I got on a bike for the first time. How I learned to ride a bike

print version How I learned to ride a bike Vladimir Shif

I was already closer to fifty than to forty when I decided to correct the flaws of my physical education as a child and learn to ride a bike. Before that, I had never even tried to sit on a two-wheeled car, I didn’t have my own bike, and somehow I couldn’t learn on someone else’s.

I am a solid person by nature and by weight too. I always think in order not to get, God forbid, in an awkward position. And this time he began to think painfully, where to start? Well, of course, with the purchase of a bicycle. But what? What? “Such,” I thought, “so that it is not very high, if you have to fall from it, then the distance to the ground will be less.

It would be nice to buy a bicycle with a sidecar on the back, on three wheels I would feel more confident. But even for such a weak athlete like me, this is not serious. With a solid frame, it’s also not good: with my stomach, impudently sticking out forward, I won’t throw my leg over the frame. There is no need to talk about sports, it has very high speeds, although they are regulated in a wide range.

What to do? Need to think! I noticed that if you think for a long time, then you will come up with something. So I came up with the idea: I need a small bike like this, folding, with small wheels. And it should also have a fold-down stand so that the bike stands on its own when I get off it safely."

So, the first issue was successfully resolved, the bike I needed was bought, but there was not a word in the factory instructions on how to learn how to ride it. Here's the problem!

I am a man of the book, I respect the book endlessly. I began to look for literature on the method of studying riding a two-wheeled bicycle. I saw a self-instruction manual for playing the guitar, I found a book on how to learn to swim myself, but I didn’t find anything guiding with the most sincere desire on how to curb a two-wheeled horse on my own. Then I remembered the American writer Mark Twain. And only in the tenth volume of his works did I find the story "The Taming of the Bicycle". “That means,” I thought, “he first wrote nine volumes, and then only took up the bicycle. Isn’t it too early for me,” I doubted, “because I have only written seven books so far. to start studying, I bought a whole bottle with a lead lotion, but where can I get one now?

Once again, carefully reading all eight and a half pages of Marktven, I theoretically realized that the most difficult thing, it turns out, is to climb a bicycle and jump off it before you find yourself under it, especially since the lead lotion

I do not have it yet.

And then the morning came when I got up early, dressed more sportily, pulled on my sneakers so that I could brake with thick rubber soles, and began to circle my folding mustang without witnesses. The thought crossed my mind to cover my arms and legs in the folds with something like in hockey, but where to get such equipment at such an early hour? I not only know hockey players, but I don't even know cyclists.

Since there was no book on theory, I had to start driving empirically. The essence, as I understood after the first unsuccessful experiments, was that it was necessary to maintain balance and pedal at the same time. Practitioners without special education said that the faster you pedal, the easier it is to maintain balance, without falling either to the right or to the left. But the faster the bike rides, the more fearful it is to sit on it. I immediately felt it, as soon as I started to move down the alley with a slight slope. My heavy horse, who was barely moving his wheels, suddenly began to run zealously, just have time to slow him down in time with his wide-legged legs. Fortunately, the soles of the sneakers are like car tires.

The bike gradually calmed down, and I again dragged it up the alley to the starting point to try again to go down, slowing down with my feet.

Such torment, due to my stubbornness, continued every morning for five days. Then I decided to try again to ride on level ground, without a slope. But how

as soon as I had time to put my foot on one pedal and lift the other off the ground, the bike began to fall and not by itself, but with me. I managed to level it only by firmly becoming both feet on the asphalt. I put my foot on the second pedal, the bike tilted again, but in the opposite direction. Then I got the hang of dragging it under me, trying to pedal alternately with my left and right foot.

It was a real Sisyphean labor. Wet from my increased zeal, my hair stuck to my purposefully meditating forehead. My back and chest, despite the freshness of an early summer morning, were wet, and a thin trickle of sweat, I felt, was already flowing down the central hollow of my tense back to the bicycle saddle. But with stupefied determination I continued the endless exercises without any appreciable success. Then I tried to move down the slope again, then again out of the blue and so every day, seven days a week.

