Development of speed, agility and speed. Main

Combat training of security service workers Zakharov Oleg Yurievich



Agility is the ability to quickly and in the best way to solve motor problems. General dexterity is the ability to solve problems in a variety of ways.

The dexterity of a fighter is measured by the time he spends on solving a motor problem. In a competitive fight, there is usually very little time for this. If a fighter does not have time to use convenient positions to perform appropriate actions, this indicates a lack of dexterity.

Dexterity depends on the coordination complexity of the motor action and the requirements for the accuracy of the action.

The ability to quickly and accurately solve complex and often occurring motor tasks for the first time depends primarily on the functional capabilities of the cerebral cortex (with a sufficiently high degree of development of other physical qualities). Consequently, the perfection of the conditioned reflex activity of the cortex is the basis of the quality of dexterity. To solve the motor problem it is necessary:

1) obtain accurate and sufficiently complete information;

2) process the information and draw up a program of action;

3) implement the program in a timely manner.

To develop the dexterity of a fighter, you must:

1) improve the work of various analyzers, increase the ability to accurately differentiate external and internal stimuli;

2) improve the ability to coordinate various movements.

Improving the work of various analyzers is carried out by preparatory (general developmental and special) exercises. Particular attention is paid to the improvement of proprioceptive sensitivity, the accuracy of registering positions and movement - various parts of the body, a sense of balance, etc.

For this, general developmental exercises for balance, acrobatic exercises (somersaults, flips, somersaults, etc.), exercises with stuffed balls, juggling with kettlebells, exercises with a partner are used.

The combat process places high demands on the ability to accurately and subtly differentiate the various stimuli in combat. This should be devoted to a significant part of the time in the process of training and training.

When giving an exercise to improve the work of any analyzer, the task should be structured in such a way as to sharpen, strengthen the activity of this particular analyzer. So, in balance exercises, you can enhance the activity of the vestibular and proprioceptive analyzers by turning off the visual analyzer (perform the exercise with closed or blindfolded eyes).

Improving the ability to coordinate movements develops by mastering a large number of skills that require a variety of coordination of movements. At the same time, if a fighter masters new motor actions that require complex coordination of movements, dexterity improves. The repetition of actions that have long been mastered, even complex in coordination, does not contribute to improving the quality of general dexterity.

Coordination abilities are improved by studying new and modifying the studied actions.

Learning new actions (exercises, technical and tactical actions). The more diverse actions a fighter masters, the higher his coordination abilities will be, because there will be fewer unusual movements or parts of an action.

Practicing a variety of sports (gymnastics, acrobatics, sports games, cycling, speed skating, skiing, etc.) help the fighter improve overall dexterity.

A fighter with a large stock of motor skills and abilities can quickly perform a new action, which is necessary to solve a motor task that suddenly arises in a fight.

Such a fighter will spend less time on solving a variety of motor tasks, therefore, progressing faster as an athlete.

In the process of practicing other sports, it should be borne in mind that it is not necessary to achieve high sports results in them. For a fighter, only the ability to perform various actions from these sports is needed. He does not need the accuracy of performing exercises, which is provided for by the rules of competitions in gymnastics, acrobatics, etc., but the exact end result with a wide range of variability of actions and individual movements.

It is also possible to improve general dexterity by studying various technical and tactical actions of wrestling. In this way, the ability to coordinate the actions necessary for a fighter in a fight is improved. The wrestling technique is designed to provide the athlete with the necessary stock of motor skills and abilities "for all occasions", i.e. for all possible situations in combat.

Modifications of the learned actions are designed to improve coordination abilities so that the learned actions can be applied in the most diverse environments and to “train” the cerebral cortex in drawing up new structures based on existing ones. This increases the plasticity of the cortex and its ability to coordinate motor actions.

There are a number of methodological techniques for modifying the studied actions:

1. The use of unusual starting positions.

2. "Mirror" exercise.

