Relaxation of the deep muscles of the neck. How to eliminate tension and relieve muscle fatigue with osteochondrosis

Do you have VSD? Panic attacks? Dizziness and fatigue? Or is it all at the same time? Pay attention to your neck. This could be the reason.

If you are tormented by headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, fatigue, blackheads in front of your eyes and other troubles with the body, then perhaps your neck muscles are tightly tightened. In this article, you will learn how to get rid of muscle clamps in the neck and most importantly - how to do it safe and effective.

Why do you think recent times so the number of people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia has increased and, as a result,? And often these people are young enough, and talk about age-related changes somehow inappropriate.

I think you yourself know the answer. Blame it all - our modern way of life. Computers and smartphones are the main neck killers and the reason cervical osteochondrosis.

You look at today's youth - they walk down the street and endlessly dull into their smartphones and move as if on autopilot. What kind of neck can withstand such constant stress?

Or this constant sitting at the computer for many hours in a row. No cool and sophisticated computer chairs will help here. It is not without reason that they say today that sitting for a long time is a new smoking. Immobilized muscles in the neck and shoulders constrict blood vessels, causing fatigue and may even damage the central nervous system.

There is a well-established expression - "text neck". And not only users of smartphones and tablets are subject to it, but also everyone who sits at a computer for a long time.

The second reason is, of course, a huge mass of various stresses that accumulate like a snowball. As a result, a person unconsciously seeks to hide, to pull his head into his shoulders, to close himself off from everything and everyone. The typical pose of such a person is that the shoulders are raised almost to the ears, the back is stooped, and the head, on the contrary, is thrown back.

All this leads to chronic stiffness of the neck muscles and the corresponding symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis: headaches, dizziness, "whistling" in the ears, darkening of the eyes and other troubles.

Squeezed neck muscles and headaches what to do?

In my last article, I already talked about what muscle clamps are, where they come from and how to deal with them. There are also tons of links to related articles and exercise videos.

However, as for the muscles of the neck, they should be discussed in more detail, because the place is thin, and improper work with it is fraught with complications.

What you need to know about the cervical spine

The main commandment of the healer is - do no harm! The same applies to the patient himself, if he decides to work independently with own body... If we talk about the neck, then here this commandment must be multiplied by at least 10.

Authors different techniques neck work can be divided into two opposing camps. Some advocate active twisting-spinning by the neck, stretching, massaging, and in the most benign case - post-isometric relaxation where no obvious movement is observed.

Others, on the contrary, argue that in no case should you turn your head around, and in general not climb into the neck yourself, but go urgently to the doctors, they say, they are smarter and know everything.

The truth, as always, is in the middle. Too active rotation of the head, of course, is not useful, as is the appeal to doctors, who by no means all know exactly what they are talking about.

Since my blog is dedicated to finding solutions to life's problems on my own, here I will only consider self-help techniques when working with the cervical spine.

And the first thing that should definitely be taken into account is instability cervical spine... So that you know, it is observed in the vast majority of people who have certain neck problems.

As you probably know, a person has 7 cervical vertebrae in total. For most people, the first two on top and the last two on the bottom are usually pinched. In this case, the entire thoracic region is most often squeezed (hence the stoop).

Tightness does not mean that the spine is wedged. The small deep muscles that connect the vertebrae are clamped. It is they who restrict movement.

But somehow you have to turn your head! So we rotate our neck at the level of 3, 4 and 5 vertebrae. As a result, the following picture is observed: 1, 2, 6 and 7 vertebrae are clamped, and 3, 4 and 5 between them dangle as they want. This is called instability of the cervical spine.

The consequences of such instability are obvious - it just leads to many problems, voiced at the beginning of the article. But the cervical arteries pass through these vertebrae. And any clamp is fraught with a violation of the blood supply to the brain, corresponding glitches, accelerated degradation and subsequent reincarnation into a stoned fox.

What exercises to do with cervical osteochondrosis?

What if the neck is in chains? So, returning to active exercises with the neck, including the post-isometry common today (this is when you rest your head in your palms and press on them, but the head remains in place) - don't do it at random!

If your neck is unstable, then such exercises will simply lead to even more laxity. Do you need it? No, don’t! Therefore, we do everything very carefully, slowly and in every possible way protecting our neck.