In the garden where I exposed myself practical training, you can’t call it otherwise, a little later, when the sun was already breaking away from the horizon, a few dog breeders and physical exercises appeared. Those who walked the dogs had leisurely conversations, sometimes looked in our direction with bewilderment and watched me fight with him. And the dogs didn’t even turn their muzzles in my direction, because they are carried away by the rapidly rotating wheels, and not by the legs dangling above them.

One runner from a heart attack or to him (preoccupied with a bicycle, I did not figure out which way he was running), without stopping running for a moment, advised me to look only ahead, and not at the road. Another physical charger demanded that I raise the saddle higher. But after all, even Bernard Shaw said that advice, like medicine, is easy to give, difficult to take.

And suddenly the day came, it seems the eighth. O miracle! I drove two meters, I would have driven more, but front wheel for some reason rested against the trunk of a thick tree. It stood quite aside, but suddenly it imperceptibly appeared on my victorious path.
Apparently, I forgot that my bicycle, in addition to the pedals, on which I focused all my attention, also has a steering wheel. In the days that followed, the accidentally achieved result was sometimes repeated, but I no longer lost hope, although my beloved wife predicted in advance the failure of this not age-appropriate undertaking.

On the tenth day, I began to sweat less, and there were more voluntary advisers in the kindergarten. They probably noticed my meager successes, and successes, as you know, sometimes inspire not only those who make them. They addressed me, like auto-mobilists among themselves, on "you" and added the words "Come on! Come on"!

And I went, I did not notice when and how I learned, but I went. I have been told before that it is very simple, you just need to sit on horseback and pedal more cheerfully. So Mark Twain failed to see how it turns out. I, too, did not notice this wonderful moment in my life. Missed, you might say! And this humanly makes me related to him.

I now sit proudly on two wheels. I am very pleased to feel the speed and almost the whistle of the wind in my ears. It turns out that the overclocked bike should not be braked with sneakers at all, for this it is enough to push the pedals in the opposite direction, and my wheeled mustang will stop in its tracks. But you need to know!

I wasn’t even embarrassed when one woman, whose age I didn’t see on the bike, because now I’m only looking forward, pointed at me to a girl walking next to me: they say such a big and fat uncle rides such a small bike. So what! Now I feel a little sorry for those who do not know how to ride a bicycle and walk. They deprive themselves of great pleasure. But learning to ride is so simple: you need to sit firmly on horseback, quickly pedal and look only ahead.

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Essay how i learned to ride a bike

Many, many years ago, when I was still very young and did not go to school, I was given a bicycle. When I first saw a two-wheeled miracle, emotions simply overwhelmed me. I really wanted to ride it and I was looking forward to the moment when my parents let me go for a walk.

And then, finally, the hour came when my whole family gathered in the park, which was located not far from the house. Dad insisted on his help, but I steadfastly refused. It seemed to me that it was very easy to control a bicycle, especially since riding a tricycle was easy for me, I never fell on it. To my surprise, somehow climbing into the seat and reaching for the pedals, I fell. I was embarrassed to tears. Seeing this, my mother came up to me and reassured me, saying that she also fell more than once when she was learning to ride a bicycle. Having calmed down and saddled my iron horse once again, I no longer refused the help of adults. A few minutes later, under the guidance of my dad, I rode my first unforgettable meters on a bike.

Soon, after daily training, I was flying on a two-wheeled friend already on a par with the yard guys. Since then, not a single summer day passes without a bicycle. He - indispensable assistant for long trips, or just for walking in the park with friends.

Essay description of my bike

I saw it in a store. It was so new, green, beautiful. It had black wheels, a shiny metal steering wheel, and a black leather seat. I already knew what I would ask my dad for my birthday.
When my birthday came, I went up to my dad and told him that I had already chosen a gift for myself. It was a bicycle. We went to the same store and bought it.

I was the happiest child in the world. I immediately wanted to ride it. The new bike pedaled easily. I learned how to shift gears on the go, there were three of them, and how to use the brakes. They are located directly on the steering wheel. They gave us a pump for the bike and necessary tools so I can fix my bike myself. The pump had a special place - on the frame. He did not interfere with me and was always with me.

When we got home, I immediately wanted to show the bike to my friends. I went outside, got on my bike and rode up to them. My friends love the bike. Little Lena, the sister of my friend Vitya, asked me to give her a ride. I put her on the trunk and rolled around the yard.

