Narration or description of sports in a person's life. All school essays on literature

A person's life is rather short and should not be wasted on useless things like alcohol or drugs. Everyone can take care of their health, and this concern is not only healthy eating, but also in sports.

There are many sports that will keep an adult in shape and a child to develop and shape an athletic physique. It all starts from childhood, love for sports should appear in these years. When a teenager is passionate about sports, it is much less likely that he will fall under the bad influence of the street. Any sport, apart from being in good physical shape, also fosters discipline. For example, having given a child to go in for sports, it will immediately become noticeable that he is acquiring a certain discipline and is always ready to be responsible for his actions and deeds.

Sport can change the life of adolescents, as well as adults, but it is more logical to talk about children, because they are the hope of the country and support and I would not want the younger generation to lead not healthy image life. First of all, from childhood, parents should push the child to sports, and it is important to understand that sports should be enjoyed. After all, the factor that the child is forcibly driven into sports section... You need to understand and understand what the child likes. You should not torture him, for example, with boxing, maybe the child wants to do team sports. And it doesn't matter at all whether a person will like chess or billiards. And this is also good, because the child will not disappear on the street and is unlikely to get into some kind of trouble.

Today, a lot of children and young people go in for sports. If we compare the time 15-20 years ago, then gatherings with wine and drugs were more popular, now a healthy lifestyle is beginning to revive. Of course, the consciousness of people should work here, but not only. The government of the country should also participate in this. Need to build sports grounds, stadiums, invest in the development of sports in difficult regions of the state. The government should help athletes, because famous athletes are always the pride of a whole country and other countries get the impression that there are many healthy people in such a country.

If there is no opportunity, and in our country, for example, funds, then you can simply engage in self-development. Exercise on horizontal bars, parallel bars or just run.

Option 2

Each person in his life is looking for his own path. The path of life that leads to the goal of his whole life. Someone has it even, without serious life labyrinths, while someone else has it twisted into such a complex knot that sometimes there is not enough strength to unravel it. In order to overcome this path with the least losses, a person must develop in himself resilience and courage to continue to go towards the goal, no matter what it costs him. But for this, training of these very qualities is necessary, because they will not appear so easily. AND The best way to develop these qualities in oneself is an occupation in any kind of sport.

Sport is the best suited for these purposes. Starting from small, gradually achieving small results, stepping over laziness, and drastically changing his habits, a person begins to form a sports character. This is a special character, which, thanks to hard work on oneself, exhausting training and self-discipline, takes a leading place in a person's personality. Gradually, self-confidence begins to appear, self-esteem rises, and instead of insecurity comes a stable feeling of control over your life.

We make new friends in sports. Sport increases our activity, taking us outside the framework of the familiar world, and sometimes changes the quality of our life so much that many acquaintances are amazed at the changes that have taken place. And the best part is that you gradually begin to be drawn into this new living space, and you like it. Life acquires orderly features, but this does not burden, but helps to systematize activity, replacing useless pastime with activity that leads to the goal.

Each person sees something different in sports. Someone comes to sports for the sake of fame, to prove to everyone that he is worth something in this life, someone just like that, for a change. There are many motives, but in any case, sport makes our life richer and richer. It develops us, hardens our character, and it is sport that forms, better than any other type of activity, courage and vitality on the way to our goals and dreams!

Essay about Sports

Sport has existed since ancient times and, in my opinion, was originally a kind of part of religious rituals. In fact, the tradition was sport's event but was also part of the beliefs. Moreover, it seems to me that it was thanks to this tradition that the legend of the Minotaur appeared.

How are gladiator battles and modern martial arts tournaments different? They are practically the same. Sports age practically does not differ from human civilization itself.

Only the entourage changes, and even then not much, but sport exists as a part of civilization and is present in almost every society. For example, I also know about tribes from South America, who annually run multi-day marathons and during this run even gracefully throw small special balls with their feet. This tradition is again associated with the beliefs of the tribe, but in many ways is also a sport and is similar to the simple marathon races that are popular in the more advanced part of civilization.

I would like to note not only this aspect, but also sport as a form of self-expression and self-development. It seems to me that if we consider sports as an activity not only for making money or getting some position for oneself (as is often the case in the modern world, after all sports career opens many doors) but also for human improvement, it is of great importance in human society. After all, if you look at it, the athlete eventually learns not only to surpass others (surpass rivals) himself, that is, to increase his own capabilities.

This property contains the positive potential of sport, because when a person gets better, he can bring more use to yourself and others. Certainly more helpful people more needed by this world. Therefore, sport always remains a part of it.

