What should a sports park look like? Unique sports grounds

There is a trend towards specialization of parks in big cities. All over the world, centers and historical residential areas are being actively reconstructed, which, as a rule, have several small parks. The areas of these parks are insufficient for the full development of all zones of parks of a multifunctional profile, according to domestic terminology - parks of culture and recreation. Then, one or two functions are predominantly developed. Another important factor in the specialization of parks is the increasing demands of visitors to comfort, which is satisfied by specialized services.

The most common type of specialized park, especially abroad, is sports. In big cities, there is a special need for physical education and sports: people suffer from physical inactivity and experience high stress on the nervous system. Both require active recreation with certain physical activities, which is exactly what they provide. sports parks in contrast to sports centers, designed mainly for the training of athletes and competitions.

Sports parks are divided into multifunctional, or universal, for many sports, and specialized - for one or a group of related sports (for example, water, equestrian, cycling, etc.).

Universal parks, called sports and recreation centers, are large urban or suburban (following the example of well-known suburban German riviera parks) complexes, which, according to the composition of structures, are


which seats are close to sports centers (Fig. 10.5.4 -10.5.6). They differ from sports centers in a larger area of ​​greenery and the main focus on mass physical education and recreation and active recreation.

The unique Olympic parks are large sports complexes for the Olympic Games. Such are the Olympic parks in Melbourne, the Meiji and Kamazawa parks in Tokyo, the parks in Mexico City, Munich and Montreal. After the Olympic Games, the problem of their use arises. A good example is a park in Munich. Even during its design, the principle of "short distances and green landscapes" was proposed. On the reclaimed territory of 140 hectares, an artificial relief was created for the construction of intersections of pedestrian and transport routes at different levels. After the Olympic Games, this vast landscaped area has become a place of active recreation for the population of Munich, both in summer and in winter. Bulk artificial hills in winter turn into mountains for mass sledding and skiing.

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The size of sports parks can be from tens to hundreds of hectares. When placing them in the city, as well as when placing sports complexes, conditions should be created for the evacuation of a large number of people and parking lots should be provided.

Specialized sports parks for a sport or a group of related species are intended for activities associated with them, as well as for activities at a higher level than in other types of parks. The most common specialized parks - for aquatic species sports (Fig. 10.5.7). Abroad, there are numerous centers

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for swimming and bathing. Everywhere, including here, hydroparks are becoming more and more widespread. They need water areas, so their placement in the city is subject to this condition.

The sizes of specialized sports parks can be very different: from hundreds of hectares (for example, the hydropark in Krylatskoe has a total area of ​​​​about 700 hectares, Kharkiv hydroparks from 60 to 150 hectares, etc.) to compact areas of several hectares, where place centers for swimming and bathing.

There may be specialized parks for other sports. The need for them is determined by the popularity of a particular sport in a given place, favorable natural conditions, etc. In different countries, especially in the UK, USA and Canada, golf courses or parks are common, which occupy large areas - from 50 to 100 hectares. There are well-known centers for roller skating and parks for cycling, where the complex terrain of the sites is functionally used. Skateparks are popular for skateboarding.

Sports parks are not such mass objects as multifunctional parks of culture and recreation, they are rather unique, especially large universal ones and, of course, specialized ones. Therefore, there can be no recommendations on the composition of structures, and even more so with quantitative indicators. They are designed according to special tasks, depending on local and natural conditions.

Among the structures of sports parks there are the most diverse - from large unique ones (indoor stadiums, pools with artificial waves, waterfalls) to simple playgrounds, lawns for sports and recreational games. This is determined by the purpose of the park, the number of inhabitants for which it is designed, its area and location in the city. The most common pools in all types of sports parks (Table 10.5.2, Figures 10.5.4 - 10.5.7), the so-called leisure type (with irregularly shaped baths, with an artificial wave, water slides).

Sports halls are very common - both universal, and specialized, and multi-purpose, i.e. not only for sports events, but also for spectacles, dances, etc.

Much less often than the halls, there are skating rinks with artificial ice (Table 10.5.2, Figures 10.5.4 - 10.5.6). Sometimes complex artificial skating rinks are built - indoor and outdoor. An example is the Ottobrunn sports park in Germany (Figure 10.5.4).

The palette of planar structures is even richer - from sports cores to lawns, which have become an indispensable element of the park, where they play outdoor games, sunbathe, and have picnics.

Unlike sports centers in sports parks, especially abroad, playgrounds for entertaining sports games (mini-golf, botches, croquet, skittles, etc.), platforms and tracks for roller skating and boarding are arranged among flat structures; mountains for sledding, shields, "plates" and skiing (Fig. 10.5.4 - 10.5.5). Golf courses are also found in foreign universal sports parks, but more often these are separate specialized parks. And we have new sports for our country - baseball, softball, squash, golf. In 1988, the first specialized golf sports park in Russia was built in Moscow (Fig. 10.5.8), and several more are planned to be built.

Green spaces must be at least 70% of the area of ​​the sports park. The area occupied by structures, paths and alleys is much larger than that in other types of parks, since the sports facilities themselves require large areas, and the paths and alleys must provide the possibility of evacuating a large number of people to parks.

kah, where the attendance is massive and where there are facilities with seats for spectators.

In large sports parks with facilities for competitions, sports and recreation activities and active recreation, it is advisable to allocate zones during design: entertainment and demonstration, training, active recreation, administrative and economic.

Specialized parks

Specialized parks are a special type of parks, typical for the largest cities with a certain functional focus. The functional and planning organization of the territory of a specialized park is carried out with its intended purpose. First of all, these are sports, children's, memorial parks, botanical gardens and parks.

The composition and number of park facilities, landscaping elements in specialized parks depend on thematic focus, maintenance of the park and are determined by the assignment for landscape design.

When landscape designing a specialized park, as a rule, an approximate ratio of the elements of the territory is recommended, i.e. balance of the territory, % of the total area:

Green spaces and reservoirs……………………………………………………….65…70

Alleys, paths, platforms………………………………………………………….....28…25

Structures and buildings………………………………………………………………..7…5

sports parks. sports parks are the types of parks in which the paramount role is assigned to physical culture and sports, active recreation of the city's population for physical development and recovery. Sports parks occupy an area of ​​20 to 50 hectares.

Sports parks are divided into:

For specialized, intended for competitions and training of athletes in different types sports;

Complex (physical culture and health) used for outdoor activities and sports-type games.

Special requirements are imposed on the landscape design of a sports park in terms of location in the structure of a city or district, according to the natural conditions of the area (territory relief, vegetation, sun exposure, clean air). In landscape design great importance attached to the functional zoning of the territory. functional zoning of the territory is determined by:

A clear schedule of movement; separating athletes and spectators resting in the park;

Loading and evacuation of visitors to demonstration, educational and training facilities and facilities for outdoor activities;

The allocation of recreational areas to restore the physical, mental strength of athletes and visitors to the park.

The organization of health-improving work and recreation in parks attracts masses of people of different age groups. Adults and children are engaged in sports sections, train, participate in competitions. Sports fans watch sports competitions. People of older and retirement age are engaged in health groups. The planning organization of the territory is formed, as a rule, on the contrast of open and closed spaces. The core of the sports park is stadium. When placing stadiums with a one-sided or horseshoe-shaped tribune, a wide view of landscape design opens from the stands through the open space of the football field (training fields, glades can be placed on the axis of the landscape composition) to neighboring territories (sea, lake, opposite bank of the river, fields, mountains) .

