How will the closing of the Olympiad take place. Sochi Olympics Closing Ceremony: Highlights

The XXIII Olympic Winter Games have closed in Pyeongchang today. The Russian national team, which played in South Korea under neutral flag and the name "Olympic athletes from Russia", won 2 gold, 6 silver and 9 bronze medals on them, taking the 13th team place with her 17 awards. How the closing ceremony went - in the online broadcast of Kommersant.

16:07 ... The ceremony is over.

15:57 ... The disco is accompanied by fireworks.

15:56 ... Figures in costumes of bears and children with lights in their hands came to the center, and the light snowfall seemed to extinguish the Olympic flame in the bowl.

During the closing ceremony, figures dressed as bears and children with lights in their hands rose to the center of the stage.

15:45 ... The songs "Growl" and "Power" are performed by EXO's boyband, who, symbolically, sings in Chinese and Korean.

15:41 . Thomas Bach has declared the 2018 Olympic Games closed. Officials and several athletes are photographed with a Korean gesture for a heart.

15:40 ... “The Olympic Games honor the past and symbolize faith in the future,” Thomas Bach said in his final speech, congratulating the Olympians on opening up new horizons.

15:30 ... The head of the organizing committee, Lee Hee Bom, sums up the results of the Olympics and thanks all the athletes, volunteers, organizers and fans: "You are all real winners."

15:23 ... A group of performers in glowing panda costumes perform a number on the ice arena.

15:17 ... The next Olympic Games in 2022 will be hosted by China - the flag was handed over to the Mayor of Beijing Cai Qi. A video presentation of the Games, the right to host which China won in 2015, bypassing the Kazakh bid of Almaty, is being shown.

15:11 ... At the stadium, to the anthem of Greece, the flag of the country that is the ancestor of the Olympic movement is raised. In honor of the closing of the Games, the Olympic flag was lowered.

15:07 ... In the live part of "I Am The Best" sang CL (former member of 2NE1).

15:03 ... The DPRK delegation at a meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in said that Pyongyang is ready to negotiate with the United States. At the opening ceremony, the countries were held under the same flag. The US delegation to Pyeongchang is led by the daughter of US President Donald Trump Ivanka.

14:55 ... Climb to the pedestal Russian skiers- silver medalist of the 50 km race Alexander Bolshunov and bronze champion Andrey Larkov. The winner in yesterday's marathon was Canadian Sebastien Tutan.

14:50 ... Traditionally, IOC President Thomas Bach, International Federation skiing Gian-Franco Kasper presented medals to the winners of the 30-kilometer classic marathon race: Norwegian skier Marit Bjorgen, Finnish skier Krista Pärmäkoski and Swede Stina Nilsson.

14:44 ... The next thematic part of the performance "On the waves of memory" is devoted to the achievements of the past. Korean puppets and a giant turtle figure appeared on the scene.

14:41 ... The mascot of the Games, made up of glowing drones, appears over the stadium - the White Tiger Suhoran.

14:37 ... The procession of the Olympic athletes has come to an end.

14:33 ... The flags of all countries whose athletes competed at the Games are projected onto the stands.

14:32 ... The last 5 of 102 sets of awards were played today.

14:30 ... Russian athletes, who received 17 awards, marched along with other participants in the parade.

14:22 ... National teams go a full circle around the stadium, waving small flags, and head to the stands. In the middle, the standard-bearers lined up in a circle.

14:17 ... Athletes enter the stadium for the main part of the ceremony - the parade of athletes. Before that, the viewers from the big screens were reminded of the most bright moments Olympiads.

14:13 ... The 13-year-old musician performs the song "The Winter Song of the Nightingale" on an electric guitar. Acrobats perform to the accompaniment of rock music.

14:09 ... The "Patriotic Song" is played - the anthem of the host country of the Olympic Games-2018. South Korea received the right to host the Winter Games on the third attempt: in 2010 they were held in Canada (Vancouver), and in 2014 in Russia ().

14:05 ... Children carry the South Korean flag to the stadium.

14:04 ... From the stands, the guests are greeted by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and IOC President Thomas Bach.

14:04 ... Started solemn ceremony.

14:02 ... Competitions were held for 18 days in two clusters: coastal (in the city of Gangneung) and mountain - located 30 km from the latter, near Pyeongchang itself.