No sharp turns, bends or head twisting! This will not do you anything useful, it will only make the problem worse. Some authors recommend doing this slowly and staying at the extremes for a long time. This helps to stretch tight muscles. But it's easy to overdo it and pull too hard. As a result, the muscles can spasm even more.

The best option is the same post-isometric exercises. But! Not with the forehead or the back of the head in the palm of your hand. It is not right! So you can easily move the vertebrae with a "ladder". If you are holding your head from behind, then hold the neck and the lower part of the back of the head with your palms, not the back of the head itself. Then the vertebrae will not move.

In general, the most perfect exercise- this is not at all resting your head in your hands, but simply lying on the floor and raising your head, fixing yourself in this position for 10 - 15 seconds, then lowering your head and relaxing. Lying on your side, you don't have to move your head at all, just hold it straight for the same 10 - 15 seconds. Repeat each exercise 5 - 6 times. It's all!

In his book “Yoga. The art of communication "Victor Boyko recommends doing this simple exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck not for 10 - 15 seconds, but before the appearance of an unpleasant sensation. As soon as it appeared, immediately finish.

You will be surprised that in the supine position and on the sides you can quite normally hold your head up to 2 minutes or longer, but in the supine position you can hardly hold out longer than 30 seconds. This indicates weakness of the anterior neck muscles. And since they are weak, then this weakness is compensated back muscles and therefore they are overstrained.

Massage and kneading the muscles of the neck

In addition to exercise, you should also do self-massage of the neck muscles. There is nothing complicated here. The basic rule is not to rush, not to press hard and not to rub, like a washcloth in a bath. Keep your hands warm. Anyone knows how to do this. It will be good to lubricate your hands with any massage oil, so as not to really rub your skin.

First, you should do light stroking movements with your hands from top to bottom, from the back of the head to the back and from the middle of the back to the shoulders. When the muscles warm up a little, you can begin to slowly crush them and push them with your fingers, moving all the same from top to bottom and from the center to the periphery.

The most tense muscles are the so-called short extensors neck... They take on the entire load of holding the head. But the long extensors, which actually have to do this job, are literally atrophied in most people. And besides, in these long extensors, and in the trapezoid too, usually a large amount of trigger points, which also need to be thoroughly massaged.

Best told about it in his video Anton Alekseev... Recommend!

Straight posture against muscle tightness in the neck

And finally, let's talk about an even posture. Everyone knows that this is right and necessary, but they just slouch anyway. Vladimir Pavlukhin spoke very sensibly and clearly about the effect of stoop on the neck muscles in his book "Chiropractor Himself". Here's what he writes:

“… Very often the setting of the neck in the extension position [When the head is thrown back, as it were. - approx. mine] occurs in people with a stooped posture (Figure c)

This becomes clear if we imagine the vertebrae in the form of cubes folded in a column. If the lower cubes are displaced in one direction, then in order to maintain balance, the upper ones must also be displaced - only in the opposite direction.

Roughly the same thing happens with the neck, if there is an increased backward bend in the thoracic region (stoop). In order to keep the head in balance, and bring the line of sight to the level of the horizon, our vestibular apparatus gives the command to "straighten the neck."

Consequently, in people with postural disorders, the neck is initially in the same position as in a person with normal posture, who raised his head and gazed at the sky ... "

You understand? Stooped people seem to be looking high up all the time. What kind of tension builds up in the neck over time ?! Here you yourself try to stand for at least 5 minutes with your head thrown back. In the best case, the neck will quickly get tired, or else the head will spin out of habit. And stooped people always have such a posture. Always, Karl !!!

And as he rightly notes

And now you can imagine what would happen if a person with such a spine tried to do, say, aerobics and began to twist his head. Turns in such a neck will be carried out with all the ensuing consequences. Hence, pay attention to posture before treating your neck.