Sports parks are calculated on the mass attendance of the population. In landscape design, as a rule, the following zones should be distinguished:

Sports zone (up to 50% of the entire territory);

Entertainment zone (5 ... 7% of the entire territory);

Quiet recreation area (up to 30% of the entire territory);

Service area (up to 5 ... 7% of the entire territory).

The sports zone can have a certain functional focus (for example, for horseback riding) or divided into sectors: the water sports sector, the children's sector, the sports and recreation sector, the sector with the young sailors' club. A large share in the balance of the territory is occupied by sites, roads, structures.

As a rule, a zone of quiet rest is allocated in large sports parks - a significant part of the landscape is allocated for this zone. There is also a children's section. For health reasons and to ensure the safety of participants and spectators, it is necessary to provide for the isolation of such sports as water-motor, shooting, automobile, equestrian, etc. For the most part, sports zones are solved by regular methods of landscape planning and composition, and a quiet recreation area - by landscape methods. Clearings of free configuration, smooth lines of roads and alleys create a favorable environment for recreation, contrasting with the tense rhythm of the landscape composition of sports grounds and the vigorous activity (training, competitions) of the participants in the sports zone. Sports devices (grounds), according to existing requirements, should be oriented with a wide side from north to south. Small deviation angles are permissible: 5 ... 15 0 - for Central Russia; up to 25 0 - in the cities of the Arctic. The site for townships is projected in the direction to the north, northeast.

Landscaping is subject to requirements for protection against wind and noise from outdoor sports facilities. You should not obscure the playing space of the playgrounds with green spaces. By rationally placing green spaces, a calm background should be created, for example, when playing with a ball. Along the border of the sports complex (or individual sites), it is necessary to provide a strip of protective green spaces with a width of at least 5 m. The strip of green spaces should include one or two rows of trees and shrubs. In rows between trees, a distance of 2.5 ... 3.0 m is recommended, and between rows - 2 m. When forming protective strips of green spaces, it is necessary to maintain an interval of 10 ... 15 m from the boundaries of playgrounds with appropriate metal fences. Along the fences, planting of vines in the form of girlish and Amur grapes should be provided.

When landscaping areas around sports fields, the texture and color of foliage, the nature of flowering are taken into account. Plants with light foliage, as well as flowering shrubs, are not recommended to be planted, as they create an unfavorable background for games due to the loose structure of the bush, openwork of crowns, and light tonality. Plants that clog play areas are excluded from the range. playgrounds and outdoor swimming pools (needles, seeds, flower petals) prone to windbreak (silver maple, etc.), damaged by frost (exotics), as well as trees with early falling leaves and fruits, introduced plant species.

The Olympic Games have had a great influence on the development of sports parks in a number of countries. For their implementation were built sport complexes with stadiums, swimming pools, sports facilities, parks. Olympic Park- a landscaped area for holding international sports competitions (competitions) with a regulated range of specialized sports facilities and devices that meet a high class of international requirements. Olympic parks created at the Olympic complexes. When organizing the landscape design of Olympic parks, complex urban planning problems, such as the construction of modern architecture and design of sports facilities, Olympic village, hotels, buildings of cultural and public services for athletes and tourists. It is necessary to interconnect the complex with the transport system and the prospects for the development of the city.

According to your organization Olympic complexes are subdivided into single, compact, with an independent allocated territory and consisting of several territories in different parts of the city or even in different regions (for example, complexes in Rome (Italy), Moscow and Sochi). In planning an Olympic park with a stadium for 100,000 or more spectators, clarity and clarity of plan with a dominant center is necessary. Olympic parks are especially attractive if the natural qualities of landscape design are widely used. Depending on the assignment for landscape design separate zones can be combined (as sports and training), may be absent (entertainment zone) or they can be added, for example, a water sports zone, cycling zone, etc.

The Olympic complexes are characterized by a large-scale solution of structures (squares, stadiums), the clarity of the construction of pedestrian and transport roads (10 ... 12 m wide), occupying 60 ... 70% of the entire territory. Former Olympic complexes for the most part continue to operate as ordinary sports parks.

Hydroparks. Hydropark- park object of sports type. Hydroparks were developed in the second half of the 20th century. Hydroparks are created in cities experiencing a shortage of territory, on inconvenient, flooded lands, on areas with a high specific gravity of the water area. The volumetric and spatial landscape organization of hydroparks is characterized by the presence of open spaces: reservoirs, glades and meadows. In the total area balance, more than 25% of the territory is made up of water bodies intended for physical education and sports, cultural and educational events, entertainment, and quiet recreation. On the territory there is an opportunity to create comfortable conditions for recreation for all age groups of the population. The creation of beach areas, the construction of yacht clubs, harbors for sailing, motor ships and boat stations, entertainment attractions, water springboards and cascades, theater venues and restaurants predetermine the high recreational capacity of the territory (up to 500 people per hectare).

Depending on the nature of the territory, natural conditions, functional orientation, the territory of the hydropark is divided into the following functional zones: sports, entertainment, cultural and educational, children's play, service. Large areas of hydro parks should be accessible to residents of the city and should be served by public transport (suburban electric trains, metro, motor ships, boats, trams, trolleybuses, buses).

Children's parks. For the organization of children's parks, it is necessary to use favorable factors of the natural environment that promote active recreation, physical and mental development of children. The formation of park landscape design as an environment for children's recreation contributes to the figurative and cognitive content of its elements.

In children's parks, educational and health work for children by age groups: for preschoolers (up to 7 years old); junior schoolchildren (from 8 up to 11 years old); middle (from 12 to 14 years old) and older (from 15 to 16 years old) age.

Children's parks are divided into citywide and district.

Citywide children's park is a landscaped area with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions with an area of ​​at least 8 hectares. On the territory of the park, it is desirable to have reservoirs, relief, contributing to the creation of a picturesque landscape design. The park should have convenient transport links with all areas of the city.

Regional children's parks with a service radius of up to 1 km are created in large cities. Regional children's parks occupy an area of ​​4 to 8 hectares. The attendance of district children's parks is determined approximately - at the rate of 20 ... 30% of the child population of the entire population of the district (city); of which: junior schoolchildren age - 30%; middle age - 50%; older age - 10%; preschoolers - 10%. According to calculations, up to about 100 m 2 of park area is accepted per visitor.

The functional and planning organization of the territory of the children's park is determined by the allocation of the following zones, depending on the sections of educational and recreational work:

Cultural educational zone (bonfire site, theater, circus, lecture hall, museum, reading room);

Zone physical education(stadium, sports grounds, swimming pool);

Zone of entertainment, games and attractions;

Quiet zone;

Service area (buffets, cafes for 50 ... 100 seats, kiosks with food, water, books, pay phones, toilets (at the rate of one toilet per 1 ... 3 hectares of territory));

Administrative and economic zone.

Cultural and educational zone located on an independent territory or divided by objects. When landscape designing a park, it can be interpreted as a central one. When placing a circus or theater that attracts many visitors, an unloading area and their connection with the main entrance are provided.

The size of the area and the width of the alley are calculated from the number of seats for spectators (200 ... 600 seats). A museum, an outdoor exhibition, an open lecture hall require a quieter location, they can be assembled as a single complex.

When creating a park near the Youth Palace, areas for young naturalists and young technicians are arranged. For the station of young naturalists, premises with an area of 200 ... 400 m 2 (greenhouse, greenhouses, meteorological station, field crops, horticulture, horticulture, floriculture, industrial crops, medicinal herbs, tree species). For the station of young technicians, rooms with an area of ​​200 ... 500 m 2 are needed, in which workshops (offices) are placed: electrical engineers, aircraft modeling, radio engineering, carpentry, metalwork, planetarium, exhibition pavilion, etc. Stations for young naturalists and young technicians occupy an area of ​​approximately 0.5…1.0 ha.

