The military rank of Vladislav Tretiak. Vladislav Tretyak: biography of a hockey player

Five times he was recognized as the best hockey player in the USSR, three times - the best hockey player in Europe, four times - the best goalkeeper in the world at the world championships.

From 1984 to 1986 Vladislav Tretyak worked in the international department of CSKA. Since 1986, he has been the Deputy Head of the Sports Games Department of CSKA.

In the second half of the 1980s, he was a member of the Moscow City Council. At the same time, he moved to the international department of the sports committee of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

In 1990, Vladislav Tretyak retired from the ranks of the Armed Forces, has the rank of colonel in the reserve.

In the early 1990s, he accepted an offer from the NHL Chicago Black Hawks, which invited him to become a goalkeeping coach.
Later he trained children in goalkeeper schools in the USA, Finland, Norway, worked in the Canadian company Bombardier, which produces snow scooters, boats such as motorcycles.

In 1998 and 2002, Tretyak was part of the coaching staff of the Russian national team, which won the silver (Nagano) and bronze (Salt Lake City) medals of the Winter Olympic Games.

Vladislav Tretyak is a member of the interdepartmental commission for the development of physical culture, mass sports and traditional types of physical activity of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports.

Tretiak - Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1971), Honored Trainer of Russia (2002), Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation (2006). He became the first European ice hockey player to be inducted into the National Hockey League (NHL) Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto (1989), among the first to be inducted into the International Ice Hockey Federation Hall of Fame (1997).

According to the International Ice Hockey Federation, Tretyak is the best hockey player of the 20th century.

Vladislav Tretyak was awarded the Orders of the USSR "Badge of Honor" (1975), Lenin (1978), Friendship of Peoples (1981), Labor Red Banner (1984); Russian Order of Merit for the Fatherland

Vladislav Tretyak was born in Orudevo, a village near Moscow on April 25, 1952. His father was a military pilot, and his mother Vera taught physical education at school. From early childhood, Vladislav was engaged in diving and swimming. When he was 11 years old, he was admitted to the CSKA hockey school as a striker, not a goalkeeper. Due to the lack of form for the attackers, Vladislav himself wished to change his role as a goalkeeper. The entire career of Tretyak from 1969 to 1984 passed in Moscow CSKA, where he became the champion of the USSR 12 times and was recognized as the best hockey player in the country five times.
For the USSR national team, Tretyak has about 300 matches, where about a third of them are in the World, European and Olympic Championships. So he was a ten-time world champion, three-time Olympic champion. As part of the USSR national team, Vladislav Tretyak showed himself in the USSR-Canada super series in 1972. Even before the start of this super series, many did not believe in Tretyak, predicting that he would concede many goals in each match. At the time, he was the first European goalkeeper to play such a series against Canadian professionals. His magnificent performance at the last frontier was amazed by the then professionals, where he later became a favorite of the public.

