How the scalene muscles of the neck swing. Learning to swing the muscles of your neck - the most necessary exercises

strong and developed muscles neck is not only an indicator of the strength and endurance of an athlete, but also an important criterion for assessing his discipline and systems approach to workouts. If, at the stage of planning his classes, an athlete does not think over how to swing his neck correctly, as a result, he can get ugly proportions, not to mention the fact that in professional sports nothing can be achieved without developed neck muscles.

developed and powerful neck visually makes upper part the body is larger, and also reduces the risk of injury and allows you to improve the performance of other strength exercises.

The neck consists of many muscles that form three large groups - deep, median and superficial. Obviously, these muscles are involved in turning and tilting the head, and also keep it in a straight position. In addition, they are included in the processes of swallowing, breathing and pronouncing sounds. So, for example, the scalene muscle of the neck raises the ribs when inhaling, and the digastric is involved in chewing food and swallowing.

Importance of neck muscle training

A strong male neck is the beauty and health of its owner. The aesthetic function of the inflated neck muscles is indisputable, because with a developed chest, broad shoulders and sculpted arms, they should look trained. If athletes striving for high results have a question why shake their neck, they just need to look at the photos of titled bodybuilders. They will be an excellent confirmation of the need to include exercises for the neck muscles in the training process.

Women should also pay attention to this muscle group, because the open neckline is their prerogative. Certainly, female workout should not include exercises with heavy weights, because in this case the elegance of the outlines is important, and not the size of the muscles. If athletes are wondering whether girls need to shake their necks, it is worth remembering that it is this zone that begins to age the earliest. Trained cervical muscles will help to avoid flabbiness of the skin and the second chin, which means that in general they will improve appearance. Paying attention to this zone, girls not only improve their neckline, but also prolong its youth.

A powerful neck is also very important for the health of an athlete. Developed muscles prevent the development of osteochondrosis and pain in the neck. Since many vessels and nerve endings pass here, a healthy neck is the key to normal intracranial pressure, the absence of spasms and migraines. It is also an additional support for the spine, which will not become superfluous for anyone.

Preparing for a workout

In order to pump up the muscles of the neck and not get health problems, you need to start and end their workout with stretching and warming up. In addition, adequate load selection is important, as excessive weight or resistance can cause serious injury.

To warm up and prepare the muscles before training, just do a few simple exercises:

  • Tilts and rotations of the head;
  • Diagonal tilts of the head;
  • Stretching to the sides, forward and back with the help of hands.

It is enough to perform each exercise 10 times to prepare for further training. Tilts and stretches should be done slowly, feeling the tension in the muscles and lingering at the peak point for a few seconds.

You also need to complete the neck workout by stretching the muscles, as they are prone to shortening. Shortening of the neck muscles is a highly undesirable phenomenon due to its severe health consequences. Short-term after exercise, in the absence of stretching, it becomes permanent and leads to spasms, blockages, severe headaches and hypertension. If an athlete has a sore neck after a workout, it means that he did not stretch effectively enough, did not prepare the muscles, or took too much weight.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck without weights

Exercises without weights are quite simple to perform and do not require additional devices. The main thing here is good stretch and caution, smooth movements. If you follow all the rules, you can effectively swing your neck at home. Since these exercises are performed without weight, they can be done for 15-20 repetitions. The main thing is that the load must be adequate, without overvoltage.

Forward bends with resistance

Rest the chin at the base of the palms and pull it to the chest, overcoming the resistance of the hands.

Bending back with resistance

The principle of execution is the same, only the hands are clasped at the back of the head, and the head stretches back.

Turns with resistance

The chin is held by the hand, and at this time the head is turned, overcoming resistance.

Head spin

Take emphasis on the head, legs - on the toes. Perform smooth rotational movements of the head in different directions. Advanced athletes can pick up additional weights.

Rotation in the "wrestling bridge"

Take the “wrestling bridge” position and perform rotational movements similar to the previous exercise. Experienced athletes with strong necks can put extra weight on their chests.

Important: this exercise can have a bad effect on the cervical vertebrae. It is recommended only for advanced athletes, or for wrestlers.