Physical Education Zone(for large parks) includes sports devices:

Stadium with stands for spectators: for 700…800 seats - for the district park; for 1500 or more seats - for a citywide park;

Volleyball courts (three courts of 14x23 m each);

Basketball courts (two courts of 20x30 m each);

Tennis courts (two courts of 20x40 m each);

Sites for cities (10x30 m in size), outdoor games (two or three sites 20x30 m each);

Solarium (lawn for sunbathing);

Aerarium (for air baths in the shade of trees, awnings or umbrellas);

Outdoor (summer) pool for swimming (plan size 12.5x6.25 m or 25x12.5 m with day depth from 0.4 to 1.2 m);

Jumping pool (jump height - 1 m; bottom depth - 3.5 m; bottom size - 9x7 m; tower 2x3 m high from the water level).

The sports zone houses pavilions for classes, wardrobes, showers, bike, ski and skate rentals, medical stations and rooms for coaches.

Entertainment zone, games and attractions include a main complex for shared use by all age groups and dedicated facilities for each age group of children. Game complexes for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren are recommended to be placed in separate areas near the main entrance. Types of playgrounds and their areas are given in Table. one.

Table 1

Types of playgrounds and their areas

Playground types

Area of ​​playgrounds, m 2

Playgrounds for children:

Up to 3 years

4…6 years

7…14 years old




Game complexes for children under 14 years old


Physical culture and playgrounds:

for children 10…15 years old

for youth and adults



In modern children's parks, play complexes for children under 14 can be both multifunctional and specialized.

Polyfunctional complexes are characterized by a combination of gaming and cognitive elements, taken in each case in certain proportions (a sports playground, a splash pool, attractions, a stage, a playground board games, zoo corner and puppet theater).

Specialized complexes are characterized by the placement of playgrounds for sports and transport games, adventure playgrounds. Water areas include simple and figured showers, sprinklers, channels for launching boats, pools, cracker fountains. Figured showers, arranged on a concrete base, are more convenient and hygienic than "paddling pools" (splashing pools 0.1 ... 0.4 m deep). Currently, there are landscape design developments for the equipment of playgrounds for water games (toboggans, pools, showers) using unified standard parts made of reinforced concrete, reinforced cement, metal and plastics.

Playgrounds for construction games, depending on their functions, are arranged in the form large complexes or small areas, equipped with pavilions for storing parts, materials, benches and tables for small models, design work, awnings from the sun and rain. Such play construction sites include the most common sand play areas, which are consistently popular with all age groups of children (from one year to 10 years and older). For games with sand, tables of different heights, benches, toboggans, houses, decorative walls with shelves, forms for sand products are provided.

As building materials for games, objects of various sizes and shapes made of wood, ceramics, plastics with localization can be used. a single building material at each site and unified modules, taking into account the variability of buildings of directional models (ships or cars, houses or palaces) and free themes. Transport play areas are used to teach children the rules of the road. Pedal cars, bicycles, scooters are intended for riding. In large parks, a children's railway (or cable car) can be provided for the convenience of moving park visitors and serving children.

As an example, we can cite sites with a set of equipment on one theme in the "Grenham" park in Zurich (Switzerland), where a site was built on the theme "Sea Journey" with combined diverse equipment (ship, pool, canal, pyramid, hill, theater, bike path ); in Central Park in New York (USA), where the play complex "Walking with adventures" - groups of two or three or more sites, each of which has a specific adventure theme. Children's zoos are spreading, instilling love and interest in the animal world and having an entertaining character (animal theaters, Noah's Ark, attractions). The territory of the children's park is divided into two zones: the exposition zone and the entertainment zone. Intra-park transport - children's railway.

When landscape designing a park, it is possible to provide adventure game complexes (for example, traveling in the jungle, desert, at sea, in space, playing Indians, protecting fortifications, a fantastic country of the past with fabulous monsters, a country of dinosaurs, labyrinths, etc.). Game complexes can be designed with the division of space by walls made of concrete, plastic, wood and other materials, the creation of platforms of different heights.

Play equipment for children should be anti-vandal, bright, expressive and durable, have aesthetic qualities. The landscape design of the equipment adopts a "children's" scale, stimulating the imagination of children. It is important to rationally place the playing volumes, avoiding chaos and cluttering up the playing areas with an excessive amount of green spaces.

Quiet zone stands out, as a rule, in large children's parks. Under the territory of the zone are allocated areas with valuable qualities of landscape design - picturesque relief, water surfaces in the form of a lake, stream, river, an array of green spaces, open spaces of glades with a grassy cover. The territory of the quiet recreation area is decided by free (landscape) methods of planning and landscape composition. It is necessary to create a favorable recreational environment for adults with young children, to provide for a walking route that unites the entire territory of the zone, picturesque meadows, smooth lines of roads and alleys. The dimensions of the sites, the dimensions of the roads should be calculated in accordance with the recreational load on the territory of the zone. Sites, according to existing requirements, must be correctly oriented, provided with protection from wind and excessive solar radiation in the summer.

The architectural and planning solution of the territory, its landscaping and landscaping should be extremely clear, facilitating the orientation of visitors and meet the following basic requirements:

The volume-spatial structure should be formed according to the type of open and semi-open spaces, which are distributed over the territory of the park, taking into account climatic features of the region of the country;

The number of entrances to the park should be kept to a minimum;

The territory should not be crossed by transit roads;

Zones and their individual facilities serving a large number of visitors (stadium, exhibition, attractions) should be located closer to the entrance;

If the park is surrounded by residential areas, has a large territory, then in order to avoid the accumulation of children in one place, sectors (objects) should be duplicated;

When creating a park, it is necessary to design a protective strip of green spaces along the perimeter of the territory with a width of at least 10 m;

Green spaces on the territory must correspond to the location, natural conditions, planning solution;

The range of plants should be selected taking into account the age and interests of children; in order to get acquainted with local plants and the diverse flora of Russia, sites with ornamental, fruit and berry, technical and medicinal plants should be created (poisonous and thorny plants are excluded from the assortment);

In the play areas of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to plant beautifully flowering trees and shrubs of small height, memorable landscape compositions from lianas, weeping tree forms, arrange themed flower beds, flower beds with clock plants, sculptures from ornamental herbaceous plants.

In the cities of the northern climatic zone in the children's park, as a rule, open spaces (glades, lawns) predominate, and in Central Russia and in the south - semi-open spaces with tapeworms or groups of trees that obscure the surfaces of coatings and lawns. The expanse of sun-drenched glades creates an optimistic, joyful emotional mood.

The road network of the children's park includes:

The main entrance alley (or two or three additional ones) with a width of 6 ... 8 m of the ring route, covering all areas of the park;

Roads within the zone with a width of 1.5 ... 2.0 m;

Narrow paths in separate sections of children's play areas.

The best pavements for playgrounds and roads of a children's park are crushed stone and gravel, rubber, curly cement-concrete at the main entrance, on observation decks, etc.

Small architectural forms, sculpture, bright spots of floral design should create a cheerful mood. When landscape designing, it is necessary to take into account that children's parks are characterized by a reduced scale of devices, structures, unusual and attractive structures.

