Post on the history of basketball. Basketball history

> Who Invented Basketball?

Who Invented Basketball?

Basketball was invented in 1891 by American James Naismith. This man was a teacher at a college in Massachusetts (USA).

Naismith invented this game as a child. He saw how his peers played a game in which you had to hit a small stone in another stone on a dais.

The first basketball players were college students where he taught. In physical education classes, they were bored, could not find themselves an interesting occupation. Then Naismith hung peach baskets on the sides of the gym. He divided the guys into two teams, and invited them to play a game in which they had to throw as much as possible more balls into the gates of rivals. The students liked the game. Since then, basketball began its development, and its founder, James Naismith, could not even think about what kind of famous sport his brainchild would become.

When did basketball become popular?

Basketball became popular in the late 19th century in America. By the beginning of the 20th century, this sport had spread throughout the civilized world. They began to play basketball not only on the American continent, but also in Europe. This game became so popular because it didn't take a lot of money to equip a basketball court. It was enough just to install two rings on different sides of the same room at a certain height and find a ball to play.

What are the rules in basketball today?

Basketball is played by two teams of five people each. During the game, the teams must throw as many balls as possible into the opponents' basket. All playing time lasts 40 minutes. This time is divided into 4 periods of 10 minutes. There is a 2 minute break between periods. The middle of the game is separated by a break of 15 minutes.

For hitting the basket, 1, 2 or 3 points can be awarded. It depends on the throw range. Also, according to the rules of the game of basketball, you cannot run with the ball in your hands, hit the ball, like in volleyball, you can only dribble it, and you also cannot kick the ball. If such violations are committed, the referee can fine the offending player

What is the NBA?

The NBA is the National Basketball Association located in North America: the United States and Canada. It originated on June 6, 1946 in New York and initially consisted of two divisions called the Basketball Association of America. There were eleven teams in the league. And in 1949, this sports organization was named the NBA. In the same year, the number of teams in the NBA was already seventeen. Now the NBA includes thirty professional clubs located in the United States and Canada.

What is FIBA?

FIBA is International Federation basketball, which holds various competitions between basketball players from different countries. FIBA has a rating of the game of various teams. That is, the teams playing in this organization receive points, after which a list is built from the most best team- for the worst. FIBA is played by men's and women's teams.

Who most often became the world champion in basketball?

The Yugoslavian team most often became the world champion in basketball. True, now the country no longer exists. It split into a number of independent states. The Yugoslavian team became the World Basketball Champion 5 times. Team USA 3 times, Team USSR 3 times, Team Brazil 2 times, teams from Argentina and Spain once.

Who is most often the champion of the Olympic Games in basketball?

Most often, the Soviet basketball player Sergei Belov became the Olympic champion in basketball. He won gold at seven Olympics. His brother, Alexander Belov, managed to win six gold medals. Basketball players David Robinson and Arvydas Sabonis won three gold medals each. Basketball players Ray Alain, Elena Baranova, Tatiana Ovechkina and John Stockton have become champions of the Olympic Games in basketball twice. Many athletes have won gold once, including Charles Barkley, Hakim Olajuvon, Bill Russell and Oscar Robertson.

What's the tallest basketball player?

The tallest basketball player in the world is a Chinese. Although everyone thinks that the Chinese are very short, Ming-Ming Sun refutes this. His height is 2 meters 36 centimeters. This athlete has signed a contract with the Maryland Nighthawks basketball club. The tallest basketball player in the world dreams of getting into the NBA (National Basketball Association). In his youth, he already played basketball and very quickly achieved significant success.

Basketball (English basketball, from basket - a basket and ball - a ball), a sports team game (5 people in each team) with a ball, which is thrown by hands into a ring with a net (the so-called basket), fixed on the backboard at a height 3.05 m; the ball can be passed, thrown, bounced, rolled or dribbled in any direction.

The homeland of basketball is the USA (1891). In the International Basketball Federation (FIBA; founded 1932) St. 180 countries (1999). In the program of the Olympic Games since 1936; world championships since 1950, Europe since 1935.

The home of basketball is the United States of America. The game was invented in 1891 in training center Christian Youth Association in Springfield, Massachusetts. To spice up his gymnastics lessons, a young Canadian-born teacher, Dr.Disames Naismith, came up with a new game. He attached two fruit baskets without a bottom to the railing of the balcony, into which he had to throw soccer ball(basket - basket, ball - ball). A year later, D. Naismith developed the first 13 points of basketball rules.

Among the many cup competitions for the strongest European clubs there are several popular tournaments: the European Champions Cup was established by FIBA ​​in 1959, is held among men's and women's teams... The Radivoe Korac Cup has been played since 1972 in memory of the outstanding Yugoslav basketball player, also among men's teams. The Lilian Ronchetti Cup, since 1975, has been held in memory of the famous Italian basketball player among women's teams. Since the early 1990s, the Euroleague has been held in place of the European Men's Cup.

The strongest men's clubs in Europe are: the Greek teams - Olympiacos (Piraeus) and Panathinaikos (Athens), the Spanish - Real (Madrid) and Barcelona, ​​the Russian team CSKA (Moscow), the Israeli Maccabi (Tel- Aviv), Italian - "Timsystem" and "Kinder", Turkish - "Efes Pilsen" and "Ulker".

Basketball history

Basketball came out of longing. The members of the Christian Association of Young People in the United States were bored of just wandering around the hall and playing long-boring games. And in 1891, they came up with an intrigue - they offered to throw the ball into the basket, bypassing their rivals. Three years later, the official basketball rules appeared.

However, similar games have existed before. A site from the 10th century BC was found in Mexico. NS. with two stone rings and a bas-relief depicting a decapitated captain defeated team... In the 16th century, the Aztecs had a similar game. The reward to the player for putting the ball into the ring was clothing from the spectators.

The first professional basketball game took place in 1896. It took place in Trenton, New Jersey. In those days, basketball was spectacular and cruel: the court was fenced with barbed wire metal mesh, after each game the net was covered in blood.

The first mention of basketball in our country dates back to 1901. Then the book by A. Skotak “Gymnastic Games” was published, which told about a new kind of sport - “Throwing the ball into the basket”. In 1923 basketball was included in the program of the first All-Union holiday physical culture held in Moscow. It was, in fact, the first national championship. The team from Leningrad won among the women, the Muscovites among the men.

Basketball officially became an Olympic sport in 1935 - this decision was made at a meeting of the International Olympic Committee... A year later, in 1936, the game appeared in the program of the Berlin Olympics.

Over time, to participate in Olympic Games allowed professional basketball players. The famous American "Dream Team" - "Dream Team" - consisted of almost all NBA stars at the XXV Olympiad.

Rules of the game

The game takes place on a rectangular ground 28 m long and 15 m wide (earlier its dimensions were 26 and 14 m, respectively) with a special ball.

The mass of the ball is 567–650 grams, the circumference is 749–780 mm (in the games of men's teams; in the games of women's teams, balls of smaller sizes are used, and even less in mini-basketball matches). There are two types of basketballs: indoor-only and multi-purpose, i.e. suitable for use both indoors and outdoors (indoor / outdoor). The basket (a metal ring with a diameter of 45 cm with a net stretched on it without a bottom) is fixed at a height of 3.05 m on a backboard mounted on a stand parallel to the front lines of the site.

Until the late 1960s, official competitions were held both outdoors and in gyms. Since 1968 all official matches are held only indoors. The largest basketball tournaments are usually held in halls with a height of at least 7 meters.

The match starts in the center of the court. The referee throws the ball straight up between the two opposing players. The moment they touch the ball (you cannot take the ball into your hands), the playing time begins. After each whistle from the referee, the stopwatch stops and starts again with the restart of the game. (Accordingly, in basketball, “live ball” and “dead ball” are distinguished.) The time is recorded by the referee-timekeeper. Previously, matches under the auspices of the International Amateur Basketball Federation (FIBA) consisted of 2 halves of 20 minutes of net playing time. According to the new rules, adopted in 2000, the match consists of four halves of 10 m of net time each (in the NBA - of four halves of 12 m) with 2-minute breaks between the first and second, third and fourth halves, a break in the middle of the match - 15 m.

