How to increase impact power without gaining mass. Basic methods of increasing striking force

Being able to protect yourself on the street is a very important skill. The ability to deliver a knockout blow is necessary not only for professional boxers, but also for an ordinary person. In this case, a lot depends on physical fitness. There are different ways to increase the power of the blow. During the attack, various muscle groups are involved, so you need to know how to properly prepare them all.

How to increase the force of a punch with a hand

The following types of muscles affect the degree of damage:

Large chest;

Three-headed brachial;

Wide dorsal;


Forearm musculature.

How to make your arm muscles stronger

You can strengthen them by performing regular push-ups from the floor. If the trainee can do this 100 times, the force of the blow will be 2 times greater. The load of a certain muscle group depends on the position in which the hands will be.

Exercise options:

The first option: regular push-ups, hands are at shoulder level. It is performed slowly, at a rate of 20 presses per minute.

The second option: the hands are placed together at the level of the abdomen, the body is directed forward.

The third option: place your arms more than shoulder width, perform presses.

How to increase the force of your kick

Since the mass of the leg exceeds the weight of the arm, it is capable of inflicting more serious damage on the enemy. However, for this, it is not enough to work out a clear technique, physical training should be appropriate. The question arises: "How to increase the power of kicking?" To do this, you need to train separately. Compliance with the trajectory of the attack allows you to make the damage as effective as possible, since the blow is delivered along the shortest path, taking into account the laws of physics.

Exists different exercises that can make a kick attack powerful:

1. Raises the legs. The exercise is very difficult but effective. Strengthens the muscles of the thighs and abdomen. To perform it, you need to stand at a distance of 60 cm from the chair, then smoothly follow the trajectory of the impact and fix the leg in the final position for 2-4 seconds (the more, the better). After that, lower your foot to the back of the chair. Perform 2-3 approaches.

2. Practice with simulators. Leg presses can help increase endurance and muscle strength. You can also do squats.

How to increase the speed of punching and kicking

Gym workouts increase strength. However, the increased muscles have more weight, therefore, according to the laws of physics, the speed of the strike is lost. To prevent this, it is necessary in parallel to develop the ability of the muscles to inflict damage not only powerfully, but also as quickly as possible. The following exercises should be performed to develop the arms:

1. Speed ​​push-ups. To do this, you need to perform the bench press as quickly as possible.

2. You can accelerate the attack with your hands by performing claps from the support while lying down. It is necessary to do push-ups and from the lower position push off the floor with your hands so that you can have time to make a clap in front of you.

3. Initial posture: support lying on fists, hands are at the level of the solar plexus. Press as quickly as possible and many times.

There are other exercises to increase the speed of the kick:

1. Jumping out. It is necessary to perform a squat and from a lower position make a jump as high as possible.

2. Application of kicks with weights (0.5-3kg). It follows for a certain time of the fight (3-5 minutes) with the observance of the pace to strike constantly with the foot at certain levels. For beginners, the rhythm can be, for example, 1 beat every 3 seconds. It is important to observe it, then not only the impact speed will grow, but also endurance and strength.

3. Jumping over an obstacle. You need to sit down a little and jump to some surface. Perform until the legs get tired. This exercise effectively develops the punching speed.

With a fist, there is very little useful information to be found. In particular, they usually write that the blow cannot be delivered on your own and you need to train with an experienced fighter or coach who knows exactly what he is doing. We decided to correct this injustice and systematize all the knowledge a beginner needs to understand with a fist. Read on and absorb the knowledge!

How to increase the power of a punch with a fist: characteristics

What are percussion indicators and how to develop them? To put it bluntly, without embellishment about the Shao-Lin masters, then all the fighting characteristics and exercises for striking can be divided into three indicators: speed, strength and technique. Next we list various exercises with which you can develop each of them.


The best exercises for punching speed were developed by boxers a century ago: you take 5-10 kg dumbbells in each hand and start sparring with a shadow, holding and

combining the same beats in your usual rhythm. In just a minute you will feel how all your muscles ache from fatigue, but do not stop: by doing so, you are killing three birds with one stone. On the one hand, you strengthen your muscles and make them stronger, on the other hand, you increase endurance indicators by teaching them to endure prolonged loads, and, in the end, in training without weights, you will feel that you have become noticeably faster in motion.