Exhibition parks. Exhibition parks These are some kind of specialized parks. Such parks can be placed on a separate territory and as an exhibition sector on the territory of multifunctional parks, walking and sports parks. The placement of the park-exhibition in the plan of the city and the architectural and planning solution of its territory depend on the nature and duration of the exhibitions. Parks-exhibitions can be stationary, permanent, and irregular, timed to coincide with events, significant dates.

According to the purpose, the composition of the participants of the exposition, parks-exhibitions are divided into world, international, national, republican, regional, regional, city and district. The functions of exhibition parks are to familiarize with the achievements of science and technology, industry, agriculture and forestry, culture and gardening art. In landscape design, great importance is attached to the functional organization of the territory and the definition of the center of the entire landscape composition. The territory of the park-exhibition, as a rule, is divided into the following zones: exposition zone, park zone and entertainment zone - 60 ... .40%; administrative zone - 40…30%; economic zone - 2…3%; service area - 12 ... 20%.

When zoning the park-exhibition, the central sections are allocated for the exposition, and the peripheral areas (park zone, reservoirs) are used for recreation, children games and attractions. Parking lots occupying large areas are provided outside the exhibition park. For such objects, areas ranging from 100 to 500 ... 600 hectares are provided. In some cases, natural conditions are the compositional basis of exhibition complexes. A special group of exhibition parks are national exhibitions that introduce nature, industry, and culture of a given country.

An example is the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition of 1923, which was located on the banks of the Moskva River near the Krymsky Bridge (designed by architect I.V. Zholtovsky); later it was included in the boundaries of the Central Park of Culture and Recreation. Gorky. Flower exhibition parks are also known (for example, the Floriada exhibition). The park-exhibition in Lima (Peru) with an area of ​​150 hectares is peculiar. The leading theme is the ancient national culture. The park includes a zone of archaeological monuments, a botanical garden, "region of Peru" with an exposition of the "mountainous" region, "selva" region, zoo; museum of natural history of the country; children's recreation area; serving area. In 1939, the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSHV) was opened in the north of Moscow - unique in its significance in the political, economic, cultural life of the country and in its architectural and artistic solution. In 1957, along with the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, the All-Union Industrial Exhibition was organized on this territory. After their reconstruction, VDNH was created with an area of ​​350 hectares as the largest center with thematic exhibitions, conferences, symposiums, schools of excellence. A recreation area with cultural and entertainment facilities (cinema panorama, stage), commercial and consumer services enterprises (fair, pavilions, restaurants, cafes) has been organized on the territory of VDNKh.

Botanical gardens (parks). botanical gardens- it's kind of specialized parks, which are research institutions and are engaged in the study of the resources of domestic and world flora for the enrichment of agriculture and forestry, the provision of raw materials for the perfumery, medicinal and chemical industries. The tasks of the botanical gardens include the promotion of horticulture and green landscape construction. They differ in the profile of activities carried out in the garden, in the principles of placement and display of landscape expositions, geographical location, and area. Botanical parks are created both in open areas (for example, the botanical garden in Riga (Latvia)), and in forested areas (for example, the Main Botanical Garden at the Russian Academy of Sciences).

The history of the development of botanical gardens is inseparable from the history of the introduction and acclimatization of plants. From time immemorial, man has sought to enrich the flora of his area with plants from other areas that are useful for him, cultivation of local plants. The peoples of ancient civilizations - the Egyptians, the Babylonians - laid the gardens in which they grew plants brought from other countries (primarily decorative ones). The need to create a variety of plant collections in botanical gardens (especially when arranging landscape expositions according to systematic and geographical principles) contributed to the introduction of plants. The influx of foreign species increased under the influence of geographical discoveries, the development of navigation and the progress of vehicles.

In their historical development, botanical gardens gradually lost the narrow utilitarian features of apothecary gardens and acquired the character of scientific institutions. With the development of botany and the increase in the number of scientific personnel, botanical institutes were created at university departments, in which along with educational, research, introductory tasks, educational tasks were also set. Social changes and the growth of the needs of the national economy associated with them contributed to the organization of new botanical gardens with a new content of scientific activity. In the 50-60s. 20th century especially acute was the problem of protecting nature and the environment. Under these conditions, botanical gardens have become increasingly important as museums of wildlife, as reserves of rare and endangered species, as repositories of the genetic fund of varieties that may be lost to future generations.

When landscape designing a botanical garden, the following requirements should be taken into account:

The territory should be located at a sufficient distance from residential areas, utility and industrial facilities. Necessarily public transport services should be established;

When placing the territory, the strength and direction of the prevailing winds should be taken into account;

The territory should have a diverse landscape relief with water bodies and forests;

Soil conditions, both in terms of structure and in terms of chemical composition and moisture content, should be varied;

The territory must have sources of water supply.

The functional and planning organization of the territory should meet the tasks and purpose of the botanical garden. In accordance with this, the territory is divided into zones of botanical expositions, park, experimental works (sites of experimental introduction, breeding plots, experimental laboratory sites), nursery and greenhouses, greenhouse facilities, utility and service area. The most common expositions are the arboretum, rock garden, rose garden, gardens demonstrating the techniques of gardening art, the garden of local flora, botanical and geographical areas and collections of individual cultures, etc. The exposition of the botanical gardens is built according to the following principles:

Systematic (by families, genera, species and varieties);

Botanical-geographical (according to the areas of origin of plants);

Ecological (on the basis of natural habitat conditions, growth and development of plants);

Landscape and decorative (on a decorative basis);


The main architectural and planning center of a large botanical garden is a complex of facilities for year-round visits, including exposition and stock greenhouses, a museum with a lecture hall, an administrative building, laboratories with experimental greenhouses, and a herbarium library. The total area of ​​economic plots and the greenhouse-greenhouse economy of the botanical garden is 10 .... 15% of the entire territory. The zone of botanical expositions occupies 50….70% of the total territory (Table 2).

table 2

Approximate ratios of the areas of exposition sites

exposition sites

Dimensions, %, when placing exposures


botanical and geographical


landscape and decorative

Zone of botanical expositions

Park area


Sites of experimental work

Nursery, greenhouse

Roads, sites, sections of auxiliary structures

Economic and service areas

The centers of the landscape composition of the territory can be: entrance front a square with a parterre and a fountain, a decorative pond, a rose garden. The center of landscape composition in the University Garden of Riga (Latvia) is a tall tropical greenhouse with a rocky garden and azaleas. The placement of the exposition is subject to a certain display system - the main sightseeing route, a specialized route and additional roads within a separate exposition. Along the main excursion route, which unites the leading expositions of the garden, they arrange sites for the collection of sightseers, platforms for viewing expositions and recreation. The general road network of the botanical garden consists of transport roads (3.5 ... 4.0 m wide), pedestrian alleys (up to 6 m wide) and footpaths and paths (1.5 m wide).

The formation of the park landscape design of the botanical garden as a whole is carried out in accordance with the laws of landscape architecture, natural conditions and biological properties of plants. Landscapes are built on the contrast of open and closed spaces in proportions that correspond to a certain climatic zone.

zoological parks. Zoological parks (zoos)- these are research and cultural and educational institutions that acquaint the population with the animal world, promote the ideas of nature conservation, conduct experimental work in the field of animal biology, commercial hunting, hybridization, domestication of animals, etc. Zoos are the most important reserves of wild animals that preserve representatives of the wild fauna. According to 1979 data, there are more than 800 zoos in the world. Zoos vary in size and type - from a vivarium with one species of animals (aquarium, dolphinarium, etc.) to a safari park with a variety of collection of animals.