Previously, a player could have unlimited possession of the ball. In the 1960s, a 30-second (FIBA) and 24-second (NBA) limit was introduced: after the limit, the team loses the ball. According to the 2000 FIBA ​​rules, teams are also given no more than 24 seconds to attack. The judging panel includes a so-called 24-second operator who monitors compliance with this rule. In addition, there are also the “rule of three seconds” (this is how long a player of the attacking team can be in the opponent’s limited zone, which is sometimes called the “3-second zone”) and the “rule of eight seconds” (during this time the team that got possession of the ball in his own half of the court, should transfer him from the backcourt to the frontcourt).

There are no draws in basketball. If at the end of the regular time of the match the score turns out to be equal, an additional 5-minute time is assigned - overtime. If in overtime none of the teams achieves a victory, another additional five-minute is appointed, etc. An exception is possible if the teams, according to the rules of the competition, hold paired matches (according to the so-called cup system): then a draw can be counted in the first match, and the winner in a pair is determined by the results of the second game.

An accurate shot into the basket from a position behind the arc, held at a distance of 6.25 m from the backboard (in the NBA - 7.27 m), is estimated at three points. This arc is also called the "three-point line". All other throws (including from under the shield) are estimated at two points. If the ball is thrown into the basket, but the opposing team blocks (intercepts or hits) it directly above the basket, the points will be scored as if the throw had reached the goal. Often the referees have to play a held ball during the game. The ball is considered a dropped ball in the following cases: if two opponents have a firm grip on the ball and neither of them can get hold of it without breaking the rules; if the ball went out of bounds from two players different teams(or the referee was unable to determine exactly which player touched the ball last); if the ball gets stuck between the backboard and the ring, etc. Depending on the situation, a held ball can be played either between the direct participants in the "dispute", or between any two players of the opposing teams. A dropped ball cannot be substituted.

Basketball (from the English "basket" - "basket" and "ball" - "ball") is a team game, the goal of which is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket (hoop of a special shape) with your hands. This game, which has now gained worldwide popularity, was invented in 1891 by a simple teacher at the American College of Springfield (Massachusetts) James Naismith.

Noticing that the students were bored with the generally accepted sports games, the resourceful physical education instructor nailed to the balcony in sports hall baskets from under peaches and invited the students to throw the ball into them, bypassing the opponent's players. Moreover, the ball was passed from hand to hand, and after a successful throw, the basket had to be emptied - one of the students had to climb the stairs and get the ball.

Time passed - and basketball turned from an ordinary game into a well-known Olympic sport. Now, few people do not know what basketball is. But, unfortunately, very often the knowledge of an ordinary viewer is superficial, therefore there are many myths about the game itself and the people who have devoted their lives to basketball, which we will try to debunk.

Basketball myths.

The game, created by James Naismith, had no analogues in history. More often than not, the new is the well-forgotten old. A game similar to basketball has existed as far back as 3000 years ago. In Mexico, a platform with two stone rings was found, and a bas-relief depicting the beheading of the captain of a defeated team serves as a clear indication of how the rules of the game in ancient times differed from the present. The rules followed by the Aztecs in the 16th century during the game Pok-ta-Pok (analogue of basketball - the game was played with elbows, knees and heads, the goal of the players was to throw a rubber ball into a vertically fixed ring) were softer - the winner had the right to appropriate all the property of the spectator, whom he (the player) will be able to catch up with.

During the existence of basketball, the rules of the game have changed little. Misconception. At the beginning of the history of basketball, players were required to comply with only 13 rules, now their number has exceeded 200, and some innovations are dictated by the need to make the game more spectacular and vivid (for example, the 30-second rule). The rules of the game are periodically reviewed by the FIBA ​​World Technical Commission and then approved by the Central Bureau of the Federation.

All basketballs are the same. Of course, the basketball equipment is standardized (the mass of the ball is 567-650 grams, the circumference is 749-780 mm), but there is still a difference. The smallest balls are used for playing mini-basketball, the slightly larger ones are used for women's teams, the largest ones are best for male players. In addition, indoor balls are used only for indoor games, while indoor / outdoor balls are better suited for indoor and outdoor basketball.

Only very tall athletes can be successful in basketball. In fact, players of average and even relatively small stature can do well in this game. For example, the growth of the world famous Tyrone Boggs was only 160 cm, Earl Boykins - 165 cm, Anthony Webb - 175 cm.

Blacks play basketball best. No, success in this sport depends on the ability to masterfully control your body and knowledge of technical techniques of the game, and not on the color of the player's skin.

You can play basketball on any suitable court. Yes it is. However, since 1968, official competitions in this sport have been held exclusively indoors.

It is easy for the center to draw attention to himself. This is not entirely true. The fact is that the role in which the player performs presupposes a certain attitude of the fans to his actions. A center scoring from above is quite normal, but a player who has done the same, whose height is 169-175 cm, is already an out of the ordinary event that deserves respect and thunderous applause. So, to gain fame, the center will have to work hard.

Many tall guys dream of becoming centers. Completely erroneous opinion. Very rarely tall people they themselves come to basketball - more often than not, coaches or scouts, having met a tall, tough kid on the street, spend a lot of time and effort on persuasion, and often their efforts are in vain.

Basketball is now one of the most popular sports in the world. True, in no country, except the United States, basketball has not become the No. 1 sport. But in almost all countries it is among the first. The popularity of basketball can be judged by the fact that by the beginning of 1971 FIBA ​​(International Amateur Basketball Federation), which since 1947 includes the USSR Basketball Federation, united national federations of 127 countries. Most of the countries are included only in the athletics (143) and football (135) federations.

In our country, basketball is especially popular in the Baltics (in Lithuania it is undoubtedly the most beloved and most visited sport), as well as in Ukraine and Georgia.

Since 1947, Soviet basketball players regularly participate in all any serious official international tournaments - in the Olympiads (unfortunately, only men's teams, because the IOC opposes women's basketball becoming an Olympic game), world and European championships, in draws European Champions 'Cups and the Cup Winners' Cup (the latter is only for men's teams so far), in the European Championships among girls and juniors.

With a series of victories, our men's basketball has won the right to be called the second - after the American - in the world. As for the women's basketball in the USSR, it certainly ranks first in the world. In our country, there is probably no better sport than women's basketball. Our basketball players played their first official international match in 1950. Since that time (until January 1, 1971), the USSR national team and the national champion teams have participated in 27 tournaments. Only in four of them did they lose one match (in 1959 - in the final of the European Cup, in 1963 - in the semifinals of this tournament, in 1957 - in decisive match World Championship, in 1958 - in the decisive match of the European Championship). In three tournaments 2nd place, in one - 3-4th. In the remaining 23 tournaments, the Soviet teams did not lose a single match. Basketball players of the USSR national team are ten-time European champions and three-time world champions; the best club team in the country - TTT (Riga) - ten times excelled in the European Champions Cups.

Description of the game

Basketball is a collective sports game in which two teams of five each compete. The object of the game is to shoot the ball as many times as possible into the opposing team's basket. To do this, the players pass the ball to each other or move forward, hitting the ball with their hand on the court, and, approaching the backboard, throw the ball into the basket. For hitting the ball in the basket during the game, two points are awarded, and for hitting from a free throw - one point.

The competition is won by the one of the two teams that scores the most points in 40 minutes of net time. The relatively small size of the site - 26 x 14 m and simple equipment - two stands with shields, to which are attached metal rings with nets, make it easy to choose a place to play in every school, institute or factory yard, not to mention parks, stadiums, collective farms and other places with a large territory. In sports halls, it is allowed to hold competitions on grounds of 20 x 11 m. This contributes to the conduct of basketball lessons without interruption throughout the year.

The naturalness and variety of movements underlying the game, such as running, jumping, throwing, passing and catching the ball, as well as the tactical design of the game and the sharp fight for the ball, are of great interest to players and spectators.

Playing basketball promotes a comprehensive physical development and develop the players' physical and moral-volitional qualities and skills necessary in labor and combat activities - speed, endurance, dexterity, courage, perseverance, orientation, collectivism, etc.

The constant presence of players in the team and the subordination of their personal interests to the interests of the team contributes to fostering a sense of camaraderie and internal discipline in the players.

Basketball is a valuable asset physical education Soviet youth, is gradually becoming one of the most massive sports games.

Well, what if you yourself have never been a world champion, but you love sports with all your heart and give it all your leisure time? Which page sports history have you memorized what do you remember best? Probably one of the moments of your favorite sport.