  1. Make sure your posture is in good shape before attempting any neck clamping exercises. If not, correct it first, and only then grab the neck.
  2. Not all neck exercises are created equal. Any rotation of the head, especially in a circle, is practically completely useless and even harmful. Don't do that!
  3. Do not forget to knead and massage your neck and trapezius muscles often. Often, ordinary self-massage with hands or "rolling" with the help tennis ball can significantly weaken or completely remove muscle tension in the neck.
  4. Post-isometric exercises are useful, but they also need to be done wisely. The safest and most effective option is to lift and fix your head while lying on your stomach, back and sides. At the same time, in the lateral position, it is enough just to keep your head straight.

Hope this article helped you understand the muscle clamps in your neck. Bookmark it so you won't forget and share it on social networks.

What is a spasm of the muscles of the collar zone, why does it occur? How to quickly relieve pain from a spasm of the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Effective and inexpensive treatments: medicines, folk remedies, physiotherapy. Preventive measures to help avoid recurrence of the disease.

Neck and shoulder muscle spasms are a common problem that people of all ages can face. However, the most susceptible to the disease are people who are often in a static position of the body (working at a computer), leading a sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, giving an excessive load on the cervical spine.

What is a spasm of the muscles of the collar zone, why does it occur? How to quickly relieve pain? Effective and inexpensive treatments, folk remedies, physiotherapy.


A spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle that causes it to contract. Together with muscle tissue, nearby vessels are clamped. This condition leads to a disruption in the functioning of spasmodic tissues, which causes pain in the patient, as well as other unpleasant consequences, which will be discussed in detail below.

Layout of the main muscles of the neck and shoulders

Types of spasms

As mentioned above, the cervical region includes many muscle fibers. Depending on which ones were spasmodic, the following types of spasms are distinguished:

  1. Deep muscles of the neck. The deep muscles of the neck extend from the ribs, passing close to the intercostal, cervical and transverse arteries.
  2. Muscles of the neck and shoulders. These fibers run from the side of the neck to the shoulders. In medical language, the disease is called lumbago. In 90% of cases, it occurs after sprains and injuries.
  3. Trapezius muscle. The trapezius muscle is a flat, wide fiber that runs along both sides of the spine from the neck to the shoulder blades.

Mechanisms of occurrence and causes of the disease

The cervical spine is one of the most mobile parts of the human body. It contains many muscle fibers, which increases the risk of cramping in the neck compared to other parts of the body.

Modern medicine cannot yet accurately determine the cause of the disease, however, it identifies risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Injury and mechanical damage provokes inflammation of the fibers, which gradually spreads through the tissues, provoking a clamp, pain.
  2. Long-term static position(sleep in one position, uncomfortable posture on a chair or at a computer), or vice versa, sudden movements leading to pinching of the nerves. Under the influence of these conditions, an increased load is exerted on the vertebrae, the blood flow increases, which leads to a spasm of blood vessels and muscles.
  3. Stress shocks, anxiety.
  4. Lack of vitamins (B12, D), minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium). These substances carry out important processes in muscle fibers... So, a lack of vitamins leads to the development of spasmophilia, and sodium to dehydration and loss of electrolyte by the body, which is necessary to ensure tissue rest.
  5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Hypothermia of the body (draft, walking in windy weather in light clothing).

Half cases of clamps- trauma, mechanical damage. In second place are nervous tension and osteochondrosis. In stressful situations, spasm occurs sporadically, the patient's sudden movements become a catalyst.

Osteochondrosis- a disease characterized by destructive processes in the bones and cartilage of a person. One of the symptoms of the disease is muscle weakness, which increases the predisposition to spasms, clamps.

How to tell cramps from other ailments

Unfortunately, on my own muscle spasm the collar zone cannot be distinguished from other ailments. Hernia intervertebral disc, pinched bone marrow, osteochondrosis and other diseases often give similar symptoms. An accurate diagnosis can only be made with the help of a specialist.

Spasms of the muscles in the neck and shoulder can be characterized by shooting pain and discomfort on the skin.


The manifestations of the disease can be divided into main (which appear regardless of the cause, type of ailment) and characteristic (which are inherent in a particular form of the disease)

Common symptoms:

  1. "Shooting" pain. Occurs locally or can spread down the arm to the fingertips.
  2. Unpleasant sensations on the skin in the affected area: numbness, tingling.
  3. Headaches in the occipital region.
  4. Difficulty moving the neck, shoulders, arms.
  5. Pain that occurs when turning the head, moving the arms.