I was pleased with my birthday present. When I grow up, I will definitely ask for the exact same bike, but bigger.

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I always wanted to learn how to ride two-wheeled bicycle. I imagined myself rushing along the path with ease, a light breeze blowing in my face. But I was afraid to fall. I knew how to ride a scooter, I kept my balance, but the bike is much larger than the scooter and I fall higher from it. I plucked up the courage and got on the bike, my father held me by the trunk. I was in no hurry, kept the steering wheel straight and pedaled. I turned to my dad, but no one answered me behind my back, I looked around and was very surprised, one thought flashed through my head: “I’m going on my own!”. I was a little confused, I almost fell, but then I pulled myself together.
My father let go of the bike when he saw that I could ride on my own. It is true what they say: "Fear has big eyes." I felt like a winner, I conquered my own fear!

For a long time I wanted to learn how to ride a bike, but I didn’t have my own, and the guys I knew, if they offered me to ride, then not for long. But in order to learn how to pedal famously and slide down the hill with a breeze, it takes time.
The main transport in the city is a bicycle. To work, to the pond, to visit numerous relatives, everyone rides a bicycle. All the inhabitants, from young to old, know how to pedal here. It's funny to see a kid who barely reaches the pedals, but the steering wheel is controlled like an adult. And the grandparents of the village are cyclists with experience, they can give odds even to the young.
When they found out in the village that I had not yet tamed the metal two-wheeled beast, there were a lot of people who wanted to help me train it. An old bicycle was found in grandfather's barn, and a suitable flat road just outside the village.
Oh, and I got bumps at first! The bike bucked out of the blue, the steering wheel kept trying to escape from his hands, and the pedals wanted to take on a life of their own. But my friends helped me well in taming the obstinate. They got the bicycle out of the thickets of thorns, and me out of the puddle, where the iron horse threw its rider, put on the chain that fell in the most unexpected places, pumped up the wheels, letting the air down at my very approach. But every day the bike became more and more obedient to manage.
I remember with pride the evening when I managed to drive myself through the whole village and not once fall. For me it was a real holiday!
When I got home it was my birthday and my parents gave me a nice new bike. Now I am teaching the art of cycling to my younger brother Pavlik, and he is already making great strides in mastering this difficult task.
It was summer. Then, immediately after graduation from school, I went to my grandparents at the dacha. I was ten years old. When I went into their shed, I saw an old dark blue bicycle. Then grandfather came up to me and said: “Let me teach you?” I immediately answered without thinking: “Yes!” Here we went to the road, it was not very smooth. He told me to sit down and pedal. I sat down and turned the satellite. At first I didn’t succeed, I was all scratched. Grandpa stood and watched. I did not ask him for help, then he went to help my grandmother. I got on my bike again and rode. It was so amazing, with a breeze. I even screamed for joy. My grandparents came running to my cry and saw that I had learned to ride a bicycle. In the evening we celebrated this affair with grandmother's apple compote. The next day my legs were very sore, but I learned to ride.
I learned to ride a bike I learned from early childhood. At first, when they bought me a bike, I learned to ride only on a four-wheeled bike, and then I trained hard and learned to ride a two-wheeled bike. And in the summer I often sit on my bike and ride. Remembering how I was just starting to learn to ride my bike.

  1. Bicycle for children "Bunny".
  2. Long awaited gift.
  3. How I learned to ride a two-wheeled horse. .
  4. Essential help from a friend.
  5. What is the secret of success.
  6. How nice to ride a bike!

In my childhood, I was given a bicycle "Bunny". I drove it around the country, but did not dare to switch to a two-wheeled mode - dad did not remove two additional wheels. Then I grew up, and at one moment the "Bunny" bike became small for me. At the age of nine, quite unexpectedly for myself, I asked my parents to give me a "two-wheeled miracle".

And here is my long-awaited day - Birthday. When I woke up, I could not believe my eyes: in front of me was a fabulous BMX bike! On such a bike, you can do various tricks, and not just develop speed.