I have it - basketball. Therefore, in the end I prepared a story about him - a very popular game, but not so "television", and hence less familiar than football, hockey or figure skating.

In childhood, everyone dreams of becoming great. I dreamed of becoming a great basketball player. I wanted to play the best. Even better than Olympic champions Gennady Volnov, Ivan Edeshko, Sergei and Alexander Belov.

However, then they were not yet Olympic champions - the first in the history of Soviet basketball.

Oh, what a match it was - in Munich, in 1972, between the national teams of the USSR and the USA - a match in which everything was decided!

For Americans, basketball is one of the most prestigious sports. Almost everyone can play basketball there. It was there that James Naismith invented it in the last century - he knocked the bottom out of the basket and attached it at the height of human growth.

Before Munich, the Americans had not lost a single Olympic tournament. They first met with ours in 1956 in Melbourne and won with enviable ease. But Bill Russell, who was soon to become a star of the first magnitude of professional basketball, then gave our young center Viktor Zubkov his sneakers - they say, you are a worthy opponent.

Sixteen years later, our nursery team sports school plant "Hammer and Sickle" was sitting near the TV, on the screen of which she fought in the last Olympic fight the main team of the country, our idols - Volnov, Edeshko, Sergey and Alexander Belov ...

A siren sounded, the Americans danced, made a "bunch of small" - the Soviet team was leading the entire game in the account, but lost one point. We sat and were silent, there was no strength to speak. Nina Eremina, a famous sportswoman and commentator, was silent there, far away, at the microphone. And then, suddenly, in some everyday, not even surprised, just an exhausted voice, she said: "The match is not over - there are three more seconds on the control stopwatch."

Then it was like in a dream. Edeshko threw the ball across the entire field, it soared into the air, two rivals jumped on it, collided with each other, flew in different directions, the ball flew, flew ... Eremina was shouting something, we did not hear it, because our entire children's team Hammer and Sickle was also shouting and dancing a victory dance in honor of main team country.

With what to compare it - I do not know. For us, maybe with the first flight into space ...

According to UNESCO, 100 million people play basketball on our planet. In other countries, they have no idea about football, they haven't seen hockey, but they play basketball. There are three and a half million basketball players in the Soviet Union. I did not become great, but the game remained in blood, and when I see the shield and the ring, my palms begin to itch.

I remember that I came to Kiev for the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, I came to the training hall - now, I think, I will take an interview, in the evening I will send it to the editorial office. And here Olympic champion Alzhan Zharmukhamedov throws and throws around the ring. He looked sideways at me: "Maybe we can compete?" I took off my shoes - and on the site. An hour later, I remembered about the not taken interview, and he about the fact that he could stay without dinner.

I flew to Moscow in a plane together with the capital's national team, which won the Spartakiad. He sat down next to Ivan Edeshko and asked: "Why do you love basketball?" He said: "For the fact that he is as he is." - "And what is he?" Ivan grinned into his wheat mustache: "The journalists know better." "So you want a journalist to tell the Olympic champion why the Olympic champion loves basketball?" Sly Edeshko settled down more comfortably in his chair: "Come on."

And I began to speak for him.
- You see, every game played is a life lived anew. For two thousand four hundred seconds of pure time, you manage, without realizing this to yourself accurately, to fall in love and hate a thousand times, to rejoice and fall into complete despair, to think that everything is crumbling, to feel that everything is not yet lost, and - go ahead. ..

The referee gives the fifth foul, you leave the court, life is over. You sit on an uncomfortable low bench, but the inconvenience does not bother you, and the grief is forgotten, because your soul is on the court - with those five who are fighting for victory. And so - every match.

Basketball is simple and easy to love. He is simple, but not simple. He is witty, sly, rational, accurate, unexpected and does not recognize the template at all. He is the flesh of the flesh of our time, he is as a creative, seeking personality. No wonder his rules change more often than in any other game - he is flexible, averse to inertia. Basketball is a great gentleman - he doesn't accept brute force. And the fact that he is more correct than all sports games, is strict in relation to those whose sports and life principle is to push with their elbows, this is absolutely certain.
“You’re probably right,” said Edeshko. - Basketball is life.

But I did not notice another feature of the wonderful game - democracy, general accessibility.

However, this idea needs proof.

On the site, of course, life is easier for those who are closer to the ring. And it is raised above the floor to a height of 305 centimeters. So the growth of a basketball player is not the last thing, and at one time I was invited to the Hammer and Sickle school, to be honest, not for my special talent for sports - I liked reading more books about spies, but for growth.

In the last century, a man with a height of 278 centimeters lived on the territory of Austria. And in Germany - a girl of 255 centimeters.

In Finland, the skeleton of a certain Kajanus is kept - three meters without ten centimeters. It's hard to even imagine what would become of basketball if such a giant appeared on the court.

The star of our basketball past was Janis Krumins (218 centimeters). Big Yang, as his fellow USSR national team members called him. Ian was very careful - before lowering his huge leg onto the platform and turning the body, he looked around, was afraid to hurt someone.

It is not for nothing that in fairy tales the giants are mostly kind. And Yang was an unusually kind person, the soul of an artist lived in him - it was no coincidence that, leaving sports, he became a sculptor, found the main thing for his large, gentle and precise hands.

And the general availability of the game, which I mentioned, is that any "kid" - that is, according to universal human norms, a person of ordinary height - can here, like in a fairy tale, defeat a giant. In general, a team is not a team without "kids". Only they need to be fast like Borzov, jumpy like Yashchenko, sharp like boxers, hardy like marathon runners. I think that out of a hundred million basketball players in the world, two meters are barely a tenth, or even less. But their presence forces the remaining nine-tenths to work harder and harder on themselves. This is the harmony of basketball.

Men's basketball, women's basketball - there is something to compare. Usually, more spectators gather at the games of the representatives of the stronger sex - it takes your breath away from such jumps when your arms are extended above the ring to the elbows. Women, of course, do not jump so high - after all, the world record in high jump is higher for men.

Ivan Edeshko once jokingly told the coach of our national women's team, Lydia Alekseeva:
- Can you compare your game with ours?
- Vanya, - she asked, - do you know what female logic is?
He shrugged.
- This is probably something that does not lend itself to logic at all.
- Here's your answer.

The best basketball player in Europe Anatoly Myshkin.

Basketball rules are common for men and women. But when women's teams play, one never ceases to be amazed at the intelligence, the unexpectedness of the moves, the paradoxicality of the decisions.

They are similar and not alike - men's and women's basketball, they complement each other, and this is also harmony.

Any team has its own leader. There are stars of the republican scale, city, district. The number one player in all Soviet basketball is Sergei Belov, former captain the national team of the Soviet Union and the champion of the country - CSKA. In Brazil, where basketball is popular almost on a par with football, they wrote about it: “This is the height of perfection. He is the poet and warrior of modern basketball. He is an athlete who will find a place not only in any team of our time, but also in the sport of tomorrow. "

We can say about him that he was born in a shirt, holding a ball in his little hands. Although in a Siberian village then, during the war, they did not see balls in their eyes. And he learned about the game that glorified him, much later, from a magazine accidentally taken from the library. Those who saw him on the set were very lucky. I was lucky because talking about his game is the same as about spring: it seems to be right - streams are running, buds are bursting, but something important is not said. Something that only one can see for himself.

Belov could do everything. He scored the most needed goals. By the way, in that Olympic, gold match for our team, where the throw of his namesake was decisive, Sergei brought the national team 20 points out of 51.

In general, records for points earned by an athlete in one game are not officially registered. Although it is known that among professionals in this sense, the leader is American Walt Chamberlain - 100 points per match. Once the Yugoslavian basketball player Radivoe Korac scored 99 points in a meeting for the European Cup. One of Olympic records also at Korac - at the Olympics in Rome, during the match against the Uruguayan team, he chalked up 45 points to the Yugoslav national team. He was an amazing player: not very tall, as if loose in his movements, red-haired, swirling, he suddenly became a living spring, and it was impossible to stop him.

Another record - almost from the realm of fantasy - for the accuracy of the free throw. In 1935, American Bunny Levitt sent the ball into the ring 499 times from the free-kick line during one of his training sessions. Then he missed once and again, without rest, without a single mistake, brought the series of hits to 871.

But Levitt was throwing in a relaxed, homely environment. Competitions, when the nerves are tense, is another matter. So, at the 1974 European Championship in Ljubljana, Sergei Belov missed only one out of 34 free throws.