Tip: Another very interesting exercise from wushu fighters. Play shadow boxing in the pool, underwater. The speed of your punch depends on the ability of your body to overcome air resistance, and since it is much higher, then, training in such conditions, you will become much faster.

Oddly enough, you can read about how to increase the force of a punch with a fist in a real fight in an anatomy textbook. What is strength? This is mass times acceleration. Accordingly, if you are working on speed, then you only have to work on your weight and thereby you will increase the power of your blow. Try to gain more work with large weights in heavy basic exercises.

Another secret of how to increase with your fist lies in the density of the impact surface. For these purposes (to increase the density), various brass knuckles are used, and also, which is a more effective and honest way, they stuff the surface of the fist, aligning the knuckles, which turns the fist into a real hammer. For the same purpose, you can simply push-ups from the floor from a rack on fists.

The correct technique for executing a blow is 50% of its power. After all, a well-placed blow originates in the heel of the foot, opposite to the beating hand, and only then, accumulating the inertial force of the legs, back, torso and arm, it comes out at the beating point of the fist. By the way, this is why it is much more effective to use an open palm for a strike (one bone joint is involved in the strike) than even a well-packed fist, because in the second case, more than 30 bone joints are involved in the strike, which is not only extremely traumatic, but also extinguishes about 20-25 % impact force.

Fast and swipe punching is a basic skill required to become a good boxer. Mastering such a hit begins with improvement physical form and learning how to strike in such a way that the source of strength is not only the arm, but the whole body. By learning how to aim and hit correctly within striking distance, you can give your hits more speed, and using training techniques that help to instantly increase muscle mass, you will be able to build up strength. If you are ready to take your punching skill to the next level, then move on to the first step.


Work on physical form

    Get into the correct stance. For good hit with a fist, the position of the feet and legs is of great importance, since such a blow requires the work of the whole body. Position your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart so that you can easily pivot towards your target and guide your weight behind the punch.

    Keep your eyes on the target. Your concentration should not be lost on purpose. Never close your eyes or look away; in order to aim correctly and execute a blow with power and precision, stay focused. Pull your chin in a little so that it is protected by the hitting hand during the strike.

    Generate strength with your hips and core. Beginning to strike, turn your hips and body towards the target. Try to position yourself so that the rotation is as complete as possible, even if you are very close to the target. Your punch will be stronger if you can turn fully and not just move slightly. When striking, you should really feel your body weight.

    • Pay attention to your hips when training with fist punches. Rotate them quickly and forcefully in the direction of the target, as if you are about to punch it with your hips, not your fist. This will help you develop the strength you need to hit hard and fast.
    • During the spin, you shouldn't have to lean forward or try to reach the target. If you have to reach for a target in order to hit it, you will lose strength.
  1. Throw your hand forward. Your shoulders should be free until you are ready to strike. When ready, throw your hand forward so that you can easily reach the person you are hitting. While your hand is still, keep it relaxed and then make a fist so that it hits hard.

    • When making a fist, squeeze all four fingers except your thumb and wrap them last. Check to thumb was bent behind, otherwise it will come under your blow.
    • Bandaging your arm beforehand will help you avoid injury and make the impact stronger.
    • Don't plan to punch before punching, or your opponent will figure out your plan before you try to punch. This is called "telegraphing" and results in lost matches.
  2. Make contact and exhale. After making contact with the target, exhale. It will probably take some practice to time your breathing so that you exhale with each stroke, but getting into the correct breathing rhythm is well worth the effort. Breathe in before hitting and exhale at the moment of hitting, putting every particle of your energy into the blow.

    • After hitting, jump back to the starting position to prepare for the next hit.
    • Remember to tuck up your chin to be ready for a counterstrike, if any.

    Increased speed and strength

    1. When punching, keep distance in mind. You should only take a hit if you are at the ideal distance to hit it with maximum force. This means you need to be close enough to hit without leaning or leaning forward. You should be able to deliver the punch with your arm outstretched but not outstretched too much.

