Training split: what is it for? Split examples. Three-day split - a classic workout program Which split is better to choose in bodybuilding

Or in other words, a three-day training program is one of the most popular and common training systems, not only among beginners, but also among advanced athletes. What is a three-day training program or, in other words, a three-day weight split and how to create a training program yourself?

What is a 3 Day Split?

Three-day split- a separate training system, according to which you divide all the muscles of the body into three separate groups and work out each muscle group, as a rule, once a week. For example, on Monday you train your back and biceps, on Wednesday you will train your chest and triceps, and on Friday you will train your legs and shoulders.

It is thanks to the huge popularity and prevalence of three-day split programs that there are a lot of people in all gyms on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. True, most of them are beginners who practice intuitively, without adhering to a specific training scheme. Of course, this is a road to nowhere, marking time. Therefore, I always say that you need to stick to and keep a training diary.

How to Create a Three Day Workout Program

There are many options for designing three-day split programs. Most often, muscle groups are divided according to the "push-and-pull" principle, working on the pulling muscle groups in one workout and pushing muscle groups on the other. Legs are usually trained on a separate day.

Some options for a 3-day split:









As I said above, there are many options for composing a three-day split. Frankly speaking, I like the first option the most. In my first workout, I work my back and biceps muscles. In the second workout, the pectoral muscles and triceps. In the third workout, the muscles of the legs and shoulders. Personally, I like this division of muscles more by day, although each option has its own disadvantages and advantages.

The advantage of this 3-day split option I see is that each muscle group is worked out once a week. During training, the backs are always included in the work of the biceps, so it makes sense to "finish off" them at the end of the workout. The same goes for the pecs and triceps. After my leg workout, I work my shoulder muscles. This is because leg workouts have a powerful anabolic response, so deltoids get the best stimulus to grow.

3 Day Weight Split - Classic Workout Program


1. Pull-ups with a wide grip 3x8-10

2. Deadlift with a barbell 3x6-10

3. Row to the belt in the slope 3x8-10

4. Lifting the bar for biceps 3x8-12

5. Hammers with dumbbells 3x8-10

Wednesday (CHEST, TRICEPS)

1. Bench press lying 3x8-10

2. Incline dumbbell press 3x8-12

3. Push-ups on the uneven bars 3x8-12

4. Bench press with a narrow grip 3x8-10

5. Twisting on an incline bench 3-4x20-30


1. Squats with a barbell 3x8-12

2. Press legs in the simulator 3x8-12

3. Raise on socks 3-4x12-20

4. Bench press sitting 3x8-12

5. Barbell pull to the chin 3x8-12

Split workout - this is such an organization of the training process when an athlete trains only part of the muscle groups in one workout, and does not work out all the muscles at once. Thus, there can be from 2 to 10-12 different workouts per cycle, designed to work out different muscle groups, with different intensity and volume. The need for split training does not arise immediately, therefore, it is recommended for beginner athletes to use circular schemes, moreover, beginners need to train only large muscle groups, gradually including exercises aimed at working out the arms and shoulders in training, and only then switch to the "split" system.

Split workouts simply allow more stress to the muscles and give them more time to recover, which is necessary for a trained athlete to progress, but not at all necessary for a beginner. That is why, with progress, the split gets more and more complicated! If at first a split of two, then three workouts is optimal, then a professional may need 10-12 of them. The fact is that during training an athlete can, at least effectively, perform a limited amount of work, therefore, since with an increase in fitness, each muscle group requires more and more voluminous and intense training, the athlete is forced to pump them separately. This allows you to give each muscle an adequate load and give it time to recover and reach the moment of supercompensation.

Examples of split systems:

Rules split workouts

Muscle grouping - this is one of the key points when drawing up a program, since the structure and purpose of the program depends on the muscle grouping. The simplest split involves the grouping of antagonist muscles, when in one workout the athlete trains one large and one small muscle group. An example of such a split would be a three-day split: legs and shoulders, chest and biceps, back and triceps. You can group the muscles differently, namely: train the chest and back together, legs separately, and arms with shoulders. In this case, it is important to observe the principle of priority, which states that you should train first a large muscle group, and then a small one, unless the athlete specializes in training a small muscle group.