I really do not want to put an end to this. I just started talking, I just remembered the most varied basketball stories, as the time of our last lesson expired.

And it's a pity to part with you guys, with a wonderful, forever young topic about sports that fosters characters ...

Basketball is currently one of the most popular sports. The number of officially registered players worldwide exceeds 200 million. The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) in 2002 included 173 countries.

Regular basketball lessons improve coordination of movements, train the respiratory and circulatory organs, develop muscles, strengthen nervous system... In many countries around the world, basketball classes are included in the physical training program for students in secondary schools and higher education institutions.

Rules of the game.

The game is played on a rectangular ground 28 m long and 15 m wide (earlier its dimensions were 26ґ14 m, respectively) with a special ball.

The mass of the ball is 567–650 grams, the circumference is 749–780 mm (in the games of men's teams; in the games of women's teams, balls of smaller sizes are used, and even less in mini-basketball matches). There are two types of basketballs: indoor-only and multi-purpose, i.e. suitable for use both indoors and outdoors (indoor / outdoor). The basket (a metal ring with a diameter of 45 cm with a net stretched on it without a bottom) is fixed at a height of 3.05 m on a backboard mounted on a stand parallel to the front lines of the site.

Until the late 1960s, official competitions were held both outdoors and in gyms. Since 1968, all official matches have been held indoors only. Major tournaments basketball is usually held in halls with a height of at least 7 m.

The match starts in the center of the court. The referee throws the ball straight up between the two opposing players. The moment they touch the ball (you cannot take the ball into your hands), the playing time begins. After each whistle from the referee, the stopwatch stops and starts again with the restart of the game. (Accordingly, in basketball, “live ball” and “dead ball” are distinguished.) The time is recorded by the referee-timekeeper. Previously, matches under the auspices of the International Amateur Basketball Federation (FIBA) consisted of 2 halves of 20 minutes of net playing time. According to the new rules, adopted in 2000, the match consists of four halves of 10 m of net time each (in the NBA - of four halves of 12 m) with 2-minute breaks between the first and second, third and fourth halves, a break in the middle of the match - 15 m.

Previously, a player could have unlimited possession of the ball. In the 1960s, a 30-second (FIBA) and 24-second (NBA) limit was introduced: after the limit, the team loses the ball. According to the 2000 FIBA ​​rules, teams are also given no more than 24 seconds to attack. The judging panel includes a so-called 24-second operator who monitors compliance with this rule. In addition, there are also the “rule of three seconds” (this is how long a player of the attacking team can be in the opponent’s limited zone, which is sometimes called the “3-second zone”) and the “rule of eight seconds” (during this time the team that got possession of the ball in his own half of the court, should transfer him from the backcourt to the frontcourt).

There are no draws in basketball. If at the end of the regular time of the match the score turns out to be equal, an additional 5-minute time is assigned - overtime. If in overtime none of the teams achieves a victory, another additional five-minute is appointed, etc. An exception is possible if the teams, according to the rules of the competition, hold paired matches (according to the so-called cup system): then a draw can be counted in the first match, and the winner in a pair is determined by the results of the second game.

An accurate shot into the basket from a position behind the arc, held at a distance of 6.25 m from the backboard (in the NBA - 7.27 m), is estimated at three points. This arc is also called the "three-point line". All other throws (including from under the shield) are estimated at two points. If the ball is thrown into the basket, but the opposing team blocks (intercepts or hits) it directly above the basket, the points will be scored as if the throw had reached the goal. Often the referees have to play a held ball during the game. The ball is considered a dropped ball in the following cases: if two opponents have a firm grip on the ball and neither of them can get hold of it without breaking the rules; if the ball went out of bounds from two players of different teams (or the referee could not determine exactly which player touched the ball last); if the ball gets stuck between the backboard and the ring, etc. Depending on the situation, a held ball can be played either between the direct participants in the "dispute", or between any two players of the opposing teams. A dropped ball cannot be substituted.

Basketball rules have a few restrictions on dribbling technique. After dribbling, a player can only take two steps with the ball in hand without hitting the floor. Then he must either throw the ball into the ring, or give it to a partner. In the case of the third step, a run is called and the ball goes to the other team. If the basketball player stops with the ball in his hands and instead of throwing it into the basket or passing to the partner starts dribbling again, a double dribble is recorded and the ball also goes to the opponent. The player in possession of the ball may stop and then continue moving, provided that, during the stop, he continues to tap the ball on the floor. The ball in basketball can be dribbled alternately with one or the other hand, but not with both hands at once. If a player receives the ball while standing still, or stops after receiving the ball, he is not allowed to lift his pivot foot off the floor before he releases the ball from his hands.

Five players from each team play on the court at the same time, another five to seven basketball players are on the bench during the game. The number of substitutions in basketball is not limited, but they can be carried out only at the moment when the stopwatch is stopped.

According to FIBA ​​rules, on official competitions players are numbered 4 to 15. The numbers "1", "2" and "3" are not currently used as numbers. Among the special gestures used by the referees during the match, there are gestures with these numbers: for example, when the referee points out a violation of the “three seconds rule” or indicates how many free throws a player of the injured team must take. Likewise, on his fingers, the referee shows the match secretary the player's number, which is punished with a personal remark. In order to avoid confusion, it was decided to abolish numbers 1, 2 and 3.

Basketball rules prohibit hitting an opponent on the hands, pushing him, holding him with his hands, stepping on his feet, meeting with his leg (both straight and bent at the knee). A player who commits any of these violations is declared a personal penalty (foul). If an athlete receives five fouls during the match (in the NBA - six), he is removed from the field before the end of the meeting and replaced with one of the substitutes.

A double foul is declared when the players of both teams simultaneously violate the rules: both basketball players receive personal comments, and the ball remains with the team that was in possession of it at the time of the violation, or a held ball is played. There are also: technical fouls (for unsportsmanlike behavior, such a punishment can be imposed not only on basketball players on the court, but also the coach and substitute players for a dispute with a referee, an attempt to start a brawl, etc.), an intentional foul (in particular , for rough play or deliberate mistake in a game situation, fraught with scoring the ball), etc.

The most severe penalty in basketball is the so-called disqualifying foul. He is declared for a serious violation and entails the disqualification of the player and his removal from the court until the end of the game, regardless of the number of fouls he already had (another basketball player comes to replace him).

If a personal foul was committed in relation to the player who made a throw on the ring, or a technical foul was called, the referee, in addition to a personal remark to the offending player, also assigns free throws. Depending on the nature of the violation, the throws are made either by the victim himself or by one of his teammates. Free throws are made from a special point 6 m from the shield. Each accurate throw brings a point, so two points can be earned with two free throws.

In modern basketball rules, there are items such as "a game lost due to a lack of players" (a team is lost if only one player remains in its composition) and a "game lost by forfeiture" (in a situation where the team refuses to start - or continue - play after the corresponding signal from the referee).

At the very beginning, basketball had only 13 rules, now there are more than 200 of them. They are periodically reviewed by the FIBA ​​World Technical Commission and then approved by the Federation's Central Bureau. Their last major revision took place in May 2000.

The rules define only the basic principles of the game; they cannot provide for all possible game situations. In addition to the set of rules themselves, there are also their official interpretations, which stipulate the possible interpretation of the rules in various controversial moments. The match referee has the right to make an independent decision in situations that are not specified in the rules.

All official international competitions the rules approved by FIBA ​​apply. They are somewhat different from the NBA rules.

Technique and tactics of the game.

In modern basketball, the following game roles are distinguished: point guard defender; attacking defender, light and heavy forwards, and center (or center).

The point guard is also called the “playmaker” or “conductor”. The point guards have the most possession of the ball and play the whole team. They are required to have a great vision of the court, filigree dribbling and subtle passing game. Attacking defenders not only begin the attack of their team, but often end it with long-range throws. Forwards usually attack from the edge of the court, while centers usually attack from close range. Center-forwards, as a rule, are the tallest players in the team, their main function is to fight under their own and other people's shields.

The center's role has acquired a truly cult status over time. One of the strongest in the world has always been the Soviet school of centers, which gave the world such outstanding players as Otar Korkia, Janis Krumins, Alexander Belov, Vladimir Tkachenko, Arvydas Sabonis, etc.