Even if the USSR national team lost this super series, Tretyak became a discovery for the same critics, where he, together with the team, proved that the Soviet national team is one of the strongest on the planet. The events of that super series in Canada were marked by the release of a jubilee dollar, where the Soviet goalkeeper was depicted. Perhaps even thanks to Tretyak, NHL stars began to reckon with the Soviet national team of those times, which is confirmed by its increased popularity, marked by autographs and photographs for memory. Even a book was published, where, with numerous circulation and reprint, it was immediately sold out.
At the age of 32 in 1984, Vladislav Tretyak ends his professional career as a hockey player, despite various persuasions of the head coach of CSKA and the USSR national team Viktor Tikhonov to play for several more years. Tretiak justified his departure by the desire to spend more time with his family. After completing his career, Tretyak was offered the position of one of the coaches of the NHL club Edmonton Oilers. In addition, he was recognized as the best goalkeeper in the world. But in Soviet times it was indecent to leave the country to work abroad, and he would not have been released from the country either. So he was offered an administrative post at CSKA and at the same time Vladislav was elected a deputy of the Moscow City Council. He soon became an employee of the international department of the sports committee of the Ministry of Defense, where he rose to the rank of colonel.
In 1990, a scandal took place in the army over his trip to Chicago, where he was reprimanded for not leaving correctly on his return. He was banned from traveling abroad. This was the reason for his dismissal from the ranks of the Soviet Army. He travels to the United States, where the Chicago Black Hawks receives an invitation to become a goalkeeping coach. In addition, he worked in Norway, Finland, Canada. While working, he managed to organize the opening of children's sports schools, where some of them are still functioning.
In 1998, he received an invitation to the coaching staff of the Russian national team to prepare for the Olympic Games in Nagano. Then the Russians became silver medalists, and Tretyak was left in the team. He also trained the national team goalkeepers for the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, where the Russians won bronze medals. Since 2000, along with his coaching work, Tretyak begins political activities - he became a member of the Presidential Council for Physical Culture and Sports. Since 2003, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the fourth, and later in 2007, of the fifth convocations.
In 2006, Vladislav Tretyak was entrusted with the leadership of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation, he replaced Alexander Steblin. His resignation was influenced by public opinion. Already in 2007, the Federation received the right to host the World Championship in Moscow, where the Russians were content with only third place. But a year later, the Russian national team was able to become the world champion. During his presidency, the Russian Ice Hockey Federation lost the right to host the Russian Championship, it was transferred to the Continental Hockey League.
Vladislav Tretyak is the Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, the first European hockey player, represented in the Hockey Hall of Fame of the National Hockey League in Toronto, the best hockey player of the 20th century according to the International Ice Hockey Federation. In 1997, he was among the first to be inducted into the PCHF Hall of Fame. The International Ice Hockey Federation included Tretyak in the symbolic team of the century. The collection of Vladislav Alexandrovich Tretyak also contains

Name: Vladislav Tretiak

Age: 66 years

Place of Birth: Orudevo, Moscow region

Growth: 185 cm

Weight: 91 kg

Activity: hockey player, goalkeeper, coach

Family status: married

Vladislav Tretyak - biography

Hockey fans of all times and peoples know the famous Soviet hockey player, the goalkeeper who brings victory to the national ice hockey team. In the future, he glorified himself as a coach and showed himself in the political activities of his native state.

Childhood, family

Somewhere above in the biography of Vladislav, it was inscribed in large letters that he would make his name famous in sports. But Tretiak could not decide on the kind of sport, so he went, using an example that was always there: the elder brother was seriously engaged in swimming. Vladislav quickly mastered a five-meter tower for diving. His hobbies included acrobatics, gymnastics, but hockey soon took the most important and important place in the boy's life. Vladislav's great growth and his athlete's figure only contributed to this.

Thanks to his parents, he learned to skate well, because ice rinks were popular, and father and mother often took their youngest son with them. From the age of eleven he became interested in hockey, my mother for the first time herself brought Vladislav to the CSKA Children's School. The coaches accepted the teenager right away, as the decisive factor was the candidates' ability to move backward, and Tretyak mastered this move long ago and consolidated it well. At the very beginning, the novice athlete was a striker, but the goalkeeper's place was free. Then the Moscow club was coached by Erfilov, Vladislav himself proposed his candidacy.

For a long time, the boy's father could not come to terms with the fact that his son is a hockey player. From the age of fifteen, Vladislav first got the money he earned for the game. The CSKA team was prepared by Anatoly Tarasov, who noticed and discerned the future hockey star in the guy.

Since then, the biography of the young goalkeeper has changed: he has become one step closer to fame. The legendary hockey players played in CSKA, and Vladislav played with them in the team. For some time, the goalkeeper from the adult team returned to the youth team, and they won the title of champion of the city, and Tretyak became the best goalkeeper.

Victories began to pour in one after another. In order for it to become clear why sport has firmly entered Vladislav's biography, you need to tell a little about his parents. Mom was a physical education teacher, she played ball hockey, her father was a military pilot. Of course, sport played an important role in the life of parents, and this was passed on to their sons.

Serious victories of Tretyak

For the first time, Tretyak met with a real enemy when he played in the national team against Finland. Then there was the world championship and the championship in it. Now no one claimed his place at the gate - he had no equal. He became the champion more than once, the rivals' washers bypassed Vladislav's goal, only occasionally allowing themselves to fly there.

The hockey player became the youngest Olympic champion in the history of the game, he also had silver medals, participated in the most serious hockey matches. Goalkeeper Tretyak was noted by all Western coaches, they were delighted with his game and the inaccessibility of his goal. Vladislav Tretyak has almost five hundred played championships of the Soviet Union, more than one hundred world championships and the Olympic Games. He played eleven matches in the Canadian Cup tournaments.

