Championships since 1964.

In 1979, the All-Union Federation was created. And since 1981, championships and winter cups have been held. This is how this sport was formed and strengthened, which every year wins more and more fans.

Orientation is a cross with a map and a compass in hand. There are three types of competitions: orientation in a given direction, along a marked track and by choice.

In the first case, the orienteer transfers all the checkpoints to his map from the reference map and goes to the finish line, checking these notes so as not to miss more than one checkpoint (CP).

In the second case, he runs along the track, already marked for him with special signs, and must copy it exactly to his map before arriving at the finish line.

And finally, in the third case, the athlete is given a card with marked controls and the number of points for each of them. The bottom line is the choice of goals: the more difficult, hidden and distant ones are rated higher, but they are also more difficult to find.

There is a special competition for judges - "table competition". Here the ability to plan a distance on the map is tested.

It is interesting that in different years a number of well-known representatives of other sports have been involved in orienteering, albeit with varying degrees of success. The Olympic skiing champion Finn Veikko Hakkulinen was the national champion in orienteering, and when he left the track, he even entered the national team of Finland. But the no less famous Englishman - runner Gordon Peary also tried orienteering, but was defeated and did not stay in it.

Geographers and topographers read maps best of all. Endurance marathoners run better than others. And the best orienteering masters should combine these qualities. They must choose the most profitable path to the checkpoints with the help of knowledge, experience and intuition, and try to go the fastest of all this path, using their endurance, running ability and patience.

The ability to navigate is a truly vital concept. It ultimately boils down to choosing the most favorable position in relation to certain circumstances.

"Orientation is a human property," one of the knights of the map and compass once said. This is true. Life constantly forces us to choose goals, make decisions and act accordingly.

The history of tourism development cannot be considered either complete or frozen at some stage: it is closely intertwined with the history of mankind, both being determined by it (as already mentioned above) and defining it, since the development of tourism itself affects the economy, social and cultural environment and international contacts of the country.

Gradually, from an "elite" pastime, tourism turned into a mass form of recreation, and today it plays such an important role in the lives of many people that it has become a unique largest world industry. And gave people a lot of new sports.

Technical and military-applied sports.

The list of technical and military-applied sports includes 27 names: airplane, helicopter, parachute, motorcycle, automobile, water-motor, motorball, military-applied all-around, modeling of ships, missiles, cars and others.

These are the children of the twentieth century. Placed on a par with classical sports, they stand out for their youth and power. Their element is motors and speed. They explode the silence with the roar of the engines turned on and show what a person is capable of when the heart of a mighty motor beats in his hands.

The development of technical and military-applied sports is based on democratic ideas about attracting broad masses to strengthening the country's defense capability.

Let's analyze the most popular types of this sport: aviation sports(airplane, helicopter, planetary, parachute, hang gliding), automobile and motorcycle sports,(races (on a cinder track, winter, road-ring, motocross), car all-round, autocross), motorball, powerboat, sports modeling(racing, radio-controlled, replica models), radio sports .

The history of sports is called a marathon through the centuries. He came to us from time immemorial and grew up with humanity. In a matter of decades, sport has captivated millions of people around the globe, and has become a magnet that brings nations and continents closer together.

The sport of the ancients began with running one stage equal to the length of the stadium in Olympia - 192.27 meters. There are now about 100 sports and new ones are still emerging. And it doesn't matter at all whether your favorite sport is Olympic or it belongs to the national, whether you go in for extreme sports or prefer intellectual sports, because the most important thing is that you have entered this wonderful world of sports, filled with strength and beauty.

Of course, my essay could not reflect the whole variety of sports competitions that exist in the world, but I tried to reflect the main, key points. It seems to me that the sports presented for consideration belong to various sports areas and most fully reflect the entire versatility of sports in the world. And although they are all so different, in the end they are all united by the desire of people to express themselves in this or that sport.

1. V. Kudryavtsev, Zh. Kudryavtseva "Sport of the world and the world of sport", M., publishing house "Young Guard" 1987.

2. A. N. Kostyev "Chess Lessons", M., Publishing House "Physical Culture and Sport", 1984.

3. E. Ya. Peak "Conversations about ...", M., "Culture of the Body" No. 4 2003.

4. "Sports fitness and bodybuilding" - issue 18.

5. Kennedy R., Greenwood-Robinson M. "Fitness training", M., 1997.

6. Kim N. "Fitness and aerobics", M., 2002.

7. Shchur I.P., Shchur O.P., Shchur V.P. "Bodybuilding and Fitness", M., 2004.

8. Magazines "Rovesnik", a selection for 1997-2002.

9. Batalova L.V. "From the history of tourism development // Socio-political development of Russia: problems, searches, solutions." Sat. scientific articles. Issue No. 2. Izhevsk, 1999.