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  • Option 1

    Sport today occupies an important place in the life of society. Sports and a healthy lifestyle have become a fashionable trend in the modern world, since nowadays people have become more concerned about their health, and sports are the most best remedy to keep the body in good shape and improve health. Sport is by no means a new invention, its history goes back to time, even before our era in Ancient Greece were carried out sports to the glory of the Gods of Olympus.

    Today there is a wide variety of sports for every taste: Athletics, bobsleigh, tennis, football, chess, fencing, surfing and many others. Sports can be professional when people devote their lives to sports, constantly and diligently train, perform on international competitions, this is their passion and earnings. And sometimes amateur sports when people do physical exercise for their pleasure and, of course, for health.

    In any city there is sports clubs, where you can go in for sports with a trainer, in groups, on special modern simulators. Everything there is equipped with the latest technology and design, so classes in such institutions are paid. Those whose finances do not allow going to sports clubs always have the opportunity to study at home. On the Internet there are many videos and photo lessons for sports, sports programs are shown on TV. If there is a desire, there will be an opportunity. At the moment, fitness and yoga have become very popular, and it is not for nothing that these sports can heal even old injuries and give people a new view of the world.

    Sport not only strengthens health, but also gives a good mood, a feeling of lightness and freshness. It invigorates in the morning and fills every cell in the body with energy, charging with positiveness for the whole day. There is an opinion that sports not only strengthens health, but also temper character, makes a person more resistant to stress, strong-willed and strong spirit.

    As for me, I am not a professional athlete, but every morning I run with my dog ​​in the park. We also go to the pool three times a week with my dad. I am happy with my health because I rarely get sick. Sport is the basis of life, it is not for nothing that folk wisdom says: "Movement is life."

    Option 2

    Sport is an integral part of modern man... Any normal person wants to look good, be healthy and active. To do this, you need to show a little willpower and allocate at least 15 minutes a day for sports. The most popular sports in our country are: football, hockey, biathlon, figure skating, tennis, skiing, basketball, gymnastics, boxing, volleyball and others. Amateurs tend to prefer sports such as fitness, running, yoga, cycling, cardio and swimming. Most of these sports do not require big money and availability of time. You can always go for a run in a nearby park, pedal on an exercise bike or spread a rug and take another yoga lesson from some video on a YouTube channel.

    Personally, I do gymnastics with dumbbells at home, and I also like to work, practicing punches on a punching bag. I practice almost every day. First, I pedal an exercise bike for about 15 minutes. Then I do a warm-up for all the muscles of the body for about five minutes. Then for about 15 minutes I do various exercises with dumbbells. I have three types of exercises, which I do in turn - today one type, tomorrow another, etc. I finish the workout with blows on the punching bag, which I do for about five minutes.

    When people start playing sports, they immediately see progress. Literally, after 1-2 weeks, when the muscles stop hurting, everyone begins to notice that their health has improved dramatically, they even begin to be proud of themselves. Unfortunately, the main problem of those who go in for sports is laziness. After some time, enthusiasm ends and the most difficult time for a beginner athlete comes. This tipping point is easy to get past if you practice your favorite sport, rather than a trendy one or the advice of someone you know.

    For people involved in sports, there are many different simulators, devices and applications. For example, Treadmills, exercise bikes, home GYM's, resistance bands, punching bags, fitness bracelets and much more. In almost every city there are gyms or fitness rooms, swimming pools, halls for contact sports, bike paths.

    In addition to strong muscles, sport gives us a vigorous look, a charge for the whole day, improves work internal organs, helps to lose weight and look good, prolongs life years, relieves or prevents various diseases and much, much more!

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    Average comprehensive school with. Chernukha

    Kstovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region

    Competition work "I choose sport as an alternative to addictions"


    "Sport - is life"

    Performed 7th grade student

    MBOU SOSH s. Chernukha

    Salnikova Maria


    Russian language and literature teacher

    S. A. Kustareva

    Refined plastic movement.

    Instant throw reaction.

    About sport! You are the educator of generations.

    A great friend's faithful hand.

    To run, swim, move skillfully,

    Opponent, playing, to win,

    Let the body go into business without a doubt!

    There is no more honor than to create yourself!

    Sport gives us the energy of health,

    Perseverance, fortitude, beauty.

    Sport teaches us to look at the world with love,

    Make your dream come true.

    Now many people cannot imagine their life without sports! Football players, hockey players, gymnasts, amateurs and just ordinary people. People who choose sports! But why do they make this choice? Perhaps because, thanks to sports, a person hardens, strengthens his health, becomes strong and enduring, and fosters character. But also, there are people for whom sport is the meaning of life.

