What exercises to do for strength. How to Build Muscle Strength - Best Exercises and Guidelines

Hello dear readers of BlogMetodica.ru. Isometric gymnastics, static exercises- these words are used more and more often nowadays, but very few really know the real facts about these types of training.

Due to the lack of a real understanding of not only the theory of isometric exercises, but also the correct application, many athletes were forced to abandon them. isometric gymnastics perhaps only used in yoga and Pilates. If you start researching this topic on the Internet, you most likely will not find useful information about isometric exercises.

All you will see are definitions and general understanding of the exercises.

The history of isometric gymnastics.

Many publications tell about the different origins of isometric gymnastics: they were brought from India to Tibet, from ancient China, from Medieval Europe ... etc. The truth is that elements of isometric training have been used in combination with dynamic exercises for thousands of years.

Asking where isometric gymnastics came from is like asking who invented the sword or bow. Isometric gymnastics was not defined as such until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The true father of isometric gymnastics is Alexander Ivanovich Zass, 1888-1962 Russian strongman of Polish origin, member of the Russian Circus troupe. “I don’t believe in big muscles if there is no real strength in the tendons!” Alexander proclaimed. He was and remains the most powerful man in the world! Alexander Zass was born in Vilna, Poland, in 1888, but lived most of his early years in Russia and after 1924 in the UK. He lifted a beam weighing more than 225 kg with his teeth, was known as a cannonball catcher (Zass caught 90 kilogram steel cannonballs, standing 8 meters from a firing gun), caught a man released from a specially built cannon man, balanced with a horse on his shoulders, carried piano with a pianist and a dancer on it, did a back somersault with 24 kg. kettlebells in his hands, did 200 push-ups in 4 minutes and finally broke the chains with his fingers.During the First World War, Alexander was captured by Austrian troops three times, and three times escaped from captivity (at least once, tearing out the door steel bars in the camera). After the third time, Alexander managed to escape from Austria and move to England, where he lived the rest of his life. The most amazing thing about Alexander was his parameters: height - 165 cm, weight no more than 80 kg, chest in a circumference of 119 cm and biceps 41 cm Alexander said that he increased the size of the biceps from 38 cm, as the public likes to look at the big muscles, but he always emphasized that “strong arms are better than big biceps”.

News of Amazing Power Great Samson reached the United States, where athletes began to adopt Alexander's training methods. Only thanks to his training did Alexander reach such a level of physical strength.

Zass was not born a superman, he stated that the sources of strength were "strong tendons, willpower and mastering muscle control." What is this secret - isometric gymnastics? How does it increase the strength of the tendons? ...

and how does one develop such an amazing level of physical strength?

Definitions and zometric gymnastics.

Isometric exercises- a type of strength training in which the angle and length of the muscle do not change during the contraction. They are performed in static positions and not through dynamic movements. Joints and muscles work in a static position. Iso is the same, metric is distance.


  • One workout usually does not exceed 15 minutes.
  • No special equipment required.
  • Can be done almost anywhere and anytime.
  • Isometric exercises are the best way to train tendon strength, true human strength.
  • Various isometric exercises allow you to train for specific activities.
  • Everyone can do isometric gymnastics, from injury rehabilitation to the development of special strength in preparation for a competition.
  • There are isometric exercises for any part of the body.
  • Energy is spent only on tension, without wasting on fatigue-inducing movement, which allows you to reach the maximum level of strength.
  • Increases flexibility.
  • Reduces injuries.
  • Serious risk of injury and blood pressure problems if performed incorrectly.
  • It takes time to learn how to apply the technique correctly.
  • Isometric exercises are not about mindlessly pushing or squeezing a static object, your attitude is very important. It takes time to learn to control your body, muscles and breathing.
  • Concept. As I mentioned, many people, athletes and writers fail to fully understand the meaning of isometric training. Isometric is primarily aimed at developing the strength of the tendons, which is difficult at first to accept as there are photographs of bodybuilders showing strength all over the place, but by and large it is an illusion. As Zass said: "Big muscles without strong tendons are just an illusion of strength." Let's break down the concept of isometric exercises to better understand forget- "big muscles = strength" and just follow isometric logic:

