How is sport useful for human health? What are the health benefits of sports How sports games help health.

Athletic Day has been celebrated in our country for a long time: officially, only since 1980, and unofficially, since the 1920s – 1930s. Now Athlete's Day is celebrated every second Saturday in August. In honor of this holiday, we decided to figure out which physical activity is useful for a person, and which one is better to refrain from.

10 thousand steps

This is perhaps the most well-known number when it comes to exercise. In order to keep yourself in good physical shape, you must constantly provide yourself with a certain level of activity, and this level is considered to be 10 thousand steps a day.

Where did this number come from? In the 1960s, it was calculated in Japan that the average resident of the country took only 3.5-5 thousand steps a day, and it was assumed that if the number of steps was increased to 10 thousand, people would become healthier. Soon, a pedometer called Manpo-kei was invented, which was calculated for just 10 thousand steps. The simplicity and clarity of purpose conquered the Japanese, and then the whole world.

In different countries, the recommendations are different, but if we bring them to a common denominator, then an adult should walk 7-10 thousand steps a day. This is confirmed, in particular, by a 2011 study published in The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

Its authors revised many scientific works and found out that it is normal for an adult to walk from 4 to 18 thousand steps daily, and on average - those 7-10 (more precisely, even 11) thousand, while it is optimal to walk at a speed of about 100 steps in a minute. In Russia, it is also recommended to walk exactly 10 thousand steps a day.

10 thousand is a great round number, experts say. This figure is at the same time some kind of test, and at the same time it seems more achievable than 150 minutes of physical activity per week - another "classic" recommendation. 150 minutes is too much, people think, and the steps will somehow be typed on their own. However, it is better to target exactly 150 minutes, because “just steps” may not be enough to maintain health.

150 minutes

Where did 150 minutes of physical activity per week come from? They are recommended by the World Health Organization for adults aged 18 to 64. This is how much time a person should devote to medium-intensity aerobics. Medium is, for example, jogging or step aerobics. Walking is more of a low intensity, but much better than nothing. High intensity - for example, a bicycle, but, of course, not in a relaxed mode, but in a full-fledged one.

Let's go back to the WHO advice:

  • It is useful for children 5–17 years old to devote an hour or more to physical exercise a day. Of course, they do not need to plow in the hall for this. Play catch-up, ride a bike, climb everything that is possible and impossible, do exercises in the morning - this is already quite a sufficient load. High-intensity activity is recommended for children three times a week.
  • Adults, as mentioned above, need to engage in moderate-intensity sports for 150 minutes per week. Or 75 minutes a week if the load is heavy. Walking and running for a full load is not enough, at least twice a week you need to do strength training. The duration of the workout should be at least 10 minutes in a row, but in general 150 minutes are perfectly laid out for 30 minutes for each weekday.
  • Older people - over 64 years old - are advised to exercise in the same way as younger people, but at the same time, for example, those with joint problems need to do balance exercises at least three times a week. If an elderly person does not feel well and gets tired quickly, it is also possible and necessary to practice, but taking into account your capabilities.

Why is all this necessary

Of course, all these recommendations, all this sport - not for the sake of sports performance, but in order to keep a person in a healthy state for as long as possible. Thanks to constant training, absolutely all systems of the body work better - the heart, lungs, other organs, weight and metabolism are normal, depression and other mental disorders develop less often.

Yes, indeed, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind, and this is true even in those situations that you cannot immediately think of. For example, it is also useful for cancer patients to play sports, it improves their condition. Here, of course, it is important without fanaticism, and in order to determine this fine line, we move on to the next point.

Unhelpful sport

Indeed, there are times when sport is harmful. So that this is not about you - do not do anything through force (at least physically, you will have to look for moral strength to "get up and go to the gym") and through pain, if you do not have a goal of self-overcoming.