      • If you have to lean forward to execute a punch, then a significant part of your punching force will be lost.
      • Practice on the bag until it becomes clear how far you need to stand from the target when striking. This distance depends on the length of your arm and your range of motion.
    2. Move your whole body. The importance of using your entire body, not just your hand, to strike cannot be overstated. Even if you can move your arm quickly, without rotating your whole body, your punch when moving with just your arm will be less powerful.

      • Using your leg muscles will allow you to develop strength and speed on impact. The muscles of the legs are the largest and strong muscles bodies, and they must stand behind every punch.
      • Remember that during the impact, you must not take your legs off the floor, as this knocks off balance and takes away some of the strength. Keep your feet quick, but keep them close to the floor.
    3. Hit from different angles. In battle, you will not hit the same every time. Learn to determine which type of blow will be the strongest in each specific situation. To raise your fighting prowess, work on mastering strikes from the following basic angles:

      Choose the right moment. Since distance is very important when you want to punch with the most power, it is important to understand that not every punch will be the hardest. If you are slightly out of optimal distance, then the hit will be slightly weaker due to the fact that you will be trying to get into the correct position for a more powerful hit. Good point for the application of the strongest blow occurs when the following conditions are met:

      • If your opponent is in the process of striking as he will be less focused on what you are doing.
      • If he's lost his guard. You can create this situation by striking irregularly or attacking from unexpected angles.
      • If stunned by the preceding blow. To prepare for a powerful right cross, try starting with a quick jab.

    Training to improve punching

    1. Practice hitting slowly. The hardest hits are not really the fastest. Your arm can move faster than the rest of your body, so waiting for your body to catch up with your arm slows down the impact. Even though a hard hit is usually slow, there will be times when you have just the right time to land a slow but exceptional a strong beat... It is worth practicing hitting at low speed so that you can feel the power that comes when you give your body time to support your fist.

      • In practice, try hitting twice as slowly. Force yourself to slow down and concentrate on using your leg and core muscles to maximize your punching power.
      • When punching at full speed, remember where the force to hit comes from. While you won't be hitting at half your normal speed in the ring, you can still concentrate on using your legs and body to develop the maximum strength possible.


      Krav Maga instructor

      Asher Smiley is the owner and principal instructor of the Krav Maga Revolution in Petaluma, California. Studied in different countries from the best Krav Maga instructors. In 2017, he completed training at International Federation KAPAP Combat Krav Maga International, consisting of a 7-day tactics workshop and an 8-day CKMI instructor course.

      Krav Maga instructor

      To learn correct position, avoid exercising with a resistance band. When you use an expander, you are not technically able to correct hit fist. This is how you build muscle, but that's a slightly different story. You are not hitting as accurately as you might think.

      Train with a pneumatic bag. Speed ​​is just as important as strength - if you are too slow, your opponent will have time to land a lot more hits. Train with a pneumatic bag and pay attention to how fast your arms are moving. Stick correct shape workout and do not forget to take your thumb away from the knuckles during the strike.

      Do strength training. A little strength training - great way keep your body in the best shape, but alone it won't make you a stronger or faster boxer. You need to train your muscles to hit, hitting rather than lifting weights. Therefore, it would be a great idea to have a mode strength training that strengthens your legs and core for maximum impact.

      Do cardio. The best types of cardio workouts you need to get the necessary good boxer forms are swimming and jumping rope. When you need to take a break from regular exercise, consider these types of loads as an alternative. Running, cycling, and other types of cardio workouts are beneficial, but they do not provide the strength gain that purposefully helps your body hit hard in the boxing ring.

Any man would like to learn how to deliver strong blows, since this is the only way to win in a duel with an opponent. Even if you don’t attend boxing or martial arts training, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to train punching power. Life situations can be very different and it is quite possible that you will need to stand up for yourself or for your loved ones. To defeat your opponent, you must not only hit correctly, but also deliver super-powerful strikes.

How to increase your punching power at home

If you know it's yours weakness- you will have to train regularly to strengthen your punch. To do this, it is not necessary to visit the gym and go to boxing classes; if you wish, you can increase strength even at home. The main thing in this case is the regularity of the classes. We advise you not to give up, even if at first you will not notice a change. Strength requires development, and it will not appear if you drop your hands halfway. Therefore, we advise you not to hope for a miracle and work on yourself in the sweat of your brow!

