Training in kettlebell lifting. Fundamentals of training methods in kettlebell lifting

Sports training- this is pedagogical process, during which the purposeful formation of motor skills and the development of certain physical qualities and the functions of the body of those engaged in order to improve in the chosen sport.

The impact of exercise on the human body is multifaceted. It is closely related to the nature, size and duration of the applied training load and also with functional state the athlete's body. The body's response to a rational training load is manifested in the improvement of its corresponding functions and systems.

Modern training methodology in kettlebell lifting is based on sufficient practical experience of working with kettlebell lifters, data from the latest scientific research in this sport and the experience of training highly qualified kettlebell lifters.

The competitive work of a weightlifter consists in repeatedly lifting weights of a certain weight. Therefore, the number of kettlebell lifts mainly depends on the level of strength development (especially the strength of the legs and back) and strength endurance. Therefore, in the course of the educational and training process, first of all, it is necessary to improve these physical qualities.

Strength development

Muscle strength is one of the most important physical qualities of a kettlebell lifter. Without the ability to exercise strength, there is no way to master modern sports equipment and tactics, to sportsmanship generally. Muscle strength largely determines the speed of movement and plays a large role in the performance of classical exercises with kettlebells for a number of times, requiring great endurance and coordination of movements. For example, observations of leading kettlebell lifters show that in order to fulfill the master of sports standard in the weight category up to 30 kg, it is necessary to squeeze two 32-kilogram weights 25 ± 5 times, squat with a barbell weighing 140 ± 10 kg. This is a minimum of strength, which, with appropriate training, is "processed" into that minimum of strength endurance, which is necessary to fulfill high standards in classical exercises. In the weight categories 60, 65, 70 kg, these indicators, respectively, should be lower, and in the weight categories 90, +90 - higher.

The main attention to the development of strength must be paid in preparatory period, and in the competitive, its level remains practically unchanged, the proportion of exercises aimed at increasing strength endurance increases significantly.

It is necessary to develop mainly the strength of those muscle groups that are directly involved in the performance of classical exercises.

The fact that the most productive and, therefore, important muscles in kettlebell lifters are extensors: hips, legs, feet, back, is evidenced by measurements of these muscle groups in qualified athletes. The arms are a kind of "straps". They, as it were, tie weights to the athlete, and accelerate and lift them up the muscles of the legs and trunk.

It is known that in order to achieve a greater effect in the development of strength, it is necessary to train using the limiting and near-limiting weights of the weights. But in kettlebell lifting, a large increase in results can be achieved using small (up to 70%) and medium (up to 80%) weights in training. These weights should be combined with large and extreme weights, however, for large weights on average, it should be only no more than 15% of the total training volume.

When drawing up complexes of exercises for the development of the strength of the main muscle groups, it must be remembered that the weight of the burden is selected so that it can be raised 5-6 times. In each exercise, perform 3-4 approaches. Move on to more heavy weights it is possible after the number of repetitions (in a row) in each exercise becomes tenfold. It is recommended to rest for 2-4 minutes between sets. In total, a set of six exercises will take no more than one and a half hours.

To develop the strength of the muscles of the legs and back, we recommend a 6-week special complex. This complex can be used for training, both in the preparatory and in the competitive period. The entire training cycle is divided into two stages. At the first stage, the volume of the load increases, and at the second, the volume decreases, the intensity increases. Each stage consists of 3 weekly cycles. At the first stage, 70-80% of the best indicator is used, at the second - 85-105%. The distribution of the load when using the 6-week complex is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Load distribution when using the 6-week complex

Having determined his new maximum result at the last workout, the athlete takes it as 100% and calculates the main training weight for the next cycle.

Methods for developing muscle strength used in kettlebell lifting can be conditionally divided into two groups: traditional and non-traditional.

Traditional methods of strength development differ in three modes of muscle activity.

Dynamic mode typical for power work, in which. There is an increase or decrease in the length of the muscles without changing their tone.

Static mode a day of strength work is characteristic, in which the tone, and not the length of the muscles, changes.

Combined (mixed) mode characteristic of motional actions of dynamic, static character and consists in changing the length, as well as muscle tone.

Dynamic and combined modes of operation can be overcoming and inferior in character, and static - holding.

There are many methods for developing strength, depending on the magnitude of the burden and the duration. So, in the sports and methodological literature, there are about 20 of them. And all of them, of course, deserve attention, since they have been tested by the practice of developing strength in high-class athletes, we recommend methods that have been tested in training kettlebell lifters from a beginner to a high-class master ...

There are four such methods:

1. Repeated method- repetition physical exercise with the same power, character and duration of the rest intervals. The selection of resistances in strength exercises is carried out within 50-80% of the maximum level. This value shows that weight in exercises with weights, the number of lifts of a kettlebell of a certain weight, or that number of times for doing exercises with own weight that can lift (execute) in one go. For example, a kettlebell lifts a maximum weight of 70 kg in one approach, pushes two weights of 32 kg 40 times or pulls up 20 times. This means that the training weights will be weights of 35-56 kg, the number of pushing 20-30 times and 10-16 one-time pull-ups. This method is used more frequently than others. Its widespread use is explained by its quite definite advantages:

A large volume of work performed causes significant changes in metabolism, which leads to functional muscle hypertrophy, and therefore, affects the growth of strength, that is, it accelerates the development of strength;

Allows you to reduce straining that occurs when performing - exercises with extreme stresses;

Exercises with non-limit strength exercises make it possible to avoid injuries, the likelihood of which is not excluded when working with extreme stresses;

The method is the only one possible in strength training beginner kettlebell lifters, since the development of their strength almost does not depend on the magnitude of resistance, if it exceeds a certain minimum of 36-40% of the maximum strength.