If you have never walked for more than half an hour, do not rush off the bat to participate in a triathlon, all this will only lead to injuries and anger at yourself. It is trite, but true: a gradual increase in the load will be much more useful and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Yes, injuries during physical activity also happen, but this is not a reason to refuse them. With almost the same probability, you can fall and break your leg out of the blue. Subject to safety precautions, most of the loads available to the average Russian (not extreme, of course) are no more harmful than a walk in the park. By the way, the absence of fanaticism also refers to safety measures.

And there is no need to force children to go to training. Nothing terrible will definitely happen from one pass, and if the child constantly refuses to go to classes, the question arises whether everything is in order in his section and whether it has been chosen correctly.

For most people, sport is a means, not an end. And Athlete's Day is not about injury and overcoming. It's about strong legs, strong arms, a healthy heart and a clear head.

Ksenia Yakushina


Why is sport needed in a person's life, why is it useful to go in for sports. Each of us knows that sport is good for human health since childhood. Physical education classes are held in schools and kindergartens, universities and technical schools, lyceums and colleges. Unfortunately, after graduating from these institutions, many of us forget about the importance of physical activity ... But in vain ...

Sport is the cure for all diseases. In the modern world, physical inactivity has become one of the main problems of society and is the cause of many serious diseases.

Exercise has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens bone and muscle tissue, and improves posture. Regular exercise strengthens the immune system and makes the body less susceptible to infections and colds.

The health benefits of sports

Sport helps to maintain a beautiful figure

Of course, if you do not monitor your diet, there is no point in buying sports goods - eating fried potatoes dressed with high-calorie mayonnaise at night will make it quite problematic to lose weight.

But if you eat right, while doing some simple physical exercises, the result will not be long in coming. Exercise helps you burn calories, get rid of excess fluid, and speed up your metabolism.

Sport improves mood and helps manage stress

During exercise, the body actively produces endorphins - hormones of joy. Physical activity after a hard day's work gets rid of negative energy, relaxes and makes you forget about problems. It has been proven that people who play sports are less likely to suffer from mood swings and are more resistant to stress.

How is sport useful? - it improves the condition of the skin. Even slender people cannot always boast of toned and firm skin, let alone those who are overweight. If you want to have an attractive body, exercise is a must.

Regular exercise helps to tone your skin and prevent sagging. At the same time, you do not have to buy super expensive, the best simulators - you need regular classes on high-quality equipment, nothing more!

Sports activities tone up and energize. Physical activity helps to feel a surge of strength and gives positive emotions. Exercising in the morning sets you up for productive work and helps you stay active throughout the day.

Regular exercise teaches discipline and makes a person more responsible. By staying focused on your workouts, you will become more committed and focused over time.

It should be said that there are certain contraindications for some sports. So, for example, you cannot go jogging if you have significant excess weight. Otherwise, the joints will wear out faster and there will be constant pain in the legs.

People with chronic diseases or some kind of ailments should consult a doctor before going to the gym. The safest sports include swimming and rowing, but bodybuilding, rock climbing or diving requires certain health indicators.

One way or another, physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Regularly going in for sports, you will change for the better not only externally, but also internally. If you want to stay healthy for a long time and have an attractive appearance, exercise regularly and do not forget to visit sports clubs.

Do you want to play sports? Fine! Buy an exercise machine and go ahead: pedal, run on a treadmill or pump your abdominal muscles on a special sports device.

Now on the market of sports equipment there are literally products for every taste and for everyone's capabilities. Before purchasing a simulator, consult with store managers, look, choose, buy - and forward, on the way to a healthy body and a beautiful figure!

After training, the body works for about an hour in an increased mode and more actively consumes calories. In addition, sport helps to acquire beautiful forms, and even extra pounds will look less heavy.

So let's summarize what sport is for in a person's life - sport in a person's life is good for the health of the whole organism, and this is undeniable.

Video about the benefits of sports:

Many of us periodically make the decision to start playing sports or exercise more. Some people give up, and some continue to move forward, but in fact, everyone should play sports. Why do you need to play sports? Exercise has a myriad of benefits, including physical and mental health. Sports activities will help not only to get in shape, but will also bring a number of other positive changes in a person's life.