3. Change in speed or pace.

4. Changing the spatial boundaries in which the exercise is performed.

5. Changing the way you do exercises.

6. Complicating the exercise with additional movements.

7. Change in the resistance of those involved in group or pair exercises.

8. Performing familiar movements in previously unknown combinations.

9. Performing exercises with varying degrees of general fatigue.

10. Performing exercises in the presence of various knockdowns

factors (partner, spectators, judges, equipment, inventory,

climatic conditions, etc.). This methodical technique is of great importance for a fighter because he has to perform his actions in conditions where the enemy is constantly striving to introduce various disruptive factors that prevent him from performing the intended action. In this case, the action can be performed successfully if the fighter has the skill to change the action in accordance with the presence or absence of confounding factors.

11. Combinations of exercises - a combination of two or more exercises and their sequential implementation.

12. The methodical technique of "difficulty in execution" by increasing the load (increasing the weight of the partner or projectile).

The modification of the studied actions makes it possible to develop general dexterity not only by general developmental exercises, but also by means of the very content of the actual special training.

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3.1. Exercises to develop dexterity and the ability of the body to make effective movements In any simple movement (for example, stretch or bend a limb), a small number of muscles are involved and the brain not only gives the command, but also controls the process

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Each of us in childhood heard about how good it is to be dexterous, that those who have this quality are able to do everything quickly, accurately and correctly. But what is dexterity, how to develop this quality in yourself, how to become dexterous?

In a broad sense, dexterity is understood as the ability of a person to move his body in space, and to do this in such a way that the movements are distinguished by maximum speed, accuracy and efficiency. In order to become dexterous, it is necessary to develop a number of abilities in oneself, such as endurance, speed, because how can one call a dexterous person moving at a snail's pace, hardly rearranging his own legs and at the same time constantly complaining about his own fatigue?

The best solution in order to develop dexterity is to practice some kind of sport. Sport is able to teach a person to respond correctly to rapidly changing situations, to make decisions without much thought, and to do this with the maximum degree of efficiency. In fact, it's hard to imagine a football forward who, in acute game situations, stops in front of the opponent's goal and starts thinking about how he should act longer and how it could end for him?
An excellent training for agility will be such games as basketball, hockey, football. In addition, in order to acquire this wonderful quality, we can recommend cross-country cycling, skiing, and snowboarding.

The exercises performed on gymnastic equipment will also positively affect dexterity. In addition to developing dexterity directly, they allow you to combine various movements and elements, developing coordination of movements and a sense of balance.

Acrobatics and its various elements have proved their undoubted benefit in the matter of agility training, which, along with agility, help develop such important physical qualities as speed, strength, endurance and courage. In addition, the main sport of your choice can be considered agility training, especially if you practice it in non-standard conditions that you are not used to.

All exercises aimed at developing agility are recommended to be performed before starting the main one. At the same time, it must be remembered that this type of exercise is associated with physical exertion, so their implementation should begin with the simplest ones, gradually moving to more complex ones. Since agility training requires significant nervous tension, it is better not to abuse them, carefully dosing their amount.

How to become dexterous those who do not practice a particular sport or cannot spend a lot of time training? Such people can be recommended several exercises, which, by the way, can be adopted by athletes. All these exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym or on the street.

1. Take a couple of balls and try to pass them using only your legs in a straight line. Try to complete the exercise as quickly as possible, while raising the hips of your legs as high as possible.
2. Start rolling the ball, and while it makes its movement in a straight line, try to jump over it as fast as you can.
3. This exercise requires a certain level of training and, in addition to dexterity, develops coordination of movements. Pick up two objects and try to juggle them.
4. Passing the ball to yourself by hitting the wall. The complexity of the exercise lies in the fact that while doing this you must jump over the bench.

Of course, the list of exercises aimed at developing dexterity is not limited to the examples given, but in order to get things off the ground and start training agility, they are quite enough. Doing them regularly will allow you not only to become agile, but also to return your physical form to normal.

Remember that agility is the key to sports victories, as well as a great help in the fight against your own insecurities.