13:53 ... The closing ceremony will take place at the Olympic Plaza Arena, which will be dismantled after the final Olympic event.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) upheld the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and prevented Russian Olympians from passing under the national flag at the closing ceremony.

Russian Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov:

Our athletes took part in the Games for the sake of future generations, for the sake of the future Russian sports... They spoke for themselves and for those guys who could not go, and they performed excellently. Today's IOC decision cannot break will and character Russian athletes which they have demonstrated on numerous occasions. And the final hockey match proved it once again! I am sincerely proud of the way our young team performed at the games, because most of the Russian athletes made their debut at the Olympics.

Nicole Hovertz, head of the commission for working with Russian Olympians at the 2018 Games, Nicole Hovertz noted that the restoration of ROC “should be done in the interests of Olympic family As soon as possible". “However, it is clear that restoring the ROC before the closing ceremony of the Games would be a controversial decision.<...>The Commission recommends that the disqualification be lifted after the analysis of all doping samples of OAR athletes (Olympic Athletes from Russia, Olympic athletes from Russia. "B")",- she said.

IOC spokesman Christian Klaue clarified that the ROC disqualification will be lifted automatically after rechecking the doping samples from the Pyeongchang Olympics.

“This should happen a few days after the competition,” said Mr Klaue.

ROC expressed hope for the soonest restoration of his rights in the IOC. “The status of our country and the interests of our athletes are an absolute priority for us. In light of the current situation, we believe that the restoration of the rights of the ROC and all Russian athletes will be the main result of the Olympic Games", - said in the message of the ROC.

The XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi ended with a closing ceremony at the Fisht Olympic Stadium. The closing ceremony served as a bright and emotional conclusion to the Games and became a dedication to Russian culture. The audience saw Russia through the eyes of a European - world-renowned director Daniele Finzi Pasca, who joined the team of Russian professionals as director of the Sochi Olympic Closing Ceremony. The Chief Creative Director of the Closing Ceremony was Konstantin Ernst, the Executive Producer of the Ceremony was Andrey Nasonovsky.

“In order to tell about our culture as objectively as possible, we decided to look at it through the eyes of a European. Through the eyes of a man born in the heart of Europe - the outstanding theater director Daniel Finzi Pasca. We wanted to see how Russian culture is reflected and refracted in the context of world art, how it has influenced and influences the culture of the rest of the world and what part of Russian art has become an integral part of world culture, ”said Konstantin Ernst.

The closing ceremony was attended by such Russian stars of the world music scene as the Sochi 2014 ambassador, conductor Valery Gergiev, the Sochi 2014 ambassador, conductor and violaist Yuri Bashmet, pianist Denis Matsuev, singer Khibla Gerzmava and violinist Tatyana Samuil, artists of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters.

“This is the largest Closing Ceremony in history. Winter Games... More than 7,000 people took part in this unique production, a children's combined choir, assembled from 83 regions, performed, more than 43,000 sets were produced, a unique system of moving stage elements was fully involved - it was important for us to show all the capabilities of the largest theater in the world, ” said Andrey Nasonovsky.

In the finale of the show, White Bear, one of the Games' mascots, to the sounds of a remix of the famous melody of Eduard Artemiev and the famous song by Alexandra Pakhmutova "Goodbye, Moscow!" put out the Olympic flame. This symbolic moment reminded the audience of the 1980 Olympics, symbolizing the connection between the Olympic generations. The ceremony ended with a fireworks show and an incendiary party from DJ Kto.

Closing ceremony concept

The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi presented “Russia in Reflections” by talking about the country's cultural heritage.

The audience was guided on this journey by the girl Lyubov, already familiar to everyone from the Olympic Opening Ceremony, and her friends Yura and Valentina.

The storyline of the Ceremony turned to the rich cultural heritage of Russia, reflected in works of art, music, ballet, literature and circus arts. The production consisted of 14 chapters, each of which was a separate show.

During the Ceremony, on the screens of the Fisht stadium, the best moments sports competitions, and the spectators again were able, together with the athletes, to experience the emotions that overwhelmed them.

The main decoration element of the Closing Ceremony was the LED "forest", which was an object of 204 light tubes, each 12 meters high. If all the pipes involved in the ceremony were lined up, they would form a line almost 2.5 km long. Throughout the show, the "forest" changed its color, creating the right atmosphere. Spectators at the stadium also did not stay away from creating an incredibly beautiful picture of the Ceremony - before the start of the performance, they were asked to wear LED medallions that flickered in different colors.