  • Tendons attach muscles to bones and make them move when they contract or stretch.
  • Muscle grows when new muscle tissue is created, not by tightening existing muscle.
  • To fully utilize the new large muscles, tendons must be built up as they attach the muscle tissue to the bone.
  • Muscles grow as they recover from a strenuous workout, but tendons grow due to static stress.
  • Muscle tissue is much weaker than tendons and therefore requires less time and effort to strain.
  • Tendons take longer to grow than muscles.
  • Dynamic / isotonic training focuses on multiple sets with repetitions, this type mainly trains the muscles, since there is not enough tension in such exercises for tendon growth.
  • Tendons require continuous (static) tension in training to grow.
  • Isometric gymnastics provides continuous muscle and tendon tension, thus, tendon training more ...
  • Here we come to the point that many athletes seem to be ignorant or ignorant of the simple logic of things. Let's take professional bodybuilders - machines with protruding veins as an example. Yes, they have a lot of muscle tissue, but few large and strong enough tendons to collect all this power based on bone tissue. Bodybuilders focus on isolated muscles, sometimes linear strength, so their training completely ignores the true functional strength of training to strengthen tendons. Just imagine how much strength a bodybuilder would have if he used isometry to maintain his muscles! But this is called bodybuilding - building the body, not building strength ... Is isometric gymnastics all you need to develop strength? Another big misconception circulating on the Internet is that isometric gymnastics in itself is able to perform all needs in strength training. As I mentioned, static exercises mainly work to develop the strength of the tendons, increasing their size (muscles grow, but not as much as with isotonic exercises). Remember that there are also muscles that move objects; bones that can hold a lot of weight and pressure; the cardiovascular system, which supplies oxygen to the muscles; and finally, our mind, which allows all this to be realized. Here is the structure of isometric gymnastics, as Alexander Zass saw it:

  • Strength of will.
  • Ability to control muscles.
  • Tendon strength.
  • Correct breathing.
  • Strength training should be part training of any athlete => there is no true strength without the strength of the tendons. Isometric Gymnastics Weight Loss Myth. You lose weight by burning more calories during exercise and eating the right foods. While isometric gymnastics makes you stronger, these are not the best burn exercises. calories Isometric exercises help indirectly, by increasing strength and thus allowing dynamic training to be intensified, however, isometric training cannot be said to directly affect weight loss. How to do isometric gymnastics correctly. There are many gymnastic exercises, so you should choose what is important to you in particular. The advantage is that isometric exercises do not require the purchase of expensive equipment. Indeed, it is possible to do isometric gymnastics without any equipment. Alexander Zass used only the net for almost all of his isometric exercises.

    Source: http://www.analitikait.com.ua/2014/10/blog-post.html

    Training program of Alexander Zass

    Alexander Zass specially developed a training system aimed at developing human strength. His program was called the isometric system and consisted of tendon training.

    • General information
    • A set of exercises
    • Nutrition
    • Video

    General information

    Alexander Ivanovich Zass Born: 1888 *

    Height: 168 cm

    The weight: 75 kg *

    About 35 years ago Alexander Zass made a sensation in the sports world applying isometric exercises. Many athletes have achieved great results after incorporating these exercises into their training.

    At the beginning of the century Alexander applied his isometric exercises in his workouts and in the twenties used a system of dynamic exercises using chains.

    The main words of the author were: "The muscles by themselves will not hold the horses pulling in different directions, but the tendons will, but they need to be trained, they need to be developed, and there is a way to strengthen them."
    Working in the circus, Zass acquired professional skills in many genres: horse riding, aerial gymnastics, wrestling.

    Zass worked in the circus for about 60 years, where he performed with athletic numbers.
    In 1924, the English magazine "Health and Strength" published side by side portraits of Alexander Zass and his idol Yevgeny Sandov on a special color spread.

    Next year edited by Pulum(nine-time world champion) was The Amazing Samson book has been published... This book was presented in London. It told about the difficult fate and career of the Russian athlete Alexander Zass. This famous Russian athlete invented the wrist dynamometer, designed and manufactured a cannon for the amusement ride Man-projectile. Alexander Zass died in 1962.

    A set of exercises

    The main principle of the Zass system- human strength is concentrated not in huge biceps and developed muscles, but in the strength of the tendons. It is the developed tendons and ligaments that allow a person to fully use the strength of their own muscles..

    To achieve maximum physical strength, Zass strongly advised to strengthen, first of all, the tendons, and only then pay attention to building muscle mass. “It is necessary to develop what lies at the heart of the muscle, especially the tendons, and not the volume of the muscles,” Zass wrote in his works.

    The Zass system includes two types of exercises - dynamic and isometric.
    Dynamic exercises, as recommended by Zass, must be performed to build muscle mass and harmonious development of the body.

    However, the basis of exercises for gaining strength, he put isometric exercises aimed at strengthening and developing the athlete's tendons. So, we will present to you a set of these two programs.