Typical symptoms

When the disease develops nervously, one muscle group is affected. The disease is accompanied by sharp, aching pains that suddenly appear and disappear. Often the pain is provoked by sudden movements.

If the disease has arisen against the background of cervical osteochondrosis, then the patient will feel headaches, as well as numbness of muscles, skin, tingling, "goose bumps".

Symptoms also differ depending on which muscle group is affected:

  1. Oblique muscle- there is a throbbing pain under the back of the head, disruption of the organs of the visual system, deterioration of the blood supply to the brain, dizziness.
  2. Deep- accompanied by squeezing of the arteries, which leads to a deterioration in blood circulation to the head and hands. Against this background, periodically there is "flowing", numbness, tingling of the upper extremities.
  3. Muscles of the neck and shoulders. It manifests itself as a sharp and sharp, and aching, dull pain.
  4. Trapezoidal- the nutrition of the brain and face is disturbed. In more than 50% of cases, it occurs against the background of osteochondrosis. Another characteristic symptom is the appearance of the withers at the junction of the neck with the back.

Do not try to diagnose the cause and form of the disease yourself. The above information is intended for general information, a better understanding of your condition.

Spasm diagnostics

To diagnose, you need to go to orthopedist, chiropractor or therapist... The appointment at the doctor's office begins with the collection of anamnesis, when the patient talks about his condition. It is important to provide accurate, complete, truthful information about the duration, nature, intensity of symptoms, as well as about the possible causes of the development of the disease.

To diagnose the disease, you need to contact a therapist or orthopedist

This is followed by palpation, the doctor palpates the affected area with his hands, may ask the patient to make any movements, and then describe the sensations.

The standard diagnostic procedure is demonstrated in the video.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is done for definitive diagnosis. The study allows you to accurately see the condition of the muscles and nearby tissues.

If there is a suspicion of an infectious nature of the disease or a lack of trace elements - surrender lab tests blood and urine.

Neck treatment

Based on the diagnostic data obtained, the doctor prescribes treatment. the main task therapy - to eliminate the cause of the disease, relieve symptoms. Several treatment techniques will be described below. They can be combined or applied separately.

How to quickly relieve pain and spasm? Operational methods

What to do if the illness overtook you suddenly, but you cannot go to the doctor? You can ease your condition at home on your own by following one or more of the techniques below.

Hot tub

Take a contrast shower or warm bath. You can add aromatic oils: lavender, pine aromas. These scents are relaxing and soothing nervous system, stimulate the immune system.

Heating pad and compresses

Although a hot bath is recommended, a lower temperature is required for the compress. Fill a plastic bag with ice cubes, wrap in a towel. Apply the compress to the area that hurts the most. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

For spasms of the muscles of the neck and shoulders, a salt heating pad is excellent.

After that, it is recommended to immediately apply a warm compress with a heating pad. The change in temperature helps relieve muscle spasm (as in the case of a contrast shower). Low temperatures help relieve pain and other unpleasant sensations, while high temperatures help to relax muscles.


Drink non-steroidal pain relievers. It is prescribed in the form of tablets, topical ointments or injections. Usually these are pain relievers, muscle-reactive drugs, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Less commonly, antibiotics or other medications may be prescribed. Which ones - depends on the causes of the disease. Below in the table we describe some of the most effective drugs.

The course of NSAID treatment is carried out no longer than 5-7 days.

This item is suitable for those who have already consulted a doctor. Do not prescribe drugs yourself.

Try to monitor your condition. If you sit in one position for a long time, you notice tension in the cervical spine - change your position, do a little exercise, knead your neck with your hands. The most important thing is to be able to relax physically, emotionally.

Below in the video, the doctor talks about what to do to quickly get rid of the spasm.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers us a wide variety of different herbal medications to help with muscle spasms.


Brew herbs, best of all: valerian, lavender, chamomile, bergamot, peppermint. If there are no herbs, drink warm tea, hot milk. These drinks have a calming, relaxing effect on the body.


To relieve muscle tension, add a few drops of horseradish juice, aromatic oils (lavender, pine needles), or scented sea salt to a warm bath.