A modern zoo is a complex scientific, educational and cultural complex that combines animal expositions, a park area with lecture halls, an entertainment area and scientific laboratories. The zoo has all the elements of the landscape composition of the park (relief, ponds, green spaces, small-form architecture, sculpture). The architectural and planning landscape composition of the zoo should take into account the diversity of content, biological, sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic requirements, as well as the availability of transport links.

The architecture of the planning of animal walks and structures in the zoos of the 19th century. differed by conditional exoticism and was solved in a monumental specific style of "false ethnographism". In the twentieth century there is a new principle of organizing zoos - creation of picturesque landscapes approaching natural ones, providing animals with more freedom, which led to an increase in the areas of zoos to 100 ... .200 hectares or more. So, in 1907, zoos appeared in Shtellingets near Hamburg, a zoo in Berlin. After the reconstruction of the Berlin Zoo in 1950, its area was 160 hectares. The zoogeographical principle of showing fauna was laid in the Berlin Zoo. There are two trends in the organization of modern zoos in Europe:

1) the creation of multi-purpose complexes - large structures with certain climatic conditions intended for keeping and demonstrating animals from different parts light at any time of the year and under any weather conditions (for example, the Alfred Brehm pavilion in Berlin with a built-up area of ​​5800 m 2);

2) formation of a landscape park (for example, in Dvur-Králové (Czech Republic)) with an area of ​​more than 100 hectares. In this zoo, 1,500 representatives of the fauna of all continents live in conditions close to natural, islands are framed by ditches or low fences. Similar safari zoos are available in San Diego in California (USA) - an area of ​​50 hectares, 5 thousand specimens of animals; near Paris (Thoiries) "African Reserve" with an area of ​​50 hectares, where visitors inspect the zoo in cars.

The term "zoo" has been in use since the beginning of the 20th century. in the future, the network of zoos is growing. When creating them, rich world experience is used, the planning system is being improved, becoming convenient for viewing and servicing by transport; modern buildings are designed with certain climatic conditions intended for the maintenance and animal demonstrations; laboratories and subsidiary farms are being built.

When landscape designing a zoo, it is necessary to ensure that the allotted territory is remote from city noise (desirable forested suburban areas), protected from cold winds and dry winds, has a rugged terrain, running water, green spaces, and the possibility of constructing reservoirs. It is necessary to provide for the arrangement of interchangeable walking areas for animals (for rest and disinfection) and green areas, the creation of pastures-lawns, the organization of auxiliary crops of fodder and an auxiliary animal park near the territory of the zoo, a reserve park area used for animals living in natural conditions (squirrels, hares , swans, peacocks, etc.). When landscape designing a zoo, it must be borne in mind that part of the territory should be allocated for the exposition and the park area. Approximate functional zoning, %, territories:

Exposure area………………………………………………………………………….Up to 5

Sanitary-veterinary and research zones…………………………Up to 2

Park area…………………………………………………………………………….Up to 30

Economic and administrative zone………………………………………………… Up to 3

Reserve zone…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The exposition can be organized according to one of the following principles:

Evolutionary (from the simplest animal species to anthropoids);

Systematic (families, genera, species);

Ecological (animals of the tundra, steppes, forests);



V exposition area aquariums for amphibians and fish (rivers, seas and commercial fisheries) are used, equipped with regular pools ranging from 2 to 50 m 2, as well as ponds and rivers; terrariums for reptiles with pools with an area of ​​1.5 ... 200.0 m 2 and rocky areas.

Aviation for forest, steppe predatory and nocturnal birds is arranged with separate aviaries and common summer grounds, fenced with nets; for tropical birds - with equipped greenhouses with tropical vegetation and pools; for ostriches - with open lawns and aviaries; for large and water birds - with pools and ponds with wetlands.

Zones of marsupials, rodents, insectivores, bats are arranged with special facilities, pens, cages, pools and streams.

Zones for pinnipeds and polar bears are equipped with structures and large deep pools (for pinnipeds - 20.5x9.2 m in size, from 0.85 to 1.85 m deep; for polar bears, two pools are provided with a size of 50.0x9.5 m, depth 3.5 m).

Herbivore zones are equipped with structures, pastures, cages, paddocks and streams.

In the monkey zone, special devices are provided to protect the monkeys from infection with infectious diseases. The young stock area must be visible.

Sanitary and veterinary and research zone consist of a laboratory, a hospital, an isolation ward, a young animal house and a quarantine department. It must be isolated from the landscape exposition and the utility yard by a strip of green spaces at least 200 m wide. The research zone includes facilities, greenhouses, and a reservoir. It is located on the periphery of the zoo and should have its own entrance.

Park area includes recreational areas, playgrounds and pony and camel rides, a film lecture hall, a museum, visitor service places, restaurants, cafes, cash desks, car parking lots.

Economic and administrative zone includes an administrative building, workshops, a garage, base warehouses, a feed kitchen, a boiler room. Basic gardens and feed kitchens should be located on the periphery, in places accessible to trucks, next to the places of exposure of animals that consume the largest amount of feed.

The architectural and planning landscape composition of the zoo territory depends on the existing landscape design, the surrounding territories and the possibility of its expansion. The need to place diverse elements of landscape exposition predetermines a polycentric landscape composition in zoos, which does not exclude the creation of a main center. It can be a park area with fountains, ponds, flower beds; complex of exposition pavilions; playground of popular animals or theater of animals.

For landscape design better view roads should be traced along the relief, high slopes, and resting places should be located taking into account visibility enclosures with animals that are interesting to watch for a longer time. In zoos, you can organize a number of excursions on systematic, ecological, zoogeographic routes. The rational organization of the route regulates the movement of visitors, does not allow crowds.

The landscaping of the zoo territory is subject to the tasks of the general exposition. As a background for the exposition, an artificial landscape design is often created: mountain, forest, steppe, landscape design with water (ponds, streams, lakes). Green spaces are designed in the form of various types: open lawns, groups and curtains of trees and shrubs, alleys, hedges. In the general balance of the territory, green spaces should occupy at least 30% of the entire territory.

When creating a zoo on a forested territory, the most forest-free areas, carefully preserving the surrounding forest, forming a park that creates a favorable background and a clean air pool (for example, the zoo in Riga (Latvia) near Lake Kish).

Enclosures, zoo facilities should be framed by groups of trees, shrubs, lianas, ornamental herbaceous plants. Landscaping of the shores of water bodies should, if possible, reproduce the natural coastal landscape. Terrariums are located among mountain landscape design, aviaries are planted with lianas outside, and corners with tropical flora are created for tropical birds.

memorial parks. memorial parks- this is a special type of specialized (monofunctional) parks as objects of landscape architecture, intended for the establishment of monuments, signs of memory, the organization of mass and individual burials.

Memorial parks are subdivided according to their significance and scale:

On monumental large ensembles (including memorial cemeteries);

Memorial territories with memorable signs;

Commemorative complexes of a wide urban character;

Memorial chamber ensembles;

Civic cemeteries, memory parks.

According to the principle of placement of memorial objects, memorial parks are divided into historical-documentary, town-planning and combined types.

Monumental large ensembles (including memorial cemetery). A prerequisite for the creation of the ensemble is the isolation of the monument and the space directly adjacent to it into a memorial zone. A special emotional atmosphere of memorial complexes is created while maintaining the material and spatial environment memorable event with the inclusion of commemorative signs, inscriptions, individual monuments. This is a kind of museum, the exhibits of which carry information of historical authenticity, and at the same time it is a place where a heroic or tragic event took place.