Nowadays, basketball masters are extremely valued, who, if necessary, can play not only in their position. The concept of a "team player" is also very important. Legendary center Bill Russell's dedication to team play has allowed him to lead the Boston Celtics to the NBA Championship 11 times. His eternal rival Wilt Chamberlain (Philadelphia Warriors) was not inferior in class to Russell, but he preferred to play “for himself” rather than “for the team”, and in the end he only became an NBA champion once.

Depending on how the game is going, the coach may at some point make changes to the usual tactical formation (the standard is considered to be a 2-1-2 “scheme”): for example, put two or three centers on the court at the same time. The success of a team is determined not only by the individual skill of the players, but also by the correctly chosen tactics. Classic example- the final of the 1972 Olympic tournament. Realizing that his players are inferior to US basketball players in their playing conditions and physical data, Main coach For the USSR national team, Vladimir Kondrashin built a game from defense, imposed "his own basketball" on the opponent, which ultimately brought success to the Soviet team.

In basketball, there are zone and personal (personal) defense. In the first case, each of the players takes care of any opponent who is in the area (zone) of the court allocated to him. With personal protection, each basketball player takes care of "his" player. The so-called pressure is extremely effective - an active type of defense, in which opponents are guarded not only in the immediate vicinity of their shield, but also on the distant approaches to it, sometimes across the entire court. The purpose of the pressure is to prevent the opponent from playing the ball and attacking.

Of particular importance in modern basketball is wrestling under the shield. The famous basketball commandment says: "Whoever wins the backboard wins the match," and one of the main statistical indicators of a basketball player's play - whether it be a single match or an entire season - is the number of so-called rebounds and block shots.

A player's individual skill is made up of many components. Dribbling, i.e. dribbling the ball, including without visual control, which allows the player to instantly assess the changing situation on the court. Various feints misleading the opponent: deceiving movement with the ball, arms, legs, whole body, turning the head, looking, etc. Playing in pass... Especially appreciated is the so-called hidden pass - passing the ball without looking at the partner to whom it is addressed. Another technique from the arsenal of basketball masters is a pass from behind (holding the ball behind his back, the player throws it over his partner's head). Throws in basketball, they are carried out both from a place and in motion. There are many varieties of them: a jump throw, a hook throw (the hand of a player standing sideways to the opponent's basket moves in an imaginary arc), a throw into the basket from above, etc. Along with the ball handling technique in basketball, it is extremely important to play correctly without the ball ...

Basketball technology has evolved over the decades. For example, at the end of the 19th century. the players passed to each other with only two hands from the chest, and the throw was made in the same way or “from under themselves”. Such a seemingly natural technique as throwing the ball with one hand was first applied only in the 1930s and revolutionized the game.

When there was no time limit for attack, basketball was a very slow game. This is also confirmed by the "microscopic" results of the matches, which often did not go beyond 15–20 points on each side. For basketball of the beginning and middle of the last century, a leisurely rally of the ball was characteristic, and the success of the team was largely determined individual actions leading players. As a rule, these were the tallest athletes. For a long time, basketball was considered exclusively the sport of giants. There are really a lot of them among the former and current "stars" of basketball. For example, the tallest athletes in the history of Soviet basketball had incredible growth: the player of the Alma-Ata “Petrel” Uvais Akhtaev - 238 cm, and the player for the Kuibyshev “Builder” Alexander Sizonenko - 239 cm. But over time, a noticeable influence on the game began to be exerted also less tall players, who are called "babies" in basketball. They are extremely agile, hardy and have an excellent reaction. The famous Bob Cosey compensated for the lack of basketball growth with filigree technique, for his masterful dribbling and passing he was nicknamed "Basketball court Houdini" and "Nimble wizard". Michael Jordan, considered the best basketball player of all time, is not a giant by basketball standards either: his height is “only” 198 cm. Nevertheless, he fought on equal terms with taller rivals and for his incredible “flights” over the court received the nickname “Their Air ".

Prior to the adoption of the 3-second rule, the attack was often built according to a very simple tactical scheme: the tallest player of the attacking team was located in the immediate vicinity of the opponent's ring and, in the end, having received the ball, sent it to the basket. The introduction of the "rule of 3 seconds" forced basketball players to look for other options for developing an attack, more actively using medium and long throws. And with the introduction of a 24-second restriction on attack and a ban on returning the ball to its backcourt, the pace of the game has noticeably increased, great importance the passing game acquired, the technique and sniper qualities of the players began to be valued no less than their height.

Sometimes even non-compliance with the rules is used as a tactical technique. For example, the losing team at the end of the match deliberately breaks the rules: thanks to rebounds and subsequent skillful counterattacks, it can change the score in its favor. Likewise, the leading team may refuse free throws at the end of the match and put the ball into play from the sideline (such a “substitution” is allowed by the rules). This allows the team to gain time and keep the winning score.

From the history of basketball.

Descriptions of games reminiscent of modern basketball are found among the ancient Normans and in many "pre-Columbian America" ​​cultures. A modernized version of one of these games - pok-ta-pok, which was once a religious rite, is still found in the northern states of Mexico as sports entertainment and an attraction for tourists.

Among the immediate predecessors of basketball, basketball, which was widespread in the 19th century, is often called. in some countries, the children's game “duck on a rock,” with which James Naismith (1861–1939) was familiar: tossing a small stone, the player had to hit the top of another, larger stone. According to the biographers of Naismith, it was at the time of playing "duck on the rock" in the head of young James, in general terms, a "concept of basketball." She finally matured when Dr. Naismith began teaching anatomy and physical education at the YMCA International Youth Training College in Springfield, Massachusetts. Naismith noticed that winter gymnastics in the gym seemed too monotonous for students, and decided to engage them with some new mobile game of agility and coordination, which could be carried out indoors - and relatively small in size. At different ends of the sports hall, two fruit baskets were attached to the balcony that encircled it around the perimeter (hence the name of the new game) from under fruit (the height from the floor to the edge of the balcony turned out to be 3 m 5 cm, hence the standard , which is maintained to this day on all basketball courts in the world). The students had to hit the basket with the ball. This is how basketball was born.

The first officially registered basketball game took place in December 1891. It was not quite usual for us. So, in Naismith's teams there were 9 people each (the doctor simply divided the group of his students equally), and they played with a soccer ball.

News of the new sports game spread throughout America, and soon the college where Naismith taught began to receive many letters, the authors of which asked to send them the rules of the game.

In 1892 the first Basketball Rules Book, which contained 13 points, many of which are valid to this day. Although in some ways the "rules of Naismith" differ from modern ones. For example, the match consisted of two halves of 15 meters each. Dribbling was not allowed by the rules of early basketball: it was possible to move around the court only without the ball, and having received it, the player had to stop and either pass the ball to his partner or throw it into the basket. The number of players in the team was arbitrary - "from two to forty" (but always equal to the number of players in the opposing team). The player with the ball could not be attacked - you could only prevent him from disposing of the ball (jumping up, swinging his arms and other similar techniques). In case of violation of this rule, a foul was recorded, a repeated foul led to the disqualification of the offender - until the ball was scored. Three fouls in a row, committed by any team, were recorded as a "goal" in its basket, provided that the opponents themselves did not commit a single foul during this time. At one time, the team included a goalkeeper who was guarding the basket, and there was no basketball backboard behind the basket itself.

The game was rapidly gaining popularity. Already at the end of the 19th century. competitions were regularly held between teams from different cities and student campuses. Arose amateur leagues... In 1896, a basketball match was held in the small American town of Trenton, the winning team of which received a monetary reward. This is how one of the phenomena of the 20th century was born. - professional basketball.

In 1898, the first professional association of teams, the National Basketball League (NBL), was created. Having existed for five seasons, it has split into several independent leagues.

Around the same time, one of the regional branches of the YMCA created its own basketball league. The success of the undertaking was tremendous. The YMCA executives feared that this venture could discourage their students from interest in gymnastics - the number one sport in the Association - and disbanded the league. And thus contributed to the further popularization of basketball: the players of the disbanded league decided to make a living with their basketball skills. In the American province, one after another, new professional basketball leagues began to appear. And in 1914 the first basketball team was formed in a large city. Today it is known all over the world under the name "Boston Celtics".

NBA (National Basketball Association).