For the next two exercises, you will need the help of a partner.

head tilts

Starting position - standing on all fours. The head in the forehead area is intercepted with a towel, the ends of which are held by the partner. Overcoming resistance, you need to pull your chin down to your chest.

head lifts

Get on all fours and ask your partner to hold his head with both hands. Overcoming the strength of the assistant's hands, raise your head up. The resistance should not be too strong.

The described exercises are a worthy solution for those who are looking for a way to pump up their neck at home. Already after 6-8 weeks, good results of training will be visible - the neck muscles will become stronger and look much better.

Neck exercises with weights

Athletes rarely pump neck muscles separately, they are usually worked out together with trapeziums and deltas. If, at the end of such a workout, add a few targeted exercises on the neck muscles, the effect will be much more pronounced.

This exercise is performed on a flat bench. Shoulders, neck and head should remain hanging. A pancake is placed on the forehead, previously covered with a towel, and held with both hands. As you exhale, the chin begins to slowly reach for the chest. Enough 6-8 repetitions.

For this exercise, you need a special harness for training the neck, one side of which is worn on the head, and the other serves as a mount for the load. Only advanced athletes with a strong enough neck should perform it.

Starting position - standing, leaning slightly forward, or sitting. For convenience, you can rest your hands on your legs. The head is tilted slowly and then returned to initial position. Thanks to this exercise, it is well worked out longus muscle neck. Do 6-8 repetitions.

Precautions and contraindications

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck are one of the most traumatic, so their implementation should be careful, smooth and thoughtful. For beginners, it is better to enlist the support of an experienced coach who will hone the technique and insure.

You should not do exercises on the neck, especially with weights, for people with osteochondrosis of the cervical region in the acute stage; with hypertension and tachycardia; for any infectious disease.

Many athletes want quick results, think about whether it is possible to shake the neck every day. Experienced athletes believe that 5-6 short workouts per week, of medium intensity, have a much better effect on the neck muscles than 2-3 heavy ones.

In the event of severe pain, limited mobility of the neck, a sharp jump blood pressure you need to stop exercising immediately and consult a doctor.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1 rank by weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2014-11-12 Views: 35 599 Grade: 5.0 To be honest, I personally am not a fan of training the neck. Probably because in powerlifting and weightlifting there is little sense from this. But, nevertheless, this part of the body is quite popular among men. After all, a strong neck can help you out in fights. And the look of a person with a "bull" neck is more formidable. Well, be that as it may, neck training requires not only a certain set of exercises, but also great care. Since the cervical vertebrae are quite mobile. And, no matter what neck exercises you do, all movements should be smooth and without jerks. And according to tradition, we will begin the “debriefing” with anatomy.

A bit of anatomy

As you can see, the largest and most noticeable muscle of the neck is the sternocleidomastoid. She tilts her head forward and to the side. Also, the lateral tilt of the head provides scalene muscles. The tilt of the head back (extension of the neck) is given to us by the belt muscle and the trapezius muscle. By the way, about the trapeze. If you want to pump up a big neck, then you should not forget about them. details on how to do this. Thus, it is clear that for a comprehensive pumping of the neck, 3 movements must be performed:
  • Neck bend forward (neck flexion)
  • Bending back (extension of the neck),
  • Lateral slopes.

Neck exercises

1. Flexion and extension of the neck, lying on the bench

These are the two simplest and most common exercises that do not require any equipment or skills. They are shown in the video below (watch from 2.00).
If you have never rocked your neck before, then I advise you to take a 2.5 kg disk. Trust that this is enough to get you started. Once again I will say that the cervical vertebrae are quite mobile, and the neck muscles are very tender. Therefore, to begin with, you need to take less weight and do all movements smoothly and preferably in full amplitude. That is, bend and unbend the neck as much as possible. These two exercises are best alternated. For beginners, 2 sets (for each exercise) of 10-15 repetitions are enough. By the way, instead of a disc from the bar, you can ask for help from a partner who will put pressure on your head or forehead.