How to increase the force of a punch with a fist? Rule # 1: be sure to do a 10-minute warm-up before starting your basic workout and punching. This may include push-ups and pull-ups, arm swings, etc. This will help prevent injuries and strains.

Manual expander- Buy this inexpensive gadget from a sporting goods store. With its help, you can train your wrists and strengthen them, the simulator also develops the forearms, and it is they who are used when making strikes.

Air strikes. Imagine that there is a dangerous opponent in front of you. Hit him and don't forget to move, so you will hone not only your hitting technique, but also your reaction speed. In real life, you can react to danger as quickly as possible.

Dumbbells. As we have already said, it is not necessary to buy a subscription to the gym, because you can train effectively even at home. To do this, we advise you to buy collapsible dumbbells, the weight of which can be adjusted. Train your chest, arms and shoulders 3-4 times a week, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Push ups - universal exercise which will not only improve your stamina, but also affect your strength. Try to do 2-3 sets of push-ups each workout, each time try to do the new kind push-ups.

Check out our post How to do push-ups on fists

Skipping rope... Boxers jump rope for more than just running away excess weight before the competition, this exercise also helps to develop the wrists and shoulders, improve reaction. Jump for 4-5 minutes before training.

Pull-ups. This exercise works just as well as push-ups. Not everyone succeeds in doing pull-ups, but we advise you to try anyway. In any case, the exercise will only benefit you.

Swing the hammer. It is very dangerous to do this exercise in an apartment, but if you still want to try it, try it. Hit an imaginary opponent with a hammer, while trying to strain your arm muscles as much as possible.

Training with a punching bag. If you have the opportunity, try at least occasionally to include punching a punching bag. There are inventory in many rooms, if you wish, you can install it at home.

You have to sweat to make your punch more powerful. But with regular training, you will succeed and after 2-3 weeks you will notice a good result. Also, do not forget to eat right and include in the diet as much protein as possible.

Men's online magazine site

If you want to figure out how to increase the power of a punch, you need to understand exactly how the power needed to deliver a crushing lunge is generated. We will share a few techniques that will allow you to learn how to strike clearly and confidently.

Nuances to remember

A powerful punch is obtained not only due to the high speed of the lunge, but also with the help of its own weight. If you can put the entire mass of your torso into your hand, the result will exceed all expectations. In order to avoid possible injuries in the form of dislocations, it is necessary to strictly follow the technique, observing precautions when performing the exercises.

Stop value and position

The feet play an important role in increasing the impact power of the hands. Their movement and position are subject to the following rules:

  • Feet should be slightly wider shoulder girdle.
  • The leg is turned in the direction of the movement made by the hand, while initially the heel is always raised.
  • While the blow is being performed right hand, before this, the right heel rises, and the left one stands motionless. And so vice versa.
  • Remember that correct location the stop during the execution of the lunge significantly increases its power, but it is not the only and defining moment that should be considered.

To increase the power of a punch at home, you need training, but before starting, be sure to read the following recommendations:

  • During the attack, the knees should be kept slightly bent, and the body weight should be transferred slightly forward.
  • The hips at this time turn in the direction where the opponent is.
  • In close contact combat, the increase in pressure is facilitated by the full-scale movement of the entire hull.
  • It is impossible to stretch forward, the movements of the body should be sharp and clear.
  • If you take your hand back while swinging, then you give the opponent time to orient themselves and predict the direction of movement of the hand.
  • When attacking, the hand is clenched as tightly as possible.
  • Every new element is accomplished with the exhalation of air.

Exercises to develop the power of blows

To increase the strength and speed of the attack you need to practice. A set of exercises contributes to the achievement of this goal:

Hit the ball

In order to perform this training, you need a sufficient amount of free space. Choose a heavier ball. Best of all, the one with which athletes train in boxing. The technique for performing the exercise consists of the following steps:

  • legs are at shoulder width (you can be slightly wider);
  • the body is straightened;
  • the ball is raised high above the head;
  • the ball is hit hard to the ground and caught after it bounces off.

Stuffing is done at least 15-17 times.