At the beginning of the 20th century. American blacks were forbidden to play for or against white basketball teams, although amateur basketball was then cultivated mainly in New York's “black” Harlem and the black ghettos of other major US cities. For a long time, professional team managers ignored the black giant players, demonstrating incredible technique thanks to their natural flexibility and jumping ability.

In 1922, the first professional team made up entirely of black players, the New York Renaissance (or simply Rens), was created in Harlem. Black basketball players easily beat white student teams. In 1927, the historic meeting of the New York Renaissance with the Bolton Celtics took place. A series of seven matches ended in a draw (the teams won three wins each and drew one game, which was then allowed by the rules). After a short time, no one in America would dare to claim that basketball is a "white-only" sport.

A little earlier, in 1925, another attempt was made to unite in the framework of the national championship the numerous teams scattered throughout the country - the American Basketball League (ABL) was created. However, with the onset of the Great Depression, the League had to close. Its former players have staged a real "basketball tour" throughout the country. They played a few demonstration matches in some small town, and then went to the next one. This "educational raid" did its job: student basketball began to develop at a rapid pace, which in the future was destined to become a true source of raw materials for the NBA.

In 1937 the National Basketball League (NBL) was recreated. But World War II soon began, and most of the players were drafted into the army. And after the war, the NBL was in serious competition new organization- The Basketball Association of America (BAA), created by a native of Russia named Maurice Podolov.

Initially, the BAA consisted of 11 clubs. The first match took place on November 1, 1946, and the Philadelphia Warriors (now the Golden State Warriors) became the first champion of the Association. The championship was organized so clearly, and the interest in it was so great that the BAA began to move en masse. best players NBL, and eventually the League ceased to exist. From now on, only one organization remained in America, uniting all professional teams. After some time, she changed her name to the NBA, now known to basketball fans all over the world.

At the time of the founding of the NBA, basketball in America was far from the most popular species sports. But the number of his supporters grew steadily, and in the late 1970s the NBA reached an unprecedented heyday. Today, the NBA championship is, in fact, a club world championship among professionals, although formally only 27 American teams and two Canadian clubs that joined them in 1995 participate in it. These teams are divided, according to tradition, into the Western and Eastern Conferences, and those, in turn, into two divisions: Pacific and Midwest (Western Conference), Atlantic and Central (Eastern Conference). Each of the teams plays 82 matches in the regular season. Then a series of playoff games begins. In each of the conferences, the eight strongest clubs are determined, which, according to a complex seeding system, play each other up to three victories (in the quarterfinals) and up to four victories in the semi-finals and the final. In series final matches between the winners of the conferences, the next NBA champion is determined, receiving the main prize of the Association - the Golden Basket.

The season is crowned by the All-Star Weekend, the program of which, in addition to the match between the national teams of the Eastern and Western Conferences (the first such match was played back in 1951), also includes a rookie match, a competition for 3-point shots and overhead shots.

The NBA is currently considered the most successful of all professional sports organizations in the world. The NBA leadership strives to maintain interest in the Association championship through all kinds of organizational measures. One of them is the draft system that was established back in the 1940s. Each year, clubs add newcomers to their ranks, with the draft scheme being such that the weakest club at the moment has a better chance of acquiring the strongest rookie basketball player. By modern rules, players who are over 18 years old can participate in the draft.

The most titled club in the NBA is the Boston Celtics, which have won the league title 16 times. And the most titled player is Bill Russell. Very scrupulously recorded by experts from the NBA and others individual achievements players. For example, Wilt Chamberlain holds, among others, records for the number of points scored in one match (100) and for the number of rebounds per game (55). And Karim Abdul-Jabbar (another legendary basketball player who before converting to Islam was named Lewis Alcindor) spent the most games in the history of the League (1560) during his 20 years in the NBA and scored the most points (38 387).

In 1997 in the United States, following the example of the NBA, the Women's National Basketball Association was created. (The first such attempt was made in the 1970s, but the then created Women's Professional Basketball League lasted only three seasons and collapsed).

International basketball competition.

In June 1932, the International Basketball Federation - FIBB, later renamed FIBA, was created in Geneva.

In 1935, in the same place, in Geneva, the first European Championship was held, the winner of which was the national team of Latvia. Three years later, the female debuted European tournament... The first champions of the continent were Italian basketball players. Now the European championships are held every two years. Most often, Soviet teams won them: men's - 14 times, women's - 20.

The world championships for men's teams have been held since 1950, for women - since 1953. The first world champions in history were, respectively, the national team of Argentina and the national team of the United States. Currently, the world championship is played every 4 years. The USSR team, like the national team of Yugoslavia, won world gold three times (1967, 1974 and 1982). Soviet basketball players became the first 6 times. FIBA also hosts world championships for juniors and juniors and for men under the age of 22. In addition, the official FIBA ​​calendar includes a number of competitions, including regional ones, both among national teams and among clubs.

Basketball at the Olympic Games.

At the III Olympics in St. Louis and at the IX Olympic Games in Amsterdam, demonstration basketball matches were held with the participation of American athletes. Olympic debut men's basketball took place in 1936 at the Games in Berlin, where Dr. Naismith became the guest of honor. The basketball tournament has attracted a lot of attention. National teams from 21 countries took part in it. The victory was won by the American team. The USA national team won all Olympic tournaments, without exception, up to 1972, while winning 63 matches and not losing a single one. In the dramatic final of the Munich Olympics, the previously unbeaten Americans lost to the USSR national team. In 1976 and 1984, the Americans were again the first. At the Olympic tournament in Moscow, the Yugoslav national team took the lead. In 1988 basketball players of the USSR became the first again. Since the Olympics-92, professional basketball players have been officially allowed to participate in the Games. The US Olympic team, made up of NBA stars, was dubbed the Dream-team even before its roster was announced. She fully met the expectations of her fans and won a landslide victory at the Games-92. The dream team repeated its success at the next two Games.

Women's basketball was first included in Olympic program in 1976 at the Montreal Games. The first then, as then at the Games 1980 and 1992, was the USSR national team. All other Olympic tournaments were won by the USA national team.

Basketball in Russia.

At the beginning of the 20th century. member of the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of Moral, Mental and Physical Development of Young People "Mayak" Stepan Vasilyevich Vasiliev translated basketball rules into Russian. “The grandfather of Russian basketball,” or, as it was also called, “Russian Naismith,” Vasiliev was just as versatile an athlete and no less enthusiastic about the new game, like its founder. Vasiliev persuaded his Mayak teammates to hold a test game. The historic match took place in St. Petersburg in December 1906. The "green team" and the "purple team", named after the color of the sportsmen's T-shirts, took part in it. The "purple team", headed by Vasiliev himself, a little later won the first basketball competition in the history of Russia and several subsequent ones. Petersburg and Moscow became the centers for the development of domestic basketball. In 1909, the first official tournament in Russia was held. In the same year, the first international match took place - with the founders of basketball, the YMCA national team. (According to some sources, this game was the first international match in the history of the entire world of basketball.) Russian team won a sensational victory.

The first basketball league - already in Soviet times - was created in Petrograd in 1921. In 1923 the first official tournament was held. Until the end of the 1930s, national teams of cities played in all-union competitions. The first in the history of the country championship among clubs was won by the team of Moscow "Dynamo".

After the Great Patriotic War, basketball in the USSR became one of the most popular and popular sports. At various times, the leaders of domestic basketball were Riga SKA, CSKA, Leningrad "Spartak", Kaunas "Zalgiris". Soviet clubs have won the European Champions Cup and the Cup Winners' Cup more than once.

In 1947 the Basketball Section of the USSR (later - the Basketball Federation of the USSR) joined FIBA. In the same year, the USSR national team successfully performed at the European Championship and won gold medals. The Soviet team has always been considered one of the strongest in the world. At the first Olympic tournament for her, our team seriously competed with the US team and took second place. At the 1956, 1960 and 1964 Olympics, she also received "silver", in 1968 - "bronze", and in 1972 she won for the first time olympic tournament defeating the USA national team in the final with a minimum advantage of 51:50. In 1976 - again "bronze", in 1980 - "silver". In 1988, Soviet basketball players repeated their golden success, beating the US national team on the way to the final. But in the 1990s, the Russians performed unsuccessfully at the Olympic basketball tournaments.

The international debut of Soviet basketball players took place in 1935. One of our club teams defeated the French women in Paris with a crushing score of 60:11. The shocked organizers of the match offered our basketball players to play with the men's team. This game also ended with the victory of the guests - with a difference of 6 points.