2. Flexion and extension of the neck in a crossover

The essence is the same as the previous exercise and there is no fundamental difference. It's just that instead of a disc or a partner, a weighted cable acts. How to do it is shown in the video below (watch from 4.00)

3. Flexion and extension of the neck, standing or sitting

To do this, you need to make or buy a small device that is worn on the head. The essence of this exercise is the same as the previous two. For the neck muscles, absolutely nothing changes. Only your posture changes. How to do this, look at the video (watch from 2.00). Which of the above three exercises you will do is up to you. Basically it doesn't solve anything. But if it is quite convenient to unbend the neck while sitting, then bending it in such a way is probably uncomfortable. That is, you need to wear this hat on the contrary, so that the burden is behind your back. Personally, I've never seen them do that.

4. Lateral tilts of the neck lying

It is done in the same way as flexion and extension lying, but only lying on its side. Both the disk from the barbell and the strong hand of the partner are suitable as weights. Some even manage to push themselves with their hands or through a towel. The video below shows this exercise (watch from 3.50) If you are a beginner, then do this exercise for 2 sets on each side and 10 to 15 repetitions with a small weight.

5. Neck training on the wrestling bridge

This is perhaps the most powerful exercise for neck muscles. But it is also the hardest and most dangerous. I do not recommend for beginners. Exercise it has a lot various options both dynamically and statically. You can see all of them in the video below. I advise you to start the wrestling bridge only after you have already strengthened your neck more light exercise described above. This will take 2-3 months.

Basic principles for neck training

1. Always do neck exercises at the end of your workout. Then your body is maximally warmed up. This means less risk of injury. 2. Always stretch your neck in a circular motion before exercising on it. 3. All exercises should be done smoothly and without jerks. Remember that the cervical vertebrae are quite easy to displace and pinch a nerve. 4. When training the neck, do not forget about. Trapeze is the foundation for the neck. With large trapezes, the neck looks much larger. If you are going to swing your neck today, then it makes sense to shake the trapeze in front of it. 5. The muscles of the neck are rather weak and unendurable. Therefore, for beginners, 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions will be enough to start. 6. If you want to train the neck from all sides, but you need to do flexion, extension and side tilts of the neck. Here's what it might look like exemplary workout necks for beginners:
  • Monday: flexion + extension of the neck lying down 2-3x10-15. Weight 2.5 - 5 kg.
  • Friday: lateral tilts of the neck lying 2-3x10-15. Weight 2.5 - 5 kg.
7. Do not do more than 2 workouts per week per neck. Even if you succeed

The neck is a very important and at the same time fragile part of our body. Few people know and thought about the fact that it needs to be trained, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In this article, we will learn about the muscular structure of the cervical region and determine the importance of exercises on this part of the body. Of course, we will study the most effective techniques to work out the neck muscles, which can be done at home and in gym.

Neck muscles most involved in exercises

cervical complex includes many various muscles , but the following exercises are most involved in neck exercises:

  • . Located in the back of the neck of the upper back. With its help, the shoulder blades rise, fall and are retracted to the spine.
  • Stair. They are located in the inner part of the neck near the upper spine. Responsible for raising the ribs on inspiration and flexing the cervical spine.
  • Belt. They are located on the sides and are responsible for the rotation of the neck and head, as well as for the extension of the cervical spine.
  • Sternocleidomastoid. Located in the front of the neck. Their functions are tilting the head back, tilting the head to the sides, in addition, they take part in breathing.

Well developed neck muscles prevent the development of osteoporosis and osteochondrosis, allow you to bypass the formation of a second chin and flabbiness of the skin. Since many different nerve endings and vessels pass in this part of the body, the strength of the neck muscles is one of the most important factors for normal intracranial pressure and head health in general without migraines and spasms.

Before getting acquainted with the technique of performing the exercises for the neck muscles themselves, let's take a look at the recommendations for achieving maximum efficiency from your exercises:

Exercises for the muscles of the neck

Before performing exercises for the neck muscles, it is necessary to do a warm-up.

Warm up:

On inspiration, the starting position - the body and head are even, hands can be kept lowered or on the belt. And as you exhale, do it slowly

Circular movements of the head in one direction, and then in the other. In this case, you can breathe as follows: on the first semicircle, inhale, on the second - exhale with the head returning to its original position, or inhale while rotating the head in one direction and exhale in the opposite direction.

With a slight pressure of the palm in the frontal region and the occipital region, respectively.

With a slight emphasis on the palm of its side.