2. Method "to failure" it is used to increase muscle mass and strengthen them. The last movements are most effective when, as a result of repeated continuous exercise in the body, fatigue sets in. At the same time, the resistance to be overcome becomes the maximum irritant for the body, which just contributes to an increase in muscle strength. There are three main options to fail:

First- the exercise is performed in one approach "to failure", the number of approaches is not "to failure";

Second- in the last (one or two) approaches, the exercise is performed "to failure";

Third- exercise in each approach is performed "to failure", the number of approaches is also "to failure".

According to many researchers, leading coaches and the country's strongest weight lifters, the third option is the most effective. Therefore, it is recommended to use it more often. Rest intervals should be up to 3 minutes. Mandatory for all options is the implementation of approaches with efforts of at least 70-80% of the maximum level.

3. Best Effort Method- characterized by such performance of exercises, in which the kettlebell shows strength to the greatest extent, which he is capable of in this training lesson.

The limiting weight (resistance), on the application of which the maximum effort method is based, is understood as the limiting training weight that can be lifted (performed) without significant emotional arousal 1-2, maximum 3 times. This method is recommended to be used only occasionally: in most cases - once for 7-14 days.

4. Isometric method based on the tension of certain muscle groups in static position of the whole body. This method is used as an additional way to develop strength.

Develop static stresses up to the maximum required, lasting no more than 6 s;

To ensure the development of strength over the entire range of motion, the muscles need to be strained in 3-6 different positions, mainly in which the boundary poses of the phases of lifting weights in classical exercises fall;

Exercises should be performed gradually. muscle tension and with its gradual weakening;

A sufficient time interval between voltages must be observed;

Exercises should be performed in the form special complexes on days when the main training is not carried out, or occasionally include them in the main training plan;

If static voltages are included in general workout, then they should be performed after exercises to improve the technique;

Relaxation exercises should be performed after each static stress;

The number of repetitions 6-8 times under different angles to a burden or to the point of application of force.

The unconventional methods for developing the strength of the muscles of kettlebell lifters include:

1. Forced (passive) voltage method based on forced stretching of the muscles 40 s before the start of the exercise with weights of 40% of the maximum, for 10 seconds. It can be performed before the athlete's approach to lifting weights, as well as at the end of a series of approaches.

2. Contrast method based on a sharp change in the magnitude of the burden in each exercise (by 40-50%). The first part of the exercise is performed with the weights of the maximum (submaximal) weight, and in the second part the athlete is completely or partially freed from it and ends the movement, overcoming his own body weight (or with a reduced weight of the weights). The effect is to provide a unloading factor on the training muscles.

3. Switching method involves the performance of a series of exercises, between the approaches of which exercises of a different orientation are performed.

4. Load-free method based on strong-willed combined tension of antagonist muscles. It is used as a warm-up to "warm up" the muscles and maintain them in a certain tone.

5.Electrostimulation method based on muscle irritation electric shock duration 10 ms, frequency 2.5 kHz and duration of stimulation 10 s. The rest interval between successive cycles for each muscle is 50 s, optimal amount cycles per workout - 10. Effect - an additional method of developing strength, especially after injuries.

Experience shows that high level strength development and strength endurance can be achieved through various methods. However, it should be remembered that the use of the same methods for a long time leads to the adaptation of the organism. In this regard, you should alternate between different methods in the training process, use possible options their cumulative application.

Strength endurance development

Strength endurance - the ability of an athlete's body to resist fatigue, with relatively long and high strength loads.

To develop strength endurance, trainees need to:

  • increase the functionality of the body;
  • increase the strength of various muscle groups;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • to increase endurance to dynamic efforts;
  • to activate the efficiency of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Since in kettlebell lifting exercises are performed with great stress and for a long time, it is precisely necessary to maintain a high level of performance during this period that appropriate strength endurance is needed. Efficiency in this case is characterized by the ability to perform a large volume of training load during one lesson or during the entire course of preparation for the competition.

From the point of view of sports practice, the relationship between muscle strength and endurance. Many experts deny it, but practice recent years confirms that it is strength endurance that primarily ensures the growth of sports results.

The effect of training on strength endurance"Is determined following parameters: the value of the load, the rate of movement, the duration of work and its nature, the intervals of rest, the duration of the training period, the initial level of development of strength endurance, the efficiency of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The main means of developing strength endurance are mainly classic exercises with weights, performed mainly with repeated raising them until significant fatigue.

For the development of strength endurance in exercises with a barbell, repetitive work with a weight of 40-60% of the maximum is mainly used. The number of repetitions, depending on the exercise, 10-18 with 4-6 approaches.

In exercises with kettlebells, the value of the load in the approaches should vary from 25 to 80% of the maximum number of lifting weights, depending on the training period, goals and the chosen training method (Table 2).

The number of approaches is up to 6 times, the rest time between them should range from 30 s to 5 minutes.

Strength endurance is best developed if the work is done at an average pace. According to laboratory studies, at this pace, the subject is able to do 40 times more work than at a high pace and 4.5 times more than slow.

table 2

Characteristics of training periods in kettlebell lifting

Training period




Gradual retraction, weight reduction of weights

A gradual increase in the number of kettlebell lifts with a constant number of approaches. The weight of the kettlebells is generally 24 kg or less.



Continuous alternation of training work with medium and low intensity. For example, jerking a kettlebell alternately with each hand, without letting it go to the floor, with a different intensity.


Preparatory, the beginning of the competitive.