Jumping from a deep squat

Exercises that increase the force of the blow are repeated as long as they can. Follow this scheme:

  • stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and place your arms at your sides;
  • squat to the point where the hips and knees form a straight line;
  • jump higher up, at the same time raise your hands.
  • you need to jump as high as possible, with maximum repetitions.

Those who are not new to sports can double the effect by picking up dumbbells.

Shoulder, triceps and back training

These muscle groups are far from the least important in punching training.

You can train them with the following exercises:

  • You may have heard that push-ups increase impact power. It's true. Take a lying position, and put your hands as close to one another as possible. The back remains straight without deflection. Bend your arms and straighten them with maximum amplitude. In order to strengthen the hands, you can.

  • Pull-ups. When doing chin-ups, hold the bar wider than your shoulders. To improve performance, you can hang a weights in the form of a strap on the belt with a pancake from the bar attached to it. The number of repetitions should be as much as your physical fitness will allow.

  • Push-ups are the opposite. You can perform this type of exercise with a bench. Stand with your back to her, lean your elbows with your palms, and sit down slightly without bending your back. Get down and up by flexing and extending your arms. For the proper effect, perform 3 sets of 20 times.

  • Kettlebell lifts will help strengthen your hands and develop deltoid muscles... Deltas are essential for the development of offensive movements. In addition to all, this is the shell, classes with which will help you build muscle.
  • Lifting the kettlebell forward. Spread your legs to the sides, and in a straightened hand between your legs, hold the projectile. Knee joints bend a little. With a sharp movement, lift the weight forward so that there is a right angle between the body and the projectile. At the same time, make sure that your back remains straight at the top extreme point. For each arm, do 8 reps. At correct execution you should feel tension and tremors in your muscles.

  • Lifting the kettlebell up. The execution is similar to the previous one, however, raise the projectile above your head. We recommend 8 to 12 repetitions for each side.

  • Classic kettlebell lifting. Place the projectile between your legs apart. The hand is placed on top of it so that the hips remain slightly behind. A sharp jerk upward is performed, while the weight is thrown onto the shoulders, and after that it rises above itself with a push. It returns to the starting position. Perform 10 lifts on each arm.

  • Kettle lifts from sitting position up. Throw a kettlebell over your shoulder and squat down. Extend your free hand forward to maintain balance. Lift the weight above you, wait a second, lift the torso. Change your hand. Keep your glutes and calves taut. Perform 5-10 repetitions for each hand, depending on the physical form and weight of the projectile.

  • Work on overcoming reverse resistance will help to increase the force of the blow with the hand. Cut a piece of elastic from the tire, or purchase a heavy exercise elastic from a store. Fasten one end of it tightly on the wall behind your back, and take the other end in your hand. Perform forward striking movements, overcoming resistance, and stretching the elastic. Move your arm backward gradually to avoid injury.
  • Two weights up. Place both shells over your shoulders. Bring air into your lungs, jerk them up above your head, and then slowly lower them. Tighten your abs during execution.

To develop a strong blow, you can use the following methods and techniques:

  • ... Choose the toughest one. Squeeze it sharply and with maximum force. This develops your interdigital muscles and forearms, which will make your fists stronger and stronger.

  • Jumping rope every day. Jump, lifting your hip as high as possible.
  • Pick up a sledgehammer and hit the old tires with it. This activates the desired muscle groups and builds endurance.
  • If you are working in tandem with "paws", then imagine that the target is a couple of centimeters further, try to punch it through. This is how you work for speed.
  • Don't neglect shadow boxing. This exercise will help you learn how to deliver sharp, unexpected blows, which at the same time are most effective, since the enemy often does not have time to react.
  • An explosive blow develops push-ups on the palms with their separation from the floor. Performing 3 approaches, 10 times each.
  • If possible, use a punching bag or similar machine with gloves.

Interesting! There is an opinion that a lighter in a fist increases the force of a blow. In fact, opinions on this matter differ. Some believe that not only a lighter can increase strength, but any ergonomically shaped object gripped in the hand, for example, a matchbox, while others insist that only a heavy metal lighter will help.

The following exercises will help you train your endurance and strengthen your tendons and muscles. If you perform them comprehensively and systematically, then the first results will become noticeable after 2 weeks. For a detailed study of your attention, a video of effective exercises.

Video: Punching Power Training from a Pro

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