And now we will learn about how to quickly pump up your neck in the gym or at home.

  • Taking a disk from a bar of an acceptable weight for you, you need to lie on your stomach on horizontal bench. The edge of the bench should be level with the shoulders, looking at the floor.
  • Attach a disc to the back of your head.
  • Gently begin to bend and unbend the neck.

This exercise can be done lying on your back. In this case, the sternocleidomastoid muscles will be more involved.

Harness exercises

Exercises can be performed in a standing and sitting position. In the first case will go additional load on the muscles of the back and legs.

  • Put on and fasten the harness on your head.
  • Borrow stable position, while the back should be flat and slightly arched in the lower back, hands should be slightly above the knees.
  • Start doing tilts up and down, stopping for a few seconds at the extreme points.

Seated harness exercise
We do the same inclinations, but only sitting on a chair.

In this exercise, the maximum load is on the sternocleidomastoid and belt muscles. The technique is performed using a weighting disk or head harness.

  • Lie sideways on a flat or incline bench.
  • Grab the bench bottom hand or lean on the hand itself, lowering it to the floor.
  • Place a disk on top of your head and hold it with your free hand.
  • Lean as far as you can, then return to the starting position.

You can do the same with the head harness.

Mistakes while performing exercises with weights (with harness and disc):

  • sharpness in movements;
  • lowering the neck by inertia;
  • rounding of the spine;
  • uneven posture during bending during exercises with a harness while sitting and standing.

Bortsovsky bridge

Get Started this exercise necessary after the muscles are trained because this technique is dangerous. In order to avoid injury during practice, even experienced professionals should put some soft thing under their head, such as a T-shirt or sweater, or a double-folded mat.

Beginners are recommended to support their wrestling bridge with their hands. Hands in support will help to dose the load and insure an untrained neck. But in any case, the neck should be constantly in tension. In this exercise, all the above muscles are involved.

This exercise mostly involves back muscles neck.

  • Lie on the floor and bend over as if doing gymnastic bridge, fixed on the head on one side, and on the feet on the other. Hands at this time can be kept crossed on the chest.
  • Slowly and carefully move back and forth, and then left and right.

More experienced people can do this exercise with weighting.

  • Sit on your knees with the top of your head on the floor.
  • Lean on the floor with the top of your head and toes, while your back is in a deflection, and your hands are on your stomach or behind your knees.
  • Do rolls back and forth - from the frontal region of the head to the parietal.

Runtime errors:

  • sharp movements and relaxation of the neck during rolls;
  • beginners immediately begin to do exercises without the help of hands, as a result of which they often injure the neck.

Neck exercises - video

After watching this video, you will understand why it is necessary to have a strong healthy neck. Most importantly, you will learn about the technique of performing physical exercises for the neck, not only in the correct version, but also in the wrong one. Having a visual representation of how to perform a particular practice, you can easily repeat it at home or in the gym.

Now you know how to pump up your neck at home and in the gym. Feel free to incorporate these techniques into your sport complexes exercises. Always remember that the neck is a rather fragile part of the body, and therefore do it smoothly, without jerks, feeling every movement. Be yourself, don't run after external result- wide and voluminous neck. First of all, pumping up the neck muscles is necessary for health.

And what exercises for the health and endurance of the cervical muscles do you do? Are you familiar with the techniques described in this article? Share your experience, ask questions. Let's become together best version myself!

A strong and flexible neck is important for both men and women. In the end, our head is on the neck, and besides, it is always open and you can judge your position by it. To understand how to pump up your neck at home, you should perform a set of exercises (pictures below) about 2-3 times a week. Moreover, their effectiveness is very high, and the training is extremely simple.

What muscles work during neck movements?

These are some of the most important muscles that are involved during head movement (turns and tilts), as well as those responsible for proper posture:

  • Sternocleidomastoid muscle (located on the side). When viewed from the front, it forms the Latin letter V.
  • Hyoid bone muscle (located under the chin).
  • Trapezius muscle (), which is responsible for turning the head and keeps the upper part of the spine in a straight position. Located at the back.