10. Shapoval G. D. History of tourism. Minsk., IP, "Enoperspectiva" -1999.

11.Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism: theory and practice. M., Finance and Statistics, 1998.

12. Internet sources.

They are included in the program of the Olympic Games by the decision of the International Olympic Committee, subject to distribution in at least 20 25 countries of two three continents (summer views for men in at least 40 countries of three continents) and the presence of ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

They are included in the program of the Olympic Games by the decision of the International Olympic Committee, subject to distribution in at least 20 25 countries of two three continents (summer species for men in at least 40 countries of three continents) and the presence of ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Main article: Kind of sport Kind of sport is a set of types of sports competitions, united on the basis of similarity of rules, one sports federation, etc. Contents 1 Game sports 1.1 ... Wikipedia

Olympic Summer Sports- IOC Recognized Sports for the Olympic Summer Games:. Water sports. Archery. Athletics. Badminton. Basketball. Boxing. Rowing and canoeing. Cycling ... ...

Olympic winter sports- IOC recognized sports included in the program of the Olympic Winter Games. ... Biathlon. Bobsled. Curling. Hockey. Luge sports. Skating. Skiing [Language Services Department ... ... Technical translator's guide

Sports that involve the use of skis during competitions. Olympic biathlon alpine skiing (sport) nordic skiing cross-country skiing ski jumping snowboarding freestyle non-olympic ski windsurfing skiing ... ... Wikipedia

The collective name of sports (sports games) on skating, skiing and various types of sledges, competitions in which are held on ice and snow. To the west with. include: biathlon cross-country skiing with rifle shooting at firing lines; ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Commemorative coins of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dedicated to Olympic winter sports. Main article: Commemorative coins of Russia Series: "Sport" Winter sports The series "Winter sports", issued in 2009 2010, consists of ... ... Wikipedia

Paralympic Games. History and sports- From the history of the Paralympic Games Paralympics, the Olympic Games of the disabled in the world are considered to be almost the same outstanding event as the Olympics itself. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Women's sports at the IV Olympiad in 1908- July 13 marks the hundredth anniversary of the opening of the IV Olympiad. For the first time, women took part in these Summer Olympics, held in London. The IV Summer Olympic Games were held in London from April 27 to October 31, 1908. Official ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


  • ,. A team of authors has created a reference manual in the form of a constructive reference book. It reflects systematized ideas about the norms and dimensional requirements for ...
  • Summer Olympic sports. Norms and requirements. Reference manual, Zaitsev AA, Poleshchuk NK, Makarevsky AB, Borisova IV, Lutkova NV. The team of authors has created a reference manual in the form of a constructive reference book. It reflects systematized ideas about the norms and dimensional requirements for ...

Track and field athletics, swimming, football, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, basketball, hockey, biathlon ... The list goes on for a long time. Do you know what all these sports have in common? It is easy to guess that they all belong to the Olympic sports, i.e. they are included in either the summer or winter program of the Olympic Games.
But not all sports are included in the Olympic program. For example: sambo, rugby, water skiing, sumo, ball hockey. They are part of the non-Olympic sports.

Have you ever wondered why some sports are included in the program of the Olympic Games, while others are not? There are many reasons.

Take rugby. Team games such as football, basketball, hockey are Olympic, but rugby is not. Do you know why? No, this is not due to the fact that rugby is not such a popular sport. If you go outside Russia, you can be sure that rugby matches gather full stadiums in England, Scotland, France, Ireland, South Africa.
The point is different. The Summer Olympic Games will last no more than 15 days. And it will take much more days to play the Olympic rugby championship. This is due to the fact that rugby is a contact sport that takes away all the strength of the players. Playing rugby, you will not be able to joke, you have to give all the best to the fullest. So, after one match, the players need much more days to recover than the same players.

There are also games that can be called a sport with a huge stretch.
Everyone knows that billiards and bowling are sports? Of course, in everyday life for all of us, bowling and billiards are just a way of having fun. It’s just as hard to convince yourself that chess is also a sport, and not just a game that develops the brain.
With all this, bowling, billiards and chess in Russia have their own federations: the Russian Chess Federation, the Billiard Sports Federation of Russia, the Sports Bowling Federation of Russia.

At different times, they tried to include these sports in the program of the Olympic Games. It is possible that they will be included in the future. The main problem is entertainment, in my opinion. The Olympic Games are a massive event. It is hard to imagine how the stadium will watch the game of two unknown billiard players.

In my opinion, after all, there is a certain injustice. Take the Winter Olympics. In 1998, curling was recognized as an Olympic sport. I’m wondering if anyone will say that curling is more spectacular than bowling? At least I'm sure that much more people play bowling ...

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