I even refused breakfast - I wanted to ride a new bike as soon as possible! And I ran into the yard with my "two-wheeled horse" But it turned out that my horse is nothing but a "strong horse"! He kept throwing me out of his saddle, while writing out such "eights"! Of course, I tried to somehow maintain balance, pedaled and carefully looked at the road, but nothing worked out for me. This went on for almost a week. I tore off all my knees and elbows, tore my shirt and trousers, but I was not going to give up at all. Every day in the evening I just fell down from fatigue, my whole body ached, all the muscles, all the beaten elbows and knees. I was lucky that everything happened in the summer, and I didn’t have to do homework. Even from fatigue, I could barely hold a spoon in my hand and ate with reluctance. My mother was very sorry for me, she asked me to rest. She said that it was too early for me to ride such a bike. Dad reassured mom, saying that a real man must overcome any difficulties.

I have a friend Sasha, and so he tried to help me. He held the saddle behind, while helping to maintain balance. For a while, everything worked out for my friend: I was driving calmly, feeling Sasha's support. Surprisingly, the steering wheel did not wag, the wheels did not wind. And as soon as I felt that there was no support, I immediately fell. Then a terrible thing happened - I became afraid of my bike! However, he did not give up training. I became confident enough to stay in the saddle, my muscles stopped aching over time, and more and more often I could only look carefully ahead, at the road. I began to talk with my friend Sasha during my ride, and he ran after me, and, as it seemed to me, did not let the bike go, but held it for balance.

At one point, Sasha and I sat down to rest on a park bench after a long ride and running around. Sasha sat down next to him and said: "You already ride so confidently on your own that we can now compete with you!" Turns out my boyfriend has been pretending all day to help me keep my balance.

The next day we were already riding our bikes together. At first more slowly, and then - began to pick up speed. So much so that the wind whistled in my ears! Now I can drive and keep my eyes on the road, drive and chat with a friend at the same time. How glad I am that Sasha taught me how to ride a bike and I am very grateful to him.

My active summer continues and since the local waters, most likely, will not warm up to comfortable temperature for swimming, I decided to start conquering the asphalt. So, drum roll! I get up on the rollers, friends!

When you walk past the town square in the summer, watching young people play with their bodies on roller skates, it's impossible to take your eyes off them. Well, the truth is, it's some kind of magic! A person is given two legs with which he walks, well, at most, runs. And it was necessary to come up with something so that you could still ride on them! Even with the help of additional items.

The most annoying thing is when everyone can roller-skate. And you can't.

Because, it just so happened that in your childhood there were no commercials. In fact, they were not common in the USSR - in such a, for the most part, "garden country", children in the summer often disappeared in the garden beds than on city streets. Rollers were a real rarity. This is partly why the film "Queen of the Gas Station" at one time became a hit at the box office.

First experience

But my first acquaintance with rollers took place a long time ago. In early childhood, at about 8 years old, we rented roller skates and went to a separate area with bumpers, in the hope that I would hold on to them just so as not to fall. I lasted two laps. But then, nevertheless, my imprudence let me down - letting go of one hand, in an instant left leg mine rolled forward. At the same time, I held on tight. right hand over the side, so my fall was more like a slow and rather smooth landing on the fifth point. It was not abrupt and not painful, but unexpected. In general, since then I have harbored a grudge against roller skates, but in fact - at myself, and have postponed plans to learn how to ride these wonderful machines until better times. And now they have come - we must eventually master this rebellious type of "transport". Because even if you don’t know how to roller skate at all, you still know that it’s great, fun and very cool!

I harbored a grudge against the commercials, but in fact against myself

You can ride with a breeze on roller skates, if you stand on them for the first time and generally don’t “kick in the tooth”, what to do with these things on your feet, you can only a couple of meters. Exactly as long as your vestibular apparatus will let you down and take you closer to the plane of the earth or to the first pillar, stone, curb and other obstacles that will help you fall. So it was with me. After that, I stubbornly tried to learn to at least stay on roller skates at home, driving from corner to corner. But in vain - it did not help me to become a roller virtuoso.

Scary, creepy!

When a person is already adulthood decides to go learn roller skating, then a beautiful picture immediately emerges in his head. Approximately the following content: how he easily crosses the city street on roller skates, how beautifully magnificent he rushes, and his hair develops in the wind, like on roller skates he leaves a trail of footprints on wet asphalt.