Everyone knows that physical activity is good for human health. This is important for both physical and mental health. Below are the reasons that have a positive effect on a person who plays sports.

Weight management

Regular exercise will help you avoid weight gain and keep your body in good shape. When you exercise, you burn calories, and the harder you work, the better your body looks.

To understand how sports activity helps fight obesity, you need to control the difference between energy expenditure and activity. Energy is distributed into 3 processes: support of the most important functions of the human body, digestion of consumed food and physical labor.

When you follow a diet in which calories are reduced accordingly, your metabolism slows down. This contributes to the hindrance of shedding extra pounds. Constant load makes the metabolism work actively, and this helps to reduce weight.

Energy charge

The strongest energy stimulator is physical activity, this applies to both healthy people and those with problems. For a person suffering from chronic fatigue and other ailments, sports exercises provide more energy. In the fight against fatigue, the most productive is precisely active work activity.

Exercise and exercise helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to your body tissues faster and helps your muscles work more efficiently. Therefore, during the day, a person has more energy to carry out everyday tasks.

Preventing Disease

Physical activity helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and also reduces the risks of back pain and arthritis. Regular exercise can prevent or control a wide range of diseases. Some of these health conditions can include mental health as well. During exercise, the brain releases various substances that make you feel happy and relaxed.

Good dream

Adequate sleep is essential for everyone, and regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster, but it can also improve your sleep quality.

Excellent health

Exercise and exercise will help you feel better. When you see your results, you will feel not only relief, but also pride in yourself. And regular physical activity will make you more resilient, strong, and confident.

Feeling of happiness and good mood

The impact on the parts of the brain that are responsible for the occurrence of anxiety occurs with a variety of exercises, so the condition is alleviated. When playing sports, the properties of endorphins are activated, they, in turn, make the perception of pain much less and create good emotions. Exercise helps people recognize and deal with their fears, and reduce feelings of anxiety. It is possible to influence the mood with any type of training. The difference in mood swings occurs within a short amount of time when training is stopped.

Benefits for bones and muscles

When building strong muscles and bones, frequent exercise is essential. When they are performed, hormones are created, they make more amino acid intake by the muscles. This process enhances muscle growth and endurance.

With age, muscle performance and mass are lost. Exercising regularly prevents this process.

Improvement of the skin and its condition

To slow down the aging process, an enhanced antioxidant defense is required for the body. Some physical activity helps this process. There is a stimulation of blood flow to the skin, protection and improvement of human skin occurs.

Productive brain function and memory recovery

Sport helps to stimulate, mental work,. The production of hormones is aided by physical activity, and the growth of nerve cells depends on the hormones themselves. Undoubtedly, it is important to be active in older people, because with age, changes in brain structures and their functionality occur.

Reducing pain

When dealing with persistent pain, exercise is helpful. Studies show that with certain exercises on a consistent basis, the pain is reduced. Sport helps to dull the feeling of pain.

While playing sports, you will surely meet a lot of like-minded people. These acquaintances will provide you with a pleasant and interesting company, help keep you motivated for training, and expand your usual social circle.

Improving intimate life

To enhance sexual desire, sports activity is capable. Regular sports activity affects intimate activity in the best possible way. It improves body flexibility and muscle tone, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Women who completed the study reported that after starting to exercise on a regular basis, they began to experience orgasms more often.

Why do few people go in for sports?

One of the main reasons is laziness. She is as old as the person himself.

People constantly find excuses not to go to workout and lie on the bed. Most believe that we are the soul, and there is no point in pumping the body if it is not immortal. So thought the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. He lifted the soul above the body. Therefore, intellectual work surpasses physical work in popularity.

The Romans adopted Plato's idea when Christianity began to spread. These ideas were transferred there, although the Bible does not say a word about the immortal soul, in the form in which Plato perceived it, and besides, he denies the afterlife.

Thus, the idea that intellect is the path to development, and physical labor is the lot of slaves, has taken root in the consciousness of modern man.