Neck exercises

To strengthen the neck, you should start the exercise with a warm-up. To do this, you can slightly turn your head to the side, stretch your spine and make other movements to avoid muscle spasm. And only then go to . You should only exercise when you are not experiencing pain or numbness in your neck or forearms. The first part of the exercises is designed to improve the flexibility of the neck, the second will help to pump up the muscles of the neck and make them stronger.

Flexibility exercises

Turns to the side. Sit on a chair and keep your neck, shoulders and torso straight. Then slowly turn your heads to the right. Do this gently until you feel a slight pain, then bring your head back. Relax. Then turn your head to the left. Repeat the movements 10 times in each direction.

Tilts to the side. Sit on a chair, stay straight. Tilt your head so that the right ear moves towards the right shoulder. Hold this position until your neck starts to hurt. Then also tilt your head to the other side. Make sure you bend your head, only your neck should move! And do not lift your shoulders (they should be relaxed). Repeat exercises 10 times for each side.

Neck tilt forward. Take the starting position (see above). Tilt your head forward, trying to reach your chest with your chin. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Back tilt of the neck. The position is the same. Then tilt your head back so that your chin is pointing towards the ceiling. Do 10 reps.

Isothermal neck strain. Raise your hand to your chin and press it, and tighten your neck as if you are trying to make a double chin. Keep looking forward while your neck is tense. Hold the position for 5 seconds and do 5 repetitions.

Head bends to the sides while standing. Sit or stand and clasp your hands behind your back. Lower your left shoulder and tilt your head to the right until you feel a stretch in your neck muscles. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds and come back. Repeat the movement 3 times on each side.

Isothermal neck flexion. Sit on a chair, look straight ahead, chin straight. Place your palm on your forehead and lightly press your forehead against your palm. Hold the tension for 5 seconds and release. Do 3 sets of 5 times.

Isothermal tilt back. The position is the same (see above). Lock your hands and place them behind your head. Press the back of your head into your palm and hold this pose for 5 seconds. Do 3 sets of 5 reps.

Isothermal tilt to the sides. Take your starting position. Place your palm at the edge of your forehead and press down on it. Hold this position for 5 seconds and release. Repeat 3 sets of 5 times.

Important point! During isothermal exercises, your head should not move (do not swing it). You should only feel the tension in the muscles and hold it.

Neck strength and strengthening exercises

Lifting the head from a prone position. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Press your chin and lift your head towards your chest, keeping your shoulders on the floor. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.

Head lift lying on the side. Lie down on your right side right hand under the head (picture above). Slowly lift your head towards your left shoulder. Hold for 5 seconds. Do 10 reps. Turn to your left side and repeat the exercise, raising your head to your right shoulder.

Head tilt on all fours. Get on your knees with your head down. Keep your back straight and then slowly begin to lower your head towards your chest. When you press your chin to your chest, then begin to lift your neck until it is flush with your back. The chin is in tension all this time! Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.

Flattening of the shoulder blades. Stand up straight or sit on a chair. Hands at your sides and then squeeze your shoulder blades as hard as you can. Hold like this for 5 seconds. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.

Static nodding. Lie on your back on a hard surface. Keep your mouth closed and your teeth inside slightly apart. Try nodding your head, moving your chin toward your throat without lifting your head. Hold this position for 3 seconds and then slowly come back. Start with 2 sets of 5 reps and work your way up to 10 over time to build up your neck. Good luck!

Many athletes often ignore the pumping of small muscle groups just because they have an unpresentable appearance and are generally lost in the general background. The neck also belongs to such muscles, because it is very rare to meet people who pay due attention to this part of the body. This is a pretty big omission, because the neck is involved in a huge number of exercises as a stabilizer and helps protect the upper spine from injury. Accordingly, the question will pop up: "How to pump up your neck?". It is quite easy to do this, because the set of exercises is very small, the main thing is to follow the technique and do not forget about safety.

Small but remote: the structure of the muscles of the neck

Before proceeding to the practical part of the training, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the anatomy of the muscles. This will help you understand the biomechanics of the exercises and allow you to better include the muscles in the work. Despite its modest size, this anatomical group consists of 15 muscle groups. And this is no coincidence, because the neck performs the most important functions in the body:

  • Keeps head upright.
  • Helps to carry out all movements of the head.
  • Responsible for the elasticity of the cervical spine, which means it protects it from injury.
  • Responsible for blood supply and oxygen metabolism of the body and brain;

Traditionally, this anatomical group also includes the trapezius muscles - this is the transitional area between the neck and the shoulder section of the back. If you want to pump up your neck like a bull, you will have to work very hard. After all, as you know, the smaller the muscles, the more difficult it is to involve them in work and make them respond to the training.