    SP- starting position

    Dynamic exercises

    • First: IP - feet shoulder-width apart, a bag (burden) on the floor near the socks. Bend over with your knees bent, take the bag with your hands and lift it to your chest. Fix for a few seconds and return to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
    • Second: IP - standing heels together, socks apart, a bag in his hands on the chest. Sit down slowly on your toes while squeezing the bag up on straight arms. Then fix and lower the bag onto the chest while straightening the legs. Repeat 10-15 times.
    • Third: IP - standing feet shoulder-width apart, a bag on the palm of one hand at the shoulder. Squeeze the bag in a straight arm, turn it twice to the left and right. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise "to failure". Then change your hand.
    • Fourth: IP - standing, legs are slightly wider than shoulders. Hold the bag in the palm of the bent arm at the shoulder, take the elbow to the side. Transfer the bag from one hand to the other in such a way that in flight the bag describes a semicircle. Then repeat the exercise in reverse order, increasing the flight path. Repeat 10-15 times.
    • Fifth: IP - standing, legs are wider than shoulders, slightly bent at the knees. Throw the bag 1.0-1.5 m above you, straightening your legs. Catch this bag on the shoulder blades and neck. Then throw it off yourself and, not letting it fall to the floor, catch it with your hands. Repeat 10-15 times.
    • Sixth: IP - lying on your back, take the bag, which is on the floor behind your head, with straight arms and slowly raise it up to the vertical position of your hands. Lower on the chest, squeeze and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
    • Seventh: IP - the same as in the previous paragraph. Raise your legs, bend them at the knees, put the bag on your feet and squeeze, straightening your legs. After fixing, lower it into the PI. Executed until "failure".
    • Eighth: IP - standing, heels together, socks apart, hands with a bag below. Raise the bag over your head, with an arc to the left upwards with straight arms, and then lower it into the SP with an arc to the right downwards. Repeat the exercise in reverse order. Perform 10-15 times.

    Isometric exercises

    The duration of isometric exercises depends on the degree of muscle tension. If 60-70% of the maximum force is applied, then the muscle effort should last 8-10 seconds.

    If 80-90% - 4-6 seconds, and at 100% - 2-3 seconds. As you train, the maximum effort can be brought up to 6 seconds. Each exercise is repeated 2-5 times.

    The workout should not exceed 25 minutes.

    • First: Chain in bent arms in front of the chest, elbows at shoulder level. Try to stretch the chain while applying force.
    • Second: Chain in bent arms behind the head. Try to stretch the chain.
    • Third: To complete this exercise, you will need two chains at the ends to which the handles are attached. Pass the soles of your feet into some handles, and take the others in your bent arms and lift them to your shoulders. Stretch the chains up. Then interlock the handles to the level with the head, then above the head.
    • Fourth: Pass the foot of your right leg through one handle of the chain, and take the other in your right hand and lift it up. The arm should be slightly bent at the elbow. Stretch the chain upward as you straighten your arm. Repeat the exercise with your left hand.
    • Fifth: With a breath, wind the chain around your chest and secure it. Then, taking a deep breath, straining your pecs and lats, try to break the chain.
    • Sixth: Place your feet wider than your shoulders. Hold one handle of the chain with your straight left hand at the knee of the same name, the other with your bent right hand at the waist. In this position, stretch the chain. Then change the starting position of the hands.
    • Seventh: Attach one end of the chain to the hook in the wall at waist level, and take the other in your hands. Place your feet wider than your shoulders. Pull on the chain trying to pry the hook out of the wall.
    • Eighth: Attach one end of the chain to a fixed hook in the floor, attach a handle to the other end and grasp it with your hands at knee height. Straining your legs, back, and arms, try to lift the hook off the floor. Then do the exercise holding the chain handle at waist height and behind your back.


    Alexander considered daily training to be the guarantee of his phenomenal strength and good health.

    In addition to hard training, developed according to his program, he ran 3 km daily, performed gymnastics, observed an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, did not drink or smoke.

    The athlete always tried to eat and rest properly, although he did not leave any special recommendations on diets and daily regimen to his followers.

    We have covered this topic in more detail in the following articles:


    Samson's speech

    Chain training

    Earlier articles covered training programs:

    As they say: "Nothing is given to us so cheaply and valued so dearly as courtesy."

    Source: http://fitmania.by/fitness-life/trenirovki-zvezd/programma-trenirovok-aleksandrzass.html

    Static exercises for weight loss and strength development. A set of isometric exercises at home

    Static training (the second name is isometric) has been known for a long time. They are used in martial arts, yoga, serve to feel your own body, improve coordination, develop the strength of tendons and ligaments, without resorting to heavy loads, exhausting training.

    Tightening muscles, pumping up the press, correcting posture is possible not only with the help of mobile and active exercises.

    Static loading is just as effective a way to adjust your figure as working on horizontal bars, simulators, pull-ups, squats, push-ups and other elements of sports training.

    It consists in raising and holding the projectile or the weight of your own body motionless for the maximum period of time. Static requires the same regular exercise, warm-up and stretching as any workout.