Repeated training work with an increasing number of repetitions in the set and the number of approaches. The weight of the weights in the set is from 24 to 36 kg.

(Usually 24,27,30,32,36 kg.)

Very big


Combination of several training methods.


Interval, increased rate "to failure"

Performing a large training work of increased intensity (by reducing the pauses between approaches, increasing the pace or non-stop work execution until fatigue appears). The weight of the weights in the set is from 24 to 36 kg.


Performing training work with the maximum manifestation of strength endurance (work for maximum results).


In the process of developing strength endurance, it is advisable to perform work in difficult conditions, but in movements that are coordination and structurally similar to specialized exercises. In order to complicate the conditions, weights with a weight of 32 kg and more are used. At the same time, the athlete is forced to significantly increase the applied efforts, preserving to a greater or lesser extent the motor structure of the competitive exercise. Such training has a positive psychological impact athlete. But the complication of conditions should not be excessive, as this can cause a significant violation of the technique and the consolidation of the wrong skills.

List of errors when working with a kettlebell. What is critical and what do professional "strongmen" consider to be technical features? Read the article and try our weight training no mistakes!

Kettlebell is a truly Russian sport (today: a kind of weightlifting), which trains endurance. In addition to the heroic strength, kettlebell lifting, the exercises of which involve all muscle groups you get pumped up pectoral muscles, biceps, back, legs, shoulders and even abs.

Until the end of the 40s of the XX century, kettlebell lifting in the modern sense, as a competition in strength endurance, did not exist. Although the weights themselves are sports equipment have been known since the end of the 17th century. Kettlebells, along with barbells and dumbbells, were used to develop physical strength or in circus performances.

Training in kettlebell lifting cannot be called technically difficult: the mechanics can be mastered in just 1-2 lessons, nevertheless, many mistakes are made when performing the exercises. Next, we will tell you which ones are critical and can affect the training result. Study and train correctly.

What is kettlebell lifting

A sport in which athletes perform vertical lifting of sports kettlebells at a time. Lifting kettlebells requires strength, endurance, and a special technique for performing the exercises. There are the following disciplines for men and one for women:

Men participate in the classic double event and clean and jerk long cycle... Biathlon consists of two exercises: push of two kettlebells with two hands from the chest while standing and snatch of one kettlebell with each hand while standing.

Two-handed kettlebell push

One-handed kettlebell jerk

In the "snatch" exercise, one change of hands is allowed without placing the kettlebell on the platform. After the athletes have finished their performances in two exercises, the judges will calculate the points in the total of the biathlon.

Exercise "long cycle push" differs from the usual push in that the athlete, after lifting two weights with both hands, drops the weights to his feet and, without placing them on the platform, again throws them on his chest.

Long cycle kettlebell push


Kettlebell as a sports equipment has been used since ancient times to develop strength, endurance, to prepare warriors for military operations and Greek athletes for Olympic Games... Kettlebells were also common in circus performances and at all kinds of fairs for competitions and entertainment.

Kettlebell lifting as such became widespread only in the middle of the 20th century. In 1948, the first competitions were held in which only kettlebells were lifted. Modern rules kettlebell lifting did not exist then.

In 1962, the first competition rules were introduced. Further, after that, competitions began to be held between the athletes of the USSR. Kettlebell lifting was also actively introduced in the army. The rules of kettlebell lifting were constantly changing and simplified to attract a wider audience of athletes.

In 1985, kettlebell lifting became official, and in 1987 the All-Union kettlebell lifting federation of the USSR was created. In the 90s, in its place was created International Federation kettlebell lifting.

Personalities in kettlebell lifting

Peter Krylov (1871), a human legend. This sport is not without reason associated with the name of the Russian hero Pyotr Krylov, who received the title of “King of Weights” in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Weighing 88 kg, he squeezed a two-pound weight 86 times in a row. Krylov Petr Fedotovich squeezed out 134 kilograms in the "wrestling bridge" position. He squeezed 114.6 kilograms with one left. In addition, spreading his arms to the sides, he held in each of them a kettlebell weighing 41 kilograms.

Ivan Denisov(1982) - Honored Master of Sports of Russia, 9 multiple champion world, 17 times champion of Russia, 4 times champion of Europe in kettlebell lifting. The absolute record holder of Russia and the world in all exercises of kettlebell lifting.

By the middle of 2005, Ivan Denisov had updated all records, and by the end of 2005 he had become absolute record holder in kettlebell lifting: in the classic clean and jerk - 175 lifts, combined - 281 points. In 2014, Ivan became an 8-time world champion and is considered invincible in his weight category.

Valery Fedorenko(1973), master of sports of the USSR, honored master of sports, master of sports of international class), world champion in 1993. At his first world championship in the category up to 80 kg, 20-year-old Valery pushed 127 times and pulled out a kettlebell 98, gaining 225 points, which could not “beat” the next 15 years.

Fedorenko is one of the main popularizers of kettlebell lifting in the United States. He introduced kettlebell lifting to overseas athletes in 1999, becoming the first official foreign kettlebell lifting expert in the United States. It was then that he began promoting kettlebells in the fitness industry. Thanks to his active teaching and competitive activities, everyone in the USA knows about kettlebells today.

Sergei Rachinsky (1970)- Honored Master of Sports of Russia in kettlebell lifting, Honored coach of Russia, multiple champion Russian and nine-time world champion, four-time champion RF Armed Forces, two-time champion The RF Armed Forces in kettlebell lifting, Guinness World Record holder in weightlifting and kettlebell lifting, general director of the Eurofitness club, co-founder of the Russian Academy of kettlebell lifting, head of the Academy of kettlebell lifting and fitness (New York).