Why pump neck muscles?

Before you deal with the question of how to pump up your neck, you need to decide on the purpose of the training. You will be surprised, but not only athletes, bodybuilders and wrestlers need to train this part of the body. Everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs to strengthen these muscles. And this is almost all types of professions, the work of which is tied to the office. Regular training of this part of the body will help get rid of various manifestations of osteochondrosis and relieve muscle tension at the end of a hard day's work. With regards to bodybuilders and ordinary people who strive to bring their body to the ideal, for them pumping the neck is an integral part of any workout, with special emphasis on the trapeze. The better these parts of the body are developed, the more harmonious the overall appearance will look. It is noteworthy that you can pump up your neck at home. After all, most exercises do not require simulators and special equipment.

Classical warm-up to strengthen and stretch the cervical spine

Front strength training it is imperative to warm up the working muscles, even if you are exercising at home, since pumping up your neck without a warm-up will be quite problematic. The fact is that this muscle group is in constant tension, and therefore it is rather weakly stretched. To increase the amplitude of exercises, you need to develop muscles well using regular exercises:

  • Head tilts forward. Try to press the chin to the chest as much as possible and stretch the back muscles of the neck. Exercise slowly and with pauses.
  • Tilt the head back. The main thing here is not to make sudden movements, because the risk of spinal injury or pinched nerve endings is too great.
  • Turns from side to side. This exercise must be performed while sitting on a bench, while the back should be raised to fix the lower back and shoulders. This will eliminate the torque in the spine, which, together with physical activity can adversely affect the condition of the joints.
  • Tilts from side to side. Also performed on the bench. When moving, try to reach your shoulder with your ear and always linger at the bottom point of the amplitude.
  • Overcoming resistance. To perform this exercise, place your hands clasped under your chin and press down. At the same time, try to overcome the resistance with your head. Try to stay in this state for as long as possible. Do 5-6 sets.

Universal training

It's no secret that you can pump up your neck, like bodybuilding stars, only with heavy exercise. At the same time, an important role is played by the presence of training program standard basic exercises. What is interesting: none of them directly engage the target muscles, but in almost every type of training, these muscles act as "assistants" or stabilizers. What exercises should a classic basic training consist of:

  • Squats. Everyone knows that when doing a squat, the barbell is placed exactly on the trapezoid, which means that these muscles are actively involved in the work. If you perform the exercise strictly following the technique, then the head in squats looks only forward and up, which means that the muscles of the posterior cervical region are in a constant static load.
  • Deadlift. As is known, this basic exercise It involves absolutely all the muscles of our body, even the smallest ones. Since in the exercise you need to constantly control the straightness of the back and keep the shoulder blades as close as possible, the neck and trapezium will definitely participate in the training, and take on a good share of the load, especially in the lifting phase of the body.
  • Bench press. If you perform the exercise from the "bridge", that is, arching the lower back and transferring the body weight to the shoulder blades and trapezium, then the neck will be a direct participant in this exercise, since it is she who will hold you when doing the bench press.
  • Pull-ups. If you perform this type of training very wide grip, then, willy-nilly, the muscles of the neck will also be connected to the process.

You see, it will not be difficult to pump up the neck correctly, for this it is not even necessary to include new exercises in the program. But if you really want to good results and significantly increase the volume of muscles, then it is clearly impossible to do without targeted isolated training.

Indirect study of target muscles: exercises with dumbbells for the neck and trapeze

And how to pump up the neck with dumbbells? And is it even possible to pump muscles in this way? Directly, of course, it is impossible, but you can perform exercises in which the target muscles will act as an "assistant" and take on most of the load. Such exercises include different kinds outstretched arm raises. If we analyze in detail the biomechanics of movement, then the picture will be something like this: a tense straight arm involves the entire line of muscles in the work, starting from the trapezium, and even the lower cervical sections, to the very hand. This means that the muscles we need will definitely work, especially in the positive phase of the exercise. Therefore, in order to concentrate the load precisely on the desired anatomical site, you can perform the exercise in a shortened amplitude, bypassing the negative phase. Hand raise options:

  • Performed standing. For maximum load on the lower cervical region, maintain the maximum pause at the top point of the amplitude and try to raise your arms as high as possible.
  • Breeding dumbbells to the side in a sitting position. Here you also need to catch the peak muscle contraction and increase the angle of the arm.