However, this is not the only way to create a split workout, although it is the most optimal for athletes who have switched from circuit training to a split system. Over time, your large muscle groups will require more detailed work, so it will be possible to combine complementary muscles, namely back and biceps and chest training with triceps, simply by performing 1 basic exercise on a small muscle group at the end of the workout, due to which it will be possible to increase volume work great. You can add a training day to the cycle by allocating a separate workout for each large muscle group, and training the small ones all together.

Most likely, a four-day split will force you to add microperiodization, that is, intensity periodization, to your training program. You can alternate the intensity in different ways, you can simply train in one cycle with 50% of the working weight, and in the second with 100%. It is possible in one cycle to train one large muscle group with 50%, another with 75%, and the third with 100%, respectively, each large muscle group will receive 100% load 1 time in 3 weeks. But, with an increase in fitness, it becomes necessary to split the training and large muscle groups, and devote more time to small ones, then a five-day split is used, during which the athlete trains separately the legs, separately the back, separately the chest, separately the shoulders and separately the arms.

A five-day split is recommended using the principle of specialization, when the athlete alternates not only muscle groups, but also the intensity of training of the muscles included in this muscle group. In practice, this means that the athlete trains the hamstrings in one week with 100% load, and the quadriceps with 50-75%, and vice versa the next week. All this allows you to gradually deepen the load and add exercises to the program that develop less and less significant muscles, which would be inappropriate for a beginner, but for an advanced athlete it is necessary, since two muscles are always larger and stronger than one!

Macrocycling - this is not so much a rule of split training as an important rule of bodybuilding in general and especially natural bodybuilding. The essence of macrocycling is that an athlete trains in phases, gradually inhibiting certain muscle and non-muscle systems in one phase, then changes the program and inhibits other body systems, allowing those that he suppressed in the previous phase to recover. The split system allows you to prolong the agony of each phase, since its purpose is not only to deepen the stress during training, but also to extend the rest time between them. It's one thing when you train each muscle every day, or every other day, and quite another when a muscle gets a load every 1-2 weeks.

Does this mean that the split training system does not need macro-periodization? No, it doesn't mean at all! Moreover, alternating periods of gaining muscle mass, working out strength indicators, "drying", specializing in different muscle groups, changing the intensity and volume of training is necessary in any case. If you don't, your progress will be much worse than if you add macro cycles to the program. In addition, macrocycling will allow the athlete to violate the principles of muscle grouping described above, since he does not need to always recover 100%. You can, for example, train your breasts 3-5 times a week for 4 weeks, and then change the program and give it time to recover.

Such muscle suppression, of course, must be done deliberately, because if you just do heavy presses every day, it will not suppress the functions of the pectoral muscles, but kill them. A good example of a split system using macrocycling is Pasko's training program. Firstly, the program involves cycling the intensity and volume of training in each cycle, so the athlete does not overwork, or rather, even if he overtires one system in a certain cycle, this does not prevent him from continuing the program, since in the next cycle this system is no longer plays a key role.

Secondly, despite the fact that each muscle group receives a load on almost every workout, this load is different, and the emphasis of the load falls on different muscles of each muscle group. Of course, the question arises, what is the point of such a grouping of muscles, when you can select a training day to work out each one separately. And the point is that you can do leg press after squats with less weight than after deadlift, so this split structure allows you to simply load the muscles harder in each individual exercise. True, not everyone will be able to use such a training structure, since it will require an appropriate adaptive reserve.

Conclusion: Split workouts should be used to deepen the training stress in each individual workout and to increase the rest time of a particular body system between them. That is why, the higher the fitness of the athlete, the more detailed split he should apply. Since each muscle and non-muscle function of the body has its own recovery time, over time it is necessary to apply microperiodization, changing the volume of training, the number of repetitions, intensity or another factor in each cycle, due to which it is possible to load one or another body system at the time of its supercompensation. Nevertheless, since the adaptive reserve of the body is not infinite, macro cycles should be included in the training process, alternating the emphasis of the load on different functions of the body during each phase.