In 2013, Rachinsky established two world achievements in the snatch and clean and jerk of kettlebells. An hour was given for each exercise, and during this time Sergey made 1,557 jerks with a 16 kg kettlebell and 931 jerks with two 16 kg kettlebells. Record figures are officially recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, and Rachinsky became the first Russian to break the kettlebell lifting records of foreigners.

Pavel Tsatsulin (1969)- Master of Sports of the USSR, physical training instructor of the Soviet special forces, now living in the United States. Popularizer of training with kettlebells.

In 1998 Pavel published his first article “Vodka, cucumber pickle, kettlebell lifting and other Russian entertainment” in MILO - a magazine for those interested power sports... In 2001 Pavel's book “Russian Kettlebell Challenge” was published, and Pavel became a leading kettlebell lifting instructor in the USA.

Several years later, the book “Introduction to kettlebell fitness” was published, and a little later - “Return to kettlebells!”. In the USA he is called the “King of Weights”.

Pavel has worked as an instructor for the US Marine Corps, the US Secret Service and the Navy Seals.

Sergey Rudnev (1967) - MSMK, five-time world champion in kettlebell lifting, president of the International Academy of kettlebell lifting and fitness, founder of the portal about kettlebell lifting.

Development of rules

At the dawn of the development of kettlebell lifting, athletes practiced triathlon - press, clean and jerk. There were no professional kettlebell lifters using strength endurance at that time, so weightlifters and strong amateurs took part in the competition. They could not lift weights for a long time, so the results were rather low.

When professionals appeared in kettlebell lifting who developed special exercise techniques, the results increased dramatically. The performance time also increased to 40-50 minutes, which reduced the entertainment and could affect the popularity of the sport.

In 1982, the bench was excluded from the performance programs, and in 1989 a 10-minute exercise limit was introduced. At the same time, the first long cycle clean and jerk competition took place.

In the "snatch" exercise, it was forbidden to touch the shoulder and chest with the kettlebell when lowering the kettlebell, and the free hand should not touch anything during the exercise. The snatch began to be performed in turn with each hand.

Errors during training

Let's look at several types of errors.

Back pain

This is not an error, but a symptom caused by a technical error. After a well-done training in kettlebell lifting, you should feel pain, but in the hips. But if you are worried about the lower back, then it is already worth considering: most likely, this is an injury to the lower back (lower back).

How can you avoid this? When lowering the kettlebell on straight arms, do not end the movement at the body, direct it between your legs, as in the one-handed kettlebell swing exercise.

This movement will allow the back to be in a neutral position and redistribute the load on the hips.

Don't straighten up

Of course, it is important to put your feet shoulder-width apart, to bend them correctly at the knees, but keeping your back straight is also far from a secondary moment. Imagine that kettlebell lifting exercises consist of two different movements: flexion of the hip joint and straightening of the back.

Remember this rule and always follow this algorithm: put your feet shoulder-width apart, tighten your buttocks, then take your shoulders back a little, opening chest and imagine that your head is reaching up. This way you will feel that your body is perfectly straight.

Can't concentrate

When performing exercises in kettlebell lifting, look directly in front of you, keeping your gaze on the horizon. Do not "shoot" with your eyes up or down to the sides to avoid injury, even if you notice a charming fit girl in the hall and she winks at you. A kettlebell that has fallen on your leg will obviously not make you more courageous and will not add professionalism to your image.

Control your weight

Choose weights so that you can do kettlebell exercises without cheating and feel every point of the trajectory. This issue must be approached carefully - if you do not control your weight, then it will control you, which will certainly lead to injury.

Ivan Denisov's opinion:

The main reason for mistakes, when an athlete has been practicing for a relatively long time (about more than 1 year), is the too early transition of most athletes to heavier kettlebells. This breaks down the technique of competitive exercises. The reason for this is the primitive system of assigning sports categories in kettlebell lifting, where there is a whole gap between the weights of kettlebells. An athlete after 1 adult category immediately begins to master 32 kg, but before that you need to go gradually.

Use two-handed exercises in the beginning

One-handed kettlebell lifting is also a great cardio exercise and good workout to increase grip strength, however, such an uneven load can seriously knock a beginner. At first, it is best to stick to "two-handed" exercises, such as squats and or sumo-style deadlifts.

Kettlebell squats

Sumo Kettlebell Row

Raise your arms above your head

At the top, the weight should "freeze" somewhere between the waist and shoulders. The heavier the weight seems to you, the lower the upper point of the exercise should be. How to find this position? You will feel that the kettlebell is high enough, feeling its weightlessness for a second.

Only focus on rocking

Remember that the start and finish of an exercise in kettlebell lifting deserve no less attention than the main movement. The better you start, the easier it will be for you to complete the exercise.

Before each kettlebell lift, make sure your feet are firmly on the floor, your hips are parallel to the floor, your back is straight, and your gaze is straight ahead. At the end of the exercise, do not throw the kettlebell on the floor, place it in front of you smoothly and with dignity.

Kettlebell lifting competition rules

Competitions are held with weights of 16, 24 and 32 kg. Biathlon: push of two weights with two hands, snatch of weights with one and the other hand without interruption, where the athlete has the right to change his hand once. The result in the snatch is the average sum of the result of lifting the kettlebell with both hands. In a long cycle: push of two kettlebells with two hands, including lowering the kettlebells followed by throwing them onto the chest. Competitions are held in kettlebell juggling, 24 kg for men and 16 kg for women.