Based on the analysis of the territories of memorial complexes in different cities, it can be concluded that the approximate rationing of territories and the ratio of areas to the total area.

An approximate distribution of the functional zones of the memorial park is given in Table. 3

Table 3

Approximate distribution of the functional areas of the memorial park


Distribution to the visitor, % of the total

Norm of area per visitor, m 2

Occupied area, % of the total area





Quiet rest




Cultural and information














The theme of the memorial is revealed by a plurality of information, which is characteristic feature of modernity. Memorial complexes predetermine such functional processes as tourist pilgrimages, rituals, processions, and others that require significant distances from the buffer zone, parking lot to the entrances to the memorial zone and further to the neutral solemn site to the compositional dominant of the memorial - the museum part. The landscape organization of modern memorial complexes is based on the principles of artistic formation of space. The correct orientation of the architectural spaces of memorials, the study of the possibilities of their optical connection with the surrounding nature, the study of the compositional structure of natural forms and their potentialities help to form future ensembles of memorial complexes.

Memorial territories with commemorative signs. commemorative sign, commemorative inscription carry historical information. Depending on the task and location, they can be accented with floral decoration (flower garden, vase of flowers), vines, shrubs, trees.

The preservation of the spatial environment became the starting line for the construction of monuments - the ensembles of the heroic Brest Fortress, the tragic Salaspils and Khatyn. In St. Petersburg, in the area of ​​​​the former Commandant airfield, a memorial sign marks the place of death of Captain L.M. Matsievich. When organizing a new residential area in its center, an esplanade was designed with a parterre around a memorial plate with the inscription: “At this place I fell victim to duty on September 24, 1910, flying on the Farman airplane, Captain Lev Makarovich Matsievich of the corps of naval engineers of the fleet.”

The following estate museums are national relics: Pushkinsky nature reserve, Yasnaya Polyana, Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, Polenovo, Penaty, Priyutino and others, the safety of which depends on a number of factors: the structure and nature of the economy of the adjacent area, transport accessibility, environmental protection measures, etc.

Landscape geographers offer a differentiated approach to the use of landscapes with full or partial reservation of some and the expedient use of others with sufficient economic justification.

Commemorative complexes of a wide urban character. For memorial complexes located in the urban environment, the correct architectural and planning organization of the territory immediately adjacent to the monument (memorial) is essential. In accordance with this, the compositions of the memorial and the surrounding spaces, the zones of approach and viewing it from near and far viewing points, which will help a rational architectural and planning solution. Small architectural and sculptural details or colossal details from close viewing points are unacceptable for viewing in conditions of great remoteness.

. Memorial chamber ensembles- these are memorable places associated with the place of birth, life and work of remarkable people of our Motherland, or places of historical events. A special place among memorial chamber ensembles is occupied by the estates of writers, artists, scientists, artists, etc. The memorial ensemble is preserved with components that existed during the life of prominent people or at the time of a historical event. Parking lots, tourist services, and, if necessary, hotels are organized in the buffer zone. Manor architecture, planning of parks of the late XV111-X1X centuries. scale and typologically reflect certain trends, general patterns of construction, but at the same time, each estate is characterized by the tastes and interests of its owner.

During the construction of new estates, it is necessary to preserve the existing plantings on the territory as much as possible. When restoring old estates, depending on the state of structures, plantings, available documentation (iconography, descriptions, etc.), the method of restoration is determined. When restoring old estates, excursion routes are developed that contribute to the preservation of the landscape.

Memorial garden and park ensembles are dedicated to significant historical events. They clearly show the rich expressive possibilities of interaction between nature and works of monumental and decorative art.

Russian historical and artistic memorial ensembles of the 1111th century. occupied large areas (150…300 ha). Peterhof and Strelna were created near St. Petersburg in honor of the victory over the Swedes in the Northern War. The Catherine Park in Pushkin is a complex of monuments dedicated to the victories in the Russian-Turkish wars. The idea of ​​Russian naval victories was embodied in Peterhof. Such an idea was expressed in the connection of the ensemble with the sea, in the rich use of water in fountains, cascades, pools, thematic sculpture, in the views of the sea opening from the windows of the palace, etc. Park landscapes were conceived monumentally, on a large scale, with deep perspectives (300…500…1500) and wide open spaces (2…15 ha). Buildings, small architectural forms, sculpture, the surrounding park landscape are imbued with a single meaning. Park ensembles are part of the general plan of a city or region and must be linked to the surrounding landscape.

Civic cemeteries, memory parks. The problem of organizing the territory of burials is a complex problem, consisting of various urban planning, planning, compositional and functional aspects of the architectural construction of space, all the more complex because of its involvement in an emotional and psychological event - a mourning ritual.

memory park is a specially allocated area with natural conditions favorable for burial, transport links and individual architectural and artistic characteristics, depending on natural conditions and traditions.

Cemetery- public area. Its improvement, architectural and landscape features are subject to the same requirements as to others. elements of the city. In large cities, provided with well-developed transport links, cemeteries can be moved to the suburban area. In small towns, one or two cemeteries are being designed, in large cities - 5 ... 10 cemeteries (depending on the number of residents). Burial ritual, monuments, decoration of graves in each country have their own characteristics and traditions.

All areas of the cemetery must have an original appearance. Burial places should tell about the virtues of the living and departed people. Fences, catchy huge monuments are unacceptable (the height of a stone monument should be no more than 60 cm). It is recommended to install a small stone, a tombstone on the graves, arrange a green carpet of ground cover plants, a border of cut shrubs. This is how the existing cemeteries of Riga and Tallinn look like, where each grave is kept in exemplary order, preserved unity with nature, creates an atmosphere of tranquility. Each allotted area creates a particle of a harmonious whole, obeying the general requirements.

Cemeteries are divided into ordinary civil (regular and forest), crematoria with columbariums and memorial.

They should be located no closer than 500 ... 1000 m to the nearest residential areas, in quiet places, away from noise sources and have convenient transport links with various areas of the city. Allotment of plots for cemeteries is carried out in agreement with local sanitary authorities, which impose special requirements on soils. The most suitable are sands, sandy loams and loams at a depth of groundwater (at least 3 m from the surface of the earth) in the absence of sanitary-harmful factors (landfills, etc.). In cases of need allotment of a site for a cemetery with a high standing of groundwater arranges drainage.

The size of the cemetery, based on the number of residents living in the city, is taken as 25 hectares per 100,000 city residents (together with buildings, squares and roads). 60% of the cemetery area is allocated directly for burial (for adult graves - 250 ... 120 cm, for children under 10 years old - 150 ... 75 cm). The distances between the graves should be at least 1.0 m along the long side, and at least 0.5 m along the short side.

The cemetery is subdivided into a territory with burials; a square with a ritual building (for memorial services) and an administrative building; entrance area with parking lots (1000…5000 m2) and flower shops; economic territory with warehouses, greenhouses, workshops for the manufacture of monuments, tomb wreaths, etc. The width of the driveways is accepted equal to 5.0 ... 6.5 m, alleys - 3.0 ... 3.5 m, additional roads - 1.5 ... 2.0 m.

The burial area is divided into sections or quarters (with an area of ​​up to 0.5 hectares, plots with 200 ... 400 burials). The design of each burial site is decided individually. The site can be framed by a living (shorn) hedge of brilliant cotoneaster, common barberry, alpine currant, western arborvitae, etc. Flowering plants are recommended at the burial site, such as daisy, viola, begonia, marigolds, lobelia (preferably one color), or decorative -deciduous (sedum, irezine, alternantera, cineraria), or lawn grasses, etc.