General treatment

General methods are aimed at relieving muscle clamps, restoring damaged tissue, and improving overall well-being.


A good momentary relaxing effect has a professional massotherapy... The tactile effect on the skin of the neck and shoulders stimulates the blood flow to the damaged tissues, triggering the recovery processes. Complete course massage sessions will strengthen the muscle corset, spine, correct posture, remove muscle clamps and blocks. In addition, regular exercises have a good relaxing effect on the psyche, help to normalize sleep, and improve the nutrition of the tissues of the cervical spine.

To relieve pain in spasms of the neck muscles, you can take a course of massage

This is what a massage of the cervical spine looks like.

Do not hire non-medical massage therapists for your sessions. Seek help from city, private clinics, medical centers.


Exercise has a similar effect to massage, the only difference is that you do it yourself. It is not recommended to do exercises to quickly relieve spasms, since with severe pain it is easy to harm yourself or make the wrong movement. Also, do not assign yourself gymnastic complex without prior consultation with a doctor.

What the exercises look like are demonstrated in the video below.


To remove clamps in muscle tissue, electrophoresis is prescribed in 90% of cases. The essence of the technique is that medicinal substances are injected under the skin, which penetrate the tissues under the influence of the current. As a rule, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs are introduced. The procedure helps to relax, stimulate blood flow, which is necessary to eliminate the negative processes of spasm.

For spasms of the muscles of the neck and shoulders, electrophoresis is often prescribed

The consequences of the lack of treatment and the effect of the disease on the body

If untreated, the disease negatively affects the human body. Squeezing of the nervous tissue, blood vessels, arteries occurs. As a result, the mobility of the limbs is limited, the blood circulation of the brain deteriorates, which affects the visual system, mental activity of a person.


  1. Keep your body toned. To avoid muscle cramps and tightness, you need to give your body regular physical activity. It can be swimming, yoga, pilates.
  2. Watch your comfort. Do not sit for a long time in one position of the body, change positions. Do a light warm-up after sleep, during breaks at work.
  3. Dress for the weather, avoid drafts, hypothermia.
  4. Make yourself a full-fledged diet, make sure that all the substances in the body are enough, take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  5. Contact a doctor in a timely manner if unpleasant symptoms are found, in good faith, follow all the doctor's recommendations with high quality.


In the article, we talked about the spasm of the muscles of the neck of the shoulders, described this ailment, as well as the reasons for its occurrence. A separate large section was devoted to methods of treating the disease. Do not forget that using them without consulting a doctor may harm your health. After recovery, we recommend that you follow preventive measures so that the disease does not recur again. And finally, we invite you to share in the comments your experience in treating the disease, as well as ask questions of interest.

One of the most common problems with a sedentary lifestyle is a "tight" neck. Which, in turn, often causes headaches. The root of the problem actually lies in the dislocation of the shoulders and shoulder blades. This complex exercise will help relieve unnecessary tension from the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle.

The complex will also contribute to the prevention and some correction of thoracic scoliosis. It is recommended to perform it every day, if desired, twice a day.
The complex is recommended to be performed almost every day.

Neck and shoulder girdle
Alexander Novikov

Usually, when a person works a lot at the computer while sitting in a chair, his shoulders change their posture not in better side... It looks something like this: they rise and go forward, the neck, as a rule, is pushed forward, which is why a "hump" forms at its base, and the person experiences pain in the back muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, which are pulled over, then hurt, pinched. More than half of headaches in office workers are due to overtightening of the neck muscles.
Our task is to stretch the anterior, anterolateral muscle groups so that the shoulders go back and fall.
Now we will perform a complex that allows you to put in place the shoulder girdle, on which the position of the neck depends. All neck exercises are performed in 5-6 movements.

1 exercise- stretching the muscles of the front and back of the neck. To do this, we first lift our face up. The face must necessarily reach the ceiling so that the distance from the shoulders to the back of the head is as large as possible. Then the chin goes inward and upward to stretch the back muscles of the neck. Don't drop your chin too much. It just goes inward and the back of the neck becomes "stiff". Inhale, lift your head up, exhale, chin inward.