All-Russian Federation of Kettlebell Lifting (All-Russian Federation of Kettlebell Lifting) ruled that Boys (under 18) compete with kettlebells weighing 24 kg, girls 16 kg and less. Juniors (18-22 years old) lift weights weighing 32 kg at competitions, Juniors - 24 kg. Adults compete on 32 and 24 kg kettlebells, respectively.

General special conditions:

Each exercise has 10 minutes to complete.

Biathlon consists of a clean and jerk exercise and a snatch exercise. Points in combined events are awarded: 1 push - 1 point, 1 snatch - 0.5 points.

  • The sporting rank of MS is awarded at competitions not lower than the status of the championship of the federal district Russian Federation, semi-finals of the Russian Championship.
  • The CMS sports category is assigned at competitions not lower than the status of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, subject to other requirements of the VFGS rules.
  • First and other massive sports categories awarded at competitions of any status.

The championships of Russia are held among juniors and juniors (19 - 22 years old), among boys and girls (14 - 18 years old).

Table of bit standards for kettlebell lifting

From 2018 to 2021 the following are valid sporting titles and categories in kettlebell lifting.

Combined event for men

Weight category
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
I (th)
weight 16kg
II (th)
weight 16kg
III (th)
weight 16kg
48 - - - - - - 110 75 50
53 - - - - - - 120 85 55
58 - - - 90 70 50 130 95 60
63 192 126 75 100 80 60 140 105 65
68 210 146 83 110 90 65 150 110 70
73 222 162 95 120 95 70 160 120 75
73+ - - - - - - 170 125 80
78 - - - 130 105 80 - - -
85 234 178 117 140 110 85 - - -
85+ 246 190 126 160 130 100 - - -

Long cycle push in men

Weight category
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
I (th)
weight 16kg
II (th)
weight 16kg
III (th)
weight 16kg
48 - - - - - - 40 35 30
53 - - - - - - 48 42 36
58 - - - 55 45 35 55 48 40
63 59 44 35 60 49 39 61 51 42
68 72 56 45 65 54 43 66 56 46
73 76 62 48 70 58 46 71 61 51
73+ - - - - - - 74 64 54
78 - - - 74 62 50 - - -
85 82 69 55 79 66 54 - - -
85+ 88 75 58 90 75 60 - - -

Long cycle push in women

Weight category
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
weight 16kg
weight 16kg
weight 16kg
63 59 44 35 60 49 39
63+ 72 56 45 65 54 43

Jerk in women

Weight category
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
weight 16kg
weight 16kg
weight 16kg
I (th)
weight 16kg
II (th)
weight 16kg
III (th)
weight 16kg
48 - - - 80 60 45 43 33 23
53 - - - 90 70 50 45 35 25
58 - - - 100 80 60 55 45 35
63 159 126 73 110 90 70 65 55 45
63+ 181 146 86 125 100 85 75 65 55

Conventional abbreviations:

  • MSMK - International Master of Sports
  • MS - Master of Sports
  • CCM - candidate for master of sports
  • I - first rank
  • II - second grade
  • III - third grade
  • I (u) - the first youth category
  • II (u) - second youth category
  • III (u) - third youth category


In the early 90s, the European Kettlebell Lifting Union (ESGS) was created. It united weightlifters from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. UGS became the first an international organization in kettlebell lifting. In the same year, the International Federation of Kettlebell Lifting (IFGS) was created.

It includes seven countries of the former USSR. In 2007, instead of these federations, the International Union of Kettlebell Lifting (IUKL) began to work.

In 1992, the first European Championship took place. In 1993, the first world championship took place. The first World Cup was organized in 1994.

Nowadays, more than 300 athletes from different regions of the country participate in the Russian championships every year. Athletes from more than 20 countries of the world are involved in this sport and the popularity of kettlebells is growing every day.

Weightlifting VS CrossFit

Still looking at this sport? A useful video for everyone, both the role of kettlebells in CrossFit, and the role of CrossFit in kettlebell lifting.

The bearded man and his colleagues will pay attention to the kettlebell snatch, in particular to some important points in this exercise. Athletes will consider the difference in the technique of performing exercises with kettlebells, depending on the different tactical tasks during the competition.

How can you conduct your workouts with a minimum of space for training and a minimum amount of funds in order to be developed and stay in good physical shape.

The decision is made only by you. Good luck in training!

Hello everyone! I was able to talk with the MS of Russia, a reserve officer, coach of the 1st category, Denis Leonov. Denis has been in kettlebell lifting for many years, he has trained 5 masters of sports - 2 medalists of the World Championship (2003 Kazan and 2005 Moscow), prize-winners of the Russian Championship among juniors and youth 2005 Yelets (team of the Primorsky Territory). He told the essence of training in kettlebell lifting, how to make training plan and do it yourself. I will not distort his words, I will lay out literally what he told me. So let's go ..

MS of Russia Denis Leonov about training in kettlebell lifting

Ideally, have the following set of weights: 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36-37 kg. We trained like this, of course 34 is possible.
"Muhacham" (lungs weight categories) with such a set it is much easier to smoothly approach 32s. I don't know how now, but a few years ago (and in the 90s-2000s I ended up training according to such a system), at least I tried to adhere to it Mon-T + R, Wed-T, Thu-R, Sat-T + R.
I will try to explain the essence of the training. Given that you are not from scratch. But if at all zero, then you can push with one hand. And if the "body" cannot even throw two 16s, then you need to start pushing 16s with one hand, let's say 5, 7, 9 times, at the next workout 7, 9, 11, then try to push 12-13 times, while constantly throwing one kettlebell more than heavy weight(20-ku or 24-ku). After a while, you can push two 16s, then you add a push with one hand 20, then 24, etc.
First, I'll tell you about the push ...