    Sport is central to the lives of many people. Why is this happening? Now there are a lot different types sports. And a person can find something suitable for himself. Perhaps, doing sports, we find ourselves in it. For example, in dance, a person can convey their feelings to the audience. In the dance, he tells them what he would be afraid to say in person. Thus, he expresses his thoughts. But he speaks them not directly, but with the help of a special language. The language of the dance.

    I believe that every person should do sports. You can start with a regular exercise in the morning, because some don't even do that. Jogging in the morning can be very helpful for a person. For example, you live on the eighth floor and your elevator has broken down, if you are doing a regular jog, then it will not be difficult for you to climb to the desired floor on foot. People who are professionally involved in sports are another matter. They have sports becoming an integral part of their lives. He brings them a lot of joy. They win different competitions. It so happens that these competitions are held in other countries. For athletes, this is an opportunity to learn more about the world, visit different countries... Doing sports is not easy. The load increases. Not every person has such willpower that, when it becomes difficult, not to give up everything that he has achieved. But most often this happens at the beginning, when we are just starting to play sports. It becomes difficult for us, we are afraid, we think that we will not cope with it and in the end we quit without even trying. Sport helps us to be healthy. People who go in for sports get sick less, they have strong immunity. A person who plays sports is easily recognizable by his posture and physique. No wonder they say: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind."

    They begin to engage in sports even in kindergartens, tempering the child and helping him sports development... Perhaps already at this time an athlete begins to appear in a person. After all, there are children who find it easy to go in for sports, who have sports talent. In sports, the support provided by loved ones is important. We want these people to be proud of us and start working harder. Therefore, they have a great influence on us. And we, in turn, are becoming more athletic. I believe that a lazy person would not be able to play sports. He wouldn't get up early in the morning to exercise or run. Only strong-minded people are able to be friends with sports.

    Everyone should know that there is nothing more important than being healthy. And to be healthy you have to go in for sports. I believe that every person, waking up in the morning, should say to himself: "Movement is life." Well, isn't movement a sport?

    How to be original and write interesting composition"Sports in my life"? As a rule, any man-made masterpiece of a written nature consists of three parts: the introduction, the main part and the conclusion.

    Essay on the topic "Sports in my life": introduction

    What should be the introductory part, about what, how many sentences should it consist of? The essay "Sport in my life" can begin with leading questions, the answers to which can be detailed in the main part. Alternatively, the introduction can be structured as follows:

    "What place does sport take in your life? This is your best friend? Or maybe you are so lazy that you cannot imagine yourself doing any exercises? You start your day with morning exercises or would you like to spend another 5 minutes in a warm bed? Which sport is right for you? And what is the role of sport for the world as a whole? "

    Main part

    Despite the fact that the introduction and conclusion are very important, it is the main part that is the largest and most informative. A Sports in My Life essay may include facts related to the activity in general, such as:

    "There are many different sports nowadays. Everyone can choose what they want. If you are full of energy, you can go play football, basketball, tennis and other games."

    "As for me, I love swimming. I love water and can't imagine my life without swimming. I'm not a professional, but I go to the pool two days a week. In the summer, I prefer to swim in the sea. Unfortunately, spending all summer holidays in Spain or Egypt too expensive, but there are also lakes and rivers where you can also enjoy your time.

    My friends say that I am very athletic. But I disagree with that. I would like to be more slim and fit. And for that it would be nice to ride a bike. And I, too, believe that we need to eat wholesome and nutritious food in order to look attractive and fresh. I have a glass of juice and go for a run.

    I love listening to music while running. Sports and music are my hobbies! It’s quite difficult for me to live without them. They lift my spirits all the time. Sport makes me smile! It is also a great pleasure to watch various sports programs... I find the races especially exciting. "

    In the main part of "Sports in My Life" it is also worth mentioning the opinions of other people on this matter:

    “Many boys are crazy about watching football. Most of the girls do not understand their football obsession. chooses what is best for him. "


    The final part of the essay "Sport in my life" should include the main conclusion, which will reflect the appeal or the final formalized position of the author. The conclusion could be like this:

    “Do you want to be fat and clumsy and enjoy life lying on the couch in front of the TV with a plate of hamburgers? Personally, I decided for myself that I would have an active life position. Everyone should appreciate the impact of sports on our life. Sport is life and health. pledge of our Have a good mood! Let's be friends with sports. "

    That's all, the story is ready.