The women's team, created in 1950, had no equal for a long time. Only at the second World Championship (1957) and the sixth European Championship (1958) Soviet basketball players were second. At all other tournaments, they invariably won: 5 world championships and 20 European championships. And in 1976, the women's team led by Lydia Alekseeva (formerly one of the strongest basketball players in the USSR, who headed the national team for 25 years as a coach) became the first ever team to win an Olympic tournament.

In 1990 created Russian Federation basketball (RBF), which eventually became the legal successor of the USSR Basketball Federation. Basketball CSKA is still holding its ground. Serious competition for the renowned army club is now Ural Great (Perm), UNICS (Kazan), Lokomotiv ( Mineral water). The traditions of our great basketball players are continued by the current "stars" of national basketball: Igor Kudelin, Andrey Kirilenko, Vasily Karasev, Zakhar and Yegor Pashutin, Sergei Panov and others.

Currently, over 4 million people play basketball in Russia (half of them are schoolchildren).

The Soviet (Russian) basketball school is still considered one of the strongest in the world. Tactical innovations and theoretical studies of the older generation (such as the famous coach Alexander Gomelsky, nicknamed "Dad" or the founder of the "Leningrad school" of basketball, Vladimir Kondrashin) are recognized in many countries. Lydia Alekseeva became the first domestic basketball player whose name was immortalized in the women's basketball hall of fame in the city of Knoxville.

Some types of basketball.

Mini basketball.

Mini-basketball rules were developed in the early 1950s by American Jay Archer. The game is intended for children 6-12 years old and is divided into two levels: actually mini-basketball ( age group 9-12 years old) and micro-basketball (for children under 9 years old). The playground and equipment are adapted for children. The length of the site is 28 m, width - 15 (options: 26ґ14, 24ґ13, 22ґ12 and 20ґ11 meters). The baskets are attached at a height of 2 m 60 cm, the backboard itself is also smaller than in classic basketball: 1.2ґ0.9 m. The ball weighs 450-500 grams, the circumference is 680-730 mm (for children under 9 years old, the weight of the ball is 300- 330 grams and a circumference of 550-580 mm). The layout of the mini-basketball court is the same as for a standard basketball court, but there is no line delimiting the 3-point area and the free throw line is 3.6 m (option: 4 m) from the backboard.

Mini-basketball is played by teams of five players each, although "reduced" squads are allowed - up to 2ґ2. There are often matches between mixed teams (both boys and girls). The game is played in four halves of 6 minutes. The rules of the game are somewhat different from classic basketball. In mini-basketball, for example, the net time is not recorded and the “rule of three seconds” does not apply.

FIBA has a special commission on mini-basketball, there is also International committee in mini-basketball. Currently, it includes representatives of 170 countries, mini-basketball is cultivated in North and South America, Australia, Asia and Europe - in all 195 countries of the world. The first mini-basketball world championship took place in 1965.

In 1973, a mini-basketball committee was created under the USSR Basketball Federation. A year later, the country's first mini-basketball festival took place in Leningrad. Currently, the All-Russian club "Minibasket" holds a number of national (Cup of Russia, etc.) and international competitions.

Wheelchair basketball.

It appeared in 1946 in the USA. Former basketball players, who were seriously injured and injured on the battlefields during the Second World War, did not want to part with their favorite game and came up with "their own" basketball.

It is now played in over 80 countries. The number of officially registered players is 25 thousand people. International Basketball Federation on wheelchairs(IWBF) conducts various sporting events: World Championship - every 4 years; annual tournaments of club teams, zonal competitions (once or twice a year), etc. Wheelchair basketball has been part of the Paralympic program since the first such Olympics were held in Rome in 1960.

The rules of wheelchair basketball have their own prohibitions and restrictions. For example, “jogging” is prohibited - when a player, while dribbling the ball, spins the wheel with his hand more than two times.


(from the English "street" - street). A more dynamic and aggressive sport than classic basketball. The game involves two teams of three players each (sometimes with one spare) on a special streetball court or on a regular basketball court, using only one half of it - and, accordingly, only one ring. In the event of a miss, the team that previously attacked the ring protects it from the opponent's attack, etc. Which team will start the game is determined by lot. The game continues until one of the teams scores 16 points (but the gap in the score must be at least 2 points). Sometimes they play until a gap of 8 points or for a time (20 minutes) - in this case, the rule of 30 seconds applies: if during this time the team failed to complete the attack, the ball goes to the opponent. The team is awarded a point for an effective throw, and two points for a throw from the 3-point zone. A ball thrown into the basket is counted only if it has been touched by two players of the attacking team. The ball then passes to the defending team: play restarts as soon as one of its players touches the ball. In this case, the ball must first be brought out of the 3-point line. Jogging, double dribbling and overhead throwing are prohibited.

Streetball tournaments are now held in various cities of Russia, often timed to coincide with major city holidays.


(from the Dutch korf - basket). This game was invented in 1902 by a school teacher from Amsterdam, Nico Breckhuissen. Two teams of 8 people each (4 men and 4 women) play on a 40ґ20 m court, halved by a middle line, two halves of 30 minutes each. Four players (2 men and 2 women) are in their own half of the court and defend their basket, four - in the opposing team's half, their task is to hit the “alien” ring. After two successful throws, the defenders move to the offensive zone and vice versa. Korfball is less contact game than basketball. Moreover, according to the rules, a man can only play against a man, and a woman against a woman. Dribbling in korfball is not allowed, and the player who possesses the ball can take no more than two steps with it. The ring is narrower than a basketball ring in diameter (40 cm), and it is attached higher (3.5 m). (There is a more "large-scale" version of the game: with large size court, the number of players, etc.)

Korfball is extremely common in Holland (more than 100 thousand people are constantly playing it, more than 500 clubs participating in national tournaments are registered) and neighboring countries. Over time, korfball gained recognition all over the world, including in Russia, and is currently included in the World Games program. Since 1933, the International Korfball Federation (ICF) has been operating, currently officially recognized by the IOC and other international sports associations. .


Gomelsky A.Ya. With the ball by country. M., 1960
Gomelsky A.Ya. Basketball everyday life. M., 1964
V.V. Aduevsky On the sight - a ring. M., 1965
Bashkin S.G. Basketball lessons. M., 1966
Gomelsky A.Ya. Basketball tactics. M., 1966
Children's encyclopedia: for middle and older age. Volume 7. M., 1966
Basketball: A Handbook. M., 1967
Alachachyan A.M ... Not just basketball. M., 1970
Gzovsky B.M., Kudryashov V.A. Student basketball(Analysis and exercises). Minsk, 1972
In the country of Olympia... Edited by L. Barykina. M., 1974
Gomelsky A.Ya. The eternal exam. M., 1978
Basketball: A Handbook. M., 1980
Gomelsky A.Ya. Basketball is conquering the planet. M., 1980
Mini basketball. Competition rules. M., 1980
Olympic TV Fan's Handbook... Author-compiler G.A. Stepanidin. M., 1980
Belov S.A. Basketball secrets. M., 1982
Physical culture and sports: Small encyclopedia Per. with him. M., 1982
Basketball: A Handbook... Compiled by PER. Genkin, E.R. Yakhontov. M., 1983
Yakhontov E.R. The ball flies into the basket. L., 1984
Gomelsky A.Ya. Basketball team management. M., 1985
Gomelsky A.Ya. The basketball bible. M., 1994
Gomelsky A.Ya. Basketball. Secrets of craftsmanship. M., 1997
Gomelsky A.Ya. Center. M., 1998
Kuzin V.V., Polievsky S.A. Basketball. M., 1999
I get to know the world. Children's encyclopedia. Sport. M., 1999
The World of Basketball: A Fan's Handbook. Rostov-on-Don, 2000
Avanta +. Encyclopedia for children. Tom: Sports. M., 2001
Parcel M. Basketball. Per. from English M., 2001
Khomicius V. Captain of a great team. M., 2001
Gomelsky A.Ya. Basketball encyclopedia from Gomelsky. M., 2002

Today on the pages of this site you can get acquainted with history of origin and development wonderful game called basketball.