The general view of the cemetery, its architectural and spatial solution are determined by a combination of natural and architectural elements, their harmonious relationship. When designing a cemetery, the nature of the territory is taken into account, the existing plantings and relief, the features of the landscape are preserved. When laying cemeteries in the forest park territory, work is carried out to form the landscape. At the same time, backstage plantings are left along the roads, as well as along the boundaries of the territory (width - at least 10 ... 15 m).

When organizing a cemetery in an open area, preliminary work is carried out to improve the territory - the territory is planted with greenery before the official opening of the cemetery for burials. Forest cemeteries have a landscape character, preserving the existing plantings and relief as much as possible. The center of the composition is also highlighted here, roads are traced, clearly dividing it into sections. Entrance and ritual squares are formalized strictly and ceremonially - coniferous species are used with inclusions of decorative weeping forms of deciduous and coniferous species, flower beds, ridges, as well as reservoirs, pools, and sculpture.

The center of the composition of the territory of the cemetery should be a square with a ritual building or a central ritual square with a monument, a memorial column, a pool, a parterre with flower beds, etc. , drinking fountains.

Modern practice assumes a density of up to 1000…1200 burials per 1 hectare of the cemetery. In large cities, for more economical use of the territory, it is recommended to build crematoria. The construction of columbarium cemeteries does not require a sanitary break zone (500 m), as for ordinary cemeteries, which also significantly reduces the need for land. In the territory In the crematorium, a columbarium (a pavilion for storing urns), columbar walls (sometimes combining the task of a fence along the boundaries of the cemetery) are being built, accepting for burial (depending on the architecture and design of the columbarium) from 14 to 100 thousand urns per 1 ha.

In recent years, the mass attendance of cemeteries has increased, so they should be designed as a kind of quiet recreation parks with a clear architectural and planning solution, with expressive landscapes in short-term recreation areas, at honorary burials, and at a ritual building. The search for land, the rational planning of cemeteries are serious problems for large cities. For example, according to the Department of Public Utilities, around and in the center of St. Petersburg there are cemeteries covering an area of ​​1,500 hectares, the problem of improvement of which must be solved in such a way that in the future these territories will become either parks or architectural and historical reserves. It is necessary to identify the possibilities of using the territories of old, closed cemeteries for burials after cremation, since their liquidation is associated with the difficulties of reburials. The memorial complex as an element of the urban environment has a certain general cultural significance that has an impact on social psychology. Here you can feel the living connection of times and generations.

Faster, higher, stronger - this is no longer relevant. Now we can safely add the word “extreme” to this classic sports triad, because such sports are beginning to bypass the classic ones in popularity. And today we will tell you about 8 of the best and most unusual extreme parks in the world.

In the Spanish city of Mérida, no one is wondering what to do with young people so that they leave the streets and stop leading an asocial lifestyle. A public space for young and active people appeared there - the Youth Factory extreme park.

designed for unemployed and carefree youth who are looking for a place to realize their abilities. Here you can practice extreme sports, such as rollerblading, skateboarding, performing tricks on bicycles and rock climbing.

This complex also has a library, a computer lab, a conference room, a cinema and a lecture hall where young kids from the streets can get new buildings and even additional education.

China wouldn't be China if it didn't take aim at the world's largest skatepark. Street extreme sports are highly developed in this country due to the mass population and the relative cheapness of equipment. So, through the efforts of the authorities in the Middle Kingdom, thousands of playgrounds for active youth are built every year.

The pearl of this street infrastructure is the SMP Skatepark in Shanghai. With a size of 13,700 square meters, it is the largest such sports center on Earth. Therefore, it hosts major competitions of both Chinese and world level.

Much more modest in size is the Skate Park House skate park in one of the districts of Tokyo. The area of ​​its active zone is less than two dozen square meters, but more is not needed. The fact is that these ramps are located inside a residential building.

Under the skate park in the Skate Park House given only one room. Of course, this would not be enough for a professional skateboarder, but just right for children. Namely, this home sports facility was created for children's entertainment.

Excalibur - the world's largest climbing wall

Rock climbing compares favorably with mountaineering in that for this type of activity extreme sports it is not at all necessary to go somewhere to the mountains - sites for it can be made in every settlement, there would be a desire. Here, the inhabitants of the Dutch Groningen had it, which is why a climbing wall with the name Excalibur appeared there.

Excalibur is the world's largest climbing wall"]
Stretched into the sky, the 37-meter one looks like a giant sword sticking out of a stone. In fact, these are two different weapons of the legendary King Arthur, but this error does not bother visitors to the object. Moreover, people from all over the Netherlands and even other countries go to climb Excalibur, because it is the largest climbing wall in the world.

Excalibur is the world's largest climbing wall"]
There are times when extreme sports do not need to leave the hotel at all. AND we are talking not about Soviet-era hotels, where spending the night itself is dangerous, but about special hotels created for active people.

The first such hotel for extreme sports is planned to be built in Barcelona. The project called Barcelona Rock involves the construction of a multi-story building that will look like a rock. Therefore, climbers and rock climbers will be able to climb to the upper floors of this building right along the outer walls.

Inside Barcelona Rock there will be a swimming pool, a cinema, a gym and 50 rooms different levels comfort. But real thrill-seekers will be able to set up tents for a modest fee on the ledges of the artificial rocks of the Barcelona Rock Hotel.

Extreme sports enthusiasts from the British region of Wales are planning to build an artificial lake for surfing. Surf Snowdonia will be a 300-meter long pool where you can automatically create waves of different heights and amplitudes.

Weather in Wales all year round quite moderate, but most of the year the sea water is very cold. And it will be heated. In addition, cafes, sports shops and playgrounds for children will appear in the future complex.

And if in Wales they only plan to build an artificial lake for surfing, then in the city of Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates, such an object already really exists. Moreover, this center of extreme water sports is located right in the middle of the desert.

The Wadi Adventure Center is designed for surfers and rafters who can swim in a 200-meter pool with many dangerous branches, rapids and artificial underwater rocks. And the main entertainment of this water complex is a wave 3.3 meters high, which passes through the reservoir with a certain frequency to the delight of people in it.

And if in all other countries of the world rich people splurge as a demonstration of their status and opportunities, then in the UAE, water is the last one. The water sports center in the desert is proof of that.

Waldseilgarten in Germany is the most extreme camping site in the world. First, it is not so easy to get to. Indeed, on the way to this hotel, a person will need to go through many trials - a rope park, trolls and other obstacles for extreme people.

Secondly, the tents in the Waldseilgarten are not on the ground, but above it. Some of them hang on the thick branches of centuries-old trees, and some are generally attached to a rock at a height of 300 meters. Only people with the strongest nerves in the world, as well as those with perfect coordination of movements, can spend the night in this place.

At the service of tourists who have fallen into the Waldseilgarten, quite a comfortable toilet and a shower with hot water. But real thrill-seekers will surely ignore these benefits of civilization, giving their preference to bathing in a waterfall.

| 05.10.2017

Gone are the days when you had to buy a subscription to a fitness club to play sports. Today, you can go in for sports absolutely free of charge - on sports grounds located in Moscow parks.

Gorky Park and Muzeon

This is a real Mecca for lovers of free activities. In addition to several sports grounds scattered throughout the park, there are regular free training sessions of the Nike running club, where experienced trainers will help you improve your running technique and tactics for any distance.