Exercise push

For the first 2 weeks we train with weights of 16, 20 and 24 kg.
1st week:
Mon: 24 kg - 2 minutes; 20 kg - 3 min; 16 kg - 4 min;
Wed: 24 kg - 3 min; 20 kg - 4 min; 16 kg - 5 min;
Sat: 24 kg - 4 minutes; 16 kg - 6 min.
2nd week:
Mon: 24 kg - 2 min 30 sec; 20 kg - 3 min 30 sec; 16 kg - 4 min 30 sec;
Wed: 24 kg - 3 min 30 sec; 20 kg - 4 min 30 sec; 16 kg - 5 min 30 sec;
Sat: 16 kg - 8 minutes (penetration).

The next 2 weeks are all the same, only weights 26, 24, 20, respectively, penetration for 20. And the next 2 weeks are 28, 26, 24, driving on 24.
As for the pace. If you want to push 24-ki 100 times, then 16 kg - 14-16 r / m, 20 kg - 12-14 r / m, 24 kg - 10-12 r / m, 26 kg - 8-10 r / m, 28 kg - 6-8 r / m. Do more tempo on short approaches, but understand that the first number of lifts per minute is minimal, you should go through longer approaches with it. At the end of the approach, acceleration is allowed: if there is enough strength, then a minute, if not, then 30 seconds.
Driving should be done preferably at a rate of +1 from the minimum. Those. on 24-ah (if you want to "pick up" a hundred square meters of 11 lifts per minute) - if you start by 1 higher than the minimum and you feel that you are "covering", then go down to the competitive one (10 times per minute). This applies to all weights, I just gave an example on 24.
This "makar" you train for 6 weeks, then 2 weeks "eyeliner" and start. Based on experience, after observing all these rules, the minimum result will be 98-100 rises, the maximum can "shoot" up to 110-115 rises in 10 minutes.
Based on such a plan, figure out what a set of weights is and, if the competition is 32, how long will it take for more or less high-quality training. As for heavier weights, the approach time can be lowered by 30 seconds or 1 minute ... But the "penetration" is anyway 8 minutes.

Jerk exercise

Now for the snatch. Exercise on the one hand is easier than pushing, but on the other hand, beginners very often tear blisters, and because of this, problems arise with the implementation of the plan.
We leave the set of weights the same. We have a jerk Mon, Thu, Sat. The first 2 weeks we train "penetration" on 16 cars.
Almost everything remains as in the clean and jerk. Time is indicated for both hands (if "4 minutes" , it means 2 per hand).
1st week:
Mon: 24 kg - 1 min; 20 kg - 2 min; 16 kg - 3 min;
Thurs: 24 kg - 2 minutes; 20 kg - 3 min; 16 kg - 4 min;
Sat: 24 kg - 3 minutes; 16 kg - 6 min.
2nd week:
Mon: 24 kg - 2 minutes; 20 kg - 3 min; 16 kg - 4 min;
Thurs: 24 kg - 3 minutes; 20 kg - 4 min; 16 kg - 5 min;
Sat: 16 kg - 8 minutes (penetration).

Now with a tempo. Here, of course, it will be more difficult ... If you want to push 100 times, you think you will break 70-80 times. This is, so to speak, the average result. Accordingly, we expect that you will complete this in 10 minutes, that is, 5 minutes per hand, hence the pace is 14-16 times per minute 24, 20 16-18, 16 you can safely walk 20 times a minute, as high as possible, it won't get any worse.
In general, in the snatch, I advised and always tried to get from my students so that they could vomit, albeit slower, but for 5 minutes per hand. The pace in this version is easier to work out than to vomit in 3 minutes at a pace of 20, then fall in convulsions, in "ahue", so to speak, with foam at the mouth.
While the jerk is training on light kettlebells, it is possible, or rather even necessary, to include so-called snatch exercises in the training. Before the main sets, there can be a snatch with the next weight kettlebell with 2 rolls. Let's say the main weights are 24, 20, 16, so the first approach is 26-ku with two rolls, 6-8 times per minute. Or I called this exercise 5-10 - you take a kettlebell, and on command break it, holding it for 10 seconds at the bottom, 5 seconds at the top, then it can be performed after 7.5 seconds, and then (when you do the previous 5 minutes on your hand) 5 at the bottom and 10 at the top. It helps to relax the hand in the upper position when jerking.
When you switch to heavier weights, it is necessary at the end of each workout to rip a 16-ku in a glove to the maximum, the glove is the most common. We took construction rubberized ones, put them on the inside with a rag, rubber over the palm, and thus tore. It will be normal if after training you can fight 16 in a glove of 100-120, a normal topic.
You can go in for 6-7 minutes, we practiced 10 minutes per hand, but I don't see the point in this now, it's better to increase the weight of the kettlebell.
I forgot to say. If you plucked calluses, then tear bluntly to a maximum of 16 in a glove. If you rip it for 5 minutes at a rate of 20-22 easily, then rip a 20-ku. If such a story is with the 20th, then tear 24-ku.
That's all I wanted to tell you. Of course, many unclear points will remain, here you need to communicate with each person individually, but still general principle I told.

Kettlebell is an excellent sports equipment for training strength indicators at home. In this article, beginners will receive answers to all questions related to home training.

Kettlebell is used by representatives of almost all sports to improve strength performance. This sports equipment is great for training at home.

Beginners who decide to start training should first consult with a doctor, and then with a trainer who will suggest a training program. If this is not possible, then just read this article - in it you will find answers to all questions regarding exercises with a kettlebell at home.