Politics and government activities

At 24, Tretyak became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He was elected to the State Duma from the United Russia party, and is the President of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation. Vladislav Alexandrovich carried the national team flag at the opening of the Olympic Games. The victory was not always easy, the Czechoslovak team was a dangerous rival more than once for the national team. There were also big mistakes. But there was always a great will to win. Vladislav was always ready for both attack and defense.

Vladislav Tretyak - biography of personal life

When Tretyak was 32 years old, he left hockey. He wanted to spend more time with his family. One way or another, the athlete did not have to part with sports forever. He became the founder of a non-profit sports organization, the Vladislav Tretyak International Sports Academy Foundation, and took up coaching. The athlete was married only once. His wife's name is Tatiana. There are two children in the family: a son and a daughter. Dmitry already works as a dentist, and Irina chose the profession of a lawyer. Nobody followed in their father's footsteps. But the grandson Maxim is already the main goalkeeper of the team, in which his famous grandfather, CSKA, began to play.

Vladislav Tretyak has many awards. It is enough just to list some of them to understand how great his merits in the world of sports are. He is an Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, five times he was named the best hockey player in the Union, three times in Europe, four times in the whole world. He became 13 times champion and silver medalist, has the Cup of the Soviet Union.

And this is not all the awards and titles that the great hockey goalkeeper has been awarded. In a team of celebrities such as Valery Kharlamov and Alexander Yakushev, Valery himself became famous. He could not have played worse than these guys, otherwise he would have let the whole team down. The team spirit still lives in the Tretyak.

Vladislav Alexandrovich Tretyak. Born on April 25, 1952 in the village. Orudevo (Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region). Outstanding Soviet hockey player, goalkeeper, coach, statesman and politician. Deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation from "United Russia", member of the State Duma committee on physical culture, sports and youth affairs. Since 2006 - President of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation. Colonel of the reserve of the RF Armed Forces.

In the period from 1969 to 1984 he defended the gates of CSKA and the national team of the Soviet Union. In the matches of the USSR championship he played 482 matches, at the world championships and the Olympic Games 117 games. In Canada Cup tournaments - 11 matches.

He was a deputy of the State Duma of the IV and V convocations from the United Russia party.

Vladislav Tretyak grew up as a sports child. By the example of my older brother, I tried to go in for swimming (in the Dynamo pool), then I got carried away with diving (I jumped from a five-meter platform). Together with my parents, every Sunday I went to the skating rink in the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure.

He began to play hockey at the age of 11, at the CSKA Children's and Youth Sports School on Leningradsky Prospekt, where his mother brought him. The coaches, selecting candidates, tested the ability to ride in reverse (Vladislav already knew this technique quite well). He was among the four admitted to the Moscow club. At first, Tretyak played as a striker, but he was embarrassed by the lack of a hockey uniform, which was not enough for everyone. There was no goalkeeper in the team at that time. Then he approached the coach Vitaly Georgievich Erfilov and said that if he was given a real form, he would be the goalkeeper.

At the same time, the father did not approve of his son's choice - he said that a hockey player with a stick is like a janitor with a broom. He finally resigned himself to his son's hobby when he was 15-16 years old. Then Vladislav began to bring home the first money that he was given for games.

In the summer of 1967, CSKA coach Anatoly Tarasov became interested in the young goalkeeper. Tretiak began training with professional players. “I was proud that I lived in the CSKA boarding house on Sandy Street, that I was allowed to change in the locker room next to the legendary hockey players,” wrote Tretyak. In mid-July, the team left for the south, and Vladislav returned to the junior team.

Together with his team, Tretyak became the champion of Moscow, receiving the best goalkeeper prize. Even before that, at the European Championship, the USSR youth team, where Vladislav was the second goalkeeper, took second place. The performance was considered unsuccessful. But a year later, the USSR national team in Garmisch-Partenkirchen achieved success.

Played under number "20".

In the 1968/69 season he made his debut for CSKA in the match against Spartak.

The first game in the national team was at the tournament for the prize of the Izvestia newspaper in 1969 in a match with Finland.

In 1970 he was admitted to the USSR national team for the World Championship, where he became the first world champion. Since 1971 - the main goalkeeper of the national team.