    Sport in human life

    Sport plays important role in our life. It can be taken as a hobby or taken more seriously and seen as a core profession. People in different regions of the world have a wide variety of favorite sports.

    To make your essay more informative and original, you can add some interesting statistical information to it, for example, what in the world

    Top 10 popular sports

    Let's call these:

    1. Football.
    2. Cricket.
    3. Basketball.
    4. Field hockey.
    5. Tennis.
    6. Volleyball.
    7. Table tennis.
    8. Baseball.
    9. Rugby.
    10. Golf.

    Now modern world it develops very quickly, everyone is in a hurry, they spend hours in traffic jams, they work late. And sometimes time and effort for doing sports no longer remains.

    I believe that exercise is necessary for every person. Lack of time is all excuses. I think it's not so difficult to set aside 10-15 minutes a day to do gymnastics, run with your dog in the park in the morning, ride a bike or roller-skate.

    Health- this is the most valuable thing a person has, and it needs to be protected and strengthened. Every day we say “Hello!” To a friend, which means we wish you health. And even in birthday greetings, New Year or any other holiday, we first of all wish good health to friends, teachers and loved ones. I think that playing sports is one of the most affordable and enjoyable ways to take care of your own health. You don't have to spend hours at the gym doing hard exercise... It is enough to do gymnastics in the morning, do not miss physical education lessons, and after school, do the kind of sport that you like. For example, I really like to play volleyball and basketball, I even go to the sports section and participate in competitions. I like skiing and skating, playing hockey. All my friends, like me, go in for sports. Someone goes to the swimming section, someone plays volleyball with me. Many of the girls in our class are engaged in dance and gymnastics. I never understood those who skip physical education classes and say that there is nothing to do there. It seems to me that this is one of the most important lessons, because on it we take a break from mental work and are charged with a good mood.

    Athletes have always been respected. First of all, of course, for their achievements in sports. But the desire to win, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, self-organization also deserve praise. Our country is famous for athletes in many forms sportssynchronized swimming, pole vaulting, tennis, etc. We have someone to take an example from, because athletes know for sure that it is fashionable to be athletic and healthy!

    Essay on the topic of sports | March 2015

    The subject of the essay is "Sports and healthy lifestyle"

    Benefit healthy lifestyle is well known and has been beyond doubt for many years. High-quality and balanced nutrition, sound sleep, feasible physical labor, frequent walks on fresh air- all these aspects largely help to strengthen the body, contribute to youth and longevity. However, it is sport that is becoming the most powerful and effective factor in maintaining health.

    Sport in every way contributes to the harmonious development of a person, and this is especially important at a young age. That is why both boys and girls are encouraged to regularly play sports from a very young age, so that he can exert his beneficial influence and lay a good foundation for health for many, many years.

    Sports activities- it is an integral part of human life, providing the necessary activity. Physical education and sports give a charge of cheerfulness and optimism, strengthen the immune system and thereby protect a person from various diseases.

    Sport is inseparably associated with hardening, and this moment is extremely important, since a person's resistance to all kinds of external factors, such as low temperatures, dampness or heat, ensures his good health throughout his life.

    Going in for sports, you can also celebrate with pleasure and joy the lightness and flexibility of your body, the strength of the muscles, the elasticity of the joints, because excellent physical shape is a worthy reward for someone who readily overcomes laziness and confidently strives towards his own perfection.

    However, the benefit physical culture is not limited to health functions only. Sport- it is also a great mood, high vitality and extraordinary uplift, and this is an excellent basis for striving for success, new achievements and fruitful work.

    Composing sports and healthy lifestyle | March 2015

    Composition "Sports in my life"

    Sport helps a person to be in good physical form, and besides, it fosters character and willpower. Sports activities promote health. Even a simple exercise in the morning with your favorite music energizes the whole day.

    I've always loved active entertainment. As far back as I can remember, I have always played a variety of outdoor games. And I got incredible pleasure from it! Therefore, my parents enrolled me on table tennis... This is very interesting view sports in which it is necessary to show quick response, good coordination movements, concentration. When I play, it captures me entirely! I like this sport because there is no overload in it, it is not very traumatic, but it develops flexibility, coordination, endurance and muscle strength.

    And also doing sports make you feel the joy of your own achievements. You once didn’t manage to throw the ball over the net, but now you are taking prizes in competitions! And you understand the cost of the effort and work on yourself. And besides, you realize that perseverance is good for achieving any goals.

    Dont have to be professional athlete to get the benefit and enjoyment of sports. Many of the people run in the morning, some go to aerobics and fitness, some play football or do karate. The main thing is to like it. At the same time, it makes you physically strong and confident, and also gives you the opportunity to meet many interesting people.