By working out your wrist, you reduce the risk of arthritis and fractures. Stand in a comfortable position and close your palms in front, without pressing the edges of the palms to. Also learn to work with your wrist separately from the rest of the muscles of the hand - for this, sitting at the table, put your hand on the edge of the table so that the hand hangs from its edge. Move your hand so that your hand remains motionless.

Clench and unclench your fists regularly to develop and strengthen your fingers. Bend your fingers in turn, controlling the impulses and movements of the muscles of the fingers. Try to alternately touch the tip of each finger to the tip of the thumb, while maintaining complete immobility of the thumb. It is useful to put a pencil between the fingers and roll it several times in each hand alternately.

Clench tennis or ping-pong balls in your fists, roll rosaries, glass or metal balls in your hands. They train hand dexterity well and develop fingers.

To strengthen not only the fingers, but also the nails, press the tip of the thumb on the right hand to the tip of the nail of the ring finger for three minutes. Place your index finger on the nail bed of your thumb. Squeeze the tips of the ring finger and thumb on your left hand. This exercise, originating in the teachings of yoga, will allow you to strengthen your nails, increase their growth and increase vitality.

Competent athletes train not only the chest, shoulders, back, abs, arms and legs, they also do not forget about such parts of the body as hands and fingers, which many do not even think about.


Training the fingers and hands helps to improve grasping ability, which is very important for many types of physical activity, whether it be work or classes. Exercise 1 - fan-shaped flexion and extension of the fingers. Start bending with the little finger and end with the thumb, then begin to unbend in the reverse order. Now, on the contrary, bend from the thumb, and unbend from the little finger. Do the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 2 - push-ups on the fingers. Get into a standing position on your toes and do push-ups until you start to feel that you are already getting hurt. Stop. Do this number of times within . Then add the number of repetitions by 20 percent. If it hurts (not difficult, but painful) to perform this exercise, then put one hand on your fingers and the other on your fist, then change.

Exercise 3 - . Get an expander and work with it. Try to do at least 40-50 squeezes per set. It is not necessary to do several approaches - you can work with the expander once in the morning and once in the evening, and also squeeze it completely at ease, for example, while watching a movie.

Agility, speed, strength... These three qualities are probably the most valued in physical culture. Most people agree that agility, unlike other traits, is an innate factor that you either have or you don't. This is partly true, but this skill can be improved with the right approach to training. In our article we will talk about this. What is dexterity? How to develop it? What exercises will be the most effective for achieving the goal? You will find answers to these questions below.


To begin with, it is necessary to define the term. Agility is the ability of a person to perform complex movements. In the old days, hunters and fishermen were considered dexterous, who could bring home a lot of caught prey. The essence of the concept was reduced to the accuracy of movements, their coordination and speed of execution. It is worth noting that to this day these factors are decisive when it comes to the concept under consideration.

People try to improve their dexterity while exercising. Before exercising, it is recommended that you undergo a complete medical examination and make sure that you are healthy. What is dexterity? This concept can be characterized as a rapid change in body position without loss of coordination. To determine your skill level, try a shuttle run. The result will speak for itself, and in this way you will be able to determine the level of physical fitness.

Being agile is a difficult task, and not everyone can boast of such a quality. Changing the speed of movement involves the involvement of all muscle groups. There are separate exercises for training the main groups that you need to use to improve the skill.

Signs of Agility

I must say that in different books a different number of criteria for dexterity is allocated. In this case, we will consider only the main ones:

  1. Difficulty of movement. This factor depends on the level of physical fitness of a person and the work of his muscles. People who have done gymnastics, athletics or combat sports do best. One of the most difficult elements is somersault. Gymnasts do this exercise with ease, which means that the rest of the movements will not seem very difficult to them.
  2. Correct execution. The quality of dexterity cannot be developed without precision. Both coordination and balance are lost without the main element. Here, the vestibular apparatus and the central nervous system of a person are of great importance, which can give out correct and clear reflexes with proper training.
  3. Change in body position. Probably the most important criterion of all of the above. What is dexterity? According to one version, this is the rate of change in body position. Logically, we can conclude that the faster a person can change the position of the body in space, the stronger his skill is developed.

