Rules of conduct in the gym rocking chair. Rules of conduct for those involved in the gym

Svetlana Sorokina



1. Perform the main types of movement only on a special sports equipment.

2.When performing basic types of movements:

a) run - keep the distance, do not push the runner in front;

b) throwing - perform only at the command of the instructor, making sure that there is no one on the site;

c) walking on a gymnastic bench - performed by two people, keeping a distance;

d) climbing a gymnastic ladder right grip the rail with a brush (four fingers on top, big on the bottom);

3. Perform exercises with objects carefully, carefully, keeping a distance.

4. In case of even a minor injury, bruise, immediately contact a teacher or instructor.

5. During an unforeseen situation with clothes or shoes, children should be out of order.

6. On sports classes, children should come in appropriate uniforms and shoes with non-slip soles.


1. Exercise with watches and bracelets on your hands, earrings in your ears and other jewelry.

2. Install and carry projectiles in hall without the instructor's permission.

3. Engage in apparatus without an instructor or educator.

4. Tripping, pushing, and distracting other children during the exercise.

5. Do not jump from the gymnastic ladder to the floor.

6. All day after physical education lesson, go to sports uniform and shoes... Need to change.

Rules of conduct for students sports hall

Before going to the gym

1 The student must change in the locker room, put on sports uniform and shoes with light soles.

2. Remove from yourself items that pose a danger to yourself and others involved (watches, hanging earrings, hairpins, etc.)

3. Remove from the pockets of sports uniforms, pricks and other foreign objects, hand over valuable things to the coach-teacher.

4. It is forbidden to bring chewing gum, seeds, chips, sweets, flammable objects to classes.

In the classroom

1. Enter the gym only with changeable shoes, take sports equipment, etc., only with the permission of the coach-teacher

2 ... Treat with care sports equipment and equipment and use it for its intended purpose (Do not damage the property of the school: wall bars, gates, basketball backboards, mats, etc.).

3. Use only equipment that is in good working order.

4. Listen carefully and follow all the requirements of the trainer-teacher

5 ... Know and follow the simplest rules of the game.

6. Under the supervision of a trainer-teacher, place the balls so that they do not roll around the hall, and they can easily be taken to perform exercises; put away inventory and equipment in a safe place that will not be used in training

During classes, do not be distracted by yourself and do not distract others.

7. It is forbidden to hang on the gate.

8. If you are injured or feel unwell, stop classes and notify the trainer-teacher

After classes

1. Use hand dryers as directed.

2. Wash thoroughly and cover the water behind you.

3. From the locker room, go out into the corridor in changeable shoes and fully dressed.

4. Drink water only from an individual bottle

For non-observance of the rules and safety measures, the practitioner may not be admitted or excluded from participation in the training process.


____________________ Director of the CYSS "Rusich"

____________________ ____________ V.P. Rusakova

"_____" _____________ 2012

Swimming pool rules

Only persons who have passed a medical examination and who have an opinion from a district doctor at their place of residence are allowed to work in the pool. The conclusion is valid for one year. A one-time visit to the pool is allowed after a mandatory physical examination by the pool doctor.

1. Admission of persons with pustular, viral, fungal skin lesions, rash.

2. Admission of persons in a state of alcoholic and drug intoxication.

3. Admission of persons without a fixed form of clothing (bathing suit, changeable shoes) and hygiene supplies.

4. Admission of persons who have not washed in the shower room with soap and a washcloth without a bathing suit.

5. Use liquid soap in a glass container to avoid cuts.

6. Rub various creams and ointments into the skin before using the pool.

7. Bring towels, soap, washcloths into the pool hall.

Classes in swimming pool conducted under the guidance of a trainer-teacher or swimming instructor, who are responsible on the water. The pool staff monitors the observance of the "Rules for the use of the pool" by the visitors, agreed with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, approved by the director of the MBOU DOD "DYUSSH" Rusich "in Vladivostok".

For non-compliance with the rules and safety measures, the student may not be allowed or removed from participation in the training process.


All responsibility for the safety of those involved in the pools and halls rests with the teachers who directly conduct classes with the group.

Admission to classes in pools and halls is carried out only through the registration desk in accordance with the established procedure. At the first lesson, it is necessary to familiarize the students of the CYSS with the safety rules when conducting classes aquatic species sports.

The coach must:

1. To construct and roll-over training groups before classes with subsequent registration in the journal. Latecomers to classes are not allowed.

2. Not to allow an increase in the number of people engaged in each group in excess of the established norm - 16 people per coach.

3. Submit a memorandum to the training part of the pool and the administration of the CYSS about incidents of all kinds, injuries and accidents.

The trainer ensures the start, conduct and end of classes

in the following order:

1. The coach is in the pool at the beginning of the students' passage through the reception. In the absence of a coach, the group is not allowed to train.