Closing ceremony participants

Among the leading performers were Sochi 2014 ambassador, conductor Valery Gergiev, Sochi 2014 ambassador, conductor and viola player Yuri Bashmet, pianist Denis Matsuev, singer Khibla Gerzmava and violinist Tatyana Samuil, artists of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters.

Along with world-class stars, talented children from all over Russia took part in the Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games. National anthem Russian Federation performed by 1,000 children participating in the All-Russian Consolidated Choir under the direction of Valery Gergiev. Young classical musicians in the First All-Russian Youth Symphony Orchestra of maestro Yuri Bashmet accompanied the famous dancers. 120 young circus performers demonstrated their skills together with professional circus performers.

The ceremony was also attended by over 4,000 volunteers aged 6 to 43, most of whom are residents of the Krasnodar Territory.

Chapters of the Closing Ceremony

The ceremony started with a countdown - numbers appeared on screens above the stands. When the scoreboard lit up "zero", the LED forest in the center of the field exploded with bright colors, and the roof of the stadium lit up with volleys of fireworks.

In the first chapter - "Heaven and Sea" - together with the main characters of the Ceremony, Love invited the audience to magical journey... Together, they looked back at the days gone by, remembered the athletes who made the Games so memorable, and turned to the distant past, paying tribute to Russia's rich cultural heritage. 700 artists, dressed in mirrored costumes, created a choreographic composition of patterns, waves, figures of giant marine life, the sign of infinity and stars. And the last figure gradually took the shape of the five Olympic rings.

Then the Russian flag was brought to the stage, and 1,000 children participating in the All-Russian Consolidated Choir rose from their seats behind the protocol stage, repeating the contours of Russia on the world map, and under the leadership of the world-famous conductor, Ambassador of Sochi 2014 Valery Gergiev, they sang the national anthem of the Russian Federation ... At this time, the national flag of Russia was raised.

2,856 athletes from 88 countries and independent participants in the Olympic Games took part in the traditional Olympic Parade of Athletes. Since 1956, during the parade at the Closing Ceremony, athletes are not divided into national teams, but walk through the stadium in mixed groups, which symbolizes the unity of all mankind.

Continuing the tradition of the Winter Games, medals were awarded to the winners at the Fisht Olympic Stadium. ski race 30 km among women and 50 km among men, which took place earlier that day.

The chapter "The World of Malevich, Kandinsky, Chagall" became a dedication to Russian painting. The canvases of world famous artists - Chagall, Malevich and Kandinsky - inspired the director to design the stage space and create a projection. The audience found themselves in a fantasy world that embodies the state of flight and the desire for new horizons.

"Music" took over the baton. One of the most gifted pianists of our time, Denis Matsuev, played Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto, while 62 grand pianos with performers whirled around him at that time.

During the chapter “Theater”, the red and gold “Bolshoi” and blue and gold “Mariinsky” theaters appeared before the audience. The 48 dancers of the corps de ballet were gradually joined by other characters from the productions of the Russian Ballet of Diaghilev: the Golden Slave, Zobeida, Rose and the Dying Swan.

The dances were accompanied by mesmerizing music performed by the First All-Russian Youth Symphony Orchestra, which included the best young classical musicians - the winners All-Russian competition organized by the Ambassador of Sochi 2014 Maestro Yuri Bashmet under the auspices of the Sochi 2014 Cultural Olympiad. The orchestra brought together 83 musicians aged 9 to 21 from 28 cities of Russia.

The next chapter - "Literature" - invited the guests of the Ceremony to the country of Russian literature, where Russian poets and writers worked in their offices at their desks: Alexander Pushkin, Lev Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, Anton Chekhov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, Joseph Brodsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The audience saw characters from classic literary works such as War and Peace, Three Sisters, The Master and Margarita, The Idiot and The Inspector General.

The story about Russian culture was completed by the head of the "Circus", during which more than two hundred professional circus performers and pupils of circus schools from all over Russia demonstrated their skills in six circus arenas.

Ceremony of handing over the flag to Pyeongchang, the capital of the future Winter Games

The solemn handover of the Olympic flag to the host city, traditional for the Closing Ceremony next Games, began with the raising of the flag of Greece to the sound of the national anthem of Greece - as a sign of respect for the country where the Olympic Games were born in antiquity.