2 exercise. With an exhalation, we turn the chin to one side, fix it for a few seconds, during which we try to turn our head a little more. With a breath, we return to starting position... With the second exhalation, we turn in the other direction, fix it for 2-3 seconds, during which we turn it a little more, and on inhalation we return.
In this exercise, we not only turn our head, but also hold the opposite shoulder back, which allows us to stretch lateral muscles neck.

3 exercise. We raise one hand up: first, we raise our shoulder and rest our head on it so that it does not sink too low. Next, with this hand, we clasp ourselves over the head behind the neck with a palm near the jaw and pull the neck slightly diagonally to the side. The second shoulder goes back. We try to lower our shoulder with our elbows as low as possible. In this case, the lateral muscles of the neck stretch very well. The elbow tries to go down as low as possible so that the shoulder goes down as well.
If you notice that you are arching very strongly in the middle of the spine, push the lower ribs inward to avoid this. Perform the exercise on the other side.

4 exercise. With an exhalation, we relax our head down, with an inhale, we make a swinging movement of our head to the side - back. This strains the muscles of the neck on the sides, additionally warms them up, increases blood circulation in the neck. Then the same movement in the other direction.

After this movement, we can perform a rotation of the neck, for which we perform the previous movement of the head across the side - back, then raise our face to the ceiling, preventing the back of the head from tipping over too much, and return.
Important: we do not deviate the neck too much to the side. In the front position, the chin is brought to itself, in the back position the back of the head does not move too far back, we pull the face up. Inhale backward, exhale forward. 5-7 spins in one direction, and the same amount in the other.

Exercises with hands.
All hand swings are performed in 8-10 movements

In all the following movements, the position of the legs is important for us. The feet should be parallel, about the width of the hip joints.

Exercise 5. In this exercise, we move the shoulder joint forward and upward, backward and upward. In the rear position, so that the elbow is not accidentally injured, it is advisable to turn the palms outward, then the elbow is more fixed, and try not to bend too much in the lower ribs. In the forward position, too much deflection is also not necessary. Forward - inhale, backward - exhale.

Exercise 6. In this exercise, we will stretch the muscles that raise and lower the shoulder blade.
With a breath, raise our arms and shoulders. Raise your shoulders as high as possible. At the same time, try not to bend very much in the middle of your back, because when you bend, your shoulder blades converge and do not move well up and down. Therefore, in this exercise we need to flatten the back and the shoulder blade will move up and down much further.
In the accepted position of the arms and shoulders, first we raise the shoulder blade with an inhalation, then with an exhalation, we take our hands back and lower the shoulder blade. It takes effort. This is not a passing movement - we are trying with effort to lower our shoulders and shoulder blades without bending in the spine.

Please note that the shoulders should be straightened at all times. We raise our hands as if behind the ears, not allowing the shoulder to go forward. As far as your hands get closer to each other, they will get closer. Have flexible people they will come together, but this is not necessary, it is more important to keep your shoulders straight. The same thing below: straightened the shoulder and tried to lower it down - this is a tough force movement while keeping the ribs inside.

Exercise 7. In this exercise we will try to relax the muscles coming from shoulder joint into the body from the front, back side... This is a relaxation exercise, it is performed with inertia, without undue stress.
As we exhale, we bring our hand forward with the palm outward - so brachial bone will come out further. We try not to move the pelvis practically. And we turn the body as much as possible relative to the pelvis, bringing our hand forward - where the feet are looking. With an inhalation, we do the same backwards. We try to move the pelvis less, the palm looks outward, we turn our head. And on inhalation and exhalation, the palm looks in the same direction. In this case, the palm should be closed in a fist.

Discomfort in the upper back, collarbones and projection of the cervical spine is well known to everyone modern people spending time at a computer monitor or desk.

See a good neurologist and find out the cause of the pain. Do not self-medicate. Incorrectly selected ointments and pills can further undermine your health.

The first step in neck treatment is seeing a good neurologist

When working in front of the computer, be sure to take breaks in order to do at least a few neck exercises. It doesn't take much time and effort, but you will feel much better.

Try to take a course of massage of the neck and collar zone once a year. Massage will remove muscle tension and will improve blood flow.

A medical massage will relieve muscle tension and improve blood flow.

Try to get on a course of physical therapy, which is available in many public health facilities. The procedures will also help relieve muscle tension. At the end of the course, you will feel much better.

