Children's drawings on the theme of dynamo. Acceptance of artworks for the all-Russian competition "Dynamo" continues through the eyes of children


About the regional competition of children's creativity "Dynamo" through the eyes of children ", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the" Dynamo "Society





Films and photographs.

The age of the participants is up to 18 years.

2.3. Competition works are accepted until October 02, 2017 by hand with a note "For the regional competition of children's creativity" Dynamo through the eyes of children " Monday-Friday from 09.00 to 18.00 at the address: Tambov, Krasnoarmeyskaya square, 1 (Dynamo stadium, administrative building, watch, office of the educational and sports department).

Works sent to the Competition are not returned or reviewed.

2.6. The best works will be sent to the federal stage of the Competition (Dynamo Society, Moscow).


3.1. The results of the Competition are held by the Competition Commission (appendix).

3.2. The competition committee evaluates the work of each participant in nominations (5-point rating scale). In case of equality of points for several participants, the younger participant takes precedence.

3.4. The results of the Competition will be announced 20 October 2017 and posted on the official page of the Organizer's group "Vkontakte" (Sports Society "Dynamo").


4.1. By the decision of the competition committee, based on the results of the Competition, the winners in each nomination are awarded:

For 1st place by subscription for a free seasonal visit to the Skating Rink at the Dynamo Stadium 2017/2018;

For 2nd place- a diploma, a valuable gift and 10 free visits to the Skating Rink at the Dynamo stadium season 2017/2018;

For 3rd place- a diploma, a valuable gift and 6 free visits to the "Skating rink at the Dynamo stadium" season 2017/2018.

4.2. Awarding of the winners and prize-winners of the Competition will be held in November 2017 in a solemn atmosphere in the Dynamo sports complex. The date of the event will be announced later.


Financing of all expenses related to the awarding according to the results of the Competition is carried out by the Tambov regional organization of the CSO VFSO "Dynamo".

Educational and sports department

Tambov regional

CSO organizations WFSO




regional competition of children's creativity "Dynamo" through the eyes of children ", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the" Dynamo "Society

Members of the competition committee

Nadezhda Vasilievna - Chief Accountant of the Tambov Regional

organization CSO VFSO "Dynamo"

YELTSOVA - Human Resources Specialist of the Tambov Regional

Larisa Valerievna organizations CSO VFSO "Dynamo"

SHAPKIN - Director of the Tambov sports complex

Ivan Vladimirovich regional organization CSO VFSO "Dynamo",

ZHURAVLEVA - Head of the Cultural Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for

Tatiana Ivanovna of the Tambov region,

AKIMUSHKIN - Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans of Bodies

Sergey Alexandrovich of Internal Affairs of the Tambov Region,

colonel internal service retired.


about the regional competition of children's creativity "Dynamo" through the eyes of children ", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the" Dynamo "Society


1.1. The regional children's creativity competition "Dynamo through the eyes of children" (hereinafter - the Competition) is held within the framework of the All-Russian competition of children's creativity "Dynamo" through the eyes of children "and is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the formation of the Dynamo Society and the 91st anniversary of the foundation of the Tambov regional organization of the Society" Dynamo".

1.2. The Organizer of the Competition is the Tambov regional organization of the Dynamo Society (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

1.3. The organization and conduct of the Competition is based on the principles of ensuring a barrier-free environment and freedom of creative expression of the Competition participants.

1.4. The competition is held in order to:

Attracting public attention to the activities, traditions and historical fact of the 95th anniversary of the Dynamo Society;

Propaganda of the Dynamo movement, preservation and enhancement of Dynamo traditions;

Reveals and demonstrations best works reflecting the versatile activities of the Dynamo Society;

Social self-realization of the participants of the Competition, receiving a response to thematic cognitive interest;

The use of children's creativity in the formation of value guidelines on the example of the activities of the Dynamo Society;

Organization of family leisure, uniting families for joint creativity, building a dialogue between generations.


2.1. The competition is organized and held during the period from 01 May to 02 October 2017 among:

Children of employees of the KFK Tambov regional organization CSO VFSO "Dynamo" (UMVD, UFSB, TsSSI FSO, FPS, FKU UODOP FSIN, GU MES, Department of the Russian Guard, FSSP of Russia in the Tambov region);

Pupils of the Cossack boarding school. Vorontsov-Dashkova, Tambov;

Pupils of the Morshansk boarding school;

Pupils of the Tambov multidisciplinary cadet corps;

Pupils of Krasnosvobodnenskaya sanatorium boarding school;

Pupils of the "Center for Family Support and Help to Children named after A.V. Lunacharsky ", Rasskazovo;

Pupils of the Uvarovskiy cadet corps named after St. George the Victorious;

Pupils sports club"Young Dynamo" ( sport sections);

Students of the "College of Law and Security" in Tambov;

Students of the "Business College" in Tambov.


Decorative - applied and technical creativity;

Films and photographs.

According to age categories, pupils of preschool children can take part in the Competition. educational institutions, students of secondary schools in Izhevsk, as well as students of institutions sponsored by the Udmurt republican organization OGO VFSO "Dynamo" (orphanages, boarding schools; special (correctional) children's institutions; schools named after Heroes Soviet Union and children of law enforcement and security officials who died in the line of duty, and also became disabled as a result of a military trauma).