The Olympic flag was lowered from the flagpole to the sound of the Olympic anthem. Mayor of Sochi Anatoly Pakhomov handed it over to President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach, who, in turn, presented the flag to Mayor of Pyeongchang - Lee Sok Rae. Traditionally, each mayor waved the flag four times, which was then carried away from the stadium.

Then the "Egukka" ("Patriotic Song"), the national anthem of the Republic of Korea, which takes over the baton of the Winter Games near Sochi, was performed. The anthem was performed by a boy and a girl, while the Korean national flag was raised.

After that, the performance of Pyeongchang, the capital of the 2018 Winter Games, took place. Viewers saw fragments of Korea's history spanning five millennia. During the performance, the sounds of gayageum, a traditional Korean musical instrument, were played.

Closing of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi

A few minutes later, Dmitry Chernyshenko, President of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, and Thomas Bach, IOC President, entered the protocol stage to deliver speeches dedicated to the closing of the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi.

The culmination of the ceremony was the thrilling scene of the fading of the Olympic flame. Sochi 2014 mascots - White Bear, Bunny and Leopard - and our little heroes - Lyuba, Yura and Valya - rode across the frozen sea on skis, skates and snowboards in search of the Olympic flame. After a while, the travelers found themselves at the mirror wall and found that the flame was hidden in a block of ice, and its reflection was dancing in the reflections of the mirrors.

With sixteen days of exciting sporting events filled with a festive mood, it’s time for the Olympic flame to go out. The White Bear blew out the flame on the field of the stadium, and after that the fire in the Bowl of Fire in Olympic Park... The fire fading scene was accompanied by a remix of the famous melody by Eduard Artemiev and the famous song by Alexandra Pakhmutova "Goodbye, Moscow!" This symbolic moment reminded the audience of the 1980 Olympics, symbolizing the connection between the Olympic generations.

In the final of the ceremony, almost 3,000 children joined the White Bear, Bunny and Leopard with mimosa branches in their hands. The audience felt the anticipation of spring. The children surrounded the mascots, and the mimosa flowers in their hands turned the stadium into a yellow flowering meadow.

The final chord of the ceremony was a fireworks show and an incendiary dance set from DJ Kto.

So the 2018 Olympics has ended.Since the opening ceremony, at which South Korea amazed the whole world with an unprecedented digital show, 14 days have passed, but they flew by like an instant.

"Strana" conducts an online report on the colorful show.

12.25 The flag of the Ukrainian national team will be carried by the gold champion Oleksandr Abramenko.

12.15 pm At the closing ceremony, megapopular South Korean artists K-pop group EXO ("Exo") and rap singer CL will light up. What they will sing is still a secret. But on the other hand, we can get acquainted with their early works and get an impression of their work.

K-pop is short for English Korean pop. The genre originated in South Korea in the 1990s and is a mixture of electro-pop, hip-hop, dance music and modern rhythm and blues.

12.10 The IOC still banned the Russian national team from going to the closing ceremony with the national flag. Flag Olympic Movement will be carried by a volunteer, not someone from the team.

12.08 This Olympics was marked by a doping scandal due to which Russian athletes performed under a neutral flag. Moreover, curler Alexander Krushelnitsky and bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva were convicted of doping at the games.

After it was proved that they used doping on the Russian national team and sports officials, the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Igor Lebedev attacked with sharp criticism.

“After two of our athletes got doped at the Olympic Games and they don't really deny it, I understand the boycotts by the Americans and the Czechs of the Biathlon World Cup in Tyumen.

I am convinced that the top management of sports should not remain silent. Our officials were silent when they bent us in full, and they are silent now. You either defend your country and your athletes, or leave. Silence raises many questions. The manager should be responsible for the emergency. Nobody answered for the suspension from the Games. They all said, we'll go now and prove everything. We went. What have you proved? Two more times they got caught on doping. Such situations do not occur due to the negligence of athletes. The OCD was supposed to be completely safe, but nobody did anything. Either this is Russian sloppiness and hope at random, or a provocation, which is even worse. I believe boycotts will continue until we make a statement.

In the first case, with doping, it was still possible to somehow get out - in curling, doping was not needed, they said that the poor guy had been poured into it. And in the second, our bobsledder refused to open sample "B". This only speaks of an admission of guilt. What should you think about in order to substitute yourself in such a situation? I have no good words, "Lebedev said.