Kettlebells - the sport of the strong

No one will argue that kettlebell lifting is popular. Many people do kettlebell exercises at home. Among the main factors that influenced the development of kettlebell lifting, the following can be noted:
  • The compactness of a sports equipment that can be placed anywhere. Besides, it cannot be broken.
  • Weight training will significantly accelerate the growth of muscle mass.
  • The workout can be done anywhere and at a time convenient for the athlete.
  • At the first stage, until the strength indicators increase, the training will take no more than 10 minutes. Subsequently, the time will, of course, increase.
  • During training with a kettlebell, fats are perfectly burned, and a surge in hormonal levels occurs in the body.
  • You don't need to learn a lot of different techniques. All exercises in kettlebell lifting are based on human physiology.
  • With constant exercise, strength increases, the work of the central nervous system improves.
  • To create a beautiful sports figure, you just need to buy a kettlebell and memorize a dozen exercises.
  • Weight training is available to women.
  • Despite the seemingly high danger of classes, statistics suggest the opposite - this is one of the most safe species sports.

How to choose the weight of a kettlebell

When choosing the weight of a sports equipment, only two indicators must be taken into account: the strength of the athlete and the type of exercise. Beginners can be advised to start with a minimum weight of 16 kilograms. Gradually, most often throughout the year with constant training, you can get to maximum weight weights of 32 kilograms. The training program should be designed in such a way that the exercises for different groups muscles alternated.

The time of one lesson should not exceed 40 minutes, and it is advisable to conduct the training at the same time. At the end of the lesson, it is worth doing breathing exercises, calmly walk for a minute or two, after which you can go to the shower.

The first thing a beginner kettlebell lifter needs to master is a snatch. You can perform this exercise with one or two hands. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the back is flat, and the kettlebell is located in the center of the athlete's body. To perform the exercise, you should bend over and, taking the projectile by the handle, jerk it down onto your chest. Then grab the kettlebell with your other hand and lower it into place.

When the first exercise is mastered, you can move on to bent-over rows. Height muscle mass when performing this exercise, it directly depends on the weight of the sports equipment. However, you should correctly calculate your physical capabilities so as not to get injured.

In terms of execution technique, the pull is not much more difficult than the snatch. The left knee should be on one edge of the bench, and the left hand, respectively, on the other. Take the kettlebell with your right hand, and at the same time you exhale, pull the kettlebell towards you. The arm should be bent in elbow joint... Return the projectile to its original position at the same time as inhaling. Only elbows and shoulders should be involved in the work.

The third exercise is called the "mill". The body bends to the side so that the hand touches the foot. The second hand with the kettlebell rises high up.

What if the muscles are weak?

Of course, everyone is at a different level. physical fitness... If the arm muscles are still weak, then they should be strengthened. There are special exercises for this:
  1. The back is straight. Take 16-kilogram weights in both hands, or, if this is too much weight for you, then less. Put your hands down, and your palms should look up. In total, you should do 2 to 4 approaches, consisting of 8 or 10 repetitions each. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the hands and arms well.
  2. Sit in a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. Left hand is placed at the waist, and the weight is in right hand on the right knee. With the palm facing up, make bending movements so that the kettlebell moves in a vertical plane.
  3. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. In one hand, a sports equipment, and the other is at the waist. Raise the kettlebell over your head, and then raise and lower it. Make sure your elbow doesn't move. This exercise designed for training biceps shoulder muscle... It is enough to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
  4. Stand next to a chair and bend over. Hold on to the back with one hand, and hold the kettlebell with the other. Start lifting and lowering the projectile along the body. The exercise is also performed in three sets of 10 repetitions.
  5. Kettlebell in one hand, and the other is located at the waist. Raise the projectile to your chest along a tangent path and make sure that your elbow does not move.

Exercises for training back muscles

The main task of the athlete is to develop their muscles harmoniously. If you train your arms, but forget about your back, then there will be no benefit from such training. The following are exercises to help you strengthen your back muscles:
  1. Stand near a chair. Hold on to the back with one hand and grab the shell with the other.
  2. Bend your knees slightly left leg located slightly behind. Raise and lower the projectile to your chest. You should do 5 approaches, each of which has 10 repetitions.
  3. Take weights in your hands, your back is straight. Pull the projectile to your chest. Do about 5 sets of 10 reps.
  4. The kettlebell is located on the floor. Place one hand on the projectile and place the other on the floor. Do push-ups.
  5. The standing press works well on several muscles at once. Place the kettlebell on your shoulder, then start lifting it. It is allowed to help with the feet.

Now you can get acquainted with a set of 7 most effective exercises that allow you to harmoniously develop all muscle groups.
  • Throwing a projectile. 3 sets of 15 or 20 sets are performed. Tilt your hip joint and grab a kettlebell. It is necessary to raise it sharply, while straightening the leg, imitating a jump. In this case, the elbows should be placed outward from the projectile, and the shoulders should be directly above it. This position should be held for as long as possible. Make sure that the weight is always placed near the body. Straightening your legs, simultaneously raise your shoulders, and when the hand with the kettlebell is at their level, pull the projectile with your hands. Then turn your elbows so that they are below the projectile. All movement should be done smoothly.
  • Hand pulling the projectile. You need to do 3 sets of 15 or 20 repetitions. Legs shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Bend into hip joint, while the back should be straight. One hand is on the back of the chair, and the other is holding the kettlebell. Pull the kettlebell up, bringing the shoulder blades together. Remember to keep your back straight to avoid injury.
  • Squats. Also 3 sets of 15 or 20 reps. The legs are slightly wider than the thigh line, the projectile is on the chest. Start squatting. In this case, the knees should always remain above the feet. Return to starting position follows after the thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Projectile push. The number of approaches and repetitions is the same. Legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. The kettlebell is located near the ear. Perform a squat and immediately rise, while lifting the projectile up.
  • Machi. The number of repetitions and approaches remains unchanged. The projectile is located between the legs, the body is tilted. Swing the kettlebell back, and swing it forward with all your might to chest level. The arms are straight and the hips are extended.
  • "Mill". The arm with one projectile is straightened and raised up. At the same time, take another kettlebell with your other hand and start lifting. Change hands and repeat. The number of approaches and repetitions is the same.
  • Bench press. 3 sets of 15 or 20 sets. While lying on your back, squeeze the projectile.
Video lessons of exercises with kettlebells for beginners:

However, as practice shows, it is quite difficult for the average person to combine going to the gym, work and family. The question arises: "What to do?"