2. The trainer provides an organized exit of the training group from the shower room to the pool bath room.

3. Exit of trainees from the pool bath before the end of the session is allowed with the permission of the trainer.

4. The trainer ensures the timely exit of students from the pool bath room to the showers and from the showers to the locker rooms.

During classes, the teacher is responsible for the order in the group, the life and health of the students:

1. The presence of practitioners in the pool bath room without a coach is not allowed.

2. Study groups train under the guidance of a trainer in the designated part of the pool.

3. Diving in the pool is allowed only under the supervision of a trainer and in compliance with safety rules. When teaching diving, it is allowed to dive at the same time not more than one practitioner per one trainer, subject to careful observation from his side of the diving before leaving the water.

4. If there are conditions that interfere with the conduct of classes or threaten life and health, the coach must eliminate them, and if it is impossible to do this, cancel the class.

5. The coach should keep a close watch on all swimmers in the water. At the first signs of hypothermia, remove the student from the water. Students should not be allowed to push and plunge each other headlong into the water, shout loudly or raise false alarms.

* All informational, photo, video materials on the official website educational organization placed with the consent of employees, parents (legal representatives) of pupils.
Reprinting of the material is possible only if there is an active link to.


In this article, we will cover a specific topic for many people. It will be especially useful for beginners or those who recently went to the gym. It seems to them that in gym everything is calm and quiet, but in fact, depending on your behavior, sometimes there can be critical situations, sometimes you can even get in the "face".

Do not occupy the projectile while they are working with it.

This is the most important thing to remember when you arrive at the gym. For many beginners, this is not so clear and obvious, but, nevertheless, it really is.

Often there is such a situation: a person works with some kind of apparatus, be it an assembled barbell or dumbbells. In bodybuilding, we do approach by approach, and in bodybuilding, the load is of a volumetric nature, i.e. there is a load, after which there is some rest time until the next approach. This rest varies on average from 1 to 3 minutes. Accordingly, this time the athlete is not next to the projectile, he can move away, but the projectile is busy and he works with it. Often, beginners are not in the know, and seeing the projectile, they begin to disassemble it.

It is not right. He borrowed this shell, he worked with it, and you violate the whole plan (training regime).

The first thing you should do, if you see an assembled barbell or dumbbells, is to ask the people around "is there someone working here or not?" If people were silent, this does not mean that the projectile is free. Stand next to the projectile for 1 - 2 minutes, if no one approached during this time, then the projectile is free.

Remember: if you see an assembled projectile, then it is busy.

"Let's work together on the same apparatus"

You cannot do this either, the person who took this simulator before you has priority, because he was the first to occupy it. Moreover, with this "work together" you can disrupt his training regime. Let's say if a person rests 30 seconds between sets, or a person does supersets.

Remove the shells behind you

This is a very important rule, why do you need to disassemble the shells? Because the rest of the visitors know the rules of the gym, and will not understand that the apparatus is free, so the first rule says "if the apparatus is assembled, it is busy", and accordingly, any adequate visitor to the gym understands that someone is working with it.

If a situation happened that you left and did not remove the projectile after you, then the next time you will be looked at in a different way, not only coaching staff but also other visitors to the gym.

Remember: always remove the bar / dumbbell after you, where they were taken, the pancakes where they were removed.

Keep your distance

Maintain a distance from the person doing the exercise. Recent times in all gyms, people do not notice this, do not feel the distance.

Let's say a person makes a "wiring", a beginner is standing next to him or starts to touch him, walking next to him, carrying dumbbells. First, you violate his personal space, and secondly, you create the likelihood of injury.

Do not obscure the person while approaching

Do not stand in the line between his eyes and the mirror when the person is working. All people are exhibitionists to some extent, especially men. Why are there so many mirrors in gyms? Because people love to admire themselves, it is not customary to talk about it, but this is how it is.

Do not step over someone else's projectile or things

Do not step over the projectile if it is in an assembled position and a person is working with it. This is quite an old superstition, it comes from powerlifting. It is believed that if a person is serious about a difficult approach at the moment, and someone crossed the barbell, then he "jinxed", respectively, the person may not take this critical weight.

And if a person goes to critical weight, and he believes in this garbage, then he really will not succeed, he will believe that you "jinxed" him. Remember this rule of the gym, and use it wisely.

Don't show yourself in front of the mirror

Frankly speaking, absolutely everyone is drawn in front of the mirror, but they do not noticeably do it. Otherwise, you become like a person with a non-traditional sexual orientation.

You can admire yourself as a handsome man, but imperceptibly, for example, you practice and then pose within the framework of the plan, this is work, you participate in competitions, this is possible.