12.05 Well, well, although Ukraine has only one medal, it is gold, and it becomes more expensive for the fans, because it is the only one. Let's take another look at how Alexander Abramenko became the Olympic champion. It's worth it, by God.

Top 30 countries that won medals at the Olympics

12.00 So, the Norwegian national team became the triumphant of these Games. The Scandinavians won the overall medal standings. They have 39 awards of various values ​​- 14 gold medals, 14 silver and 11 bronze medals. The second place was taken by Germany (14, 10, 7), the third by Canada (11, 8, 10).

The national team of Ukraine with one gold medal shared 21st place with Hungary.

Unsuccessful landing. (Photo by Issei Kato):

Speed ​​ice skating 5000 meters. (Photo by Roberto Schmidt):

Iron Man on a sleigh. Skeleton - winter olympic look sport, which is a two-run sleigh ride down an ice chute (Photo by Matthias Hangst):

Norwegian fans. (Photo by Murad Sezer):

Spanish figure skater Felipe Montoya. (Photo by Damir Sagolj):

The first gold medal brought by 15-year-old Alina Zagitova. Later she was harshly criticized by the American figure skater Ashley Wagner: “This is not a program. She killed time in the beginning and then just jumped in the second half. "

Zagitova replied: “Let Wagner come up with my program, and I will be happy to watch her performance. However, I will not comment afterwards. "

By the way, not everyone knows that "gold" medals are actually not entirely gold, they are gilded: they are made entirely of silver, and then covered with 6 grams of gold. So gold medals are rather silver.

The Russian national ice hockey team won gold medals at the Olympics in South Korea, beating the Germans with a score of 4: 3. And they sang the national anthem along with the fans at the awards ceremony. It was a few hours after the IOC decided not to reinstate the ROC's Olympic status. The IOC assured that the execution Russian hockey players the anthem of Russia will not in any way affect the decision to restore the status of the Olympic Committee.

“A team without a country won medals in hockey,” was the epithet used by the New York Post journalists to describe the match.

“A team without medals,” the Americans replied in social networks.

The closure of the 2018 Games took place on Sunday at the Olympic Stadium in Pyeongchang. In the unofficial medal standings, the Norwegian national team won, having won 14 gold, 14 silver and 11 bronze medals. Also, the Norwegians have updated the record for the number of medals in one Winter Games.

This is the closing ceremony at the Olympic Stadium. (Photo by Jonathan Nackstrand):

(Photo by John Sibley):

(Photo by Damir Sagolj):

(Photo by Xin Li):

(Photo by Kim Hong-Ji):

View on Olympic Stadium... (Photo by Christian Hartmann):

View of the Olympic Stadium. (Photo by Pawel Kopczynski):

(Photo by Damir Sagolj):

(Photo by Christian Hartmann):

(Photo by Florian Choblet):

The 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing. (Photo by Pawel Kopczynski):

Goodbye to the next Olympics! (Photo by Brian Snyder):

The first Winter Olympic Games in Russia ended with the victory of the Russian Olympic team in the medal team event. On account of the Russians 13 gold, 11 silver, 9 bronze medals. The performance of the Russian national team was the most successful for domestic athletes in the entire history of the Winter Games.

IOC President Thomas Bach thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal contribution to "the extraordinary success of these Winter Olympic Games", as well as the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. "Today we can say: Russia has fulfilled everything that it promised. What in other parts of the world took decades, here was achieved in seven years," Bach said. According to him, "everyone who looks at Russia with an open mind has seen the new face of this country: successful and friendly, patriotic and open to the whole world."

Most of the world's media echoed the President of the IOC, talking about the closing ceremony of the Games. A number of American media especially noted the wonderful sense of humor of the organizers of the celebration, who beat the Olympic ring that was not opened during the opening ceremony.

Online streaming:

22.27 Moscow time. A DJ platform appears on the stage. At the console, DJ Kto (also known as DJ Boomer) is a musician, DJ, producer and promoter who played a significant role in popularizing rap, new rave and drum and bass in Russia. Time for the party that the dancers start. They are joined by all the athletes and artists who took part in the closing ceremony. And now - a disco.

22.24 Moscow time. A rain of thousands of petals falls on the stage. And over the stadium there is a new fireworks.

22.21 Moscow time. Fireworks are thundering over the stadium to the accompaniment of Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto.