What does dexterity depend on?

As already noted, dexterity is partly given from birth, but it is quite possible to develop this quality in the process of training. To achieve a positive result, you need to quickly assess the situation at any time, understand your capabilities and use them to the fullest. Dexterity, flexibility, strength are integral components of the physical form of a person. To feel confident, you should conduct the right effective training to improve your qualities.

As for dexterity, it is impossible not to recall the volitional factor here. The ability to deal with difficult situations plays a very significant role. But the most important is the ability to move the body in space with maximum speed. It is this factor that determines dexterity to a greater extent.

Balance value

The concept we are considering is quite multifaceted, and the ability to keep the balance of your body with limited support is worth a lot. Maintaining a stable position in different situations is quite difficult, and this moment also needs to be trained. Agility exercises include a series of activities that, in combination, give the desired result. It is important to consider balance as a motor quality that needs to be developed. This is especially necessary for representatives of such professions as a specialist in tourism or a climber.

The ability to maintain a stable body position both in dynamics and in statics determines dexterity. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to train the vestibular apparatus. After all, after a quick change in body position, an unprepared person may feel unwell. To avoid such situations, one should develop the skill of balance and agility in general.

Skill classification. General

Agility has two varieties: general and special. Without the first component, it is impossible to acquire the second. The general is the base, the basis for the further development of a special skill. Flexibility, agility of a general nature are achieved through physical exercises. It is recommended to focus on improving strength, power and speed.

When a novice athlete reaches the first success, it becomes much easier for him to acquire a special skill. Here we are talking about a certain branch of world sports. If a person is engaged in mixed martial arts, he should focus on some exercises. In the case of a passion for athletics, it is worth holding other classes. A narrower specialization allows you to achieve the most effective result in a particular area.


Having received basic knowledge in the field of dexterity of movements, you can begin to conquer new heights. To begin with, you should choose the sport in which you want to develop. In any case, training will be easier, since you are already physically prepared. New exercises will be immediately learned, and the result will not be long in coming.

In turn, a special kind of agility is divided into two subtypes: acrobatic and jumping. The first option is more suitable for gymnasts, as it improves the skill when performing technically complex techniques. Also, the acrobatic type is aimed at improving protection in power sports.

Jumping agility is characterized by the use of general basic skills during a weightless position. It is worth noting that it is recommended to develop not only physical skills, but logic, calmness, attention. In addition, you need to quickly assimilate information.

Development of agility

There are plenty of examples of eminent athletes who have become world champions more than once, do not have a sufficiently developed agility skill. This is due to the fact that this skill is very difficult to improve. In order to most effectively advance in the field of agility development, it is necessary to perform complex exercises for several years.

If you are a beginner, you should not hang your nose at the first failures. Everyone makes mistakes, but you have to come back even stronger and more motivated. Problems with the development of this skill exist among outstanding athletes, so a beginner does not need to worry at all. We will talk about specific exercises that will help achieve the desired result below.

Sports that develop agility

There are quite a few sports that improve agility. These include figure skating, trampolining, athletics, and all kinds of game types. All of them are considered coordinated. This means that a person acquires the skill of quickly changing the position of the body in space. This factor is fundamental in physical dexterity.

Performing tricks on the crossbar, jumping over the springboard is only possible for those athletes who can change the position of their body in a minimum period of time. Before you go in for sports, it is recommended to have an examination with a doctor. If the specialist did not allow you to attend classes, you should not be arbitrarily in order to avoid injury.

Agility is directly related to flexibility. This skill develops well when playing tennis, athletics, swimming, etc. Also, in almost every sport, there are positions that are occupied by the most flexible people. The simplest example: in football, this role belongs to the goalkeeper, because in order not to concede a goal, he needs to stretch and rebuild as quickly as possible.