    The benefits of static exercise

    For those seeking to increase their strength and endurance, static exercises will be undeniably beneficial. In this sense, they are much more efficient than dynamic ones.

    The advantage is achieved due to the fact that during constant stress, the blood supply is significantly impaired, not delivering lactic acid to the muscles.

    The lack of this substance leads to the onset of muscle failure, that is, the inability to perform more than one repetition. The longer the refusal occurs, the stronger the muscles become.


    All stress during static is directed to the ligaments, tendons, joints. The weight that acts on them trains their strength, reduces the likelihood of all kinds of injuries, including during dynamic training. If you use only your own body weight in exercises as a load (as it happens in yoga), then such a load will never cause harm.

    Isometric exercises at home are very useful for people who have suffered from injuries and are unable to perform dynamic exercises. It affects the deep muscles, makes the maximum number of fibers work, training and restoring them. This requires serious training, a good study of approaches, duration 50 - 60 seconds.

    Static Slimming Exercises

    All sports can help you lose weight, but not everyone can afford active training for health reasons. So, static exercises for women will allow you not to exhaust yourself with excessive loads in the gym.

    They are suitable if there are such contraindications as cardio exercise, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, serious condition after operations.

    This type of exercise keeps the pulse normal, active movements are not performed, but the fat folds go away, and the body tone increases.

    To lose weight, static exercises for weight loss should be combined with proper nutrition.

    It is best to perform the complexes every other day, then the muscles will have time to recover, and fat burning will take place evenly. The load should be built up gradually.

    Approaches last from 1 to 3 minutes, the number of repetitions is 2 to 3 times. Of the most effective statics exercises for weight loss, the following can be distinguished:

    • Plank. It engages all muscle groups. It is necessary to take an emphasis lying on arms outstretched or bent at the elbows and freeze.
    • Side plank tightens the sides and abs. We accept the emphasis lying on the side, leaning on the arm bent at the elbow.
    • The boat allows you to pull up your back and abs. We lie down with our stomach down, arms along the body, raise our legs and chest at the same time.

    Static Strength Exercises

    Body strength can be developed not only through sports such as various types of wrestling.

    Static strength exercises have been referred to in ancient Eastern techniques as being able to bring incredible power to the body without building muscle mass.

    To begin with, you can choose one of the simple complexes that does not require any inventory. These are popular isometric strength training exercises developed by Alexander Zass.

    The exercises of Zass, a famous circus and strongman, are known for their incredible effectiveness. The man himself demonstrated it, in front of the audience, raising the horse and easily carrying it around the arena. He was convinced that the volume of muscles was nothing compared to their strength, which can be developed without increasing muscle mass. To begin with, each technique can be performed 2-3 times for 5-6 seconds.

    • We bend our arms at the elbows near the chest. The palm rests on the palm. We press our hands on each other.
    • Hands take the same position, but clasped in a lock. We are trying to disengage the lock by stretching our arms to the sides.
    • We put our hands on the wall, push it with all our might, straining the whole body.
    • We stand in the doorway, rest our hands on it and try to "push it apart". All effort is concentrated in the shoulders and arms.

    Static ab exercises

    Millions of people dream of getting their belly in shape, doing hundreds of approaches of raising / lowering the body. But there are much more effective static ab exercises that literally burn fat from the waist, form a beautiful, flat, pumped up belly. During the exercise without movement, the load is colossal. It causes a burning sensation, but it is compensated by an excellent result.

    The most effective static muscle work is achieved with the following exercise. We lie on our back, hands behind our heads, raise our legs 20-30 cm from the floor, freeze. At first, the strength is enough for only a few seconds. It is necessary to try to increase the execution by at least 1 second each time, bringing it to 1 minute. We concentrate tension in the area of ​​the press, but not in the back.

    Static leg exercises

    It is not necessary to run kilometers in order to qualitatively load the muscles of the legs. Static leg exercises provide excellent strength training. For example, one of the favorite activities of the plie dancers.

    We spread our legs as wide as possible, lower the pelvis so that the knees are bent at right angles to the floor. Keep your hips and buttocks in a straight line. We stand on our toes in order to tighten the muscles as much as possible, linger for 30 seconds.

    Then we lower the socks. We rest for 10 seconds and do 3 more repetitions.

    Here are some more simple exercises that cause static muscle tension. They are performed for 15-20 seconds with a break of 10 seconds:

    • Sit on a chair, rest your heels on the legs and press with all your might.
    • From a standing position, stand on tiptoes, tighten your muscles as much as possible.
    • Stand on your heels (you can hold your hand against the wall for balance) and pull your toes up with all your might.