The answer is very simple and consists in the fact that you need to study at home. There is a proven method that does not take much time, and also requires minimal costs to implement it. It is about weight training... It may seem to many that this type of training is rather archaic, however, before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to consider this type physical activity from different sides.

Pros and cons of kettlebell lifting

Each sport has its negative and positive aspects. So, first of all, builds to list negative sides lessons with this projectile:

  • you cannot adjust and change the weight of the projectile;
  • it is necessary to be minimally prepared for practicing with this projectile;
  • not suitable for people with weak tendons and heart problems;
  • high probability of injury.

So now let's move on to positive sides of this sport:

  • minimum costs for sports equipment;
  • you can practice with a kettlebell everywhere;
  • develops strong muscles.

Voicing the weak and strengths of this sport, we can move on to the next question that arises in most people who decide to start doing kettlebell lifting.

How much weight to start exercising?

Here it is necessary to understand that, unfortunately, there is no definite formula. Each person is individual and his load tolerance, physical capabilities, strength parameters, health status are individual.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital, it is not sad, but you need to start your classes with a small weight. And only then can one move to the next "level" when the heart and other organs adapt to new conditions.

In other words, if a person decides to train with weights, he needs to be patient and not chase weight. You can move on to more weight if you manage to perform all the exercises that will be described below.

How to choose the right weight?

Choose the right type sports equipment very simple. You need to take it in one hand and try to raise the weight above your head. maximum amount once. If the indicators fluctuate within 10-15 times, then you can move on to the next weight without hesitation.

However, if the indicators do not exceed more than 10 repetitions, then you should work harder on your physical form. Of course, this is a versatile projectile. With this "tool" you can train not only your arms, but also your legs.

Therefore, in order to understand which everything is right for you, you need to do the same trial approach on your feet, weight calculation is determined in the same way as described above.

Exercises: general characteristics

There are many different exercises that a person can do with this athletic equipment. Kettlebells are used not only in weightlifting, this projectile is also used in boxing and other contact martial arts. However, even in such a modern and popular form physical activity, like, kettlebells have found their application.

Indeed, kettlebells are a unique athletic equipment that allows you to develop various parts of the body. Both a beginner and a professional will be able to significantly improve their physical performance thanks to classes that can take place at home, which is important. That is, the person remains free and not tied to the gym.

A set of exercises for a beginner

Kettlebells allow you to develop not only strength in the person who is engaged in them, but also dexterity. Therefore, it is necessary that the athlete alternates exercises that would develop his body on both sides. The beginner is obliged, strives to ensure, first of all, to work out correct technique working with this projectile, try to develop dexterity and endurance and only after that seeks to increase the weight of the kettlebell.

Strength exercises are very simple:

So, doing these exercises regularly and without being distracted by various "parties", you can start doing exercises designed exclusively for professionals in a couple of months.

Exercises for advanced athletes

Now let's move on to considering the basic principles of conducting classes for more experienced kettlebell lifters. An experienced athlete knows that kettlebells are an amazing tool that allows you to work out all the muscles in the body. Therefore, an experienced athlete himself can decide what to work out for him in a particular workout.

Kettlebells are unique in that they allow you to experiment with each new workout... So the amount of exercise is endless. The hardest part of this sport is circuit training, which includes work on all muscle groups.

What to do if your arm muscles are weak?

If there is a desire to practice with a kettlebell, but physical form does not allow you to go directly to this projectile, then it is necessary to strengthen the muscles. For this, pull-ups on, push-ups on and off the floor are suitable.

Push-ups are great for strengthening your arms.

Of course, if everything is really bad, and the horizontal bar and the uneven bars do not go, then it is necessary to focus specifically on push-ups from the floor, which must be done with different grips, that is, spread your arms wide or narrow.

As practice shows, after 2-3 weeks you can start pulling up on the horizontal bar. After the number of pull-ups exceeds 5 times, you can go directly to the apparatus.

Exercises for back muscles

It is necessary to understand that the body looks beautiful only if it is developed correctly and harmoniously. Many, doing this sport, make one characteristic mistake, which is that they practically do not work on the muscles of the back, which, in turn, leads to disharmony and a violation of aesthetics.

So, in order to develop your back muscles as best as possible, you can do the following exercises:

Exercises with kettlebells 16, 24, 32 kg

So, now let's move on to the most interesting thing: absolutely any exercises with weights can be done, absolutely all muscle groups can be pumped in this way. From the legs to the end, the neck can also be inflated thanks to this projectile.

With them you can:

  • squat,
  • lunges
  • swing biceps,
  • triceps,
  • pectoral muscles
  • absolutely all muscle groups.

The main thing is for the athlete to feel his body and understand that all movements must be done smoothly without sudden movements and jerks. Therefore, it all depends solely on your imagination and perseverance.

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