Don't wet the benches with your sweat

The gym is a public place, so other people use the benches. You come up to do the exercise and the bench is wet, it's unpleasant. In such a situation, you need to either train in closed clothes (a T-shirt so that it absorbs moisture that will not get on the bench), or put something on the bench, T-shirt or towel.

Don't stare at people

Don't look at strangers. It is clear that we constantly evaluate each other, but when we stubbornly look at a person, this is regarded as a sign of aggression. In such a situation, at least a person experiences discomfort, and it is unpleasant for him.

It's okay to look at a person if you already know him, but if you stare at a stranger, be it a girl or a man, it is perceived as a sign of aggression.

If you borrowed a projectile - work

If you took a projectile, do not be distracted, you came to training, very rarely in gyms you notice people who work seriously, often people think that they came to the gym and work well, but this is not so. Most people perceive going to the gym as a part of their image, “lifestyle, a normal successful“ dude ”should do fitness 2-3 times a week.”

They love to get worn out. You have already done 3 exercises, and they are still talking about something.

There are people who spend all their time on phone calls during training: Facebook, contact, Instagram - you should leave all this elsewhere, and in the gym you should work on your body.

Gym rules

It would seem that culture and bodybuilding are slightly distant concepts, but still you need to take a closer look. It will be immediately clear that athletes have their own unspoken laws, rules and traditions that are passed on to beginners. And if suddenly you are not familiar with them, then you should quickly study them. Well, for now, let's talk about everything in order.

What do you need to know while exercising in the gym?

So, if you want to immediately become your own in such a place as a rocking chair, then remember a couple of secrets that will add "bonus points" to you and raise you in the eyes of experienced athletes.

We start with a greeting

No matter how trite it may sound, always greet the coaches and other visitors to the gym, because here you can not only pump up your figure, but also make friendly and useful acquaintances. In a relaxed atmosphere during a conversation, you can find out useful information (discounts on sports nutrition, useful tips on exercises, etc.).

They are not greeted by their clothes

Gym is not like showing off at fashion week or showing off new outfits in front of your girlfriends. Sports equipment should be comfortable and properly selected. And it is better to leave short skirts and miniature tops for other reasons, otherwise the male half of the hall will be greatly distracted.

Have a question - ask

It happens in the gym that such a situation occurs: you need to start the next exercise, and the necessary equipment lies quietly in the corner, completely no-man's and no one needs. But as soon as you get closer to him and are going to take over, the owner suddenly appears and declares that he is actively engaged here. In such situations, you need to act simply: if you need equipment that no one seems to use, it is better to loudly ask who is working with it or not. With such a line of behavior, clashes and discontent will be much less.

Each piece of iron should have its own place

The most unpleasant and depressing thing in the gym is pancakes, dumbbells and other equipment scattered in all corners. Remember the main rule: when you finish your workout, clean up after yourself. Often in the hall you can hear the menacing roar of the coach, so that everyone adds pieces of iron behind him. And you must admit, it's unpleasant to waste your class time in order to clean up after someone who accidentally forgot to clean up a mountain of pancakes after themselves. The only exception is when you are asked not to touch anything.

Do not throw the burdens!

Well, who has not seen such a picture in the hall, when at the end of the approach there is a brutal roar of the last approach, and the dumbbell flies to the floor, hits, and then flies off a few meters to the side. In no case should you do this. Firstly, you can get injured, secondly, you can injure someone standing nearby, thirdly, you can damage the simulators, and then fork out for repairs or replacements.

It also happens that after the approaches, they clean up inventory, for example, pancakes. They are carried across the hall, and when they need to be neatly folded in the corner, they are taken and thrown on the floor (because, you see, it is difficult to bend over). Do not draw too much attention to yourself in this way.

Distance is always needed

Constantly in the hall you can observe such a picture when several people are engaged in a small area (literally a couple of square meters) at once. Well, you really need to rub your sides against each other, but not a step away. In fact, this is an elementary violation of safety precautions, when you can either cripple someone, or go to the hospital yourself with an injury. Maintain a distance of at least outstretched arms, so as not to risk health (neither yours, nor those of others).

Hygiene, hygiene and again hygiene

Don't think that the more sweat drips off you, the higher the brutality and effectiveness of your workouts. Quite the contrary, rather. No need to flood the benches, take a towel with you. Remember, too, that your uniform should be washed regularly. Nobody asks you to bloom and smell, but it is simply necessary to keep yourself in order.

Above were given common truths, the understanding of which is mandatory. But there is also a number of, so to speak, unspoken laws, which are also important to remember.

Don't forget about etiquette

The main purpose of the gym is to create the necessary conditions for effective classes sports. But there are a number of athletes who have secondary tasks that often overlap the most important. This can be: heart-to-heart conversations, searching for interlocutors, telephone chatter, admiring the girls from the fitness room, and so on. All this affects the behavior of athletes, and as a result, there are such unspoken rules that it is better not to break.