    Static exercises for the buttocks

    The techniques with which we train the legs have a positive effect on the buttocks. Among the static exercises for the buttocks, about which there are many positive reviews, the following can be distinguished:

    • Exercise chair. We rest our backs on the wall (feet about 30 cm away from it) and slide down until we squat in the air at an angle of 90 degrees. We stand for 20 seconds. We do 5 approaches with a rest of 10 seconds.
    • We lie down on our stomach, raise our legs from the knees and lower to a height of 20 cm. The back is straight, does not bend in the lower back.
    • We lie on our back, bend one leg at the knee, the other stretched out. Raise the pelvis and straightened leg at the same level. We hold for 5 seconds. Do 10 reps and change the leg.
    • We repeat the previous exercise, but the free leg is extended up, and not straight.

    Back Static Exercises

    The state of the whole organism depends on the health of the spine. Static back exercises will strengthen and heal your back. They are divided into 4 levels: for the lumbar, chest, shoulder, neck muscles. The main condition is to fulfill them without jerking, slowly.

    It takes a lot of time, but if you don't have it, do the simplest and most useful exercise at work, at home, standing in line or at the stove: the starting position is standing, one hand on the belt, we take deep breaths, we press on the place of support, the spine is pull all the forces up.

    Video: a set of static exercises

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    Aimed at increasing strength indicators in one movement. This means that the athlete trains his ability to lift more weight in one set. Of course, this will increase other strength indicators, but first of all, the weight on the bar will increase in exactly one repetition.

    What is it for? The fact is that there is a golden rule of bodybuilding - two muscles are always stronger than one. Muscle fibers are classified as fast and slow. Slow muscle fibers are trained with voluminous muscle mass training, while fast muscle fibers are best trained in strength programs. Accordingly, if you pump all muscle qualities, then, in the end, the result will be higher than if you pump only one muscle fiber.

    A strength training program does not pump the slow muscle fibers that provide the bulk of muscle mass, but you will gain in mass anyway. It is impossible to increase strength without increasing mass, while you will not only increase your potential by developing fast muscle fibers, but also by raising strength indicators, you will be able to progress more easily by training according to a training program for gaining mass.

    During strength training, you will often have to work with submaximal weights, so you will need to microperiodize the load. The essence of this process is that you do not constantly move forward, but do it in waves. Those. You should alternate between light, medium, and heavy workouts. If you neglect this, then you will earn overtraining and, either stop progressing, or your strength indicators will generally begin to slide down.

    The need for microperiodization arises because the body simply does not have time to recover. But, if you squat with a weight less than twice your own weight, then you can do without microperiodization, constantly giving yourself hard workouts. True, only if you get enough sleep and do not get very tired in everyday life. Strength training requires dedication, forget alcohol! A great solution would be to take a course of creatine, this sports supplement will be very effective for this program.

    Before starting a workout program, you must complete a "run". The bottom line is that you warm up, then put some weight on the bar with which you can approximately do 2-3 reps, but do only 1, after which you begin to increase the weight of the bar with each approach until you can complete the approach. The maximum weight with which you were able to do the exercise is your maximum weight, from which you will calculate the percentage.

    Day I- legs and chest
    Barbell Squat 90% - 7 sets: 5; 5; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1
    Bench Press 70% - 5 sets of 5 reps

    Speaking about the different types of exercises designed to keep the body in shape, it must be said about strength exercises. This category of exercises is used to develop muscular strength, therefore, professional bodybuilders perform these exercises most often. Strength exercises should be selected in such a way as to develop the strength of the muscles of the whole body, to ensure the harmony of the figure.

    Why do you need to develop muscle strength?

    Strength was especially appreciated in those days when our distant ancestors had to run for hours after fast prey. Someone who was strong could not only catch up, for example, a deer, but also kill him with almost his bare hands, which meant that a few days of food would be enough.

    Today there is no need to run after mammoths, everything that is needed can be easily found in the store, but this does not mean that a person should turn into a weak creature. Muscle strength allows you to easily overcome any physical obstacles, and in addition, muscle strength is the basis for the manifestation of other important qualities, such as agility, speed, endurance.

    Thus, without the development of muscle strength, it is impossible, firstly, the harmonious development of the whole body, and secondly, human motor activity will not proceed as it should, since muscle weakness will not allow them to function properly. Strength exercises are necessary primarily for males, since they have more muscle tissue that needs to be developed and strengthened. But women should not neglect strength exercises either. The main thing is to choose the right exercises for yourself. Exercises for physical strength will be useful to absolutely everyone.

    How to Choose Strength Exercises?

    When choosing exercises for physical strength, you can be guided by a simple rule: all muscle groups should work in turn. It is recommended to start with an upper body workout, then move on to the leg muscles, and end with exercises for the abdominal and back muscles.