    Essay on Sports in My Life | October 2015

    The subject of the essay is "My attitude to sports"

    I would like to say about my attitude to sports. Sport plays an important role in our life. Many people go in for sports in our country. They want to be healthy. Sports are a good way to deal with stress. In my opinion, sport is important for healthy spending of free time, sport makes people strong.

    Some people take part in competitions, others prefer to watch them on TV. It is known that an hour's walk is more useful than constant participation in physical activities... To be healthy, people join yoga and aerobics classes, do gymnastic exercises... Others play football, badminton, volleyball or tennis. As for me, I try to take everything into account, and in doing so I am in good shape and hope to stay the same.

    I would like to tell you a little about my winter fun... Since childhood, my parents taught me to ski. For a small child and also for a beginner to me this kind of sport seemed very difficult: it was always falling, or it was just too lazy to get up on skis.

    Several years later, I already began to wait impatiently for it to fall out. Outdoor skiing, sledding down a steep mountain or light jogging around the stadium have become my hobbies.

    Almost every year my brother and I go skiing to the ski base. Having chosen the most extreme path, we start the game, who will be the first to reach the finish line. We get so much adrenaline from this game that it is enough for the whole year.

    And when you come home, you feel such a pleasant fatigue. And what is needed after skiing is to make hot tea and enjoy watching your favorite movie to completely relax your muscles. This is what I always do.

    If you want to live a life without disease and extend your life to 100 years or more, go in for sports... It's so much better than sitting in front of the TV all weekend.

    Essay on the topic of attitude to sports | March 2015

    The subject of the essay is "My favorite sport is football"

    I love ball games, and most of all I love football... This is very interesting game full of excitement. She came to us from England, although even in Ancient Egypt and the Maya Indians had similar ball games. Football is the most popular sport in the world today. Millions of people do it in free time, and truly billions are watching the world championships. Professional players, football stars, have become idols of entire nations. You can name Diego Maradona, Paolo Maldini, Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane, Andrey Arashavin, Andrey Shevchenko.

    This sport develops speed, intelligence, reaction accuracy and endurance. Football players are very seasoned people, as they play in the fresh air from early spring to late autumn. Football is a team game and develops cohesion and team spirit. And most of all I am attracted by the unsurpassed excitement of this game!

    I follow the Russian and world football championships. I also hope that someday the European Championship will be hosted by Russia, as this year Ukraine. Of course, I wished with all my heart that at Euro 2012 our team would reach at least the quarterfinals. But alas ...

    I also play football myself. From spring to autumn, we play ball on the sports ground and school stadium. And in winter I play football in the indoor gym of the sports complex.

    My lovely football team - St. Petersburg "Zenith", and in Europe - English "Arsenal", Italian "Milan". I also support the Ukrainian Shakhtar. I haven’t been to big stadiums and significant matches yet. I only went to cheer for our local team, which plays in the second division of the national championship. But when I grow up, I will definitely go to a serious championship and see the game of high-class football players.

    Essay about sports - football | February 2016

    The subject of the essay is "Volleyball is my favorite sport"

    I like outdoor games, including with a ball. A most favorite sport is volleyball. We often play it in physical education classes at school. Also, my friends and I are pulling the net in the yard, collecting two teams and throwing the ball. I like this activity much more than sitting on a bench and swinging my legs out of boredom. On the beach or in nature, we also love to play volleyball. True, without a grid it is not so convenient.

    I like this game because it has enough simple rules... We need to land the ball in the opposing team's half. In this case, you cannot kick the ball with your foot, you can only hit it with your hands. No wonder the word "volleyball" means "flying ball". Winnings are calculated by points, so there is always a chance to change the score in your favor.

    Volleyball develops dexterity and strength of hands, quickness of reaction and accuracy of the eye, as well as attentiveness. Those who play a lot of volleyball have well-developed coordination of movements.

    Since you cannot kick the ball, you do not need to run around the court headlong like in football. But the legs still train when you jump up, like on springs. The movements of the volleyball player are light, graceful and beautiful. And this game is not one that takes a lot of energy.

    Therefore, I like to play volleyball myself / (myself) more than watching competitions on TV, for example. Although it can be interesting to watch others, because volleyball is included in the program Olympic species sports.

    Volleyball is a very gambling game, it tightly unites the players of one team. Here you have to fight for the team, worry about everyone's luck. And the victory brings me a lot of pleasure that I can share with my team!

    Sports essay - volleyball | February 2016

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