Chatter and verbal support

If you see the efforts of another athlete doing the exercise, do not meddle with him with your conversations and do not try to cheer him up. It only distracts and increases the likelihood of doing something wrong or even getting hurt. Be quiet. If you still have strength, you can talk after training.

Ah, mirror

There is a huge number of mirrors in the hall, not because men like to admire themselves so much and examine every bump on the body. With the help of a mirror, you can observe the correctness of this or that exercise, so do not obscure the mirrors, you are not glass and you can interfere with someone's practice.

Benevolence and courtesy

One of necessary qualities not only for the athlete - the ability to help, respond and give the opportunity to work out together with a projectile or on a simulator. No, this does not mean that you need to skip everyone who needs to work out with your projectile at the moment. You can simply state that you can give in for a period of time (after completing your approach), and then start again and will not miss anyone.

Insure, but do not play it safe

You do not need to fly to the aid of everyone and everyone when it seems to you that you need to hedge (hold the barbell or something else). If suddenly someone needs your help, they will tell you about it, but for now, study and do not meddle with everyone.

Stop yelling

It so happens that some exercise is given well, it is very difficult and without a cry it simply cannot be performed. It's not scary. The main thing is not to train your throat after each set. You are not alone in the hall, someone may not like this behavior and become annoying, and you will not look your best.

Forget about dancing

Music in headphones during training is good, it gives strength and sets a certain rhythm, even exercises become easier to perform. But for some, the rhythm is so interrupted by the training process itself that it is not clear where it is in the gym or in the club. So distinguish between rhythm and light head shake with dancing.

Barbells first, girls then

Girls in the gym will always attract attention, especially with beautiful shapes and correct technique exercise. But you should always remember about concentration. And if you are suddenly asked to insure, do not catch woof, otherwise you can get injured (yourself or let the girl down).

A few words as a conclusion

Well, here's the initial process of "domestication" coming to an end. Even if you are still a beginner, but not so simple, because you know the basic rules of behavior in the gym. At this rate the main objective will not keep you waiting long, and we will provide the necessary information.

Sick - stay at home

Coughing and sneezing is not the kind of sound you want to hear in a sports club. Experts say that a sore throat and a slightly (!) Stuffy nose is not a hindrance to training, but anything that does not fit the definition of "slightly" should not accompany you to sports. Firstly, it is dangerous for your own health, and secondly, microbes in a room filled with hot and sweaty bodies multiply at a cosmic speed.

Know when to stop, don't use the treadmill all evening

"There are many of you, but I am alone" - I should have said treadmill(or any other cardio equipment. What you need to burn starts to burn only with prolonged and monotonous cardio loads, but many foreign gyms limit the time of "cardio sessions" to 20-30 minutes to give everyone the opportunity to run. If you want to spend these 30 minutes more effectively, choose an ellipse - the intensity of calorie burning will increase several times.

Focus on yourself

Tight leggings, body heat, a little breathlessness - all this is conducive to light flirting. But think twice, some people do come to the gym just to work on their bodies (which they will then bring home to their wife and cats, or move to a bar on a date). So stop shooting with your eyes to the sides, looking at who made how many approaches, and who looks funny in a squat position. Make sure you do everything correctly and safely. After all, you yourself would not want someone to secretly follow your successes and failures.

Dress up the theme

Shorts that are too short and tight, more like panties and obstructing the outflow of blood from the legs, or, conversely, baggy clothes that can get stuck in the mechanism of the simulator, are not the best choice for classes. Experts confidently declare that it can create additional motivation for classes - we confirm: but how, I bought new form! - a reason to go to workout once again.

Smell good (but not too good)

I mean, you don't have to pour the whole bottle of perfume on yourself - this smell will mix with the rest in the room, and as a result, you will get the scent of air freshener in the toilet. Just use a good deodorant and wash your uniform in time. And it is better to use the cream after class, otherwise you can start sliding at the most inopportune moment (either the hand will slip off the dumbbell, or you yourself will be off the exercise bike).

No one likes to receive unsolicited snide advice from strangers. And even if you just wanted to help a person not to get crippled on the simulator, it can be taken with hostility. You'd better find the nearest trainer and show him "".

Don't fill your bottle from a shared cooler

More precisely, you can do it, but not when a huge queue of athletes who have run cross-country dying of thirst has already accumulated behind you. Respect others.

Do not talk

By phone. No one wants to know the details of your relationship with your mom or the state of the pipes after repairs - leave private conversations for your personal space. If answering a call is a matter of life or death, pick up the phone and try to slip out of the room as soon as possible (just like you do in a meeting).

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