Do simple exercises regularly. The right exercises will bring great relief. This should become your way of life, their implementation should become regular, only then you will forget about the pain in the neck and back.

Remember that all massages, physiotherapy and exercises should be done only after visiting a good doctor and establishing an accurate diagnosis.

They help to significantly improve the condition simple exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Performing them periodically, you can remove increased tone and at the same time, strengthen the muscle tissue, which will make it more resistant to stress.

Self-massage helps with neck pain just as well as exercise. When performing it, it is important to focus on your own feelings and try not to "knead", but to calm down the diseased areas, gently stroking and patting them.

A set of exercises for neck pain:


Stretching is a good exercise for neck pain.

It consists of six parts, each of which is aimed at stretching one muscle group.

  • Press the chin to the chest as low and as hard as possible.
  • Bend your head back as much as possible. We do it smoothly, without jerking.

In each position we hold for at least 10 seconds: freezing in a pose, slowly count to 10. Thus, just a few minutes will be enough for us to completely relax tense muscles.

Forward bend - backward bend
  • We perform a slope in right side, keep.
  • We change the position of the head to the exact opposite - we tilt it to the left. When bending laterally, we try to touch the shoulder with the ear.
  • We keep the chin parallel to the floor, turn our head to the right until the chin is above the shoulder.
  • We turn our head in the opposite direction.

An alternative to stretching is to lift your shoulders up. It is important that the shoulder blades move in a vertical plane without moving forward or backward.

Lying on our stomach, we tear off our arms, legs and head from the floor. We put our hands in a lock behind the back. We try to bend more.

"Bow pose"

Lying on the stomach, grab the legs with our hands, try to stretch the chest forward, and keep your head straight.

"Bow pose"

"Shoulder bridge"

From a supine position, rest your feet on the floor. Tear off your legs and pelvis, being careful to keep your shoulders, neck and head firmly pressed to the floor.

"Shoulder bridge"

Emphasis on straight arms and legs. The neck and head hang down calmly.


We lie down on our stomach, stretch our legs. We push away with our palms upper part torso from the floor and throw our head back. We hold this pose ("pose of the cobra") from thirty seconds to a minute.


From the "on all fours" pose, we make the maximum (but not sharp) deflection in the back down.


From the pose on all fours, we make the maximum (but not sharp) deflection in the back upwards. The cow and cat pose should be done one after the other several times in a row.


Lie straight. Bring one leg to the side and put at a right angle. Turn the upper part of the body in this direction, covering it with one hand with the other. Hold the position for ten seconds, change sides.


Maintaining an even posture and sleeping in correct position, as well as the use of special pillows when traveling or long journeys by car.

Shants collar relieves muscle spasm well. Consult a physician prior to use. It cannot be worn for more than 2 hours a day and must be properly sized.

A roller, the so-called foam roller, is very effective for relaxing the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders reviews:

I really enjoyed doing the cat-cow exercise. The back pain has become less.

Throughout the day, a person's muscles are under stress. This happens even among those people who do not engage in physical labor and lead a sedentary lifestyle. After a day at the desk or at the computer, a person often feels tension in the back, neck and shoulders. Regular tension that accumulates in the muscles leads to back pain, headaches, dizziness, malnutrition of the spine, lumbago and spasms in the neck and shoulders, and the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

The most common cause of muscle strain in the neck and shoulders is improper posture while sitting at a desk or computer desk. If the table does not fit the size of the chair, then the shoulders of the seated person are raised, and sitting for a long time in this position causes muscle tension. The same thing happens if the person slouches and pushes their shoulders forward. The trapezius muscle gets tired and starts to hurt.

Incorrect sleeping position sedentary work, excessive physical exercise, as well as emotional stress and stress, negatively affect the condition of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

In the opinion chinese medicine, the most important energy and reflexogenic point is located in the neck-collar zone, which is responsible for the motor activity of the hands and the activity of the brain. In the neck area, 4 large arteries and 8 nerves are concentrated, as well as the spinal canal. They are responsible for the blood supply to the organs of the head, chest, arms. 32 cervical muscles support the head and assist in movement. Therefore, relaxation of the shoulders and neck is very important for the harmonious work of the whole body.