The 1971 World Championship in Switzerland was remembered for the non-standard move of Anatoly Tarasov. Trying to support the team after the first period of the final match of the tournament with the Swedes, with the score 1: 2 in favor of the latter, he sang the song "Black Raven". And this ultimately influenced the mood of the players - the game was won with a score of 6: 3, and Tretiak became the second world champion.

In 1972, he became the Olympic champion for the first time, having played all the matches and conceded the fewest goals in a hockey tournament. At that time, he was the youngest Olympic hockey champion.

In the spring of 1972 he won silver at the World Championships.

In the fall of 1972 he took part in the Super Series-72, which the USSR national team lost. The first game in the series, September 2, 1972, Tretiak considers one of the best in his career.

In 1974 he played in the super series against the VHA, which the USSR national team won.

On December 31, 1975, he played another memorable match against the Montreal Canadiens. As Guy Lefleur later admitted, "neither before nor after that meeting have I seen the goalkeeper act so well."

Member of the CPSU since 1976.

In 1976, Tretyak was entrusted to carry the flag of the national team at the opening of the Games, and following the results of the Games themselves, he became the Olympic champion for the second time. Before the tournament, experts gave the victory to the USSR national team in advance, but the Games were not an easy walk for the national team. Although almost all six games of the tournament were won with a clear advantage, they were labor victories. The most intense match was played on February 14, 1976 against the national team of Czechoslovakia. Already in the first period, the USSR national team conceded 2 goals, and then had to play for 2 minutes with three of them against five opponents. Nevertheless, the national team held out and won the match with a score of 4: 3. All other matches were also won, which allowed the team to become the undisputed winner of the Olympic tournament.

In 1980, at the Lake Placid Olympics, the team, along with Tretiak, unexpectedly stumbled - for the round to the end, the team was defeated by the US student team. Tretiak in that match a few seconds before the end of the 1st period after a long-range shot by Kristen (from behind the red line), hit the puck in front of him. The best American striker Mark Johnson slipped between two Soviet defenders, dodged Tretyak and scored a goal a second before the end of the period. The USSR national team went into the locker room, and the coaches tried to prove that the goal was scored after the end of the period. The goal was scored and the teams had to play out the remaining 1 second of the period. Three field players and the second goalkeeper Vladimir Myshkin returned from the USSR locker room for a throw-in.

To the surprise of everyone present, it was he who remained at the gate in the second period. As the coach of the USSR national team, Viktor Tikhonov, will later say: “Unfortunately, I listened to those who advised me, after Vladislav Tretyak's mistake at the last minute of the first period, to replace him with Vladimir Myshkin. Then I apologized to Vladislav. " However, after the first conceded goal, ABC commentators noted that Tretyak was not in very good shape at the tournament. According to the results of the competition, he had the lowest percentage of reflected shots among the goalkeepers of the top 6 teams of the tournament: 84% (42 out of 50 shots).

The national team failed to correct the situation for the next 2 periods - 1 goal was thrown, and two more were missed. The game ended with a score of 3: 4 and went down in hockey history as a "miracle on ice".

1981 - Canada Cup victory.

In February 1984, he became the Olympic champion for the third time, having won gold in the hockey tournament in Sarajevo. He played 6 games at the tournament, conceded 5 goals. Once again, the main rival of our national team was the team of Czechoslovakia, with which the Soviet hockey players met in the final of the tournament. The game was developing tensely, but on the whole it proceeded according to the scenario of the USSR national team - a victory was achieved with a score of 2: 0, and Tretyak played the game to zero. At the same time, a record was set - for the first time a hockey goalkeeper became a three-time Olympic champion.

Dave King, coach of the Canadian national team in the 1980s, spoke of Tretiak's game in this way: “I've seen good goalkeepers. I've seen great ones. But I have not seen the goalkeeper, except for your Tretyak, who would always be in shape. Any other, with such a reliable defense as the Russians possessed, would have “floated” ... Vladislav was always ready for a counterattack. Although, it happened, for 7-8 minutes on your goal, no shots were made. Then Tretyak reflected three shots in a row, with finishing. It seemed incredible. There is no other such goalkeeper. "

December 22, 1984 Tretyak went on the ice for the last time. Tretiak left hockey at only 32 years old, because he wanted to devote more time to his family. He asked Tikhonov to allow him to appear at the team's location the day before the game, but Tikhonov considered that this would violate discipline and refused Tretyak.