Another reason is that people usually associate physical strength and lack of intelligence. This is the wrong point of view, because with the right approach, playing sports contributes to development even more than mental work.

The benefits of sports

Scientists unanimously say that playing sports is a guarantee of the mind. The set contains a lot of facts about the influence of physical labor on the brain. If you look at modern society, you will notice that not only adults are chained to the couch. Many children and adolescents cannot get out of their gadgets for days on end. This lifestyle will not have a good effect on mental performance. In the future, such people suffer from diseases of the back, heart, flat feet.

Exercise has also been shown to maximize the use of the brain, concentration and creativity.

Sports activities bring many benefits:

Practical exercises for the brain

If you organize yourself, then you can find the benefits of sport not only as physical fitness, but also as the development of the practical side of mental abilities. Even with the usual cleaning of the apartment, the brain strains more than when solving mathematical problems.

Raising an organized person in oneself

Sport requires not only regular training, but also organization. An incorrect exercise schedule will only exacerbate the problem, so a person needs to think through each step.

Improving willpower

Every time people get to work, they feel an irresistible urge to relax or have fun. Sports are no exception. Therefore, if you exercise regularly, then you can succeed in other things.

Physical activity for almost the entire body gives a positive result. Undoubtedly, overall health improves both with a certain sport and with regular physical activity.

The more technologically advanced a society becomes, the less people are left with the desire to lead an active lifestyle.

And in truth, why go to work on foot or by bike, if there is an opportunity to quickly get there by a shuttle gazelle.

Modern computers and gadgets, which constantly distract our attention, have contributed to this negative process.

Reducing athletic activity leads to weakening of bone tissue, which leads to frequent fractures. Lack of physical activity causes muscle degradation, as a result of which a person becomes weak and literally flabby.

Anyone can go in for sports, because for this you do not need to sign up for paid sections or buy expensive exercise equipment, but just start with simple physical exercises and jogging. If possible, it is better to run either in the park or around water bodies, because the air in these places is cleaner.

For a change, you can take a bike ride, ski or skate in winter (buy a titan bike in the online store Does finance allow? Then you can sign up for the pool, as swimming develops all muscle groups at once.

Sports Benefits

It should be clarified right away that when they talk about the benefits of playing sports, in most cases they mean gymnastics, yoga, jogging, and much more, besides professional sports. People who take the path of Olympic champions receive fame, money, prizes, but their health can, on the contrary, be undermined due to heavy loads.

1) Exercise helps fight depression

When difficulties arise, many people prefer alcohol, which for a while allows you to "forget", but vodka only creates the illusion of solving problems, while also harming your health. Sports, of course, also cannot save you from looking for money to pay off a loan or something like that, however, as a result of physical activity, the so-called hormones of joy - endorphin and serotonin are produced in the body, which help to overcome depression without harming your own body.

2) Sports improves brain activity

Physical activity leads to an intense rush of blood to the cells of the brain, i.e. there is an active supply of oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which the development of neural processes (dendrites) is accelerated. The best effect is given by sports games that require increased concentration, attentiveness and quick decision-making speed.

3) Increased endurance and strength

Every living organism has one remarkable feature - the ability to adapt to the environment. If you regularly expose your muscles to sports exercises, they will begin to grow. Jogging allows you to increase your level of endurance, which is also a very important factor for any person. Active loads help to strengthen the ligaments and tendons.

4) Disease prevention

The main benefit of playing sports is to prevent future illnesses. A sedentary lifestyle is often a consequence of obesity, which causes heart attacks and strokes. Fat accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, contributing to their blockage. Sports is a good way to prevent diseases such as osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and arthrosis.

5) Formation of discipline

Discipline is important in all matters because it allows you to succeed. This concept is also associated with willpower, which is essentially the same thing. Habits are not only harmful, but also useful, and it takes time to form them. If you exercise on a regular basis, then it will become a habit.