Split - translated from English. to split. That is, we will split muscle groups on different days.

For a long time, bodybuilders trained the whole body in one workout, they had to perform a huge number of exercises and approaches per workout.

Of course, the effectiveness of such training was low, because estimate your chances after 5 exercises in the last two or three exercises to fully work on the muscles.

It's funny, and such training lasted a very long time (2 hours). Knowing what we know now, all those bodybuilding workouts were imperfect. Therefore, the system of one training was replaced by split training programs (training of separate muscle groups).

The benefits of split training over regular workouts

  • The duration of the workout is shorter: 30-45 minutes than that of the usual one (1.5-2 hours).
  • The intensity of the workout increased because the muscle groups became smaller (1 max 2), and earlier the whole body at a time. As a result, we have more strength and we can fully work on a particular muscle more thoroughly.
  • Mood. Quite an important point, but I put it in 3rd place. Whether you want it or not, you have to. Agree, train for 2 hours and be like a lemon and get absolutely nothing but work out for 30-45 minutes intensively, thoroughly and powerfully and get much more? So much for the advantage.

Split varieties

Many novice athletes, as well as advanced ones, very often like to change their training programs, thinking that they have found something better. I know what I'm talking about, that's the way it is, because I myself have done this before and thought about it this way. But I want to upset you, your running here, there, back - absolutely nothing will give you. Below, I will give specific examples of training programs for gaining muscle mass. Split for beginners A competent split for beginner athletes is as follows: There should be no less rest days per week than the workouts themselves.

  • Legs-back
  • Chest, shoulders, arms

After each workout, there is a day of rest. That is, if on Monday you trained your legs and back, on Wednesday there will be chest-shoulders-arms, on Thursday rest, and on Friday again legs-back. For this split, it is important to work out for at least 10-12 weeks. Better yet, as long as progress is visible. Then you can switch to a three-day split, which may look like this:

  • Back biceps
  • Chest-arms

This is one of my all-time favorite splits I've used.

Then I switched to a four-day split:

  • Mon. Breast
  • Tue Back
  • NS. Shoulders-arms
  • Fri. Legs

After a four day split, I started training 5 days a week.

  • Breast
  • Back
  • Shoulders

Specific examples of training programs for these splits

Two-day split


  • Extension of the legs while sitting 4xMAX (in order to warm up the knee joints)
  • Squats 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x10 (working approaches)
  • Lying leg curl 3x10 (workers)
  • Pull-ups (if you can) or pull-ups to the chest 4X8-10
  • Row bar in an inclination 4X8-10


  • Press the bar on an incline bench 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x6-12 (workers)
  • Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench 4x6-12
  • Press the bar, standing from the chest or from behind the head 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x6-12
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  • Bars 3x6-12

Three-day split (legs, back-deltas, chest-arms)

Mon. Legs

  • Squats 4x8-10
  • Bench press lying 3x8-10
  • Seated leg extension 3xMAX (finishing exercise)
  • Calf raises, standing 3x8-10

Wed Back deltas

  • Pull-ups 3-4x6-12
  • Bent-over barbell rod 4x6-12
  • Horizontal thrust 3x6-12
  • Bench press standing from behind the head 3x6-12
  • Broach 3x6-12
  • Abduction of hands with dumbbells to the side 3x6-12

Fri. Chest-arms

  • Bench press lying on an incline bench 4x6-10
  • Dumbbell bench press lying on an incline bench 4x6-10
  • Bars 4x6-10 (emphasis on triceps)
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-10

Four-day split (chest, back, shoulders-arms, legs)

Mon. Breast

  • Push-ups from the floor or push-ups on the uneven bars 4x6-12

Tue Back

  • Wide grip pull-ups to the chest
  • Bent-over barbell rod 4x6-12
  • Horizontal thrust 3x8-12
  • Deadlift 10,8,6,3.