1984-1986 - employee of the international department of CSKA. Since 1986 - Deputy Head of the Sports Games Department. In the second half of the 80s, he first became a deputy of the Moscow City Council.

In the 1990s, he worked for a large Canadian company, Bombardier. In 1998 he founded a non-profit sports organization - the Vladislav Tretyak International Sports Academy Foundation.

In the early 1990s, Tretiak accepted an offer to become the goalkeeper coach of the NHL Chicago Blackhawks. After working in the offseason with Ed Belfort, Tretiak helped him to improve the level of play. At the end of the 1990/91 season, Belfort received the Vezina Trophy. In the 1992/1993 season, Belfort received his second prize.

In 2000, at the suggestion of the President of Russia, he entered the Presidential Council for Physical Culture and Sports.

In 1998 and 2002, he was a member of the coaching staff of the Russian national team, which won the silver (Nagano) and bronze (Salt Lake City) medals of the Winter Olympic Games. Was in the coaching staff of the national team at the 2004 World Cup.

In 2005 he signed a "Letter in support of the verdict to the former leaders of Yukos". In 2011, he signed the Appeal of representatives of the public against information erosion of confidence in the judicial system of the Russian Federation.

Since 2011, together with Boris Mikhailov, Vladimir Petrov, Georgy Poltavchenko, Sergey Egorov and Artur Chilingarov, he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Arctic Cup International Ice Hockey Tournament.

Together with Irina Rodnina, he lit the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi on February 7, 2014.

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow English Club.

Personal life of Vladislav Tretyak:

Mother - Vera Petrovna, a physical education teacher, played hockey with a ball at the Moscow championship as part of the women's team. Father - Alexander Dmitrievich, military pilot, regiment commander in the Chkalovsk Special Purpose Division (Moscow region), retired major. Both parents died in 2004.

He married Tatiana on 23 August 1972. In 1973, the son Dmitry was born (works as a dentist), in 1976 daughter Irina (works as a lawyer).

Grandson Maxim started at Silver Sharks, in 2011 he became the main goalkeeper in CSKA (team born in 1996).

He permanently lives in the village of Zagoryansky near Moscow.

Achievements of Vladislav Tretyak:

Three-time Olympic champion (1972, 1976, 1984), silver medalist at the 1980 Winter Olympics.
10-time world champion (1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983), silver medalist at World Championships 1972 and 1976, bronze medalist at World Championships 1977.
9-time European champion (1970, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983), silver medalist at European Championship 1971, 1972 and 1976, bronze medalist at European Championship 1977.
1981 Canada Cup winner, 1976 Canada Cup participant.
Member of Super Series-72, Super Series-74 and Super Series-76.
Challenge Cup Winner 1979.
The best hockey player of the XX century according to the International Ice Hockey Federation.
Member of the Hockey Hall of Fame of the National Hockey League (included in 1989, the first European ice hockey player).
In 1997, he was among the first to be inducted into the IIHF Hall of Fame.
In 2008 he entered the IIHF Centenary Team.
Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1971).
5 times he was recognized as the best hockey player of the USSR, three times the best hockey player in Europe, four times the best goalkeeper of the world championships.
13-time USSR champion (1970-1973, 1975, 1977-1984), silver medalist of the USSR championships 1974, 1976 as part of the CSKA club.
Winner of the USSR Cup 1969 and 1973, finalist of the 1976 USSR Cup.

Vladislav Tretyak is a true legend of Russian sports. On ice hockey, this man always seemed like an alien. He was a goalkeeper capable of repelling any threat, and therefore the teams for which he played, always achieved the highest results. So, playing for the USSR national team, this phenomenal player managed to lead it twenty-four times to gold medals in various international forums. No less impressive were the achievements that Tretiak was able to achieve while playing in the jersey of his native CSKA.

Vladislav Tretyak. Archival footage

Many victories made Vladislav Tretyak a living legend of Soviet sports. Our today's hero managed to contribute to the development of hockey even after he officially ended his career. In recent years, he has worked fruitfully as a coach and sports director. Such efficiency and versatility of life profiles inspires respect. Therefore, our today's story about the legendary Soviet hockey player, for sure, will be very, very interesting.