And so, the main benefit of playing sports is to preserve your own health, but there is one more positive nuance. Demonstrating the right lifestyle, you become a model example for your children and loved ones who can follow you.

A healthy lifestyle, sports, physical activity, beneficial for the body, have become an integral part of life. modern a person where it is no longer fashionable to smoke and drink, but it is fashionable to go to the gym, have a beautiful abs, figure, that is, to be always in toned, good shape.

The changes taking place in society objectively express public opinion on the events taking place around them, where weak, a sick person is displaced by a stronger, hardened athlete, which can bring a healthy generation, continue its kind.

Nowadays we are all watching popularization sports, a healthy lifestyle, and this is nothing more than opposition, a measure of struggle against, struggle against everything harmful to humanity.

The technological progress of mankind, the emergence of modern technologies, starting from the car, ending with the elevator at the entrance, literally forced people to drive sedentary Lifestyle. As a result, among the world's population, there are more overweight people. fat, which gave rise to many diseases, both of the musculoskeletal system and problems with the cardiovascular system.

The role of sports in the modern rhythm of life is very high. Below we list all the main positive aspects, from regular doing sports or physical education (just do not confuse professional sports, as they have no place for health, but you can always dose physical activity in any sport).

Improving endurance and muscle strength

Active physical activity, forceful nature causes microtrauma muscle fibers, as a countermeasure, the body begins to actively synthesize proteins as a consequence of the muscles become larger and stronger.

At aerobic training, an increased flow of oxygen to the muscles, actively saturates all human tissues, due to which the network increases capillaries, the ability to oxidize lipids and carbohydrates increases, the level of myoglobin increases, the ability to mitochondria to oxidative resynthesis of ATP, and as a result, the muscles become more resilient.

In addition, sports loads that dynamically or statically bleed muscles, help heal trauma tendons, ligaments and joints, due to the fact that the blood from the digestive system delivers oxygen, nutrients to the damaged area, taking away decay products.

Improving endurance and muscle strength

Development of the nervous system

Improving coordination of movement, increasing attention, concentration of efforts, speed and dexterity in movements, create new neural connections in the brain, thanks to which a person in everyday life starts much faster to react to external stimuli. It is especially so important at a young age when brain the child is just forming, which is why we strongly recommend giving your child to the sports section.

Development of the athlete's nervous system

Strengthening the cardiovascular system

Adequate stress on the body, at which the frequency heart rate does not exceed 85% from the maximum, have a beneficial, health-improving effect on the heart muscle, stretching its walls, making them elastic, because of what, the heart beats less in a calm state, which is why it wears out less.

Cardiovascular system and sports

Keep in mind that the more muscle in a person, the more force you need to push heart blood for washing them, which is why, one of the reasons why overly hypertrophied muscles have nothing to do with health.

Dosed, correct sports loads will reduce the risk of developing stroke, heart attack, will increase the elasticity of blood vessels in the body.

Development of the respiratory system of the body

The development of the respiratory system is directly related to the active, aerobic activities (swimming, long-distance running, rolling pin, cycling). Due to which the endurance of such an athlete increases, at the same time increases vital capacity of the lungs(the amount of air that the lungs can place themselves after a full exhalation).

Development of the respiratory system of the body

Boost immunity

Moderate, athletic activity helps to stimulate immunity, protect the body from the effects of various microorganisms, viruses and substances that have a destructive effect on cells, reducing their functional activity.

Due to physical activity, the level of leukocytes in the blood, neutrophils, NK cells, monocytes, and also a negligible level of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.

However, with the wrong approach to their sports loads, immunity can be lost, mainly due to overtraining, that is, when the loads in the gym exceed the body's regenerative abilities.

Therefore, any training should be competent planned, that is, taking into account the body's adaptive abilities to physical activity, especially when it comes to intense aerobic or anaerobic training.

Protecting the body's immune system

Increased metabolic rate

Metabolism This is, first of all, all biochemical reactions occurring in the body that support its viability.