Khibla Gerzmava

Russian and Abkhaz opera singer (soprano), People's Artist of Russia (2012). Soloist of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Musical Theater, Honored Artist of Russia (2006), People's Artist of the Republic of Abkhazia (2006). Gerzmave became world famous for his performances at the Mariinsky Theater, the Royal Opera House "Covent Garden", the Metropolitan Opera, the Vienna State Opera, the Rome Opera, the Paris Opera Garnier and other major stage venues. She has been repeatedly referred to in the press as the "Golden Soprano of Russia".


22.17 Moscow time. Hundreds of children appear on the stage again, holding mimosa, a traditional spring flower in southern Russia and a symbol of the Sochi Olympics.

A magical flying ship appears over the stadium. On board the People's Artist of Russia Khibla Gerzmava and two children. She performs the composition "Spring Herald".

22.15 Moscow time Olympic bear drives up to the bowl of fire. Music by Alexandra Pakhmutova "Goodbye, Moscow", which sounded at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980, is played. The song reminded of the mascot of those Games - Misha. The bear blows out the fire to the music from the Soviet film "One among strangers, a stranger among friends" (1974). Written by Eduard Artemiev, arranged by Igor Matvienko.

"Closing of the 1980 Olympics in Moscow"

22.11 Moscow time. Huge mirrored walls appear in the stadium. Lyuba comes up to the mirror and sees in it the reflection of the real Bear - the mascot of the Games.

They start to play together and are joined by two other mascots - Bunny and Leopard. The mirrors slide off and open the bowl of the Olympic flame for the audience.

22.09 Moscow time. The official speeches are over. We are gradually approaching the climax of the closure of the games. Just a little bit is left before the Olympic flame extinguishing ceremony. Children appear on the stage again, they play with each other. Luba is holding a toy bear.

21.40 Moscow time. Children from the Krasnodar Territory carried olympic flag... Sochi Mayor Anatoly Pakhomov returns the flag to the IOC President Thomas Bach, and he hands it over to the mayor of the next winter Olympic capital... In 2018 Olympiad will be held in South Korean Pyeongchang.

21.34 Moscow time. The stage is empty. The official part of the closing of the Olympic Games begins. The LED wood is painted in the colors of the Greek flag. The anthem of Greece was played. The Olympic anthem is being played. The ceremony of lowering the Olympic flag is taking place at the Fisht stadium.

Excerpt "The Magic of the Circus"


21.29 Moscow time. The art piece "The Magic of the Circus" has begun. A circus van goes onto the stage, accompanied by clowns, and in the center of the arena a huge tent rises, around which circus performers perform. In total, 400 people take part in the performance. Children watch a circus performance. But gradually it gets dark on the stage, the tent disappears, and the fireworks show begins.

21.24 Moscow time. Recall that it was to the waltz of Khachaturian that they performed their short program Olympic champions Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov.

"Waltz of Champions. Music by Aram Khachaturian from the movie" Masquerade "."

21.23 Moscow time. To the music of Aram Khachaturian's waltz to Mikhail Lermontov's play "Masquerade" (1941), an excerpt entitled "Literature" began. A book island appeared in the center of the stage, surrounded by 12 desks with portraits of famous Russian writers.

96 librarians and 23 famous literary characters appear on the stage. Three children walk between the tables and watch the work of the craftsmen. Their walk is accompanied by the voice of the announcer, citing excerpts from the works of great writers.

Children come up to a huge book in the center of the book island and start leafing through it.

Excerpt "Literature"


21.22 Moscow time. Dancers perform pas de deux (one of the main forms in ballet, which consists of two dancers, adagios, variations of male and female solo dances and joint virtuoso coda) from the most famous Russian ballets.

21.20 Moscow time The clouds finally cleared away, and two portal arches appeared on the stage, representing the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters. The curtain rises, and the dancers of the corps de ballet and the leading soloists of the two theaters dance on the stage. They play the roles of impresario Sergei Diaghilev, prima ballerina Anna Pavlova, her teacher Enrico Cecchetti and other stars who made Russian ballet famous all over the world.

The symphonic suite "Scheherazade" by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1888) was performed. The piece of music is based on The Thousand and One Nights. Performed by the First All-Russian Youth Orchestra.

21.13 Moscow time. A grand piano appeared on the stage from behind the clouds, played by the famous Russian pianist Denis Matsuev. He performs Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto. The pianist was greeted by children. A whirlwind, created from 62 grand pianos with musicians sitting behind them, begins to whirl around them.