The early years, childhood and family of Vladislav Tretyak

Vladislav Tretyak was born in the village of Orudevo in the near Moscow region. His father worked as a pilot, and therefore always devoted a lot of time to his physical training. The mother of the future hockey player, who taught physical education all her life, was also a no less athletic person.

That is why, from the earliest years, our today's hero was constantly involved in this or that sport. At first, he was fond of swimming, gymnastics, acrobatics, diving, but very soon all other hobbies were replaced by hockey. Tretyak was very fond of "ice battles", and therefore, seeing such enthusiasm, the mother of our today's hero very soon took him to the hockey school of Moscow CSKA. In this team, Vladislav passed a strict competitive selection, impressed the team's coaching staff with his ability to fearlessly rush to the puck.

So our today's hero ended up in the camp of the "army men". In this team, Tretyak became a professional hockey player. Here, later, our today's hero began his hockey career.

Having passed all the levels of the club hierarchy, Vladislav joined the main team of the club when he was sixteen years old. However, he managed to play in the club only in the 1969 season. Our today's hero played his debut match at the gates of CSKA in a match against Moscow "Spartak". And very soon he became the main goalkeeper of the team.

Tretyak, Vasiliev, Maltsev. Farewell match.

Around the same period, Vladislav Tretyak managed to participate several times in international tournaments as a player in the USSR youth team. With this team, the talented goalkeeper managed to achieve many important victories and get hold of his first awards.

However, very soon the career of a player in the youth team was interrupted. The reason for this was ... the challenge of the player to the main team of the country.

Tretyak-goalkeeper career

In 1970, our today's hero was admitted as a reserve goalkeeper to the national team of the Soviet Union. In the same season, he first won gold medals at the World Hockey Championship in Stockholm. That victory made Tretyak believe in himself. Gaining experience, our today's hero felt more and more confident at the gates of CSKA and the USSR national team. And already for the next world championship, the talented hockey player went to the status of the first goalkeeper. That international forum again became "golden" for the goalkeeper. Tretiak grew professionally, and very soon hockey specialists and ordinary spectators began to talk about him as one of the brightest goalkeepers of his time.

In total, during his bright, albeit very short career, the Russian goalkeeper won ten gold medals at the world championships as part of the USSR national team, ten awards of the same dignity at the European championships. In addition, his track record also includes three "gold" Olympic Games and a medal of the highest standard, won in the Canada Cup.

Vladislav Tretyak. "Goalkeeper without a mask"

In December 1984, Vladislav Tretyak went on the ice for the last time as a player of the USSR national team. As the goalkeeper himself said, he always wanted to spend more time with loved ones and relatives, because his wife and children for a long time more often saw him on TV than at home.

Vladislav Tretyak's career after hockey

At thirty-two, our today's hero began to work as a functionary and coach. Initially, he worked as an employee of the international department of CSKA, later served as deputy head of the sports games department, and was also a member of the Moscow Council of Deputies.

In the early 90s, at the personal invitation of the Chicago Blackhawks functionaries, Vladislav Tretyak moved to the United States, where he later worked as a coach of the goalkeepers of the named NHL team. In this capacity, he was able to achieve impressive success, and therefore already in the second half of the 90s founded the Vladislav Tretyak International Sports Academy, which provided assistance to young hockey players.

As a coach of goalkeepers, Vladislav Tretyak worked with the Russian national team twice (in 1998 and 2002). In addition, our today's hero was also in the coaching staff of the main team of the Russian Federation at the 2004 World Cup.

Since 2000, Tretyak has been a member of the Presidential Council for Physical Culture and Sports. Since April 2006, Vladislav Aleksandrovich has been the head of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation.

Personal life Vladislav Tretyak

In August 1972, a hockey goalkeeper married a girl named Tatiana. A year later, a son, Dmitry, appeared in a young family (currently working as a dentist). In 1976, the happy family was replenished with another child - daughter Irina (now a successful lawyer).

Vladislav Tretyak. My hero

Only Vladislav Tretyak's grandson, Maxim, chose the hockey path for himself. Today the young goalkeeper defends the colors of CSKA Moscow. In the KHL Draft, the player was selected in the first round under the overall 12th number.

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