And as everyone knows, sports loads, depending on the type, some help to increase muscular mass (anaerobic, strength), others increase endurance, help to lose weight (aerobic), create stress for the body, as a result of which, it is forced adapt to external conditions, that is, to increase muscles, strength, improve oxygen delivery to muscles, all this is reflected in the processes anabolism, which is responsible for the formation of new high molecular weight cells (for example, in bodybuilding, this is the synthesis of proteins or proteins).

In addition, an increase in speed through regular training associated with aerobic activity (swimming, running, jumping, skiing, etc.) entails inevitable losses fat mass, which will naturally have a positive effect on the figure of a person.

Also, don't forget that sport is an image. life, and he does not stop at only one exercise in the gym, it is also correct and, without which, you cannot be healthy and fit.

Sports and metabolism

The role of sports in human life

Active sports have entered all spheres of human life, from passing standards at work on physical training, ending with a healthy lifestyle ( Healthy lifestyle).

It so happened, thanks to nature, natural selection, the stronger will always be right, will always be the first, will always be valued higher than all the other, weaker rivals.

Strength may be not only physical. but also mental, this applies to absolutely any spheres of activity, in this case, we are interested in sports, fitness, knowledge of how to do it right train, eating, recovering will bring success, we will know more, which means we will be stronger.

Sport is above all fight with yourself, the struggle with their shortcomings, their laziness, a way to assert themselves in society, to achieve what others cannot.

Thus, sport gives a person:

  • Confidence in your strength
  • Wellness
  • Improving self-esteem
  • Discipline to yourself
  • Cheerfulness

And also, playing sports trains the cardiovascular system, removes excess weight, give muscle tone, increase strength and strengthen immunity.

With the right approach to sports activity, active physical activity has a beneficial effect on all spheres human life from health to successful management business thanks to complete dedication, purposefulness and willpower, which a person hardened, overcoming physical exertion.

The role of sports in human life

Which sport to choose

At an early or late age, a person thinks about which sport to choose for himself. After all, sometimes the right choice of sport can play fateful role in a person's life, changing it completely. The habitual, seated way of life changes to sports: recurring fees, competitions, performances, regular training, invitations to live in another city, and so on.

But before choosing a sport for yourself, you need to know that it is fundamentally divided into two main types: professional and amateur... In the first case, you are experiencing huge physical overloads, you use, if necessary, your training plan is scheduled every minute, you strive for higher achievements, that is, perform a discharge master of sports and higher. In the second case, you are engaged in your pleasure without setting yourself grandiose goals to set, break records, you are doing for your health.

When choosing a sport, particular attention should be paid to the following points below.

Financial opportunities

Depending on your monetary well-being, a particular sport is chosen, for example, figure skating, tennis, swimming, especially in hockey and football ammunition, accessories cost decent money).

You also need to know that the cost of training, for example, in swimming, and in tennis will cost in sports section different money, if in the first case the amount is about 2-4 thousand rubles per month, then in the second already 8-12 thousand roubles.

Money and sports

Person's character

Some people like a team sport, others individual, where the result will entirely depend only on oneself. Find the view that is closest to you. For example, hot-tempered and harsh choleric are quite successful in martial arts, boxing, and phlegmatic in chess, billiards.

In any case, choose the sport that you like, regardless of your character.

Sports anger

Use your strengths

Each of us is worse in something, in something better genetically... Some are better versed in technology, others memorize poems in no time, some scones to gain fat, others skinny, sinewy, some have thin limbs and fragile while others are massive and powerful. It is important to study yourself, find objective strengths in yourself, and use them as your own advantage A vivid example is Oleg Zhokh (Ukrainian armwrestler) - the left hand was six-fingered from birth (the sixth finger was removed, but the ligaments remained)

Everyone, according to their liking, chooses sports activities, but in any case, any sport disciplines a person, strengthens him physically and mentally, therefore regular sports are so useful and important for any person.

If you have never played sports, then now is the one day when you need to get up from the couch and start running, walking in gym, pool, and you will understand all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle that will temper your body and mind.

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