    In order to ensure even development of the right and left sides of the body, the number of repetitions of any exercise for physical strength should be the same. However, it should be noted that there may be exceptions. In the case when the right and left parts of the body are not developed symmetrically, you can try to change this situation by increasing the number of repetitions for one side.

    As for the choice of weight for the exercise, you need to make sure that with this weight you can do the exercise at least 6-8 times in one approach. Also, a prerequisite for strength exercises is that the exercise does not cause too much stress and is not performed to the limit of possibilities.

    Breathing is of great importance. In the process of doing muscle strength exercises, you cannot hold your breath for a long time. In addition, you should not take a very deep breath before doing the exercise. This can provoke an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, and even cause a hernia.

    Strength exercises for different muscle groups

    To develop different muscle groups, you can do the following exercises:

    • For the development of leg muscles, exercises such as squats, jumping, and running are suitable. The so-called duck step is very effective - the movement takes place in a half-squat. In training, it is also recommended to use long jumps, jumping with weights or jumping rope. As for squats, barbell squats, squats with torso to the sides, regular squats are suitable for training.
    • To build strength in the abdominal and lower back muscles, exercises such as lying leg raises, pulling the legs to the abdomen, and weighted bends are recommended.
    • Hand strength exercises include handstands, push-ups, shot put, barbell and dumbbell work. In addition to strengthening the muscles, arm strength exercises also strengthen joints to a great extent. It is very good to do hand strength exercises on the bar. It is best if the bar is at such a level that, in a relaxed state, it does not touch the floor. Then you need to pull up until you touch the bar with your chin.

    In order to develop muscle strength, you can use the following exercises:

    • Bench press in a prone position, head up on an incline bench. 5 approaches 5 times.
    • Raising hands with dumbbells to the sides, lying on an incline bench with your head down. 5 approaches 7 times.
    • Squats. 5 approaches 5 times.
    • Row of the bar to the stomach in the slope. 5 approaches 5 times.
    • Wide grip pull-ups on the bar. 4 sets of 5 reps
    • Bench press, sitting, from a position behind the head. 5 approaches 5 times.
    • Dips on the uneven bars.

    This small complex, in principle, allows you to engage all muscle groups. It is recommended to make changes in the set of exercises for muscle strength at least once every 2 months to prevent "muscle addiction". Also, you should pay special attention to your diet. In order to build muscle mass, you need to use a special diet rich in protein. In this case, within a month you will notice a significant increase in muscle strength and muscle volume.

    4.71 out of 5 (7 Votes)

    Strength development requires special skills, learn 10 important rules of how to develop strength, lift heavier weights, improve strength and become more powerful.

    All visitors to the gym are divided into 2 types: some are just gaining strength, while others are already strong, but in the end everyone needs strength. Every more or less knowledgeable fitness person knows that stronger muscles allow you to lift heavier ones, which causes an increase in muscle volume.

    To solve the problem of how to develop grip strength and take your strength training to the next level, remember the 10 most important rules for developing strength.

    1.Warm up and stretch first.

    Having come to the gym, many are already mentally wound and ready to take heavy weight as soon as possible and overcome it, while simultaneously morally satisfying their psyche and making their body stronger. But stop !!! Take your time, for a start you need good muscles.

    To get started, warm up your muscles on a stationary bike or orbit track, this way you prepare your muscle fibers and joints for work, warming them up and making them more flexible and mobile, this reduces the possibility of injury.

    Next, you need to take a warm-up weight, about 20% of the one-rep maximum, this will allow you to remember the technique of movement and improve muscle coordination, in addition, this will increase the blood flow to the trained muscle, which will automatically prepare it for work.

    Before training a specific muscle, try to always carefully prepare it, for example, before with a barbell, do squats with your own weight, before, circular swings, and so on.

    2.Do basic exercises first.

    At the beginning of the training itself, the strength is at the peak of its capabilities, the body is fresh and vigorous, so throw all your strength at the beginning of the training to perform heavy, multi-joint exercises, these include, bench press

    Do not try to do simple isolated exercises at the beginning of the workout, after them you will not be able to master decent weights in the basic exercise, the result will be an insufficient opportunity to develop strength and muscle volume.

    Therefore, do everything right, first the base, and then the isolation of the muscles, otherwise you can forget about the development of strength.

    3 use the reverse pyramid principle

    In some sources this training method is called Egyptian training. The point is that after performing a preliminary warm-up of the muscles, working with light weights to warm up the muscles, set the maximum weight at which do 3-4 repetitions no more, then reduce the weight to do 6 repetitions, 3 sets of 8 repetitions, 4 to 10 repetitions. That is, with each approach, the weight decreases, and the quantity increases - this is the essence of the method.

    A big plus of this approach is post-activation potentiation, our body completing an approach of 3-4 repetitions with a heavy weight, making subsequent approaches with a lighter weight, squeezes out the weight much faster, this puts a new load on the muscles, which means that strength and volume grow.