But in reality, there is only fear - I really don’t want to fall and experience pain from worn knees and elbows. Especially in the middle of summer! Also, a concussion can happen! In general, it is better not to think. And I want to ride! And here the decisive or cowardly half should win in you - who wins?

The beginning of the way

So where does this path begin? From the internet, of course. To learn how to roller skate, I turned to a roller school Roller Pride. And even if you don’t know about it, when you ask how to get on roller skates for both a child and an adult in the search line, you will definitely see this name in the first places.

The name of the club is not accidental, because "Pride" in translation means "pride" is an integral feature in its most positive sense, which is acquired by roller skating.

Mastery Lessons for the Beginner

If you are completely “zero” (my version), then you have a direct path to the basic course, which consists of two parts: “Start Pride” or “Start Pride PRO”. Here they will teach you how to skate and help you bring your skills to a confident level. At the end of this course, you will be able to skate freely and at ease, with all the skills of skating in the park and on the street. The school also has offers for advanced skaters: freestyle and freeskating courses are held here. The duration of each course is 8 lessons 2 times a week, each lasting 90 minutes. It makes sense to take courses sequentially and without interruptions.

Would need:

  • courage and perseverance
  • mandatory equipment is protection for the knees, elbows and hands

If you haven't bought the videos yet, you can rent them from Roller Pride along with protection kit. The cost of the service is 200 rubles per hour.

Types of possible workouts:

  • on the rollerdrome or on the street,
  • in a group (up to 12 people) or individually

On the start, attention, asphalt!

Training on the street is still preferable, since you get into the natural conditions of skating, where you will, in theory, spend your time on roller skates. For those who are completely afraid or for medical reasons cannot risk even slight falls on the asphalt, it is better to start with the rollerdrome - it will be safer. The covered area for learning to ski is equipped for this, as required by safety regulations. In particular, there is a smooth floor covering that will prevent you from breaking your knees. Adults and children are trained, individual lessons and in groups (children, adults, family) are possible.

On the course, so to speak, an introduction to this specialty, you will also be taught how to ride facing forward correctly, how to brake, turn, pick up speed, control it, fall in motion, turn around, go down stairs, and also - downright as a bonus - you can master the skill of moving backwards! Well, after that, how not to continue training in order to learn how to do other tricks !?

Forget about the manicure, everyone who enters here

One of the first things that girls who go to a roller skating lesson need to know, in my opinion, is the lack of hope to save a manicure and the inability to remain without small, but still bruises. They are just natural to the normal learning process. This, of course, does not mean that you will bruise all your limbs every lesson. But just in order to learn how to ride, you need to get rid of fear, and it passes after several dozen falls - controlled and correct. And this, by the way, is the first thing they will teach you.

First skills:

Correct stance- This is a straight body and slightly bent knees.

Correct fall technique when rollerblading:

first you need to move the center of gravity forward with all your strength, even if you are going to fall back. Falling forward is the safest, so dodge as best you can. Then we lean forward and land on our knees, after which we substitute our hands and elbows. In this sequence, your limbs will be less damaged when falling.

You will feel courage as soon as you trust the instructor, and this usually happens very quickly!

A sympathetic and friendly girl, an excellent methodologist and patient instructor, will tell and show, help you tie roller skates correctly and put on knee pads, help you get up and not lose sight of if you suddenly decide to roll away somewhere, not really knowing how to slow down yet.

As the instructor says Lena Cantemir

Yes, yes, and you will soon have rides, as well as broken knees and brilliant green

Roller skating will give you freedom and positive, and will also provide:

  • Developed coordination of movements and the ability to control your body
  • "Reinforced concrete" leg muscles
  • Keep the ligaments of the legs and tendons of the ankle in good shape
  • Pumped back muscles, especially the lumbar

Well, for those who still can’t decide to learn roller skating, there is a free Summer School from Roller Pride - “Roller in the City” all summer on Elagin Island. Classes are held once a week every Thursday on Elagin Island from 20.00 to 20.45 without delay and delay. In order to attend classes, you must register in advance.