Tired and overstrained muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle cause poor circulation, and this is fraught with a decrease in oxygen supplied to the brain and a deterioration in metabolism. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly relieve tension and relax the muscles of the neck and collar zone.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders

Exists special exercises to relax tired muscles. They can be done after a working day at home or even in the office during a break. Exercises should be done slowly, without sudden movements, well working out the zones in which the most intense tension is felt.

Exercise 1

The starting position when performing a set of exercises: sit on a chair, your back is straight, the shoulder blades stretch towards each other, your legs are level on the floor. Being in this position, stretch the top of your head up, imagining that someone is pulling it by the thread, and lowering your shoulders at the same time. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 2

Lower your chin down, relaxing your neck. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, and then begin to slowly turn your head left and right (the head remains lowered). Then tilt your head back and also gently shake it from side to side.

Exercise # 3

Connect your hands at the back of your head, lower your elbows. Apply pressure with the back of your head on the palm of your hand, lifting your head slightly. Hands resist pressure. After that, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the neck, lowering the head. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension with relaxation.

Exercise 4

This exercise is similar to the previous one, only now you need to put your hands on your forehead. Press with your forehead on the palms, while creating resistance with your hands. It is important that only the muscles above the shoulders are strained, and the head and arms do not move.

Exercise # 5

Several times slowly raise and lower the shoulders, lingering in each position for 5 seconds. Repeat several times.

Exercise 6

Rotate your shoulders back and forth (8 rotations in each direction).

Exercise 7

Place your hands on your belt, pointing your fingers forward. Stretch your elbows behind your backs to each other, trying to open up as much as possible chest... Then relax. Repeat several times. You can also practice various modifications of this exercise, for example, closing your palms behind your back.

Exercise # 8

Stretch the top of the head up, while slowly turning your head left and right. Then tilt your head back slightly and smoothly roll it from one shoulder to the other. Make sure that the exercise does not cause pain.

Exercise 9

Sitting on a chair, slowly lower your torso until your stomach touches your hips. You need to lower your head first, then the upper back, and then bend at the lower back. The arms hang down freely. Stay in this position for a while and also slowly, in reverse order straighten up.

Exercise # 10

Sit on a chair near the table. The back is straight. Put your elbows on the table and rest your chin on them. Pressing your chin on your palms, create resistance with your hands. Stay tense for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat several times.

Exercise 11

Place your right palm on your right cheek. Press your cheek on your hand, creating tension. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. Do the same for the left side.

Exercise 12

To complete this exercise, you will need dumbbells weighing about 2 kg or two plastic bottles with water. Stand straight, picking up dumbbells (bottles). Hands down, back straight. Take your time to raise and lower your shoulders. Repeat several times.

Relaxing massage

Massage is a very effective and pleasant way to relax tired neck and shoulder muscles. It's good when there is a person nearby who can massage the shoulder area after a hard day. But even if there is no assistant, then you can do it yourself.

You need to stand up straight and put your hands on the back of your neck. Slowly stroke the neck, do not press hard. Then start rubbing your neck with your fingers, tapping and pinching it, gradually grabbing the muscles above your shoulders. Movements must be performed from top to bottom. The massage can be done with the left and right hand alternately or two at the same time. You also need to pay attention to the back of the head and the groove at the base of the head. It is advisable to massage the head itself. This self-massage helps to quickly achieve relaxation.

Prevention of muscle tension and fatigue

In order to prevent overstrain of the muscles of the cervical-collar zone, it is enough to follow some simple recommendations.

  • During the day, constantly monitor your posture, do not slouch.
  • During work, periodically give the muscles a rest: get up from the table, lean back in a chair, roll your head from side to side, roll your shoulders.
  • During telephone conversations try not to press the tube to your ear with your shoulder.
  • Find a good mattress for your bed. Don't sleep on a high pillow.
  • Find a comfortable desk and chair so that you don't have to bend over and stoop while working.
  • In the evening after work, it is recommended to take a warm shower and relax physically and emotionally.

Relaxation exercises and massage help relieve accumulated tension and maintain the flexibility and mobility of the cervical and shoulder muscles any age.

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