In the process of reading this article, you will get acquainted with the progenitor of modern basketball - the ritual game of the ancient Indians of the Maya tribe (yes, it is according to their calendar that the end of the world should come soon) pok-ta-pok. Next, we'll talk about Dr. James Naismith, the man to whom we owe this sport and who drew up the first rules of basketball. Well, closer to the end of the article, we will learn about how basketball became so widespread. Well, let's start the history of basketball.

The progenitor of basketball - pok-ta-pok

If you happen to find yourself in Mexico, then be sure to visit the competition, called " Ulama". This is an almost perfect copy of an ancient ritual game called “ pok-that-pok". The game itself is as follows: the players are divided into two teams, the purpose of which is to throw a heavy ball made of rubber (the weight of such a ball ranged from 2 to 4 kilograms, and it was solid, i.e. there was no cavity inside) into a stone ring, attached to the wall. Moreover, the diameter of the hole into which the ball had to be hit was practically the same as the ball. But if you add that the rules allowed you to hit the ball only with your hips, elbows, shoulders or back, then the game became incredibly difficult. And finally: usually the losing team was sacrificed to the gods. Although, it happened the other way around: if the winners played too well, then they were sent to compete with the gods ... Such a game became the first analogue of basketball... Let's see what this game looked like.


And we continue to tell the history of basketball and it's time to move on to the events that happened 120 years ago (by the way, on December 21, 2011, it will be 120 years since the first basketball game in the history of basketball).

The history of basketball - myths and facts

Unlike many sports, the birth of which was overgrown with myths and legends, the emergence of basketball has been accurately recorded and documented. The game was invented in December 1891 doctor James Naismith, who spent a long time trying to figure out what to do with his students in the cold, snowy winters that so often happen in New England.

James Naismith, a native of Canada, was a young physical education teacher at a Young People's Christian Union school (now called Springfield College) in Massachusetts. Sometime in 1891, Dr. Luther Gulick, head of the Department of Physical Education, turned to him for help to solve the following problem. Another cold winter was approaching, and it was necessary to come up with a new interesting game, so that the students do not dangle around and find a way out of their inexhaustible energy.

At first, Naismith wanted to spend in the hall football matches(namely the European version of football) for the winter. However, it turned out that the gym was too small for this sport, which presented Naismith with a fact: he would have to invent something new.

Naismith recalled that as a child, many of his peers were fond of the game, the name of which sounds like “ Duck on a stone". They put some kind of target on a large stone, and threw stones at it. Naturally, the most accurate one won. Then, he remembered that as a student at McGill University in Montreal, he kept sports uniform to play American football as follows: a box was placed on the floor, into which it was necessary to throw the ball.

As James later said in his book “ Basketball: its birth and development", He built the new game on five basic principles:

  • for the game you need a ball: large and light, with which it is convenient to handle ("the ball should fit well on the hand");
  • running with the ball in hand is prohibited;
  • during the game, the ball can be owned by any player of any team;
  • both teams can congregate anywhere on the court, but physical contact is prohibited;
  • the ring is in a horizontal plane and suspended high above the heads of the players.

Naismith's reasoning was simple: ball games have always been very popular, but for small balls you need optional equipment: gloves, bats, rackets, etc. That means you need a big ball.

The balls were found without difficulty: a sufficient amount remained from the autumn season. Naismith asked school superintendent Pop Stebbins to nail down a pair of boxes at a height of three meters, which were located on opposite sides of the treadmill surrounding the gym. True, there were no crates, so Pop suggested a basket of peaches instead.

One of Naismith's students, Frank Mahan, wanted to name the new game after its inventor ( Naismithball), however, James, being a modest and shy man, was against it. " I laughed and told him that my name would put an end to any game"- Naismith liked to say. And then Frank asked, "Why not call the new game like a ball in a basket?" (in English - basket ball). This is how the name of the game was born, which is popular with millions of people around the world.

Basketball history - first leg

In the sports class of Dr. Naismith, 18 schoolchildren studied, who participated in first basketball game held on December 21, 1891. The dimensions of that site were 15.24 x 10.66 meters. And the first lucky throw in the history of basketball (by the way, the only one in that match) was a success for William Chase. He performed it from a distance of 7.6 meters, from the center of the site, after which his team won with an absurd score for our time - 1:0 .

The game, invented by Naismith, quickly gained fame: after all, his students, going home for the Christmas holidays, introduced all their friends to it. Only one year later, the entire United States was playing basketball. And since there were 5 Canadians and 1 Japanese among Naismith's students, the basketball epidemic swept these countries too.

At the dawn of its existence, basketball was not as spectacular as it is now, and the score did not grow so quickly. Although Naismith conceived of this game as a contactless sport and even laid down the appropriate rules (), at first the matches turned into very violent brawls.

Over the years, the rules of basketball have changed, making the game open, fast and dynamic. For example, they canceled the throw-in in the center circle after each goal scored, introduced the timing of the playing time, etc. That is why modern basketball is probably the most dynamic sport.

Well, this article, which tells about the history of basketball, has come to an end. I am sure that each of you found something interesting and useful in it. I wish you successful training and see you soon on the pages of this site!

Indeed, according to the data available to historians, the indigenous people played a game very reminiscent of modern basketball. South America back in the 5th century BC. The rules of modern basketball were invented in 1891, their forefather can be considered a physical education teacher at one of the US colleges James Naismith. From the ancestors of the South Americans, the main attributes of the game have been preserved - two rival teams and a ball that needs to be thrown into the basket. But at the same time, the game received stricter rules and its modern name on English language, consisting of the word combination of the words: "ball" - "ball" and "basket" - "basketball". It turned out, to play a basket with a ball or in English - basketball. In 1935, the first European basketball championship took place, and already in next year the basketball game entered the program of the International Olympic Games.

How is basketball played?

Everyone knows the rules of the game, but I dare to remind you:

- 2 teams play basketball, while only 5 people from each team can be on the field at the same time;

- you can't just run with the ball, you can only move around the court by hitting it off the floor, if the player dribbling the ball runs more than 3 steps without bouncing - this is considered a run and the right to dribble passes to the other team;

- the goal of the game is to throw the ball into the basket, which is located at a height of 3.05 meters from the floor, which is why the player's height is crucial in basketball;

- for each hit in the basket, two or three points are awarded, depending on the distance from which the throw was made.

The image of an ideal basketball player, what qualities he should have:

  • high self-discipline;
  • compliance with the regime;
  • unquestioning adherence to the instructions of the coach;
  • loyalty to the enemy;
  • respect for arbitrators;
  • feeling of comradely shoulder;

If you think that there are very few such players, you are deeply mistaken. On the contrary, there are a lot of them, but they all have one drawback: unfortunately, they absolutely do not know how play basketball.

The invention of the modern predecessor was facilitated by the cold winter of 1891 in the American state of Massachusetts. Students at the Springfield College of the Christian Youth Association were forced to exercise in the gym.

At that time, the only kind sports activities there was gymnastics in the room, which quickly bored the young people. Wanting to stir up his charges, physical education and anatomy teacher James Naismith is a ball game suitable for a small space. He took a couple of peach baskets and tied them to opposite ends of the balcony that went over everything. gym.

After that, Naismith divided the group into two teams of nine each and offered them a competition, which consisted of throwing balls into the opponents' basket. Thus, James Naismith not only found an interesting occupation for his students, but also entered his name in the world of sports. The first basketball game took place on December 21, 1891.

In 1936 basketball was included in the program Summer Olympics held in Berlin. James Naismith was also present at the opening of the games.

Game development

The basketball rules were published by Naismith in 1892 in a springfield college newspaper. In the same year, a book with the rules of the game, which by now have undergone significant changes. There were only thirteen points in Naismith's rules governing movement on the court, ball methods, the principle of scoring, as well as defining violations and punishments for them. For example, according to these rules, players could not move with the ball at all, but were forced to hand it over to their team members from their place.

Many basketball rules have changed, but not the height of the rings. Like one hundred and twenty years ago, they are at a height of 3 meters 5 centimeters from the floor. That was exactly the distance from the floor of the gym in Springfield to the side of the balcony.

The first professional basketball teams appeared in the early 20th century in the United States, but the problem was the lack of a centralized organization that would improve the rules, promote the game, and train referees. The first attempt to create such an association was made back in 1898, but this association did not last long.

Only in 1937, the National Basketball League was created, united in 1949 with the Basketball Association of America, as a result of which the world famous NBA was created - the National Basketball Association, which many basketball players of the planet dream of getting into.

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