09.21 GMT. The artistic part of the closing ceremony dedicated to Russian culture begins. Painting, music, theater, literature and circus art are presented at the Fisht stadium. The forest grows on the stage again, and it starts to snow.

Violinist Yuri Bashmet and violinist Tatiana Samuil perform Alfred Schnittke's polka. A flying inverted island appeared above the stadium, depicting "Chagall's Village". It was created based on the paintings of the great Russian artist and is inhabited by characters characteristic of his work.

Island "Chagall Village"


The bride and groom, the violinist on the roof, the village animals descended from the artist's paintings float above the stage where children reappear.

21.07 Moscow time. New members of the Athletes' Commission are being introduced. Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and Canadian ice hockey player Hayley Wickenheiser became members of the International Olympic Committee(IOC). Next comes the greeting of the volunteers.

Newly elected members of the IOC Athletes' Commission present gifts to volunteers as a sign of appreciation and gratitude for their contribution to the Olympic Games in Sochi.

21.04 Moscow time. The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.

21.00 Moscow time The rewarding of the winners of the men's 50 km mass start has begun. In the race, the victors were the Russians, who for the first time in the history of the Winter Games took the entire podium. Thanks to the victory of Alexander Legkov, Maxim Vylegzhanin and Ilya Chernousov, Russia won the Olympics.

20.55 Moscow time. On Sunday in the Norwegian media there was a comic report that doping was found in Marit Bjorgen.

20.52 Moscow time. The solemn ceremony of awarding the athletes who competed for the last sets of Olympic awards for the 2014 Games has begun. Heroes of two last days Olympiads - winners and prize-winners of ski marathon races - 30 km (women) and 50 km (men). In the women's race, the entire podium is occupied by the representatives of Norway. First place went to Marit Bjorgen, second to Teresa Johaug and third to Christine Steira. They are awarded first. The medals are presented by IOC President Thomas Bach and FIS President Jeanfranco Kasper. The anthem of Norway is played.

20.47 Moscow time. The Russian national team is finishing the parade of athletes. Some of the athletes on stage started dancing. Others take pictures and post photos on social networks.

20.40 Moscow time. While all the athletes, to the applause of the audience, walk through the stadium to their seats, let us recall how the national teams of different countries performed.

From countries that were part of Soviet Union, the best after the Russian national team was the team of Belarus, which took the eighth place in the medal standings. The Belarusians won five gold medals, three of which were won by biathlete Daria Domracheva (link), as well as one bronze.

The Ukrainian team took 20th place with one gold and one bronze medal. The Latvian team has two silver, two bronze medals and a final 23rd place. Kazakhstan national team closes medal table with one bronze medal. In total, representatives of 26 countries won medals at the Games in Sochi.

The main rival of the Russian national team at the Games - the Norwegian national team - won 11 gold, 5 silver and 9 bronze medals and took second place. Third place in the medal standings with the winner Olympic tournament hockey team - Canada.

The fourth place was taken by the USA national team (9-7-12), the fifth - by the Netherlands (8-7-9), becoming the record holders for the number of medals won in speed skating.

20.37 Moscow time. On the field of the stadium "Fisht", as if from under the stage, athletes come out and carry the flags of their countries. Moreover, they are not divided by country, but go all together, symbolizing the unity of people through sports. The Russian flag is carried by figure skater Maxim Trankov.

20.34 Moscow time. At the stadium, drummers of the Moscow Military Music School.

20.33 Moscow time. The Russian flag was raised at the Fisht stadium.

20.29 Moscow time. The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds. It is performed by a combined children's choir and a youth orchestra of 1000 people under the direction of Valery Gergiev and a youth orchestra under the direction of Yuri Bashmet.

20.25 Moscow time The Russian flag is brought to the stadium. It is carried by the Olympic champions as part of the Russian national team at the Games in Sochi.

20.24 Moscow time. Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of the International Olympic Committee appear in the honorary box, Olympic champion in 1976 fencing Thomas Bach. They entered the box from opposite sides and met in the center, greeting each other with a handshake. To the left of Vladimir Putin is the standard-bearer of the Russian national team at the opening of the Games, Alexander Zubkov, and the coach of figure skating Nina Moser.

20.23 Moscow time The fifth Olympic ring was deliberately not disclosed at first, as it happened at the opening ceremony.

Olympic rings at the Fisht stadium


20.22 Moscow time Performers in mirrored costumes glide chaotically through the water like schools of fish. Suddenly, unexpectedly, they form five Olympic rings.