The competition is held in three age categories:

  • 5 - 6 years old;

  • 7-11 years old;

  • 12 - 16 years old.

Requirements for drawings submitted for the Competition:

  • pictures must correspond to the theme of the Competition: to display people, events, symbols, sports, etc., related to the URO CSO VFSO "Dynamo";

  • drawings must be completed without the help of parents or teachers;

  • drawings must be performed in any drawing technique (oil, watercolor, ink, colored pencils, crayons, etc.).

  • Figures must be made on a sheet of A3 format, without being framed.

  • The number of works submitted to the Competition by one child cannot exceed 1 drawing.

2.5. Work evaluation criteria:

- originality of a creative idea, its richness,

- originality of performance, imagery of thinking.

From 02 to 14 December 2016, the jury will summarize the results and determine the winners and prize-winners of the Competition for each age group.

The results of the Competition will be posted on the website of the URO CSO VFSO "Dynamo" (, MBU "Center for the History of Sports of the City of Izhevsk" ( no later than December 15, 2016. Winners and awardees will be additionally notified by the specified contacts in the application, about the place and date of the award.

Every day, the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory receives dozens of creative works - drawings, stories, hand-made articles, poems dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Dynamo Society.

The most active participation in the regional stage of the competition was taken by preschoolers 6-7 years old and schoolchildren 8-14 years old from Krasnodar. Anapa, Primorsko-Akhtarsky, Gulkevichsky, Caucasian and Timashevsky regions.

For many participants sports theme in creativity - little studied.

So, for example, the children of the children's art school in Gulkevichi spent a whole research work... To find the desired plot, they looked through the historical information about the creation of the Dynamo society, read many articles about the modern period of the development of the sports movement, about sports and conditions of competition, sports uniform, logos. The result has surpassed itself - 26 dynamic and vivid drawings were sent to the regional stage of the All-Russian competition.

We did not expect how much this competition would broaden the horizons of our students and provide an opportunity to join the topic of sports and healthy way life, - commented the teacher of the children's art school in Gulkevichi Irina Griban. - Upon completion of the work, the school jury tried to evaluate children's works and was convinced that it was difficult to single out the best ones - all the guys passed the given topic through their hearts.

The plots of the competitive works presented at the regional stage are varied, they are both trainings and competitions in different types sports, and the joy of victory. The titles of the works speak for themselves - "On the football field", "Training", "Sharp moment", "At the volleyball competition", "Obstacle course", "On the track", "Equestrian sport", "At the opponent's goal" , "Dynamo leads the score", "Dynamo at the finish line", "Dynamo victory" and others.

The submitted entries display the slogans under which all the presented works can be combined: "Strength, dexterity, life", "Strength in motion and unity!"

Recall that in 2017 the Public-State Association "All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society" Dynamo "is holding the All-Russian competition of children's creativity" Dynamo "through the eyes of children", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Society "Dynamo".

In accordance with the Regulations of the competition, the jury is presented with works in the following nominations: fine arts, arts and crafts, technical creativity, film and photographic works, literature, journalism, screenwriting, design and research work.

Until October 25, 2017, the works of young Kuban residents are accepted for the regional stage of the competition, organized at the Krasnodar Regional Fire and Technical Exhibition of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory (Krasnodar, Mira st., 56).

All submitted works will be sent to the federal stage of the competition, which will be held in December 2017 in Moscow.

We wish all participants a victory in the competition!

Krasnodar Regional Fire-Fighting and Technical Exhibition.For more information, see

The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Arkhangelsk Region summed up the results regional phase All-Russian competition of children's creativity "Dynamo" through the eyes of children ", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the sports society of law enforcement agencies.

The guys announced their works for the creative competition in two nominations - "Fine Arts" and "Applied Creativity". The participants tried their best and the jury was presented with works performed in different techniques. Regardless of age, even the smallest artists have produced sincere drawings dedicated to the Dynamo anniversary. The winners were determined by the leadership of the Arkhangelsk regional organization "Dynamo" and representatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

First, the winners were identified in arts and crafts. Third place went to Tamerlan Rafiev, a student of MBDOU "Ertsevskaya average comprehensive school"The second place went to" Dynamo "made of birch bark, created by teenagers serving sentences in the Arkhangelsk educational colony." Gold "deservedly went to Maxim Filatov, the son of an employee of the penal colony No. 7 (Lesnaya Rechka village, Arkhangelsk).

Among the young artists, the "bronze" was shared by the works of Nikita Ilyin, the son of an employee of the Convoy Department (Arkhangelsk) and Artem Lelenko, the son of an employee of SIZO-2 (Kotlas). "Silver" was won by Anastasia Denisova, the daughter of an employee of correctional colony No. 1 (Pirsy village, Arkhangelsk). The best drawing was recognized by Evgeniy Kolodin, the son of an employee of LIU-8 (Puska village, Plesetskiy district).

The Audience Award was won by the work "Well, wait a minute, health" by the smallest participant Varvara Silicheva, a pupil of the Yertsev secondary school MBDOU.

The results of the all-Russian competition of children's creativity "Dynamo" through the eyes of children "will be announced in December this year in Moscow.

Press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Arkhangelsk Region

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