    4) Fewer reps, more sets

    A typical workout aimed at muscle hypertrophy involves performing 4 sets of 10-8 repetitions, to develop strength, it is better to do 8 sets of 4 repetitions, so the muscle fibers do not have time to get tired and fill up.

    Your goal is to lift heavy weights in short training sessions, rather than exhausting the muscle with a lot of repetitions, this is how you achieve peak strength development. Therefore, thinking about how to develop strength - you know, there are more approaches, fewer repetitions.

    5. Pay attention to movement technique

    For the development of strength, it is necessary to learn how to correctly concentrate all efforts in a certain part of the body, this is achieved by studying the correct technique of movement.

    Some experts believe that in order to perform an exercise correctly, it is necessary to complete it for at least 1000 repetitions, remember boxers - to create the perfect blow, they work out the same movement a huge number of times. It's not in vain that Bruce Lee said - "I'm not afraid of the one who performs 10,000 different punches, but of the one who performs 1 punch 10,000 times."

    6. Eliminate bad habits

    It will be about a large amount of alcohol consumption, and if your goal is also to lose weight, it will slow down your process.

    Nobody encourages you to become a teetotaler, but try at least on weekdays to minimize the use of beer, for example, it is believed that it reduces testosterone, and this growth hormone is very important for strength.

    7.Use a full stop training

    - allows you to do each repetition like the first. Here you exclude rebound, inertial force and range of motion, all the load is concentrated on the trained muscle and it receives a powerful force load.

    You can lower the weight quickly during the relaxation phase, but when you descend to the lowest point, pause for a second, exclude any auxiliary movements and perform the repetition as the first time. Here you will definitely get more tired, the exercise will be more difficult, but the return will be higher.

    8. Work explosively

    Lift weights at a fast pace, it is acceleration in the initial phase that helps to actively include rapidly twitching fibers in the work, but in no case start the exercise with a jerk, the movement should be powerful, but not jerky, otherwise, especially in the deadlift, this will bring microtraumas lower back.

    Try to lift the weight faster, both in work sets and warm-ups, this allows you to develop strength and engage new muscles that are used to working at a moderate pace. And everyone knows the formula, the more is included in the work of the muscles, the faster the strength and volume increase.

    9. Concentrate on one thing

    Everyone wants to achieve different goals at once, while using the minimum time. But it is impossible to immediately become muscular, hardy and strong, of course, if you are not on a course of strong steroids.

    Concentrate on one thing, in our case there is only one question - how to develop strength, give all your efforts and attention to the development of strength. If you want to develop in all directions, use periodization. Work for 1-2 months for strength, then 1-2 months for mass, then for endurance.

    10. Concentrate Before Each Set

    Before each approach, you need to fully concentrate, throw all other thoughts out of your head, imagine that now you will conquer this working weight. Use motivating music, take a madman as a partner who will motivate you with words, helping to lift the weight with all his might.

    Look at powerlifters, how they set up before each hike, it seems that they withdraw into themselves and see no one or anything around.

    Learn these 10 important rules and get stronger every day.

    Ecology of life. Health: According to legend, Bodhidharma gave the “Basis of Muscle Transformation” (I Jin Jing). His system included static and dynamic exercises. As for static exercises,

    Description of the set of exercises

    According to legend, "The basis of muscle transformation" ( I jin jing ) narrated by Bodhidharma. According to legend, the venerable Damo arrived in the East from India and settled in the Shaolin monastery. There he taught the Mahayanist "cultivation through contemplation" and became the first Ch'an patriarch to come to the East (according to Indian reckoning, he was the 28th patriarch). He discovered that his disciples were in very poor health and therefore created this set of qigong exercises, which helped to improve the physical condition of the monks.

    His system included static and dynamic exercises. As for static exercises, over time, when passed from generation to generation, they gradually lost their original form. Subsequent patriarchs placed more emphasis on spreading the Mahayana teachings than on physical exercise.

    Canon of tendon alteration designed to increase internal strength (both physical and spiritual) through the cleansing, strengthening and transformation of the “tendon canals”.

    The "Preface to the Genuine Yi Jin Jing Treatise" describes the successes of long-term practice:

    ... I asked what is the use of this.

    He said:

    - the ability to drive away diseases - once,

    - never get sick - two,

    - to be strong all your life - three,

    - not to be afraid of hunger and cold - four,

    - more masculine qualities, intelligence and beauty - five,

    - hundreds of victories in bed battles - six,

    - the ability to get a pearl out of troubled water - seven,

    - the ability to meet any attack without fear - eight,

    - success in work without delay is nine.

    But these are all small benefits. Using this as a basis for entering the Tao of Buddhahood is the ultimate goal.”.