Agility exercises. General form

In this material, we will distinguish between training for the development of general and special skills. Logically, let's start with the first option:

  • try to perform a back somersault, bending your arms at the elbows;
  • burpee is an excellent exercise from the field of crossfit, which develops not only agility, but also endurance;
  • front somersault with lunges on arms bent at the elbows;
  • performing somersaults in different directions;
  • headstand, while trying to control reflexes and coordination as much as possible;
  • a handstand will give a very good effect in terms of developing coordination;
  • of all kinds of props, it is best to stop on a trampoline, you should make jumps with turns, land on your back if possible and make sharp explosions.

How to develop special dexterity?

After mastering the basics of this skill, it is worth moving on to more specialized exercises. They are even more effective, but some difficulties may arise in the process of execution.

  • for this you only need a ball. Go out onto the football field and start dribbling, jump up every 10 m, and then continue until you get tired;
  • throw the ball against the wall and try to catch it in your hands, constantly changing the position of the body;
  • on the basketball court, dribble the ball from the center to the penalty line, then a sharp somersault, and then a throw around the ring;
  • if possible, use steeplechase, to complicate the task, you can dribble;
  • while walking, jump on the rope while trying to dribble the ball.

The above exercises will be effective for team sports, including basketball and football. In order to develop in other areas, it is necessary to select individual exercises that will be most effective in a particular situation.

Instead of a conclusion

What is dexterity? There are quite a few definitions of this term. The main thing to understand is that a dexterous athlete will have an advantage over his competitors and rivals. Coordination of movements, accuracy, balance, the ability to move your body in space as quickly as possible - dexterity is built on all this.

To get a result, you need to constantly work. Only perseverance and desire can develop this skill. Improvement occurs through training, which should be performed regularly over several years. It is recommended to hone this skill since childhood, then in adulthood it will be much easier. Children learn and absorb information much faster. Therefore, through outdoor games, you can instill in your child a love for sports and train with him.

Dexterity is the ability to quickly and most perfectly solve motor problems. To be dexterous in movements, one must be strong, fast, hardy, and often have high-willed qualities. Without, speed and other qualities of dexterity in movements do not exist. The more unknown, the more complex the movements and actions, the faster one must show dexterity, the more perfect it should be. In particular, dexterity is needed in case of an unexpectedly arising motor task, which requires quick orientation and immediate execution, when there is not a second of time to think. If, for example, in cross-country running, before overcoming an obstacle, a runner suddenly sees a moat behind him, then extraordinary dexterity will be required to respond to such a suddenly changed situation with the most correct and effective movements.

Agility develops on the basis of a wide variety of physical exercises. But exercises in which you need to show dexterity are especially effective.

One of the best exercises for developing agility in athletes is sports games: basketball, hockey, handball, football. Useful for this purpose and other games, such as "Fight for the ball."

Floor gymnastic exercises and exercises on gymnastic equipment make it possible to combine various elements of movements and thereby create exercises that require dexterity.

For the development of agility, acrobatic exercises, mainly jumps, are successfully used. These exercises at the same time develop strength, speed, jumping ability, flexibility, and courage.

Many types of athletics are also useful, especially those associated with overcoming obstacles.

It must be borne in mind that practicing a chosen sport also helps to develop dexterity. In particular, it contributes to the development of dexterity by performing familiar exercises in unusual conditions.

Sports games, skiing, apparatus gymnastics, acrobatics, athletics and other exercises are included in the training of athletes, primarily for comprehensive physical training. Naturally, in the process of such training, dexterity is acquired. Usually in practice the task of a special development of dexterity is rarely set. This cannot be considered correct in relation to such, for example, athletes as divers, gymnasts, polemen, basketball players, who especially need to be dexterous.

In all cases, applying exercises to develop dexterity, you need to gradually move from simple to more complex. Dosing these exercises, it must be remembered that they require not only physical effort, but also significant nervous tension. do not give many such exercises in one lesson.

Agility exercises, if they are specifically included in the lesson, are applied at the beginning of its main part.

The greatest attention to the development of agility should be paid in the preparatory period of training.

There is no time for special agility exercises during the competition period. Here it is improved only along the way under the influence of the chosen sport.