In the warm season, free yoga classes are held on the lawn near the Pioneer Summer Cinema and on the veranda of the Sparrow Hills, which are conducted by certified teachers. The project presents various styles - Hatha, Kundalini, Iyengar, Jivamukti and others.

Classes at the Pioneer are held on weekdays from 8:00 to 9:00, on the lawn near the Pioneer and on the veranda of the Sparrow Hills also on weekdays, but from 19:00 to 20:30.

And finally, dancing. Every day on dance floor near the Summer Cinema "Pioneer" you can learn modern and historical ballroom dancing, learn movements to Brazilian motives, learn more about zumba, jitterbug and many other areas.

As already mentioned, classes are held every day until October 1, with the exception of rainy and excessively cold days (below 10 degrees).


CrossFit from Reebok under the guidance of professional trainers is no joke. The site, equipped with everything necessary, is located on the territory of VDNKh behind pavilion No. 9 opposite the entrance to the Port pool.

On weekdays, training takes place from 18:00 to 20:00, on weekends - from 12:00 to 15:00.


Zumba-fitness - a set of energetic movements to incendiary Latin American rhythms - does not require expensive classes with trainers, specialized equipment and other expenses. In fact, all that is required of you is presence and emancipation. Trainings are held on Saturdays, at 15.00, on the stage "Rotonda".

The skate park in Sokolniki is open in any weather. Plywood figures were placed under the tent under the guidance of Sergey Aksenov, a specialist from the Moscomsport skateboard school, and a flat area and concrete structures in the open air were specially built by the IOU-RAMPS Russia team.

Fili Park

The area of ​​the park is 300 hectares, which includes several points where simulators and a basketball court are located.

Izmailovsky park

Izmailovsky Park is one of the largest parks in Moscow and Europe. Here, on the alleys of the Big Circle, one of the most well-equipped Workout sites is located:

  • Triple cascade of horizontal bars for push-ups and pull-ups.
  • Double bars for push-ups and double curved bars.
  • hand-snake, swedish wall, triangles, a horizontal bar of a classic grip and a hammer grip.
  • Bench with emphasis for push-ups Workout bench for rest and exercise.

Tagansky park

A wonderful addition to Tagansky Park is a sports complex for everyone. A sports ground with a huge selection of exercise equipment, from horizontal bars to a treadmill for two.

Bauman Garden

On the sports grounds in this park, there are often no free simulators. In addition, free yoga classes are held here once a week during the summer.

Park "Kuzminki"

At different ends of the park there are several sports grounds for Workout. Horizontal bars, bars, press benches, butterfly trainers and other equipment.

Lianozovsky park

"Fairytale Alley" - this is the name of the playground with sports facilities. The name causes a smile, because a lot of attention in this park is given to children and everything that can develop them. Adults are also not left without attention: for them there is a separate corner with exercise equipment.

Park "Northern Tushino"

There are several sports grounds on the territory of the Northern Tushino Park: Workout, a running track, a tennis court, table tennis, beach volleyball and others.

Babushkinsky park

This park is a labyrinth of beautifully designed alleys. There is a large sports ground with an extensive range of strength outdoor exercise equipment. That is why it is so easy to combine rest and exercise here.

The modern rhythm of life forces many of us to abandon even very elegant, but such impractical types of outerwear. But this does not mean at all that people living in constant motion should look boring and dull. Modern designers systematically delight lovers of an active lifestyle with new models of sports jackets. This season, parks deserve special attention. In the fashionable assortment of manufacturers there are both male and female models of such jackets, and this is good news.

parka jacket

The classic parka model attracts consumers because it is as simple as possible. Its cut is mostly straight, and only overhead bulky pockets at the level of the arms and chest act as a decor. Distinctive features of the parkas are also a deep hood, a high stand-up collar that covers the face a little, as well as a sewn-in zipper with an insulated valve with buttons or snaps. In principle, these are all the features that distinguish the parka from other jackets, but its main advantage lies in the phenomenal warming properties. Why should people pay attention to sports parkas this season?

Features and Benefits

The fact is that sports parks are distinguished by an anatomical cut, therefore they do not fetter a person at all during vigorous activity. The absence of unnecessary details and decorative elements does not make the jackets heavier in terms of weight, so you feel as comfortable and free as possible in them. Thoughtful details such as internal pockets for headphones, as well as additional layers of fabric on the elbows, are an important advantage of such jackets. But the main advantage lies in the warming properties of the fabric.

Sports parkas are sewn from modern materials that have excellent air exchange properties, as well as the ability to absorb excess moisture. Thus, even during maximum activity, the slightest overheating of the body is completely excluded. As a heater for such jackets, an innovative material is used - thinsulate, and it is distinguished by its very low weight and the ability to remove moisture. And the shades of these jackets are always bright and versatile, so they can be worn literally for any occasion.

How to choose

Choosing sports parks should be guided primarily by the material. Suitable fabrics for the outside will be nylon combined with cotton, and for the inside - wool or polyester. For the winter period, parks with natural insulation are ideal, that is, those that combine down and feathers of waterfowl. For a warmer off-season, it is better to choose lighter linings developed by modern manufacturers. It is good if the hood is decorated with natural fur trim, which, moreover, will also be removable.

The style of the parks is better to choose only in size. In models for growth, you will not feel very comfortable, just like in back-to-back models. When choosing parks, girls should also take into account the features of their own silhouette. For men, classic straight-cut parkas are suitable.

Fashion trends

The most trendy in the fashion season 2016 - 2017 are military-style sports parks. Slightly saturated with a military spirit, models attract men and women with neutral shades. The combination of olive, green, beige, gray, brown and sand allows you to use such a jacket even in periods of slush and dampness. No less attractive shades are solid - black, blue, white, dark green, lilac, blue, red, pink, yellow and orange.

But the fashionable length is not too big - a maximum of up to the knee or a little higher. The shape of the hem in trendy models is most often straight, but it can also be asymmetrical. The rope on the hem allows you to pull it up to the desired length according to the figure and make the image not only practical, but also harmonious. A very popular option is a jacket with a deep hood like Alaska, as well as a parka with leather inserts on the sleeves.

What to wear

Wearing a sports parka in winter is necessary with insulated wardrobe elements. These can be classic jeans or tight-fitting trousers with insulation, as well as knitted sweaters, tunics and dresses. You can wear under such a park and a classic sweatshirt, as well as thermal underwear. A mandatory element of any winter look is a hat, scarf and gloves. It is good if they fully correspond to the style of outerwear and are distinguished by sports tailoring.

An off-season look with a parka can be a little more effortless. Under it, you can wear checkered shirts and blouses, combining them with skirts, as well as classic jeans and tight dress pants. For women, an option with a dress that does not exceed the hem of the outerwear will be appropriate. A silk scarf can also be used as a stylish addition, but there is a combination option that can be called almost a win-win.

With sweatpants

If you already chose to purchase a sports parka, then you should match this image to the end. In this case, sweatpants will become a universal addition to a looky with a parka, both for men and women. All that is required of you is to choose a suitable model of pants that will blend well in texture and shade with a jacket.

What accessories and shoes are suitable

But shoes for a sports park should be chosen primarily according to the season. Sports shoes can become a universal option, but if you want variety, you can complement the image with coarse soldier's boots, and ankle boots, and boots, and half boots. As an accessory, you can use a sports backpack or shoulder bag.

Stylish images

And in order for the image with the park to be truly stylish, it is necessary to take into account the harmony of color combinations in the process of selecting clothes. Remember that it is not recommended to combine warm shades with cold ones, and it is better to dilute bright colors with a calmer one. For the rest, you can follow the call of your heart.