20.14 Moscow time. The closing ceremony of the Olympics has begun. This part of the ceremony is called "Heaven and Sea". An LED forest grows on the stage, which changes colors thanks to the audience's medallions. Stars twinkle in the sky above the endless night sea. A boat appeared at the stadium, in which the boy Yura and the girl Valentina are sitting, as well as the main character - a little girl named Lyubov, already familiar to us from the opening ceremony. Love is holding one of the 2014 games mascots - the White Bear.

Soundtrack from the film "Eta wonderful Life"(1946), written by Dmitry Temkin - an American composer of Russian origin. Temkin worked in Hollywood, is widely known as a composer of music for Westerns. 22 times was nominated for an Oscar - four times this award, including two Oscars for the film "Exactly at noon".

20.09 Moscow time. While awaiting the start of the official opening ceremony, let us recall the words of the President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach, said at a press conference on Sunday, that “the success of a team is always the success of the Games as a whole, as we have seen in many countries - for example, in London. success, then the audience is watching olympic competitions with great enthusiasm. Our coordinating commission informed the organizers of the Games in Sochi that not only the organization itself is important, but also positive result the teams of the country - the hosts of the Games. Note that you did a good job after the Vancouver failure. This is incredible progress. "

20.00 Moscow time TV viewers are shown the brightest moments of the 2014 Games: victories and defeats, laughter and tears, joy and disappointment of athletes and fans. Everything that will be remembered for the first Winter Olympics in Russia.


19.41 Moscow time. At the Fisht stadium, they started to warm up the audience. "Buranovskie Babushki" and the "Gorky Park" group have already performed.

19.38 Moscow time. The organizers of the closing ceremony of the Games are the main creative director Konstantin Ernst, artistic director, screenwriter and stage director Daniele Finzi Pasca, chief set and props designer Hugo Gargiulo, costume designer Giovanna Buzzi, lighting designer Al Gordon, chief crowd choreographer Bryn Walters, visual effects supervisor Maxim Kirienko and musical producer Igor Matvienko.

19.34 Moscow time. The official closing ceremony of the Olympic Games is 40 minutes away. Spectators are already taking their seats at Fisht Stadium, the same stadium where the Games opened on 7 February.

The Olympic flame was lit by the legends of Russian sports Irina Rodnina and Vladislav Tretyak. “I felt pride when I lit the Olympic flame. Pride that the Olympics are taking place here, for the fact that we have prepared everything so wonderfully. After the fire was lit, Vladislav Tretyak and I turned to each other and said:“ We are done! "said Rodnina.

According to the chief creative producer and scriptwriter of the ceremony, Konstantin Ernst, the opening of the Games in Sochi has become the most high-tech ceremony of this kind in the last 20 years.

"We wanted to show the Russia of today and tomorrow. Most people in the world did not expect such a high-tech show from us. I have seen all the Olympics over the past 20 years, so I say with confidence - there was nothing like ours. It was important to demonstrate that Russia is a different country than it is represented in the West. The media is a great thing. But you need to divide what they write in half, "he added.

19.30 Moscow time. The Russian national team won the medal standings winter Olympics for the second time (previously in Lillehammer 1994). The USSR national team did this seven times more (Cortina d "Ampezzo 1956, Squaw Valley 1960, Innsbruck 1964 and 1976, Sapporo 1972, Lake Placid 1980, Calgary 1988). Russia became the fourth country to win at home. In the past, the teams from the USA (Lake Placid 1932), Norway (Oslo 1952) and Canada (Vancouver 2010) succeeded in this.

The performance of the Russian national team at the Sochi Olympics was the most successful for domestic athletes in the entire history of the Winter Games. After the victory of the crew of Alexander Zubkov, Dmitry Trunenkov, Alexey Negodailo and Alexey Voevoda in bobsleigh competitions on the account Russian team there were 13 gold, 11 silver and 9 bronze medals (33 in total). Thus, the achievement of the USSR national team in Innsbruck-1976 (13-6-8) was surpassed - due to the greater number of second places won in Sochi (11 versus 6). Best before the current Games Russian result was featured in Lillehammer 1994 - (11-8-4). The Russian national team also surpassed best result domestic athletes at the Winter Olympics in terms of the number of awards won - the USSR team in Calgary-1988 won 29 medals.

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