Strength exercise for muscle development: neck flexion with weights from a prone position

A typical situation: a person comes to the gym with a specific desire to train his neck, but does not know how to do it at all. You can pump up your neck at home and in the gym with just one, but very effective exercise. Therefore, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, but it is better to try out what really works and has long been tested in practice. Neck curls from a prone position are the best type of target muscle training. Technique:

  • Pick up suitable bench. It is better that it be quite wide, because it is necessary to fix the shoulders, shoulder blades and lower back well.
  • Lie on the projectile, while the head and neck are outside the back of the bench.
  • Choose a suitable weight, it is better to use a plate from the bar. Put it on your forehead and hold it with both hands, while it is better to put a towel under the weight so as not to leave bruises on your face.
  • Tilt your head back and start doing the exercise. To do this, bend your neck and try to pull your chin as close to your chest as possible. Do as many reps as possible and take a short break.

Complex training on the neck and trapezium: extension from a prone position

With this simple exercise, you can pump up your neck muscles at home, even like the "brothers" from the dashing nineties. In fact, this is a slightly modified form of the previous training, but here, in addition to the neck, trapezoids are actively involved in the work. The difference between the technique lies in the starting position: it is necessary to lie face down on the bench, while not only the head and neck, but the entire shoulder girdle. The weight is placed on the back of the head and is also held with both hands. Your task is to unbend the neck muscles while trying to tear off the upper chest from the bench, this is necessary to involve the trapezius muscles in the work.

Modification of the classic exercise: extension from a sitting or standing position

It is usually not difficult to pump up your neck quickly, the main thing is to regularly perform appropriate exercises. Neck extensions from a sitting position are just one of them. For this type of training, you will need special equipment - this is a kind of helmet with straps on which you can hang the load. The technique is generally elementary: put on the equipment, choose the weight of the weights, sit on the bench or stand up, while leaning forward slightly. You can start the exercise, and these are the usual extension of the neck. Nothing complicated, everything is simple and clear. However, it is one of the most the best views isolated training, since, apart from the target muscles, not a single one, even the smallest muscle, works.

Exercise for the development of the trapezius muscles: classic scars

We have already figured out how to pump up your neck at home, it's time to take a closer look at training in the gym. As mentioned earlier, the trapezium also belongs to the muscles of the neck, which means that they need to be pumped with quite a lot of attention and time. The fact is that this is the laziest muscle of our body, which is practically not involved in Everyday life, unless, of course, you work as a loader. But there is a weapon for any muscle, in this case shrugs. This is a familiar type of training on the trapezoid. You can perform it with dumbbells, with a barbell, and also in a Smith machine. Just choose what you like the most.

We adopt the experience of wrestlers

You can pump up the muscles of the neck by borrowing the technique of pumping this muscle from the wrestlers. But without proper preparation, you should not get involved in such types of training, because you can simply injure yourself. To strengthen the target muscles, you can use the exercise. The technique is similar to the classic version, but instead of hands, we lean on the head, and then return to the starting position.

Isometric training: with a towel

Now you know how to pump up your neck at home and in the gym. But always remember that at the end of each session you need to hold a hitch and stretch. To do this, you can use the technique of isometric training with a towel. Just repeat all the exercises from the warm-up, but at the same time throw a towel over your head and pull your arms in the opposite direction. Your task is to create resistance and try to overcome it. This great way, thanks to which you can stretch and strengthen the muscles of the neck. You can regularly perform such a complex at the end of the working day or even at lunchtime. Obviously, it will be more difficult for a man to pump up his neck at home than for a woman. After all, guys need to work with big weights in order to significantly accelerate muscle growth. Girls do not have to aim to work on the muscles, because a large neck will only spoil the female figure.