    The set of exercises for changing the tendons belongs to the category of "hard qigong" and in essence it is a method of "large orbit" (sequential passage of qi along all the meridians of the body), based on the control of the movement of energy with the help of tension in the body.

    In each exercise, you should consistently increase the tension of the tendons, while relaxing the muscles - "use thought, not force."

    For the first two to three weeks, after completing the complex, a beginner may feel tired and weak - a “loss of old strength” occurs. Then the “accumulation of new” begins and after each workout, an increase in strength and activity is felt.

    In the complex, one should move from one exercise to another, without stopping and without dropping the fullness of qi. Each exercise should be performed for a number of breaths, a multiple of nine - from nine at first to eighty-one in the completed practice. We keep breathing even and as slow as possible, inhalation and exhalation of equal duration. You shouldn't speed up your progress and overload yourself - it still won't work. The growth of inner strength should be natural, like a growing tree.

    The following palm shape is used in the exercises: four fingers are straightened and pressed together, the thumb is set aside so that the hukou area (the web between the thumb and forefinger) is stretched and the center of the palm is slightly concave. If, during practice, a finger does not hold the load and moves away from the rest, this is due to the weakness of the corresponding organ and is corrected by continuing training.

    Exercise sequence

    Warming up dantian

    Place the palms in the centers opposite the dantian, the right hand on top (for women, vice versa), perform 36 rubbing movements in a clockwise direction. Then swap palms and make 24 rotations in the opposite direction. A sensation of stirring and warming should be sought in the depths of the abdomen, in the dantian area, and not on the surface of the skin.
    Standing pillar

    Throughout the exercise, the position and state of the pillar work remains unchanged. To avoid “losing old teeth,” the teeth close together with some effort. Saliva accumulating in the mouth is swallowed and "immersed in dantian" during the transitions between exercises.

    1. Clenching your fists

    Clench your hands into fists, bend your thumbs and touch your hips. As you inhale, clench your fists harder, while exhaling, “fill” them, while pulling your thumbs up as high as possible. The shoulders remain relaxed.

    2. Pressing with palms

    Place your palms parallel to the floor, fingers strictly to the sides. While inhaling, we pull the fingertips towards ourselves, while exhaling, we press down with the base of our palms. The armpits should remain “empty”, the fingers should not bend.

    3. Pressing palms forward

    The palms are located in front of the face, as if pushing the obstacle away from themselves, while the thumbs and forefingers touch in pairs, forming a triangle. The gaze is directed to the center of this triangle. While inhaling, stretch your fingers, while exhaling, press in front of you, “lengthening your arms”. It is very important to keep your back “bearish”, avoiding shoulder blades.

    4. Support with palms at the sides

    Spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms up. With each inhalation, stretch your fingers to the sides, with each exhalation, enhance the feeling of a large load lying on your palms. Keep your shoulders down and your arms outstretched.

    5. Breeding elbows

    This is the first of two dynamic exercises in combination. Both palms close in front of the chest, the thumbs touch the body, the other four are directed straight up. The elbows are raised horizontally (in a position where you can put the cup on them). While inhaling, stretch the elbows to the sides, but not behind the back. On exhalation, with effort, we bring our palms together and press them against each other. Each next abduction of the elbows is a little further. We avoid bringing the shoulder blades together by stretching the back together with the elbows.

    6. Pushing off walls

    We spread our arms to the sides at shoulder level with palms pointing away from us. We pull our fingers over ourselves as we inhale and push with the bases of our palms as we exhale, as if pushing the walls of an imaginary corridor apart. Keep your shoulders down and your arms extended.

    7. Maintaining the sky

    Raising your arms above your head, connect your thumbs and forefingers in a triangle, looking at the center of this triangle. Stretch as you inhale and push the sky above you with your palms as you exhale. It is important that the back remains straight, without bending and the arms are exactly above you - creating a strictly vertical force from the support to the sky.

    8. Bends with exhalation and inhalation

    From the position of "standing with a pillar" completely relax your hands, avoiding the slightest tension. As you exhale, bend down at the lower back, lowering your arms to the ground. As you inhale, rise to the starting position, “pulling out” your relaxed arms with the help of your lower back. Each next slope should be slightly deeper. The back, with the exception of the lower back, should remain flat and not change. We do not use the respiratory muscles - when lowering, the body compresses the abdomen and pushes the air out, while rising - it stretches and sucks in.


    After the previous exercises, we massage the body, removing any enslavement. Hands first, from palms to shoulders, then face, body and legs. Please note that the massage should not cause a feeling of “erasure”, but a feeling of returning energy to the body.
    Standing pillar

    A few minutes of standing with a pillar to “assimilate” new energy. published

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