NS. Shoulders-arms

  • Press the bar from behind the head or press the dumbbells sitting 4x6-12
  • Broach (rod pull to the chin) 4x6-12
  • Swings to the side (dumbbell abduction to the side) 4x6-12
  • Lifting the bar for biceps
  • Press with a narrow grip
  • Barbell Squats 4x6-12
  • Leg press 4x6-12
  • Seated leg extension 4x6-15
  • Calves, standing 4x15-20
  • calves, sitting 4x15-20

Five day split

Mon. Back

  • Pull-ups 4x6-12
  • Bent-over barbell rod 4x6-12
  • Horizontal thrust 4x6-12
  • Ladders with a bar 3x12-20

Tue Breast

  • Bench press on an incline bench 4x6-12
  • Incline dumbbell bench press 4x6-12
  • Push-ups from the floor 4x6-12
  • Cross Over 3x15-20
  • Calves, standing in the simulator 4x12-20
  • Barbell Squat 4x6-12
  • Leg press in the simulator 3x6-12
  • Seated leg extension 3x8-15
  • Calves, sitting in the simulator 3x10-20

NS. Shoulders

  • Seated dumbbell press 4x6-12
  • Broach 4x6-12
  • Swing dumbbells to the sides 4x8-15
  • Swing dumbbells in an incline 4x8-15
  • Barbell trapezoid
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  • Bench press with a narrow grip 4x6-12
  • Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12
  • Extension of the arms while standing at the block 4x6-12

These splits are very effective. I personally went through each of them, at the moment I'm doing the last one (5 days a week). Instead of getting busy, get busy.

  • Isolate Geneticlab Nutrition "Iso Pro 90" allows the body to receive essential amino acids - a building material for cells, including muscles.
  • Category:

2 scoops (33 g). Mix a serving of powder with 250-300 ml of drinking water. Take between meals or after workouts.

When you get protein from regular food, you get fats and carbohydrates, the excess of which negatively affects your figure and well-being.
Geneticlab Nutrition has developed ISO PRO - Whey Protein Isolate. It is made from natural milk and contains up to 97% pure protein, only 1% fat and 0.5% carbohydrates.

ISO PRO is required:
in large numbers for bodybuilders and everyone who wants to form a luxurious muscle relief;
those who are obese and want to lose weight.
It relieves hunger for a long time, does not give the body extra carbohydrates and makes it spend a lot of energy on the assimilation of polypeptides.

Benefits of Geneticlab ISO PRO:
The product contains no sugar - ideal for diabetics and those who follow a strict diet.
Does not contain lactose, therefore it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body.
An impeccable composition: proteins and amino acids contained in them help the body to quickly recover from physical exertion, build muscle mass, and strengthen the immune system.

The isolate is produced by careful microfiltration in order to obtain pure polypeptides while maintaining all their beneficial properties.

Ingredients: whey protein isolate, alkalized cocoa powder, emulsifier - lecithin, food flavorings, sweetener - sucralose.

VPLAB Nutrition | NO Starter?

1 serving = 10 g powder (1/2 scoop) in 125 ml water. Depending on intensity, 1-2 servings daily 30 minutes before training.

All components of the product work synergistically to deliver the best possible result.
For a long time, it provides the body with additional energy, supports the immune system, improves the production of nitric oxide, increases muscle strength and pumping, strengthens and maintains a high level of mental attitude and concentration during training.
Contains 4 specialized blends for maximum performance and the highest level of training:
- Extreme Strength & Performance Formula - a special complex to increase strength and endurance.
- NO Synthesis & Pump Matrix - complex for increasing the production of nitric oxide and improving muscle nutrition.
- Immune & Wellness Support System - a unique combination of components for faster recovery of cardiovascular parameters and maintenance of immunity.
- Energy & Focus Power Blend - a special blend for extra energy and increased mental concentration.

Academy-T | Sustamin?

3 capsules in the morning and evening before or during meals. The minimum recommended course of application is 2 months.

SUSTAMIN sports nutrition contains a unique combination of chondroprotective substances that have a mutually reinforcing effect and have a complex corrective effect on the metabolism of cartilage and bone tissue. Promotes the restoration of the elements of the musculoskeletal system after various injuries.

Benefits of Sustamin:
strengthens the articular-ligamentous apparatus;
reduces the risk of injury and inflammatory diseases of the articular apparatus;
accelerates the rehabilitation of athletes after suffering injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
inhibits the action of proteolytic enzymes that cause damage to cartilage tissue and degradation of articular cartilage (collagenase, leukocyte elastase, hyaluronidase);
normalizes the moisture saturation of the cartilage and its mechanical and elastic properties;
has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect due to the synergistic effect of the components of the product;
has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of cartilage tissue, promotes the regeneration of the articular bag and cartilaginous surfaces of the joints, restores the mechanical and elastic integrity of the cartilage matrix;
stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, strengthening connective tissue structures;
substrate stimulates and accelerates the biosynthesis of proteoglycans and glucosaminoglycans by chondrocytes;
normalizes the production of intra-articular fluid (plays the role of "lubrication" of the articular surfaces);
partially blocks the release of free oxygen radicals;
slows down the development of degenerative changes in the cartilaginous hyaline tissue of the articular surfaces, prevents the collapse of the connective tissue;
reduces the accompanying inflammatory response and eases pain in the affected joints;
increases the mobility of the affected joints;
slows down the resorption of bone tissue and reduces the loss of calcium, accelerates the processes of bone tissue regeneration.

Weider | Multi Vita +?

Take one capsule with breakfast with water.

Vitamin C supports the immune system against pathogens. It stimulates the production of hormones, neuropeptides and transmitters of nerve impulses that improve nervous and mental activity. In addition, vitamin C strengthens connective tissues and vascular walls.
Vitamin E has a protective function, it neutralizes free radicals that destroy beneficial fatty acids and provides oxygen respiration to cells, prevents inflammation and has a beneficial effect on sexual function, and rejuvenates the body.
Vitamin B1 strengthens the nervous system by supplying glucose to the nerve cells.
Vitamin B2 is involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, cellular respiration, improves vision, skin and nail structure.
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3) prevents aging, the appearance of wrinkles, helps to overcome stress and fights inflammation, participates in the synthesis of skin and mucous membranes, and hair growth.
Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the synthesis of antibodies of the immune system, participates in amino acid metabolism during the construction of proteins.
Vitamin B12 triggers the synthesis of DNA and RNA, is necessary for the formation of bones, and revitalizes the body's iron stores.
Niacin is involved in the formation of hundreds of different enzymes involved in the production of gastric juice, heart function, and cholesterol control.
Folic acid is the main active ingredient in the production of hemoglobin and nucleic acids, it synthesizes serotonin and norepinephrine - hormones of joy that raise the mood.

A workout split is a breakdown of the workout of different muscle groups by day of the week. There are different types - 2x, 3x, 5th and even 7th day splits. In this section you will find many options and you can choose a training split for your capabilities.

While working in the gym, people are faced with the problem of choosing a training program. There are a huge variety of training programs that are aimed at achieving various kinds of results: gaining mass, drying, developing strength and endurance. The most popular are split workouts.

Three Day Weight Split

If you're looking for the perfect muscle building program, you've come to the right place. Learn how to best divide your split into muscle groups. Look at examples of training, based on classes three times a week. Get advice on nutrition, daily regimen, and training for weight training.

How do you compose your first training split? Where to begin? What is the principle of "dividing" muscles into groups? You will find out the answers to these questions by reading the article. You will also learn a lot of useful information, including specific examples of programs.

4 Day Mass Gain Split

Before people working out in the gym, the question often arises, how many days a week to train? Many people think that the more the better, but as practice shows, this is not always the case. Most of them use three-day and four-day splits, which one is better? In this article, we'll look at the pros of a 4-day split. Consider the options for breaking down muscle groups by day of the week. And also we will touch upon the issues of nutrition during the mass-gathering period.

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